// // Pieces library management // #include "lc_global.h" #include #include "library.h" #include "file.h" #include "texture.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "config.h" #include "image.h" #include "system.h" #include "console.h" #include "lc_application.h" // ============================================================================= // PiecesLibrary class const char PiecesLibrary::PiecesBinHeader[32] = "LeoCAD piece library data file\0"; const char PiecesLibrary::PiecesIdxHeader[32] = "LeoCAD piece library index file"; const int PiecesLibrary::PiecesFileVersion = 4; const char PiecesLibrary::TexturesBinHeader[32] = "LeoCAD texture data file\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; const char PiecesLibrary::TexturesIdxHeader[32] = "LeoCAD texture index file\0\0\0\0\0\0"; const int PiecesLibrary::TexturesFileVersion = 1; PiecesLibrary::PiecesLibrary() { strcpy(m_LibraryPath, ""); strcpy(m_CategoriesFile, ""); m_pMovedReference = NULL; m_nMovedCount = 0; m_pTextures = NULL; m_nTextureCount = 0; m_Modified = false; m_CategoriesModified = false; } PiecesLibrary::~PiecesLibrary() { Unload(); } void PiecesLibrary::Unload () { for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < m_Pieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) delete m_Pieces[PieceIdx]; m_Pieces.RemoveAll(); strcpy(m_LibraryPath, ""); free(m_pMovedReference); m_pMovedReference = NULL; m_nMovedCount = 0; delete [] m_pTextures; m_pTextures = NULL; m_nTextureCount = 0; } bool PiecesLibrary::Load (const char *libpath) { FileDisk idx, bin; char filename[LC_MAXPATH]; lcuint16 count, movedcount; lcuint32 binsize; Texture* pTexture; int i; Unload(); strcpy (m_LibraryPath, libpath); // Make sure that the path ends with a '/' i = strlen(m_LibraryPath)-1; if ((m_LibraryPath[i] != '\\') && (m_LibraryPath[i] != '/')) strcat(m_LibraryPath, "/"); // Read the piece library index. strcpy (filename, m_LibraryPath); strcat (filename, "pieces.idx"); if (!idx.Open (filename, "rb")) { console.PrintError ("Cannot open Pieces Library file: %s.\n", filename); return false; } strcpy (filename, m_LibraryPath); strcat (filename, "pieces.bin"); if (!bin.Open (filename, "rb")) { console.PrintError ("Cannot open Pieces Library file: %s.\n", filename); return false; } if (!ValidatePiecesFile (idx, bin)) return false; idx.Seek (-(long)(2*sizeof(count)+sizeof(binsize)), SEEK_END); idx.ReadShort (&movedcount, 1); idx.ReadLong (&binsize, 1); idx.ReadShort (&count, 1); idx.Seek (34, SEEK_SET); // Load piece indices m_Pieces.SetSize(count); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < count; PieceIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = new PieceInfo(); Info->LoadIndex(idx); m_Pieces.SetAt(PieceIdx, Info); } // Load moved files reference. if (m_pMovedReference != NULL) free(m_pMovedReference); m_pMovedReference = (char*)malloc(LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2*movedcount); memset (m_pMovedReference, 0, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2*movedcount); m_nMovedCount = movedcount; for (i = 0; i < movedcount; i++) { idx.Read (&m_pMovedReference[i*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2], LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); idx.Read (&m_pMovedReference[i*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2+LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN], LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); } idx.Close(); bin.Close(); // Load groups configuration const char* FileName = Sys_ProfileLoadString("Settings", "Categories", ""); if (!strlen(FileName) || !LoadCategories(FileName)) ResetCategories(); // Read the texture index. strcpy(filename, m_LibraryPath); strcat(filename, "textures.idx"); if (m_pTextures != NULL) { delete [] m_pTextures; m_pTextures = NULL; m_nTextureCount = 0; } if (!idx.Open(filename, "rb")) { console.PrintError ("Cannot open Textures Library file: %s.\n", filename); return false; } strcpy (filename, m_LibraryPath); strcat (filename, "textures.bin"); if (!bin.Open (filename, "rb")) { console.PrintError ("Cannot open Textures Library file: %s.\n", filename); return false; } if (!ValidateTexturesFile (idx, bin)) return false; idx.Seek(-(long)(sizeof(count)+sizeof(binsize)), SEEK_END); idx.ReadLong (&binsize, 1); idx.ReadShort (&count, 1); idx.Seek(34, SEEK_SET); m_pTextures = new Texture[count]; m_nTextureCount = count; memset(m_pTextures, 0, count * sizeof(Texture)); for (pTexture = m_pTextures; count--; pTexture++) pTexture->LoadIndex(&idx); idx.Close(); bin.Close(); SystemUpdateCategories(false); m_CategoriesModified = false; m_Modified = false; Sys_ProfileSaveString("Settings", "PiecesLibrary", m_LibraryPath); return true; } // Make sure the pieces library files are valid bool PiecesLibrary::ValidatePiecesFile(FileDisk& IdxFile, FileDisk& BinFile) const { lcuint32 binsize, IdxPos = IdxFile.GetPosition(), BinPos = BinFile.GetPosition(); lcuint16 count, movedcount; lcuint8 version, update; char header[32]; IdxFile.Seek (-(long)(2*sizeof(count)+sizeof(binsize)), SEEK_END); IdxFile.ReadShort (&movedcount, 1); IdxFile.ReadLong (&binsize, 1); IdxFile.ReadShort (&count, 1); IdxFile.Seek (0, SEEK_SET); IdxFile.Read (header, 32); IdxFile.ReadByte (&version, 1); IdxFile.ReadByte (&update, 1); IdxFile.Seek (IdxPos, SEEK_SET); if (memcmp (header, PiecesIdxHeader, 32) != 0) { console.PrintError ("Invalid Pieces Library file.\n"); return false; } if (version == 3 && PiecesFileVersion == 4) { FileMem NewIdx; char tmp[256]; version = 4; NewIdx.Write(header, 32); NewIdx.WriteByte(&version, 1); NewIdx.WriteByte(&update, 1); IdxFile.Seek(34, SEEK_SET); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; memset(name, 0, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); IdxFile.Read(name, 8); IdxFile.Read(tmp, 64+12+1+4+4+4); NewIdx.Write(name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); NewIdx.Write(tmp, 64+12+1+4+4+4); } for (int i = 0; i < movedcount * 2; i++) { char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; memset(name, 0, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); IdxFile.Read(name, 8); NewIdx.Write(name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); } NewIdx.WriteShort(&movedcount, 1); NewIdx.WriteLong(&binsize, 1); NewIdx.WriteShort(&count, 1); char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; strcpy(FileName, IdxFile.GetFileName()); IdxFile.Close(); if (!IdxFile.Open(FileName, "wb")) return false; IdxFile.Write(NewIdx.GetBuffer(), NewIdx.GetLength()); IdxFile.Close(); IdxFile.Open(FileName, "rb"); IdxFile.Seek(IdxPos, SEEK_SET); } if (version != PiecesFileVersion) { console.PrintError ("Wrong version of the Pieces Library files.\n"); return false; } BinFile.Seek (0, SEEK_SET); BinFile.Read (header, 32); BinFile.Seek (BinPos, SEEK_SET); if (memcmp (header, PiecesBinHeader, 32) != 0) { console.PrintError ("Invalid Pieces Library file.\n"); return false; } if (binsize != BinFile.GetLength ()) { console.PrintError ("Wrong size of the Pieces Library file.\n"); return false; } return true; } // Make sure the textures library files are valid bool PiecesLibrary::ValidateTexturesFile (File& IdxFile, File& BinFile) const { lcuint32 binsize, IdxPos = IdxFile.GetPosition(), BinPos = BinFile.GetPosition(); lcuint16 count; lcuint8 version; char header[32]; IdxFile.Seek (-(long)(sizeof(count)+sizeof(binsize)), SEEK_END); IdxFile.ReadLong (&binsize, 1); IdxFile.ReadShort (&count, 1); IdxFile.Seek (0, SEEK_SET); IdxFile.Read (header, 32); IdxFile.ReadByte (&version, 1); IdxFile.Seek (IdxPos, SEEK_SET); if (memcmp (header, TexturesIdxHeader, 32) != 0) { console.PrintError ("Invalid Textures Library file.\n"); return false; } if (version != TexturesFileVersion) { console.PrintError ("Wrong version of the Textures Library files.\n"); return false; } BinFile.Seek (0, SEEK_SET); BinFile.Read (header, 32); BinFile.Seek (BinPos, SEEK_SET); if (memcmp (header, TexturesBinHeader, 32) != 0) { console.PrintError ("Invalid Textures Library file.\n"); return false; } if (binsize != BinFile.GetLength ()) { console.PrintError ("Wrong size of the Textures Library files.\n"); return false; } return true; } PieceInfo* PiecesLibrary::CreatePiecePlaceholder(const char* Name) { PieceInfo* Info = new PieceInfo(); Info->CreatePlaceholder(Name); m_Pieces.Add(Info); return Info; } // ============================================================================= // Search functions // Remember to make 'name' uppercase. PieceInfo* PiecesLibrary::FindPieceInfo (const char* name) const { for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < m_Pieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) if (!strcmp(name, m_Pieces[PieceIdx]->m_strName)) return m_Pieces[PieceIdx]; for (int i = 0; i < m_nMovedCount; i++) { if (!strcmp (&m_pMovedReference[i*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2], name)) { char* tmp = &m_pMovedReference[i*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2+LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; return FindPieceInfo(tmp); } } return NULL; } PieceInfo* PiecesLibrary::GetPieceInfo(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= m_Pieces.GetSize()) return NULL; return m_Pieces[index]; } int PiecesLibrary::GetPieceIndex(PieceInfo *pInfo) const { return m_Pieces.FindIndex(pInfo); } Texture* PiecesLibrary::FindTexture(const char* name) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_nTextureCount; i++) if (!strcmp (name, m_pTextures[i].m_strName)) return &m_pTextures[i]; return NULL; } Texture* PiecesLibrary::GetTexture (int index) const { return &m_pTextures[index]; } // ============================================================================= // Category functions. void PiecesLibrary::ResetCategories() { struct CategoryEntry { const char* Name; const char* Keywords; }; // Animal, Antenna, Arch, Arm, Bar, Baseplate, Belville, Boat, Bracket, Brick, // Car, Cone, Container, Conveyor, Crane, Cylinder, Door, Electric, Exhaust, // Fence, Flag, Forklift, Freestyle, Garage, Gate, Glass, Grab, Hinge, Homemaker, // Hose, Jack, Ladder, Lever, Magnet, Minifig, Minifig Accessory, Panel, Plane, // Plant, Plate, Platform, Propellor, Rack, Roadsign, Rock, Scala, Slope, Staircase, // Support, Tail, Tap, Technic, Tile, Tipper, Tractor, Trailer, Train, Turntable, // Tyre, Wedge, Wheel, Winch, Window, Windscreen, Wing CategoryEntry DefaultCategories[] = { { "Animal", "^%Animal" }, { "Antenna", "^%Antenna" }, { "Arch", "^%Arch" }, { "Bar", "^%Bar" }, { "Baseplate", "^%Baseplate | ^%Platform" }, { "Boat", "^%Boat" }, { "Brick", "^%Brick" }, { "Container", "^%Container | ^%Box | ^Chest | ^%Storage | ^Mailbox" }, { "Door and Window", "^%Door | ^%Window | ^%Glass | ^%Freestyle | ^%Gate | ^%Garage | ^%Roller" }, { "Duplo", "^%Duplo | ^%Scala | ^%Belville" }, { "Electric", "^%Electric | ^%Light | ^%Excavator | ^%Exhaust" }, { "Hinge and Bracket", "^%Hinge | ^%Bracket | ^%Turntable" }, { "Hose", "^%Hose" }, { "Minifig", "^%Minifig" }, { "Miscellaneous", "^%Arm | ^%Barrel | ^%Brush | ^%Cockpit | ^%Conveyor | ^%Crane | ^%Cupboard | ^%Fabuland | ^%Fence | ^%Homemaker | ^%Jack | ^%Ladder | ^%Rock | ^%Staircase | ^%Stretcher | ^%Tap | ^%Tipper | ^%Trailer | ^%Winch" }, { "Panel", "^%Panel | ^%Castle Wall | ^%Castle Turret" }, { "Plant", "^%Plant" }, { "Plate", "^%Plate" }, { "Round", "^%Cylinder | ^%Cone | ^%Dish | ^%Round" }, { "Sign and Flag", "^%Flag | ^%Roadsign | ^%Streetlight | ^%Flagpost | ^%Lamppost | ^%Signpost" }, { "Slope", "^%Slope" }, { "Space", "^%Space" }, { "Sticker", "^%Sticker" }, { "Support", "^%Support" }, { "Technic", "^%Technic | ^%Rack" }, { "Tile", "^%Tile" }, { "Train", "^%Train | ^%Monorail | ^%Magnet" }, { "Tyre and Wheel", "^%Tyre | %^Wheel | ^%Castle Wagon" }, { "Vehicle", "^%Car | ^%Tractor | ^%Bike | ^%Plane | ^%Propellor | ^%Tail | ^%Landing | ^%Forklift | ^%Grab Jaw" }, { "Windscreen", "^%Windscreen" }, { "Wedge", "^%Wedge" }, { "Wing", "^%Wing" }, }; const int NumCategories = sizeof(DefaultCategories)/sizeof(DefaultCategories[0]); m_Categories.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < NumCategories; i++) { PiecesLibraryCategory Cat; Cat.Name = DefaultCategories[i].Name; Cat.Keywords = DefaultCategories[i].Keywords; m_Categories.Add(Cat); } strcpy(m_CategoriesFile, ""); Sys_ProfileSaveString("Settings", "Categories", m_CategoriesFile); m_CategoriesModified = false; } bool PiecesLibrary::LoadCategories(const char* FileName) { char Path[LC_MAXPATH]; if (FileName) { strcpy(Path, FileName); } else { LC_FILEOPENDLG_OPTS opts; opts.type = LC_FILEOPENDLG_LCF; strcpy(opts.path, m_CategoriesFile); if (!SystemDoDialog(LC_DLG_FILE_OPEN, &opts)) return false; strcpy(Path, (char*)opts.filenames); free(opts.filenames); } // Load the file. FileDisk File; if (!File.Open(Path, "rb")) return false; lcuint32 i; File.ReadInt(&i); if (i != LC_FILE_ID) return false; File.ReadInt(&i); if (i != LC_CATEGORY_FILE_ID) return false; File.ReadInt(&i); if (i != LC_CATEGORY_FILE_VERSION) return false; m_Categories.RemoveAll(); File.ReadInt(&i); while (i--) { PiecesLibraryCategory Cat; File.ReadString(Cat.Name); File.ReadString(Cat.Keywords); m_Categories.Add(Cat); } strcpy(m_CategoriesFile, Path); Sys_ProfileSaveString("Settings", "Categories", m_CategoriesFile); m_CategoriesModified = false; return true; } // Returns true if it's ok to continue. bool PiecesLibrary::SaveCategories() { if (m_CategoriesModified) { switch (SystemDoMessageBox("Save category changes ?", LC_MB_YESNOCANCEL|LC_MB_ICONQUESTION)) { case LC_CANCEL: return false; case LC_YES: if (!DoSaveCategories(false)) return false; break; case LC_NO: return true; break; } } return true; } bool PiecesLibrary::DoSaveCategories(bool AskName) { // Get the file name. if (AskName || (strlen(m_CategoriesFile) == 0)) { LC_FILESAVEDLG_OPTS opts; opts.type = LC_FILESAVEDLG_LCF; strcpy(opts.path, m_CategoriesFile); if (!SystemDoDialog(LC_DLG_FILE_SAVE, &opts)) return false; strcpy(m_CategoriesFile, opts.path); } // Save the file. FileDisk File; if (!File.Open(m_CategoriesFile, "wb")) return false; File.WriteInt(LC_FILE_ID); File.WriteInt(LC_CATEGORY_FILE_ID); File.WriteInt(LC_CATEGORY_FILE_VERSION); int NumCategories = m_Categories.GetSize(); int i; for (i = 0; i < m_Categories.GetSize(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i].Name == "Search Results") { NumCategories--; break; } } File.WriteInt(NumCategories); for (i = 0; i < m_Categories.GetSize(); i++) { if (m_Categories[i].Name == "Search Results") continue; File.WriteString(m_Categories[i].Name); File.WriteString(m_Categories[i].Keywords); } Sys_ProfileSaveString("Settings", "Categories", m_CategoriesFile); m_CategoriesModified = false; return true; } // ============================================================================= // Check if the piece belongs to a category. bool PiecesLibrary::PieceInCategory(PieceInfo* Info, const String& CategoryKeywords) const { String PieceName = Info->m_strDescription; PieceName.MakeLower(); String Keywords = CategoryKeywords; Keywords.MakeLower(); return PieceName.Match(Keywords); } int PiecesLibrary::GetFirstCategory(PieceInfo* Info) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_Categories.GetSize(); i++) if (PieceInCategory(Info, m_Categories[i].Keywords)) return i; return -1; } void PiecesLibrary::GetCategoryEntries(int CategoryIndex, bool GroupPieces, PtrArray& SinglePieces, PtrArray& GroupedPieces) const { SinglePieces.RemoveAll(); GroupedPieces.RemoveAll(); // Don't group entries in the search results category. if (m_Categories[CategoryIndex].Name == "Search Results") GroupPieces = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_Pieces.GetSize(); i++) { PieceInfo* Info = m_Pieces[i]; if (!PieceInCategory(Info, m_Categories[CategoryIndex].Keywords)) continue; if (!GroupPieces) { SinglePieces.Add(Info); continue; } // Check if it's a patterned piece. if (Info->IsPatterned()) { PieceInfo* Parent; // Find the parent of this patterned piece. char ParentName[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(ParentName, Info->m_strName); *strchr(ParentName, 'P') = '\0'; Parent = FindPieceInfo(ParentName); if (Parent) { // Check if the parent was added as a single piece. int Index = SinglePieces.FindIndex(Parent); if (Index != -1) SinglePieces.RemoveIndex(Index); Index = GroupedPieces.FindIndex(Parent); if (Index == -1) GroupedPieces.Add(Parent); } else { // Patterned pieces should have a parent but in case they don't just add them anyway. SinglePieces.Add(Info); } } else { // Check if this piece has already been added to this category by one of its children. int Index = GroupedPieces.FindIndex(Info); if (Index == -1) SinglePieces.Add(Info); } } } void PiecesLibrary::GetPatternedPieces(PieceInfo* Parent, PtrArray& Pieces) const { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(Name, Parent->m_strName); strcat(Name, "P"); Pieces.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < m_Pieces.GetSize(); i++) { PieceInfo* Info = m_Pieces[i]; if (strncmp(Name, Info->m_strName, strlen(Name)) == 0) Pieces.Add(Info); } // Sometimes pieces with A and B versions don't follow the same convention (for example, 3040Pxx instead of 3040BPxx). if (Pieces.GetSize() == 0) { strcpy(Name, Parent->m_strName); int Len = strlen(Name); if (Name[Len-1] < '0' || Name[Len-1] > '9') Name[Len-1] = 'P'; for (int i = 0; i < m_Pieces.GetSize(); i++) { PieceInfo* Info = m_Pieces[i]; if (strncmp(Name, Info->m_strName, strlen(Name)) == 0) Pieces.Add(Info); } } } void PiecesLibrary::SetCategory(int Index, const String& Name, const String& Keywords) { m_Categories[Index].Name = Name; m_Categories[Index].Keywords = Keywords; SystemUpdateCategories(true); m_CategoriesModified = true; } void PiecesLibrary::AddCategory(const String& Name, const String& Keywords) { PiecesLibraryCategory Cat; Cat.Name = Name; Cat.Keywords = Keywords; m_Categories.Add(Cat); SystemUpdateCategories(true); m_CategoriesModified = true; } void PiecesLibrary::RemoveCategory(int Index) { m_Categories.RemoveIndex(Index); m_CategoriesModified = true; } // ============================================================================= // Pieces handling stuff bool PiecesLibrary::DeleteAllPieces() { FileDisk newbin, newidx, oldbin, oldidx; char file1[LC_MAXPATH], file2[LC_MAXPATH], tmp[256]; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "pieces-b.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "pieces.bin"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldbin.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newbin.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "pieces-i.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "pieces.idx"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldidx.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newidx.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; oldidx.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); oldidx.Read(tmp, 34); newidx.Write(tmp, 34); oldbin.Read(tmp, 32); newbin.Write(tmp, 32); // list of moved pieces lcuint16 moved = 0; newidx.WriteShort(&moved, 1); // info at the end lcuint32 binoff = newbin.GetPosition(); newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); lcuint16 count = 0; newidx.WriteShort(&count, 1); oldidx.Close(); oldbin.Close(); newidx.Close(); newbin.Close(); m_Modified = true; return true; } // Remove pieces from the library bool PiecesLibrary::DeletePieces(PtrArray& Pieces) { FileDisk newbin, newidx, oldbin, oldidx; char file1[LC_MAXPATH], file2[LC_MAXPATH], tmp[200]; lcuint16 count, deleted = 0, j; void* membuf; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "pieces-b.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "pieces.bin"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldbin.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newbin.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "pieces-i.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "pieces.idx"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldidx.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newidx.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; oldidx.Seek(-2, SEEK_END); oldidx.ReadShort(&count, 1); oldidx.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); oldidx.Read(tmp, 34); newidx.Write(tmp, 34); oldbin.Read(tmp, 32); newbin.Write(tmp, 32); // CProgressDlg dlg("Deleting"); // dlg.Create(this); // dlg.SetRange (0, count); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { // dlg.StepIt(); // dlg.SetStatus(m_Parts[j].info->m_strDescription); // if (dlg.CheckCancelButton()) // if (AfxMessageBox(IDS_CANCEL_PROMPT, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) // break; char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; int i; oldidx.Read(&name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); for (i = 0; i < Pieces.GetSize(); i++) if (strcmp(name, Pieces[i]) == 0) break; if (i != Pieces.GetSize()) { oldidx.Seek(64+12+1+4+4+4, SEEK_CUR); deleted++; continue; } newidx.Write(name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); oldidx.Read(tmp, 64+12+1+4); newidx.Write(tmp, 64+12+1+4); lcuint32 binoff = newbin.GetLength(), size; newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); oldidx.ReadLong(&binoff, 1); oldidx.ReadLong(&size, 1); newidx.WriteLong(&size, 1); membuf = malloc(size); oldbin.Seek(binoff, SEEK_SET); oldbin.Read(membuf, size); newbin.Write(membuf, size); free(membuf); } // list of moved pieces lcuint16 moved, cs; oldidx.Seek(-(2+4+2), SEEK_END); oldidx.ReadShort(&moved, 1); cs = 2+(moved*16); oldidx.Seek(-(long)cs, SEEK_CUR); membuf = malloc(cs); oldidx.Read(membuf, cs); newidx.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); // info at the end lcuint32 binoff = newbin.GetPosition(); newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); count -= deleted; newidx.WriteShort(&count, 1); oldidx.Close(); oldbin.Close(); newidx.Close(); newbin.Close(); m_Modified = true; return true; } // Load update bool PiecesLibrary::LoadUpdate (const char* update) { FileDisk newbin, newidx, oldbin, oldidx, up; char file1[LC_MAXPATH], file2[LC_MAXPATH], tmp[200]; lcuint16 changes, moved, count, i, j, newcount = 0; lcuint32 cs, group, binoff; lcuint8 bt; void* membuf; struct LC_UPDATE_INFO { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; lcuint8 Type; lcuint32 Offset; }; LC_UPDATE_INFO* upinfo; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "pieces-b.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "pieces.bin"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldbin.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newbin.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "pieces-i.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "pieces.idx"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldidx.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newidx.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; if (!up.Open(update, "rb")) return false; up.Seek(32, SEEK_SET); up.ReadByte(&bt, 1); if (bt != 2) return false; // wrong version up.ReadByte(&bt, 1); // update number up.Seek(-2, SEEK_END); up.ReadShort(&changes, 1); up.Seek(34, SEEK_SET); oldidx.Seek(-2, SEEK_END); oldidx.ReadShort(&count, 1); oldidx.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); oldidx.Read(tmp, 34); newidx.Write(tmp, 33); // skip update byte newidx.WriteByte(&bt, 1); oldbin.Read(tmp, 32); newbin.Write(tmp, 32); upinfo = (LC_UPDATE_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(LC_UPDATE_INFO)*changes); memset(upinfo, 0, sizeof(LC_UPDATE_INFO)*changes); for (i = 0; i < changes; i++) { up.Read(&upinfo[i].Name, 8); up.Read(&upinfo[i].Type, 1); upinfo[i].Offset = up.GetPosition(); if ((upinfo[i].Type & LC_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION) || (upinfo[i].Type & LC_UPDATE_NEWPIECE)) up.Seek(64+4, SEEK_CUR); if ((upinfo[i].Type & LC_UPDATE_DRAWINFO) || (upinfo[i].Type & LC_UPDATE_NEWPIECE)) { up.Seek(12+1, SEEK_CUR); up.ReadLong(&cs, 1); up.Seek(cs, SEEK_CUR); } } // CProgressDlg dlg(_T("Updating Library")); // dlg.Create(this); // dlg.SetRange (0, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; oldidx.Read(&Name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); // dlg.StepIt(); // if(dlg.CheckCancelButton()) // if(AfxMessageBox(IDS_CANCEL_PROMPT, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) // { // free(upinfo); // return TRUE; // } for (j = 0; j < changes; j++) { if (strcmp(Name, upinfo[j].Name)) continue; if (upinfo[j].Type == LC_UPDATE_DELETE) { oldidx.Seek(64+12+1+4+4+4, SEEK_CUR); break; } newcount++; up.Seek(upinfo[j].Offset, SEEK_SET); newidx.Write(Name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); // description if (upinfo[j].Type & LC_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION) { up.Read(&tmp, 64); up.Read(&group, 4); oldidx.Seek(64, SEEK_CUR); } else oldidx.Read(&tmp, 64); newidx.Write(tmp, 64); // dlg.SetStatus(tmp); // bounding box & flags if (upinfo[j].Type & LC_UPDATE_DRAWINFO) { up.Read(&tmp, 12+1); oldidx.Seek(12+1, SEEK_CUR); } else oldidx.Read(&tmp, 12+1); newidx.Write(tmp, 12+1); // group if (upinfo[j].Type & LC_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION) oldidx.Seek(4, SEEK_CUR); else oldidx.Read(&group, 4); newidx.Write(&group, 4); binoff = newbin.GetLength(); newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); if (upinfo[j].Type & LC_UPDATE_DRAWINFO) { up.ReadLong(&cs, 1); oldidx.Seek(4+4, SEEK_CUR); membuf = malloc(cs); up.Read(membuf, cs); newbin.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); } else { oldidx.ReadLong(&binoff, 1); oldidx.ReadLong(&cs, 1); membuf = malloc(cs); oldbin.Seek(binoff, SEEK_SET); oldbin.Read(membuf, cs); newbin.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); } newidx.WriteLong(&cs, 1); break; } // not changed, just copy if (j == changes) { newcount++; newidx.Write(Name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); oldidx.Read(tmp, 64+12+1+4); newidx.Write(tmp, 64+12+1+4); binoff = newbin.GetLength(); newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); oldidx.ReadLong(&binoff, 1); oldidx.ReadLong(&cs, 1); newidx.WriteLong(&cs, 1); // tmp[64] = 0; // dlg.SetStatus(tmp); membuf = malloc(cs); oldbin.Seek(binoff, SEEK_SET); oldbin.Read(membuf, cs); newbin.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); } } // now add new pieces for (j = 0; j < changes; j++) if (upinfo[j].Type == LC_UPDATE_NEWPIECE) { newcount++; newidx.Write(upinfo[j].Name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); up.Seek(upinfo[j].Offset, SEEK_SET); up.Read(&tmp, 64+12); newidx.Write(tmp, 64+12); up.Read(&group, 4); up.Read(&bt, 1); newidx.Write(&bt, 1); newidx.Write(&group, 4); binoff = newbin.GetLength(); newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); up.ReadLong(&cs, 1); membuf = malloc(cs); up.Read(membuf, cs); newbin.Write(membuf, cs); up.WriteLong(&cs, 1); newidx.WriteLong(&cs, 1); free (membuf); } up.Seek(-(2+2), SEEK_END); up.ReadShort(&moved, 1); cs = 2+moved*16; up.Seek(-(long)(cs), SEEK_CUR); membuf = malloc(cs); up.Read(membuf, cs); newidx.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); binoff = newbin.GetLength(); newidx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); newidx.WriteShort(&newcount, 1); free(upinfo); oldidx.Close(); oldbin.Close(); newidx.Close(); newbin.Close(); up.Close(); m_Modified = true; return true; } // ============================================================================= // Textures handling stuff bool PiecesLibrary::DeleteTextures (char** Names, int NumTextures) { char file1[LC_MAXPATH], file2[LC_MAXPATH]; FileDisk newbin, newidx, oldbin, oldidx; lcuint32 binsize, offset = 0; lcuint16 count, deleted = 0, i, j; lcuint8 version, bt; // Backup files strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "tex-b.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "textures.bin"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldbin.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newbin.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "tex-i.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "textures.idx"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldidx.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newidx.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; // Write the headers newidx.Write (TexturesIdxHeader, sizeof (TexturesIdxHeader)); bt = 1; // version newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); bt = 0; // last update (unused for now) newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); newbin.Write (TexturesBinHeader, sizeof (TexturesBinHeader)); offset += sizeof (TexturesBinHeader); oldidx.Seek(-(long)(sizeof(count)+sizeof(binsize)), SEEK_END); oldidx.ReadLong (&binsize, 1); oldidx.ReadShort (&count, 1); oldidx.Seek(32, SEEK_SET); oldidx.ReadByte (&version, 1); if ((version != TexturesFileVersion) || (count == 0)) return false; oldidx.Seek(34, SEEK_SET); // skip update byte for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { lcuint32 OldOffset, FileSize = 0; lcuint16 Width, Height; char TexName[9]; TexName[8] = 0; oldidx.Read (TexName, 8); oldidx.ReadShort (&Width, 1); oldidx.ReadShort (&Height, 1); oldidx.ReadByte (&bt, 1); switch (bt) { case LC_INTENSITY: FileSize = Width*Height; break; case LC_RGB: FileSize = Width*Height*3; break; case LC_RGBA: FileSize = Width*Height*4; break; } oldidx.ReadLong(&OldOffset, 1); for (j = 0; j < NumTextures; j++) if (strcmp(TexName, Names[j]) == 0) break; if (j != NumTextures) { deleted++; continue; } // Write index for this texture newidx.Write (TexName, 8); newidx.WriteShort (&Width, 1); newidx.WriteShort (&Height, 1); newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); newidx.WriteLong (&offset, 1); offset += FileSize; // Copy texture data void *membuf = malloc (FileSize); oldbin.Seek (OldOffset, SEEK_SET); oldbin.Read (membuf, FileSize); newbin.Write (membuf, FileSize); free (membuf); } newidx.WriteLong (&offset, 1); count -= deleted; newidx.WriteShort (&count, 1); m_Modified = true; return true; } bool PiecesLibrary::ImportTexture (const char* Name) { char file1[LC_MAXPATH], file2[LC_MAXPATH]; FileDisk newbin, newidx, oldbin, oldidx; lcuint32 FileSize = 0, binsize, offset = 0; lcuint16 Width, Height, count, deleted = 0, i; lcuint8 version, bt; Image img; if (!img.FileLoad (Name)) return false; // Backup files strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "tex-b.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "textures.bin"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldbin.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newbin.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; strcpy(file1, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file1, "tex-i.old"); remove(file1); strcpy(file2, m_LibraryPath); strcat(file2, "textures.idx"); rename(file2, file1); if ((!oldidx.Open(file1, "rb")) || (!newidx.Open(file2, "wb"))) return false; // Get the file name char* p, NewTexName[9]; strcpy(file1, Name); p = strrchr(file1, '.'); *p = 0; p = strrchr(file1, '\\'); if (!p) p = strrchr(file1, '/'); if (!p) p = file1; strupr(p); p++; memset(NewTexName, 0, 9); strcpy(NewTexName, p); if (FindTexture (NewTexName) != NULL) Sys_MessageBox ("Texture already exists in the library !"); // Write the headers newidx.Write (TexturesIdxHeader, sizeof (TexturesIdxHeader)); bt = 1; // version newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); bt = 0; // last update (unused for now) newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); newbin.Write (TexturesBinHeader, sizeof (TexturesBinHeader)); offset += sizeof (TexturesBinHeader); oldidx.Seek(-(long)(sizeof(count)+sizeof(binsize)), SEEK_END); oldidx.ReadLong (&binsize, 1); oldidx.ReadShort (&count, 1); oldidx.Seek(32, SEEK_SET); oldidx.ReadByte (&version, 1); if (version != TexturesFileVersion) return false; oldidx.Seek(34, SEEK_SET); // skip update byte for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { lcuint32 OldOffset; lcuint16 Width, Height; char TexName[9]; TexName[8] = 0; oldidx.Read (TexName, 8); oldidx.ReadShort (&Width, 1); oldidx.ReadShort (&Height, 1); oldidx.ReadByte (&bt, 1); switch (bt) { case LC_INTENSITY: FileSize = Width*Height; break; case LC_RGB: FileSize = Width*Height*3; break; case LC_RGBA: FileSize = Width*Height*4; break; } oldidx.ReadLong(&OldOffset, 1); if (strcmp(TexName, NewTexName) == 0) { deleted++; continue; } // Write index for this texture newidx.Write (TexName, 8); newidx.WriteShort (&Width, 1); newidx.WriteShort (&Height, 1); newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); newidx.WriteLong (&offset, 1); offset += FileSize; // Copy texture data void *membuf = malloc (FileSize); oldbin.Seek (OldOffset, SEEK_SET); oldbin.Read (membuf, FileSize); newbin.Write (membuf, FileSize); free (membuf); } // Save the new texture Width = img.Width (); Height = img.Height (); count++; // TODO: The texture type should be an option when you choose the file but I'll leave it hardcoded for now. if (!strcmp (NewTexName, "SYSFONT")) { lcuint8* buf = img.GetData(); int w = img.Alpha () ? 4 : 3; for (i = 0; i < Width*Height; i++) { if (buf[i*w] > 0 || buf[i*w+1] > 0 || buf[i*w+2] > 0) bt = 255; else bt = 0; newbin.WriteByte (&bt, 1); } FileSize = Width*Height; bt = LC_INTENSITY; } else { if (img.Alpha ()) { FileSize = Width*Height*4; bt = LC_RGBA; } else { FileSize = Width*Height*3; bt = LC_RGB; } newbin.Write (img.GetData(), FileSize); } newidx.Write (NewTexName, 8); newidx.WriteShort (&Width, 1); newidx.WriteShort (&Height, 1); newidx.WriteByte (&bt, 1); newidx.WriteLong (&offset, 1); offset += FileSize; newidx.WriteLong (&offset, 1); count -= deleted; newidx.WriteShort (&count, 1); m_Modified = true; return true; } // ============================================================================= // LDraw support bool PiecesLibrary::ImportLDrawPiece(const char* Filename, File* NewIdxFile, File* NewBinFile, File* OldIdxFile, File* OldBinFile) { LC_LDRAW_PIECE piece; SystemDoWaitCursor(1); if (ReadLDrawPiece (Filename, &piece)) { char* Moved = strstr(piece.description, "~Moved to "); if (Moved) { lcuint16 Count; OldIdxFile->Seek(-(2+4+2), SEEK_END); OldIdxFile->ReadShort(&Count, 1); lcuint32 cs = Count * 2 * LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN; OldIdxFile->Seek(-(long)(cs+2), SEEK_CUR); lcuint32 Length = OldIdxFile->GetPosition(); void* Buffer = malloc(Length); OldIdxFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldIdxFile->Read(Buffer, Length); NewIdxFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); NewIdxFile->Write(Buffer, Length); free(Buffer); Buffer = malloc(cs); OldIdxFile->Read(Buffer, cs); char* Reference = (char*)Buffer; // Add piece to moved list. if (!strchr(Moved, '\\') && !strchr(Moved, '/')) { Moved += strlen("~Moved to "); strupr(Moved); char* Dst = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if (!strncmp(&Reference[i*2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN], piece.name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN)) { Dst = &Reference[i*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; memset(Dst, 0, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); memcpy(Dst, Moved, strlen(Moved)); } } if (!Dst) { Buffer = realloc(Buffer, 2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*(Count+1)); Reference = (char*)Buffer; memset(&Reference[Count*2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN], 0, 2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); memcpy(&Reference[Count*2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN], piece.name, strlen(piece.name)); memcpy(&Reference[Count*2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN], Moved, strlen(Moved)); Count++; } } NewIdxFile->Write(Reference, Count*2*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); NewIdxFile->WriteShort(&Count, 1); free(Buffer); Buffer = malloc(4+2); OldIdxFile->Seek(-(4+2), SEEK_END); OldIdxFile->Read(Buffer, 4+2); NewIdxFile->Write(Buffer, 4+2); free(Buffer); OldBinFile->Seek(0, SEEK_END); Length = OldBinFile->GetPosition(); Buffer = malloc(Length); OldBinFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldBinFile->Read(Buffer, Length); NewBinFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); NewBinFile->Write(Buffer, Length); free(Buffer); // Delete existing piece. // lcPtrArray Pieces; // Pieces.Add(piece.name); // DeletePieces(Pieces); } else if (!SaveLDrawPiece(&piece, NewIdxFile, NewBinFile, OldIdxFile, OldBinFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error saving library after importing %s.\n", Filename); Sys_MessageBox ("Error saving library."); return false; } } else { void* Buffer; lcuint32 Length; OldBinFile->Seek(0, SEEK_END); Length = OldBinFile->GetPosition(); Buffer = malloc(Length); OldBinFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldBinFile->Read(Buffer, Length); NewBinFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); NewBinFile->Write(Buffer, Length); free(Buffer); OldIdxFile->Seek(0, SEEK_END); Length = OldIdxFile->GetPosition(); Buffer = malloc(Length); OldIdxFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldIdxFile->Read(Buffer, Length); NewIdxFile->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); NewIdxFile->Write(Buffer, Length); free(Buffer); fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file %s\n", Filename); Sys_MessageBox ("Error reading file."); } FreeLDrawPiece(&piece); SystemDoWaitCursor(-1); return true; } // ============================================================================= // Stuff that needs to be reorganized #include #include #include "globals.h" #include "project.h" #include "matrix.h" // ============================================================================= // LibraryDialog class static const char ver_str[32] = "LeoCAD Group Configuration File"; static const float ver_flt = 0.3f; // ======================================================== // Import LDraw piece #define LC_MESH 1 #define LC_STUD 2 #define LC_STUD2 3 #define LC_STUD3 4 #define LC_STUD4 5 // stud, technic stud, stud under 1x? plate, stud under ?x? plate static const char* valid[12] = { "STUD.DAT", "STUD2.DAT", "STUD3.DAT", "STUD4.DAT" }; static const unsigned char numvalid = 4; static int FloatPointsClose(float pt1[], float pt2[]) { if (fabs(pt1[0] - pt2[0]) > 0.01) return 0; if (fabs(pt1[1] - pt2[1]) > 0.01) return 0; if (fabs(pt1[2] - pt2[2]) > 0.01) return 0; return 1; } static void ConvertPoints(float pts[], int count) { float tmp; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { pts[3*i] /= 25; tmp = pts[3*i+1]; pts[3*i+1] = pts[3*i+2]/25; pts[3*i+2] = -tmp/25; } } static void Resequence(float v[4][3], int a, int b, int c, int d) { float o[4][3]; memcpy(o, v, sizeof(o)); memcpy(v[0], o[a], sizeof(o[0])); memcpy(v[1], o[b], sizeof(o[0])); memcpy(v[2], o[c], sizeof(o[0])); memcpy(v[3], o[d], sizeof(o[0])); } static void Sub3(float v[], float q1[], float q2[]) { v[0] = q1[0]-q2[0]; v[1] = q1[1]-q2[1]; v[2] = q1[2]-q2[2]; } static float Dot3(float q1[], float q2[]) { return q1[0]*q2[0]+q1[1]*q2[1]+q1[2]*q2[2]; } static void Cross3(float v[], float q1[], float q2[]) { v[0] = (q1[1]*q2[2]) - (q1[2]*q2[1]); v[1] = (q1[2]*q2[0]) - (q1[0]*q2[2]); v[2] = (q1[0]*q2[1]) - (q1[1]*q2[0]); } static void TestQuads(float quad[4][3]) { float v01[3], v02[3], v03[3]; float v12[3], v13[3], v23[3]; float cp1[3], cp2[3]; float dotA, dotB, dotC; int A, B, C; // Calculate A Sub3(v01, quad[1], quad[0]); Sub3(v02, quad[2], quad[0]); Sub3(v03, quad[3], quad[0]); Cross3(cp1, v01, v02); Cross3(cp2, v02, v03); dotA = Dot3(cp1, cp2); A = (dotA > 0.0f); if (A) { // 3 is in I, typical case, OK: 0123 D02 (convex/concave) // CONVEXINFO: quad is convex if (!B && !C): OK: 0123 D02/13 (convex) } else { // Calculate B and C (may be postponed/discarded) // NOTE: postponed ! Sub3(v12, quad[2], quad[1]); Sub3(v13, quad[3], quad[1]); Sub3(v23, quad[3], quad[2]); Cross3(cp1, v12, v01); Cross3(cp2, v01, v13); dotB = Dot3(cp1, cp2); B = (dotB > 0.0f); Cross3(cp1, v02, v12); Cross3(cp2, v12, v23); dotC = -Dot3(cp1, cp2); C = (dotC > 0.0f); // 3 is in II, III, IV or V. Calculation of B and C could be postponed // to here if CONVEXINFO (above) is not needed if (B) { // 3 is in II or III if (C) { // 3 is in II, OK: 0123 D13 (concave) Resequence(quad, 1, 2, 3, 0); // just to shift diagonal } else { // 3 is in III, bow-tie error: using 0312 D01/D23 (convex) Resequence(quad, 0, 3, 1, 2); } } else { // 3 is in IV or V if (C) { // 3 is in IV, bow-tie error: using 0132 D12/D03 (convex) Resequence(quad, 0, 1, 3, 2); } else { // 3 is in V, OK: 0123 D13 (concave) Resequence(quad, 1, 2, 3, 0); // just to shift diagonal } } } // The four vertices quad[0], quad[1], quad[2] and quad[3] now have // the correct sequence, the polygon can be divided by the diagonal 02 // into two triangles, 012 and 230. } static void FixQuads(float quad[]) { float t[4][3]; memcpy(t, quad, sizeof(t)); TestQuads(t); memcpy(quad, t, sizeof(t)); } static group_t* NewGroup(LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { group_t* group; if (piece->groups) { group = piece->groups; while (group->next) group = group->next; group->next = (group_t*)malloc(sizeof(group_t)); group = group->next; } else { group = piece->groups = (group_t*)malloc(sizeof(group_t)); } memset(group, 0, sizeof(group_t)); return group; } static connection_t* AddConnection(connection_t* newcon, LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { connection_t* con; con = piece->connections; while (con) { if ((con->type == newcon->type) && FloatPointsClose(con->pos, newcon->pos) && FloatPointsClose(con->up, newcon->up)) { free(newcon); return con; } con = con->next; } if (piece->connections) { con = piece->connections; while (con->next) con = con->next; con->next = newcon; } else { piece->connections = newcon; newcon->next = NULL; } return newcon; } static void CreateMesh(group_t* pGroup, lineinfo_t* info, LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { lineinfo_t *a, *b; int i, j, k; unsigned int count[256][3], vert = 0; unsigned int quads = 0; unsigned char* bytes; memset (count, 0, sizeof(count)); for (a = info->next; a; a = a->next) { // Fix the 'extended colors' that shouldn't be there in the first place. if ((a->color > 16) && (a->color < 24)) a->color = 0; count[a->color][a->type-2]++; vert += a->type; } k = 0; for (i = 16; i < 256; i++) { if (count[i][0] || count[i][1] || count[i][2]) k++; quads += count[i][2] * 4; if (i == 16) i = -1; if (i == 15) i = 23; } if (piece->verts_count > 65535 || quads > 65535) { piece->long_info = true; unsigned long* drawinfo; pGroup->infosize = sizeof(unsigned long)*(vert + (k*4)+1) + 2; pGroup->drawinfo = malloc(pGroup->infosize); bytes = (unsigned char*)pGroup->drawinfo; drawinfo = (unsigned long*)(bytes + 1); *bytes = LC_MESH; *drawinfo = k; // number colors drawinfo++; for (i = 16; i < 256; i++) { if (count[i][0] || count[i][1] || count[i][2]) { *drawinfo = i; drawinfo++; for (j = 4; j > 1; j--) { *drawinfo = count[i][j-2]*j; drawinfo++; if (count[i][j-2] != 0) { a = info->next; b = info; while(a) if ((a->type == j) && (a->color == i)) { for (k = 0; k < a->type; k++) { *drawinfo = a->indices[k]; drawinfo++; } b->next = a->next; free(a); a = b->next; } else { b = a; a = a->next; } } } } if (i == 16) i = -1; if (i == 15) i = 23; } } else { piece->long_info = false; unsigned short* drawinfo; pGroup->infosize = sizeof(unsigned short)*(vert + (k*4)+1) + 2; pGroup->drawinfo = malloc(pGroup->infosize); bytes = (unsigned char*)pGroup->drawinfo; drawinfo = (unsigned short*)(bytes + 1); *bytes = LC_MESH; *drawinfo = k; // number colors drawinfo++; for (i = 16; i < 256; i++) { if (count[i][0] || count[i][1] || count[i][2]) { *drawinfo = i; drawinfo++; } for (j = 4; j > 1; j--) { if (count[i][0] || count[i][1] || count[i][2]) { *drawinfo = count[i][j-2]*j; drawinfo++; } if (count[i][j-2] != 0) { a = info->next; b = info; while(a) if ((a->type == j) && (a->color == i)) { for (k = 0; k < a->type; k++) { *drawinfo = a->indices[k]; drawinfo++; } b->next = a->next; free(a); a = b->next; } else { b = a; a = a->next; } } } if (i == 16) i = -1; if (i == 15) i = 23; } } bytes[pGroup->infosize-1] = 0; // End } // Temp function to convert colors > 255 because the library file format doesn't support them. inline int FixupColor(int Color) { if (Color < 256) return Color; switch (Color) { case 272: return 1; // Dark_Blue -> Blue case 288: return 2; // Dark_Green -> Green case 308: return 6; // Dark_Brown -> Brown case 313: return 11;// Maersk_Blue -> Light_Turquoise case 320: return 4; // Dark_Red -> Red case 335: return 4; // Sand_Red -> Red case 366: return 25; // Earth_Orange -> Orange case 373: return 22; // Sand_Purple -> Purple case 378: return 2; // Sand_Green -> Green case 379: return 1; // Sand_Blue -> Blue case 462: return 25; // Medium_Orange -> Orange case 484: return 25; // Dark_Orange -> Orange case 503: return 7; // Very_Light_Gray -> Light_Gray case 284: return 230; // TLG_Transparent_Reddish_Lilac -> Trans_Pink case 294: return 230; // Glow_In_Dark_Trans -> Trans_Pink case 297: return 14; // Pearl_Gold -> Yellow case 334: return 14; // Chrome_Gold -> Yellow case 383: return 7; // Chrome_Silver -> Light_Gray case 494: return 14; // Electric_Contact_Alloy -> Yellow case 495: return 14; // Electric_Contact_Copper -> Yellow case 256: return 0; // Rubber_Black -> Black case 273: return 1; // Rubber_Blue -> Blue case 324: return 4; // Rubber_Red -> Red case 375: return 7; // Rubber_Light_Gray -> Light_Gray case 511: return 15; // Rubber_White -> White } return 0; } static void decodefile(FILE *F, Matrix *mat, int defcolor, lineinfo_t* info, char* dir, LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { char buf[1024], fn[LC_MAXPATH], filename[32]; unsigned char val; int type, color; float fm[12]; FILE *tf; while (fgets(buf, 1024, F)) { while (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 10 || buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 13 || buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 32) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; type = -1; sscanf(buf, "%d", &type); if (type == 6) { float* f; texture_t* tex; if (piece->textures) { tex = piece->textures; while (tex->next) tex = tex->next; tex->next = (texture_t*)malloc(sizeof(texture_t)); tex = tex->next; } else { piece->textures = (texture_t*)malloc(sizeof(texture_t)); tex = piece->textures; } memset(tex, 0, sizeof(texture_t)); f = tex->points; sscanf (buf, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s", &type, &color, &f[0], &f[1], &f[2], &f[3], &f[4], &f[5], &f[6], &f[7], &f[8], &f[9], &f[10], &f[11], &f[12], &f[13], &f[14], &f[15], &f[16], &f[17], &f[18], &f[19], tex->name); tex->color = color; ConvertPoints(f, 4); continue; } if (type > 1 && type < 5) { lineinfo_t* newinfo = (lineinfo_t*)malloc(sizeof(lineinfo_t)); info->next = newinfo; newinfo->next = 0; newinfo->type = type; info = newinfo; } switch (type) { case 1: { sscanf (buf, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s", &type, &color, &fm[0], &fm[1], &fm[2], &fm[3], &fm[4], &fm[5], &fm[6], &fm[7], &fm[8], &fm[9], &fm[10], &fm[11], filename); strcpy (fn, dir); strcat (fn, "p/"); strcat (fn, filename); #if LC_WINDOWS strupr(filename); #else strlwr(filename); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(filename); i++) if (filename[i] == '\\') filename[i] = '/'; #endif for (val = 0; val < numvalid; val++) if (strcmp(filename, valid[val]) == 0) break; if (val != numvalid) break; if (color == 16) color = defcolor; tf = fopen (fn, "rt"); if (!tf) { strcpy (fn, dir); strcat (fn, "parts/"); strcat (fn, filename); tf = fopen (fn, "rt"); } if (!tf) { strcpy (fn, dir); strcat (fn, "parts/s/"); strcat (fn, filename); tf = fopen (fn, "rt"); } if (tf) { Matrix m1, m2; m1.FromLDraw(fm); m2.Multiply(*mat, m1); decodefile(tf, &m2, color, info, dir, piece); while (info->next) info = info->next; fclose(tf); } } break; case 2: { sscanf (buf, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f", &type, &color, &info->points[0], &info->points[1], &info->points[2], &info->points[3], &info->points[4], &info->points[5]); if (color == 16) color = defcolor; color = FixupColor(color); info->color = color; ConvertPoints(info->points, 2); mat->TransformPoints(info->points, 2); } break; case 3: { sscanf (buf, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &type, &color, &info->points[0], &info->points[1], &info->points[2], &info->points[3], &info->points[4], &info->points[5], &info->points[6], &info->points[7], &info->points[8]); if (color == 16) color = defcolor; color = FixupColor(color); info->color = color; ConvertPoints(info->points, 3); mat->TransformPoints(info->points, 3); } break; case 4: { sscanf (buf, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &type, &color, &info->points[0], &info->points[1], &info->points[2], &info->points[3], &info->points[4], &info->points[5], &info->points[6], &info->points[7], &info->points[8], &info->points[9], &info->points[10], &info->points[11]); if (color == 16) color = defcolor; color = FixupColor(color); info->color = color; ConvertPoints(info->points, 4); mat->TransformPoints(info->points, 4); FixQuads(info->points); #ifdef TRIANGULATE LINEINFO* newinfo = (LINEINFO*)malloc(sizeof(LINEINFO)); info->next = newinfo; info->type = 3; newinfo->next = NULL; newinfo->type = 3; newinfo->color = color; newinfo->points[0] = info->points[6]; newinfo->points[1] = info->points[7]; newinfo->points[2] = info->points[8]; newinfo->points[3] = info->points[9]; newinfo->points[4] = info->points[10]; newinfo->points[5] = info->points[11]; newinfo->points[6] = info->points[0]; newinfo->points[7] = info->points[1]; newinfo->points[8] = info->points[2]; info = newinfo; #endif } break; } memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); } } static void decodeconnections(FILE *F, Matrix *mat, unsigned char defcolor, char* dir, LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { char buf[1024], fn[LC_MAXPATH], filename[32]; unsigned char val, *bytes; float fm[12], *floats; int type, color; group_t* group; connection_t* con; Matrix m1, m2; FILE *tf; while (fgets(buf, 1024, F)) { while (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 10 || buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 13 || buf[strlen(buf)-1] == 32) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; type = -1; sscanf(buf, "%d", &type); if (type != 1) { memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); continue; } sscanf (buf, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s", &type, &color, &fm[0], &fm[1], &fm[2], &fm[3], &fm[4], &fm[5], &fm[6], &fm[7], &fm[8], &fm[9], &fm[10], &fm[11], filename); strcpy (fn, dir); strcat (fn, "P/"); strcat (fn, filename); if (color == 16) color = defcolor; color = FixupColor(color); strupr(filename); for (val = 0; val < numvalid; val++) if (strcmp(filename, valid[val]) == 0) { m1.LoadIdentity(); m2.LoadIdentity(); m1.FromLDraw(fm); m2.Multiply(*mat, m1); if (val == 0) // STUD.DAT { group = NewGroup(piece); con = (connection_t*)malloc(sizeof(connection_t)); memset(con, 0, sizeof(connection_t)); group->infosize = 3*sizeof(unsigned char) + 12*sizeof(float); group->drawinfo = malloc(group->infosize); bytes = (unsigned char*)group->drawinfo; floats = (float*)(bytes+2); bytes[0] = LC_STUD; bytes[1] = color; // color floats[0] = m2.m[0]; floats[1] = m2.m[1]; floats[2] = m2.m[2]; floats[3] = m2.m[4]; floats[4] = m2.m[5]; floats[5] = m2.m[6]; floats[6] = m2.m[8]; floats[7] = m2.m[9]; floats[8] = m2.m[10]; floats[9] = m2.m[12]; floats[10] = m2.m[13]; floats[11] = m2.m[14]; bytes[group->infosize-1] = 0; // end con->type = 0; // stud con->pos[0] = m2.m[12]; con->pos[1] = m2.m[13]; con->pos[2] = m2.m[14]; con->up[2] = 1; m2.TransformPoints(con->up, 1); con->up[0] -= m2.m[12]; con->up[1] -= m2.m[13]; con->up[2] -= m2.m[14]; con = AddConnection(con, piece); group->connections[0] = con; } if (val == 1) // STUD2.DAT { group = NewGroup(piece); con = (connection_t*)malloc(sizeof(connection_t)); memset(con, 0, sizeof(connection_t)); group->infosize = 3*sizeof(unsigned char) + 12*sizeof(float); group->drawinfo = malloc(group->infosize); bytes = (unsigned char*)group->drawinfo; floats = (float*)(bytes+2); bytes[0] = LC_STUD2; bytes[1] = color; // color floats[0] = m2.m[0]; floats[1] = m2.m[1]; floats[2] = m2.m[2]; floats[3] = m2.m[4]; floats[4] = m2.m[5]; floats[5] = m2.m[6]; floats[6] = m2.m[8]; floats[7] = m2.m[9]; floats[8] = m2.m[10]; floats[9] = m2.m[12]; floats[10] = m2.m[13]; floats[11] = m2.m[14]; bytes[group->infosize-1] = 0; // end con->type = 0; // stud con->pos[0] = m2.m[12]; con->pos[1] = m2.m[13]; con->pos[2] = m2.m[14]; con->up[2] = 1; m2.TransformPoints(con->up, 1); con->up[0] -= m2.m[12]; con->up[1] -= m2.m[13]; con->up[2] -= m2.m[14]; con = AddConnection(con, piece); group->connections[0] = con; } if (val == 2) // STUD3.DAT { group = NewGroup(piece); group->infosize = 3*sizeof(unsigned char) + 12*sizeof(float); group->drawinfo = malloc(group->infosize); bytes = (unsigned char*)group->drawinfo; floats = (float*)(bytes+2); bytes[0] = LC_STUD3; bytes[1] = color; // color floats[0] = m2.m[0]; floats[1] = m2.m[1]; floats[2] = m2.m[2]; floats[3] = m2.m[4]; floats[4] = m2.m[5]; floats[5] = m2.m[6]; floats[6] = m2.m[8]; floats[7] = m2.m[9]; floats[8] = m2.m[10]; floats[9] = m2.m[12]; floats[10] = m2.m[13]; floats[11] = m2.m[14]; bytes[group->infosize-1] = 0; // end } if (val == 3) // STUD4.DAT { float t[4][3] = { {0.4f,0.4f,0}, {-0.4f,0.4f,0}, {0.4f,-0.4f,0}, {-0.4f,-0.4f,0} }; int c; group = NewGroup(piece); group->infosize = 3*sizeof(unsigned char) + 12*sizeof(float); group->drawinfo = malloc(group->infosize); bytes = (unsigned char*)group->drawinfo; floats = (float*)(bytes+2); bytes[0] = LC_STUD4; bytes[1] = color; // color floats[0] = m2.m[0]; floats[1] = m2.m[1]; floats[2] = m2.m[2]; floats[3] = m2.m[4]; floats[4] = m2.m[5]; floats[5] = m2.m[6]; floats[6] = m2.m[8]; floats[7] = m2.m[9]; floats[8] = m2.m[10]; floats[9] = m2.m[12]; floats[10] = m2.m[13]; floats[11] = m2.m[14]; bytes[group->infosize-1] = 0; // end for (c = 0; c < 4; c++) { con = (connection_t*)malloc(sizeof(connection_t)); memset(con, 0, sizeof(connection_t)); con->type = 1; // inv stud m2.TransformPoint(con->pos, t[c]); con->pos[2] -= 0.16f; con->up[2] = 1; m2.TransformPoints(con->up, 1); con->up[0] -= m2.m[12]; con->up[1] -= m2.m[13]; con->up[2] -= m2.m[14]; group->connections[c] = AddConnection(con, piece); } con = (connection_t*)malloc(sizeof(connection_t)); memset(con, 0, sizeof(connection_t)); con->type = 1; // inv stud con->pos[2] -= 0.16f; con->up[2] = 1; m2.TransformPoints(con->up, 1); con->up[0] -= m2.m[12]; con->up[1] -= m2.m[13]; con->up[2] -= m2.m[14]; AddConnection(con, piece); } memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); continue; } tf = fopen (fn, "rt"); if (!tf) { strcpy(fn, dir); strcat(fn, "parts/"); strcat(fn, filename); tf = fopen(fn, "rt"); } if (!tf) { strcpy(fn, dir); strcat(fn, "parts/s/"); strcat(fn, filename); tf = fopen(fn, "rt"); } if (tf) { m1.LoadIdentity(); m2.LoadIdentity(); m1.FromLDraw(fm); m2.Multiply(*mat, m1); decodeconnections (tf, &m2, (unsigned char)color, dir, piece); // while (info->next) // info = info->next; fclose(tf); } memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); } } bool ReadLDrawPiece(const char* filename, LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { unsigned long j, unique; char tmp[LC_MAXPATH], *ptr; lineinfo_t info, *lf; float* verts; Matrix mat; FILE *f; memset(piece, 0, sizeof(LC_LDRAW_PIECE)); info.next = 0; info.type = 0; // First we read the name and description strcpy(tmp, filename); ptr = strrchr(tmp, '.'); if (ptr != NULL) *ptr = 0; ptr = strrchr(tmp, '\\'); if (ptr == NULL) ptr = strrchr(tmp, '/'); if (ptr == NULL) ptr = tmp; else ptr++; memset(piece->name, 0, sizeof(piece->name)); strcpy(piece->name, ptr); strupr(piece->name); f = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (f == NULL) return false; if (fgets(tmp, 100, f)) { while (tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]==10||tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]==13||tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]==32) tmp[strlen(tmp)-1]=0; tmp[66] = 0; strcpy(piece->description, tmp+2); } // Get LDraw directory, piece must be /ldraw/pieces/foo.dat strcpy(tmp, filename); ptr = strrchr(tmp, '\\'); if (ptr == NULL) ptr = strrchr(tmp, '/'); *ptr = 0; ptr = strrchr(tmp, '\\'); if (ptr == NULL) ptr = strrchr(tmp, '/'); *(ptr+1) = 0; decodefile(f, &mat, 16, &info, tmp, piece); fclose (f); // Create array of unique vertices verts = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*1500); unique = 0; for (lf = info.next; lf; lf = lf->next) { for (j = 0; j < lf->type; j++) { int i; for (i = unique-1; i != -1; i--) if (FloatPointsClose(&verts[i*3], &lf->points[j*3])) break; if (i == -1) { if ((unique % 500) == 0) verts = (float*)realloc(verts, sizeof(float)*3*(unique+500)); memcpy(&verts[unique*3], &lf->points[j*3], sizeof(float)*3); i = unique; unique++; } lf->indices[j] = i; } } piece->verts = verts; piece->long_info = false; piece->verts_count = unique; // Main group piece->groups = (group_t*)malloc(sizeof(group_t)); memset(piece->groups, 0, sizeof(group_t)); CreateMesh(piece->groups, &info, piece); lf = info.next; while (lf) { lineinfo_t* b = lf->next; free(lf); lf = b; } info.next = NULL; // Included files f = fopen (filename, "rt"); mat.LoadIdentity(); decodeconnections(f, &mat, 16, tmp, piece); fclose(f); return true; } bool SaveLDrawPiece(LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece, File* NewIdxFile, File* NewBinFile, File* OldIdxFile, File* OldBinFile) { lcuint16 count, moved; lcuint32 i, j, cs, binoff = 0, delta; void* membuf; lcuint16 scale, sb[6]; File& NewIdx = *NewIdxFile; File& NewBin = *NewBinFile; File& OldIdx = *OldIdxFile; File& OldBin = *OldBinFile; OldIdx.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldBin.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldIdx.Seek(-2, SEEK_END); OldIdx.ReadShort(&count, 1); OldIdx.Seek(34, SEEK_SET); for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; OldIdx.Read(name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); if (strcmp(name, piece->name) == 0) { OldIdx.Seek(64+12+1+4, SEEK_CUR); OldIdx.ReadLong(&binoff, 1); OldIdx.ReadLong(&delta, 1); OldIdx.Seek(-(LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+64+12+1+4+4+4), SEEK_CUR); delta += binoff; break; } OldIdx.Seek(64+12+1+4+4+4, SEEK_CUR); } if (binoff == 0) binoff = OldBin.GetLength(); cs = OldIdx.GetPosition(); membuf = malloc(cs); if (membuf == NULL) { SystemDoMessageBox("Not Enough Memory !", LC_MB_OK|LC_MB_ICONWARNING); return false; } OldIdx.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldIdx.Read(membuf, cs); NewIdx.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); membuf = malloc (binoff); if (membuf == NULL) { SystemDoMessageBox("Not Enough Memory !", LC_MB_OK|LC_MB_ICONWARNING); return false; } OldBin.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); OldBin.Read(membuf, binoff); NewBin.Write(membuf, binoff); free(membuf); // Save piece float maxdim, box[6] = { -100, -100, -100, 100, 100, 100 }; unsigned short s; unsigned char bt; connection_t* con; group_t* group; texture_t* tex; Matrix mat; // First we calculate the bounding box group = piece->groups; while (group) { unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*)group->drawinfo; float* floats; while (*bytes) { if (*bytes == LC_MESH) { if (piece->long_info) { unsigned long colors, *p; p = (unsigned long*)(bytes + 1); colors = *p; p++; while (colors--) { p++; // color code p += *p + 1; p += *p + 1; p += *p + 1; } bytes = (unsigned char*)p; } else { unsigned short colors, *p; p = (unsigned short*)(bytes + 1); colors = *p; p++; while (colors--) { p++; // color code p += *p + 1; p += *p + 1; p += *p + 1; } bytes = (unsigned char*)p; } } if ((*bytes == LC_STUD) || (*bytes == LC_STUD2)) { float stud[6] = { 0.16f, 0.16f, 0.16f, -0.16f, -0.16f, 0 }; floats = (float*)(bytes+2); mat.LoadIdentity(); mat.m[0] = floats[0]; mat.m[1] = floats[1]; mat.m[2] = floats[2]; mat.m[4] = floats[3]; mat.m[5] = floats[4]; mat.m[6] = floats[5]; mat.m[8] = floats[6]; mat.m[9] = floats[7]; mat.m[10] = floats[8]; mat.m[12] = floats[9]; mat.m[13] = floats[10]; mat.m[14] = floats[11]; mat.TransformPoints(stud, 2); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (stud[(3*i)] > box[0]) box[0] = stud[(3*i)]; if (stud[(3*i)+1] > box[1]) box[1] = stud[(3*i)+1]; if (stud[(3*i)+2] > box[2]) box[2] = stud[(3*i)+2]; if (stud[(3*i)] < box[3]) box[3] = stud[(3*i)]; if (stud[(3*i)+1] < box[4]) box[4] = stud[(3*i)+1]; if (stud[(3*i)+2] < box[5]) box[5] = stud[(3*i)+2]; } bytes += 2*sizeof(unsigned char) + 12*sizeof(float); } if ((*bytes == LC_STUD4) || (*bytes == LC_STUD3)) bytes += 2*sizeof(unsigned char) + 12*sizeof(float); } group = group->next; } for (i = 0; i < piece->verts_count; i++) { if (piece->verts[(3*i)] > box[0]) box[0] = piece->verts[(3*i)]; if (piece->verts[(3*i)+1] > box[1]) box[1] = piece->verts[(3*i)+1]; if (piece->verts[(3*i)+2] > box[2]) box[2] = piece->verts[(3*i)+2]; if (piece->verts[(3*i)] < box[3]) box[3] = piece->verts[(3*i)]; if (piece->verts[(3*i)+1] < box[4]) box[4] = piece->verts[(3*i)+1]; if (piece->verts[(3*i)+2] < box[5]) box[5] = piece->verts[(3*i)+2]; } maxdim = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (fabs(box[i]) > maxdim) maxdim = (float)fabs(box[i]); scale = 10000; if (maxdim > 3.2f) scale = 1000; if (maxdim > 32.0f) scale = 100; // Write the vertex data NewBin.WriteLong(&piece->verts_count, 1); for (i = 0; i < piece->verts_count; i++) { float tmp[3] = { scale*piece->verts[(i*3)], scale*piece->verts[(i*3)+1], scale*piece->verts[(i*3)+2] }; short sh[3] = { (short)tmp[0], (short)tmp[1], (short)tmp[2] }; NewBin.WriteShort(&sh, 3); } // Write the connections information for (s = 0, con = piece->connections; con; con = con->next) s++; NewBin.WriteShort(&s, 1); for (con = piece->connections; con; con = con->next) { float tmp[3] = { scale*con->pos[0], scale*con->pos[1], scale*con->pos[2] }; short sh[3] = { (short)tmp[0], (short)tmp[1], (short)tmp[2] }; NewBin.WriteByte(&con->type, 1); NewBin.WriteShort(sh, 3); sh[0] = (short)(con->up[0]*(1<<14)); sh[1] = (short)(con->up[1]*(1<<14)); sh[2] = (short)(con->up[2]*(1<<14)); NewBin.WriteShort(sh, 3); } // Textures for (bt = 0, tex = piece->textures; tex; tex = tex->next) bt++; NewBin.WriteByte(&bt, 1); for (tex = piece->textures; tex; tex = tex->next) { NewBin.WriteByte(&tex->color, 1); NewBin.Write(tex->name, 8); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { float tmp[1] = { tex->points[i]*scale }; short sh[1] = { (short)tmp[0] }; NewBin.WriteShort(sh, 1); } for (i = 12; i < 20; i++) { float tmp = tex->points[i]; short sh[1] = { (short)tmp }; NewBin.WriteShort(sh, 1); } } for (s = 0, group = piece->groups; group; group = group->next) s++; NewBin.WriteShort(&s, 1); for (group = piece->groups; group; group = group->next) { for (bt = 0; bt < 5; bt++) if (!group->connections[bt]) break; NewBin.WriteByte(&bt, 1); for (bt = 0; bt < 5; bt++) { if (!group->connections[bt]) break; for (s = 0, con = piece->connections; con; con = con->next, s++) if (con == group->connections[bt]) break; NewBin.WriteShort(&s, 1); } // TODO: make this endian-safe NewBin.Write(group->drawinfo, group->infosize); } // Now write the index NewIdx.Write(piece->name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); NewIdx.Write(piece->description, 64); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { float ff, f = 1.0f * box[i]; f *= scale; ff = f; // sb[i] = scale*box[i]; sb[i] = (short)ff; } NewIdx.WriteShort(sb, 6); // Calculate flags. bt = LC_PIECE_COUNT; if (scale == 10000) bt |= LC_PIECE_SMALL; else if (scale == 1000) bt |= LC_PIECE_MEDIUM; if (piece->long_info) bt |= LC_PIECE_LONGDATA_FILE; NewIdx.WriteByte(&bt, 1); i = 0;//PiecesLibrary::GetDefaultPieceGroup(piece->description); NewIdx.WriteLong(&i, 1); NewIdx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); i = NewBin.GetLength() - binoff; NewIdx.WriteLong(&i, 1); // replacing a piece if (j != count) { unsigned long d = NewBin.GetPosition() - delta; OldIdx.Seek (LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+64+12+1+4+4+4, SEEK_CUR); for (j++; j < count; j++) { lcuint32 dw; char buf[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+64+12+1+4]; OldIdx.Read(buf, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+64+12+1+4); OldIdx.ReadLong(&dw, 1); dw += d; NewIdx.Write(buf, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN+64+12+1+4); NewIdx.WriteLong(&dw, 1); OldIdx.ReadLong(&dw, 1); NewIdx.WriteLong(&dw, 1); } d = OldBin.GetLength()-delta; membuf = malloc (d); OldBin.Seek(delta, SEEK_SET); OldBin.Read(membuf, d); NewBin.Write(membuf, d); free(membuf); } else count++; // Fix the end of the index OldIdx.Seek(-(2+4+2), SEEK_END); OldIdx.ReadShort(&moved, 1); cs = 2+(moved*LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN*2); OldIdx.Seek(-(long)cs, SEEK_CUR); membuf = malloc(cs); OldIdx.Read(membuf, cs); NewIdx.Write(membuf, cs); free(membuf); binoff = NewBin.GetPosition(); NewIdx.WriteLong(&binoff, 1); NewIdx.WriteShort(&count, 1); return true; } void FreeLDrawPiece(LC_LDRAW_PIECE* piece) { group_t *tmp, *pg = piece->groups; connection_t *ctmp, *pc = piece->connections; texture_t *ttmp, *pt = piece->textures; free(piece->verts); while (pt) { ttmp = pt->next; free(pt); pt = ttmp; } while (pg != NULL) { free (pg->drawinfo); tmp = pg; pg = pg->next; free (tmp); } while (pc != NULL) { ctmp = pc; pc = pc->next; free (ctmp); } } // ========================================================