#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_model.h" #include #include "piece.h" #include "camera.h" #include "light.h" #include "group.h" #include "lc_mainwindow.h" #include "lc_profile.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "lc_scene.h" #include "lc_texture.h" #include "lc_synth.h" #include "lc_file.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "lc_view.h" #include "minifig.h" #include "traintracksystem.h" #include "lc_arraydialog.h" #include "lc_qselectdialog.h" #include "lc_minifigdialog.h" #include "lc_traintracksystemdialog.h" #include "lc_groupdialog.h" #include "lc_qeditgroupsdialog.h" #include "lc_qpropertiesdialog.h" #include "lc_qutils.h" #include "lc_lxf.h" #include "lc_previewwidget.h" #include "lc_findreplacewidget.h" void lcModelProperties::LoadDefaults() { mAuthor = lcGetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_DEFAULT_AUTHOR_NAME); mAmbientColor = lcVector3FromColor(lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_DEFAULT_AMBIENT_COLOR)); } void lcModelProperties::SaveDefaults() { lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_DEFAULT_AMBIENT_COLOR, lcColorFromVector3(mAmbientColor)); } void lcModelProperties::SaveLDraw(QTextStream& Stream) const { const QLatin1String LineEnding("\r\n"); Stream << QLatin1String("0 ") << mDescription << LineEnding; Stream << QLatin1String("0 Name: ") << mModelName << LineEnding; Stream << QLatin1String("0 Author: ") << mAuthor << LineEnding; if (!mComments.isEmpty()) { QStringList Comments = mComments.split('\n'); for (const QString& Comment : Comments) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD MODEL COMMENT ") << Comment << LineEnding; } // lcVector3 mAmbientColor; } bool lcModelProperties::ParseLDrawHeader(QString Line, bool FirstLine) { QTextStream LineStream(&Line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString Token; LineStream >> Token; const int StartPos = LineStream.pos(); LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("!LEOCAD")) return false; if (Token == QLatin1String("Name:")) { mModelName = LineStream.readLine().mid(1); return true; } if (Token == QLatin1String("Author:")) { mAuthor = LineStream.readLine().mid(1); return true; } if (FirstLine) { LineStream.seek(StartPos); mDescription = LineStream.readLine().mid(1); return true; } return false; } void lcModelProperties::ParseLDrawLine(QTextStream& Stream) { QString Token; Stream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("AUTHOR")) mAuthor = Stream.readLine().mid(1); else if (Token == QLatin1String("DESCRIPTION")) mDescription = Stream.readLine().mid(1); else if (Token == QLatin1String("COMMENT")) { QString Comment = Stream.readLine().mid(1); if (!mComments.isEmpty()) mComments += '\n'; mComments += Comment; } } void lcPOVRayOptions::ParseLDrawLine(QTextStream& LineStream) { QString Token; LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("HEADER_INCLUDE_FILE")) { LineStream >> HeaderIncludeFile; if (!QFileInfo(HeaderIncludeFile).isReadable()) HeaderIncludeFile.clear(); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("FOOTER_INCLUDE_FILE")) { LineStream >> FooterIncludeFile; if (!QFileInfo(FooterIncludeFile).isReadable()) FooterIncludeFile.clear(); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("FLOOR_AXIS")) { LineStream >> FloorAxis; if (FloorAxis < 0 || FloorAxis > 2) FloorAxis = 1; // y } else if (Token == QLatin1String("FLOOR_COLOR_RGB")) LineStream >> FloorColor[0] >> FloorColor[1] >> FloorColor[2]; else if (Token == QLatin1String("FLOOR_AMBIENT")) LineStream >> FloorAmbient; else if (Token == QLatin1String("FLOOR_DIFFUSE")) LineStream >> FloorDiffuse; else if (Token == QLatin1String("EXCLUDE_FLOOR")) ExcludeFloor = true; else if (Token == QLatin1String("EXCLUDE_BACKGROUND")) ExcludeFloor = true; else if (Token == QLatin1String("NO_REFLECTION")) NoReflection = true; else if (Token == QLatin1String("NO_SHADOWS")) NoShadow = true; else if (Token == QLatin1String("USE_LGEO")) UseLGEO = true; } void lcPOVRayOptions::SaveLDraw(QTextStream& Stream) const { const QLatin1String LineEnding("\r\n"); if (!HeaderIncludeFile.isEmpty()) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY HEADER_INCLUDE_FILE ") << QDir::toNativeSeparators(HeaderIncludeFile) << LineEnding; if (!FooterIncludeFile.isEmpty()) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY FOOTER_INCLUDE_FILE ") << QDir::toNativeSeparators(FooterIncludeFile) << LineEnding; if (FloorAxis != 1) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY FLOOR_AXIS ") << FloorAxis << LineEnding; if (FloorColor != lcVector3(0.8f,0.8f,0.8f)) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY FLOOR_COLOR_RGB ") << FloorColor[0] << ' ' << FloorColor[1] << ' ' << FloorColor[2] << LineEnding; if (FloorAmbient != 0.4f) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY FLOOR_AMBIENT ") << FloorAmbient << LineEnding; if (FloorDiffuse != 0.4f) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY FLOOR_DIFFUSE ") << FloorDiffuse << LineEnding; if (ExcludeFloor) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY EXCLUDE_FLOOR") << LineEnding; if (ExcludeBackground) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY EXCLUDE_BACKGROUND") << LineEnding; if (NoReflection) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY NO_REFLECTION") << LineEnding; if (NoShadow) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY NO_SHADOWS") << LineEnding; if (UseLGEO) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD POV_RAY USE_LGEO") << LineEnding; } lcModel::lcModel(const QString& FileName, Project* Project, bool Preview) : mProject(Project), mIsPreview(Preview) { mProperties.mModelName = FileName; mProperties.mFileName = FileName; mProperties.LoadDefaults(); mActive = false; mCurrentStep = 1; mPieceInfo = nullptr; } lcModel::~lcModel() { if (mPieceInfo) { if (!mIsPreview && gMainWindow && gMainWindow->GetCurrentPieceInfo() == mPieceInfo) gMainWindow->SetCurrentPieceInfo(nullptr); if (mPieceInfo->GetModel() == this) mPieceInfo->SetPlaceholder(); lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); Library->ReleasePieceInfo(mPieceInfo); } DeleteModel(); DeleteHistory(); } bool lcModel::GetPieceWorldMatrix(lcPiece* Piece, lcMatrix44& ParentWorldMatrix) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& ModelPiece : mPieces) { if (ModelPiece.get() == Piece) { ParentWorldMatrix = lcMul(ModelPiece->mModelWorld, ParentWorldMatrix); return true; } const PieceInfo* Info = ModelPiece->mPieceInfo; if (Info->IsModel()) { lcMatrix44 WorldMatrix = lcMul(ModelPiece->mModelWorld, ParentWorldMatrix); if (Info->GetPieceWorldMatrix(Piece, WorldMatrix)) { ParentWorldMatrix = WorldMatrix; return true; } } } return false; } bool lcModel::IncludesModel(const lcModel* Model) const { if (Model == this) return true; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->mPieceInfo->IncludesModel(Model)) return true; return false; } void lcModel::DeleteHistory() { for (lcModelHistoryEntry* Entry : mUndoHistory) delete Entry; mUndoHistory.clear(); for (lcModelHistoryEntry* Entry : mRedoHistory) delete Entry; mRedoHistory.clear(); } void lcModel::DeleteModel() { if (gMainWindow) { std::vector Views = lcView::GetModelViews(this); // TODO: this is only needed to avoid a dangling pointer during undo/redo if a camera is set to a view but we should find a better solution instead for (lcView* View : Views) { lcCamera* ViewCamera = View->GetCamera(); if (!ViewCamera->IsSimple()) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) { if (Camera.get() == ViewCamera) { View->SetCamera(ViewCamera, true); break; } } } } } mPieces.clear(); mCameras.clear(); mLights.clear(); mGroups.clear(); mFileLines.clear(); } void lcModel::CreatePieceInfo(Project* Project) { lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); mPieceInfo = Library->FindPiece(mProperties.mFileName.toLatin1().constData(), Project, true, false); mPieceInfo->SetModel(this, true, Project, true); Library->LoadPieceInfo(mPieceInfo, true, true); } void lcModel::UpdateMesh() { mPieceInfo->SetModel(this, true, nullptr, false); } void lcModel::UpdateAllViews() const { lcView::UpdateProjectViews(mProject); } void lcModel::UpdatePieceInfo(std::vector& UpdatedModels) { if (std::find(UpdatedModels.begin(), UpdatedModels.end(), this) != UpdatedModels.end()) return; mPieceInfo->SetModel(this, false, nullptr, false); UpdatedModels.push_back(this); const lcMesh* Mesh = mPieceInfo->GetMesh(); if (mPieces.empty() && !Mesh) { mPieceInfo->SetBoundingBox(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); return; } lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel()) { Piece->mPieceInfo->UpdateBoundingBox(UpdatedModels); Piece->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); } } if (Mesh) { Min = lcMin(Min, Mesh->mBoundingBox.Min); Max = lcMax(Max, Mesh->mBoundingBox.Max); } mPieceInfo->SetBoundingBox(Min, Max); } void lcModel::SaveLDraw(QTextStream& Stream, bool SelectedOnly, lcStep LastStep) const { const QLatin1String LineEnding("\r\n"); mProperties.SaveLDraw(Stream); std::vector CurrentGroups; lcStep Step = 1; int CurrentLine = 0; int AddedSteps = 0; bool SavedStep = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (SelectedOnly && !Piece->IsSelected()) continue; if ((SavedStep = (LastStep != 0 && Piece->GetStepShow() > LastStep))) break; while (Piece->GetFileLine() > CurrentLine && CurrentLine < mFileLines.size()) { QString Line = mFileLines[CurrentLine]; QTextStream LineStream(&Line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString Token; LineStream >> Token; bool Skip = false; if (Token == QLatin1String("0")) { LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("STEP")) { if (Piece->GetStepShow() > Step) Step++; else Skip = true; } } if (!Skip) { Stream << mFileLines[CurrentLine]; if (AddedSteps > 0) AddedSteps--; } CurrentLine++; } while (Piece->GetStepShow() > Step) { Stream << QLatin1String("0 STEP\r\n"); AddedSteps++; Step++; } lcGroup* PieceGroup = Piece->GetGroup(); if (PieceGroup) { if (CurrentGroups.empty() || (!CurrentGroups.empty() && PieceGroup != CurrentGroups[CurrentGroups.size() - 1])) { std::deque PieceParents; for (lcGroup* Group = PieceGroup; Group; Group = Group->mGroup) PieceParents.push_front(Group); std::deque::iterator ParentsToAdd = PieceParents.begin(); while (!CurrentGroups.empty()) { lcGroup* Group = CurrentGroups.back(); const std::deque::iterator ParentFound = std::find(PieceParents.begin(), PieceParents.end(), Group); if (ParentFound == PieceParents.end()) { CurrentGroups.pop_back(); Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD GROUP END\r\n"); } else { ParentsToAdd = ParentFound + 1; break; } } for (std::deque::iterator ParentIt = ParentsToAdd; ParentIt != PieceParents.end(); ParentIt++) { lcGroup* Group = *ParentIt; CurrentGroups.emplace_back(Group); Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD GROUP BEGIN ") << Group->mName << LineEnding; } } } else { while (CurrentGroups.size()) { CurrentGroups.pop_back(); Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD GROUP END\r\n"); } } if (Piece->mPieceInfo->GetSynthInfo()) { Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD SYNTH BEGIN\r\n"); const std::vector& ControlPoints = Piece->GetControlPoints(); for (const lcPieceControlPoint& ControlPoint : ControlPoints) { Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD SYNTH CONTROL_POINT"); const float* FloatMatrix = ControlPoint.Transform; const float Numbers[13] = { FloatMatrix[12], -FloatMatrix[14], FloatMatrix[13], FloatMatrix[0], -FloatMatrix[8], FloatMatrix[4], -FloatMatrix[2], FloatMatrix[10], -FloatMatrix[6], FloatMatrix[1], -FloatMatrix[9], FloatMatrix[5], ControlPoint.Scale }; for (int NumberIdx = 0; NumberIdx < 13; NumberIdx++) Stream << ' ' << lcFormatValue(Numbers[NumberIdx], NumberIdx < 3 ? 4 : 6); Stream << LineEnding; } } Piece->SaveLDraw(Stream); if (Piece->mPieceInfo->GetSynthInfo()) Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD SYNTH END\r\n"); } while (!SavedStep && CurrentLine < mFileLines.size()) { QString Line = mFileLines[CurrentLine]; QTextStream LineStream(&Line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString Token; LineStream >> Token; bool Skip = false; if (Token == QLatin1String("0")) { LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("STEP") && AddedSteps-- > 0) Skip = true; } if (!Skip) Stream << mFileLines[CurrentLine]; CurrentLine++; } while (CurrentGroups.size()) { CurrentGroups.pop_back(); Stream << QLatin1String("0 !LEOCAD GROUP END\r\n"); } for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (!SelectedOnly || Camera->IsSelected()) Camera->SaveLDraw(Stream); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (!SelectedOnly || Light->IsSelected()) Light->SaveLDraw(Stream); Stream.flush(); } int lcModel::SplitMPD(QIODevice& Device) { qint64 ModelPos = Device.pos(); while (!Device.atEnd()) { const qint64 Pos = Device.pos(); QString OriginalLine = Device.readLine(); QString Line = OriginalLine.trimmed(); QTextStream LineStream(&Line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString Token; LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("0")) { LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("FILE")) { if (!mProperties.mFileName.isEmpty()) { Device.seek(Pos); break; } SetFileName(LineStream.readAll().trimmed()); ModelPos = Pos; } else if (Token == QLatin1String("NOFILE")) { break; } } } return ModelPos; } void lcModel::LoadLDraw(QIODevice& Device, Project* Project) { lcPiece* Piece = nullptr; lcCamera* Camera = nullptr; lcLight* Light = nullptr; std::vector CurrentGroups; std::vector ControlPoints; int CurrentStep = 1; lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); mProperties.mAuthor.clear(); mProperties.mDescription.clear(); mProperties.mComments.clear(); bool ReadingHeader = true; bool FirstLine = true; while (!Device.atEnd()) { const qint64 Pos = Device.pos(); QString OriginalLine = Device.readLine(); QString Line = OriginalLine.trimmed(); QTextStream LineStream(&Line, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString Token; LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("0")) { LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("FILE")) { QString Name = LineStream.readAll().trimmed(); if (mProperties.mFileName != Name) { Device.seek(Pos); break; } continue; } else if (Token == QLatin1String("NOFILE")) { break; } if (ReadingHeader) { ReadingHeader = mProperties.ParseLDrawHeader(Line, FirstLine); FirstLine = false; if (ReadingHeader) continue; } if (Token == QLatin1String("STEP")) { delete Piece; Piece = nullptr; CurrentStep++; mFileLines.append(OriginalLine); continue; } if (Token != QLatin1String("!LEOCAD")) { mFileLines.append(OriginalLine); continue; } LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("MODEL")) { mProperties.ParseLDrawLine(LineStream); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("PIECE")) { if (!Piece) Piece = new lcPiece(nullptr); Piece->ParseLDrawLine(LineStream); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("CAMERA")) { if (!Camera) Camera = new lcCamera(false); if (Camera->ParseLDrawLine(LineStream)) { Camera->CreateName(mCameras); mCameras.emplace_back(Camera); Camera = nullptr; } } else if (Token == QLatin1String("LIGHT")) { if (!Light) Light = new lcLight(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcLightType::Point); if (Light->ParseLDrawLine(LineStream)) { Light->CreateName(mLights); mLights.emplace_back(Light); Light = nullptr; } } else if (Token == QLatin1String("POV_RAY")) { mPOVRayOptions.ParseLDrawLine(LineStream); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("GROUP")) { LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("BEGIN")) { QString Name = LineStream.readAll().trimmed(); lcGroup* Group = GetGroup(Name, true); if (!CurrentGroups.empty()) Group->mGroup = CurrentGroups[CurrentGroups.size() - 1]; else Group->mGroup = nullptr; CurrentGroups.emplace_back(Group); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("END")) { if (!CurrentGroups.empty()) CurrentGroups.pop_back(); } } else if (Token == QLatin1String("SYNTH")) { LineStream >> Token; if (Token == QLatin1String("BEGIN")) { ControlPoints.clear(); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("END")) { ControlPoints.clear(); } else if (Token == QLatin1String("CONTROL_POINT")) { float Numbers[13]; for (int TokenIdx = 0; TokenIdx < 13; TokenIdx++) LineStream >> Numbers[TokenIdx]; lcPieceControlPoint& PieceControlPoint = ControlPoints.emplace_back(); PieceControlPoint.Transform = lcMatrix44(lcVector4(Numbers[3], Numbers[9], -Numbers[6], 0.0f), lcVector4(Numbers[5], Numbers[11], -Numbers[8], 0.0f), lcVector4(-Numbers[4], -Numbers[10], Numbers[7], 0.0f), lcVector4(Numbers[0], Numbers[2], -Numbers[1], 1.0f)); PieceControlPoint.Scale = Numbers[12]; } } continue; } else if (Token == QLatin1String("1")) { ReadingHeader = false; int ColorCode; LineStream >> ColorCode; float IncludeMatrix[12]; for (int TokenIdx = 0; TokenIdx < 12; TokenIdx++) LineStream >> IncludeMatrix[TokenIdx]; lcMatrix44 IncludeTransform(lcVector4(IncludeMatrix[3], IncludeMatrix[6], IncludeMatrix[9], 0.0f), lcVector4(IncludeMatrix[4], IncludeMatrix[7], IncludeMatrix[10], 0.0f), lcVector4(IncludeMatrix[5], IncludeMatrix[8], IncludeMatrix[11], 0.0f), lcVector4(IncludeMatrix[0], IncludeMatrix[1], IncludeMatrix[2], 1.0f)); QString PartId = LineStream.readAll().trimmed(); if (PartId.isEmpty()) continue; QByteArray CleanId = PartId.toLatin1().toUpper().replace('\\', '/'); if (Library->IsPrimitive(CleanId.constData())) { mFileLines.append(OriginalLine); } else { if (!Piece) Piece = new lcPiece(nullptr); if (!CurrentGroups.empty()) Piece->SetGroup(CurrentGroups[CurrentGroups.size() - 1]); PieceInfo* Info = Library->FindPiece(PartId.toLatin1().constData(), Project, true, true); const float* Matrix = IncludeTransform; const lcMatrix44 Transform(lcVector4(Matrix[0], Matrix[2], -Matrix[1], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[8], Matrix[10], -Matrix[9], 0.0f), lcVector4(-Matrix[4], -Matrix[6], Matrix[5], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[12], Matrix[14], -Matrix[13], 1.0f)); Piece->SetFileLine(mFileLines.size()); Piece->SetPieceInfo(Info, PartId, false); Piece->Initialize(Transform, CurrentStep); Piece->SetColorCode(ColorCode); Piece->VerifyControlPoints(ControlPoints); Piece->SetControlPoints(ControlPoints); ControlPoints.clear(); if (Piece->mPieceInfo->IsModel() && Piece->mPieceInfo->GetModel()->IncludesModel(this)) { delete Piece; Piece = nullptr; continue; } AddPiece(Piece); Piece = nullptr; } } else { ReadingHeader = false; mFileLines.append(OriginalLine); } FirstLine = false; } mCurrentStep = CurrentStep; CalculateStep(mCurrentStep); Library->WaitForLoadQueue(); Library->mBuffersDirty = true; Library->UnloadUnusedParts(); delete Piece; delete Camera; delete Light; } bool lcModel::LoadBinary(lcFile* file) { qint32 i, count; char id[32]; quint32 rgb; float fv = 0.4f; quint8 ch; quint16 sh; file->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); file->ReadBuffer(id, 32); sscanf(&id[7], "%f", &fv); if (memcmp(id, "LeoCAD ", 7)) return false; if (fv == 0.0f) { const lconv *loc = localeconv(); id[8] = loc->decimal_point[0]; sscanf(&id[7], "%f", &fv); if (fv == 0.0f) return false; } if (fv > 0.4f) file->ReadFloats(&fv, 1); file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); if (fv < 0.6f) // old view { double eye[3], target[3]; file->ReadDoubles(eye, 3); file->ReadDoubles(target, 3); } file->Seek(28, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadS32(&i, 1); mCurrentStep = i; if (fv > 0.8f) file->ReadU32();//m_nScene file->ReadS32(&count, 1); lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); const size_t FirstNewPiece = mPieces.size(); while (count--) { if (fv > 0.4f) { lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(nullptr); pPiece->FileLoad(*file); AddPiece(pPiece); } else { char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; lcVector3 pos, rot; quint8 color, step, group; file->ReadFloats(pos, 3); file->ReadFloats(rot, 3); file->ReadU8(&color, 1); file->ReadBuffer(name, 9); strcat(name, ".dat"); file->ReadU8(&step, 1); file->ReadU8(&group, 1); pos *= 25.0f; lcMatrix44 WorldMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationZ(rot[2] * LC_DTOR), lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationY(rot[1] * LC_DTOR), lcMatrix44RotationX(rot[0] * LC_DTOR))); WorldMatrix.SetTranslation(pos); PieceInfo* pInfo = Library->FindPiece(name, nullptr, true, false); lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(pInfo); pPiece->Initialize(WorldMatrix, step); pPiece->SetColorCode(lcGetColorCodeFromOriginalColor(color)); AddPiece(pPiece); // pPiece->SetGroup((lcGroup*)group); } } if (fv >= 0.4f) { file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; if (sh > 100) file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); else { QByteArray Author; Author.resize(sh + 1); file->ReadBuffer(Author.data(), sh); Author[sh] = 0; mProperties.mAuthor = QString::fromUtf8(Author); } file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; if (sh > 100) file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); else { QByteArray Description; Description.resize(sh + 1); file->ReadBuffer(Description.data(), sh); Description[sh] = 0; mProperties.mDescription = QString::fromUtf8(Description); } file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF && fv < 1.3f) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; if (sh > 255) file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); else { QByteArray Comments; Comments.resize(sh + 1); file->ReadBuffer(Comments.data(), sh); Comments[sh] = 0; mProperties.mComments = QString::fromUtf8(Comments); mProperties.mComments.replace(QLatin1String("\r\n"), QLatin1String("\n")); } } if (fv >= 0.5f) { const size_t NumGroups = mGroups.size(); file->ReadS32(&count, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mGroups.emplace_back(new lcGroup()); for (size_t GroupIdx = NumGroups; GroupIdx < mGroups.size(); GroupIdx++) { lcGroup* Group = mGroups[GroupIdx].get(); if (fv < 1.0f) { char Name[LC_MAX_GROUP_NAME + 1]; file->ReadBuffer(Name, sizeof(Name)); Group->mName = QString::fromUtf8(Name); file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); Group->mGroup = (lcGroup*)-1; } else Group->FileLoad(file); } for (size_t GroupIdx = NumGroups; GroupIdx < mGroups.size(); GroupIdx++) { lcGroup* Group = mGroups[GroupIdx].get(); i = (qint32)(quintptr)(Group->mGroup); Group->mGroup = nullptr; if (i > 0xFFFF || i == -1) continue; Group->mGroup = mGroups[NumGroups + i].get(); } for (size_t PieceIndex = FirstNewPiece; PieceIndex < mPieces.size(); PieceIndex++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIndex].get(); i = (qint32)(quintptr)(Piece->GetGroup()); Piece->SetGroup(nullptr); if (i > 0xFFFF || i == -1) continue; Piece->SetGroup(mGroups[NumGroups + i].get()); } RemoveEmptyGroups(); } if (fv >= 0.6f) { if (fv < 1.0f) file->Seek(4, SEEK_CUR); else file->Seek(2, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadS32(&count, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) lcCamera::FileLoad(*file); } if (fv >= 0.7f) { file->Seek(24, SEEK_CUR); if (fv < 1.3f) { file->ReadU8(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); sh = ch; } else file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); // Background } if (fv >= 0.8f) { file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); file->Seek(ch, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); file->Seek(ch, SEEK_CUR); } if (fv > 0.9f) { file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); mProperties.mAmbientColor[0] = (float)((unsigned char) (rgb))/255; mProperties.mAmbientColor[1] = (float)((unsigned char) (((unsigned short) (rgb)) >> 8))/255; mProperties.mAmbientColor[2] = (float)((unsigned char) ((rgb) >> 16))/255; if (fv < 1.3f) file->Seek(23, SEEK_CUR); else file->Seek(11, SEEK_CUR); } if (fv > 1.0f) { file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); } CalculateStep(mCurrentStep); lcGetPiecesLibrary()->UnloadUnusedParts(); return true; } bool lcModel::LoadLDD(const QString& FileData) { std::vector Pieces; std::vector> Groups; if (!lcImportLXFMLFile(FileData, Pieces, Groups)) return false; for (lcPiece* Piece : Pieces) AddPiece(Piece); for (const std::vector& Group : Groups) { lcGroup* NewGroup = AddGroup(tr("Group #"), nullptr); for (lcPiece* Piece : Group) Piece->SetGroup(NewGroup); } lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); CalculateStep(mCurrentStep); Library->WaitForLoadQueue(); Library->mBuffersDirty = true; Library->UnloadUnusedParts(); return true; } bool lcModel::LoadInventory(const QByteArray& Inventory) { QJsonDocument Document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(Inventory); QJsonObject Root = Document.object(); QJsonArray Parts = Root["results"].toArray(); lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); for (const QJsonValue& Part : Parts) { QJsonObject PartObject = Part.toObject(); QByteArray PartID = PartObject["part"].toObject()["part_num"].toString().toLatin1(); QJsonArray PartIDArray = PartObject["part"].toObject()["external_ids"].toObject()["LDraw"].toArray(); if (!PartIDArray.isEmpty()) PartID = PartIDArray.first().toString().toLatin1(); int Quantity = PartObject["quantity"].toInt(); int ColorCode = 16; QJsonArray ColorArray = PartObject["color"].toObject()["external_ids"].toObject()["LDraw"].toObject()["ext_ids"].toArray(); if (!ColorArray.isEmpty()) ColorCode = ColorArray.first().toInt(); PieceInfo* Info = Library->FindPiece(PartID + ".dat", nullptr, true, false); while (Quantity--) { lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(nullptr); Piece->SetPieceInfo(Info, QString(), false); Piece->Initialize(lcMatrix44Identity(), 1); Piece->SetColorCode(ColorCode); AddPiece(Piece); } } if (mPieces.empty()) return false; Library->WaitForLoadQueue(); Library->mBuffersDirty = true; Library->UnloadUnusedParts(); auto RoundBounds = [](float& Value) { Value = ((Value < 0.0f) ? floor((Value - 5.0f) / 10.0f) : ceil((Value + 5.0f) / 10.0f)) * 10.0f; }; constexpr float TargetHeight = 800.0f; float CurrentX = 0.0f; float CurrentY = 0.0f; float ColumnWidth = 0.0f; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { lcBoundingBox BoundingBox = Piece->mPieceInfo->GetBoundingBox(); RoundBounds(BoundingBox.Min.x); RoundBounds(BoundingBox.Min.y); RoundBounds(BoundingBox.Max.x); RoundBounds(BoundingBox.Max.y); const float PieceWidth = BoundingBox.Max.x - BoundingBox.Min.x; const float PieceHeight = BoundingBox.Max.y - BoundingBox.Min.y; if (CurrentY + PieceHeight > TargetHeight) { CurrentY = 0.0f; CurrentX += ColumnWidth; ColumnWidth = 0.0f; } Piece->SetPosition(lcVector3(CurrentX + PieceWidth / 2.0f, CurrentY + PieceHeight / 2.0f, 0.0f), 1, false); CurrentY += PieceHeight; ColumnWidth = qMax(ColumnWidth, PieceWidth); } CalculateStep(mCurrentStep); return true; } void lcModel::Merge(lcModel* Other) { for (std::unique_ptr& Piece : Other->mPieces) { Piece->SetFileLine(-1); AddPiece(Piece.release()); } Other->mPieces.clear(); for (std::unique_ptr& Camera : Other->mCameras) { Camera->CreateName(mCameras); mCameras.emplace_back(std::move(Camera)); } Other->mCameras.clear(); for (std::unique_ptr& Light : Other->mLights) { Light->CreateName(mLights); mLights.emplace_back(std::move(Light)); } Other->mLights.clear(); for (std::vector>::iterator GroupIt = Other->mGroups.begin(); GroupIt != Other->mGroups.end(); GroupIt++) { std::unique_ptr& Group = *GroupIt; Group->CreateName(mGroups); mGroups.emplace_back(std::move(Group)); } Other->mGroups.clear(); delete Other; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); } void lcModel::Cut() { Copy(); if (RemoveSelectedObjects()) { gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Cutting")); } } void lcModel::Copy() { QByteArray File; QTextStream Stream(&File, QIODevice::WriteOnly); SaveLDraw(Stream, true, 0); gApplication->ExportClipboard(File); } void lcModel::Paste(bool PasteToCurrentStep) { if (gApplication->mClipboard.isEmpty()) return; lcModel* Model = new lcModel(QString(), nullptr, false); QBuffer Buffer(&gApplication->mClipboard); Buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Model->LoadLDraw(Buffer, lcGetActiveProject()); const std::vector>& PastedPieces = Model->mPieces; std::vector SelectedObjects; SelectedObjects.reserve(PastedPieces.size()); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : PastedPieces) { Piece->SetFileLine(-1); if (PasteToCurrentStep) { Piece->SetStepShow(mCurrentStep); SelectedObjects.emplace_back(Piece.get()); } else { if (Piece->GetStepShow() <= mCurrentStep) SelectedObjects.emplace_back(Piece.get()); } } Merge(Model); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Pasting")); if (SelectedObjects.size() == 1) ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(SelectedObjects[0], LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION, false); else SetSelectionAndFocus(SelectedObjects, nullptr, 0, false); CalculateStep(mCurrentStep); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::DuplicateSelectedPieces() { std::vector NewPieces; lcPiece* Focus = nullptr; std::map GroupMap; std::function GetNewGroup = [this, &GroupMap, &GetNewGroup](lcGroup* Group) { const auto GroupIt = GroupMap.find(Group); if (GroupIt != GroupMap.end()) return GroupIt->second; else { lcGroup* Parent = Group->mGroup ? GetNewGroup(Group->mGroup) : nullptr; QString GroupName = Group->mName; while (!GroupName.isEmpty()) { const QChar Last = GroupName[GroupName.size() - 1]; if (Last.isDigit()) GroupName.chop(1); else break; } if (GroupName.isEmpty()) GroupName = Group->mName; lcGroup* NewGroup = AddGroup(GroupName, Parent); GroupMap[Group] = NewGroup; return NewGroup; } }; for (size_t PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.size(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx].get(); if (!Piece->IsSelected()) continue; lcPiece* NewPiece = new lcPiece(*Piece); NewPiece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); NewPieces.emplace_back(NewPiece); if (Piece->IsFocused()) Focus = NewPiece; PieceIdx++; InsertPiece(NewPiece, PieceIdx); lcGroup* Group = Piece->GetGroup(); if (Group) Piece->SetGroup(GetNewGroup(Group)); } if (NewPieces.empty()) return; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); SetSelectionAndFocus(NewPieces, Focus, LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION, false); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Duplicating Pieces")); } void lcModel::PaintSelectedPieces() { SetSelectedPiecesColorIndex(gMainWindow->mColorIndex); } void lcModel::GetScene(lcScene* Scene, const lcCamera* ViewCamera, bool AllowHighlight, bool AllowFade) const { if (mPieceInfo) mPieceInfo->AddRenderMesh(*Scene); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) { const lcStep StepShow = Piece->GetStepShow(); Piece->AddMainModelRenderMeshes(Scene, AllowHighlight && StepShow == mCurrentStep, AllowFade && StepShow < mCurrentStep); } } if (Scene->GetDrawInterface() && !Scene->GetActiveSubmodelInstance()) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (Camera.get() != ViewCamera && Camera->IsVisible()) Scene->AddInterfaceObject(Camera.get()); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (Light->IsVisible()) Scene->AddInterfaceObject(Light.get()); } } void lcModel::AddSubModelRenderMeshes(lcScene* Scene, const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, int DefaultColorIndex, lcRenderMeshState RenderMeshState, bool ParentActive) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel()) Piece->AddSubModelRenderMeshes(Scene, WorldMatrix, DefaultColorIndex, RenderMeshState, ParentActive); } QImage lcModel::GetStepImage(bool Zoom, int Width, int Height, lcStep Step) { const lcView* ActiveView = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); const lcStep CurrentStep = mCurrentStep; lcCamera* Camera = ActiveView->GetCamera(); lcView View(lcViewType::View, this); View.SetCamera(Camera, true); View.SetOffscreenContext(); View.MakeCurrent(); if (!View.BeginRenderToImage(Width, Height)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Error creating images.")); return QImage(); } SetTemporaryStep(Step); if (Zoom) ZoomExtents(Camera, (float)Width / (float)Height); View.OnDraw(); QImage Image = View.GetRenderImage(); View.EndRenderToImage(); SetTemporaryStep(CurrentStep); if (!mActive) CalculateStep(LC_STEP_MAX); return Image; } QImage lcModel::GetPartsListImage(int MaxWidth, lcStep Step, quint32 BackgroundColor, QFont Font, QColor TextColor) const { lcPartsList PartsList; if (Step == 0) GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, true, false, PartsList); else GetPartsListForStep(Step, gDefaultColor, PartsList, false); if (PartsList.empty()) return QImage(); struct lcPartsListImage { QImage Thumbnail; const PieceInfo* Info; int ColorIndex; int Count; QRect Bounds; QPoint Position; }; std::vector Images; for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) { for (const auto& ColorIt : PartIt.second) { Images.push_back(lcPartsListImage()); lcPartsListImage& Image = Images.back(); Image.Info = PartIt.first; Image.ColorIndex = ColorIt.first; Image.Count = ColorIt.second; } } auto ImageCompare = [](const lcPartsListImage& Image1, const lcPartsListImage& Image2) { if (Image1.ColorIndex != Image2.ColorIndex) return Image1.ColorIndex < Image2.ColorIndex; return strcmp(Image1.Info->m_strDescription, Image2.Info->m_strDescription) < 0; }; std::sort(Images.begin(), Images.end(), ImageCompare); lcView View(lcViewType::PartsList, nullptr); View.SetOffscreenContext(); View.MakeCurrent(); lcContext* Context = View.mContext; const int ThumbnailSize = qMin(MaxWidth, 512); View.SetSize(ThumbnailSize, ThumbnailSize); if (!View.BeginRenderToImage(ThumbnailSize, ThumbnailSize)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Error creating images.")); return QImage(); } float OrthoSize = 200.0f; lcMatrix44 ProjectionMatrix = lcMatrix44Ortho(-OrthoSize, OrthoSize, -OrthoSize, OrthoSize, -5000.0f, 5000.0f); const lcMatrix44 ViewMatrix = lcMatrix44LookAt(lcVector3(-100.0f, -100.0f, 75.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); const int Viewport[4] = { 0, 0, ThumbnailSize, ThumbnailSize }; float ExtraPixels = 0.0f; for (const lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) { const PieceInfo* Info = Image.Info; const lcBoundingBox& BoundingBox = Info->GetBoundingBox(); lcVector3 Points[8]; lcGetBoxCorners(BoundingBox.Min, BoundingBox.Max, Points); for (lcVector3& Point : Points) { Point = lcProjectPoint(Point, ViewMatrix, ProjectionMatrix, Viewport); ExtraPixels = qMax(ExtraPixels, -Point.x); ExtraPixels = qMax(ExtraPixels, Point.x - ThumbnailSize); ExtraPixels = qMax(ExtraPixels, -Point.y); ExtraPixels = qMax(ExtraPixels, Point.y - ThumbnailSize); } } if (ExtraPixels) { OrthoSize += ExtraPixels * (2.0f * OrthoSize / ThumbnailSize); ProjectionMatrix = lcMatrix44Ortho(-OrthoSize, OrthoSize, -OrthoSize, OrthoSize, -5000.0f, 5000.0f); } Context->SetViewport(0, 0, ThumbnailSize, ThumbnailSize); Context->SetDefaultState(); Context->SetProjectionMatrix(ProjectionMatrix); for (lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) { View.BindRenderFramebuffer(); Context->ClearColorAndDepth(lcVector4(lcVector3FromColor(BackgroundColor), 0.0f)); lcScene Scene; const lcPreferences& Preferences = lcGetPreferences(); lcShadingMode ShadingMode = Preferences.mShadingMode; if (ShadingMode == lcShadingMode::Wireframe) ShadingMode = lcShadingMode::Flat; Scene.SetShadingMode(ShadingMode); Scene.SetAllowLOD(false); Scene.Begin(ViewMatrix); Image.Info->AddRenderMeshes(&Scene, lcMatrix44Identity(), Image.ColorIndex, lcRenderMeshState::Default, true); Scene.End(); Scene.Draw(Context); View.UnbindRenderFramebuffer(); Image.Thumbnail = View.GetRenderFramebufferImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); } View.EndRenderToImage(); Context->ClearResources(); auto CalculateImageBounds = [](lcPartsListImage& Image) { const QImage& Thumbnail = Image.Thumbnail; const int Width = Thumbnail.width(); const int Height = Thumbnail.height(); int MinX = Width; int MinY = Height; int MaxX = 0; int MaxY = 0; for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++) { if (qAlpha(Thumbnail.pixel(x, y))) { MinX = qMin(x, MinX); MinY = qMin(y, MinY); MaxX = qMax(x, MaxX); MaxY = qMax(y, MaxY); } } } Image.Bounds = QRect(QPoint(MinX, MinY), QPoint(MaxX, MaxY)); }; QtConcurrent::blockingMap(Images, CalculateImageBounds); QImage DummyImage(16, 16, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter DummyPainter(&DummyImage); DummyPainter.setFont(Font); QFontMetrics FontMetrics = DummyPainter.fontMetrics(); const int Ascent = FontMetrics.ascent(); int CurrentHeight = 0; int ImageWidth = MaxWidth; for (const lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) CurrentHeight = qMax(Image.Bounds.height() + Ascent, CurrentHeight); for (;;) { int CurrentWidth = 0; int CurrentX = 0; int CurrentY = 0; int ColumnWidth = 0; constexpr int Spacing = 20; int NextHeightIncrease = INT_MAX; for (lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) { if (CurrentY + Image.Bounds.height() + Ascent > CurrentHeight) { const int NeededSpace = Image.Bounds.height() + Ascent - (CurrentHeight - CurrentY); NextHeightIncrease = qMin(NeededSpace, NextHeightIncrease); CurrentY = 0; CurrentX += ColumnWidth + Spacing; ColumnWidth = 0; } Image.Position = QPoint(CurrentX, CurrentY); CurrentY += Image.Bounds.height() + Ascent + Spacing; CurrentWidth = qMax(CurrentWidth, CurrentX + Image.Bounds.width()); ColumnWidth = qMax(ColumnWidth, Image.Bounds.width()); } if (CurrentWidth <= MaxWidth) { ImageWidth = CurrentWidth; break; } CurrentHeight += NextHeightIncrease; } QImage PainterImage(ImageWidth + 40, CurrentHeight + 40, QImage::Format_ARGB32); PainterImage.fill(lcQColorFromRGBA(BackgroundColor)); QPainter Painter(&PainterImage); Painter.setFont(Font); Painter.setPen(TextColor); for (const lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) { const QPoint Position = Image.Position + QPoint(20, 20); Painter.drawImage(Position, Image.Thumbnail, Image.Bounds); Painter.drawText(QPoint(Position.x(), Position.y() + Image.Bounds.height() + Ascent), QString::number(Image.Count) + 'x'); } Painter.end(); return PainterImage; } void lcModel::SaveStepImages(const QString& BaseName, bool AddStepSuffix, bool Zoom, int Width, int Height, lcStep Start, lcStep End) { for (lcStep Step = Start; Step <= End; Step++) { QString FileName; if (AddStepSuffix) FileName = BaseName.arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); else FileName = BaseName; QImageWriter Writer(FileName); if (Writer.format().isEmpty()) Writer.setFormat("png"); QImage Image = GetStepImage(Zoom, Width, Height, Step); if (!Writer.write(Image)) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, Writer.errorString())); break; } } } void lcModel::RayTest(lcObjectRayTest& ObjectRayTest) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep) && (!ObjectRayTest.IgnoreSelected || !Piece->IsSelected())) Piece->RayTest(ObjectRayTest); if (ObjectRayTest.PiecesOnly) return; for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (Camera.get() != ObjectRayTest.ViewCamera && Camera->IsVisible() && (!ObjectRayTest.IgnoreSelected || !Camera->IsSelected())) Camera->RayTest(ObjectRayTest); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (Light->IsVisible() && (!ObjectRayTest.IgnoreSelected || !Light->IsSelected())) Light->RayTest(ObjectRayTest); } void lcModel::BoxTest(lcObjectBoxTest& ObjectBoxTest) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->BoxTest(ObjectBoxTest); for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (Camera.get() != ObjectBoxTest.ViewCamera && Camera->IsVisible()) Camera->BoxTest(ObjectBoxTest); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (Light->IsVisible()) Light->BoxTest(ObjectBoxTest); } bool lcModel::SubModelMinIntersectDist(const lcVector3& WorldStart, const lcVector3& WorldEnd, float& MinDistance, lcPieceInfoRayTest& PieceInfoRayTest) const { bool MinIntersect = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { const lcMatrix44 InverseWorldMatrix = lcMatrix44AffineInverse(Piece->mModelWorld); const lcVector3 Start = lcMul31(WorldStart, InverseWorldMatrix); const lcVector3 End = lcMul31(WorldEnd, InverseWorldMatrix); if (Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel()) { if (Piece->mPieceInfo->MinIntersectDist(Start, End, MinDistance, PieceInfoRayTest)) // todo: this should check for piece->mMesh first { MinIntersect = true; PieceInfoRayTest.Transform = lcMul(PieceInfoRayTest.Transform, Piece->mModelWorld); } } } return MinIntersect; } bool lcModel::SubModelBoxTest(const lcVector4 Planes[6]) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel() && Piece->mPieceInfo->BoxTest(Piece->mModelWorld, Planes)) return true; return false; } void lcModel::SubModelCompareBoundingBox(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, lcVector3& Min, lcVector3& Max) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel()) Piece->SubModelCompareBoundingBox(WorldMatrix, Min, Max); } void lcModel::SubModelAddBoundingBoxPoints(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, std::vector& Points) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel()) Piece->SubModelAddBoundingBoxPoints(WorldMatrix, Points); } void lcModel::SaveCheckpoint(const QString& Description) { lcModelHistoryEntry* ModelHistoryEntry = new lcModelHistoryEntry(); ModelHistoryEntry->Description = Description; QTextStream Stream(&ModelHistoryEntry->File); SaveLDraw(Stream, false, 0); mUndoHistory.insert(mUndoHistory.begin(), ModelHistoryEntry); for (lcModelHistoryEntry* Entry : mRedoHistory) delete Entry; mRedoHistory.clear(); if (!Description.isEmpty()) { gMainWindow->UpdateModified(IsModified()); gMainWindow->UpdateUndoRedo(mUndoHistory.size() > 1 ? mUndoHistory[0]->Description : QString(), !mRedoHistory.empty() ? mRedoHistory[0]->Description : QString()); } } void lcModel::LoadCheckPoint(lcModelHistoryEntry* CheckPoint) { lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); std::vector LoadedInfos; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { PieceInfo* Info = Piece->mPieceInfo; Library->LoadPieceInfo(Info, true, true); LoadedInfos.push_back(Info); } // Remember the current step const lcStep CurrentStep = mCurrentStep; // Remember the camera names std::vector Views = lcView::GetModelViews(this); std::vector CameraNames(Views.size()); for (size_t ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.size(); ViewIndex++) { lcCamera* Camera = Views[ViewIndex]->GetCamera(); if (!Camera->IsSimple()) CameraNames[ViewIndex] = Camera->GetName(); } DeleteModel(); QBuffer Buffer(&CheckPoint->File); Buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); LoadLDraw(Buffer, lcGetActiveProject()); // Reset the current step mCurrentStep = CurrentStep; CalculateStep(CurrentStep); // Reset the cameras for (size_t ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.size() && ViewIndex < CameraNames.size(); ViewIndex++) if (!CameraNames[ViewIndex].isEmpty()) Views[ViewIndex]->SetCamera(CameraNames[ViewIndex]); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(true, false); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); for (PieceInfo* Info : LoadedInfos) Library->ReleasePieceInfo(Info); } void lcModel::SetActive(bool Active) { CalculateStep(Active ? mCurrentStep : LC_STEP_MAX); mActive = Active; } void lcModel::CalculateStep(lcStep Step) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { Piece->UpdatePosition(Step); if (Piece->IsSelected()) { if (!Piece->IsVisible(Step)) Piece->SetSelected(false); else SelectGroup(Piece->GetTopGroup(), true); } } for (std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) Camera->UpdatePosition(Step); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) Light->UpdatePosition(Step); } void lcModel::SetCurrentStep(lcStep Step) { mCurrentStep = Step; CalculateStep(Step); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); } void lcModel::ShowFirstStep() { if (mCurrentStep == 1) return; SetCurrentStep(1); } void lcModel::ShowLastStep() { const lcStep LastStep = GetLastStep(); if (mCurrentStep == LastStep) return; SetCurrentStep(LastStep); } void lcModel::ShowPreviousStep() { if (mCurrentStep == 1) return; SetCurrentStep(mCurrentStep - 1); } void lcModel::ShowNextStep() { if (mCurrentStep == LC_STEP_MAX) return; SetCurrentStep(mCurrentStep + 1); } lcStep lcModel::GetLastStep() const { lcStep Step = 1; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) Step = lcMax(Step, Piece->GetStepShow()); return Step; } void lcModel::InsertStep(lcStep Step) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { Piece->InsertTime(Step, 1); if (Piece->IsSelected() && !Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(false); } for (std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) Camera->InsertTime(Step, 1); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) Light->InsertTime(Step, 1); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Inserting Step")); SetCurrentStep(mCurrentStep); } void lcModel::RemoveStep(lcStep Step) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { Piece->RemoveTime(Step, 1); if (Piece->IsSelected() && !Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(false); } for (std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) Camera->RemoveTime(Step, 1); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) Light->RemoveTime(Step, 1); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Removing Step")); SetCurrentStep(mCurrentStep); } lcGroup* lcModel::AddGroup(const QString& Prefix, lcGroup* Parent) { lcGroup* Group = new lcGroup(); mGroups.emplace_back(Group); Group->mName = GetGroupName(Prefix); Group->mGroup = Parent; return Group; } lcGroup* lcModel::GetGroup(const QString& Name, bool CreateIfMissing) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Group : mGroups) if (Group->mName == Name) return Group.get(); if (CreateIfMissing) { lcGroup* Group = new lcGroup(); Group->mName = Name; mGroups.emplace_back(Group); return Group; } return nullptr; } void lcModel::RemoveGroup(lcGroup* Group) { for (std::vector>::iterator GroupIt = mGroups.begin(); GroupIt != mGroups.end(); GroupIt++) { if (GroupIt->get() == Group) { mGroups.erase(GroupIt); break; } } } void lcModel::GroupSelection() { if (!AnyPiecesSelected()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("No pieces selected.")); return; } lcGroupDialog Dialog(gMainWindow, GetGroupName(tr("Group #"))); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; lcGroup* NewGroup = GetGroup(Dialog.mName, true); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { lcGroup* Group = Piece->GetTopGroup(); if (!Group) Piece->SetGroup(NewGroup); else if (Group != NewGroup) Group->mGroup = NewGroup; } } SaveCheckpoint(tr("Grouping")); } void lcModel::UngroupSelection() { std::set SelectedGroups; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { lcGroup* Group = Piece->GetTopGroup(); if (SelectedGroups.insert(Group).second) { for (std::vector>::iterator GroupIt = mGroups.begin(); GroupIt != mGroups.end(); GroupIt++) { if (GroupIt->get() == Group) { GroupIt->release(); mGroups.erase(GroupIt); break; } } } } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { lcGroup* Group = Piece->GetGroup(); if (SelectedGroups.find(Group) != SelectedGroups.end()) Piece->SetGroup(nullptr); } for (const std::unique_ptr& Group : mGroups) if (SelectedGroups.find(Group->mGroup) != SelectedGroups.end()) Group->mGroup = nullptr; for (lcGroup* Group : SelectedGroups) delete Group; RemoveEmptyGroups(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Ungrouping")); } void lcModel::AddSelectedPiecesToGroup() { lcGroup* Group = nullptr; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Group = Piece->GetTopGroup(); if (Group) break; } } if (Group) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsFocused()) { Piece->SetGroup(Group); break; } } } RemoveEmptyGroups(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Grouping")); } void lcModel::RemoveFocusPieceFromGroup() { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsFocused()) { Piece->SetGroup(nullptr); break; } } RemoveEmptyGroups(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Ungrouping")); } void lcModel::ShowEditGroupsDialog() { QMap PieceParents; QMap GroupParents; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) PieceParents[Piece.get()] = Piece->GetGroup(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Group : mGroups) GroupParents[Group.get()] = Group->mGroup; lcQEditGroupsDialog Dialog(gMainWindow, PieceParents, GroupParents, this); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; bool Modified = Dialog.mNewGroups.isEmpty(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { lcGroup* ParentGroup = Dialog.mPieceParents.value(Piece.get()); if (ParentGroup != Piece->GetGroup()) { Piece->SetGroup(ParentGroup); Modified = true; } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Group : mGroups) { lcGroup* ParentGroup = Dialog.mGroupParents.value(Group.get()); if (ParentGroup != Group->mGroup) { Group->mGroup = ParentGroup; Modified = true; } } if (Modified) { ClearSelection(true); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Editing Groups")); } } QString lcModel::GetGroupName(const QString& Prefix) { const int Length = Prefix.length(); int Max = 0; for (const std::unique_ptr& Group : mGroups) { const QString& Name = Group->mName; if (Name.startsWith(Prefix)) { bool Ok = false; int GroupNumber = Name.mid(Length).toInt(&Ok); if (Ok && GroupNumber > Max) Max = GroupNumber; } } return Prefix + QString::number(Max + 1); } void lcModel::RemoveEmptyGroups() { bool Removed; do { Removed = false; for (std::vector>::iterator GroupIt = mGroups.begin(); GroupIt != mGroups.end();) { lcGroup* Group = GroupIt->get(); int Ref = 0; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->GetGroup() == Group) Ref++; for (size_t ParentIdx = 0; ParentIdx < mGroups.size(); ParentIdx++) if (mGroups[ParentIdx]->mGroup == Group) Ref++; if (Ref > 1) { GroupIt++; continue; } if (Ref != 0) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->GetGroup() == Group) { Piece->SetGroup(Group->mGroup); break; } } for (size_t ParentIdx = 0; ParentIdx < mGroups.size(); ParentIdx++) { if (mGroups[ParentIdx]->mGroup == Group) { mGroups[ParentIdx]->mGroup = Group->mGroup; break; } } } GroupIt = mGroups.erase(GroupIt); Removed = true; } } while (Removed); } lcVector3 lcModel::SnapPosition(const lcVector3& Distance) const { lcVector3 NewDistance(Distance); float SnapXY = gMainWindow->GetMoveXYSnap(); if (SnapXY != 0.0f) { int i = (int)(NewDistance[0] / SnapXY); float Leftover = NewDistance[0] - (SnapXY * i); if (Leftover > SnapXY / 2) i++; else if (Leftover < -SnapXY / 2) i--; NewDistance[0] = SnapXY * i; i = (int)(NewDistance[1] / SnapXY); Leftover = NewDistance[1] - (SnapXY * i); if (Leftover > SnapXY / 2) i++; else if (Leftover < -SnapXY / 2) i--; NewDistance[1] = SnapXY * i; } float SnapZ = gMainWindow->GetMoveZSnap(); if (SnapZ != 0.0f) { int i = (int)(NewDistance[2] / SnapZ); const float Leftover = NewDistance[2] - (SnapZ * i); if (Leftover > SnapZ / 2) i++; else if (Leftover < -SnapZ / 2) i--; NewDistance[2] = SnapZ * i; } return NewDistance; } lcVector3 lcModel::SnapRotation(const lcVector3& Angles) const { const float AngleSnap = gMainWindow->GetAngleSnap(); lcVector3 NewAngles(Angles); if (AngleSnap != 0.0f) { int Snap[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) Snap[i] = (int)(Angles[i] / AngleSnap); NewAngles = lcVector3((float)(AngleSnap * Snap[0]), (float)(AngleSnap * Snap[1]), (float)(AngleSnap * Snap[2])); } return NewAngles; } lcMatrix33 lcModel::GetRelativeRotation() const { if (gMainWindow->GetRelativeTransform()) { const lcObject* Focus = GetFocusObject(); if (Focus) { if (Focus->IsPiece()) return ((lcPiece*)Focus)->GetRelativeRotation(); if (Focus->IsLight()) return ((lcLight*)Focus)->GetRelativeRotation(); } } return lcMatrix33Identity(); } void lcModel::AddPiece() { PieceInfo* PieceInfo = gMainWindow->GetCurrentPieceInfo(); if (!PieceInfo) return; lcPiece* Last = mPieces.empty() ? nullptr : mPieces.back().get(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsFocused()) { Last = Piece.get(); break; } } lcMatrix44 WorldMatrix; const lcBoundingBox& PieceInfoBoundingBox = PieceInfo->GetBoundingBox(); if (Last) { const lcBoundingBox& LastBoundingBox = Last->GetBoundingBox(); lcVector3 Dist(0, 0, LastBoundingBox.Max.z - PieceInfoBoundingBox.Min.z); Dist = SnapPosition(Dist); WorldMatrix = Last->mModelWorld; WorldMatrix.SetTranslation(lcMul31(Dist, Last->mModelWorld)); } else { WorldMatrix = lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -PieceInfoBoundingBox.Min.z)); } lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(PieceInfo); Piece->Initialize(WorldMatrix, mCurrentStep); Piece->SetColorIndex(gMainWindow->mColorIndex); AddPiece(Piece); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(Piece, LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION, false); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Adding Piece")); } void lcModel::AddPiece(lcPiece* Piece) { for (size_t PieceIndex = 0; PieceIndex < mPieces.size(); PieceIndex++) { if (mPieces[PieceIndex]->GetStepShow() > Piece->GetStepShow()) { InsertPiece(Piece, PieceIndex); return; } } InsertPiece(Piece, mPieces.size()); } void lcModel::InsertPiece(lcPiece* Piece, size_t Index) { const PieceInfo* Info = Piece->mPieceInfo; if (!Info->IsModel()) { const lcMesh* Mesh = Info->GetMesh(); if (Mesh && Mesh->mVertexCacheOffset == -1) lcGetPiecesLibrary()->mBuffersDirty = true; } mPieces.insert(mPieces.begin() + Index, std::unique_ptr(Piece)); } void lcModel::DeleteAllCameras() { if (mCameras.empty()) return; mCameras.clear(); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Resetting Cameras")); } void lcModel::DeleteSelectedObjects() { if (RemoveSelectedObjects()) { if (!mIsPreview) { gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Deleting")); } } } void lcModel::ResetSelectedPiecesPivotPoint() { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsSelected()) Piece->ResetPivotPoint(); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::RemoveSelectedPiecesKeyFrames() { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsSelected()) Piece->RemoveKeyFrames(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (Camera->IsSelected()) Camera->RemoveKeyFrames(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (Light->IsSelected()) Light->RemoveKeyFrames(); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Removing Key Frames")); } void lcModel::InsertControlPoint() { lcObject* Focus = GetFocusObject(); if (!Focus || !Focus->IsPiece()) return; lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Focus; lcVector3 Start, End; gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->GetRayUnderPointer(Start, End); if (Piece->InsertControlPoint(Start, End)) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Modifying")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } } void lcModel::RemoveFocusedControlPoint() { lcObject* Focus = GetFocusObject(); if (!Focus || !Focus->IsPiece()) return; lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Focus; if (Piece->RemoveFocusedControlPoint()) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Modifying")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } } void lcModel::ShowSelectedPiecesEarlier() { std::vector MovedPieces; for (auto PieceIt = mPieces.begin(); PieceIt != mPieces.end(); ) { lcPiece* Piece = PieceIt->get(); if (Piece->IsSelected()) { lcStep Step = Piece->GetStepShow(); if (Step > 1) { Step--; Piece->SetStepShow(Step); MovedPieces.emplace_back(PieceIt->release()); PieceIt = mPieces.erase(PieceIt); continue; } } PieceIt++; } if (MovedPieces.empty()) return; for (lcPiece* Piece : MovedPieces) { Piece->SetFileLine(-1); AddPiece(Piece); } SaveCheckpoint(tr("Modifying")); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::ShowSelectedPiecesLater() { std::vector MovedPieces; for (auto PieceIt = mPieces.begin(); PieceIt != mPieces.end(); ) { lcPiece* Piece = PieceIt->get(); if (Piece->IsSelected()) { lcStep Step = Piece->GetStepShow(); if (Step < LC_STEP_MAX) { Step++; Piece->SetStepShow(Step); if (!Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(false); MovedPieces.emplace_back(PieceIt->release()); PieceIt = mPieces.erase(PieceIt); continue; } } PieceIt++; } if (MovedPieces.empty()) return; for (lcPiece* Piece : MovedPieces) { Piece->SetFileLine(-1); AddPiece(Piece); } SaveCheckpoint(tr("Modifying")); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::SetPieceSteps(const std::vector>& PieceSteps) { if (PieceSteps.size() != mPieces.size()) return; bool Modified = false; for (size_t PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < PieceSteps.size(); PieceIdx++) { const std::pair& PieceStep = PieceSteps[PieceIdx]; lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx].get(); if (Piece != PieceStep.first || Piece->GetStepShow() != PieceStep.second) { Piece = PieceStep.first; const lcStep Step = PieceStep.second; mPieces[PieceIdx].release(); mPieces[PieceIdx] = std::unique_ptr(Piece); Piece->SetStepShow(Step); if (!Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(false); Modified = true; } } if (Modified) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Modifying")); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); } } void lcModel::RenamePiece(PieceInfo* Info) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->mPieceInfo == Info) Piece->UpdateID(); } void lcModel::MoveSelectionToModel(lcModel* Model) { if (!Model) return; std::vector Pieces; lcPiece* ModelPiece = nullptr; lcStep FirstStep = LC_STEP_MAX; lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (size_t PieceIndex = 0; PieceIndex < mPieces.size(); ) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIndex].get(); if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); mPieces[PieceIndex].release(); mPieces.erase(mPieces.begin() + PieceIndex); Piece->SetGroup(nullptr); // todo: copy groups Pieces.emplace_back(Piece); FirstStep = qMin(FirstStep, Piece->GetStepShow()); if (!ModelPiece) { ModelPiece = new lcPiece(Model->mPieceInfo); ModelPiece->SetColorIndex(gDefaultColor); InsertPiece(ModelPiece, PieceIndex); PieceIndex++; } } else PieceIndex++; } lcVector3 ModelCenter = (Min + Max) / 2.0f; ModelCenter.z += (Min.z - Max.z) / 2.0f; for (lcPiece* Piece : Pieces) { Piece->SetFileLine(-1); Piece->SetStepShow(Piece->GetStepShow() - FirstStep + 1); Piece->MoveSelected(Piece->GetStepShow(), false, -ModelCenter); Model->AddPiece(Piece); } std::vector UpdatedModels; Model->UpdatePieceInfo(UpdatedModels); if (ModelPiece) { ModelPiece->Initialize(lcMatrix44Translation(ModelCenter), FirstStep); ModelPiece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); } SaveCheckpoint(tr("New Model")); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(ModelPiece, LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION, false); } void lcModel::InlineSelectedModels() { std::vector NewPieces; for (size_t PieceIndex = 0; PieceIndex < mPieces.size(); ) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIndex].get(); if (!Piece->IsSelected() || !Piece->mPieceInfo->IsModel()) { PieceIndex++; continue; } mPieces[PieceIndex].release(); mPieces.erase(mPieces.begin() + PieceIndex); lcModel* Model = Piece->mPieceInfo->GetModel(); for (const std::unique_ptr& ModelPiece : Model->mPieces) { lcPiece* NewPiece = new lcPiece(nullptr); // todo: recreate in groups in the current model int ColorIndex = ModelPiece->GetColorIndex(); if (ColorIndex == gDefaultColor) ColorIndex = Piece->GetColorIndex(); NewPiece->SetPieceInfo(ModelPiece->mPieceInfo, ModelPiece->GetID(), true); NewPiece->Initialize(lcMul(ModelPiece->mModelWorld, Piece->mModelWorld), Piece->GetStepShow()); NewPiece->SetColorIndex(ColorIndex); NewPiece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); NewPieces.emplace_back(NewPiece); InsertPiece(NewPiece, PieceIndex); PieceIndex++; } delete Piece; } if (!NewPieces.size()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("No models selected.")); return; } SaveCheckpoint(tr("Inlining")); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); SetSelectionAndFocus(NewPieces, nullptr, 0, false); } bool lcModel::RemoveSelectedObjects() { bool RemovedPiece = false; bool RemovedCamera = false; bool RemovedLight = false; for (auto PieceIt = mPieces.begin(); PieceIt != mPieces.end(); ) { lcPiece* Piece = PieceIt->get(); if (Piece->IsSelected()) { RemovedPiece = true; PieceIt = mPieces.erase(PieceIt); } else PieceIt++; } for (std::vector>::iterator CameraIt = mCameras.begin(); CameraIt != mCameras.end(); ) { lcCamera* Camera = CameraIt->get(); if (Camera->IsSelected()) { std::vector Views = lcView::GetModelViews(this); for (lcView* View : Views) if (Camera == View->GetCamera()) View->SetCamera(Camera, true); RemovedCamera = true; CameraIt = mCameras.erase(CameraIt); } else CameraIt++; } for (std::vector>::iterator LightIt = mLights.begin(); LightIt != mLights.end(); ) { lcLight* Light = LightIt->get(); if (Light->IsSelected()) { RemovedLight = true; LightIt = mLights.erase(LightIt); } else LightIt++; } RemoveEmptyGroups(); return RemovedPiece || RemovedCamera || RemovedLight; } void lcModel::MoveSelectedObjects(const lcVector3& PieceDistance, const lcVector3& ObjectDistance, bool AllowRelative, bool AlternateButtonDrag, bool Update, bool Checkpoint, bool FirstMove) { bool Moved = false; lcMatrix33 RelativeRotation; if (AllowRelative) RelativeRotation = GetRelativeRotation(); else RelativeRotation = lcMatrix33Identity(); if (PieceDistance.LengthSquared() >= 0.001f) { lcVector3 TransformedPieceDistance = lcMul(PieceDistance, RelativeRotation); if (AlternateButtonDrag) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsFocused()) { Piece->MovePivotPoint(TransformedPieceDistance); Moved = true; break; } } } else { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { if (gMainWindow->GetSeparateTransform()) TransformedPieceDistance = lcMul(PieceDistance, Piece->GetRelativeRotation()); Piece->MoveSelected(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), TransformedPieceDistance); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Moved = true; } } } } if (ObjectDistance.LengthSquared() >= 0.001f && !AlternateButtonDrag) { const lcVector3 TransformedObjectDistance = lcMul(ObjectDistance, RelativeRotation); for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) { if (Camera->IsSelected()) { Camera->MoveSelected(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), TransformedObjectDistance); Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Moved = true; } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) { if (Light->IsSelected()) { Light->MoveSelected(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), TransformedObjectDistance, FirstMove); Light->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Moved = true; } } } if (Moved && Update) { UpdateAllViews(); if (Checkpoint) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Moving")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); } } void lcModel::RotateSelectedObjects(const lcVector3& Angles, bool Relative, bool RotatePivotPoint, bool Update, bool Checkpoint) { if (Angles.LengthSquared() < 0.001f) return; lcMatrix33 RotationMatrix = lcMatrix33Identity(); bool Rotated = false; if (Angles[0] != 0.0f) RotationMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix33RotationX(Angles[0] * LC_DTOR), RotationMatrix); if (Angles[1] != 0.0f) RotationMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix33RotationY(Angles[1] * LC_DTOR), RotationMatrix); if (Angles[2] != 0.0f) RotationMatrix = lcMul(lcMatrix33RotationZ(Angles[2] * LC_DTOR), RotationMatrix); if (RotatePivotPoint) { lcObject* Focus = GetFocusObject(); if (Focus && Focus->IsPiece()) { ((lcPiece*)Focus)->RotatePivotPoint(RotationMatrix); Rotated = true; } } else { int Flags; std::vector Selection; lcObject* Focus; GetSelectionInformation(&Flags, Selection, &Focus); if (!gMainWindow->GetSeparateTransform()) { lcVector3 Center; lcMatrix33 RelativeRotation; GetMoveRotateTransform(Center, RelativeRotation); lcMatrix33 WorldToFocusMatrix; if (Relative) { WorldToFocusMatrix = lcMatrix33AffineInverse(RelativeRotation); RotationMatrix = lcMul(RotationMatrix, RelativeRotation); } else WorldToFocusMatrix = lcMatrix33Identity(); for (lcObject* Object : Selection) { if (Object->IsPiece()) { lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; Piece->Rotate(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), RotationMatrix, Center, WorldToFocusMatrix); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Rotated = true; } else if (Object->IsLight()) { lcLight* Light = (lcLight*)Object; Light->Rotate(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), RotationMatrix, Center, WorldToFocusMatrix); Light->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Rotated = true; } } } else { for (lcObject* Object : Selection) { if (Object->IsPiece()) { lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; const lcVector3 Center = Piece->GetRotationCenter(); lcMatrix33 WorldToFocusMatrix; lcMatrix33 RelativeRotationMatrix; if (Relative) { const lcMatrix33 RelativeRotation = Piece->GetRelativeRotation(); WorldToFocusMatrix = lcMatrix33AffineInverse(RelativeRotation); RelativeRotationMatrix = lcMul(RotationMatrix, RelativeRotation); } else { WorldToFocusMatrix = lcMatrix33Identity(); RelativeRotationMatrix = RotationMatrix; } Piece->Rotate(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), RelativeRotationMatrix, Center, WorldToFocusMatrix); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Rotated = true; } else if (Object->IsLight()) { lcLight* Light = (lcLight*)Object; const lcVector3 Center = Light->GetRotationCenter(); lcMatrix33 WorldToFocusMatrix; lcMatrix33 RelativeRotationMatrix; if (Relative) { const lcMatrix33 RelativeRotation = Light->GetRelativeRotation(); WorldToFocusMatrix = lcMatrix33AffineInverse(RelativeRotation); RelativeRotationMatrix = lcMul(RotationMatrix, RelativeRotation); } else { WorldToFocusMatrix = lcMatrix33Identity(); RelativeRotationMatrix = RotationMatrix; } Light->Rotate(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), RotationMatrix, Center, WorldToFocusMatrix); Light->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Rotated = true; } } } } if (Rotated && Update) { UpdateAllViews(); if (Checkpoint) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Rotating")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); } } void lcModel::ScaleSelectedPieces(const float Scale, bool Update, bool Checkpoint) { if (Scale < 0.001f) return; lcObject* Focus = GetFocusObject(); if (!Focus || !Focus->IsPiece()) return; lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Focus; const quint32 Section = Piece->GetFocusSection(); if (Section >= LC_PIECE_SECTION_CONTROL_POINT_FIRST && Section <= LC_PIECE_SECTION_CONTROL_POINT_LAST) { const int ControlPointIndex = Section - LC_PIECE_SECTION_CONTROL_POINT_FIRST; Piece->SetControlPointScale(ControlPointIndex, Scale); if (Update) { UpdateAllViews(); if (Checkpoint) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Scaling")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); } } } void lcModel::TransformSelectedObjects(lcTransformType TransformType, const lcVector3& Transform) { switch (TransformType) { case lcTransformType::AbsoluteTranslation: MoveSelectedObjects(Transform, false, false, true, true, true); break; case lcTransformType::RelativeTranslation: MoveSelectedObjects(Transform, true, false, true, true, true); break; case lcTransformType::AbsoluteRotation: RotateSelectedObjects(Transform, false, false, true, true); break; case lcTransformType::RelativeRotation: RotateSelectedObjects(Transform, true, false, true, true); break; case lcTransformType::Count: break; } } void lcModel::SetObjectsKeyFrame(const std::vector& Objects, lcObjectPropertyId PropertyId, bool KeyFrame) { bool Modified = false; for (lcObject* Object : Objects) { Modified |= Object->SetKeyFrame(PropertyId, mCurrentStep, KeyFrame); Object->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); } if (Modified) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Changing Key Frame")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); } } void lcModel::SetSelectedPiecesColorIndex(int ColorIndex) { bool Modified = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected() && Piece->GetColorIndex() != ColorIndex) { Piece->SetColorIndex(ColorIndex); Modified = true; } } if (Modified) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Painting")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); } } void lcModel::SetSelectedPiecesStepShow(lcStep Step) { std::vector MovedPieces; bool SelectionChanged = false; for (auto PieceIt = mPieces.begin(); PieceIt != mPieces.end(); ) { lcPiece* Piece = PieceIt->get(); if (Piece->IsSelected() && Piece->GetStepShow() != Step) { Piece->SetStepShow(Step); if (!Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) { Piece->SetSelected(false); SelectionChanged = true; } MovedPieces.emplace_back(PieceIt->release()); PieceIt = mPieces.erase(PieceIt); continue; } PieceIt++; } if (MovedPieces.empty()) return; for (lcPiece* Piece : MovedPieces) { Piece->SetFileLine(-1); AddPiece(Piece); } SaveCheckpoint(tr("Showing Pieces")); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(SelectionChanged); } void lcModel::SetSelectedPiecesStepHide(lcStep Step) { bool Modified = false; bool SelectionChanged = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected() && Piece->GetStepHide() != Step) { Piece->SetStepHide(Step); if (!Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) { Piece->SetSelected(false); SelectionChanged = true; } Modified = true; } } if (Modified) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Hiding Pieces")); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(SelectionChanged); } } void lcModel::SetCameraOrthographic(lcCamera* Camera, bool Ortho) { if (Camera->IsOrtho() == Ortho) return; Camera->SetOrtho(Ortho); Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Editing Camera")); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); } void lcModel::SetCameraFOV(lcCamera* Camera, float FOV) { if (Camera->m_fovy == FOV) return; Camera->m_fovy = FOV; Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Changing FOV")); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::SetCameraZNear(lcCamera* Camera, float ZNear) { if (Camera->m_zNear == ZNear) return; Camera->m_zNear = ZNear; Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Editing Camera")); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::SetCameraZFar(lcCamera* Camera, float ZFar) { if (Camera->m_zFar == ZFar) return; Camera->m_zFar = ZFar; Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Editing Camera")); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::SetObjectsProperty(const std::vector& Objects, lcObjectPropertyId PropertyId, QVariant Value) { bool Modified = false; for (lcObject* Object : Objects) { bool ObjectModified = Object->SetPropertyValue(PropertyId, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), Value); if (ObjectModified) { Object->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Modified = true; } } if (!Modified) return; SaveCheckpoint(lcObject::GetCheckpointString(PropertyId)); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); // todo: fix hacky timeline update if (PropertyId == lcObjectPropertyId::PieceId || PropertyId == lcObjectPropertyId::PieceColor) { gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); } } bool lcModel::AnyPiecesSelected() const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsSelected()) return true; return false; } bool lcModel::AnyObjectsSelected() const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsSelected()) return true; for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (Camera->IsSelected()) return true; for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (Light->IsSelected()) return true; return false; } lcObject* lcModel::GetFocusObject() const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsFocused()) return Piece.get(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) if (Camera->IsFocused()) return Camera.get(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) if (Light->IsFocused()) return Light.get(); return nullptr; } lcModel* lcModel::GetFirstSelectedSubmodel() const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsSelected() && Piece->mPieceInfo->IsModel()) return Piece->mPieceInfo->GetModel(); return nullptr; } void lcModel::GetSubModels(std::set& SubModels) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->mPieceInfo->IsModel()) { lcModel* SubModel = Piece->mPieceInfo->GetModel(); SubModels.insert(SubModel); } } } bool lcModel::GetMoveRotateTransform(lcVector3& Center, lcMatrix33& RelativeRotation) const { const bool Relative = gMainWindow->GetRelativeTransform(); int NumSelected = 0; Center = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); RelativeRotation = lcMatrix33Identity(); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (!Piece->IsSelected()) continue; if (Piece->IsFocused() && Relative) { Center = Piece->GetRotationCenter(); RelativeRotation = Piece->GetRelativeRotation(); return true; } Center += Piece->mModelWorld.GetTranslation(); NumSelected++; } for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) { if (!Camera->IsSelected()) continue; if (Camera->IsFocused() && Relative) { Center = Camera->GetSectionPosition(Camera->GetFocusSection()); // RelativeRotation = Piece->GetRelativeRotation(); return true; } Center += Camera->GetSectionPosition(LC_CAMERA_SECTION_POSITION); Center += Camera->GetSectionPosition(LC_CAMERA_SECTION_TARGET); Center += Camera->GetSectionPosition(LC_CAMERA_SECTION_UPVECTOR); NumSelected += 3; } for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) { if (!Light->IsSelected()) continue; if (Light->IsFocused()) { Center = Light->GetRotationCenter(); if (Relative) RelativeRotation = Light->GetRelativeRotation(); return true; } Center += Light->GetSectionPosition(LC_LIGHT_SECTION_POSITION); NumSelected++; } if (NumSelected) { Center /= NumSelected; return true; } return false; } bool lcModel::CanRotateSelection() const { int Flags; std::vector Selection; lcObject* Focus; GetSelectionInformation(&Flags, Selection, &Focus); if (Flags & LC_SEL_PIECE) { if ((Flags & (LC_SEL_CAMERA | LC_SEL_LIGHT)) == 0) return true; } if ((Flags & (LC_SEL_PIECE | LC_SEL_CAMERA)) == 0) { if (Focus && Focus->IsLight()) { lcLight* Light = (lcLight*)Focus; return (Light->GetAllowedTransforms() & LC_OBJECT_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_XYZ) != 0; } } return false; } bool lcModel::GetPieceFocusOrSelectionCenter(lcVector3& Center) const { lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); lcPiece* Selected = nullptr; int NumSelected = 0; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsFocused()) { Center = Piece->mModelWorld.GetTranslation(); return true; } if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); Selected = Piece.get(); NumSelected++; } } if (NumSelected == 1) Center = Selected->mModelWorld.GetTranslation(); else if (NumSelected) Center = (Min + Max) / 2.0f; else Center = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return NumSelected != 0; } lcVector3 lcModel::GetSelectionOrModelCenter() const { lcVector3 Center; if (!GetSelectionCenter(Center)) { lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); if (GetVisiblePiecesBoundingBox(Min, Max)) Center = (Min + Max) / 2.0f; else Center = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } return Center; } bool lcModel::GetFocusPosition(lcVector3& Position) const { const lcObject* FocusObject = GetFocusObject(); if (FocusObject) { Position = FocusObject->GetSectionPosition(FocusObject->GetFocusSection()); return true; } else { Position = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return false; } } bool lcModel::GetSelectionCenter(lcVector3& Center) const { lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); lcPiece* SelectedPiece = nullptr; bool SinglePieceSelected = true; bool Selected = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); Selected = true; if (!SelectedPiece) SelectedPiece = Piece.get(); else SinglePieceSelected = false; } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) { if (Camera->IsSelected()) { Camera->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); Selected = true; SinglePieceSelected = false; } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) { if (Light->IsSelected()) { Light->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); Selected = true; SinglePieceSelected = false; } } if (SelectedPiece && SinglePieceSelected) Center = SelectedPiece->GetSectionPosition(LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION); else if (Selected) Center = (Min + Max) / 2.0f; else Center = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return Selected; } lcBoundingBox lcModel::GetAllPiecesBoundingBox() const { lcBoundingBox Box; if (!mPieces.empty()) { Box.Min = lcVector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); Box.Max = lcVector3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) Piece->CompareBoundingBox(Box.Min, Box.Max); } else Box.Min = Box.Max = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); return Box; } bool lcModel::GetVisiblePiecesBoundingBox(lcVector3& Min, lcVector3& Max) const { bool Valid = false; Min = lcVector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); Max = lcVector3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) { Piece->CompareBoundingBox(Min, Max); Valid = true; } } return Valid; } std::vector lcModel::GetPiecesBoundingBoxPoints() const { std::vector Points; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SubModelAddBoundingBoxPoints(lcMatrix44Identity(), Points); return Points; } void lcModel::GetPartsList(int DefaultColorIndex, bool ScanSubModels, bool AddSubModels, lcPartsList& PartsList) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (!Piece->IsVisibleInSubModel()) continue; int ColorIndex = Piece->GetColorIndex(); if (ColorIndex == gDefaultColor) ColorIndex = DefaultColorIndex; Piece->mPieceInfo->GetPartsList(ColorIndex, ScanSubModels, AddSubModels, PartsList); } } void lcModel::GetPartsListForStep(lcStep Step, int DefaultColorIndex, lcPartsList& PartsList, bool Cumulative) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Cumulative ? Piece->GetStepShow() > Step : Piece->GetStepShow() != Step || Piece->IsHidden()) continue; int ColorIndex = Piece->GetColorIndex(); if (ColorIndex == gDefaultColor) ColorIndex = DefaultColorIndex; Piece->mPieceInfo->GetPartsList(ColorIndex, false, true, PartsList); } } void lcModel::GetModelParts(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix, int DefaultColorIndex, std::vector& ModelParts) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) Piece->GetModelParts(WorldMatrix, DefaultColorIndex, ModelParts); } void lcModel::GetSelectionInformation(int* Flags, std::vector& Selection, lcObject** Focus) const { *Flags = 0; *Focus = nullptr; if (mPieces.empty()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_NO_PIECES; else { lcGroup* Group = nullptr; bool First = true; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Selection.emplace_back(Piece.get()); if (Piece->IsFocused()) *Focus = Piece.get(); if (Piece->mPieceInfo->IsModel()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_MODEL_SELECTED; if (Piece->IsHidden()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_HIDDEN | LC_SEL_HIDDEN_SELECTED; else *Flags |= LC_SEL_VISIBLE_SELECTED; *Flags |= LC_SEL_PIECE | LC_SEL_SELECTED; if (Piece->CanAddControlPoint()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_CAN_ADD_CONTROL_POINT; if (Piece->CanRemoveControlPoint()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_CAN_REMOVE_CONTROL_POINT; if (Piece->GetGroup() != nullptr) { *Flags |= LC_SEL_GROUPED; if (Piece->IsFocused()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_FOCUS_GROUPED; } if (First) { Group = Piece->GetGroup(); First = false; } else { if (Group != Piece->GetGroup()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_CAN_GROUP; else if (Group == nullptr) *Flags |= LC_SEL_CAN_GROUP; } } else { *Flags |= LC_SEL_UNSELECTED; if (Piece->IsHidden()) *Flags |= LC_SEL_HIDDEN; } } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) { if (Camera->IsSelected()) { Selection.emplace_back(Camera.get()); *Flags |= LC_SEL_SELECTED | LC_SEL_CAMERA; if (Camera->IsFocused()) *Focus = Camera.get(); } } for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) { if (Light->IsSelected()) { Selection.emplace_back(Light.get()); *Flags |= LC_SEL_SELECTED | LC_SEL_LIGHT; if (Light->IsFocused()) *Focus = Light.get(); } } } std::vector lcModel::GetSelectionModePieces(const lcPiece* SelectedPiece) const { const PieceInfo* Info = SelectedPiece->mPieceInfo; const int ColorIndex = SelectedPiece->GetColorIndex(); std::vector Pieces; switch (gMainWindow->GetSelectionMode()) { case lcSelectionMode::Single: break; case lcSelectionMode::Piece: for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep) && Piece->mPieceInfo == Info && Piece.get() != SelectedPiece) Pieces.emplace_back(Piece.get()); break; case lcSelectionMode::Color: for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep) && Piece->GetColorIndex() == ColorIndex && Piece.get() != SelectedPiece) Pieces.emplace_back(Piece.get()); break; case lcSelectionMode::PieceColor: for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep) && Piece->mPieceInfo == Info && Piece->GetColorIndex() == ColorIndex && Piece.get() != SelectedPiece) Pieces.emplace_back(Piece.get()); break; } return Pieces; } void lcModel::ClearSelection(bool UpdateInterface) { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) Piece->SetSelected(false); for (const std::unique_ptr& Camera : mCameras) Camera->SetSelected(false); for (const std::unique_ptr& Light : mLights) Light->SetSelected(false); if (UpdateInterface) { gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } } void lcModel::SelectGroup(lcGroup* TopGroup, bool Select) { if (!TopGroup) return; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (!Piece->IsSelected() && Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep) && (Piece->GetTopGroup() == TopGroup)) Piece->SetSelected(Select); } void lcModel::FocusOrDeselectObject(const lcObjectSection& ObjectSection) { lcObject* FocusObject = GetFocusObject(); lcObject* Object = ObjectSection.Object; const quint32 Section = ObjectSection.Section; if (Object) { const bool WasSelected = Object->IsSelected(); if (!Object->IsFocused(Section)) { if (FocusObject) FocusObject->SetFocused(FocusObject->GetFocusSection(), false); Object->SetFocused(Section, true); } else Object->SetFocused(Section, false); const bool IsSelected = Object->IsSelected(); if (Object->IsPiece() && (WasSelected != IsSelected)) { lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; if (gMainWindow->GetSelectionMode() == lcSelectionMode::Single) SelectGroup(Piece->GetTopGroup(), IsSelected); else { std::vector Pieces = GetSelectionModePieces(Piece); AddToSelection(Pieces, false, false); } } } else { if (FocusObject) FocusObject->SetFocused(FocusObject->GetFocusSection(), false); } gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(lcObject* Object, quint32 Section, bool EnableSelectionMode) { ClearSelection(false); if (Object) { Object->SetFocused(Section, true); if (Object->IsPiece()) { SelectGroup(((lcPiece*)Object)->GetTopGroup(), true); if (EnableSelectionMode) { std::vector Pieces = GetSelectionModePieces((lcPiece*)Object); AddToSelection(Pieces, false, false); } } } gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(const lcObjectSection& ObjectSection, bool EnableSelectionMode) { ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(ObjectSection.Object, ObjectSection.Section, EnableSelectionMode); } void lcModel::SetSelectionAndFocus(const std::vector& Selection, lcObject* Focus, quint32 Section, bool EnableSelectionMode) { ClearSelection(false); if (Focus) { Focus->SetFocused(Section, true); if (Focus->IsPiece()) { SelectGroup(((lcPiece*)Focus)->GetTopGroup(), true); if (EnableSelectionMode) { std::vector Pieces = GetSelectionModePieces((lcPiece*)Focus); AddToSelection(Pieces, false, false); } } } AddToSelection(Selection, EnableSelectionMode, true); } void lcModel::AddToSelection(const std::vector& Objects, bool EnableSelectionMode, bool UpdateInterface) { for (lcObject* Object : Objects) { const bool WasSelected = Object->IsSelected(); Object->SetSelected(true); if (Object->IsPiece()) { if (!WasSelected) SelectGroup(((lcPiece*)Object)->GetTopGroup(), true); if (EnableSelectionMode) { std::vector Pieces = GetSelectionModePieces((lcPiece*)Object); AddToSelection(Pieces, false, false); } } } if (UpdateInterface) { gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } } void lcModel::RemoveFromSelection(const std::vector& Objects) { for (lcObject* SelectedObject : Objects) { const bool WasSelected = SelectedObject->IsSelected(); SelectedObject->SetSelected(false); if (WasSelected && SelectedObject->IsPiece()) { lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)SelectedObject; if (gMainWindow->GetSelectionMode() == lcSelectionMode::Single) SelectGroup(Piece->GetTopGroup(), false); else { std::vector Pieces = GetSelectionModePieces(Piece); for (lcObject* Object : Pieces) { if (Object->IsSelected()) { Object->SetSelected(false); SelectGroup(((lcPiece*)Object)->GetTopGroup(), false); } } } } } gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::RemoveFromSelection(const lcObjectSection& ObjectSection) { lcObject* SelectedObject = ObjectSection.Object; if (!SelectedObject) return; const bool WasSelected = SelectedObject->IsSelected(); if (SelectedObject->IsFocused(ObjectSection.Section)) SelectedObject->SetSelected(ObjectSection.Section, false); else SelectedObject->SetSelected(false); if (SelectedObject->IsPiece() && WasSelected) { lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)SelectedObject; if (gMainWindow->GetSelectionMode() == lcSelectionMode::Single) SelectGroup(Piece->GetTopGroup(), false); else { std::vector Pieces = GetSelectionModePieces(Piece); for (lcObject* Object : Pieces) { if (Object->IsSelected()) { Object->SetSelected(false); SelectGroup(((lcPiece*)Object)->GetTopGroup(), false); } } } } gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::SelectAllPieces() { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(true); if (!mIsPreview) gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::InvertSelection() { for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(!Piece->IsSelected()); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::HideSelectedPieces() { bool Modified = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->SetHidden(true); Piece->SetSelected(false); Modified = true; } } if (!Modified) return; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Hide")); } void lcModel::HideUnselectedPieces() { bool Modified = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (!Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->SetHidden(true); Modified = true; } } if (!Modified) return; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Hide")); } void lcModel::UnhideSelectedPieces() { bool Modified = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsSelected() && Piece->IsHidden()) { Piece->SetHidden(false); Modified = true; } } if (!Modified) return; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Unhide")); } void lcModel::UnhideAllPieces() { bool Modified = false; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (Piece->IsHidden()) { Piece->SetHidden(false); Modified = true; } } if (!Modified) return; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Unhide")); } void lcModel::FindReplacePiece(bool SearchForward, bool FindAll, bool Replace) { if (mPieces.empty()) return; const lcFindReplaceParams& Params = lcView::GetFindReplaceParams(); const bool ReplacePieceInfo = Replace && Params.ReplacePieceInfo; const bool ReplaceColor = Replace && lcGetColorCode(Params.ReplaceColorIndex) != LC_COLOR_NOCOLOR; // Check if we are supposed to actually replace something const bool Replacing = (ReplaceColor || ReplacePieceInfo); auto PieceMatches = [&Params](const lcPiece* Piece) { if (Params.FindInfo && Params.FindInfo != Piece->mPieceInfo) return false; if (!Params.FindString.isEmpty() && !strcasestr(Piece->mPieceInfo->m_strDescription, Params.FindString.toLatin1())) return false; return (lcGetColorCode(Params.FindColorIndex) == LC_COLOR_NOCOLOR) || (Piece->GetColorIndex() == Params.FindColorIndex); }; auto ReplacePiece = [&Params, ReplacePieceInfo, ReplaceColor](lcPiece* Piece) { if (ReplaceColor) Piece->SetColorIndex(Params.ReplaceColorIndex); if (ReplacePieceInfo) Piece->SetPieceInfo(Params.ReplacePieceInfo, QString(), true); }; size_t StartIndex = mPieces.size() - 1; int ReplacedCount = 0; if (!FindAll) { // We have to find the currently focused piece, in order to find next/prev match and (optionally) to replace it lcPiece* const FocusedPiece = dynamic_cast(GetFocusObject()); if (FocusedPiece) { for (size_t PieceIndex = 0; PieceIndex < mPieces.size(); PieceIndex++) { if (FocusedPiece == mPieces[PieceIndex].get()) { StartIndex = PieceIndex; break; } } if (Replacing && PieceMatches(FocusedPiece)) { ReplacePiece(FocusedPiece); ReplacedCount++; } } } size_t CurrentIndex = StartIndex; lcPiece* Focus = nullptr; std::vector Selection; for (;;) { if (SearchForward) { CurrentIndex++; if (CurrentIndex >= mPieces.size()) CurrentIndex = 0; } else { if (CurrentIndex == 0) CurrentIndex = mPieces.size(); CurrentIndex--; } lcPiece* Current = mPieces[CurrentIndex].get(); if (Current->IsVisible(mCurrentStep) && PieceMatches(Current)) { if (FindAll) { Selection.emplace_back(Current); if (Replacing) { ReplacePiece(Current); ReplacedCount++; } } else { Focus = Current; break; } } if (CurrentIndex == StartIndex) break; } if (FindAll) SetSelectionAndFocus(Selection, nullptr, 0, false); else ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(Focus, LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION, false); if (ReplacedCount) { SaveCheckpoint(tr("Replacing Piece(s)", "", ReplacedCount)); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); } } void lcModel::UndoAction() { if (mUndoHistory.size() < 2) return; lcModelHistoryEntry* Undo = mUndoHistory.front(); mUndoHistory.erase(mUndoHistory.begin()); mRedoHistory.insert(mRedoHistory.begin(), Undo); LoadCheckPoint(mUndoHistory[0]); gMainWindow->UpdateModified(IsModified()); gMainWindow->UpdateUndoRedo(mUndoHistory.size() > 1 ? mUndoHistory[0]->Description : nullptr, !mRedoHistory.empty() ? mRedoHistory[0]->Description : nullptr); } void lcModel::RedoAction() { if (mRedoHistory.empty()) return; lcModelHistoryEntry* Redo = mRedoHistory.front(); mRedoHistory.erase(mRedoHistory.begin()); mUndoHistory.insert(mUndoHistory.begin(), Redo); LoadCheckPoint(Redo); gMainWindow->UpdateModified(IsModified()); gMainWindow->UpdateUndoRedo(mUndoHistory.size() > 1 ? mUndoHistory[0]->Description : nullptr, !mRedoHistory.empty() ? mRedoHistory[0]->Description : nullptr); } void lcModel::BeginMouseTool() { mMouseToolDistance = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); mMouseToolFirstMove = true; } void lcModel::EndMouseTool(lcTool Tool, bool Accept) { if (!Accept) { if (!mUndoHistory.empty()) LoadCheckPoint(mUndoHistory.front()); return; } switch (Tool) { case lcTool::Insert: case lcTool::PointLight: case lcTool::SpotLight: case lcTool::DirectionalLight: case lcTool::AreaLight: break; case lcTool::Camera: SaveCheckpoint(tr("New Camera")); break; case lcTool::Select: break; case lcTool::Move: SaveCheckpoint(tr("Move")); break; case lcTool::Rotate: SaveCheckpoint(tr("Rotate")); break; case lcTool::Eraser: case lcTool::Paint: case lcTool::ColorPicker: break; case lcTool::Zoom: if (!gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->GetCamera()->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Zoom")); break; case lcTool::Pan: if (!gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->GetCamera()->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Pan")); break; case lcTool::RotateView: if (!gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->GetCamera()->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Orbit")); break; case lcTool::Roll: if (!gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->GetCamera()->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Roll")); break; case lcTool::ZoomRegion: break; case lcTool::Count: break; } } void lcModel::InsertPieceToolClicked(const lcMatrix44& WorldMatrix) { lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(gMainWindow->GetCurrentPieceInfo()); Piece->Initialize(WorldMatrix, mCurrentStep); Piece->SetColorIndex(gMainWindow->mColorIndex); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); AddPiece(Piece); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(Piece, LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION, false); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Insert")); } void lcModel::InsertLightToolClicked(const lcVector3& Position, lcLightType LightType) { lcLight* Light = new lcLight(Position, LightType); Light->CreateName(mLights); mLights.emplace_back(Light); ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(Light, LC_LIGHT_SECTION_POSITION, false); switch (LightType) { case lcLightType::Point: SaveCheckpoint(tr("New Point Light")); break; case lcLightType::Spot: SaveCheckpoint(tr("New Spot Light")); break; case lcLightType::Directional: SaveCheckpoint(tr("New Directional Light")); break; case lcLightType::Area: SaveCheckpoint(tr("New Area Light")); break; case lcLightType::Count: break; } } void lcModel::BeginCameraTool(const lcVector3& Position, const lcVector3& Target) { lcCamera* Camera = new lcCamera(Position[0], Position[1], Position[2], Target[0], Target[1], Target[2]); Camera->CreateName(mCameras); mCameras.emplace_back(Camera); mMouseToolDistance = Position; mMouseToolFirstMove = false; ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(Camera, LC_CAMERA_SECTION_TARGET, false); } void lcModel::UpdateCameraTool(const lcVector3& Position) { if (mCameras.empty()) return; std::unique_ptr& Camera = mCameras.back(); Camera->MoveSelected(1, false, Position - mMouseToolDistance); Camera->UpdatePosition(1); mMouseToolDistance = Position; mMouseToolFirstMove = false; gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::UpdateMoveTool(const lcVector3& Distance, bool AllowRelative, bool AlternateButtonDrag) { const lcVector3 PieceDistance = SnapPosition(Distance) - SnapPosition(mMouseToolDistance); const lcVector3 ObjectDistance = Distance - mMouseToolDistance; MoveSelectedObjects(PieceDistance, ObjectDistance, AllowRelative, AlternateButtonDrag, true, false, mMouseToolFirstMove); mMouseToolDistance = Distance; mMouseToolFirstMove = false; gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::UpdateRotateTool(const lcVector3& Angles, bool AlternateButtonDrag) { const lcVector3 Delta = SnapRotation(Angles) - SnapRotation(mMouseToolDistance); RotateSelectedObjects(Delta, true, AlternateButtonDrag, false, false); mMouseToolDistance = Angles; mMouseToolFirstMove = false; gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::UpdateScaleTool(const float Scale) { ScaleSelectedPieces(Scale, true, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::EraserToolClicked(lcObject* Object) { if (!Object) return; switch (Object->GetType()) { case lcObjectType::Piece: if (auto PieceIt = std::find_if(mPieces.begin(), mPieces.end(), [Object](const std::unique_ptr& CheckPiece) { return CheckPiece.get() == Object; }); PieceIt != mPieces.end()) { mPieces.erase(PieceIt); RemoveEmptyGroups(); } break; case lcObjectType::Camera: { std::vector Views = lcView::GetModelViews(this); for (lcView* View : Views) { lcCamera* Camera = View->GetCamera(); if (Camera == Object) View->SetCamera(Camera, true); } for (std::vector>::iterator CameraIt = mCameras.begin(); CameraIt != mCameras.end(); CameraIt++) { if (CameraIt->get() == Object) { mCameras.erase(CameraIt); break; } } } break; case lcObjectType::Light: for (std::vector>::iterator LightIt = mLights.begin(); LightIt != mLights.end(); LightIt++) { if (LightIt->get() == Object) { mLights.erase(LightIt); break; } } break; } gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); UpdateAllViews(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Deleting")); } void lcModel::PaintToolClicked(lcObject* Object) { if (!Object || !Object->IsPiece()) return; lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; if (Piece->GetColorIndex() != gMainWindow->mColorIndex) { Piece->SetColorIndex(gMainWindow->mColorIndex); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Painting")); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, true); } } void lcModel::ColorPickerToolClicked(const lcObject* Object) { if (!Object || !Object->IsPiece()) return; const lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; gMainWindow->SetColorIndex(Piece->GetColorIndex()); } void lcModel::UpdateZoomTool(lcCamera* Camera, float Mouse) { Camera->Zoom(Mouse - mMouseToolDistance.x, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); mMouseToolDistance.x = Mouse; UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::UpdatePanTool(lcCamera* Camera, const lcVector3& Distance) { Camera->Pan(Distance, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::UpdateOrbitTool(lcCamera* Camera, float MouseX, float MouseY) { lcVector3 Center; GetSelectionCenter(Center); Camera->Orbit(MouseX - mMouseToolDistance.x, MouseY - mMouseToolDistance.y, Center, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); mMouseToolDistance.x = MouseX; mMouseToolDistance.y = MouseY; UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::UpdateRollTool(lcCamera* Camera, float Mouse) { Camera->Roll(Mouse - mMouseToolDistance.x, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); mMouseToolDistance.x = Mouse; UpdateAllViews(); } void lcModel::ZoomRegionToolClicked(lcCamera* Camera, float AspectRatio, const lcVector3& Position, const lcVector3& TargetPosition, const lcVector3* Corners) { Camera->ZoomRegion(AspectRatio, Position, TargetPosition, Corners, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); if (!Camera->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Zoom")); } void lcModel::LookAt(lcCamera* Camera) { lcVector3 Center; if (!GetSelectionCenter(Center)) { lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); if (GetVisiblePiecesBoundingBox(Min, Max)) Center = (Min + Max) / 2.0f; else Center = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } Camera->Center(Center, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); if (!Camera->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Look At")); } void lcModel::MoveCamera(lcCamera* Camera, const lcVector3& Direction) { Camera->MoveRelative(Direction, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); if (!Camera->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Moving Camera")); } void lcModel::ZoomExtents(lcCamera* Camera, float Aspect) { std::vector Points = GetPiecesBoundingBoxPoints(); if (Points.empty()) return; lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (const lcVector3& Point : Points) { Min = lcMin(Point, Min); Max = lcMax(Point, Max); } const lcVector3 Center = (Min + Max) / 2.0f; Camera->ZoomExtents(Aspect, Center, Points, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow ? gMainWindow->GetAddKeys() : false); if (!mIsPreview && gMainWindow) gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); if (!Camera->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Zoom")); } void lcModel::Zoom(lcCamera* Camera, float Amount) { Camera->Zoom(Amount, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); if (!mIsPreview) gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(false); UpdateAllViews(); if (!Camera->IsSimple()) SaveCheckpoint(tr("Zoom")); } void lcModel::ShowPropertiesDialog() { lcPropertiesDialogOptions Options; Options.Properties = mProperties; Options.BoundingBox = GetAllPiecesBoundingBox(); GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, true, false, Options.PartsList); lcQPropertiesDialog Dialog(gMainWindow, &Options); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; if (mProperties == Options.Properties) return; mProperties = Options.Properties; gMainWindow->GetPreviewWidget()->UpdatePreview(); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Changing Properties")); } void lcModel::ShowSelectByNameDialog() { if (mPieces.empty() && mCameras.empty() && mLights.empty()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Nothing to select.")); return; } lcQSelectDialog Dialog(gMainWindow, this); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; SetSelectionAndFocus(Dialog.mObjects, nullptr, 0, false); } void lcModel::ShowArrayDialog() { lcVector3 Center; if (!GetPieceFocusOrSelectionCenter(Center)) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("No pieces selected.")); return; } lcArrayDialog Dialog(gMainWindow); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; if (Dialog.mCounts[0] * Dialog.mCounts[1] * Dialog.mCounts[2] < 2) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Array only has 1 element or less, no pieces added.")); return; } std::vector NewPieces; for (int Step1 = 0; Step1 < Dialog.mCounts[0]; Step1++) { for (int Step2 = 0; Step2 < Dialog.mCounts[1]; Step2++) { for (int Step3 = (Step1 == 0 && Step2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; Step3 < Dialog.mCounts[2]; Step3++) { lcMatrix44 ModelWorld; lcVector3 Position; lcVector3 RotationAngles = Dialog.mRotations[0] * Step1 + Dialog.mRotations[1] * Step2 + Dialog.mRotations[2] * Step3; const lcVector3 Offset = Dialog.mOffsets[0] * Step1 + Dialog.mOffsets[1] * Step2 + Dialog.mOffsets[2] * Step3; for (const std::unique_ptr& Piece : mPieces) { if (!Piece->IsSelected()) continue; ModelWorld = Piece->mModelWorld; ModelWorld.r[3] -= lcVector4(Center, 0.0f); ModelWorld = lcMul(ModelWorld, lcMatrix44RotationX(RotationAngles[0] * LC_DTOR)); ModelWorld = lcMul(ModelWorld, lcMatrix44RotationY(RotationAngles[1] * LC_DTOR)); ModelWorld = lcMul(ModelWorld, lcMatrix44RotationZ(RotationAngles[2] * LC_DTOR)); ModelWorld.r[3] += lcVector4(Center, 0.0f); Position = lcVector3(ModelWorld.r[3].x, ModelWorld.r[3].y, ModelWorld.r[3].z); ModelWorld.SetTranslation(Position + Offset); lcPiece* NewPiece = new lcPiece(nullptr); NewPiece->SetPieceInfo(Piece->mPieceInfo, Piece->GetID(), true); NewPiece->Initialize(ModelWorld, mCurrentStep); NewPiece->SetColorIndex(Piece->GetColorIndex()); NewPieces.emplace_back(NewPiece); } } } } for (size_t PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < NewPieces.size(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)NewPieces[PieceIdx]; Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); AddPiece(Piece); } AddToSelection(NewPieces, false, true); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Array")); } void lcModel::ShowMinifigDialog() { lcMinifigDialog Dialog(gMainWindow); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->MakeCurrent(); lcGroup* Group = AddGroup(tr("Minifig #"), nullptr); std::vector Pieces; Pieces.reserve(LC_MFW_NUMITEMS); lcMinifig& Minifig = Dialog.mMinifigWizard->mMinifig; for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < LC_MFW_NUMITEMS; PartIdx++) { if (Minifig.Parts[PartIdx] == nullptr) continue; lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(Minifig.Parts[PartIdx]); Piece->Initialize(Minifig.Matrices[PartIdx], mCurrentStep); Piece->SetColorIndex(Minifig.Colors[PartIdx]); Piece->SetGroup(Group); AddPiece(Piece); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); Pieces.emplace_back(Piece); } SetSelectionAndFocus(Pieces, nullptr, 0, false); gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Minifig")); } void lcModel::SetMinifig(const lcMinifig& Minifig) { DeleteModel(); std::vector Pieces; Pieces.reserve(LC_MFW_NUMITEMS); for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < LC_MFW_NUMITEMS; PartIdx++) { if (!Minifig.Parts[PartIdx]) continue; lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(Minifig.Parts[PartIdx]); Piece->Initialize(Minifig.Matrices[PartIdx], 1); Piece->SetColorIndex(Minifig.Colors[PartIdx]); AddPiece(Piece); Piece->UpdatePosition(1); Pieces.emplace_back(Piece); } SetSelectionAndFocus(Pieces, nullptr, 0, false); } void lcModel::ShowTrainTrackSystemDialog() { lcTrainTrackSystemDialog Dialog(gMainWindow); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->MakeCurrent(); lcGroup* Group = AddGroup(tr("TrainTrackSystem #"), nullptr); std::vector trackSystemPieces = Dialog.mTrainTrackSystem->GetPieces(); for (lcPiece* Piece : trackSystemPieces) { Piece->SetGroup(Group); AddPiece(Piece); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); } gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(false, false); SaveCheckpoint(tr("Train track system")); } void lcModel::SetTrainTrackSystem(const std::vector& Pieces) { DeleteModel(); std::vector mPieces; mPieces.reserve(Pieces.size()); for (lcPiece* Piece : Pieces) { AddPiece(Piece); Piece->UpdatePosition(1); mPieces.emplace_back(Piece); } } void lcModel::SetPreviewPieceInfo(PieceInfo* Info, int ColorIndex) { DeleteModel(); lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(Info); Piece->Initialize(lcMatrix44Identity(), 1); Piece->SetColorIndex(ColorIndex); AddPiece(Piece); Piece->UpdatePosition(1); mCurrentStep = LC_STEP_MAX; CalculateStep(LC_STEP_MAX); SaveCheckpoint(QString()); } void lcModel::UpdateInterface() { if (!gMainWindow) return; gMainWindow->UpdateTimeline(true, false); gMainWindow->UpdateUndoRedo(mUndoHistory.size() > 1 ? mUndoHistory[0]->Description : nullptr, !mRedoHistory.empty() ? mRedoHistory[0]->Description : nullptr); gMainWindow->UpdatePaste(!gApplication->mClipboard.isEmpty()); gMainWindow->UpdateCategories(); gMainWindow->UpdateTitle(); gMainWindow->SetTool(gMainWindow->GetTool()); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectedObjects(true); gMainWindow->SetTransformType(gMainWindow->GetTransformType()); gMainWindow->UpdateLockSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateModels(); gMainWindow->UpdateShadingMode(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); gMainWindow->UpdateSelectionMode(); }