Menu&New&Open...&Merge...&SaveSave &As...Save &Image...3D &Studio...&HTML...&BrickLink...&CSV...&POV-Ray...&Wavefront...Prope&rties...&Print...Print Pre&view...Print &Bill of Materials...&Recent1&Recent2&Recent3&Recent4E&xit&Undo&RedoCu&t&Copy&Paste&Find...Find Ne&xtFind Pre&viousSelect &AllSelect &NoneSelect &InvertSelect by Na&me...Lock XLock YLock ZLock ToggleUnlock AllRelative SnapSnap XSnap YSnap ZSnap ToggleSnap NoneSnap AllSnap Angle ToggleNoneNenhum1/20 Stud1/4 Stud1 Flat1/2 Stud1 Stud2 Studs3 Studs4 Studs8 Studs1 Brick2 Bricks4 Bricks8 Bricks1 Degree5 Degrees10 Degrees15 Degrees30 Degrees45 Degrees60 Degrees90 Degrees180 DegreesTransformAbsolute TranslationRelative TranslationAbsolute RotationRelative RotationInsertLightSpotlightCameraSelectMoveRotateDeletePaintZoomPanRotate ViewRollZoom RegionCancel ActionP&references...Zoom InZoom OutZoom E&xtentsLook At&Front&Back&TopB&ottom&Left&Right&HomeResetFirstPreviousNextLastAdd KeysSplit &HorizontalSplit &VerticalRe&move ViewRese&t Views&Full Screen&Perspective&Orthographic&Cycle&Focus&Insert&DeleteMove +XMove -XMove +YMove -YMove +ZMove -ZRotate +XRotate -XRotate +YRotate -YRotate +ZRotate -ZMinifig &Wizard...A&rray...&Group...&Ungroup&Add to GroupRe&move from Group&Edit Groups...&Hide SelectedHide &UnselectedU&nhide AllShow EarlierShow LaterLeoCAD &Home PageSend Support &E-MailCheck for &Updates...&About...ProjectErrorSaving files in LCD format is no longer supported, please use the LDR format instead.Error writing to file '%1':
%2Error reading file '%1':
%2New SpotLightNew CameraMoveRotateZoomPanOrbitRollInsertNew LightDeletingPaintingShortcutCtrl+NCtrl+OCtrl+SCtrl+ZCtrl+YCtrl+XCtrl+CCtrl+VCtrl+FF3Shift+F3Ctrl+ACtrl+I08x {0?}18x {1?}28x {2?}38x {3?}48x {4?}58x {5?}68x {6?}78x {7?}88x {8?}98x {9?}Ctrl+Shift+0Ctrl+Shift+1Ctrl+Shift+2Ctrl+Shift+3Ctrl+Shift+4Ctrl+Shift+5Ctrl+Shift+6Ctrl+Shift+7Ctrl+Shift+8Ctrl+Shift+9Shift+0Shift+1Shift+2Shift+3Shift+4Shift+5Shift+6Shift+7Shift+8Shift+9Shift+SShift+MShift+RShift+DShift+NShift+ZShift+PShift+TShift+LEsc+-FBTOLRHAlt+UpAlt+LeftAlt+RightAlt+DownInsertDeleteDownUpRightLeftPgUpPgDownShift+DownShift+UpShift+RightShift+LeftShift+PgUpShift+PgDownCtrl+GCtrl+UCtrl+HStatusCreate a new projectOpen an existing projectMerge the contents of another project with the current oneSave the active projectSave the active project with a new nameSave a picture of the current viewExport the project in 3D Studio 3DS formatCreate an HTML page for this projectExport a list of parts used in BrickLink XML formatExport a list of parts used in comma delimited file formatExport the project in POV-Ray formatExport the project in Wavefront OBJ formatDisplay project propertiesPrint the active projectDisplay how the project would look if printedPrint a list of parts usedOpen this documentQuit the application; prompts to save projectUndo the last actionRedo the previously undone actionCut the selection and put it on the ClipboardCopy the selection and put it on the ClipboardInsert Clipboard contentsFind objectFind next objectSelect all pieces in the projectDe-select everythingInvert the current selection setSelect objects by namePrevents movement and rotation along the X axisPrevents movement and rotation along the Y axisPrevents movement and rotation along the Z axisToggle locked axesAllows movement and rotation in all directionsEnable relative movement and rotationSnap movement along the X axis to fixed intervalsSnap movement along the Y axis to fixed intervalsSnap movement along the Z axis to fixed intervalsToggle snap axesDisable snapping along all axesSnap movement along all axes to fixed intervalsSnap rotations to fixed intervalsDo not snap movement along the XY planeSnap movement along the XY plane to 1/20 studSnap movement along the XY plane to 1/4 studSnap movement along the XY plane to 1 flatSnap movement along the XY plane to 1/2 studSnap movement along the XY plane to 1 studSnap movement along the XY plane to 2 studsSnap movement along the XY plane to 3 studsSnap movement along the XY plane to 4 studsSnap movement along the XY plane to 8 studsDo not snap movement along the Z axisSnap movement along the Z axis to 1/20 studSnap movement along the Z axis to 1/4 studSnap movement along the Z axis to 1 flatSnap movement along the Z axis to 1/2 studSnap movement along the Z axis to 1 studSnap movement along the Z axis to 1 brickSnap movement along the Z axis to 2 bricksSnap movement along the Z axis to 4 bricksSnap movement along the Z axis to 8 bricksDo not snap rotationsSnap rotations to 1 degreeSnap rotations to 5 degreesSnap rotations to 10 degreesSnap rotations to 15 degreesSnap rotations to 30 degreesSnap rotations to 45 degreesSnap rotations to 60 degreesSnap rotations to 90 degreesSnap rotations to 180 degreesApply transform to selected objectsSwitch to absolute translation mode when applying transformsSwitch to relative translation mode when applying transformsSwitch to absolute rotation mode when applying transformsSwitch to relative rotation mode when applying transformsAdd new pieces to the modelAdd new omni light sources to the modelAdd new spotlights to the modelCreate a new cameraSelect objects (hold the CTRL key down or drag the mouse to select multiple objects)Move selected objectsRotate selected piecesDelete objectsChange piece colorZoom in or outPan the current viewRotate the current viewRoll the current viewZoom into a region of the screenCancel current mouse actionChange program settingsZoom inZoom outFit all pieces in current the view (hold the CTRL key down to zoom all views)Rotate view so selected pieces are at centerView model from the frontView model from the backView model from the topView model from the bottomView model from the leftView model from the rightView model from the default positionDo not use a cameraUse this cameraReset views to their default positionsGo to the first step of the modelGo to the previous stepGo to the next stepGo to the last step of the modelInsert new stepDelete current stepToggle adding new animation keysSplit the current view horizontallySplit the current view verticallyRemove the current viewReset all viewsToggle fullscreen modeSet the current camera to use a perspective projectionSet the current camera to use an orthographic projectionCycle to next projection typeFocus projection on selected pieceAdd a new piece to the modelDelete selected objectsMove selected objects along the X axisMove selected objects along the Y axisMove selected objects along the Z axisRotate selected objects along the X axisRotate selected objects along the Y axisRotate selected objects along the Z axisAdd a new minifig to the modelMake copies of the selected piecesGroup selected pieces togetherUngroup selected groupAdd focused piece to selected groupRemove focused piece from groupEdit groupsHide selected objectsHide objects that are not selectedShow all hidden objectsShow selected pieces one step earlierShow selected pieces one step laterOpen LeoCAD's home page on the internet using your default web browserSend an e-mail message for help or support using your default e-mail clientCheck if a newer LeoCAD version or parts library has been releasedDisplay program version number and system informationlcBaseWindowOpen ProjectAbrir ProjetoSupported Files (*.lcd *.ldr *.dat *.mpd);;All Files (*.*)Save ProjectSalvar ProjetoSupported Files (*.ldr *.dat);;All Files (*.*)Merge ProjectExport 3D Studio3DS Files (*.3ds);;All Files (*.*)Export BrickLinkXML Files (*.xml);;All Files (*.*)Export CSVCSV Files (*.csv);;All Files (*.*)Export WavefrontWavefront Files (*.obj);;All Files (*.*)lcQAboutDialogAbout LeoCADLeoCAD Version 0.00.0LeoCAD is a free application that can be used to create virtual LEGO models.<a href=""></a>System InformationLeoCAD Version lcQArrayDialogArrayDimensionsOffsetsRotationsArray is empty.lcQCategoryDialogCategoryName:Keywords:Edit CategoryNew CategoryName cannot be empty.Keywords cannot be empty.lcQEditGroupsDialogEdit GroupsEditar GruposNew GroupNovo GrupolcQFindDialogFindNameNomePart IDColorCorlcQGroupDialogGroupGrupoNameNomeName cannot be empty.lcQHTMLDialogHTML OptionsGeneralOutput folder:...Image format:BMPJPEGPNGTransparent image backgroundLayoutSingle pageOne step per pageWidth:Height:Index pageHighlight new partsParts ListAt the endAfter each stepColor:Create imagesOutput folder cannot be empty.Select Output FolderlcQImageDialogSave ImageFile name:Format:Width:Height:BMPJPEGPNG...Transparent backgroundFirst step:Last step:Output File cannot be empty.Please enter a width between 1 and 2048.Please enter a height between 1 and 2048.First step must be between 1 and 9999.Last step must be between 1 and 9999.Last step must be greater than first step.Save Image FileSupported Files (*.bmp *.png *.jpg);;BMP Files (*.bmp);;PNG Files (*.png);;JPEG Files (*.jpg);;All Files (*.*)lcQMainWindowNew ProjectNovo ProjetoOpen ProjectAbrir ProjetoSave ProjectSalvar ProjetoLock MenuSnap XYSnap ZSnap MenuSnap Angle MenuTransformC&ameras&File&Export&Edit&View&ViewpointsProjectionSte&pT&oolbars&Piece&HelpStandardToolsTimePartsPropertiesStep %1 M: %1 %2 R: %3 &Undo %1&Undo&Redo %1&RedolcQMinifigDialogDialoglcQPOVRayDialogPOV-Ray ExportOutput FilePOV-Ray ExecutableLGEO Path (optional)Render Scene...Output File cannot be empty.Save POV-Ray FilePOV-Ray Files (*.pov);;All Files (*.*)Executable Files (*.exe);;All Files (*.*)All Files (*.*)Open POV-Ray ExecutableOpen LGEO FolderlcQPartsTreeSearch ResultslcQPreferencesDialogPreferencesGeneralDefault author name:Default projects folder:...Custom parts library:POV-Ray Executable:LGEO Path:Mouse sensitivity:Check for updates:NeverNuncaOnce a dayUma vez por diaOnce a weekUma vez por semanaDon't allow relative snapFixed direction keysRenderingEdge linesAxis iconwidthAnti-aliasingEnable lighting2x2x4x4x8x8xBase GridDraw studsstudsDraw lines everyCategoriesParts Library CategoriesNameNomeNumberImport...Export...Reset...CategoryNew...Edit...Delete...KeyboardKeyboard ShortcutsCommandShortcutKey sequence:AssignRemoveGrid spacing must be greater than 0.Open Projects FolderOpen Parts Library FolderExecutable Files (*.exe);;All Files (*.*)All Files (*.*)Open POV-Ray ExecutableOpen LGEO FolderSelect Grid Stud ColorSelect Grid Line ColorUnassignedAre you sure you want to delete the category '%1'?Import CategoriesText Files (*.txt);;All Files (*.*)Error loading categories file.Export CategoriesError saving categories file.Are you sure you want to load the default categories?Import shortcutsError loading keyboard shortcuts file.Export shortcutsError saving keyboard shortcuts file.Are you sure you want to load the default keyboard shortcuts?lcQPropertiesDialogPropertiesSummaryAuthor:Description:Comments:SceneBackgroundSolid ColorImageGradient...TileEnvironmentFogDensityAmbient LightSet default options for new projectsParts Used%1 PropertiesPartSelect Background ColorSelect Background Top ColorSelect Background Bottom ColorSelect Fog ColorSelect Ambient Light ColorSelect Background ImageAll Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.gif *.bmp);;PNG Files (*.png);;JPEG Files (*.jpg);;GIF Files (*.gif);;BMP Files (*.bmp);;All Files (*.*)lcQPropertiesTreePropertyValuePositionXYZRotationVisibilityShowHideAppearanceColorCorPartTargetUpOrthographicFOVNearFarNameNomelcQSelectDialogSelect ObjectsSelecionar ObjetosAllTodosNoneNenhumInvertInverterlcQUpdateDialogLeoCAD UpdatesConnecting to update server...<p>There's a newer version of LeoCAD available for download (%1.%2.%3).</p><p>You are using the latest LeoCAD version.</p><p>There are new parts available.</p><p>There are no new parts available at this time.</p><p>Visit <a href=""></a> to download.</p>Error parsing update information.Error connecting to the update server.