funtech/supracan.cpp: higher layer number wins on priority collisions

* Cleanup tilemap enabled check
This commit is contained in:
angelosa 2024-09-06 22:15:25 +02:00
parent 7b567246b5
commit 37c8f20eb1

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@ -998,33 +998,29 @@ uint32_t supracan_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitm
for (int pri = 7; pri >= 0; pri--)
for (int layer = 3; layer >=0; layer--)
// Wanted like this by speedyd, formduel and magipool at very least
for (int layer = 0; layer < 4; layer ++)
// popmessage("%04x\n",m_video_flags);
int enabled = 0;
if (m_video_flags & 0x04)
if (layer==3) enabled = 1;
if (m_video_flags & 0x80)
if (layer==0) enabled = 1;
if (m_video_flags & 0x40)
if (layer==1) enabled = 1;
if (m_video_flags & 0x20)
if (layer==2) enabled = 1;
if (layer==3)
priority = ((m_roz_mode >> 13) & 7); // roz case
// ROZ
if (layer == 3)
enabled = BIT(m_video_flags, 2);
if (!enabled)
priority = ((m_roz_mode >> 13) & 7);
priority = ((m_tilemap_flags[layer] >> 13) & 7); // normal cases
enabled = BIT(m_video_flags, 7 - layer);
if (!enabled)
priority = ((m_tilemap_flags[layer] >> 13) & 7);
if (priority == pri)
// tilemap_num = layer;
int which_tilemap_size = get_tilemap_dimensions(xsize, ysize, layer);
bitmap_ind16 &src_bitmap = m_tilemap_sizes[layer][which_tilemap_size]->pixmap();
int gfx_region = get_tilemap_region(layer);
@ -1039,126 +1035,124 @@ uint32_t supracan_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitm
case 4: transmask = 0x01; break;
if (enabled)
if (layer != 3) // standard layers, NOT roz
if (layer != 3) // standard layers, NOT roz
int wrap = (m_tilemap_flags[layer] & 0x20);
int scrollx = m_tilemap_scrollx[layer];
int scrolly = m_tilemap_scrolly[layer];
if (scrollx & 0x8000) scrollx -= 0x10000;
if (scrolly & 0x8000) scrolly -= 0x10000;
int mosaic_count = (m_tilemap_flags[layer] & 0x001c) >> 2;
int mosaic_mask = 0xffffffff << mosaic_count;
// yes, it will draw a single line if you specify a cliprect as such (partial updates...)
for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
int wrap = (m_tilemap_flags[layer] & 0x20);
// these will have to change to uint32_t* etc. once alpha blending is supported
uint16_t *screen = &bitmap.pix(y);
int scrollx = m_tilemap_scrollx[layer];
int scrolly = m_tilemap_scrolly[layer];
int actualy = y & mosaic_mask;
int realy = actualy + scrolly;
if (scrollx & 0x8000) scrollx -= 0x10000;
if (scrolly & 0x8000) scrolly -= 0x10000;
if (!wrap)
if (scrolly + y < 0 || scrolly + y > ((ysize * 8) - 1))
int mosaic_count = (m_tilemap_flags[layer] & 0x001c) >> 2;
int mosaic_mask = 0xffffffff << mosaic_count;
uint16_t *src = &src_bitmap.pix(realy & ((ysize * 8) - 1));
uint8_t *priop = &m_prio_bitmap.pix(y);
// yes, it will draw a single line if you specify a cliprect as such (partial updates...)
for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
// these will have to change to uint32_t* etc. once alpha blending is supported
uint16_t *screen = &bitmap.pix(y);
int actualy = y & mosaic_mask;
int realy = actualy + scrolly;
int actualx = x & mosaic_mask;
int realx = actualx + scrollx;
if (!wrap)
if (scrolly + y < 0 || scrolly + y > ((ysize * 8) - 1))
if (scrollx + x < 0 || scrollx + x > ((xsize * 8) - 1))
uint16_t *src = &src_bitmap.pix(realy & ((ysize * 8) - 1));
uint8_t *priop = &m_prio_bitmap.pix(y);
uint16_t srcpix = src[realx & ((xsize * 8) - 1)];
for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
if ((srcpix & transmask) != 0 && priority < (priop[x] >> 4))
int actualx = x & mosaic_mask;
int realx = actualx + scrollx;
if (!wrap)
if (scrollx + x < 0 || scrollx + x > ((xsize * 8) - 1))
uint16_t srcpix = src[realx & ((xsize * 8) - 1)];
if ((srcpix & transmask) != 0 && priority < (priop[x] >> 4))
screen[x] = srcpix;
priop[x] = (priop[x] & 0x0f) | (priority << 4);
screen[x] = srcpix;
priop[x] = (priop[x] & 0x0f) | (priority << 4);
int wrap = m_roz_mode & 0x20;
int incxx = m_roz_coeffa;
int incyy = m_roz_coeffd;
int incxy = m_roz_coeffc;
int incyx = m_roz_coeffb;
int scrollx = m_roz_scrollx;
int scrolly = m_roz_scrolly;
if (incyx & 0x8000) incyx -= 0x10000;
if (incxy & 0x8000) incxy -= 0x10000;
if (incyy & 0x8000) incyy -= 0x10000;
if (incxx & 0x8000) incxx -= 0x10000;
//popmessage("%04x %04x\n",m_video_flags, m_roz_mode);
// roz mode..
//4020 = enabled speedyd
//6c22 = enabled speedyd
//2c22 = enabled speedyd
//4622 = disabled jttlaugh
//2602 = disabled monopoly
//0402 = disabled (sango title)
// or is it always enabled, and only corrupt because we don't clear ram properly?
// (probably not this register?)
if (!(m_roz_mode & 0x0200) && (m_roz_mode & 0xf000)) // HACK - Not trusted: Acan Logo, Speedy Dragon Intro, Speed Dragon Bonus stage need it. Monopoly and JTT *don't* causes graphical issues
// NOT accurate, causes issues when the attract mode loops and the logo is shown the 2nd time in some games - investigate
for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
rectangle clip(cliprect.min_x, cliprect.max_x, y, y);
scrollx = (m_roz_scrollx);
scrolly = (m_roz_scrolly);
incxx = (m_roz_coeffa);
incxx += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base0/2 + y];
scrollx += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base1/2 + y * 2] << 16;
scrollx += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base1/2 + y * 2 + 1];
scrolly += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base2/2 + y * 2] << 16;
scrolly += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base2/2 + y * 2 + 1];
if (incxx & 0x8000) incxx -= 0x10000;
if (m_vram[m_roz_unk_base0/2 + y]) // incxx = 0, no draw?
draw_roz_layer(bitmap, clip, m_tilemap_sizes[layer][which_tilemap_size], scrollx<<8, scrolly<<8, incxx<<8, incxy<<8, incyx<<8, incyy<<8, wrap, transmask);
int wrap = m_roz_mode & 0x20;
int incxx = m_roz_coeffa;
int incyy = m_roz_coeffd;
int incxy = m_roz_coeffc;
int incyx = m_roz_coeffb;
int scrollx = m_roz_scrollx;
int scrolly = m_roz_scrolly;
if (incyx & 0x8000) incyx -= 0x10000;
if (incxy & 0x8000) incxy -= 0x10000;
if (incyy & 0x8000) incyy -= 0x10000;
if (incxx & 0x8000) incxx -= 0x10000;
//popmessage("%04x %04x\n",m_video_flags, m_roz_mode);
// roz mode..
//4020 = enabled speedyd
//6c22 = enabled speedyd
//2c22 = enabled speedyd
//4622 = disabled jttlaugh
//2602 = disabled monopoly
//0402 = disabled (sango title)
// or is it always enabled, and only corrupt because we don't clear ram properly?
// (probably not this register?)
if (!(m_roz_mode & 0x0200) && (m_roz_mode & 0xf000)) // HACK - Not trusted: Acan Logo, Speedy Dragon Intro, Speed Dragon Bonus stage need it. Monopoly and JTT *don't* causes graphical issues
// NOT accurate, causes issues when the attract mode loops and the logo is shown the 2nd time in some games - investigate
for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
rectangle clip(cliprect.min_x, cliprect.max_x, y, y);
scrollx = (m_roz_scrollx);
scrolly = (m_roz_scrolly);
incxx = (m_roz_coeffa);
incxx += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base0/2 + y];
scrollx += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base1/2 + y * 2] << 16;
scrollx += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base1/2 + y * 2 + 1];
scrolly += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base2/2 + y * 2] << 16;
scrolly += m_vram[m_roz_unk_base2/2 + y * 2 + 1];
if (incxx & 0x8000) incxx -= 0x10000;
if (m_vram[m_roz_unk_base0/2 + y]) // incxx = 0, no draw?
draw_roz_layer(bitmap, clip, m_tilemap_sizes[layer][which_tilemap_size], scrollx<<8, scrolly<<8, incxx<<8, incxy<<8, incyx<<8, incyy<<8, wrap, transmask);
draw_roz_layer(bitmap, cliprect, m_tilemap_sizes[layer][which_tilemap_size], scrollx<<8, scrolly<<8, incxx<<8, incxy<<8, incyx<<8, incyy<<8, wrap, transmask);
draw_roz_layer(bitmap, cliprect, m_tilemap_sizes[layer][which_tilemap_size], scrollx<<8, scrolly<<8, incxx<<8, incxy<<8, incyx<<8, incyy<<8, wrap, transmask);
// combine sprites
if (m_video_flags & 0x08)
if (BIT(m_video_flags, 3))
for (int y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)