#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_math.h" #include "lc_mesh.h" #include "lc_colors.h" #include "lc_texture.h" #include "opengl.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_model.h" #include "lc_context.h" #include "camera.h" PieceInfo::PieceInfo() { mZipFileType = LC_NUM_ZIPFILES; mZipFileIndex = -1; mFlags = 0; mRefCount = 0; mMesh = NULL; mModel = NULL; } PieceInfo::~PieceInfo() { if (mRefCount) Unload(); } QString PieceInfo::GetSaveID() const { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) return QString::fromLatin1(m_strName); return QString::fromLatin1(m_strName) + QLatin1String(".DAT"); } void PieceInfo::SetPlaceholder() { m_fDimensions[0] = 10.0f; m_fDimensions[1] = 10.0f; m_fDimensions[2] = 4.0f; m_fDimensions[3] = -10.0f; m_fDimensions[4] = -10.0f; m_fDimensions[5] = -24.0f; mFlags = LC_PIECE_PLACEHOLDER | LC_PIECE_HAS_DEFAULT | LC_PIECE_HAS_LINES; mModel = NULL; delete mMesh; mMesh = NULL; } void PieceInfo::SetModel(lcModel* Model) { mFlags = LC_PIECE_MODEL; mModel = Model; strncpy(m_strName, Model->GetProperties().mName.toUpper().toLatin1().data(), sizeof(m_strName)); m_strName[sizeof(m_strName)-1] = 0; strncpy(m_strDescription, Model->GetProperties().mName.toLatin1().data(), sizeof(m_strDescription)); m_strDescription[sizeof(m_strDescription)-1] = 0; delete mMesh; mMesh = NULL; } bool PieceInfo::IncludesModel(const lcModel* Model) const { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) { if (mModel == Model) return true; return mModel->IncludesModel(Model); } return false; } void PieceInfo::CreatePlaceholder(const char* Name) { strncpy(m_strName, Name, sizeof(m_strName)); m_strName[sizeof(m_strName)-1] = 0; strncpy(m_strDescription, Name, sizeof(m_strDescription)); m_strDescription[sizeof(m_strDescription)-1] = 0; SetPlaceholder(); } void PieceInfo::Load() { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) return; else if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_PLACEHOLDER) mFlags |= LC_PIECE_HAS_DEFAULT | LC_PIECE_HAS_LINES; else lcGetPiecesLibrary()->LoadPiece(this); } void PieceInfo::Unload() { if (mMesh) { for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < mMesh->mNumSections; SectionIdx++) { lcMeshSection& Section = mMesh->mSections[SectionIdx]; if (Section.Texture) Section.Texture->Release(); } delete mMesh; mMesh = NULL; } mModel = NULL; } bool PieceInfo::MinIntersectDist(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, const lcVector3& WorldStart, const lcVector3& WorldEnd, float& MinDistance) const { lcMatrix44 InverseWorldMatrix = lcMatrix44AffineInverse(WorldMatrix); lcVector3 Start = lcMul31(WorldStart, InverseWorldMatrix); lcVector3 End = lcMul31(WorldEnd, InverseWorldMatrix); if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) return mModel->SubModelMinIntersectDist(Start, End, MinDistance); lcVector3 Min(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[5]); lcVector3 Max(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[2]); float Distance; if (!lcBoundingBoxRayIntersectDistance(Min, Max, Start, End, &Distance, NULL) || (Distance >= MinDistance)) return false; if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_PLACEHOLDER) return true; lcVector3 Intersection; return mMesh->MinIntersectDist(Start, End, MinDistance, Intersection); } bool PieceInfo::BoxTest(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, const lcVector4 WorldPlanes[6]) const { lcMatrix44 InverseWorldMatrix = lcMatrix44AffineInverse(WorldMatrix); const int NumCorners = 8; const int NumPlanes = 6; lcVector4 LocalPlanes[NumPlanes]; for (int PlaneIdx = 0; PlaneIdx < NumPlanes; PlaneIdx++) { lcVector3 PlaneNormal = lcMul30(WorldPlanes[PlaneIdx], InverseWorldMatrix); LocalPlanes[PlaneIdx] = lcVector4(PlaneNormal, WorldPlanes[PlaneIdx][3] - lcDot3(InverseWorldMatrix[3], PlaneNormal)); } if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) return mModel->SubModelBoxTest(LocalPlanes); lcVector3 Box[NumCorners] = { lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[2]) }; int Outcodes[NumCorners]; for (int CornerIdx = 0; CornerIdx < NumCorners; CornerIdx++) { Outcodes[CornerIdx] = 0; for (int PlaneIdx = 0; PlaneIdx < NumPlanes; PlaneIdx++) { if (lcDot3(Box[CornerIdx], LocalPlanes[PlaneIdx]) + LocalPlanes[PlaneIdx][3] > 0) Outcodes[CornerIdx] |= 1 << PlaneIdx; } } int OutcodesOR = 0, OutcodesAND = 0x3f; for (int CornerIdx = 0; CornerIdx < NumCorners; CornerIdx++) { OutcodesAND &= Outcodes[CornerIdx]; OutcodesOR |= Outcodes[CornerIdx]; } if (OutcodesAND != 0) return false; if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_PLACEHOLDER) return OutcodesOR == 0; return OutcodesOR == 0 || mMesh->IntersectsPlanes(LocalPlanes); } // Zoom extents for the preview window and print catalog void PieceInfo::ZoomExtents(const lcMatrix44& ProjectionMatrix, lcMatrix44& ViewMatrix, float* EyePos) const { lcVector3 Points[8] = { lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[0], m_fDimensions[4], m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(m_fDimensions[3], m_fDimensions[1], m_fDimensions[2]) }; lcVector3 Center(GetCenter()); lcVector3 Position; if (EyePos) Position = lcVector3(EyePos[0], EyePos[1], EyePos[2]); else Position = lcVector3(-250.0f, -250.0f, 75.0f); Position += Center; lcMatrix44 ModelView = lcMatrix44LookAt(Position, Center, lcVector3(0, 0, 1)); Position = lcZoomExtents(Position, ModelView, ProjectionMatrix, Points, 8); ViewMatrix = lcMatrix44LookAt(Position, Center, lcVector3(0, 0, 1)); if (EyePos) { EyePos[0] = Position[0]; EyePos[1] = Position[1]; EyePos[2] = Position[2]; } } void PieceInfo::AddRenderMeshes(lcScene& Scene, const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, int ColorIndex, bool Focused, bool Selected) { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) { mModel->SubModelAddRenderMeshes(Scene, WorldMatrix, ColorIndex, Focused, Selected); return; } lcRenderMesh RenderMesh; RenderMesh.WorldMatrix = WorldMatrix; RenderMesh.Mesh = (mFlags & LC_PIECE_PLACEHOLDER) ? gPlaceholderMesh : mMesh; RenderMesh.ColorIndex = ColorIndex; RenderMesh.Focused = Focused; RenderMesh.Selected = Selected; bool Translucent = lcIsColorTranslucent(ColorIndex); if ((mFlags & (LC_PIECE_HAS_SOLID | LC_PIECE_HAS_LINES)) || ((mFlags & LC_PIECE_HAS_DEFAULT) && !Translucent)) Scene.mOpaqueMeshes.Add(RenderMesh); if ((mFlags & LC_PIECE_HAS_TRANSLUCENT) || ((mFlags & LC_PIECE_HAS_DEFAULT) && Translucent)) { lcVector3 Pos = lcMul31(WorldMatrix[3], Scene.mViewMatrix); RenderMesh.Distance = Pos[2]; Scene.mTranslucentMeshes.Add(RenderMesh); } } void PieceInfo::GetPartsList(int DefaultColorIndex, lcArray& PartsList) const { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) { mModel->GetPartsList(DefaultColorIndex, PartsList); return; } for (int UsedIdx = 0; UsedIdx < PartsList.GetSize(); UsedIdx++) { if (PartsList[UsedIdx].Info != this || PartsList[UsedIdx].ColorIndex != DefaultColorIndex) continue; PartsList[UsedIdx].Count++; return; } lcPartsListEntry& PartsListEntry = PartsList.Add(); PartsListEntry.Info = const_cast(this); PartsListEntry.ColorIndex = DefaultColorIndex; PartsListEntry.Count = 1; } void PieceInfo::GetModelParts(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, int DefaultColorIndex, lcArray& ModelParts) const { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) { mModel->GetModelParts(WorldMatrix, DefaultColorIndex, ModelParts); return; } lcModelPartsEntry& ModelPartsEntry = ModelParts.Add(); ModelPartsEntry.WorldMatrix = WorldMatrix; ModelPartsEntry.ColorIndex = DefaultColorIndex; ModelPartsEntry.Info = const_cast(this); } void PieceInfo::UpdateBoundingBox(lcArray& UpdatedModels) { if (mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) mModel->UpdatePieceInfo(UpdatedModels); }