bballs: simplify protection MCU simulation using pushman hookup as a guide
(nw) bballs appears to use a simpler single-word arrangement for
messages from CPU to MCU, perhaps so it can use a 28-pin MCU (pushman
MCU receives the command byte on port D, which the 28-pin parts lack)
tigeroad.cpp: cleanup and modernisation
* split out bballs and pushman state classes
* use new MC68705R3 core for pushman (this one uses port D - another test case)
* make pushman MCU hookup believable (internal registers can't be in shared RAM)
* use derived memory maps rather than installing handlers in init members
* Support MOR-controlled mode
* Correct count direction
* Correct startup and reset states
a2bus/mouse.cpp: use new MC68705P3 core and remove obsolete glue
* the card works before and after the change, but by default axes are only mapped to inc/dec keys, not host mouse
quizpun: use new MC68705P5 core, MCU now gets timer interrupts correctly
- Fix screen flipping in cocktail mode
- Re-add second AY-3-8910A that generates explosion sounds; the claim as to its absence made in 2003 was probably based on less accurate AY8910 emulation and/or a stripped PCB
- Add coin counter
I'm doing this in response to a compilation error on MSVC 2015. As far as I can tell, this is a bug in the compiler. My basis for asserting this is that placing the following declaration within the 'endpoint.on_open = <<lambda>>' gives the same compilation error:
const std::function<void(void)> mycallback = [](void) {};
Whereas moving that logic outside of the 'endpoint.on_open = <<lambda>>' does not give an error.
Normally I don't like working around buggy compilers, but in this case the callback is supposed to be optional anyways.
* ADC is stubbed out with logerror (pipeline doesn't use it at all)
* Bootstrap ROM is believed to be identical to U3 but need to confirm
renegade: use common Taito 68705 hookup
taitosj.cpp: use new MC68705P3 core
stfight.cpp: use new MC68705P5 core
pipeline: use new MC68705R3 core
mexico86: use new MC68705P3 core, simulate synchronous latches better
New WORKING clones:
Motorola MC68705R3 Programmer
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Mega Bonus Star II: Derived machine and started a proper memory map. the game
starts to show the attract. [Roberto Fresca].
* remove non-obvious mcu_status_r and semaphore_r members and move to drivers (varies by system)
* slap fight functionality can be safely folded into base class so do so
* remove leftover crud from driver state classes
qix.cpp, bub68705, changela: use new MC68705P3 core