#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_math.h" #include "lc_mesh.h" #include #include "pieceinf.h" #include "camera.h" #include "project.h" #include "image.h" #include "lc_mainwindow.h" #include "view.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_profile.h" #include "lc_file.h" #include "lc_zipfile.h" #include "lc_qimagedialog.h" #include "lc_qmodellistdialog.h" #include "lc_qpovraydialog.h" #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) #include #endif Project::Project() { mModified = false; mActiveModel = new lcModel(tr("Model #1.ldr")); mActiveModel->CreatePieceInfo(this); mActiveModel->SetSaved(); mModels.Add(mActiveModel); } Project::~Project() { mModels.DeleteAll(); } bool Project::IsModified() const { if (mModified) return true; for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) if (mModels[ModelIdx]->IsModified()) return true; return false; } QString Project::GetTitle() const { if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) return QFileInfo(mFileName).fileName(); return mModels.GetSize() == 1 ? tr("New Project.ldr") : tr("New Project.mpd"); } void Project::SetActiveModel(int ModelIndex) { if (ModelIndex < 0 || ModelIndex >= mModels.GetSize()) return; for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->SetActive(ModelIdx == ModelIndex); lcArray UpdatedModels; UpdatedModels.AllocGrow(mModels.GetSize()); for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->UpdatePieceInfo(UpdatedModels); mActiveModel = mModels[ModelIndex]; gMainWindow->SetCurrentModelTab(mActiveModel); mActiveModel->UpdateInterface(); } void Project::SetActiveModel(const QString& ModelName) { for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { if (ModelName.compare(mModels[ModelIdx]->GetName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { SetActiveModel(ModelIdx); return; } } } QString Project::GetNewModelName(QWidget* ParentWidget, const QString& DialogTitle, const QString& CurrentName, const QStringList& ExistingModels) const { QString Name = CurrentName; if (Name.isEmpty()) { const QString Prefix = tr("Model #"); int Max = 0; for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < ExistingModels.size(); ModelIdx++) { const QString& Name = ExistingModels[ModelIdx]; if (Name.startsWith(Prefix)) { QString NumberString = Name.mid(Prefix.length()); QTextStream Stream(&NumberString); int Number; Stream >> Number; Max = qMax(Max, Number); } } Name = Prefix + QString::number(Max + 1) + ".ldr"; } for (;;) { bool Ok = false; Name = QInputDialog::getText(ParentWidget, DialogTitle, tr("Model Name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, Name, &Ok); if (!Ok) return QString(); if (Name.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(ParentWidget, tr("Empty Name"), tr("The model name cannot be empty.")); continue; } bool ExtensionValid = false; if (Name.length() < 5) ExtensionValid = false; else { QString Extension = Name.right(4); if (Extension.compare(".dat", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || Extension.compare(".ldr", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0 || Extension.compare(".mpd", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) ExtensionValid = true; } if (!ExtensionValid) { QMessageBox::information(ParentWidget, tr("Invalid Extension"), tr("The model name must end with '.ldr', '.dat' or '.mpd'.")); continue; } if (ExistingModels.contains(Name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) && Name != CurrentName) { QMessageBox::information(ParentWidget, tr("Duplicate Model"), tr("A model named '%1' already exists, please enter an unique name.").arg(Name)); continue; } break; } return Name; } lcModel* Project::CreateNewModel(bool ShowModel) { QStringList ModelNames; for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) ModelNames.append(mModels[ModelIdx]->GetProperties().mName); QString Name = GetNewModelName(gMainWindow, tr("New Model"), QString(), ModelNames); if (Name.isEmpty()) return nullptr; mModified = true; lcModel* Model = new lcModel(Name); Model->CreatePieceInfo(this); Model->SetSaved(); mModels.Add(Model); if (ShowModel) { SetActiveModel(mModels.GetSize() - 1); gMainWindow->UpdateTitle(); } else SetActiveModel(mModels.FindIndex(mActiveModel)); return Model; } void Project::ShowModelListDialog() { QList> Models; #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0)) Models.reserve(mModels.GetSize()); #endif for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = mModels[ModelIdx]; Models.append(QPair(Model->GetProperties().mName, Model)); } lcQModelListDialog Dialog(gMainWindow, Models); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted || Models.isEmpty()) return; lcArray NewModels; for (QList>::iterator it = Models.begin(); it != Models.end(); it++) { lcModel* Model = it->second; if (!Model) { Model = new lcModel(it->first); Model->CreatePieceInfo(this); Model->SetSaved(); mModified = true; } else if (Model->GetProperties().mName != it->first) { Model->SetName(it->first); mModified = true; } NewModels.Add(Model); } for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = mModels[ModelIdx]; if (NewModels.FindIndex(Model) == -1) { delete Model; mModified = true; } } mModels = NewModels; SetActiveModel(Dialog.mActiveModel); gMainWindow->UpdateTitle(); } bool Project::Load(const QString& FileName) { QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error reading file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return false; } mModels.DeleteAll(); mFileName = FileName; QFileInfo FileInfo(FileName); QString Extension = FileInfo.suffix().toLower(); QByteArray FileData = File.readAll(); bool LoadDAT; if (Extension == QLatin1String("dat") || Extension == QLatin1String("ldr") || Extension == QLatin1String("mpd")) LoadDAT = true; else if (Extension == QLatin1String("lcd") || Extension == QLatin1String("leocad")) LoadDAT = false; else LoadDAT = memcmp(FileData, "LeoCAD ", 7); if (LoadDAT) { QBuffer Buffer(&FileData); Buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); while (!Buffer.atEnd()) { lcModel* Model = new lcModel(QString()); Model->SplitMPD(Buffer); if (mModels.IsEmpty() || !Model->GetProperties().mName.isEmpty()) mModels.Add(Model); else delete Model; } Buffer.seek(0); for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = mModels[ModelIdx]; Model->LoadLDraw(Buffer, this); Model->SetSaved(); } } else { lcMemFile MemFile; MemFile.WriteBuffer(FileData.constData(), FileData.size()); MemFile.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); lcModel* Model = new lcModel(QString()); if (Model->LoadBinary(&MemFile)) { mModels.Add(Model); Model->SetSaved(); } else delete Model; } if (mModels.IsEmpty()) return false; if (mModels.GetSize() == 1) { lcModel* Model = mModels[0]; if (Model->GetProperties().mName.isEmpty()) Model->SetName(FileInfo.fileName()); } for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->CreatePieceInfo(this); lcArray UpdatedModels; UpdatedModels.AllocGrow(mModels.GetSize()); for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->UpdatePieceInfo(UpdatedModels); mModified = false; return true; } bool Project::Save(const QString& FileName) { QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return false; } QTextStream Stream(&File); bool Success = Save(Stream); mFileName = FileName; mModified = false; return Success; } bool Project::Save(QTextStream& Stream) { bool MPD = mModels.GetSize() > 1; for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = mModels[ModelIdx]; if (MPD) Stream << QLatin1String("0 FILE ") << Model->GetProperties().mName << QLatin1String("\r\n"); Model->SaveLDraw(Stream, false); Model->SetSaved(); if (MPD) Stream << QLatin1String("0 NOFILE\r\n"); } return true; } void Project::Merge(Project* Other) { for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < Other->mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = Other->mModels[ModelIdx]; QString Name = Model->GetProperties().mName; for (;;) { bool Duplicate = false; for (int SearchIdx = 0; SearchIdx < mModels.GetSize(); SearchIdx++) { if (mModels[SearchIdx]->GetProperties().mName == Name) { Duplicate = true; break; } } if (!Duplicate) break; Name = tr("Merged ") + Name; Model->SetName(Name); } mModels.Add(Model); } mModified = true; } bool Project::ImportLDD(const QString& FileName) { lcZipFile ZipFile; if (!ZipFile.OpenRead(FileName)) return false; lcMemFile XMLFile; if (!ZipFile.ExtractFile("IMAGE100.LXFML", XMLFile)) return false; mModels.DeleteAll(); lcModel* Model = new lcModel(QString()); if (Model->LoadLDD(QString::fromUtf8((const char*)XMLFile.mBuffer))) { mModels.Add(Model); Model->SetSaved(); } else delete Model; if (mModels.IsEmpty()) return false; if (mModels.GetSize() == 1) { lcModel* Model = mModels[0]; if (Model->GetProperties().mName.isEmpty()) Model->SetName(QFileInfo(FileName).completeBaseName()); } for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->CreatePieceInfo(this); lcArray UpdatedModels; UpdatedModels.AllocGrow(mModels.GetSize()); for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->UpdatePieceInfo(UpdatedModels); mModified = false; return true; } void Project::GetModelParts(lcArray& ModelParts) { if (mModels.IsEmpty()) return; for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < mModels.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) mModels[ModelIdx]->CalculateStep(LC_STEP_MAX); mModels[0]->GetModelParts(lcMatrix44Identity(), gDefaultColor, ModelParts); SetActiveModel(mModels.FindIndex(mActiveModel)); } QString Project::GetExportFileName(const QString& FileName, const QString& DefaultExtension, const QString& DialogTitle, const QString& DialogFilter) const { if (!FileName.isEmpty()) return FileName; QString SaveFileName; if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) SaveFileName = mFileName; else SaveFileName = GetTitle(); QString Extension = QFileInfo(SaveFileName).suffix().toLower(); if (Extension.isEmpty()) SaveFileName += "." + DefaultExtension; else if (Extension != DefaultExtension && SaveFileName.length() > 4) { SaveFileName = SaveFileName.left(SaveFileName.length() - Extension.length() - 1); SaveFileName += "." + DefaultExtension; } return QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(gMainWindow, DialogTitle, SaveFileName, DialogFilter); } void Project::Export3DStudio(const QString& FileName) { lcArray ModelParts; GetModelParts(ModelParts); if (ModelParts.IsEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Nothing to export.")); return; } QString SaveFileName = GetExportFileName(FileName, "3ds", tr("Export 3D Studio"), tr("3DS Files (*.3ds);;All Files (*.*)")); if (SaveFileName.isEmpty()) return; lcDiskFile File(SaveFileName); if (!File.Open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not open file '%1' for writing.").arg(FileName)); return; } long M3DStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0x4D4D); // CHK_M3DMAGIC File.WriteU32(0); File.WriteU16(0x0002); // CHK_M3D_VERSION File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteU32(3); long MDataStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0x3D3D); // CHK_MDATA File.WriteU32(0); File.WriteU16(0x3D3E); // CHK_MESH_VERSION File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteU32(3); const int MaterialNameLength = 11; char MaterialName[32]; for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++) { lcColor* Color = &gColorList[ColorIdx]; sprintf(MaterialName, "Material%03d", ColorIdx); long MaterialStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0xAFFF); // CHK_MAT_ENTRY File.WriteU32(0); File.WriteU16(0xA000); // CHK_MAT_NAME File.WriteU32(6 + MaterialNameLength + 1); File.WriteBuffer(MaterialName, MaterialNameLength + 1); File.WriteU16(0xA010); // CHK_MAT_AMBIENT File.WriteU32(24); File.WriteU16(0x0011); // CHK_COLOR_24 File.WriteU32(9); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[0] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[1] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[2] + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0x0012); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_24 File.WriteU32(9); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[0] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[1] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[2] + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA020); // CHK_MAT_AMBIENT File.WriteU32(24); File.WriteU16(0x0011); // CHK_COLOR_24 File.WriteU32(9); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[0] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[1] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[2] + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0x0012); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_24 File.WriteU32(9); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[0] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[1] + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * Color->Value[2] + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA030); // CHK_MAT_SPECULAR File.WriteU32(24); File.WriteU16(0x0011); // CHK_COLOR_24 File.WriteU32(9); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * 0.9f + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * 0.9f + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * 0.9f + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0x0012); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_24 File.WriteU32(9); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * 0.9f + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * 0.9f + 0.5)); File.WriteU8(floor(255.0 * 0.9f + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA040); // CHK_MAT_SHININESS File.WriteU32(14); File.WriteU16(0x0030); // CHK_INT_PERCENTAGE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16((lcuint8)floor(100.0 * 0.25 + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA041); // CHK_MAT_SHIN2PCT File.WriteU32(14); File.WriteU16(0x0030); // CHK_INT_PERCENTAGE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16((lcuint8)floor(100.0 * 0.05 + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA050); // CHK_MAT_TRANSPARENCY File.WriteU32(14); File.WriteU16(0x0030); // CHK_INT_PERCENTAGE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16((lcuint8)floor(100.0 * (1.0f - Color->Value[3]) + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA052); // CHK_MAT_XPFALL File.WriteU32(14); File.WriteU16(0x0030); // CHK_INT_PERCENTAGE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16((lcuint8)floor(100.0 * 0.0 + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA053); // CHK_MAT_REFBLUR File.WriteU32(14); File.WriteU16(0x0030); // CHK_INT_PERCENTAGE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16((lcuint8)floor(100.0 * 0.2 + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA100); // CHK_MAT_SHADING File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16(3); File.WriteU16(0xA084); // CHK_MAT_SELF_ILPCT File.WriteU32(14); File.WriteU16(0x0030); // CHK_INT_PERCENTAGE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16((lcuint8)floor(100.0 * 0.0 + 0.5)); File.WriteU16(0xA081); // CHK_MAT_TWO_SIDE File.WriteU32(6); File.WriteU16(0xA087); // CHK_MAT_WIRE_SIZE File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteFloat(1.0f); long MaterialEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(MaterialStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(MaterialEnd - MaterialStart); File.Seek(MaterialEnd, SEEK_SET); } const lcModelProperties& Properties = mModels[0]->GetProperties(); File.WriteU16(0x0100); // CHK_MASTER_SCALE File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteFloat(1.0f); File.WriteU16(0x1400); // CHK_LO_SHADOW_BIAS File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteFloat(1.0f); File.WriteU16(0x1420); // CHK_SHADOW_MAP_SIZE File.WriteU32(8); File.WriteS16(512); File.WriteU16(0x1450); // CHK_SHADOW_FILTER File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteFloat(3.0f); File.WriteU16(0x1460); // CHK_RAY_BIAS File.WriteU32(10); File.WriteFloat(1.0f); File.WriteU16(0x1500); // CHK_O_CONSTS File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloat(0.0f); File.WriteFloat(0.0f); File.WriteFloat(0.0f); File.WriteU16(0x2100); // CHK_AMBIENT_LIGHT File.WriteU32(42); File.WriteU16(0x0010); // CHK_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mAmbientColor, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0013); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mAmbientColor, 3); File.WriteU16(0x1200); // CHK_SOLID_BGND File.WriteU32(42); File.WriteU16(0x0010); // CHK_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mBackgroundSolidColor, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0013); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mBackgroundSolidColor, 3); File.WriteU16(0x1100); // CHK_BIT_MAP QByteArray BackgroundImage = Properties.mBackgroundImage.toLatin1(); File.WriteU32(6 + 1 + (lcuint32)strlen(BackgroundImage.constData())); File.WriteBuffer(BackgroundImage.constData(), strlen(BackgroundImage.constData()) + 1); File.WriteU16(0x1300); // CHK_V_GRADIENT File.WriteU32(118); File.WriteFloat(1.0f); File.WriteU16(0x0010); // CHK_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor1, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0013); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor1, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0010); // CHK_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats((Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor1 + Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor2) / 2.0f, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0013); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats((Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor1 + Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor2) / 2.0f, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0010); // CHK_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor2, 3); File.WriteU16(0x0013); // CHK_LIN_COLOR_F File.WriteU32(18); File.WriteFloats(Properties.mBackgroundGradientColor2, 3); if (Properties.mBackgroundType == LC_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT) { File.WriteU16(0x1301); // LIB3DS_USE_V_GRADIENT File.WriteU32(6); } else if (Properties.mBackgroundType == LC_BACKGROUND_IMAGE) { File.WriteU16(0x1101); // LIB3DS_USE_BIT_MAP File.WriteU32(6); } else { File.WriteU16(0x1201); // LIB3DS_USE_SOLID_BGND File.WriteU32(6); } int NumPieces = 0; for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); PartIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = ModelParts[PartIdx].Info; lcMesh* Mesh = Info->GetMesh(); if (!Mesh || Mesh->mIndexType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) continue; long NamedObjectStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0x4000); // CHK_NAMED_OBJECT File.WriteU32(0); char Name[32]; sprintf(Name, "Piece%.3d", NumPieces); NumPieces++; File.WriteBuffer(Name, strlen(Name) + 1); long TriObjectStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0x4100); // CHK_N_TRI_OBJECT File.WriteU32(0); File.WriteU16(0x4110); // CHK_POINT_ARRAY File.WriteU32(8 + 12 * Mesh->mNumVertices); File.WriteU16(Mesh->mNumVertices); lcVertex* Verts = (lcVertex*)Mesh->mVertexData; const lcMatrix44& ModelWorld = ModelParts[PartIdx].WorldMatrix; for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < Mesh->mNumVertices; VertexIdx++) { lcVector3 Pos = lcMul31(Verts[VertexIdx].Position, ModelWorld); File.WriteFloat(Pos[0]); File.WriteFloat(Pos[1]); File.WriteFloat(Pos[2]); } File.WriteU16(0x4160); // CHK_MESH_MATRIX File.WriteU32(54); lcMatrix44 Matrix = lcMatrix44Identity(); File.WriteFloats(Matrix[0], 3); File.WriteFloats(Matrix[1], 3); File.WriteFloats(Matrix[2], 3); File.WriteFloats(Matrix[3], 3); File.WriteU16(0x4165); // CHK_MESH_COLOR File.WriteU32(7); File.WriteU8(0); long FaceArrayStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0x4120); // CHK_FACE_ARRAY File.WriteU32(0); int NumTriangles = 0; for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < Mesh->mLods[LC_MESH_LOD_HIGH].NumSections; SectionIdx++) { lcMeshSection* Section = &Mesh->mLods[LC_MESH_LOD_HIGH].Sections[SectionIdx]; if (Section->PrimitiveType != LC_MESH_TRIANGLES && Section->PrimitiveType != LC_MESH_TEXTURED_TRIANGLES) continue; NumTriangles += Section->NumIndices / 3; } File.WriteU16(NumTriangles); for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < Mesh->mLods[LC_MESH_LOD_HIGH].NumSections; SectionIdx++) { lcMeshSection* Section = &Mesh->mLods[LC_MESH_LOD_HIGH].Sections[SectionIdx]; if (Section->PrimitiveType != LC_MESH_TRIANGLES && Section->PrimitiveType != LC_MESH_TEXTURED_TRIANGLES) continue; lcuint16* Indices = (lcuint16*)Mesh->mIndexData + Section->IndexOffset / sizeof(lcuint16); for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < Section->NumIndices; IndexIdx += 3) { File.WriteU16(Indices[IndexIdx + 0]); File.WriteU16(Indices[IndexIdx + 1]); File.WriteU16(Indices[IndexIdx + 2]); File.WriteU16(7); } } NumTriangles = 0; for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < Mesh->mLods[LC_MESH_LOD_HIGH].NumSections; SectionIdx++) { lcMeshSection* Section = &Mesh->mLods[LC_MESH_LOD_HIGH].Sections[SectionIdx]; if (Section->PrimitiveType != LC_MESH_TRIANGLES && Section->PrimitiveType != LC_MESH_TEXTURED_TRIANGLES) continue; int MaterialIndex = Section->ColorIndex == gDefaultColor ? ModelParts[PartIdx].ColorIndex : Section->ColorIndex; File.WriteU16(0x4130); // CHK_MSH_MAT_GROUP File.WriteU32(6 + MaterialNameLength + 1 + 2 + 2 * Section->NumIndices / 3); sprintf(MaterialName, "Material%03d", MaterialIndex); File.WriteBuffer(MaterialName, MaterialNameLength + 1); File.WriteU16(Section->NumIndices / 3); for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < Section->NumIndices; IndexIdx += 3) File.WriteU16(NumTriangles++); } long FaceArrayEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(FaceArrayStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(FaceArrayEnd - FaceArrayStart); File.Seek(FaceArrayEnd, SEEK_SET); long TriObjectEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(TriObjectStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(TriObjectEnd - TriObjectStart); File.Seek(TriObjectEnd, SEEK_SET); long NamedObjectEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(NamedObjectStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(NamedObjectEnd - NamedObjectStart); File.Seek(NamedObjectEnd, SEEK_SET); } long MDataEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(MDataStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(MDataEnd - MDataStart); File.Seek(MDataEnd, SEEK_SET); long KFDataStart = File.GetPosition(); File.WriteU16(0xB000); // CHK_KFDATA File.WriteU32(0); File.WriteU16(0xB00A); // LIB3DS_KFHDR File.WriteU32(6 + 2 + 1 + 4); File.WriteS16(5); File.WriteU8(0); File.WriteS32(100); long KFDataEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(KFDataStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(KFDataEnd - KFDataStart); File.Seek(KFDataEnd, SEEK_SET); long M3DEnd = File.GetPosition(); File.Seek(M3DStart + 2, SEEK_SET); File.WriteU32(M3DEnd - M3DStart); File.Seek(M3DEnd, SEEK_SET); } void Project::ExportBrickLink() { lcPartsList PartsList; if (!mModels.IsEmpty()) mModels[0]->GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, PartsList); if (PartsList.empty()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Nothing to export.")); return; } QString SaveFileName = GetExportFileName(QString(), "xml", tr("Export BrickLink"), tr("XML Files (*.xml);;All Files (*.*)")); if (SaveFileName.isEmpty()) return; lcDiskFile BrickLinkFile(SaveFileName); char Line[1024]; if (!BrickLinkFile.Open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not open file '%1' for writing.").arg(SaveFileName)); return; } BrickLinkFile.WriteLine("\n"); for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) { const PieceInfo* Info = PartIt.first; for (const auto& ColorIt : PartIt.second) { BrickLinkFile.WriteLine(" \n"); BrickLinkFile.WriteLine(" P\n"); sprintf(Line, " %s\n", Info->m_strName); BrickLinkFile.WriteLine(Line); int Count = ColorIt.second; if (Count > 1) { sprintf(Line, " %d\n", Count); BrickLinkFile.WriteLine(Line); } int Color = lcGetBrickLinkColor(ColorIt.first); if (Color) { sprintf(Line, " %d\n", Color); BrickLinkFile.WriteLine(Line); } BrickLinkFile.WriteLine(" \n"); } } BrickLinkFile.WriteLine("\n"); } void Project::ExportCSV() { lcPartsList PartsList; if (!mModels.IsEmpty()) mModels[0]->GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, PartsList); if (PartsList.empty()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Nothing to export.")); return; } QString SaveFileName = GetExportFileName(QString(), "csv", tr("Export CSV"), tr("CSV Files (*.csv);;All Files (*.*)")); if (SaveFileName.isEmpty()) return; lcDiskFile CSVFile(SaveFileName); char Line[1024]; if (!CSVFile.Open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not open file '%1' for writing.").arg(SaveFileName)); return; } CSVFile.WriteLine("Part Name,Color,Quantity,Part ID,Color Code\n"); for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) { const PieceInfo* Info = PartIt.first; for (const auto& ColorIt : PartIt.second) { sprintf(Line, "\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%s,%d\n", Info->m_strDescription, gColorList[ColorIt.first].Name, ColorIt.second, Info->m_strName, gColorList[ColorIt.first].Code); CSVFile.WriteLine(Line); } } } void Project::CreatePartsListImage(lcModel* Model, lcStep Step, QPainter& Painter) { lcPartsList PartsList; if (Step == 0) Model->GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, PartsList); else Model->GetPartsListForStep(Step, gDefaultColor, PartsList); if (PartsList.empty()) return; struct lcPartsListImage { QImage Thumbnail; const PieceInfo* Info; int ColorIndex; int Count; QRect Bounds; }; std::vector Images; for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) { for (const auto& ColorIt : PartIt.second) { Images.push_back(lcPartsListImage()); lcPartsListImage& Image = Images.back(); Image.Info = PartIt.first; Image.ColorIndex = ColorIt.first; Image.Count = ColorIt.second; } } auto ImageCompare = [this](const lcPartsListImage& Image1, const lcPartsListImage& Image2) { if (Image1.ColorIndex != Image2.ColorIndex) return Image1.ColorIndex < Image2.ColorIndex; return strcmp(Image1.Info->m_strDescription, Image2.Info->m_strDescription) < 0; }; std::sort(Images.begin(), Images.end(), ImageCompare); View* View = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); View->MakeCurrent(); lcContext* Context = View->mContext; const int ThumbnailWidth = 512; const int ThumbnailHeight = 512; if (!Context->BeginRenderToTexture(ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Error creating images.")); return; } float Aspect = (float)ThumbnailWidth / (float)ThumbnailHeight; float OrthoHeight = 100.0f; float OrthoWidth = OrthoHeight * Aspect; lcMatrix44 ProjectionMatrix = lcMatrix44Ortho(-OrthoWidth, OrthoWidth, -OrthoHeight, OrthoHeight, 1.0f, 50000.0f); lcMatrix44 ViewMatrix = lcMatrix44LookAt(lcVector3(-100.0f, -100.0f, 75.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); Context->SetViewport(0, 0, ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight); Context->SetDefaultState(); Context->SetProjectionMatrix(ProjectionMatrix); for (lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) { glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); lcScene Scene; Scene.Begin(ViewMatrix); Image.Info->AddRenderMeshes(Scene, lcMatrix44Identity(), Image.ColorIndex, false, false, false); Scene.End(); Scene.Draw(Context); Image.Thumbnail = Context->GetRenderToTextureImage(ThumbnailWidth, ThumbnailHeight); } Context->EndRenderToTexture(); Context->ClearResources(); auto CalculateImageBounds = [](lcPartsListImage& Image) { QImage& Thumbnail = Image.Thumbnail; int Width = Thumbnail.width(); int Height = Thumbnail.height(); int MinX = Width; int MinY = Height; int MaxX = 0; int MaxY = 0; for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++) { if (qAlpha(Thumbnail.pixel(x, y))) { MinX = qMin(x, MinX); MinY = qMin(y, MinY); MaxX = qMax(x, MaxX); MaxY = qMax(y, MaxY); } } } Image.Bounds = QRect(QPoint(MinX, MinY), QPoint(MaxX, MaxY)); }; QtConcurrent::blockingMap(Images, CalculateImageBounds); QFont Font("helvetica", 24, QFont::Bold); Painter.setFont(Font); QFontMetrics FontMetrics = Painter.fontMetrics(); int CurrentX = 0; int CurrentY = 0; int ColumnWidth = 0; int Ascent = FontMetrics.ascent(); int Spacing = 20; for (lcPartsListImage& Image : Images) { if (CurrentY + Image.Bounds.height() + Ascent > Painter.device()->height()) { CurrentY = 0; CurrentX += ColumnWidth + Spacing; ColumnWidth = 0; } Painter.drawImage(QPoint(CurrentX, CurrentY), Image.Thumbnail, Image.Bounds); CurrentY += Image.Bounds.height(); CurrentY += Ascent; Painter.drawText(QPoint(CurrentX, CurrentY), QString::number(Image.Count) + 'x'); ColumnWidth = qMax(ColumnWidth, Image.Bounds.width()); CurrentY += Spacing; } Painter.end(); } void Project::CreateHTMLPieceList(QTextStream& Stream, lcModel* Model, lcStep Step, bool Images) { std::vector ColorsUsed(gColorList.GetSize(), 0); int NumColors = 0; lcPartsList PartsList; if (Step == 0) Model->GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, PartsList); else Model->GetPartsListForStep(Step, gDefaultColor, PartsList); for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) for (const auto& ColorIt : PartIt.second) ColorsUsed[ColorIt.first]++; Stream << QLatin1String("
\r\n"); for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++) { if (ColorsUsed[ColorIdx]) { ColorsUsed[ColorIdx] = NumColors++; Stream << QString("\n").arg(gColorList[ColorIdx].Name); } } NumColors++; Stream << QLatin1String("\n"); for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) { const PieceInfo* Info = PartIt.first; if (Images) Stream << QString("\n").arg(Info->m_strName, Info->m_strDescription); else Stream << QString("\r\n").arg(Info->m_strDescription); int CurrentColumn = 1; for (const auto& ColorIt : PartIt.second) { while (CurrentColumn != ColorsUsed[ColorIt.first] + 1) { Stream << QLatin1String("\r\n"); CurrentColumn++; } Stream << QString("\r\n").arg(QString::number(ColorIt.second)); CurrentColumn++; } while (CurrentColumn != NumColors) { Stream << QLatin1String("\r\n"); CurrentColumn++; } Stream << QLatin1String("\r\n"); } Stream << QLatin1String("
"); } void Project::ExportHTML() { lcHTMLDialogOptions Options; if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) Options.PathName = QFileInfo(mFileName).canonicalPath(); int ImageOptions = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_OPTIONS); int HTMLOptions = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_OPTIONS); Options.TransparentImages = (ImageOptions & LC_IMAGE_TRANSPARENT) != 0; Options.SubModels = (HTMLOptions & (LC_HTML_SUBMODELS)) != 0; Options.CurrentOnly = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_CURRENT_ONLY) != 0; Options.SinglePage = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_SINGLEPAGE) != 0; Options.IndexPage = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_INDEX) != 0; Options.StepImagesWidth = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_WIDTH); Options.StepImagesHeight = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_HEIGHT); Options.HighlightNewParts = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT) != 0; Options.PartsListStep = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_LISTSTEP) != 0; Options.PartsListEnd = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_LISTEND) != 0; Options.PartsListImages = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_IMAGES) != 0; Options.PartImagesColor = lcGetColorIndex(lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_COLOR)); Options.PartImagesWidth = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_WIDTH); Options.PartImagesHeight = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_HEIGHT); if (!gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_EXPORT_HTML, &Options)) return; HTMLOptions = 0; if (Options.SubModels) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_SUBMODELS; if (Options.CurrentOnly) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_CURRENT_ONLY; if (Options.SinglePage) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_SINGLEPAGE; if (Options.IndexPage) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_INDEX; if (Options.HighlightNewParts) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT; if (Options.PartsListStep) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_LISTSTEP; if (Options.PartsListEnd) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_LISTEND; if (Options.PartsListImages) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_IMAGES; lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_OPTIONS, Options.TransparentImages ? LC_IMAGE_TRANSPARENT : 0); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_OPTIONS, HTMLOptions); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_WIDTH, Options.StepImagesWidth); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_HEIGHT, Options.StepImagesHeight); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_COLOR, lcGetColorCode(Options.PartImagesColor)); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_WIDTH, Options.PartImagesWidth); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_HEIGHT, Options.PartImagesHeight); QDir Dir(Options.PathName); Dir.mkpath(QLatin1String(".")); lcArray Models; if (Options.CurrentOnly) Models.Add(mActiveModel); else if (Options.SubModels) { Models.Add(mActiveModel); mActiveModel->GetSubModels(Models); } else Models = mModels; QString ProjectTitle = GetTitle(); for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < Models.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = mModels[ModelIdx]; QString BaseName = ProjectTitle.left(ProjectTitle.length() - QFileInfo(ProjectTitle).suffix().length() - 1); lcStep LastStep = Model->GetLastStep(); QString PageTitle; if (Models.GetSize() > 1) { BaseName += '-' + Model->GetProperties().mName; PageTitle = Model->GetProperties().mName; } else PageTitle = ProjectTitle; BaseName.replace('#', '_'); if (Options.SinglePage) { QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String(".html")).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\r\n\r\nInstructions for %1\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(PageTitle); for (lcStep Step = 1; Step <= LastStep; Step++) { QString StepString = QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\"Step

\r\n").arg(BaseName, StepString, StepString, QString::number(Options.StepImagesWidth), QString::number(Options.StepImagesHeight)); if (Options.PartsListStep) CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, Model, Step, Options.PartsListImages); } if (Options.PartsListEnd) CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, Model, 0, Options.PartsListImages); Stream << QLatin1String("

Created by LeoCAD
\r\n"); } else { if (Options.IndexPage) { QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-index.html")).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\r\n\r\nInstructions for %1\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(PageTitle); for (lcStep Step = 1; Step <= LastStep; Step++) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Step %3
").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')), QString::number(Step)); if (Options.PartsListEnd) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Pieces Used
\r\n").arg(BaseName); Stream << QLatin1String("

Created by LeoCAD
\r\n"); } for (lcStep Step = 1; Step <= LastStep; Step++) { QString StepString = QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, QString("%1-%2.html").arg(BaseName, StepString)).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\r\n\r\n%1 - Step %2\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(PageTitle, QString::number(Step)); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\"Step

\r\n").arg(BaseName, StepString, StepString, QString::number(Options.StepImagesWidth), QString::number(Options.StepImagesHeight)); if (Options.PartsListStep) CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, Model, Step, Options.PartsListImages); Stream << QLatin1String("

"); if (Step != 1) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Previous ").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(Step - 1, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); if (Options.IndexPage) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Index ").arg(BaseName); if (Step != LastStep) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Next").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(Step + 1, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); else if (Options.PartsListEnd) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Pieces Used").arg(BaseName); Stream << QLatin1String("
\r\n"); } if (Options.PartsListEnd) { QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-pieces.html")).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\r\n\r\nPieces used by %1\r\n\r\n
\n").arg(PageTitle); CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, Model, 0, Options.PartsListImages); Stream << QLatin1String("

"); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Previous ").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(LastStep, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); if (Options.IndexPage) Stream << QString::fromLatin1("Index ").arg(BaseName); Stream << QLatin1String("
\r\n"); } } QString StepImageBaseName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-%1.png")).absoluteFilePath(); Model->SaveStepImages(StepImageBaseName, true, false, Options.HighlightNewParts, Options.StepImagesWidth, Options.StepImagesHeight, 1, LastStep); if (Options.PartsListImages) { View* View = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); View->MakeCurrent(); lcContext* Context = View->mContext; int Width = Options.PartImagesWidth; int Height = Options.PartImagesHeight; if (!Context->BeginRenderToTexture(Width, Height)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Error creating images.")); return; } float aspect = (float)Width / (float)Height; Context->SetViewport(0, 0, Width, Height); lcPartsList PartsList; Model->GetPartsList(gDefaultColor, PartsList); lcMatrix44 ProjectionMatrix = lcMatrix44Perspective(30.0f, aspect, 1.0f, 2500.0f); lcMatrix44 ViewMatrix; Context->SetDefaultState(); Context->SetProjectionMatrix(ProjectionMatrix); for (const auto& PartIt : PartsList) { const PieceInfo* Info = PartIt.first; glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); lcVector3 CameraPosition(-100.0f, -100.0f, 75.0f); Info->ZoomExtents(ProjectionMatrix, ViewMatrix, CameraPosition); lcScene Scene; Scene.Begin(ViewMatrix); Info->AddRenderMeshes(Scene, lcMatrix44Identity(), Options.PartImagesColor, false, false, false); Scene.End(); Scene.Draw(Context); QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, QLatin1String(Info->m_strName) + QLatin1String(".png")).absoluteFilePath(); if (!Context->SaveRenderToTextureImage(FileName, Width, Height)) break; } Context->EndRenderToTexture(); Context->ClearResources(); } } if (Models.GetSize() > 1) { QString BaseName = ProjectTitle.left(ProjectTitle.length() - QFileInfo(ProjectTitle).suffix().length() - 1); QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-index.html")).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("\r\n\r\nInstructions for %1\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(ProjectTitle); for (int ModelIdx = 0; ModelIdx < Models.GetSize(); ModelIdx++) { lcModel* Model = Models[ModelIdx]; BaseName = ProjectTitle.left(ProjectTitle.length() - QFileInfo(ProjectTitle).suffix().length() - 1) + '-' + Model->GetProperties().mName; BaseName.replace('#', '_'); if (Options.SinglePage) FileName = BaseName + QLatin1String(".html"); else FileName = BaseName + QLatin1String("-index.html"); Stream << QString::fromLatin1("

%2").arg(FileName, Model->GetProperties().mName); } Stream << QLatin1String("


Created by LeoCAD
\r\n"); } QImage Image(2048, 2048, QImage::Format_ARGB32); Image.fill(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0)); QPainter Painter(&Image); CreatePartsListImage(Models[0], 0, Painter); QString BaseName = ProjectTitle.left(ProjectTitle.length() - QFileInfo(ProjectTitle).suffix().length() - 1); QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-parts.png")).absoluteFilePath(); Image.save(FileName); } struct lcColorName { char Name[LC_MAX_COLOR_NAME]; }; void Project::ExportPOVRay() { lcArray ModelParts; GetModelParts(ModelParts); if (ModelParts.IsEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Nothing to export.")); return; } lcQPOVRayDialog Dialog(gMainWindow); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; lcDiskFile POVFile(Dialog.mFileName); if (!POVFile.Open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not open file '%1' for writing.").arg(Dialog.mFileName)); return; } char Line[1024]; lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); std::map> PieceTable; int NumColors = gColorList.GetSize(); std::vector ColorTable(NumColors); enum { LGEO_PIECE_LGEO = 0x01, LGEO_PIECE_AR = 0x02, LGEO_PIECE_SLOPE = 0x04 }; enum { LGEO_COLOR_SOLID = 0x01, LGEO_COLOR_TRANSPARENT = 0x02, LGEO_COLOR_CHROME = 0x04, LGEO_COLOR_PEARL = 0x08, LGEO_COLOR_METALLIC = 0x10, LGEO_COLOR_RUBBER = 0x20, LGEO_COLOR_GLITTER = 0x40 }; if (!Dialog.mLGEOPath.isEmpty()) { lcDiskFile TableFile(QFileInfo(QDir(Dialog.mLGEOPath), QLatin1String("lg_elements.lst")).absoluteFilePath()); if (!TableFile.Open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not find LGEO files in folder '%1'.").arg(Dialog.mLGEOPath)); return; } while (TableFile.ReadLine(Line, sizeof(Line))) { char Src[1024], Dst[1024], Flags[1024]; if (*Line == ';') continue; if (sscanf(Line,"%s%s%s", Src, Dst, Flags) != 3) continue; strupr(Src); PieceInfo* Info = Library->FindPiece(Src, nullptr, false, false); if (!Info) continue; if (strchr(Flags, 'L')) { std::pair& Entry = PieceTable[Info]; Entry.second |= LGEO_PIECE_LGEO; sprintf(Entry.first, "lg_%s", Dst); } if (strchr(Flags, 'A')) { std::pair& Entry = PieceTable[Info]; Entry.second |= LGEO_PIECE_AR; sprintf(Entry.first, "ar_%s", Dst); } if (strchr(Flags, 'S')) { std::pair& Entry = PieceTable[Info]; Entry.second |= LGEO_PIECE_SLOPE; Entry.first[0] = 0; } } lcDiskFile ColorFile(QFileInfo(QDir(Dialog.mLGEOPath), QLatin1String("lg_colors.lst")).absoluteFilePath()); if (!ColorFile.Open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not find LGEO files in folder '%1'.").arg(Dialog.mLGEOPath)); return; } while (ColorFile.ReadLine(Line, sizeof(Line))) { char Name[1024], Flags[1024]; int Code; if (*Line == ';') continue; if (sscanf(Line,"%d%s%s", &Code, Name, Flags) != 3) continue; int Color = lcGetColorIndex(Code); if (Color >= NumColors) continue; strcpy(ColorTable[Color].Name, Name); } } if (!Dialog.mLGEOPath.isEmpty()) { POVFile.WriteLine("#include \"lg_defs.inc\"\n#include \"lg_color.inc\"\n\n"); for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); PartIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = ModelParts[PartIdx].Info; for (int CheckIdx = 0; CheckIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); CheckIdx++) { if (ModelParts[CheckIdx].Info != Info) continue; if (CheckIdx != PartIdx) break; auto Search = PieceTable.find(Info); if (Search != PieceTable.end()) { const std::pair& Entry = Search->second; if (Entry.first[0]) { sprintf(Line, "#include \"%s.inc\"\n", Entry.first); POVFile.WriteLine(Line); } } break; } } POVFile.WriteLine("\n"); } else POVFile.WriteLine("#include \"colors.inc\"\n\n"); for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++) { lcColor* Color = &gColorList[ColorIdx]; if (lcIsColorTranslucent(ColorIdx)) { sprintf(Line, "#declare lc_%s = texture { pigment { rgb <%f, %f, %f> filter 0.9 } finish { ambient 0.3 diffuse 0.2 reflection 0.25 phong 0.3 phong_size 60 } }\n", Color->SafeName, Color->Value[0], Color->Value[1], Color->Value[2]); } else { sprintf(Line, "#declare lc_%s = texture { pigment { rgb <%f, %f, %f> } finish { ambient 0.1 phong 0.2 phong_size 20 } }\n", Color->SafeName, Color->Value[0], Color->Value[1], Color->Value[2]); } POVFile.WriteLine(Line); if (!*ColorTable[ColorIdx].Name) sprintf(ColorTable[ColorIdx].Name, "lc_%s", Color->SafeName); } POVFile.WriteLine("\n"); lcArray ColorTablePointer; ColorTablePointer.SetSize(NumColors); for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < NumColors; ColorIdx++) ColorTablePointer[ColorIdx] = ColorTable[ColorIdx].Name; for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); PartIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = ModelParts[PartIdx].Info; lcMesh* Mesh = Info->GetMesh(); std::pair& Entry = PieceTable[Info]; if (!Mesh || Entry.first[0]) continue; char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; char* Ptr; strcpy(Name, Info->m_strName); while ((Ptr = strchr(Name, '-'))) *Ptr = '_'; sprintf(Entry.first, "lc_%s", Name); Mesh->ExportPOVRay(POVFile, Name, &ColorTablePointer[0]); POVFile.WriteLine("}\n\n"); sprintf(Line, "#declare lc_%s_clear = lc_%s\n\n", Name, Name); POVFile.WriteLine(Line); } lcCamera* Camera = gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->mCamera; const lcVector3& Position = Camera->mPosition; const lcVector3& Target = Camera->mTargetPosition; const lcVector3& Up = Camera->mUpVector; const lcModelProperties& Properties = mModels[0]->GetProperties(); sprintf(Line, "camera {\n sky<%1g,%1g,%1g>\n location <%1g, %1g, %1g>\n look_at <%1g, %1g, %1g>\n angle %.0f\n}\n\n", Up[0], Up[1], Up[2], Position[1] / 25.0f, Position[0] / 25.0f, Position[2] / 25.0f, Target[1] / 25.0f, Target[0] / 25.0f, Target[2] / 25.0f, Camera->m_fovy); POVFile.WriteLine(Line); sprintf(Line, "background { color rgb <%1g, %1g, %1g> }\n\nlight_source { <0, 0, 20> White shadowless }\n\n", Properties.mBackgroundSolidColor[0], Properties.mBackgroundSolidColor[1], Properties.mBackgroundSolidColor[2]); POVFile.WriteLine(Line); for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); PartIdx++) { std::pair& Entry = PieceTable[ModelParts[PartIdx].Info]; int Color; Color = ModelParts[PartIdx].ColorIndex; const char* Suffix = lcIsColorTranslucent(Color) ? "_clear" : ""; const float* f = ModelParts[PartIdx].WorldMatrix; if (Entry.second & LGEO_PIECE_SLOPE) { sprintf(Line, "merge {\n object {\n %s%s\n texture { %s }\n }\n" " object {\n %s_slope\n texture { %s normal { bumps 0.3 scale 0.02 } }\n }\n" " matrix <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n}\n", Entry.first, Suffix, ColorTable[Color].Name, Entry.first, ColorTable[Color].Name, -f[5], -f[4], -f[6], -f[1], -f[0], -f[2], f[9], f[8], f[10], f[13] / 25.0f, f[12] / 25.0f, f[14] / 25.0f); } else { sprintf(Line, "object {\n %s%s\n texture { %s }\n matrix <%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f>\n}\n", Entry.first, Suffix, ColorTable[Color].Name, -f[5], -f[4], -f[6], -f[1], -f[0], -f[2], f[9], f[8], f[10], f[13] / 25.0f, f[12] / 25.0f, f[14] / 25.0f); } POVFile.WriteLine(Line); } POVFile.Close(); if (Dialog.mRender) { QStringList Arguments; Arguments.append(QString::fromLatin1("+I%1").arg(Dialog.mFileName)); if (!Dialog.mLGEOPath.isEmpty()) { Arguments.append(QString::fromLatin1("+L%1lg/").arg(Dialog.mLGEOPath)); Arguments.append(QString::fromLatin1("+L%1ar/").arg(Dialog.mLGEOPath)); } Arguments.append(QString::fromLatin1("/EXIT")); #ifndef QT_NO_PROCESS QProcess::execute(Dialog.mPOVRayPath, Arguments); #endif } } void Project::ExportWavefront(const QString& FileName) { lcArray ModelParts; GetModelParts(ModelParts); if (ModelParts.IsEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Nothing to export.")); return; } QString SaveFileName = GetExportFileName(FileName, QLatin1String("obj"), tr("Export Wavefront"), tr("Wavefront Files (*.obj);;All Files (*.*)")); if (SaveFileName.isEmpty()) return; lcDiskFile OBJFile(SaveFileName); char Line[1024]; if (!OBJFile.Open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not open file '%1' for writing.").arg(SaveFileName)); return; } lcuint32 vert = 1; OBJFile.WriteLine("# Model exported from LeoCAD\n"); QFileInfo SaveInfo(SaveFileName); QString MaterialFileName = QDir(SaveInfo.absolutePath()).absoluteFilePath(SaveInfo.completeBaseName() + QLatin1String(".mtl")); sprintf(Line, "#\n\nmtllib %s\n\n", QFileInfo(MaterialFileName).fileName().toLatin1().constData()); OBJFile.WriteLine(Line); lcDiskFile MaterialFile(MaterialFileName); if (!MaterialFile.Open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow, tr("LeoCAD"), tr("Could not open file '%1' for writing.").arg(MaterialFileName)); return; } MaterialFile.WriteLine("# Colors used by LeoCAD\n\n"); for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++) { lcColor* Color = &gColorList[ColorIdx]; if (Color->Translucent) sprintf(Line, "newmtl %s\nKd %.2f %.2f %.2f\nD %.2f\n\n", Color->SafeName, Color->Value[0], Color->Value[1], Color->Value[2], Color->Value[3]); else sprintf(Line, "newmtl %s\nKd %.2f %.2f %.2f\n\n", Color->SafeName, Color->Value[0], Color->Value[1], Color->Value[2]); MaterialFile.WriteLine(Line); } for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); PartIdx++) { lcMesh* Mesh = ModelParts[PartIdx].Info->GetMesh(); if (!Mesh) continue; const lcMatrix44& ModelWorld = ModelParts[PartIdx].WorldMatrix; lcVertex* Verts = (lcVertex*)Mesh->mVertexData; for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < Mesh->mNumVertices; VertexIdx++) { lcVector3 Vertex = lcMul31(Verts[VertexIdx].Position, ModelWorld); sprintf(Line, "v %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", Vertex[0], Vertex[1], Vertex[2]); OBJFile.WriteLine(Line); } OBJFile.WriteLine("#\n\n"); } for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < ModelParts.GetSize(); PartIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = ModelParts[PartIdx].Info; sprintf(Line, "g Piece%.3d\n", PartIdx); OBJFile.WriteLine(Line); lcMesh* Mesh = Info->GetMesh(); if (Mesh) { Mesh->ExportWavefrontIndices(OBJFile, ModelParts[PartIdx].ColorIndex, vert); vert += Mesh->mNumVertices; } } } void Project::SaveImage() { lcQImageDialog Dialog(gMainWindow); if (Dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; QString Extension = QFileInfo(Dialog.mFileName).suffix(); if (!Extension.isEmpty()) lcSetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_EXTENSION, Dialog.mFileName.right(Extension.length() + 1)); if (Dialog.mStart != Dialog.mEnd) Dialog.mFileName = Dialog.mFileName.insert(Dialog.mFileName.length() - Extension.length() - 1, QLatin1String("%1")); mActiveModel->SaveStepImages(Dialog.mFileName, Dialog.mStart != Dialog.mEnd, false, false, Dialog.mWidth, Dialog.mHeight, Dialog.mStart, Dialog.mEnd); } void Project::UpdatePieceInfo(PieceInfo* Info) const { if (!mModels.IsEmpty()) { lcArray UpdatedModels; mModels[0]->UpdatePieceInfo(UpdatedModels); lcBoundingBox BoundingBox = mModels[0]->GetPieceInfo()->GetBoundingBox(); Info->SetBoundingBox(BoundingBox.Min, BoundingBox.Max); } }