#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_zipfile.h" #include "lc_file.h" #include "lc_math.h" #include #include #if MAX_MEM_LEVEL >= 8 # define DEF_MEM_LEVEL 8 #else # define DEF_MEM_LEVEL MAX_MEM_LEVEL #endif lcZipFile::lcZipFile() { mModified = false; mFile = nullptr; } lcZipFile::~lcZipFile() { delete mFile; } bool lcZipFile::OpenRead(const char* FilePath) { lcDiskFile* File = new lcDiskFile(); mFile = File; if (!File->Open(FilePath, "rb") || !Open()) { delete File; mFile = nullptr; return false; } return true; } bool lcZipFile::OpenRead(lcFile* File) { mFile = File; if (!Open()) { mFile = nullptr; return false; } return true; } bool lcZipFile::OpenWrite(const char* FilePath, bool Append) { lcDiskFile* File = new lcDiskFile(); mFile = File; if (Append) { if (!File->Open(FilePath, "r+b") || !Open()) { delete File; mFile = nullptr; return false; } } else { mNumEntries = 0; mCentralDirSize = 0; mCentralDirOffset = 0; mBytesBeforeZipFile = 0; mCentralPos = 0; if (!File->Open(FilePath, "wb")) { delete File; mFile = nullptr; return false; } } return true; } lcuint64 lcZipFile::SearchCentralDir() { lcuint64 SizeFile, MaxBack, BackRead, PosFound; const int CommentBufferSize = 1024; lcuint8 buf[CommentBufferSize + 4]; SizeFile = mFile->GetLength(); MaxBack = lcMin(SizeFile, 0xffffULL); BackRead = 4; PosFound = 0; while (BackRead < MaxBack) { lcuint64 ReadPos, ReadSize; if (BackRead + CommentBufferSize > MaxBack) BackRead = MaxBack; else BackRead += CommentBufferSize; ReadPos = SizeFile - BackRead; ReadSize = ((CommentBufferSize + 4) < (SizeFile - ReadPos)) ? (CommentBufferSize + 4) : (SizeFile - ReadPos); mFile->Seek((long)ReadPos, SEEK_SET); if (mFile->ReadBuffer(buf, (long)ReadSize) != ReadSize) break; for (int i = (int)ReadSize - 3; (i--) > 0;) { if (((*(buf+i)) == 0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1)) == 0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2)) == 0x05) && ((*(buf+i+3)) == 0x06)) { PosFound = ReadPos + i; break; } } if (PosFound != 0) break; } return PosFound; } lcuint64 lcZipFile::SearchCentralDir64() { lcuint64 SizeFile, MaxBack, BackRead, PosFound; const int CommentBufferSize = 1024; lcuint8 buf[CommentBufferSize + 4]; SizeFile = mFile->GetLength(); MaxBack = lcMin(SizeFile, 0xffffULL); BackRead = 4; PosFound = 0; while (BackRead < MaxBack) { lcuint64 ReadPos, ReadSize; if (BackRead + CommentBufferSize > MaxBack) BackRead = MaxBack; else BackRead += CommentBufferSize; ReadPos = SizeFile - BackRead; ReadSize = ((CommentBufferSize + 4) < (SizeFile - ReadPos)) ? (CommentBufferSize + 4) : (SizeFile - ReadPos); mFile->Seek((long)ReadPos, SEEK_SET); if (mFile->ReadBuffer(buf, (long)ReadSize) != ReadSize) break; for (int i=(int)ReadSize - 3; (i--) > 0; ) { if (((*(buf+i)) == 0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1)) == 0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2)) == 0x06) && ((*(buf+i+3)) == 0x07)) { PosFound = ReadPos + i; break; } } if (PosFound != 0) break; } if (PosFound == 0) return 0; mFile->Seek((long)PosFound, SEEK_SET); lcuint32 Number; lcuint64 RelativeOffset; // Signature. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number, 1) != 1) return 0; // Number of the disk with the start of the zip64 end of central directory. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number, 1) != 1) return 0; if (Number != 0) return 0; // Relative offset of the zip64 end of central directory record. if (mFile->ReadU64(&RelativeOffset, 1) != 1) return 0; // Total number of disks. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number, 1) != 1) return 0; if (Number != 0) return 0; // Go to end of central directory record. mFile->Seek((long)RelativeOffset, SEEK_SET); // The signature. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number, 1) != 1) return 0; if (Number != 0x06064b50) return 0; return RelativeOffset; } bool lcZipFile::CheckFileCoherencyHeader(int FileIndex, lcuint32* SizeVar, lcuint64* OffsetLocalExtraField, lcuint32* SizeLocalExtraField) { lcuint16 Number16, Flags; lcuint32 Number32, Magic; lcuint16 SizeFilename, SizeExtraField; const lcZipFileInfo& FileInfo = mFiles[FileIndex]; *SizeVar = 0; *OffsetLocalExtraField = 0; *SizeLocalExtraField = 0; mFile->Seek((long)(FileInfo.offset_curfile + mBytesBeforeZipFile), SEEK_SET); if (mFile->ReadU32(&Magic, 1) != 1 || Magic != 0x04034b50) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&Number16, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&Flags, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&Number16, 1) != 1 || Number16 != FileInfo.compression_method) return false; if (FileInfo.compression_method != 0 && FileInfo.compression_method != Z_DEFLATED) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1 || ((Number32 != FileInfo.crc) && ((Flags & 8)==0))) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1 || (Number32 != 0xffffffffU && (Number32 != FileInfo.compressed_size) && ((Flags & 8)==0))) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1 || (Number32 != 0xffffffffU && (Number32 != FileInfo.uncompressed_size) && ((Flags & 8)==0))) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&SizeFilename, 1) != 1 || SizeFilename != FileInfo.size_filename) return false; *SizeVar += SizeFilename; if (mFile->ReadU16(&SizeExtraField, 1) != 1) return false; *OffsetLocalExtraField= FileInfo.offset_curfile + 0x1e + SizeFilename; *SizeLocalExtraField = SizeExtraField; *SizeVar += SizeExtraField; return true; } bool lcZipFile::Open() { lcuint64 NumberEntriesCD, CentralPos; CentralPos = SearchCentralDir64(); if (CentralPos) { lcuint32 NumberDisk, NumberDiskWithCD; mZip64 = true; // Skip signature, size and versions. mFile->Seek((long)CentralPos + 4 + 8 + 2 + 2, SEEK_SET); // Number of this disk. if (mFile->ReadU32(&NumberDisk, 1) != 1) return false; // Number of the disk with the start of the central directory. if (mFile->ReadU32(&NumberDiskWithCD, 1) != 1) return false; // Total number of entries in the central directory on this disk. if (mFile->ReadU64(&mNumEntries, 1) != 1) return false; // Total number of entries in the central directory. if (mFile->ReadU64(&NumberEntriesCD, 1) != 1) return false; if ((NumberEntriesCD != mNumEntries) || (NumberDiskWithCD != 0) || (NumberDisk != 0)) return false; // Size of the central directory. if (mFile->ReadU64(&mCentralDirSize, 1) != 1) return false; // Offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number. if (mFile->ReadU64(&mCentralDirOffset, 1) != 1) return false; // us.gi.size_comment = 0; } else { lcuint16 NumberDisk, NumberDiskWithCD; lcuint16 Number16; lcuint32 Number32; CentralPos = SearchCentralDir(); if (CentralPos == 0) return false; mZip64 = false; // Skip signature. mFile->Seek((long)CentralPos + 4, SEEK_SET); // Number of this disk. if (mFile->ReadU16(&NumberDisk, 1) != 1) return false; // Number of the disk with the start of the central directory. if (mFile->ReadU16(&NumberDiskWithCD, 1) != 1) return false; // Total number of entries in the central dir on this disk. if (mFile->ReadU16(&Number16, 1) != 1) return false; mNumEntries = Number16; // Total number of entries in the central dir. if (mFile->ReadU16(&Number16, 1) != 1) return false; NumberEntriesCD = Number16; if ((NumberEntriesCD != mNumEntries) || (NumberDiskWithCD != 0) || (NumberDisk != 0)) return false; // Size of the central directory. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; mCentralDirSize = Number32; // Offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; mCentralDirOffset= Number32; // zipfile comment length. // if (mFile->ReadU16(&us.z_filefunc, us.filestream,&us.gi.size_comment)!=1) // return false; } if (CentralPos < mCentralDirOffset + mCentralDirSize) return false; mBytesBeforeZipFile = CentralPos - (mCentralDirOffset + mCentralDirSize); mCentralPos = CentralPos; return ReadCentralDir(); } bool lcZipFile::ReadCentralDir() { lcuint64 PosInCentralDir = mCentralDirOffset; mFile->Seek((long)(PosInCentralDir + mBytesBeforeZipFile), SEEK_SET); mFiles.AllocGrow((int)mNumEntries); for (lcuint64 FileNum = 0; FileNum < mNumEntries; FileNum++) { lcuint32 Magic, Number32; lcZipFileInfo& FileInfo = mFiles.Add(); long Seek = 0; FileInfo.write_buffer = nullptr; FileInfo.deleted = false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Magic, 1) != 1 || Magic != 0x02014b50) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.version, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.version_needed, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.flag, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.compression_method, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&FileInfo.dosDate, 1) != 1) return false; lcuint32 Date = FileInfo.dosDate >> 16; FileInfo.tmu_date.tm_mday = (lcuint32)(Date & 0x1f); FileInfo.tmu_date.tm_mon = (lcuint32)((((Date) & 0x1E0) / 0x20) - 1); FileInfo.tmu_date.tm_year = (lcuint32)(((Date & 0x0FE00) / 0x0200) + 1980); FileInfo.tmu_date.tm_hour = (lcuint32)((FileInfo.dosDate & 0xF800) / 0x800); FileInfo.tmu_date.tm_min = (lcuint32)((FileInfo.dosDate & 0x7E0) / 0x20); FileInfo.tmu_date.tm_sec = (lcuint32)(2*(FileInfo.dosDate & 0x1f)); if (mFile->ReadU32(&FileInfo.crc, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; FileInfo.compressed_size = Number32; if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; FileInfo.uncompressed_size = Number32; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.size_filename, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.size_file_extra, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.size_file_comment, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.disk_num_start, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&FileInfo.internal_fa, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU32(&FileInfo.external_fa, 1) != 1) return false; // relative offset of local header if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; FileInfo.offset_curfile = Number32; Seek += FileInfo.size_filename; lcuint32 SizeRead; if (FileInfo.size_filename < sizeof(FileInfo.file_name) - 1) { *(FileInfo.file_name + FileInfo.size_filename) = '\0'; SizeRead = FileInfo.size_filename; } else { *(FileInfo.file_name + sizeof(FileInfo.file_name) - 1) = '\0'; SizeRead = sizeof(FileInfo.file_name) - 1; } if (FileInfo.size_filename > 0) if (mFile->ReadBuffer(FileInfo.file_name, SizeRead) != SizeRead) return false; Seek -= SizeRead; /* // Read extrafield if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (extraField!=nullptr)) { ZPOS64_T uSizeRead ; if (file_info.size_file_extraz_filefunc, s->filestream,lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) lSeek=0; else err=UNZ_ERRNO; } if ((file_info.size_file_extra>0) && (extraFieldBufferSize>0)) if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,extraField,(uLong)uSizeRead)!=uSizeRead) err=UNZ_ERRNO; lSeek += file_info.size_file_extra - (uLong)uSizeRead; } else lSeek += file_info.size_file_extra; */ Seek += FileInfo.size_file_extra; if (FileInfo.size_file_extra != 0) { lcuint32 acc = 0; // since lSeek now points to after the extra field we need to move back Seek -= FileInfo.size_file_extra; if (Seek != 0) { mFile->Seek(Seek, SEEK_CUR); Seek = 0; } while (acc < FileInfo.size_file_extra) { lcuint16 HeaderId, DataSize; if (mFile->ReadU16(&HeaderId, 1) != 1) return false; if (mFile->ReadU16(&DataSize, 1) != 1) return false; // ZIP64 extra fields. if (HeaderId == 0x0001) { if (FileInfo.uncompressed_size == (lcuint64)(unsigned long)-1) { if (mFile->ReadU64(&FileInfo.uncompressed_size, 1) != 1) return false; } if (FileInfo.compressed_size == (lcuint64)(unsigned long)-1) { if (mFile->ReadU64(&FileInfo.compressed_size, 1) != 1) return false; } if (FileInfo.offset_curfile == (lcuint64)-1) { // Relative Header offset. if (mFile->ReadU64(&FileInfo.offset_curfile, 1) != 1) return false; } if (FileInfo.disk_num_start == (lcuint16)-1) { // Disk Start Number. if (mFile->ReadU32(&Number32, 1) != 1) return false; } } else { mFile->Seek(DataSize, SEEK_CUR); } acc += 2 + 2 + DataSize; } } /* if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (szComment!=nullptr)) { uLong uSizeRead ; if (file_info.size_file_commentz_filefunc, s->filestream,lSeek,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_CUR)==0) lSeek=0; else err=UNZ_ERRNO; } if ((file_info.size_file_comment>0) && (commentBufferSize>0)) if (ZREAD64(s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,szComment,uSizeRead)!=uSizeRead) err=UNZ_ERRNO; lSeek+=file_info.size_file_comment - uSizeRead; } else lSeek+=file_info.size_file_comment; */ Seek += FileInfo.size_file_comment; mFile->Seek(Seek, SEEK_CUR); } return true; } bool lcZipFile::ExtractFile(const char* FileName, lcMemFile& File, lcuint32 MaxLength) { for (int FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < mFiles.GetSize(); FileIdx++) { lcZipFileInfo& FileInfo = mFiles[FileIdx]; if (!qstricmp(FileInfo.file_name, FileName)) return ExtractFile(FileIdx, File, MaxLength); } return false; } bool lcZipFile::ExtractFile(int FileIndex, lcMemFile& File, lcuint32 MaxLength) { QMutexLocker Lock(&mMutex); lcuint32 SizeVar; lcuint64 OffsetLocalExtraField; lcuint32 SizeLocalExtraField; const lcZipFileInfo& FileInfo = mFiles[FileIndex]; if (!CheckFileCoherencyHeader(FileIndex, &SizeVar, &OffsetLocalExtraField, &SizeLocalExtraField)) return false; const int BufferSize = 16384; char ReadBuffer[BufferSize]; z_stream Stream; lcuint32 Crc32; lcuint64 PosInZipfile; lcuint64 RestReadCompressed; lcuint64 RestReadUncompressed; Crc32 = 0; Stream.total_out = 0; if (FileInfo.compression_method == Z_DEFLATED) { Stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; Stream.zfree = (free_func)0; Stream.opaque = (voidpf)0; Stream.next_in = 0; Stream.avail_in = 0; int err = inflateInit2(&Stream, -MAX_WBITS); if (err != Z_OK) return false; } RestReadCompressed = FileInfo.compressed_size; RestReadUncompressed = FileInfo.uncompressed_size; PosInZipfile = FileInfo.offset_curfile + 0x1e + SizeVar; Stream.avail_in = (uInt)0; lcuint32 Length = lcMin((lcuint32)FileInfo.uncompressed_size, MaxLength); File.SetLength(Length); File.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); Stream.next_out = (Bytef*)File.mBuffer; Stream.avail_out = Length; lcuint32 Read = 0; while (Stream.avail_out > 0) { if ((Stream.avail_in == 0) && (RestReadCompressed > 0)) { lcuint32 ReadThis = BufferSize; if (RestReadCompressed < ReadThis) ReadThis = (lcuint32)RestReadCompressed; if (ReadThis == 0) return false; mFile->Seek((long)(PosInZipfile + mBytesBeforeZipFile), SEEK_SET); if (mFile->ReadBuffer(ReadBuffer, ReadThis) != ReadThis) return false; PosInZipfile += ReadThis; RestReadCompressed -= ReadThis; Stream.next_in = (Bytef*)ReadBuffer; Stream.avail_in = (uInt)ReadThis; } if (FileInfo.compression_method == 0) { lcuint32 DoCopy, i; if ((Stream.avail_in == 0) && (RestReadCompressed == 0)) return (Read == 0) ? false : true; if (Stream.avail_out < Stream.avail_in) DoCopy = Stream.avail_out; else DoCopy = Stream.avail_in; for (i = 0; i < DoCopy; i++) *(Stream.next_out+i) = *(Stream.next_in+i); Crc32 = crc32(Crc32, Stream.next_out, DoCopy); RestReadUncompressed -= DoCopy; Stream.avail_in -= DoCopy; Stream.avail_out -= DoCopy; Stream.next_out += DoCopy; Stream.next_in += DoCopy; Stream.total_out += DoCopy; Read += DoCopy; } else { lcuint64 TotalOutBefore, TotalOutAfter; const Bytef *bufBefore; lcuint64 OutThis; int flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH; TotalOutBefore = Stream.total_out; bufBefore = Stream.next_out; int err = inflate(&Stream,flush); if ((err >= 0) && (Stream.msg != nullptr)) err = Z_DATA_ERROR; TotalOutAfter = Stream.total_out; OutThis = TotalOutAfter - TotalOutBefore; Crc32 = crc32(Crc32, bufBefore, (uInt)(OutThis)); RestReadUncompressed -= OutThis; Read += (uInt)(TotalOutAfter - TotalOutBefore); if (err != Z_OK) { inflateEnd(&Stream); if (RestReadUncompressed == 0) { if (Crc32 != FileInfo.crc) return false; } if (err == Z_STREAM_END) return (Read == 0) ? false : true; return false; } } } inflateEnd(&Stream); return true; }