#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_mesh.h" #include "lc_colors.h" #include #include #include #include #include "opengl.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "piece.h" #include "group.h" #include "project.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_library.h" #define LC_PIECE_SAVE_VERSION 12 // LeoCAD 0.80 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Piece construction/destruction lcPiece::lcPiece(PieceInfo* pPieceInfo) : lcObject (LC_OBJECT_PIECE) { mPieceInfo = pPieceInfo; mState = 0; mColorIndex = gDefaultColor; mColorCode = 16; mStepShow = 1; mStepHide = LC_STEP_MAX; memset(m_strName, 0, sizeof(m_strName)); mGroup = NULL; if (mPieceInfo != NULL) mPieceInfo->AddRef(); ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 1, true); ChangeKey(mRotationKeys, lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 1, true); } lcPiece::~lcPiece() { if (mPieceInfo != NULL) mPieceInfo->Release(); } void lcPiece::SaveLDraw(lcFile& File) const { char Line[1024]; if (mStepHide != LC_STEP_MAX) { sprintf(Line, "0 !LEOCAD PIECE STEP_HIDE %d\r\n", mStepHide); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } sprintf(Line, "0 !LEOCAD PIECE NAME %s\r\n", m_strName); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); if (IsHidden()) { strcpy(Line, "0 !LEOCAD PIECE HIDDEN\r\n"); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } if (mGroup) { sprintf(Line, "0 !LEOCAD PIECE GROUP %s\r\n", mGroup->m_strName); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } if (mPositionKeys.GetSize() > 1) SaveKeysLDraw(mPositionKeys, "PIECE POSITION_KEY", File); if (mRotationKeys.GetSize() > 1) SaveKeysLDraw(mRotationKeys, "PIECE ROTATION_KEY", File); const float* Matrix = mModelWorld; float Numbers[12] = { Matrix[12], -Matrix[14], Matrix[13], Matrix[0], -Matrix[8], Matrix[4], -Matrix[2], Matrix[10], -Matrix[6], Matrix[1], -Matrix[9], Matrix[5] }; char Strings[12][32]; for (int NumberIdx = 0; NumberIdx < 12; NumberIdx++) { sprintf(Strings[NumberIdx], "%f", Numbers[NumberIdx]); char* Dot = strchr(Strings[NumberIdx], '.'); if (Dot) { char* Last; for (Last = Dot + strlen(Dot) - 1; *Last == '0'; Last--) *Last = 0; if (Last == Dot) *Dot = 0; } } sprintf(Line, "1 %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s.DAT\r\n", mColorCode, Strings[0], Strings[1], Strings[2], Strings[3], Strings[4], Strings[5], Strings[6], Strings[7], Strings[8], Strings[9], Strings[10], Strings[11], mPieceInfo->m_strName); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } bool lcPiece::ParseLDrawLine(QString& Line, lcModel* Model) { QRegExp TokenExp("\\s*(\\w+)\\s+(.*)"); if (!Line.contains(TokenExp)) return false; QString Token = TokenExp.cap(1); Line = TokenExp.cap(2); if (Token == QStringLiteral("STEP_HIDE")) mStepHide = Line.toInt(); else if (Token == QStringLiteral("NAME")) { QByteArray NameUtf = Line.toUtf8(); // todo: replace with qstring strncpy(m_strName, NameUtf.constData(), sizeof(m_strName)); m_strName[sizeof(m_strName) - 1] = 0; } else if (Token == QStringLiteral("HIDDEN")) SetHidden(true); else if (Token == QStringLiteral("GROUP")) mGroup = Model->GetGroup(Line.toUtf8(), true); else if (Token == QStringLiteral("POSITION_KEY")) LoadKeyLDraw(mPositionKeys, Line); else if (Token == QStringLiteral("ROTATION_KEY")) LoadKeyLDraw(mRotationKeys, Line); return false; } QJsonObject lcPiece::SaveJson() const { QJsonObject Piece; Piece[QStringLiteral("ID")] = QString::fromLatin1(mPieceInfo->m_strName); Piece[QStringLiteral("Color")] = (int)mColorCode; Piece[QStringLiteral("Step")] = (int)mStepShow; if (mStepHide != LC_STEP_MAX) Piece[QStringLiteral("StepHide")] = (int)mStepHide; Piece[QStringLiteral("Name")] = QString::fromUtf8(m_strName); // todo: replace with qstring if (IsHidden()) Piece[QStringLiteral("Hidden")] = true; if (mPositionKeys.GetSize() < 2) Piece[QStringLiteral("Position")] = QJsonArray() << mPosition[0] << mPosition[1] << mPosition[2]; else Piece[QStringLiteral("PositionKeys")] = SaveKeysJson(mPositionKeys); if (mRotationKeys.GetSize() < 2) Piece[QStringLiteral("Rotation")] = QJsonArray() << mRotation[0] << mRotation[1] << mRotation[2] << mRotation[3]; else Piece[QStringLiteral("RotationKeys")] = SaveKeysJson(mRotationKeys); return Piece; } bool lcPiece::LoadJson(const QJsonObject& Piece) { QJsonValue ID = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("ID")); if (ID.isUndefined()) return false; SetPieceInfo(lcGetPiecesLibrary()->FindPiece(ID.toString().toLatin1(), true)); QJsonValue Color = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("Color")); if (!Color.isUndefined()) { mColorCode = Color.toInt(); mColorIndex = lcGetColorIndex(mColorCode); } QJsonValue Step = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("Step")); if (!Step.isUndefined()) mStepShow = Step.toInt(); QJsonValue StepHide = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("StepHide")); if (!StepHide.isUndefined()) mStepHide = StepHide.toInt(); QJsonValue Name = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("Name")); if (!Name.isUndefined()) { QByteArray NameUtf = Name.toString().toUtf8(); // todo: replace with qstring strncpy(m_strName, NameUtf.constData(), sizeof(m_strName)); m_strName[sizeof(m_strName) - 1] = 0; } QJsonValue Hidden = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("Hidden")); if (!Hidden.isUndefined()) SetHidden(Hidden.toBool()); QJsonValue PositionKeys = Piece.value(QStringLiteral("PositionKeys")); mPositionKeys.SetSize(0); LoadKeysJson(mPositionKeys, Piece.value(QStringLiteral("PositionKeys")), mPosition, Piece.value(QStringLiteral("Position"))); LoadKeysJson(mRotationKeys, Piece.value(QStringLiteral("RotationKeys")), mRotation, Piece.value(QStringLiteral("Rotation"))); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Piece save/load // Use only when loading from a file void lcPiece::SetPieceInfo(PieceInfo* pPieceInfo) { mPieceInfo = pPieceInfo; mPieceInfo->AddRef(); } bool lcPiece::FileLoad(lcFile& file) { lcuint8 version, ch; version = file.ReadU8(); if (version > LC_PIECE_SAVE_VERSION) return false; if (version > 8) { if (file.ReadU8() != 1) return false; lcuint16 time; float param[4]; lcuint8 type; lcuint32 n; file.ReadU32(&n, 1); while (n--) { file.ReadU16(&time, 1); file.ReadFloats(param, 4); file.ReadU8(&type, 1); if (type == 0) ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, lcVector3(param[0], param[1], param[2]), time, true); else if (type == 1) ChangeKey(mRotationKeys, lcVector4(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]), time, true); } file.ReadU32(&n, 1); while (n--) { file.ReadU16(&time, 1); file.ReadFloats(param, 4); file.ReadU8(&type, 1); } } if (version < 9) { lcuint16 time; lcuint8 type; if (version > 5) { lcuint32 keys; float param[4]; file.ReadU32(&keys, 1); while (keys--) { file.ReadFloats(param, 4); file.ReadU16(&time, 1); file.ReadU8(&type, 1); if (type == 0) ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, lcVector3(param[0], param[1], param[2]), time, true); else if (type == 1) ChangeKey(mRotationKeys, lcVector4(param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]), time, true); } file.ReadU32(&keys, 1); while (keys--) { file.ReadFloats(param, 4); file.ReadU16(&time, 1); file.ReadU8(&type, 1); } } else { if (version > 2) { file.ReadU8(&ch, 1); while (ch--) { lcMatrix44 ModelWorld; if (version > 3) { file.ReadFloats(ModelWorld, 16); } else { lcVector3 Translation; float Rotation[3]; file.ReadFloats(Translation, 3); file.ReadFloats(Rotation, 3); ModelWorld = lcMatrix44Translation(Translation); ModelWorld = lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationZ(Rotation[2] * LC_DTOR), lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationY(Rotation[1] * LC_DTOR), lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationX(Rotation[0] * LC_DTOR), ModelWorld))); } lcuint8 b; file.ReadU8(&b, 1); time = b; ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, lcVector3(ModelWorld.r[3][0], ModelWorld.r[3][1], ModelWorld.r[3][2]), 1, true); lcVector4 AxisAngle = lcMatrix44ToAxisAngle(ModelWorld); AxisAngle[3] *= LC_RTOD; ChangeKey(mRotationKeys, AxisAngle, time, true); lcint32 bl; file.ReadS32(&bl, 1); } } else { lcVector3 Translation; float Rotation[3]; file.ReadFloats(Translation, 3); file.ReadFloats(Rotation, 3); lcMatrix44 ModelWorld = lcMatrix44Translation(Translation); ModelWorld = lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationZ(Rotation[2] * LC_DTOR), lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationY(Rotation[1] * LC_DTOR), lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationX(Rotation[0] * LC_DTOR), ModelWorld))); ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, lcVector3(ModelWorld.r[3][0], ModelWorld.r[3][1], ModelWorld.r[3][2]), 1, true); lcVector4 AxisAngle = lcMatrix44ToAxisAngle(ModelWorld); AxisAngle[3] *= LC_RTOD; ChangeKey(mRotationKeys, AxisAngle, 1, true); } } } // Common to all versions. char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; if (version < 10) { memset(name, 0, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); file.ReadBuffer(name, 9); } else file.ReadBuffer(name, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); PieceInfo* pInfo = lcGetPiecesLibrary()->FindPiece(name, true); SetPieceInfo(pInfo); // 11 (0.77) if (version < 11) { lcuint8 Color; file.ReadU8(&Color, 1); if (version < 5) mColorCode = lcGetColorCodeFromOriginalColor(Color); else mColorCode = lcGetColorCodeFromExtendedColor(Color); } else file.ReadU32(&mColorCode, 1); mColorIndex = lcGetColorIndex(mColorCode); lcuint8 Step; file.ReadU8(&Step, 1); mStepShow = Step; if (version > 1) { file.ReadU8(&Step, 1); mStepHide = Step == 255 ? LC_STEP_MAX : Step; } else mStepHide = LC_STEP_MAX; if (version > 5) { file.ReadU16(); // m_nFrameShow file.ReadU16(); // m_nFrameHide if (version > 7) { lcuint8 Hidden; file.ReadU8(&Hidden, 1); if (Hidden & 1) mState |= LC_PIECE_HIDDEN; file.ReadU8(&ch, 1); file.ReadBuffer(m_strName, ch); } else { lcint32 hide; file.ReadS32(&hide, 1); if (hide != 0) mState |= LC_PIECE_HIDDEN; file.ReadBuffer(m_strName, 81); } // 7 (0.64) lcint32 i = -1; if (version > 6) file.ReadS32(&i, 1); mGroup = (lcGroup*)(long)i; } else { file.ReadU8(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0) mGroup = (lcGroup*)-1; else mGroup = (lcGroup*)(long)ch; file.ReadU8(&ch, 1); if (ch & 0x01) mState |= LC_PIECE_HIDDEN; } if (version < 12) { for (int KeyIdx = 0; KeyIdx < mPositionKeys.GetSize(); KeyIdx++) mPositionKeys[KeyIdx].Value *= 25.0f; } return true; } void lcPiece::FileSave(lcFile& file) const { file.WriteU8(LC_PIECE_SAVE_VERSION); file.WriteU8(1); file.WriteU32(mPositionKeys.GetSize() + mRotationKeys.GetSize()); for (int KeyIdx = 0; KeyIdx < mPositionKeys.GetSize(); KeyIdx++) { lcObjectKey& Key = mPositionKeys[KeyIdx]; lcuint16 Step = lcMin(Key.Step, 0xFFFFU); file.WriteU16(Step); file.WriteFloats(Key.Value, 3); file.WriteFloat(0); file.WriteU8(0); } for (int KeyIdx = 0; KeyIdx < mRotationKeys.GetSize(); KeyIdx++) { lcObjectKey& Key = mRotationKeys[KeyIdx]; lcuint16 Step = lcMin(Key.Step, 0xFFFFU); file.WriteU16(Step); file.WriteFloats(Key.Value, 4); file.WriteU8(1); } file.WriteU32(0); file.WriteBuffer(mPieceInfo->m_strName, LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN); file.WriteU32(mColorCode); file.WriteU8(lcMin(mStepShow, 254U)); file.WriteU8(lcMin(mStepHide, 255U)); file.WriteU16(1); // m_nFrameShow file.WriteU16(100); // m_nFrameHide // version 8 file.WriteU8(mState & LC_PIECE_HIDDEN ? 1 : 0); lcuint8 Length = strlen(m_strName); file.WriteU8(Length); file.WriteBuffer(m_strName, Length); // version 7 lcint32 GroupIndex = lcGetActiveProject()->GetGroupIndex(mGroup); file.WriteS32(GroupIndex); } void lcPiece::Initialize(const lcVector3& Position, const lcVector4& AxisAngle, lcStep Step) { mStepShow = Step; ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, Position, 1, true); ChangeKey(mRotationKeys, AxisAngle, 1, true); UpdatePosition(1); } void lcPiece::CreateName(const lcArray& Pieces) { if (m_strName[0]) { bool Found = false; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < Pieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { if (!strcmp(Pieces[PieceIdx]->m_strName, m_strName)) { Found = true; break; } } if (!Found) return; } const char* Prefix = mPieceInfo->m_strDescription; int Length = strlen(Prefix); int i, max = 0; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < Pieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = Pieces[PieceIdx]; if (strncmp(Piece->m_strName, Prefix, Length) == 0) if (sscanf(Piece->m_strName + Length, " #%d", &i) == 1) if (i > max) max = i; } snprintf(m_strName, sizeof(m_strName), "%s #%.2d", Prefix, max + 1); m_strName[sizeof(m_strName) - 1] = 0; } void lcPiece::InsertTime(lcStep Start, lcStep Time) { if (mStepShow >= Start) { if (mStepShow < LC_STEP_MAX - Time) mStepShow += Time; else mStepShow = LC_STEP_MAX; } if (mStepHide >= Start) { if (mStepHide < LC_STEP_MAX - Time) mStepHide += Time; else mStepHide = LC_STEP_MAX; } if (mStepShow >= mStepHide) { if (mStepShow != LC_STEP_MAX) mStepHide = mStepShow + 1; else { mStepShow = LC_STEP_MAX - 1; mStepHide = LC_STEP_MAX; } } lcObject::InsertTime(mPositionKeys, Start, Time); lcObject::InsertTime(mRotationKeys, Start, Time); } void lcPiece::RemoveTime(lcStep Start, lcStep Time) { if (mStepShow >= Start) { if (mStepShow > Time) mStepShow -= Time; else mStepShow = 1; } if (mStepHide != LC_STEP_MAX) { if (mStepHide > Time) mStepHide -= Time; else mStepHide = 1; } if (mStepShow >= mStepHide) { if (mStepShow != LC_STEP_MAX) mStepHide = mStepShow + 1; else { mStepShow = LC_STEP_MAX - 1; mStepHide = LC_STEP_MAX; } } lcObject::RemoveTime(mPositionKeys, Start, Time); lcObject::RemoveTime(mRotationKeys, Start, Time); } void lcPiece::RayTest(lcObjectRayTest& ObjectRayTest) const { lcVector3 Min(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]); lcVector3 Max(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]); lcMatrix44 WorldModel = lcMatrix44AffineInverse(mModelWorld); lcVector3 Start = lcMul31(ObjectRayTest.Start, WorldModel); lcVector3 End = lcMul31(ObjectRayTest.End, WorldModel); float Distance; if (!lcBoundingBoxRayMinIntersectDistance(Min, Max, Start, End, &Distance, NULL) || (Distance >= ObjectRayTest.Distance)) return; lcVector3 Intersection; if (mPieceInfo->mMesh->MinIntersectDist(Start, End, ObjectRayTest.Distance, Intersection)) { ObjectRayTest.ObjectSection.Object = const_cast(this); ObjectRayTest.ObjectSection.Section = 0; } } void lcPiece::BoxTest(lcObjectBoxTest& ObjectBoxTest) const { lcVector3 Box[8] = { lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]) }; lcMatrix44 WorldToLocal = lcMatrix44FromAxisAngle(lcVector3(mRotation[0], mRotation[1], mRotation[2]), -mRotation[3] * LC_DTOR); WorldToLocal.SetTranslation(lcMul31(lcVector3(-mPosition[0], -mPosition[1], -mPosition[2]), WorldToLocal)); const int NumPlanes = 6; lcVector4 LocalPlanes[NumPlanes]; int i; for (i = 0; i < NumPlanes; i++) { lcVector3 PlaneNormal = lcMul30(ObjectBoxTest.Planes[i], WorldToLocal); LocalPlanes[i] = lcVector4(PlaneNormal, ObjectBoxTest.Planes[i][3] - lcDot3(WorldToLocal[3], PlaneNormal)); } int Outcodes[8]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Outcodes[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < NumPlanes; j++) { if (lcDot3(Box[i], LocalPlanes[j]) + LocalPlanes[j][3] > 0) Outcodes[i] |= 1 << j; } } int OutcodesOR = 0, OutcodesAND = 0x3f; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { OutcodesAND &= Outcodes[i]; OutcodesOR |= Outcodes[i]; } if (OutcodesAND != 0) return; if (OutcodesOR == 0 || mPieceInfo->mMesh->IntersectsPlanes(LocalPlanes)) { lcObjectSection& ObjectSection = ObjectBoxTest.ObjectSections.Add(); ObjectSection.Object = const_cast(this); ObjectSection.Section = 0; } } void lcPiece::Move(lcStep Step, bool AddKey, const lcVector3& Distance) { mPosition += Distance; ChangeKey(mPositionKeys, mPosition, Step, AddKey); mModelWorld.SetTranslation(mPosition); } bool lcPiece::IsVisible(lcStep Step) { if (mState & LC_PIECE_HIDDEN) return false; return (mStepShow <= Step) && (mStepHide > Step); } void lcPiece::CompareBoundingBox(float box[6]) { lcVector3 Points[8] = { lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[0], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[4], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[5]), lcVector3(mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[3], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[1], mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2]) }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { lcVector3 Point = lcMul31(Points[i], mModelWorld); if (Point[0] < box[0]) box[0] = Point[0]; if (Point[1] < box[1]) box[1] = Point[1]; if (Point[2] < box[2]) box[2] = Point[2]; if (Point[0] > box[3]) box[3] = Point[0]; if (Point[1] > box[4]) box[4] = Point[1]; if (Point[2] > box[5]) box[5] = Point[2]; } } lcGroup* lcPiece::GetTopGroup() { return mGroup ? mGroup->GetTopGroup() : NULL; } void lcPiece::UpdatePosition(lcStep Step) { mPosition = CalculateKey(mPositionKeys, Step); mRotation = CalculateKey(mRotationKeys, Step); mModelWorld = lcMatrix44FromAxisAngle(lcVector3(mRotation[0], mRotation[1], mRotation[2]), mRotation[3] * LC_DTOR); mModelWorld.SetTranslation(mPosition); }