hitachi/bml3.cpp: IG RAM initial support for bml3mk5, adhere to official naming for System I/O fns

This commit is contained in:
angelosa 2024-09-20 20:45:56 +02:00
parent 79f85a600a
commit 23fdf3efaa

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@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ References:
- bml3mk5: complete IG RAM support;
- keyboard break NMI (as per bmjr);
- Cassette relay doesn't work properly, issuing a LOAD won't autostart a load;
- Cassette baud rate bump (can switch from 600 to 1200 bauds thru $ffd7);
- implement sound as a bml3bus slot device;
- account for hardware differences between MB-6890, MB-6891 and MB-6892
(e.g. custom font support on the MB-6892)
- Verify if anything needs composing from here for Hitachi MB-S1 support;
- soft reset will hang the machine;
- Hitachi MB-S1 support (bumps memory map, adds an extra I/O layer);
@ -104,13 +107,15 @@ public:
// NOTE: need to override for S1 support, later on
virtual void main_map(address_map &map);
void system_io(address_map &map);
virtual void system_io(address_map &map);
virtual void machine_start() override;
virtual void machine_reset() override;
required_device<cpu_device> m_maincpu;
required_device<bml3bus_device> m_bml3bus;
required_region_ptr<u8> m_p_chargen;
required_device<mc6845_device> m_crtc;
required_device<cassette_image_device> m_cassette;
@ -129,23 +134,23 @@ private:
uint8_t mc6845_r(offs_t offset);
void mc6845_w(offs_t offset, u8 data);
uint8_t keyboard_r();
void keyboard_w(u8 data);
void hres_reg_w(u8 data);
void vres_reg_w(u8 data);
uint8_t kb_sel_r();
void kb_sel_w(u8 data);
void mode_sel_w(u8 data);
void interlace_sel_w(u8 data);
uint8_t vram_r(offs_t offset);
void vram_w(offs_t offset, u8 data);
[[maybe_unused]] uint8_t psg_latch_r();
[[maybe_unused]] void psg_latch_w(u8 data);
uint8_t vram_attr_r();
void vram_attr_w(u8 data);
uint8_t beep_r();
void beep_w(u8 data);
uint8_t c_reg_sel_r();
void c_reg_sel_w(u8 data);
uint8_t music_sel_r();
void music_sel_w(u8 data);
void piaA_w(uint8_t data);
uint8_t keyb_nmi_r();
void firq_mask_w(u8 data);
uint8_t firq_status_r();
void relay_w(u8 data);
uint8_t kbnmi_r();
void time_mask_w(u8 data);
uint8_t timer_r();
void remote_w(u8 data);
void acia_rts_w(int state);
void acia_irq_w(int state);
@ -175,8 +180,6 @@ private:
bool m_cassbit = 0;
bool m_cassold = 0;
u8 m_cass_data[4]{};
virtual void machine_reset() override;
virtual void machine_start() override;
void crtc_change_clock(u8 setting);
u8 m_crtc_index = 0U;
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> m_vram;
@ -201,9 +204,24 @@ class bml3mk5_state : public bml3mk2_state
bml3mk5_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
: bml3mk2_state(mconfig, type, tag)
, m_ig_view(*this, "ig_view")
, m_gfxdecode(*this, "gfxdecode")
{ }
void bml3mk5(machine_config &config);
virtual void main_map(address_map &map) override;
virtual void system_io(address_map &map) override;
virtual void machine_start() override;
virtual void machine_reset() override;
memory_view m_ig_view;
required_device<gfxdecode_device> m_gfxdecode;
std::unique_ptr<u8[]> m_ig_ram;
void ig_ram_w(offs_t offset, u8 data);
u8 m_igen = 0;
MC6845_UPDATE_ROW( bml3_state::crtc_update_row )
@ -314,7 +332,7 @@ void bml3_state::mc6845_w(offs_t offset, u8 data)
u8 bml3_state::keyboard_r()
u8 bml3_state::kb_sel_r()
m_maincpu->set_input_line(M6809_IRQ_LINE, CLEAR_LINE);
u8 ret = m_keyb_scancode;
@ -323,7 +341,8 @@ u8 bml3_state::keyboard_r()
return ret;
void bml3_state::keyboard_w(u8 data)
// KB SEL - Keyboard mode register, interrupt control, keyboard LEDs
void bml3_state::kb_sel_w(u8 data)
m_keyb_katakana_led_on = BIT(data, 0);
m_keyb_hiragana_led_on = BIT(data, 1);
@ -348,27 +367,24 @@ void bml3_state::crtc_change_clock(u8 setting)
void bml3_state::hres_reg_w(u8 data)
* MODE_SEL - Graphics mode select
* cfr. see service manual p.43
* x--- ---- "W" bit: 0 = 40 columns, 1 = 80 columns
* -x-- ---- "HR" bit: 0 = high resolution, 1 = normal
* --x- ---- "C" bit - ACIA mode: 0 = cassette, 1 = RS-232C
* ---- -RGB Background colour
void bml3_state::mode_sel_w(u8 data)
// MODE SEL register (see service manual p.43).
x--- ---- "W" bit: 0 = 40 columns, 1 = 80 columns
-x-- ---- "HR" bit: 0 = high resolution, 1 = normal
--x- ---- "C" bit - ACIA mode: 0 = cassette, 1 = RS-232C
---- -RGB Background colour
m_hres_reg = data;
crtc_change_clock((m_hres_reg & 0x80) | (m_vres_reg & 0x08));
void bml3_state::vres_reg_w(u8 data)
// INTERLACE_SEL - Interlaced video mode
void bml3_state::interlace_sel_w(u8 data)
// The MB-6890 had an interlaced video mode which was used for displaying Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana) text (8x16 character glyph bitmaps).
---- x--- Interlace select: 0 = non-interlace, 1 = interlace
m_vres_reg = data;
crtc_change_clock((m_hres_reg & 0x80) | (m_vres_reg & 0x08));
@ -378,7 +394,7 @@ void bml3_state::vres_reg_w(u8 data)
u8 bml3_state::vram_r(offs_t offset)
// Bit 7 masks reading back to the latch
if (!BIT(m_attr_latch, 7))
if (!BIT(m_attr_latch, 7) && !machine().side_effects_disabled())
m_attr_latch = m_aram[offset];
return m_vram[offset];
@ -415,49 +431,56 @@ void bml3_state::ym2203_w(u8 data)
m_ym2203->write(dev_offs, data);
u8 bml3_state::vram_attr_r()
* C-REG-SELECT register
* Reads from a VRAM address copy the corresponding 'colour RAM' address to the
* low-order 5 bits of this register as a side-effect
u8 bml3_state::c_reg_sel_r()
// C-REG-SELECT register
// Reads from a VRAM address copy the corresponding 'colour RAM' address to the low-order 5 bits of this register as a side-effect
// (unless MK bit indicates 'prohibit write')
return m_attr_latch;
void bml3_state::vram_attr_w(u8 data)
* C_REG_SEL - Attribute register (character/video mode and colours)
* Writes to a VRAM address copy the low-order 5 bits of this register to the corresponding 'colour RAM' address as a side-effect
* x--- ---- "MK" bit: 0 = enable write, 1 = prohibit write
* ---x ---- "GC" bit: 0 = character, 1 = graphic
* ---- x--- "RV" bit: 0 = normal, 1 - reverse
* ---- -RGB Foreground colour
void bml3_state::c_reg_sel_w(u8 data)
// C-REG-SELECT register
// Writes to a VRAM address copy the low-order 5 bits of this register to the corresponding 'colour RAM' address as a side-effect
x--- ---- "MK" bit: 0 = enable write, 1 = prohibit write
---x ---- "GC" bit: 0 = character, 1 = graphic
---- x--- "RV" bit: 0 = normal, 1 - reverse
---- -RGB Foreground colour
m_attr_latch = data;
u8 bml3_state::beep_r()
u8 bml3_state::music_sel_r()
return -1; // BEEP status read?
void bml3_state::beep_w(u8 data)
// MUSIC SEL - Music select: toggle audio output level when rising
void bml3_state::music_sel_w(u8 data)
m_speaker->level_w(BIT(data, 7));
void bml3_state::relay_w(u8 data)
// REMOTE - Remote relay control for cassette - bit 7
void bml3_state::remote_w(u8 data)
u8 bml3_state::keyb_nmi_r()
// KBNMI - Keyboard "Break" key non-maskable interrupt
u8 bml3_state::kbnmi_r()
return m_nmi; // bit 7 used to signal a BREAK key pressure
void bml3_state::firq_mask_w(u8 data)
// TIME_MASK - Prohibit timer IRQ
void bml3_state::time_mask_w(u8 data)
m_firq_mask = data & 0x80;
@ -467,11 +490,15 @@ void bml3_state::firq_mask_w(u8 data)
u8 bml3_state::firq_status_r()
// TIMER - System timer enable
u8 bml3_state::timer_r()
u8 res = m_firq_status << 7;
m_firq_status = 0;
m_maincpu->set_input_line(M6809_FIRQ_LINE, CLEAR_LINE);
if (!machine().side_effects_disabled())
m_firq_status = 0;
m_maincpu->set_input_line(M6809_FIRQ_LINE, CLEAR_LINE);
return res;
@ -511,33 +538,20 @@ void bml3_state::system_io(address_map &map)
map(0x00c0, 0x00c3).rw("pia", FUNC(pia6821_device::read), FUNC(pia6821_device::write));
map(0x00c4, 0x00c5).rw(m_acia, FUNC(acia6850_device::read), FUNC(acia6850_device::write));
map(0x00c6, 0x00c7).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::mc6845_r), FUNC(bml3_state::mc6845_w));
// KBNMI - Keyboard "Break" key non-maskable interrupt
map(0x00c8, 0x00c8).r(FUNC(bml3_state::keyb_nmi_r)); // keyboard nmi
// DIPSW - DIP switches on system mainboard
map(0x00c9, 0x00c9).portr("DSW");
// TIMER - System timer enable
map(0x00ca, 0x00ca).r(FUNC(bml3_state::firq_status_r)); // timer irq
// LPFLG - Light pen interrupt
// map(0x00cb, 0x00cb)
// MODE_SEL - Graphics mode select
map(0x00d0, 0x00d0).w(FUNC(bml3_state::hres_reg_w));
// TRACE - Trace counter
// map(0x00d1, 0x00d1)
// REMOTE - Remote relay control for cassette - bit 7
map(0x00d2, 0x00d2).w(FUNC(bml3_state::relay_w));
// MUSIC_SEL - Music select: toggle audio output level when rising
map(0x00d3, 0x00d3).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::beep_r), FUNC(bml3_state::beep_w));
// TIME_MASK - Prohibit timer IRQ
map(0x00d4, 0x00d4).w(FUNC(bml3_state::firq_mask_w));
// LPENBL - Light pen operation enable
map(0x00d5, 0x00d5).noprw();
// INTERLACE_SEL - Interlaced video mode (manual has "INTERACE SEL"!)
map(0x00d6, 0x00d6).w(FUNC(bml3_state::vres_reg_w));
// map(0x00d7, 0x00d7) baud select
// C_REG_SEL - Attribute register (character/video mode and colours)
map(0x00d8, 0x00d8).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::vram_attr_r), FUNC(bml3_state::vram_attr_w));
// KB - Keyboard mode register, interrupt control, keyboard LEDs
map(0x00e0, 0x00e0).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::keyboard_r), FUNC(bml3_state::keyboard_w));
map(0x00c8, 0x00c8).r(FUNC(bml3_state::kbnmi_r));
map(0x00c9, 0x00c9).portr("DIPSW");
map(0x00ca, 0x00ca).r(FUNC(bml3_state::timer_r));
// map(0x00cb, 0x00cb) LPFLG - Light pen interrupt
map(0x00d0, 0x00d0).w(FUNC(bml3_state::mode_sel_w));
// map(0x00d1, 0x00d1) TRACE - Trace counter
map(0x00d2, 0x00d2).w(FUNC(bml3_state::remote_w));
map(0x00d3, 0x00d3).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::music_sel_r), FUNC(bml3_state::music_sel_w));
map(0x00d4, 0x00d4).w(FUNC(bml3_state::time_mask_w));
map(0x00d5, 0x00d5).noprw(); // L/P ENBL - Light pen operation enable
map(0x00d6, 0x00d6).w(FUNC(bml3_state::interlace_sel_w));
// map(0x00d7, 0x00d7) BANK SEL - baud select
map(0x00d8, 0x00d8).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::c_reg_sel_r), FUNC(bml3_state::c_reg_sel_w));
map(0x00e0, 0x00e0).rw(FUNC(bml3_state::kb_sel_r), FUNC(bml3_state::kb_sel_w));
// map(0x00e8, 0x00e8) bank register
// map(0x00e9, 0x00e9) IG mode register
// map(0x00ea, 0x00ea) IG enable register
@ -548,9 +562,46 @@ void bml3_state::system_io(address_map &map)
void bml3mk5_state::ig_ram_w(offs_t offset, u8 data)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (BIT(m_igen, i))
m_ig_ram[offset + 0x800 * i] = data;
m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->mark_dirty(offset / 8);
void bml3mk5_state::main_map(address_map &map)
map(0xa000, 0xa7ff).view(m_ig_view);
m_ig_view[0](0xa000, 0xa7ff).writeonly().w(FUNC(bml3mk5_state::ig_ram_w));
void bml3mk5_state::system_io(address_map &map)
map(0x00e9, 0x00e9).lw8(
NAME([this] (u8 data) {
if (BIT(data, 0));
map(0x00ea, 0x00ea).lw8(
NAME([this] (u8 data) {
m_igen = data & 7;
// TODO: isn't this supposed to actually raise an NMI, just like earlier Basic Master LV1/2?
// TODO: supposed to actually raise an NMI, just like earlier Basic Master LV1/2
m_nmi = newval ? 0x80 : 0;
@ -558,7 +609,7 @@ static INPUT_PORTS_START( bml3 )
// DIP switches (service manual p.88)
// Note the NEWON command reboots with a soft override for the DIP switch
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "BASIC/terminal mode")
PORT_DIPSETTING(0x00, "Terminal mode")
@ -755,13 +806,6 @@ TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK_MEMBER( bml3_state::kansas_r )
#if 0
m_maincpu->set_input_line(M6809_IRQ_LINE, HOLD_LINE);
@ -777,6 +821,9 @@ void bml3_state::machine_start()
m_vram = make_unique_clear<u8[]>(0x4000);
m_aram = make_unique_clear<u8[]>(0x4000);
// TODO: this setup is goofy, and bound to fail if things changes downstream.
// Should really overlay the ROM region, not the view itself.
// Additionally each slot has separate ROM KIL and EXROM KIL signal controls ...
@ -836,6 +883,22 @@ void bml3_state::machine_reset()
m_kbt = 0;
void bml3mk5_state::machine_start()
m_ig_ram = make_unique_clear<u8[]>(0x800 * 3);
m_gfxdecode->gfx(0)->set_source_and_total(m_ig_ram.get(), 0x100);
save_pointer(NAME(m_ig_ram), 0x800 * 3);
void bml3mk5_state::machine_reset()
m_igen = 0;
void bml3_state::piaA_w(uint8_t data)
/* ROM banking:
@ -914,6 +977,23 @@ TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK_MEMBER( bml3_state::kansas_w )
m_cassette->output(BIT(m_cass_data[3], 1) ? -1.0 : +1.0); // 1200Hz
// Debugging only
static const gfx_layout ig_charlayout =
8, 8,
{ RGN_FRAC(0, 3), RGN_FRAC(1, 3), RGN_FRAC(2, 3) },
{ STEP8(0, 1) },
{ STEP8(0, 8) },
static GFXDECODE_START( gfx_bml3mk5 )
GFXDECODE_ENTRY( nullptr, 0x1800, ig_charlayout, 0, 1 )
static void bml3_cards(device_slot_interface &device)
device.option_add("mp1802", BML3BUS_MP1802);
@ -922,7 +1002,6 @@ static void bml3_cards(device_slot_interface &device)
device.option_add("rtc", BML3BUS_RTC);
void bml3_state::bml3(machine_config &config)
/* basic machine hardware */
@ -1011,6 +1090,7 @@ void bml3mk5_state::bml3mk5(machine_config &config)
// TODO: override bus defaults
GFXDECODE(config, "gfxdecode", "palette", gfx_bml3mk5);