mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 08:46:06 +01:00
440 lines
12 KiB
440 lines
12 KiB
#include "lc_global.h"
#include "lc_colors.h"
#include "lc_file.h"
#include <float.h>
lcArray<lcColor> gColorList;
lcColorGroup gColorGroups[LC_NUM_COLORGROUPS];
int gNumUserColors;
int gEdgeColor;
int gDefaultColor;
lcVector4 gInterfaceColors[LC_NUM_INTERFACECOLORS] = // todo: make the colors configurable and include the grid and other hardcoded colors here as well.
lcVector4(0.898f, 0.298f, 0.400f, 1.000f), // LC_COLOR_SELECTED
lcVector4(0.400f, 0.298f, 0.898f, 1.000f), // LC_COLOR_FOCUSED
lcVector4(0.800f, 0.800f, 0.800f, 1.000f), // LC_COLOR_DISABLED
lcVector4(0.500f, 0.800f, 0.500f, 1.000f), // LC_COLOR_CAMERA
lcVector4(0.500f, 0.800f, 0.500f, 1.000f), // LC_COLOR_LIGHT
lcVector4(0.500f, 0.800f, 0.500f, 0.500f), // LC_COLOR_CONTROL_POINT
lcVector4(0.400f, 0.298f, 0.898f, 0.500f), // LC_COLOR_CONTROL_POINT_FOCUSED
lcVector4(0.098f, 0.898f, 0.500f, 1.000f) // LC_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT
static void GetToken(char*& Ptr, char* Token)
while (*Ptr && *Ptr <= 32)
while (*Ptr > 32)
*Token++ = *Ptr++;
*Token = 0;
int lcGetBrickLinkColor(int ColorIndex)
struct lcBrickLinkEntry
int Code;
const char* Name;
lcBrickLinkEntry BrickLinkColors[] =
{ 41, "Aqua" },
{ 11, "Black" },
{ 7, "Blue" },
{ 97, "Blue Violet" }, // Blue-Violet
{ 36, "Bright Green" },
{ 105, "Bright Light Blue" },
{ 110, "Bright Light Orange" },
{ 103, "Bright Light Yellow" },
{ 104, "Bright Pink" },
{ 8, "Brown" },
{ 153, "Dark Azure" },
{ 63, "Dark Blue" },
{ 109, "Dark Blue Violet" }, // Dark Blue-Violet
{ 85, "Dark Bluish Gray" },
{ 120, "Dark Brown" },
{ 91, "Dark Flesh" },
{ 10, "Dark Gray" },
{ 80, "Dark Green" },
{ 68, "Dark Orange" },
{ 47, "Dark Pink" },
{ 89, "Dark Purple" },
{ 59, "Dark Red" },
{ 69, "Dark Tan" },
{ 39, "Dark Turquoise" },
{ 29, "Earth Orange" },
{ 106, "Fabuland Brown" },
{ 160, "Fabuland Orange" }, // No match
{ 28, "Flesh" },
{ 6, "Green" },
{ 154, "Lavender" },
{ 152, "Light Aqua" },
{ 62, "Light Blue" },
{ 86, "Light Bluish Gray" },
{ 90, "Light Flesh" },
{ 9, "Light Gray" },
{ 38, "Light Green" },
{ 35, "Light Lime" },
{ 32, "Light Orange" },
{ 56, "Light Pink" },
{ 93, "Light Purple" },
{ 26, "Light Salmon" },
{ 40, "Light Turquoise" },
{ 44, "Light Violet" },
{ 33, "Light Yellow" },
{ 34, "Lime" },
{ 72, "Maersk Blue" },
{ 71, "Magenta" },
{ 156, "Medium Azure" },
{ 42, "Medium Blue" },
{ 150, "Medium Dark Flesh" },
{ 94, "Medium Dark Pink" },
{ 37, "Medium Green" },
{ 157, "Medium Lavender" },
{ 76, "Medium Lime" },
{ 31, "Medium Orange" },
{ 73, "Medium Violet" },
{ 155, "Olive Green" },
{ 4, "Orange" },
{ 23, "Pink" },
{ 24, "Purple" },
{ 5, "Red" },
{ 88, "Reddish Brown" },
{ 27, "Rust" },
{ 25, "Salmon" },
{ 55, "Sand Blue" },
{ 48, "Sand Green" },
{ 54, "Sand Purple" },
{ 58, "Sand Red" },
{ 87, "Sky Blue" },
{ 2, "Tan" },
{ 99, "Very Light Bluish Gray" },
{ 49, "Very Light Gray" },
{ 96, "Very Light Orange" },
{ 43, "Violet" },
{ 1, "White" },
{ 3, "Yellow" },
{ 158, "Yellowish Green" },
{ 13, "Trans Black" }, // Trans-Black
{ 108, "Trans Bright Green" }, // Trans-Bright Green
{ 12, "Trans Clear" }, // Trans-Clear
{ 14, "Trans Dark Blue" }, // Trans-Dark Blue
{ 50, "Trans Dark Pink" }, // Trans-Dark Pink
{ 20, "Trans Green" }, // Trans-Green
{ 15, "Trans Light Blue" }, // Trans-Light Blue
{ 114, "Trans Light Purple" }, // Trans-Light Purple
{ 74, "Trans Medium Blue" }, // Trans-Medium Blue
{ 16, "Trans Neon Green" }, // Trans-Neon Green
{ 18, "Trans Neon Orange" }, // Trans-Neon Orange
{ 121, "Trans Neon Yellow" }, // Trans-Neon Yellow
{ 98, "Trans Orange" }, // Trans-Orange
{ 107, "Trans Pink" }, // Trans-Pink
{ 51, "Trans Purple" }, // Trans-Purple
{ 17, "Trans Red" }, // Trans-Red
{ 113, "Trans Very Light Blue" }, // Trans-Very Lt Blue
{ 19, "Trans Yellow" }, // Trans-Yellow
{ 57, "Chrome Antique Brass" },
{ 122, "Chrome Black" },
{ 52, "Chrome Blue" },
{ 21, "Chrome Gold" },
{ 64, "Chrome Green" },
{ 82, "Chrome Pink" },
{ 22, "Chrome Silver" },
{ 84, "Copper" },
{ 81, "Flat Dark Gold" },
{ 95, "Flat Silver" },
{ 78, "Metal Blue" },
{ 77, "Pearl Dark Gray" },
{ 115, "Pearl Gold" },
{ 61, "Pearl Light Gold" },
{ 66, "Pearl Light Gray" },
{ 119, "Pearl Very Light Gray" },
{ 83, "Pearl White" },
{ 65, "Metallic Gold" },
{ 70, "Metallic Green" },
{ 67, "Metallic Silver" },
{ 46, "Glow In Dark Opaque" },
{ 118, "Glow In Dark Trans" },
{ 159, "Glow in Dark White" }, // No match
{ 60, "Milky White" },
{ 101, "Glitter Trans Clear" }, // Glitter Trans-Clear
{ 100, "Glitter Trans Dark Pink" }, // Glitter Trans-Dark Pink
{ 102, "Glitter Trans Purple" }, // Glitter Trans-Purple
{ 116, "Speckle Black Copper" }, // Speckle Black-Copper
{ 151, "Speckle Black Gold" }, // Speckle Black-Gold
{ 111, "Speckle Black Silver" }, // Speckle Black-Silver
{ 117, "Speckle Dark Bluish Gray Silver" }, // Speckle DBGray-Silver
const char* Name = gColorList[ColorIndex].Name;
for (unsigned int Color = 0; Color < sizeof(BrickLinkColors) / sizeof(BrickLinkColors[0]); Color++)
if (!strcmp(Name, BrickLinkColors[Color].Name))
return BrickLinkColors[Color].Code;
return 0;
bool lcLoadColorFile(lcFile& File)
char Line[1024], Token[1024];
lcArray<lcColor>& Colors = gColorList;
lcColor Color, MainColor, EdgeColor;
for (int GroupIdx = 0; GroupIdx < LC_NUM_COLORGROUPS; GroupIdx++)
gColorGroups[0].Name = QApplication::tr("Solid Colors", "Colors");
gColorGroups[1].Name = QApplication::tr("Translucent Colors", "Colors");
gColorGroups[2].Name = QApplication::tr("Special Colors", "Colors");
MainColor.Code = 16;
MainColor.Translucent = false;
MainColor.Value[0] = 1.0f;
MainColor.Value[1] = 1.0f;
MainColor.Value[2] = 0.5f;
MainColor.Value[3] = 1.0f;
MainColor.Edge[0] = 0.2f;
MainColor.Edge[1] = 0.2f;
MainColor.Edge[2] = 0.2f;
MainColor.Edge[3] = 1.0f;
strcpy(MainColor.Name, "Main Color");
strcpy(MainColor.SafeName, "Main_Color");
EdgeColor.Code = 24;
EdgeColor.Translucent = false;
EdgeColor.Value[0] = 0.5f;
EdgeColor.Value[1] = 0.5f;
EdgeColor.Value[2] = 0.5f;
EdgeColor.Value[3] = 1.0f;
EdgeColor.Edge[0] = 0.2f;
EdgeColor.Edge[1] = 0.2f;
EdgeColor.Edge[2] = 0.2f;
EdgeColor.Edge[3] = 1.0f;
strcpy(EdgeColor.Name, "Edge Color");
strcpy(EdgeColor.SafeName, "Edge_Color");
while (File.ReadLine(Line, sizeof(Line)))
char* Ptr = Line;
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
if (strcmp(Token, "0"))
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
if (strcmp(Token, "!COLOUR"))
bool GroupTranslucent = false;
bool GroupSpecial = false;
Color.Code = ~0U;
Color.Translucent = false;
Color.Value[0] = FLT_MAX;
Color.Value[1] = FLT_MAX;
Color.Value[2] = FLT_MAX;
Color.Value[3] = 1.0f;
Color.Edge[0] = FLT_MAX;
Color.Edge[1] = FLT_MAX;
Color.Edge[2] = FLT_MAX;
Color.Edge[3] = 1.0f;
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
strncpy(Color.Name, Token, sizeof(Color.Name));
Color.Name[LC_MAX_COLOR_NAME - 1] = 0;
strncpy(Color.SafeName, Color.Name, sizeof(Color.SafeName));
for (char* Underscore = strchr((char*)Color.Name, '_'); Underscore; Underscore = strchr(Underscore, '_'))
*Underscore = ' ';
for (GetToken(Ptr, Token); Token[0]; GetToken(Ptr, Token))
if (!strcmp(Token, "CODE"))
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
Color.Code = atoi(Token);
else if (!strcmp(Token, "VALUE"))
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
if (Token[0] == '#')
Token[0] = ' ';
int Value;
if (sscanf(Token, "%x", &Value) != 1)
Value = 0;
Color.Value[2] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Value >>= 8;
Color.Value[1] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Value >>= 8;
Color.Value[0] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
else if (!strcmp(Token, "EDGE"))
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
if (Token[0] == '#')
Token[0] = ' ';
int Value;
if (sscanf(Token, "%x", &Value) != 1)
Value = 0;
Color.Edge[2] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Value >>= 8;
Color.Edge[1] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
Value >>= 8;
Color.Edge[0] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
else if (!strcmp(Token, "ALPHA"))
GetToken(Ptr, Token);
int Value = atoi(Token);
Color.Value[3] = (float)(Value & 0xff) / 255.0f;
if (Value != 255)
Color.Translucent = true;
if (Value == 128)
GroupTranslucent = true;
else if (Value != 0)
GroupSpecial = true;
else if (!strcmp(Token, "CHROME") || !strcmp(Token, "PEARLESCENT") || !strcmp(Token, "RUBBER") ||
!strcmp(Token, "MATTE_METALIC") || !strcmp(Token, "METAL") || !strcmp(Token, "LUMINANCE"))
GroupSpecial = true;
else if (!strcmp(Token, "MATERIAL"))
GroupSpecial = true;
break; // Material is always last so ignore it and the rest of the line.
if (Color.Code == ~0U || Color.Value[0] == FLT_MAX)
if (Color.Edge[0] == FLT_MAX)
Color.Edge[0] = 33.0f / 255.0f;
Color.Edge[1] = 33.0f / 255.0f;
Color.Edge[2] = 33.0f / 255.0f;
bool Duplicate = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Colors.GetSize(); i++)
if (Colors[i].Code == Color.Code)
Colors[i] = Color;
Duplicate = true;
if (Duplicate)
if (Color.Code == 16)
MainColor = Color;
if (Color.Code == 24)
EdgeColor = Color;
if (GroupSpecial)
gColorGroups[LC_COLORGROUP_SPECIAL].Colors.Add(Colors.GetSize() - 1);
else if (GroupTranslucent)
gColorGroups[LC_COLORGROUP_TRANSLUCENT].Colors.Add(Colors.GetSize() - 1);
gColorGroups[LC_COLORGROUP_SOLID].Colors.Add(Colors.GetSize() - 1);
gDefaultColor = Colors.GetSize();
gNumUserColors = Colors.GetSize();
gEdgeColor = Colors.GetSize();
return Colors.GetSize() > 2;
void lcLoadDefaultColors()
QResource Resource(":/resources/ldconfig.ldr");
if (!Resource.isValid())
QByteArray Data;
if (Resource.isCompressed())
Data = qUncompress(Resource.data(), Resource.size());
Data = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)Resource.data(), Resource.size());
lcMemFile MemSettings;
MemSettings.WriteBuffer(Data.constData(), Data.size());
MemSettings.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
int lcGetColorIndex(quint32 ColorCode)
for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++)
if (gColorList[ColorIdx].Code == ColorCode)
return ColorIdx;
lcColor Color;
Color.Code = ColorCode;
Color.Translucent = false;
Color.Edge[0] = 0.2f;
Color.Edge[1] = 0.2f;
Color.Edge[2] = 0.2f;
Color.Edge[3] = 1.0f;
if (ColorCode & LC_COLOR_DIRECT)
Color.Value[0] = (float)((ColorCode & 0xff0000) >> 16) / 255.0f;
Color.Value[1] = (float)((ColorCode & 0x00ff00) >> 8) / 255.0f;
Color.Value[2] = (float)((ColorCode & 0x0000ff) >> 0) / 255.0f;
Color.Value[3] = 1.0f;
sprintf(Color.Name, "Color %06X", ColorCode & 0xffffff);
sprintf(Color.SafeName, "Color_%06X", ColorCode & 0xffffff);
Color.Value[0] = 0.5f;
Color.Value[1] = 0.5f;
Color.Value[2] = 0.5f;
Color.Value[3] = 1.0f;
sprintf(Color.Name, "Color %03d", ColorCode);
sprintf(Color.SafeName, "Color_%03d", ColorCode);
return gColorList.GetSize() - 1;