Block 0, Base EDID: EDID Structure Version & Revision: 1.3 Vendor & Product Identification: Manufacturer: LNX Model: 4660 Made in: week 34 of 2016 Basic Display Parameters & Features: Digital display Maximum image size: 96 cm x 54 cm Gamma: 2.20 Undefined display color type Default (sRGB) color space is primary color space First detailed timing is the preferred timing Color Characteristics: Red : 0.6396, 0.3300 Green: 0.2998, 0.5996 Blue : 0.1503, 0.0595 White: 0.3125, 0.3291 Established Timings I & II: DMT 0x04: 640x480 59.940476 Hz 4:3 31.469 kHz 25.175000 MHz DMT 0x05: 640x480 72.808802 Hz 4:3 37.861 kHz 31.500000 MHz DMT 0x06: 640x480 75.000000 Hz 4:3 37.500 kHz 31.500000 MHz DMT 0x08: 800x600 56.250000 Hz 4:3 35.156 kHz 36.000000 MHz DMT 0x09: 800x600 60.316541 Hz 4:3 37.879 kHz 40.000000 MHz DMT 0x0a: 800x600 72.187572 Hz 4:3 48.077 kHz 50.000000 MHz DMT 0x0b: 800x600 75.000000 Hz 4:3 46.875 kHz 49.500000 MHz DMT 0x10: 1024x768 60.003840 Hz 4:3 48.363 kHz 65.000000 MHz DMT 0x11: 1024x768 70.069359 Hz 4:3 56.476 kHz 75.000000 MHz DMT 0x12: 1024x768 75.028582 Hz 4:3 60.023 kHz 78.750000 MHz DMT 0x24: 1280x1024 75.024675 Hz 5:4 79.976 kHz 135.000000 MHz Standard Timings: DMT 0x07: 640x480 85.008312 Hz 4:3 43.269 kHz 36.000000 MHz DMT 0x0c: 800x600 85.061274 Hz 4:3 53.674 kHz 56.250000 MHz DMT 0x23: 1280x1024 60.019740 Hz 5:4 63.981 kHz 108.000000 MHz DMT 0x20: 1280x960 60.000000 Hz 4:3 60.000 kHz 108.000000 MHz DMT 0x2a: 1400x1050 59.978442 Hz 4:3 65.317 kHz 121.750000 MHz DMT 0x2f: 1440x900 59.887445 Hz 16:10 55.935 kHz 106.500000 MHz DMT 0x33: 1600x1200 60.000000 Hz 4:3 75.000 kHz 162.000000 MHz DMT 0x3a: 1680x1050 59.954250 Hz 16:10 65.290 kHz 146.250000 MHz Detailed Timing Descriptors: DTD 1: 3840x2160 60.000000 Hz 16:9 135.000 kHz 594.000000 MHz (960 mm x 540 mm) Hfront 176 Hsync 88 Hback 296 Hpol P Vfront 8 Vsync 10 Vback 72 Vpol P Display Range Limits: Monitor ranges (GTF): 24-85 Hz V, 24-135 kHz H, max dotclock 600 MHz Display Product Name: 'hdmi-4k-600' Dummy Descriptor: Extension blocks: 1 Checksum: 0x1d ---------------- Block 1, CTA-861 Extension Block: Revision: 3 Underscans IT Video Formats by default Basic audio support Supports YCbCr 4:4:4 Supports YCbCr 4:2:2 Native detailed modes: 0 Video Data Block: VIC 97: 3840x2160 60.000000 Hz 16:9 135.000 kHz 594.000000 MHz Audio Data Block: Linear PCM: Max channels: 2 Supported sample rates (kHz): 48 44.1 32 Supported sample sizes (bits): 24 20 16 Video Capability Data Block: YCbCr quantization: Selectable (via AVI YQ) RGB quantization: Selectable (via AVI Q) PT scan behavior: Always Underscanned IT scan behavior: Always Underscanned CE scan behavior: Always Underscanned VESA Display Transfer Characteristics Data Block: White transfer characteristics: 6 33 77 129 192 252 348 415 490 598 666 796 873 932 998 1023 VESA Video Display Device Data Block: Interface Type: DisplayPort 2 channels Interface Standard Version: 1.1 Content Protection Support: DPCP Minimum Clock Frequency: 0 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency: 0 MHz Device Native Pixel Format: 2560x1600 Aspect Ratio: 1.60 Default Orientation: Landscape Rotation Capability: Can rotate 90 degrees clockwise Zero Pixel Location: Upper Left Scan Direction: Fast Scan is on the Major (Long) Axis and Slow Scan is on the Minor Axis Subpixel Information: Five sub-pixels, RGB + 2 additional colors Horizontal and vertical dot/pixel pitch: 0.24 x 0.24 mm Dithering: Spatial and Temporal Direct Drive: No Overdrive not recommended Deinterlacing: No Audio Support: Yes Separate Audio Inputs Provided: No Audio Input Override: No Audio Delay: 6 ms Frame Rate/Mode Conversion: Double Buffering Frame Rate Range: 60 fps +/- 15 fps Color Bit Depth: 8 @ interface, 8 @ display Additional Primary Chromaticities: Primary 4: 0.1455, 0.2890 Primary 5: 0.4921, 0.4658 Response Time White -> Black: 12 ms Overscan: 5% x 7% Detailed Timing Descriptors: DTD 2: 3840x2160 59.996625 Hz 16:9 133.312 kHz 533.250000 MHz (960 mm x 652 mm) Hfront 48 Hsync 32 Hback 80 Hpol P Vfront 3 Vsync 5 Vback 54 Vpol P Checksum: 0x78 Unused space in Extension Block: 48 bytes ---------------- Warnings: Block 1, CTA-861 Extension Block: Video Data Block: For improved preferred timing interoperability, set 'Native detailed modes' to 1. Video Capability Data Block: S_PT is equal to S_IT and S_CE, so should be set to 0 instead. Failures: Block 1, CTA-861 Extension Block: Detailed Timing Descriptor #2: Mismatch of image size 960x652 mm vs display size 960x540 mm. EDID: Base EDID: The DTD max image size is 960x652mm, which is larger than the display size 960.0x540.0mm. EDID conformity: FAIL