#include "lc_global.h" #include #include "lc_mainwindow.h" #include "project.h" #include "camera.h" #include "view.h" #include "system.h" #include "tr.h" #include "texfont.h" View::View(Project *project) { mProject = project; mCamera = NULL; mTrackButton = LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE; mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE; View* ActiveView = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); if (ActiveView) SetCamera(ActiveView->mCamera, false); else SetDefaultCamera(); } View::~View() { if (gMainWindow) gMainWindow->RemoveView(this); if (mCamera && mCamera->IsSimple()) delete mCamera; } void View::SetCamera(Camera* camera, bool ForceCopy) { if (camera->IsSimple() || ForceCopy) { if (!mCamera || !mCamera->IsSimple()) mCamera = new Camera(true); mCamera->CopyPosition(camera); } else { if (mCamera && mCamera->IsSimple()) delete mCamera; mCamera = camera; } } void View::SetDefaultCamera() { if (!mCamera || !mCamera->IsSimple()) mCamera = new Camera(true); mCamera->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_HOME, 1, false); } lcMatrix44 View::GetProjectionMatrix() const { float AspectRatio = (float)mWidth / (float)mHeight; if (mCamera->m_pTR) mCamera->m_pTR->BeginTile(); if (mCamera->IsOrtho()) { // Compute the FOV/plane intersection radius. // d d // a = 2 atan(------) => ~ a = --- => d = af // 2f f float f = (mCamera->mPosition - mCamera->mOrthoTarget).Length(); float d = (mCamera->m_fovy * f) * (LC_PI / 180.0f); float r = d / 2; float right = r * AspectRatio; return lcMatrix44Ortho(-right, right, -r, r, mCamera->m_zNear, mCamera->m_zFar * 4); } else return lcMatrix44Perspective(mCamera->m_fovy, AspectRatio, mCamera->m_zNear, mCamera->m_zFar); } LC_CURSOR_TYPE View::GetCursor() const { if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT && mInputState.Control) return LC_CURSOR_SELECT_GROUP; const LC_CURSOR_TYPE CursorFromTrackTool[] = { LC_CURSOR_SELECT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE LC_CURSOR_BRICK, // LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT LC_CURSOR_LIGHT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_POINTLIGHT LC_CURSOR_SPOTLIGHT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_SPOTLIGHT LC_CURSOR_CAMERA, // LC_TRACKTOOL_CAMERA LC_CURSOR_SELECT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ LC_CURSOR_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ LC_CURSOR_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X LC_CURSOR_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y LC_CURSOR_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z LC_CURSOR_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XY LC_CURSOR_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ LC_CURSOR_DELETE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ERASER LC_CURSOR_PAINT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_PAINT LC_CURSOR_ZOOM, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM LC_CURSOR_PAN, // LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN LC_CURSOR_ROTATEX, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_X LC_CURSOR_ROTATEY, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_Y LC_CURSOR_ROTATE_VIEW, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY LC_CURSOR_ROLL, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL LC_CURSOR_ZOOM_REGION // LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION }; return CursorFromTrackTool[mTrackTool]; } lcObjectSection View::FindObjectUnderPointer(bool PiecesOnly) const { lcVector3 StartEnd[2] = { lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.0f), lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 1.0f) }; UnprojectPoints(StartEnd, 2); lcObjectRayTest ObjectRayTest; ObjectRayTest.PiecesOnly = PiecesOnly; ObjectRayTest.ViewCamera = mCamera; ObjectRayTest.Start = StartEnd[0]; ObjectRayTest.End = StartEnd[1]; ObjectRayTest.Distance = FLT_MAX; ObjectRayTest.ObjectSection.Object = NULL; ObjectRayTest.ObjectSection.Section = 0;; mProject->RayTest(ObjectRayTest); return ObjectRayTest.ObjectSection; } lcArray View::FindObjectsInBox(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) const { float Left, Top, Bottom, Right; if (x1 < x2) { Left = x1; Right = x2; } else { Left = x2; Right = x1; } if (y1 > y2) { Top = y1; Bottom = y2; } else { Top = y2; Bottom = y1; } lcVector3 Corners[6] = { lcVector3(Left, Top, 0), lcVector3(Left, Bottom, 0), lcVector3(Right, Bottom, 0), lcVector3(Right, Top, 0), lcVector3(Left, Top, 1), lcVector3(Right, Bottom, 1) }; UnprojectPoints(Corners, 6); lcVector3 PlaneNormals[6]; PlaneNormals[0] = lcNormalize(lcCross(Corners[4] - Corners[0], Corners[1] - Corners[0])); // Left PlaneNormals[1] = lcNormalize(lcCross(Corners[5] - Corners[2], Corners[3] - Corners[2])); // Right PlaneNormals[2] = lcNormalize(lcCross(Corners[3] - Corners[0], Corners[4] - Corners[0])); // Top PlaneNormals[3] = lcNormalize(lcCross(Corners[1] - Corners[2], Corners[5] - Corners[2])); // Bottom PlaneNormals[4] = lcNormalize(lcCross(Corners[1] - Corners[0], Corners[3] - Corners[0])); // Front PlaneNormals[5] = lcNormalize(lcCross(Corners[1] - Corners[2], Corners[3] - Corners[2])); // Back lcObjectBoxTest ObjectBoxTest; ObjectBoxTest.ViewCamera = mCamera; ObjectBoxTest.Planes[0] = lcVector4(PlaneNormals[0], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[0], Corners[0])); ObjectBoxTest.Planes[1] = lcVector4(PlaneNormals[1], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[1], Corners[5])); ObjectBoxTest.Planes[2] = lcVector4(PlaneNormals[2], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[2], Corners[0])); ObjectBoxTest.Planes[3] = lcVector4(PlaneNormals[3], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[3], Corners[5])); ObjectBoxTest.Planes[4] = lcVector4(PlaneNormals[4], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[4], Corners[0])); ObjectBoxTest.Planes[5] = lcVector4(PlaneNormals[5], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[5], Corners[5])); mProject->BoxTest(ObjectBoxTest); return ObjectBoxTest.ObjectSections; } void View::OnDraw() { mProject->Render(this, false); if (mWidget) { lcTool Tool = gMainWindow->GetTool(); if ((Tool == LC_TOOL_SELECT || Tool == LC_TOOL_MOVE) && mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE && mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(false)) DrawSelectMoveOverlay(); else if (GetCurrentTool() == LC_TOOL_MOVE && mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) DrawSelectMoveOverlay(); else if ((Tool == LC_TOOL_ROTATE || (Tool == LC_TOOL_SELECT && mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE && mTrackTool >= LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X && mTrackTool <= LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ)) && mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(true)) DrawRotateOverlay(); else if ((mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT || mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION) && mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT) DrawSelectZoomRegionOverlay(); else if (Tool == LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW && mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) DrawRotateViewOverlay(); DrawViewport(); } } void View::DrawSelectMoveOverlay() { const float OverlayScale = GetOverlayScale(); const lcMatrix44& ViewMatrix = mCamera->mWorldView; const float OverlayMovePlaneSize = 0.5f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayMoveArrowSize = 1.5f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayMoveArrowCapSize = 0.9f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius = 0.1f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayMoveArrowBodyRadius = 0.05f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayRotateArrowStart = 1.0f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayRotateArrowEnd = 1.5f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayRotateArrowCenter = 1.2f * OverlayScale; mContext->SetProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix()); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); lcMatrix44 RelativeRotation = mProject->GetRelativeRotation(); lcVector3 OverlayCenter = mProject->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); bool AnyPiecesSelected = mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(true); // Draw the arrows. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: if ((mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ)) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else continue; break; case 1: if ((mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ)) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) glColor4f(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else continue; break; case 2: if ((mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ)) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f); else continue; break; } lcMatrix44 WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44Translation(OverlayCenter), ViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(RelativeRotation, WorldViewMatrix); if (i == 1) WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44(lcVector4(0, 1, 0, 0), lcVector4(1, 0, 0, 0), lcVector4(0, 0, 1, 0), lcVector4(0, 0, 0, 1)), WorldViewMatrix); else if (i == 2) WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44(lcVector4(0, 0, 1, 0), lcVector4(0, 1, 0, 0), lcVector4(1, 0, 0, 0), lcVector4(0, 0, 0, 1)), WorldViewMatrix); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(WorldViewMatrix); // Translation arrows. if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE || (mTrackTool >= LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X && mTrackTool <= LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ)) { lcVector3 Verts[11]; Verts[0] = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Verts[1] = lcVector3(OverlayMoveArrowSize, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { float y = cosf(LC_2PI * j / 8) * OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius; float z = sinf(LC_2PI * j / 8) * OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius; Verts[j + 2] = lcVector3(OverlayMoveArrowCapSize, y, z); } glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, 2); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 1, 10); } // Rotation arrows. if (gMainWindow->GetTool() == LC_TOOL_SELECT && mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE && AnyPiecesSelected) { switch (i) { case 0: if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else glColor4f(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 1: if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else glColor4f(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 2: if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z) glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f); break; } lcVector3 Verts[18]; glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { const float Radius1 = OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius - OverlayRotateArrowCenter - OverlayMoveArrowBodyRadius; const float Radius2 = OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius - OverlayRotateArrowCenter + OverlayMoveArrowBodyRadius; float x = cosf(LC_2PI / 4 * j / 8); float y = sinf(LC_2PI / 4 * j / 8); Verts[j * 2 + 0] = lcVector3(0.0f, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + x * Radius1, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + y * Radius1); Verts[j * 2 + 1] = lcVector3(0.0f, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + x * Radius2, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + y * Radius2); } glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 18); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { const float Radius = OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius - OverlayRotateArrowCenter; float x = cosf(LC_2PI / 4 * j / 8); float y = sinf(LC_2PI / 4 * j / 8); Verts[j * 2 + 0] = lcVector3(-OverlayMoveArrowBodyRadius, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + x * Radius, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + y * Radius); Verts[j * 2 + 1] = lcVector3( OverlayMoveArrowBodyRadius, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + x * Radius, OverlayRotateArrowCenter + y * Radius); } glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 18); Verts[0] = lcVector3(0.0f, OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius, OverlayRotateArrowStart); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { float x = cosf(LC_2PI * j / 8) * OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius; float y = sinf(LC_2PI * j / 8) * OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius; Verts[j + 1] = lcVector3(x, OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius + y, OverlayRotateArrowCenter); } glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 10); Verts[0] = lcVector3(0.0f, OverlayRotateArrowStart, OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius); for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { float x = cosf(LC_2PI * j / 8) * OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius; float y = sinf(LC_2PI * j / 8) * OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius; Verts[j + 1] = lcVector3(x, OverlayRotateArrowCenter, OverlayRotateArrowEnd - OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius + y); } glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 10); } } // Draw a quad if we're moving on a plane. if ((mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ)) { lcMatrix44 WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44Translation(OverlayCenter), ViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(RelativeRotation, WorldViewMatrix); if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ) WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationZ(-LC_PI / 2), WorldViewMatrix); else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY) WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationY(LC_PI / 2), WorldViewMatrix); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.3f); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(WorldViewMatrix); float Verts[4][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, OverlayMovePlaneSize, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, OverlayMovePlaneSize, OverlayMovePlaneSize }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, OverlayMovePlaneSize } }; glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } void View::DrawRotateOverlay() { const float OverlayScale = GetOverlayScale(); const lcMatrix44& ViewMatrix = mCamera->mWorldView; const float OverlayRotateRadius = 2.0f; mContext->SetProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix()); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); int j; lcMatrix44 RelativeRotation = mProject->GetRelativeRotation(); lcVector3 OverlayCenter = mProject->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); const lcVector3& MouseToolDistance = mProject->GetMouseToolDistance(); bool HasAngle = false; // Draw a disc showing the rotation amount. if (MouseToolDistance.LengthSquared() != 0.0f && (mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE)) { lcVector4 Rotation; float Angle, Step; HasAngle = true; switch (mTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: glColor4f(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f); Angle = MouseToolDistance[0]; Rotation = lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: glColor4f(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.3f); Angle = MouseToolDistance[1]; Rotation = lcVector4(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.3f); Angle = MouseToolDistance[2]; Rotation = lcVector4(90.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); break; default: Rotation = lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Angle = 0.0f; break; }; if (Angle > 0.0f) { Step = 360.0f / 32; } else { Angle = -Angle; Step = -360.0f / 32; } if (fabsf(Angle) >= fabsf(Step)) { lcMatrix44 WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44Translation(OverlayCenter), ViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(RelativeRotation, WorldViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44FromAxisAngle(lcVector3(Rotation[1], Rotation[2], Rotation[3]), Rotation[0] * LC_DTOR), WorldViewMatrix); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(WorldViewMatrix); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); lcVector3 Verts[33]; Verts[0] = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); int NumVerts = 1; glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); float StartAngle; int i = 0; if (Step < 0) StartAngle = -Angle; else StartAngle = Angle; do { float x = cosf((Step * i - StartAngle) * LC_DTOR) * OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale; float y = sinf((Step * i - StartAngle) * LC_DTOR) * OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale; Verts[NumVerts++] = lcVector3(0.0f, x, y); if (NumVerts == 33) { glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, NumVerts); Verts[1] = Verts[32]; NumVerts = 2; } i++; if (Step > 0) Angle -= Step; else Angle += Step; } while (Angle >= 0.0f); if (NumVerts > 2) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, NumVerts); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } } lcMatrix44 Mat = lcMatrix44AffineInverse(mCamera->mWorldView); Mat.SetTranslation(OverlayCenter); // Draw the circles. if (gMainWindow->GetTool() == LC_TOOL_ROTATE && !HasAngle && mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) { lcVector3 Verts[32]; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { lcVector3 Pt; Pt[0] = cosf(LC_2PI * j / 32) * OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale; Pt[1] = sinf(LC_2PI * j / 32) * OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale; Pt[2] = 0.0f; Verts[j] = lcMul31(Pt, Mat); } glColor4f(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(ViewMatrix); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 32); } lcVector3 ViewDir = mCamera->mTargetPosition - mCamera->mPosition; ViewDir.Normalize(); // Transform ViewDir to local space. ViewDir = lcMul30(ViewDir, lcMatrix44AffineInverse(RelativeRotation)); lcMatrix44 WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44Translation(OverlayCenter), ViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(RelativeRotation, WorldViewMatrix); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(WorldViewMatrix); // Draw each axis circle. for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X + i) { glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } else { if (gMainWindow->GetTool() != LC_TOOL_ROTATE || HasAngle || mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) continue; switch (i) { case 0: glColor4f(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 1: glColor4f(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case 2: glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f, 1.0f); break; } } lcVector3 Verts[64]; int NumVerts = 0; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { lcVector3 v1, v2; switch (i) { case 0: v1 = lcVector3(0.0f, cosf(LC_2PI * j / 32), sinf(LC_2PI * j / 32)); v2 = lcVector3(0.0f, cosf(LC_2PI * (j + 1) / 32), sinf(LC_2PI * (j + 1) / 32)); break; case 1: v1 = lcVector3(cosf(LC_2PI * j / 32), 0.0f, sinf(LC_2PI * j / 32)); v2 = lcVector3(cosf(LC_2PI * (j + 1) / 32), 0.0f, sinf(LC_2PI * (j + 1) / 32)); break; case 2: v1 = lcVector3(cosf(LC_2PI * j / 32), sinf(LC_2PI * j / 32), 0.0f); v2 = lcVector3(cosf(LC_2PI * (j + 1) / 32), sinf(LC_2PI * (j + 1) / 32), 0.0f); break; } if (gMainWindow->GetTool() != LC_TOOL_ROTATE || HasAngle || mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE || lcDot(ViewDir, v1 + v2) <= 0.0f) { Verts[NumVerts++] = v1 * (OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale); Verts[NumVerts++] = v2 * (OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale); } } glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, NumVerts); } // Draw tangent vector. if (mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE && ((mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y) || (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z))) { const float OverlayRotateArrowSize = 1.5f; const float OverlayRotateArrowCapSize = 0.25f; lcVector4 Rotation; float Angle; switch (mTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: Angle = MouseToolDistance[0]; Rotation = lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: Angle = MouseToolDistance[1]; Rotation = lcVector4(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: Angle = MouseToolDistance[2]; Rotation = lcVector4(90.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); break; default: Angle = 0.0f; Rotation = lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); break; }; lcMatrix44 WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44Translation(OverlayCenter), ViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(RelativeRotation, WorldViewMatrix); WorldViewMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44FromAxisAngle(lcVector3(Rotation[1], Rotation[2], Rotation[3]), Rotation[0] * LC_DTOR), WorldViewMatrix); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(WorldViewMatrix); glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (HasAngle) { float StartY = OverlayScale * OverlayRotateRadius; float EndZ = (Angle > 0.0f) ? OverlayScale * OverlayRotateArrowSize : -OverlayScale * OverlayRotateArrowSize; float TipZ = (Angle > 0.0f) ? -OverlayScale * OverlayRotateArrowCapSize : OverlayScale * OverlayRotateArrowCapSize; lcVector3 Verts[6]; Verts[0] = lcVector3(0.0f, StartY, 0.0f); Verts[1] = lcVector3(0.0f, StartY, EndZ); Verts[2] = lcVector3(0.0f, StartY, EndZ); Verts[3] = lcVector3(0.0f, StartY + OverlayScale * OverlayRotateArrowCapSize, EndZ + TipZ); Verts[4] = lcVector3(0.0f, StartY, EndZ); Verts[5] = lcVector3(0.0f, StartY - OverlayScale * OverlayRotateArrowCapSize, EndZ + TipZ); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, 6); } // Draw text. lcVector3 ScreenPos = ProjectPoint(OverlayCenter); TexFont* Font = mProject->m_pScreenFont; mContext->SetProjectionMatrix(lcMatrix44Ortho(0.0f, mWidth, 0.0f, mHeight, -1.0f, 1.0f)); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(0.375, 0.375, 0.0))); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); Font->MakeCurrent(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "[%.2f]", fabsf(Angle)); int cx, cy; Font->GetStringDimensions(&cx, &cy, buf); glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Font->PrintText(ScreenPos[0] - (cx / 2), ScreenPos[1] + (cy / 2), 0.0f, buf); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } void View::DrawSelectZoomRegionOverlay() { mContext->SetProjectionMatrix(lcMatrix44Ortho(0.0f, mWidth, 0.0f, mHeight, -1.0f, 1.0f)); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(0.375f, 0.375f, 0.0f))); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); float pt1x = (float)mMouseDownX; float pt1y = (float)mMouseDownY; float pt2x = (float)mInputState.x; float pt2y = (float)mInputState.y; float Left, Right, Bottom, Top; if (pt1x < pt2x) { Left = pt1x; Right = pt2x; } else { Left = pt2x; Right = pt1x; } if (pt1y < pt2y) { Bottom = pt1y; Top = pt2y; } else { Bottom = pt2y; Top = pt1y; } Left = lcMax(Left, 0.0f); Right = lcMin(Right, mWidth - 1); Bottom = lcMax(Bottom, 0.0f); Top = lcMin(Top, mHeight - 1); float BorderX = lcMin(2.0f, Right - Left); float BorderY = lcMin(2.0f, Top - Bottom); float Verts[14][2] = { { Left, Bottom }, { Left + BorderX, Bottom + BorderY }, { Right, Bottom }, { Right - BorderX, Bottom + BorderY }, { Right, Top }, { Right - BorderX, Top - BorderY }, { Left, Top }, { Left + BorderX, Top - BorderY }, { Left, Bottom }, { Left + BorderX, Bottom + BorderY }, { Left + BorderX, Bottom + BorderY }, { Right - BorderX, Bottom + BorderY }, { Left + BorderX, Top - BorderY }, { Right - BorderX, Top - BorderY }, }; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, Verts); glColor4f(0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 10); glColor4f(0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f, 0.25f); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 10, 4); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } void View::DrawRotateViewOverlay() { int x, y, w, h; x = 0; y = 0; w = mWidth; h = mHeight; mContext->SetProjectionMatrix(lcMatrix44Ortho(0, w, 0, h, -1, 1)); mContext->SetWorldViewMatrix(lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(0.375f, 0.375f, 0.0f))); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Draw circle. float verts[32][2]; float r = lcMin(w, h) * 0.35f; float cx = x + w / 2.0f; float cy = y + h / 2.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { verts[i][0] = cosf((float)i / 32.0f * (2.0f * LC_PI)) * r + cx; verts[i][1] = sinf((float)i / 32.0f * (2.0f * LC_PI)) * r + cy; } glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, verts); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 32); const float OverlayCameraSquareSize = lcMax(8.0f, (w+h)/200); // Draw squares. float Squares[16][2] = { { cx + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + r + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + r + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + r - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + r - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - r + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - r + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - r - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - r - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + r + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + r - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + r - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx + r + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - r + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - r - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy + OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - r - OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - OverlayCameraSquareSize }, { cx - r + OverlayCameraSquareSize, cy - OverlayCameraSquareSize } }; glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, Squares); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 4); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 4, 4); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 8, 4); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 12, 4); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } void View::DrawViewport() { } void View::OnInitialUpdate() { gMainWindow->AddView(this); } void View::OnUpdateCursor() { SetCursor(GetCursor()); } lcTool View::GetCurrentTool() const { const lcTool ToolFromTrackTool[] = { LC_TOOL_SELECT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE LC_TOOL_INSERT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT LC_TOOL_LIGHT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_POINTLIGHT LC_TOOL_SPOTLIGHT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_SPOTLIGHT LC_TOOL_CAMERA, // LC_TRACKTOOL_CAMERA LC_TOOL_SELECT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ LC_TOOL_MOVE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ LC_TOOL_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X LC_TOOL_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y LC_TOOL_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z LC_TOOL_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XY LC_TOOL_ROTATE, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ LC_TOOL_ERASER, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ERASER LC_TOOL_PAINT, // LC_TRACKTOOL_PAINT LC_TOOL_ZOOM, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM LC_TOOL_PAN, // LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_X LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_Y LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY LC_TOOL_ROLL, // LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL LC_TOOL_ZOOM_REGION // LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION }; return ToolFromTrackTool[mTrackTool]; } float View::GetOverlayScale() const { lcVector3 OverlayCenter = mProject->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); lcVector3 ScreenPos = ProjectPoint(OverlayCenter); ScreenPos[0] += 10.0f; lcVector3 Point = UnprojectPoint(ScreenPos); lcVector3 Dist(Point - OverlayCenter); return Dist.Length() * 5.0f; } void View::UpdateTrackTool() { lcTool CurrentTool = gMainWindow->GetTool(); lcTrackTool NewTrackTool = mTrackTool; int x = mInputState.x; int y = mInputState.y; bool Redraw = false; switch (CurrentTool) { case LC_TOOL_INSERT: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT; break; case LC_TOOL_LIGHT: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_POINTLIGHT; break; case LC_TOOL_SPOTLIGHT: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_SPOTLIGHT; break; case LC_TOOL_CAMERA: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_CAMERA; break; case LC_TOOL_SELECT: case LC_TOOL_MOVE: { const float OverlayScale = GetOverlayScale(); const float OverlayMovePlaneSize = 0.5f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayMoveArrowSize = 1.5f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius = 0.1f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayRotateArrowStart = 1.0f * OverlayScale; const float OverlayRotateArrowEnd = 1.5f * OverlayScale; // Intersect the mouse with the 3 planes. lcVector3 PlaneNormals[3] = { lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), }; lcMatrix44 RelativeRotation = mProject->GetRelativeRotation(); lcVector3 OverlayCenter = mProject->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) PlaneNormals[i] = lcMul30(PlaneNormals[i], RelativeRotation); NewTrackTool = (CurrentTool == LC_TOOL_MOVE) ? LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ : LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT; lcVector3 StartEnd[2] = { lcVector3((float)x, (float)y, 0.0f), lcVector3((float)x, (float)y, 1.0f) }; UnprojectPoints(StartEnd, 2); const lcVector3& Start = StartEnd[0]; const lcVector3& End = StartEnd[1]; float ClosestIntersectionDistance = FLT_MAX; for (int AxisIndex = 0; AxisIndex < 3; AxisIndex++) { lcVector4 Plane(PlaneNormals[AxisIndex], -lcDot(PlaneNormals[AxisIndex], OverlayCenter)); lcVector3 Intersection; if (!lcLinePlaneIntersection(&Intersection, Start, End, Plane)) continue; float IntersectionDistance = lcLengthSquared(Intersection - Start); if (IntersectionDistance > ClosestIntersectionDistance) continue; lcVector3 Dir(Intersection - OverlayCenter); float Proj1 = lcDot(Dir, PlaneNormals[(AxisIndex + 1) % 3]); float Proj2 = lcDot(Dir, PlaneNormals[(AxisIndex + 2) % 3]); if (Proj1 > 0.0f && Proj1 < OverlayMovePlaneSize && Proj2 > 0.0f && Proj2 < OverlayMovePlaneSize) { lcTrackTool PlaneModes[] = { LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ, LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ, LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY }; NewTrackTool = PlaneModes[AxisIndex]; ClosestIntersectionDistance = IntersectionDistance; } if (CurrentTool == LC_TOOL_SELECT && Proj1 > OverlayRotateArrowStart && Proj1 < OverlayRotateArrowEnd && Proj2 > OverlayRotateArrowStart && Proj2 < OverlayRotateArrowEnd) { lcTrackTool PlaneModes[] = { LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X, LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y, LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z }; NewTrackTool = PlaneModes[AxisIndex]; ClosestIntersectionDistance = IntersectionDistance; } if (fabs(Proj1) < OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius && Proj2 > 0.0f && Proj2 < OverlayMoveArrowSize) { lcTrackTool DirModes[] = { LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z, LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X, LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y }; NewTrackTool = DirModes[AxisIndex]; ClosestIntersectionDistance = IntersectionDistance; } if (fabs(Proj2) < OverlayMoveArrowCapRadius && Proj1 > 0.0f && Proj1 < OverlayMoveArrowSize) { lcTrackTool DirModes[] = { LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y, LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z, LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X }; NewTrackTool = DirModes[AxisIndex]; ClosestIntersectionDistance = IntersectionDistance; } } Redraw = true; } break; case LC_TOOL_ROTATE: { const float OverlayScale = GetOverlayScale(); const float OverlayRotateRadius = 2.0f; // Calculate the distance from the mouse pointer to the center of the sphere. lcVector3 StartEnd[2] = { lcVector3((float)x, (float)y, 0.0f), lcVector3((float)x, (float)y, 1.0f) }; UnprojectPoints(StartEnd, 2); const lcVector3& SegStart = StartEnd[0]; const lcVector3& SegEnd = StartEnd[1]; NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ; lcVector3 OverlayCenter = mProject->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); lcVector3 Line = SegEnd - SegStart; lcVector3 Vec = OverlayCenter - SegStart; float u = lcDot(Vec, Line) / Line.LengthSquared(); // Closest point in the line to the mouse. lcVector3 Closest = SegStart + Line * u; float Distance = (Closest - OverlayCenter).Length(); const float Epsilon = 0.25f * OverlayScale; if (Distance > (OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale + Epsilon)) { NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ; } else if (Distance < (OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale + Epsilon)) { // 3D rotation unless we're over one of the axis circles. NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ; // Point P on a line defined by two points P1 and P2 is described by P = P1 + u (P2 - P1) // A sphere centered at P3 with radius r is described by (x - x3)^2 + (y - y3)^2 + (z - z3)^2 = r^2 // Substituting the equation of the line into the sphere gives a quadratic equation where: // a = (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 + (z2 - z1)^2 // b = 2[ (x2 - x1) (x1 - x3) + (y2 - y1) (y1 - y3) + (z2 - z1) (z1 - z3) ] // c = x32 + y32 + z32 + x12 + y12 + z12 - 2[x3 x1 + y3 y1 + z3 z1] - r2 // The solutions to this quadratic are described by: (-b +- sqrt(b^2 - 4 a c) / 2 a // The exact behavior is determined by b^2 - 4 a c: // If this is less than 0 then the line does not intersect the sphere. // If it equals 0 then the line is a tangent to the sphere intersecting it at one point // If it is greater then 0 the line intersects the sphere at two points. float x1 = SegStart[0], y1 = SegStart[1], z1 = SegStart[2]; float x2 = SegEnd[0], y2 = SegEnd[1], z2 = SegEnd[2]; float x3 = OverlayCenter[0], y3 = OverlayCenter[1], z3 = OverlayCenter[2]; float r = OverlayRotateRadius * OverlayScale; // TODO: rewrite using vectors. float a = (x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1) + (z2 - z1)*(z2 - z1); float b = 2 * ((x2 - x1)*(x1 - x3) + (y2 - y1)*(y1 - y3) + (z2 - z1)*(z1 - z3)); float c = x3*x3 + y3*y3 + z3*z3 + x1*x1 + y1*y1 + z1*z1 - 2*(x3*x1 + y3*y1 + z3*z1) - r*r; float f = b * b - 4 * a * c; if (f >= 0.0f) { lcVector3 ViewDir(mCamera->mTargetPosition - mCamera->mPosition); float u1 = (-b + sqrtf(f)) / (2*a); float u2 = (-b - sqrtf(f)) / (2*a); lcVector3 Intersections[2] = { lcVector3(x1 + u1*(x2-x1), y1 + u1*(y2-y1), z1 + u1*(z2-z1)), lcVector3(x1 + u2*(x2-x1), y1 + u2*(y2-y1), z1 + u2*(z2-z1)) }; lcMatrix44 RelativeRotation = mProject->GetRelativeRotation(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { lcVector3 Dist = Intersections[i] - OverlayCenter; if (lcDot(ViewDir, Dist) > 0.0f) continue; Dist = lcMul30(Dist, RelativeRotation); // Check if we're close enough to one of the axis. Dist.Normalize(); float dx = fabsf(Dist[0]); float dy = fabsf(Dist[1]); float dz = fabsf(Dist[2]); if (dx < dy) { if (dx < dz) { if (dx < Epsilon) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X; } else { if (dz < Epsilon) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z; } } else { if (dy < dz) { if (dy < Epsilon) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y; } else { if (dz < Epsilon) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z; } } if (NewTrackTool != LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ) { switch (NewTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: Dist[0] = 0.0f; break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: Dist[1] = 0.0f; break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: Dist[2] = 0.0f; break; default: break; } Dist *= r; break; } } } } Redraw = true; } break; case LC_TOOL_ERASER: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ERASER; break; case LC_TOOL_PAINT: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_PAINT; break; case LC_TOOL_ZOOM: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM; break; case LC_TOOL_PAN: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN; break; case LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW: { int vx, vy, vw, vh; vx = 0; vy = 0; vw = mWidth; vh = mHeight; int cx = vx + vw / 2; int cy = vy + vh / 2; float d = sqrtf((float)((cx - x) * (cx - x) + (cy - y) * (cy - y))); float r = lcMin(vw, vh) * 0.35f; const float SquareSize = lcMax(8.0f, (vw + vh) / 200); if ((d < r + SquareSize) && (d > r - SquareSize)) { if ((cx - x < SquareSize) && (cx - x > -SquareSize)) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_Y; if ((cy - y < SquareSize) && (cy - y > -SquareSize)) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_X; } else { if (d < r) NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY; else NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL; } } break; case LC_TOOL_ROLL: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL; break; case LC_TOOL_ZOOM_REGION: NewTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION; break; } if (NewTrackTool != mTrackTool) { mTrackTool = NewTrackTool; OnUpdateCursor(); if (Redraw) gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } /* if (CurrentTool != LC_TOOL_SELECT && CurrentTool != LC_TOOL_MOVE && CurrentTool != LC_TOOL_ROTATE) return LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE; int Viewport[4] = { 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight }; float Aspect = (float)Viewport[2]/(float)Viewport[3]; const lcMatrix44& ModelView = mCamera->mWorldView; lcMatrix44 Projection = lcMatrix44Perspective(mCamera->mFOV, Aspect, mCamera->mNear, mCamera->mFar); lcVector3 OverlayCenter = mProject->mActiveModel->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); lcVector3 ScreenPos = lcProjectPoint(OverlayCenter, ModelView, Projection, Viewport); ScreenPos[0] += 10.0f; lcVector3 Point = lcUnprojectPoint(ScreenPos, ModelView, Projection, Viewport); lcVector3 Dist(Point - OverlayCenter); float OverlayScale = Dist.Length() * 5.0f; if (InterfaceScale) *InterfaceScale = OverlayScale; if (InterfaceCenter) *InterfaceCenter = OverlayCenter; */ } void View::StartTracking(lcTrackButton TrackButton) { LC_ASSERT(mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE); mTrackButton = TrackButton; mMouseDownX = mInputState.x; mMouseDownY = mInputState.y; lcTool Tool = GetCurrentTool(); switch (Tool) { case LC_TOOL_INSERT: case LC_TOOL_LIGHT: break; case LC_TOOL_SPOTLIGHT: { lcVector3 PositionTarget[2] = { lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.9f), lcVector3((float)mInputState.x + 1.0f, (float)mInputState.y - 1.0f, 0.9f) }; UnprojectPoints(PositionTarget, 2); mProject->BeginSpotLightTool(PositionTarget[0], PositionTarget[1]); } break; case LC_TOOL_CAMERA: { lcVector3 PositionTarget[2] = { lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.9f), lcVector3((float)mInputState.x + 1.0f, (float)mInputState.y - 1.0f, 0.9f) }; UnprojectPoints(PositionTarget, 2); mProject->BeginCameraTool(PositionTarget[0], PositionTarget[1]); } break; case LC_TOOL_SELECT: break; case LC_TOOL_MOVE: case LC_TOOL_ROTATE: mProject->BeginMouseTool(); break; case LC_TOOL_ERASER: case LC_TOOL_PAINT: break; case LC_TOOL_ZOOM: case LC_TOOL_PAN: case LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW: case LC_TOOL_ROLL: mProject->BeginMouseTool(); break; case LC_TOOL_ZOOM_REGION: break; } OnUpdateCursor(); } void View::StopTracking(bool Accept) { if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) return; lcTool Tool = GetCurrentTool(); switch (Tool) { case LC_TOOL_INSERT: case LC_TOOL_LIGHT: break; case LC_TOOL_SPOTLIGHT: case LC_TOOL_CAMERA: mProject->EndMouseTool(Tool, Accept); break; case LC_TOOL_SELECT: if (Accept && mMouseDownX != mInputState.x && mMouseDownY != mInputState.y) { lcArray ObjectSections = FindObjectsInBox(mMouseDownX, mMouseDownY, mInputState.x, mInputState.y); if (mInputState.Control) mProject->AddToSelection(ObjectSections); else mProject->SetSelection(ObjectSections); } break; case LC_TOOL_MOVE: case LC_TOOL_ROTATE: mProject->EndMouseTool(Tool, Accept); break; case LC_TOOL_ERASER: case LC_TOOL_PAINT: break; case LC_TOOL_ZOOM: case LC_TOOL_PAN: case LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW: case LC_TOOL_ROLL: mProject->EndMouseTool(Tool, Accept); break; case LC_TOOL_ZOOM_REGION: { lcVector3 Points[3] = { lcVector3((mMouseDownX + lcMin(mInputState.x, mWidth - 1)) / 2, (mMouseDownY + lcMin(mInputState.y, mHeight - 1)) / 2, 0.9f), lcVector3((float)mWidth / 2.0f, (float)mHeight / 2.0f, 0.9f), lcVector3((float)mWidth / 2.0f, (float)mHeight / 2.0f, 0.1f), }; UnprojectPoints(Points, 3); float RatioX = (mMouseDownX - mInputState.x) / mWidth; float RatioY = (mMouseDownY - mInputState.y) / mHeight; mProject->ZoomRegionToolClicked(mCamera, Points, fabsf(RatioX), fabsf(RatioY)); } break; } mTrackButton = LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE; UpdateTrackTool(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } void View::OnLeftButtonDown() { if (mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) { StopTracking(false); return; } gMainWindow->SetActiveView(this); if (mInputState.Alt) { mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY; OnUpdateCursor(); } else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ) mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY; else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ) mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XY; switch (mTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE: break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT: { lcVector3 Position; lcVector4 Rotation; mProject->GetPieceInsertPosition(this, Position, Rotation); mProject->InsertPieceToolClicked(Position, Rotation); if (!mInputState.Control) gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_SELECT); UpdateTrackTool(); } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_POINTLIGHT: { mProject->PointLightToolClicked(UnprojectPoint(lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.9f))); if (!mInputState.Control) gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_SELECT); UpdateTrackTool(); } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_SPOTLIGHT: case LC_TRACKTOOL_CAMERA: StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT: { lcObjectSection ObjectSection = FindObjectUnderPointer(false); if (mInputState.Control) mProject->FocusOrDeselectObject(ObjectSection); else mProject->ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(ObjectSection); StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT); } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ: if (mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(false)) StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ: if (mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(true)) StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ERASER: mProject->EraserToolClicked(FindObjectUnderPointer(false).Object); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_PAINT: mProject->PaintToolClicked(FindObjectUnderPointer(true).Object); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM: case LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION: StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT); break; } } void View::OnLeftButtonUp() { StopTracking(mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_LEFT); } void View::OnLeftButtonDoubleClick() { gMainWindow->SetActiveView(this); lcObjectSection ObjectSection = FindObjectUnderPointer(false); if (mInputState.Control) mProject->FocusOrDeselectObject(ObjectSection); else mProject->ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(ObjectSection); } void View::OnMiddleButtonDown() { if (mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) { StopTracking(false); return; } gMainWindow->SetActiveView(this); if (mInputState.Alt) { mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN; OnUpdateCursor(); StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_MIDDLE); } } void View::OnMiddleButtonUp() { StopTracking(mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_MIDDLE); } void View::OnRightButtonDown() { if (mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) { StopTracking(false); return; } gMainWindow->SetActiveView(this); if (mInputState.Alt) { mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM; OnUpdateCursor(); } else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ) mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z; else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ) mTrackTool = LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z; switch (mTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE: case LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT: case LC_TRACKTOOL_POINTLIGHT: case LC_TRACKTOOL_SPOTLIGHT: case LC_TRACKTOOL_CAMERA: case LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT: break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ: if (mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(false)) StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_RIGHT); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ: if (mProject->AnyObjectsSelected(true)) StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_RIGHT); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ERASER: case LC_TRACKTOOL_PAINT: break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM: StartTracking(LC_TRACKBUTTON_RIGHT); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION: break; } } void View::OnRightButtonUp() { if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) ShowPopupMenu(); else StopTracking(mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_RIGHT); } void View::OnMouseMove() { if (mTrackButton == LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) { if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT) { /* lcVector3 Position; lcVector4 AxisAngle; GetPieceInsertPosition(&Position, &AxisAngle); mProject->mActiveModel->SetPreviewTransform(Position, AxisAngle); */ gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); return; } UpdateTrackTool(); return; } const float MouseSensitivity = 1.0f / (21.0f - lcGetPreferences().mMouseSensitivity); switch (mTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_NONE: case LC_TRACKTOOL_INSERT: case LC_TRACKTOOL_POINTLIGHT: break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_SPOTLIGHT: mProject->UpdateSpotLightTool(UnprojectPoint(lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.9f))); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_CAMERA: mProject->UpdateCameraTool(UnprojectPoint(lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.9f))); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_SELECT: Redraw(); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ: case LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XYZ: { lcVector3 Points[4] = { lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 0.0f), lcVector3((float)mInputState.x, (float)mInputState.y, 1.0f), lcVector3(mMouseDownX, mMouseDownY, 0.0f), lcVector3(mMouseDownX, mMouseDownY, 1.0f) }; UnprojectPoints(Points, 4); const lcVector3& CurrentStart = Points[0]; const lcVector3& CurrentEnd = Points[1]; const lcVector3& MouseDownStart = Points[2]; const lcVector3& MouseDownEnd = Points[3]; lcVector3 Center = mProject->GetFocusOrSelectionCenter(); if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X || mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y || mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Z) { lcVector3 Direction; if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_X) Direction = lcVector3(1.0, 0.0f, 0.0f); else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_Y) Direction = lcVector3(0.0, 1.0f, 0.0f); else Direction = lcVector3(0.0, 0.0f, 1.0f); Direction = lcMul30(Direction, mProject->GetRelativeRotation()); lcVector3 Intersection; lcClosestPointsBetweenLines(Center, Center + Direction, CurrentStart, CurrentEnd, &Intersection, NULL); lcVector3 MoveStart; lcClosestPointsBetweenLines(Center, Center + Direction, MouseDownStart, MouseDownEnd, &MoveStart, NULL); lcVector3 Distance = Intersection - MoveStart; mProject->UpdateMoveTool(Distance); } else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY || mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ || mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_YZ) { lcVector3 PlaneNormal; if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XY) PlaneNormal = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else if (mTrackTool == LC_TRACKTOOL_MOVE_XZ) PlaneNormal = lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); else PlaneNormal = lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); PlaneNormal = lcMul30(PlaneNormal, mProject->GetRelativeRotation()); lcVector4 Plane(PlaneNormal, -lcDot(PlaneNormal, Center)); lcVector3 Intersection; if (lcLinePlaneIntersection(&Intersection, CurrentStart, CurrentEnd, Plane)) { lcVector3 MoveStart; if (lcLinePlaneIntersection(&MoveStart, MouseDownStart, MouseDownEnd, Plane)) { lcVector3 Distance = Intersection - MoveStart; mProject->UpdateMoveTool(Distance); } } } else { lcVector3 PlaneNormal = lcNormalize(mCamera->mTargetPosition - mCamera->mPosition); lcVector4 Plane(PlaneNormal, -lcDot(PlaneNormal, Center)); lcVector3 Intersection; if (lcLinePlaneIntersection(&Intersection, CurrentStart, CurrentEnd, Plane)) { lcVector3 MoveStart; if (lcLinePlaneIntersection(&MoveStart, MouseDownStart, MouseDownEnd, Plane)) { lcVector3 Distance = Intersection - MoveStart; mProject->UpdateMoveTool(Distance); } } } } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: { lcVector3 ScreenX = lcNormalize(lcCross(mCamera->mTargetPosition - mCamera->mPosition, mCamera->mUpVector)); lcVector3 ScreenY = mCamera->mUpVector; lcVector3 Dir1; switch (mTrackTool) { case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_X: Dir1 = lcVector3(1, 0, 0); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Y: Dir1 = lcVector3(0, 1, 0); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_Z: Dir1 = lcVector3(0, 0, 1); break; default: break; } lcVector3 MoveX, MoveY; float dx1 = lcDot(ScreenX, Dir1); float dy1 = lcDot(ScreenY, Dir1); if (fabsf(dx1) > fabsf(dy1)) { if (dx1 >= 0.0f) MoveX = Dir1; else MoveX = -Dir1; MoveY = lcVector3(0, 0, 0); } else { MoveX = lcVector3(0, 0, 0); if (dy1 > 0.0f) MoveY = Dir1; else MoveY = -Dir1; } MoveX *= 36.0f * (float)(mInputState.x - mMouseDownX) * MouseSensitivity; MoveY *= 36.0f * (float)(mInputState.y - mMouseDownY) * MouseSensitivity; mProject->UpdateRotateTool(MoveX + MoveY); } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XY: { lcVector3 ScreenZ = lcNormalize(mCamera->mTargetPosition - mCamera->mPosition); lcVector3 ScreenX = lcCross(ScreenZ, mCamera->mUpVector); lcVector3 ScreenY = mCamera->mUpVector; lcVector3 MoveX = 36.0f * (float)(mInputState.x - mMouseDownX) * MouseSensitivity * ScreenX; lcVector3 MoveY = 36.0f * (float)(mInputState.y - mMouseDownY) * MouseSensitivity * ScreenY; mProject->UpdateRotateTool(MoveX + MoveY); } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROTATE_XYZ: { lcVector3 ScreenZ = lcNormalize(mCamera->mTargetPosition - mCamera->mPosition); mProject->UpdateRotateTool(36.0f * (float)(mInputState.y - mMouseDownY) * MouseSensitivity * ScreenZ); } break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ERASER: case LC_TRACKTOOL_PAINT: break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM: mProject->UpdateZoomTool(mCamera, 2.0f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.y - mMouseDownY)); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_PAN: mProject->UpdatePanTool(mCamera, 2.0f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.x - mMouseDownX), 2.0f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.y - mMouseDownY)); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_X: mProject->UpdateOrbitTool(mCamera, 0.1f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.x - mMouseDownX), 0.0f); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_Y: mProject->UpdateOrbitTool(mCamera, 0.0f, 0.1f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.y - mMouseDownY)); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ORBIT_XY: mProject->UpdateOrbitTool(mCamera, 0.1f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.x - mMouseDownX), 0.1f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.y - mMouseDownY)); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ROLL: mProject->UpdateRollTool(mCamera, 2.0f * MouseSensitivity * (mInputState.x - mMouseDownX) * LC_DTOR); break; case LC_TRACKTOOL_ZOOM_REGION: Redraw(); break; } } void View::OnMouseWheel(float Direction) { mProject->OnMouseWheel(this, Direction); }