#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_qpropertiestree.h" #include "lc_qcolorpicker.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_model.h" #include "lc_mainwindow.h" #include "object.h" #include "piece.h" #include "camera.h" #include "light.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "lc_qutils.h" #include "lc_qglwidget.h" #include "lc_previewwidget.h" // Draw an icon indicating opened/closing branches static QIcon drawIndicatorIcon(const QPalette &palette, QStyle *style) { QPixmap pix(14, 14); pix.fill(Qt::transparent); QStyleOption branchOption; branchOption.rect = QRect(2, 2, 9, 9); // ### hardcoded in qcommonstyle.cpp branchOption.palette = palette; branchOption.state = QStyle::State_Children; QPainter p; // Draw closed state p.begin(&pix); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorBranch, &branchOption, &p); p.end(); QIcon rc = pix; rc.addPixmap(pix, QIcon::Selected, QIcon::Off); // Draw opened state branchOption.state |= QStyle::State_Open; pix.fill(Qt::transparent); p.begin(&pix); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorBranch, &branchOption, &p); p.end(); rc.addPixmap(pix, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); rc.addPixmap(pix, QIcon::Selected, QIcon::On); return rc; } static QIcon drawCheckBox(bool value) { QStyleOptionButton opt; opt.state |= value ? QStyle::State_On : QStyle::State_Off; opt.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled; const QStyle *style = QApplication::style(); // Figure out size of an indicator and make sure it is not scaled down in a list view item // by making the pixmap as big as a list view icon and centering the indicator in it. // (if it is smaller, it can't be helped) const int indicatorWidth = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth, &opt); const int indicatorHeight = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorHeight, &opt); const int listViewIconSize = indicatorWidth; const int pixmapWidth = indicatorWidth; const int pixmapHeight = qMax(indicatorHeight, listViewIconSize); opt.rect = QRect(0, 0, indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight); QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap(pixmapWidth, pixmapHeight); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); { // Center? const int xoff = (pixmapWidth > indicatorWidth) ? (pixmapWidth - indicatorWidth) / 2 : 0; const int yoff = (pixmapHeight > indicatorHeight) ? (pixmapHeight - indicatorHeight) / 2 : 0; QPainter painter(&pixmap); painter.translate(xoff, yoff); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorCheckBox, &opt, &painter); } return QIcon(pixmap); } int lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::indentation(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!m_treeWidget) return 0; QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_treeWidget->indexToItem(index); int indent = 0; while (item->parent()) { item = item->parent(); ++indent; } if (m_treeWidget->rootIsDecorated()) ++indent; return indent * m_treeWidget->indentation(); } void lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::slotEditorDestroyed(QObject *object) { if (m_editedWidget == object) { m_editedWidget = nullptr; m_editedItem = nullptr; } } QWidget *lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &style, const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_UNUSED(style); if (index.column() == 1 && m_treeWidget) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_treeWidget->indexToItem(index); if (item && (item->flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled)) { QWidget *editor = m_treeWidget->createEditor(parent, item); if (editor) { editor->setAutoFillBackground(true); editor->installEventFilter(const_cast(this)); m_editedItem = item; m_editedWidget = editor; connect(editor, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), this, SLOT(slotEditorDestroyed(QObject *))); return editor; } } } return nullptr; } void lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { Q_UNUSED(index) editor->setGeometry(option.rect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, -1)); } void lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { bool hasValue = true; if (m_treeWidget) hasValue = m_treeWidget->indexToItem(index)->data(0, lcQPropertiesTree::PropertyTypeRole).toInt() != lcQPropertiesTree::PropertyGroup; QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option; opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus; if (index.column() == 1 && m_treeWidget) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_treeWidget->indexToItem(index); if (m_editedItem && m_editedItem == item) m_disablePainting = true; } QItemDelegate::paint(painter, opt, index); if (option.type) m_disablePainting = false; opt.palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette::Active); QColor color = static_cast(QApplication::style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Table_GridLineColor, &opt)); painter->save(); painter->setPen(QPen(color)); if (!m_treeWidget || (!m_treeWidget->lastColumn(index.column()) && hasValue)) { int right = (option.direction == Qt::LeftToRight) ? option.rect.right() : option.rect.left(); painter->drawLine(right, option.rect.y(), right, option.rect.bottom()); } painter->restore(); } void lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::drawDecoration(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QRect &rect, const QPixmap &pixmap) const { if (m_disablePainting) return; QItemDelegate::drawDecoration(painter, option, rect, pixmap); } void lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::drawDisplay(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QRect &rect, const QString &text) const { if (m_disablePainting) return; QItemDelegate::drawDisplay(painter, option, rect, text); } QSize lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { return QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index) + QSize(3, 4); } bool lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) { QFocusEvent *fe = static_cast(event); if (fe->reason() == Qt::ActiveWindowFocusReason) return false; } return QItemDelegate::eventFilter(object, event); } lcQPropertiesTree::lcQPropertiesTree(QWidget *parent) : QTreeWidget(parent) { setIconSize(QSize(18, 18)); setColumnCount(2); QStringList labels; labels.append(tr("Property")); labels.append(tr("Value")); setHeaderLabels(labels); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) header()->setSectionsMovable(false); header()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); #else header()->setMovable(false); header()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); #endif header()->setVisible(false); setAlternatingRowColors(true); setRootIsDecorated(false); setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed); m_expandIcon = drawIndicatorIcon(palette(), style()); m_checkedIcon = drawCheckBox(true); m_uncheckedIcon = drawCheckBox(false); m_delegate = new lcQPropertiesTreeDelegate(parent); m_delegate->setTreeWidget(this); setItemDelegate(m_delegate); SetEmpty(); connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)), this, SLOT(resizeColumnToContents(int))); } QSize lcQPropertiesTree::sizeHint() const { return QSize(200, -1); } void lcQPropertiesTree::drawRow(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option; QTreeWidgetItem *item = itemFromIndex(index); if (item->data(0, lcQPropertiesTree::PropertyTypeRole).toInt() == lcQPropertiesTree::PropertyGroup) { const QColor c = option.palette.color(QPalette::Dark); painter->fillRect(option.rect, c); opt.palette.setColor(QPalette::AlternateBase, c); } QTreeWidget::drawRow(painter, opt, index); QColor color = static_cast(QApplication::style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Table_GridLineColor, &opt)); painter->save(); painter->setPen(QPen(color)); painter->drawLine(opt.rect.x(), opt.rect.bottom(), opt.rect.right(), opt.rect.bottom()); painter->restore(); } void lcQPropertiesTree::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Space: // Trigger Edit if (!m_delegate->editedItem()) { if (const QTreeWidgetItem *item = currentItem()) { if (item->columnCount() >= 2 && ((item->flags() & (Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled)) == (Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled))) { event->accept(); // If the current position is at column 0, move to 1. QModelIndex index = currentIndex(); if (index.column() == 0) { index = index.sibling(index.row(), 1); setCurrentIndex(index); } edit(index); return; } } } break; default: break; } QTreeWidget::keyPressEvent(event); } void lcQPropertiesTree::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QTreeWidget::mousePressEvent(event); QTreeWidgetItem *item = itemAt(event->pos()); if (item) { if ((item != m_delegate->editedItem()) && (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) && (header()->logicalIndexAt(event->pos().x()) == 1) && ((item->flags() & (Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled)) == (Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled))) editItem(item, 1); } } void lcQPropertiesTree::Update(const lcArray& Selection, lcObject* Focus) { lcPropertyWidgetMode Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_EMPTY; if (Focus) { switch (Focus->GetType()) { case lcObjectType::Piece: Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE; break; case lcObjectType::Camera: Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA; break; case lcObjectType::Light: Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_LIGHT; break; } } else { for (int ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < Selection.GetSize(); ObjectIdx++) { switch (Selection[ObjectIdx]->GetType()) { case lcObjectType::Piece: if (Mode == LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_EMPTY) Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE; else if (Mode != LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE) { Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_MULTIPLE; ObjectIdx = Selection.GetSize(); } break; case lcObjectType::Camera: if (Mode != LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_EMPTY) { Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_MULTIPLE; ObjectIdx = Selection.GetSize(); } else { Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA; Focus = Selection[ObjectIdx]; } break; case lcObjectType::Light: if (Mode != LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_EMPTY) { Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_MULTIPLE; ObjectIdx = Selection.GetSize(); } else { Mode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_LIGHT; Focus = Selection[ObjectIdx]; } break; } } } switch (Mode) { case LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_EMPTY: SetEmpty(); break; case LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE: SetPiece(Selection, Focus); break; case LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA: SetCamera(Focus); break; case LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_LIGHT: SetLight(Focus); break; case LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_MULTIPLE: SetMultiple(); break; } } class lcStepValidator : public QIntValidator { public: lcStepValidator(lcStep Min, lcStep Max, bool AllowEmpty) : QIntValidator(1, INT_MAX), mMin(Min), mMax(Max), mAllowEmpty(AllowEmpty) { } QValidator::State validate(QString& Input, int& Pos) const override { if (mAllowEmpty && Input.isEmpty()) return Acceptable; bool Ok; lcStep Step = Input.toUInt(&Ok); if (Ok) return (Step >= mMin && Step <= mMax) ? Acceptable : Invalid; return QIntValidator::validate(Input, Pos); } protected: lcStep mMin; lcStep mMax; bool mAllowEmpty; }; QWidget *lcQPropertiesTree::createEditor(QWidget *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *item) const { PropertyType propertyType = (PropertyType)item->data(0, lcQPropertiesTree::PropertyTypeRole).toInt(); switch (propertyType) { case PropertyGroup: return nullptr; case PropertyBool: { QCheckBox *editor = new QCheckBox(parent); bool value = item->data(0, PropertyValueRole).toBool(); editor->setChecked(value); connect(editor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggled(bool))); return editor; } case PropertyFloat: { QLineEdit *editor = new QLineEdit(parent); float value = item->data(0, PropertyValueRole).toFloat(); editor->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(editor)); editor->setText(lcFormatValueLocalized(value)); connect(editor, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotReturnPressed())); return editor; } case PropertyStep: { QLineEdit* Editor = new QLineEdit(parent); lcStep Value = item->data(0, PropertyValueRole).toUInt(); lcStep Show = partShow->data(0, PropertyValueRole).toUInt(); lcStep Hide = partHide->data(0, PropertyValueRole).toUInt(); if (Show && Hide) { if (item == partShow) Editor->setValidator(new lcStepValidator(1, Hide - 1, false)); else Editor->setValidator(new lcStepValidator(Show + 1, LC_STEP_MAX, true)); } else Editor->setValidator(new lcStepValidator(1, LC_STEP_MAX, item == partHide)); if (item != partHide || Value != LC_STEP_MAX) Editor->setText(QString::number(Value)); connect(Editor, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotReturnPressed())); return Editor; } case PropertyString: { QLineEdit *editor = new QLineEdit(parent); const char *value = (const char*)item->data(0, PropertyValueRole).value(); editor->setText(value); connect(editor, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(slotReturnPressed())); return editor; } case PropertyColor: { QPushButton *editor = new QPushButton(parent); int value = item->data(0, PropertyValueRole).toInt(); updateColorEditor(editor, value); connect(editor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotColorButtonClicked())); return editor; } case PropertyPart: { QComboBox *editor = new QComboBox(parent); editor->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon); editor->setMinimumContentsLength(1); lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); std::vector SortedPieces; SortedPieces.reserve(Library->mPieces.size()); for (const auto& PartIt : Library->mPieces) SortedPieces.push_back(PartIt.second); auto PieceCompare = [](PieceInfo* Info1, PieceInfo* Info2) { return strcmp(Info1->m_strDescription, Info2->m_strDescription) < 0; }; std::sort(SortedPieces.begin(), SortedPieces.end(), PieceCompare); for (PieceInfo* Info : SortedPieces) editor->addItem(Info->m_strDescription, QVariant::fromValue((void*)Info)); PieceInfo *info = (PieceInfo*)item->data(0, PropertyValueRole).value(); editor->setCurrentIndex(editor->findData(QVariant::fromValue((void*)info))); connect(editor, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotSetValue(int))); return editor; } } return nullptr; } void lcQPropertiesTree::updateColorEditor(QPushButton *editor, int value) const { QImage img(12, 12, QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(0); lcColor* color = &gColorList[value]; QPainter painter(&img); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter.setPen(Qt::darkGray); painter.setBrush(QColor::fromRgbF(color->Value[0], color->Value[1], color->Value[2])); painter.drawRect(0, 0, img.width() - 1, img.height() - 1); painter.end(); editor->setStyleSheet("Text-align:left"); editor->setIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); editor->setText(color->Name); } void lcQPropertiesTree::slotToggled(bool Value) { QTreeWidgetItem* Item = m_delegate->editedItem(); lcModel* Model = gMainWindow->GetActiveModel(); if (mWidgetMode == LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA) { lcObject* Focus = Model->GetFocusObject(); if (Focus && Focus->IsCamera()) { lcCamera* Camera = (lcCamera*)Focus; if (Item == cameraOrtho) { Model->SetCameraOrthographic(Camera, Value); } } } } void lcQPropertiesTree::slotReturnPressed() { QLineEdit* Editor = (QLineEdit*)sender(); QTreeWidgetItem* Item = m_delegate->editedItem(); lcModel* Model = gMainWindow->GetActiveModel(); if (mWidgetMode == LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE) { lcPiece* Piece = (mFocus && mFocus->IsPiece()) ? (lcPiece*)mFocus : nullptr; if (Item == partPositionX || Item == partPositionY || Item == partPositionZ) { lcVector3 Center; lcMatrix33 RelativeRotation; Model->GetMoveRotateTransform(Center, RelativeRotation); lcVector3 Position = Center; float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); if (Item == partPositionX) Position[0] = Value; else if (Item == partPositionY) Position[1] = Value; else if (Item == partPositionZ) Position[2] = Value; lcVector3 Distance = Position - Center; Model->MoveSelectedObjects(Distance, Distance, false, false, true, true); } else if (Item == partRotationX || Item == partRotationY || Item == partRotationZ) { lcVector3 InitialRotation; if (Piece) InitialRotation = lcMatrix44ToEulerAngles(Piece->mModelWorld) * LC_RTOD; else InitialRotation = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); lcVector3 Rotation = InitialRotation; float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); if (Item == partRotationX) Rotation[0] = Value; else if (Item == partRotationY) Rotation[1] = Value; else if (Item == partRotationZ) Rotation[2] = Value; Model->RotateSelectedPieces(Rotation - InitialRotation, true, false, true, true); } else if (Item == partShow) { bool Ok = false; lcStep Step = Editor->text().toUInt(&Ok); if (Ok) Model->SetSelectedPiecesStepShow(Step); } else if (Item == partHide) { QString Text = Editor->text(); if (Text.isEmpty()) Model->SetSelectedPiecesStepHide(LC_STEP_MAX); else { bool Ok = false; lcStep Step = Text.toUInt(&Ok); if (Ok) Model->SetSelectedPiecesStepHide(Step); } } } else if (mWidgetMode == LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA) { lcCamera* Camera = (mFocus && mFocus->IsCamera()) ? (lcCamera*)mFocus : nullptr; if (Camera) { if (Item == cameraPositionX || Item == cameraPositionY || Item == cameraPositionZ) { lcVector3 Center = Camera->mPosition; lcVector3 Position = Center; float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); if (Item == cameraPositionX) Position[0] = Value; else if (Item == cameraPositionY) Position[1] = Value; else if (Item == cameraPositionZ) Position[2] = Value; lcVector3 Distance = Position - Center; Model->MoveSelectedObjects(Distance, Distance, false, false, true, true); } else if (Item == cameraTargetX || Item == cameraTargetY || Item == cameraTargetZ) { lcVector3 Center = Camera->mTargetPosition; lcVector3 Position = Center; float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); if (Item == cameraTargetX) Position[0] = Value; else if (Item == cameraTargetY) Position[1] = Value; else if (Item == cameraTargetZ) Position[2] = Value; lcVector3 Distance = Position - Center; Model->MoveSelectedObjects(Distance, Distance, false, false, true, true); } else if (Item == cameraUpX || Item == cameraUpY || Item == cameraUpZ) { lcVector3 Center = Camera->mUpVector; lcVector3 Position = Center; float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); if (Item == cameraUpX) Position[0] = Value; else if (Item == cameraUpY) Position[1] = Value; else if (Item == cameraUpZ) Position[2] = Value; lcVector3 Distance = Position - Center; Model->MoveSelectedObjects(Distance, Distance, false, false, true, true); } else if (Item == cameraFOV) { float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); Model->SetCameraFOV(Camera, Value); } else if (Item == cameraNear) { float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); Model->SetCameraZNear(Camera, Value); } else if (Item == cameraFar) { float Value = lcParseValueLocalized(Editor->text()); Model->SetCameraZFar(Camera, Value); } else if (Item == cameraName) { QString Value = Editor->text(); Model->SetCameraName(Camera, Value.toLocal8Bit().data()); } } } } void lcQPropertiesTree::slotSetValue(int Value) { QTreeWidgetItem* Item = m_delegate->editedItem(); lcModel* Model = gMainWindow->GetActiveModel(); if (mWidgetMode == LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE) { if (Item == partColor) { Model->SetSelectedPiecesColorIndex(Value); QPushButton *editor = (QPushButton*)m_delegate->editor(); updateColorEditor(editor, Value); } else if (Item == partID) { QComboBox *editor = (QComboBox*)sender(); PieceInfo* Info = (PieceInfo*)editor->itemData(Value).value(); Model->SetSelectedPiecesPieceInfo(Info); lcPreferences& Preferences = lcGetPreferences(); if (Preferences.mPreviewEnabled && Preferences.mPreviewPosition != lcPreviewPosition::Floating) { int ColorIndex = gDefaultColor; lcObject* Focus = gMainWindow->GetActiveModel()->GetFocusObject(); if (Focus && Focus->IsPiece()) ColorIndex = ((lcPiece*)Focus)->mColorIndex; quint32 ColorCode = lcGetColorCode(ColorIndex); PreviewSelection(Info->mFileName, ColorCode); } } } } void lcQPropertiesTree::slotColorButtonClicked() { int ColorIndex = gDefaultColor; lcObject* Focus = gMainWindow->GetActiveModel()->GetFocusObject(); if (Focus && Focus->IsPiece()) ColorIndex = ((lcPiece*)Focus)->mColorIndex; QWidget *parent = (QWidget*)sender(); lcQColorPickerPopup *popup = new lcQColorPickerPopup(parent, ColorIndex); connect(popup, SIGNAL(selected(int)), SLOT(slotSetValue(int))); popup->setMinimumSize(300, 200); const QRect desktop = QApplication::desktop()->geometry(); QPoint pos = parent->mapToGlobal(parent->rect().bottomLeft()); if (pos.x() < desktop.left()) pos.setX(desktop.left()); if (pos.y() < desktop.top()) pos.setY(desktop.top()); if ((pos.x() + popup->width()) > desktop.width()) pos.setX(desktop.width() - popup->width()); if ((pos.y() + popup->height()) > desktop.bottom()) pos.setY(desktop.bottom() - popup->height()); popup->move(pos); popup->setFocus(); popup->show(); } QTreeWidgetItem *lcQPropertiesTree::addProperty(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, const QString& label, PropertyType propertyType) { QTreeWidgetItem *newItem; if (parent) newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent, QStringList(label)); else newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(this, QStringList(label)); newItem->setData(0, PropertyTypeRole, QVariant(propertyType)); newItem->setFlags(newItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); newItem->setExpanded(true); if (propertyType == PropertyGroup) { newItem->setFirstColumnSpanned(true); newItem->setIcon(0, m_expandIcon); } return newItem; } void lcQPropertiesTree::SetEmpty() { clear(); partPosition = nullptr; partPositionX = nullptr; partPositionY = nullptr; partPositionZ = nullptr; partRotation = nullptr; partRotationX = nullptr; partRotationY = nullptr; partRotationZ = nullptr; partVisibility = nullptr; partShow = nullptr; partHide = nullptr; partAppearance = nullptr; partColor = nullptr; partID = nullptr; cameraPosition = nullptr; cameraPositionX = nullptr; cameraPositionY = nullptr; cameraPositionZ = nullptr; cameraTarget = nullptr; cameraTargetX = nullptr; cameraTargetY = nullptr; cameraTargetZ = nullptr; cameraUp = nullptr; cameraUpX = nullptr; cameraUpY = nullptr; cameraUpZ = nullptr; cameraSettings = nullptr; cameraOrtho = nullptr; cameraFOV = nullptr; cameraNear = nullptr; cameraFar = nullptr; cameraName = nullptr; mWidgetMode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_EMPTY; mFocus = nullptr; } void lcQPropertiesTree::SetPiece(const lcArray& Selection, lcObject* Focus) { if (mWidgetMode != LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE) { SetEmpty(); partPosition = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Position"), PropertyGroup); partPositionX = addProperty(partPosition, tr("X"), PropertyFloat); partPositionY = addProperty(partPosition, tr("Y"), PropertyFloat); partPositionZ = addProperty(partPosition, tr("Z"), PropertyFloat); partRotation = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Rotation"), PropertyGroup); partRotationX = addProperty(partRotation, tr("X"), PropertyFloat); partRotationY = addProperty(partRotation, tr("Y"), PropertyFloat); partRotationZ = addProperty(partRotation, tr("Z"), PropertyFloat); partVisibility = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Visible Steps"), PropertyGroup); partShow = addProperty(partVisibility, tr("Show"), PropertyStep); partHide = addProperty(partVisibility, tr("Hide"), PropertyStep); partAppearance = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Appearance"), PropertyGroup); partColor = addProperty(partAppearance, tr("Color"), PropertyColor); partID = addProperty(partAppearance, tr("Part"), PropertyPart); mWidgetMode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_PIECE; } lcModel* Model = gMainWindow->GetActiveModel(); lcPiece* Piece = (Focus && Focus->IsPiece()) ? (lcPiece*)Focus : nullptr; mFocus = Piece; lcVector3 Position; lcMatrix33 RelativeRotation; Model->GetMoveRotateTransform(Position, RelativeRotation); partPositionX->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Position[0])); partPositionX->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Position[0]); partPositionY->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Position[1])); partPositionY->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Position[1]); partPositionZ->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Position[2])); partPositionZ->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Position[2]); lcVector3 Rotation; if (Piece) Rotation = lcMatrix44ToEulerAngles(Piece->mModelWorld) * LC_RTOD; else Rotation = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); partRotationX->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Rotation[0])); partRotationX->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Rotation[0]); partRotationY->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Rotation[1])); partRotationY->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Rotation[1]); partRotationZ->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Rotation[2])); partRotationZ->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Rotation[2]); lcStep Show = 0; lcStep Hide = 0; int ColorIndex = gDefaultColor; PieceInfo* Info = nullptr; if (Piece) { Show = Piece->GetStepShow(); Hide = Piece->GetStepHide(); ColorIndex = Piece->mColorIndex; Info = Piece->mPieceInfo; lcPreferences& Preferences = lcGetPreferences(); if (Preferences.mPreviewEnabled && Preferences.mPreviewPosition != lcPreviewPosition::Floating) { quint32 ColorCode = lcGetColorCode(ColorIndex); PreviewSelection(Info->mFileName, ColorCode); } } else { bool FirstPiece = true; for (int ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < Selection.GetSize(); ObjectIdx++) { lcObject* Object = Selection[ObjectIdx]; if (!Object->IsPiece()) continue; lcPiece* SelectedPiece = (lcPiece*)Object; if (FirstPiece) { Show = SelectedPiece->GetStepShow(); Hide = SelectedPiece->GetStepHide(); ColorIndex = SelectedPiece->mColorIndex; Info = SelectedPiece->mPieceInfo; FirstPiece = false; } else { if (SelectedPiece->GetStepShow() != Show) Show = 0; if (SelectedPiece->GetStepHide() != Hide) Hide = 0; if (SelectedPiece->mColorIndex != ColorIndex) ColorIndex = gDefaultColor; if (SelectedPiece->mPieceInfo != Info) Info = nullptr; } } } partShow->setText(1, QString::number(Show)); partShow->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Show); partHide->setText(1, Hide == LC_STEP_MAX ? QString() : QString::number(Hide)); partHide->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Hide); QImage img(16, 16, QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(0); lcColor* color = &gColorList[ColorIndex]; QPainter painter(&img); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter.setPen(Qt::darkGray); painter.setBrush(QColor::fromRgbF(color->Value[0], color->Value[1], color->Value[2])); painter.drawRect(0, 0, img.width() - 1, img.height() - 1); painter.end(); partColor->setIcon(1, QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(img))); partColor->setText(1, color->Name); partColor->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, ColorIndex); QString text = Info ? Info->m_strDescription : QString(); partID->setText(1, text); partID->setToolTip(1, text); partID->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, QVariant::fromValue((void*)Info)); } void lcQPropertiesTree::SetCamera(lcObject* Focus) { if (mWidgetMode != LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA) { SetEmpty(); cameraPosition = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Position"), PropertyGroup); cameraPositionX = addProperty(cameraPosition, tr("X"), PropertyFloat); cameraPositionY = addProperty(cameraPosition, tr("Y"), PropertyFloat); cameraPositionZ = addProperty(cameraPosition, tr("Z"), PropertyFloat); cameraTarget = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Target"), PropertyGroup); cameraTargetX = addProperty(cameraTarget, tr("X"), PropertyFloat); cameraTargetY = addProperty(cameraTarget, tr("Y"), PropertyFloat); cameraTargetZ = addProperty(cameraTarget, tr("Z"), PropertyFloat); cameraUp = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Up"), PropertyGroup); cameraUpX = addProperty(cameraUp, tr("X"), PropertyFloat); cameraUpY = addProperty(cameraUp, tr("Y"), PropertyFloat); cameraUpZ = addProperty(cameraUp, tr("Z"), PropertyFloat); cameraSettings = addProperty(nullptr, tr("Up"), PropertyGroup); cameraOrtho = addProperty(cameraSettings, tr("Orthographic"), PropertyBool); cameraFOV = addProperty(cameraSettings, tr("FOV"), PropertyFloat); cameraNear = addProperty(cameraSettings, tr("Near"), PropertyFloat); cameraFar = addProperty(cameraSettings, tr("Far"), PropertyFloat); cameraName = addProperty(cameraSettings, tr("Name"), PropertyString); mWidgetMode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_CAMERA; } lcCamera* Camera = (Focus && Focus->IsCamera()) ? (lcCamera*)Focus : nullptr; mFocus = Camera; lcVector3 Position(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); lcVector3 Target(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); lcVector3 UpVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bool Ortho = false; float FoV = 60.0f; float ZNear = 1.0f; float ZFar = 100.0f; const char* Name = ""; if (Camera) { Position = Camera->mPosition; Target = Camera->mTargetPosition; UpVector = Camera->mUpVector; Ortho = Camera->IsOrtho(); FoV = Camera->m_fovy; ZNear = Camera->m_zNear; ZFar = Camera->m_zFar; Name = Camera->GetName(); } cameraPositionX->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Position[0])); cameraPositionX->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Position[0]); cameraPositionY->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Position[1])); cameraPositionY->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Position[1]); cameraPositionZ->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Position[2])); cameraPositionZ->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Position[2]); cameraTargetX->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Target[0])); cameraTargetX->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Target[0]); cameraTargetY->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Target[1])); cameraTargetY->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Target[1]); cameraTargetZ->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(Target[2])); cameraTargetZ->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Target[2]); cameraUpX->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(UpVector[0])); cameraUpX->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, UpVector[0]); cameraUpY->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(UpVector[1])); cameraUpY->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, UpVector[1]); cameraUpZ->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(UpVector[2])); cameraUpZ->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, UpVector[2]); cameraOrtho->setText(1, Ortho ? "True" : "False"); cameraOrtho->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, Ortho); cameraFOV->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(FoV)); cameraFOV->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, FoV); cameraNear->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(ZNear)); cameraNear->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, ZNear); cameraFar->setText(1, lcFormatValueLocalized(ZFar)); cameraFar->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, ZFar); cameraName->setText(1, Name); cameraName->setData(0, PropertyValueRole, QVariant::fromValue((void*)Name)); } void lcQPropertiesTree::SetLight(lcObject* Focus) { Q_UNUSED(Focus); SetEmpty(); mFocus = nullptr; // todo: light properties } void lcQPropertiesTree::SetMultiple() { if (mWidgetMode != LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_MULTIPLE) { SetEmpty(); addProperty(nullptr, tr("Multiple Objects Selected"), PropertyGroup); mWidgetMode = LC_PROPERTY_WIDGET_MULTIPLE; } mFocus = nullptr; } bool lcQPropertiesTree::lastColumn(int column) const { return header()->visualIndex(column) == columnCount() - 1; } void lcQPropertiesTree::PreviewSelection(const QString &PartType, int ColorCode) { lcPreferences& Preferences = lcGetPreferences(); if (Preferences.mPreviewPosition != lcPreviewPosition::Floating) { gMainWindow->PreviewPiece(PartType, ColorCode); return; } lcPreviewWidget *Preview = new lcPreviewWidget(); lcQGLWidget *ViewWidget = new lcQGLWidget(nullptr, Preview, true/*isView*/, true/*isPreview*/); if (Preview && ViewWidget) { if (!Preview->SetCurrentPiece(PartType, ColorCode)) QMessageBox::critical(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Part preview for %1 failed.").arg(PartType)); ViewWidget->SetPreviewPosition(rect()); } else { QMessageBox::critical(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Preview %1 failed.").arg(PartType)); } }