/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright 2018-2021 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Originally imported from edid-decode. */ #include #include /** * The size of the top and bottom overscan margin as a percentage of the active * vertical image. */ #define MARGIN_PERC 1.8 #define MIN_VSYNC_BP 550.0 #define MIN_V_PORCH 3 /** * Minimum vertical backporch for CVT and CVT RBv1. */ #define MIN_V_BPORCH 7 /** * Fixed vertical backporch for CVT RBv2 and RBv3. */ #define FIXED_V_BPORCH 6 #define C_PRIME 30.0 #define M_PRIME 300.0 /** * Minimum VBlank period (in µs) for RB timings. */ #define RB_MIN_VBLANK 460.0 void di_cvt_compute(struct di_cvt_timing *t, const struct di_cvt_options *options) { enum di_cvt_reduced_blanking_version rb = options->red_blank_ver; double cell_gran, h_pixels_rnd, v_lines_rnd, hor_margin, vert_margin, interlace, total_active_pixels, v_field_rate_rqd, clock_step, h_blank, rb_v_fporch, refresh_multiplier, rb_min_vblank, h_sync, v_sync, pixel_freq, v_blank, v_sync_bp, additional_hblank, h_period_est, ideal_duty_cycle, total_pixels, vbi_lines, rb_v_bporch, rb_min_vbi, total_v_lines, freq, h_front_porch, v_back_porch, act_h_freq; cell_gran = rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V2 ? 1 : 8; h_pixels_rnd = floor(options->h_pixels / cell_gran) * cell_gran; v_lines_rnd = options->int_rqd ? floor(options->v_lines / 2.0) : options->v_lines; hor_margin = options->margins_rqd ? floor((h_pixels_rnd * MARGIN_PERC / 100.0) / cell_gran) * cell_gran : 0; vert_margin = options->margins_rqd ? floor(MARGIN_PERC / 100.0 * v_lines_rnd) : 0; interlace = options->int_rqd ? 0.5 : 0; total_active_pixels = h_pixels_rnd + hor_margin * 2; v_field_rate_rqd = options->int_rqd ? options->ip_freq_rqd * 2 : options->ip_freq_rqd; clock_step = rb >= DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V2 ? 0.001 : 0.25; h_blank = rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V1 ? 160 : 80; rb_v_fporch = rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V1 ? 3 : 1; refresh_multiplier = (rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V2 && options->video_opt) ? 1000.0 / 1001.0 : 1; rb_min_vblank = rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V3 ? options->vblank : RB_MIN_VBLANK; if (rb_min_vblank < RB_MIN_VBLANK) rb_min_vblank = RB_MIN_VBLANK; h_sync = 32; if (rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V3) { additional_hblank = options->additional_hblank; if (additional_hblank < 0) additional_hblank = 0; else if (additional_hblank > 120) additional_hblank = 120; h_blank += additional_hblank; } /* Determine VSync Width from aspect ratio */ if ((options->v_lines * 4 / 3) == options->h_pixels) v_sync = 4; else if ((options->v_lines * 16 / 9) == options->h_pixels) v_sync = 5; else if ((options->v_lines * 16 / 10) == options->h_pixels) v_sync = 6; else if (!(options->v_lines % 4) && ((options->v_lines * 5 / 4) == options->h_pixels)) v_sync = 7; else if ((options->v_lines * 15 / 9) == options->h_pixels) v_sync = 7; else /* Custom */ v_sync = 10; if (rb >= DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V2) v_sync = 8; if (rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_NONE) { h_period_est = (1.0 / v_field_rate_rqd - MIN_VSYNC_BP / 1000000.0) / (v_lines_rnd + vert_margin * 2 + MIN_V_PORCH + interlace) * 1000000.0; v_sync_bp = floor(MIN_VSYNC_BP / h_period_est) + 1; if (v_sync_bp < v_sync + MIN_V_BPORCH) v_sync_bp = v_sync + MIN_V_BPORCH; v_blank = v_sync_bp + MIN_V_PORCH; total_v_lines = v_lines_rnd + vert_margin * 2 + v_sync_bp + interlace + MIN_V_PORCH; ideal_duty_cycle = C_PRIME - M_PRIME * h_period_est / 1000.0; if (ideal_duty_cycle < 20) ideal_duty_cycle = 20; h_blank = floor(total_active_pixels * ideal_duty_cycle / (100.0 - ideal_duty_cycle) / (2 * cell_gran)) * 2 * cell_gran; total_pixels = total_active_pixels + h_blank; h_sync = floor(total_pixels * 0.08 / cell_gran) * cell_gran; pixel_freq = floor(total_pixels / h_period_est / clock_step) * clock_step; } else { h_period_est = (1000000.0 / v_field_rate_rqd - rb_min_vblank) / (v_lines_rnd + vert_margin * 2); vbi_lines = floor(rb_min_vblank / h_period_est) + 1; rb_v_bporch = rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V1 ? MIN_V_BPORCH : FIXED_V_BPORCH; rb_min_vbi = rb_v_fporch + v_sync + rb_v_bporch; v_blank = vbi_lines < rb_min_vbi ? rb_min_vbi : vbi_lines; total_v_lines = v_blank + v_lines_rnd + vert_margin * 2 + interlace; if (rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V3 && options->early_vsync_rqd) rb_v_bporch = floor(vbi_lines / 2.0); if (rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V1) v_sync_bp = v_blank - rb_v_fporch; else v_sync_bp = v_sync + rb_v_bporch; total_pixels = h_blank + total_active_pixels; freq = v_field_rate_rqd * total_v_lines * total_pixels * refresh_multiplier; if (rb == DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V3) pixel_freq = ceil(freq / 1000000.0 / clock_step) * clock_step; else pixel_freq = floor(freq / 1000000.0 / clock_step) * clock_step; } if (rb >= DI_CVT_REDUCED_BLANKING_V2) h_front_porch = 8; else h_front_porch = (h_blank / 2.0) - h_sync; v_back_porch = v_sync_bp - v_sync; act_h_freq = 1000 * pixel_freq / total_pixels; *t = (struct di_cvt_timing){ .act_pixel_freq = pixel_freq, .total_active_pixels = total_active_pixels, .v_lines_rnd = v_lines_rnd, .h_front_porch = h_front_porch, .h_sync = h_sync, .h_back_porch = h_blank - h_front_porch - h_sync, .v_front_porch = v_blank - v_back_porch - v_sync, .v_back_porch = v_back_porch, .v_sync = v_sync, .act_frame_rate = 1000 * act_h_freq / total_v_lines, }; }