#ifndef _PROJECT_H_ #define _PROJECT_H_ #include "object.h" #include "opengl.h" #include "array.h" #include "lc_math.h" #include "lc_commands.h" //#define DET_BACKFACES 0x00001 // Draw backfaces //#define DET_DEPTH 0x00002 // Enable depth test //#define DET_CLEAR 0x00004 // Use clear colors #define LC_DET_LIGHTING 0x00008 // Lighting //#define LC_DET_SMOOTH 0x00010 // Smooth shading //#define DET_STUDS 0x00020 // Draw studs //#define DET_WIREFRAME 0x00040 // Wireframe //#define LC_DET_ANTIALIAS 0x00080 // Turn on anti-aliasing #define LC_DET_BRICKEDGES 0x00100 // Draw lines //#define LC_DET_DITHER 0x00200 // Enable dithering //#define LC_DET_BOX_FILL 0x00400 // Filled boxes //#define LC_DET_HIDDEN_LINE 0x00800 // Remove hidden lines //#define DET_STUDS_BOX 0x01000 // Draw studs as boxes //#define LC_DET_LINEAR 0x02000 // Linear filtering #define LC_DET_FAST 0x04000 // Fast rendering (boxes) //#define LC_DET_BACKGROUND 0x08000 // Background rendering //#define LC_DET_SCREENDOOR 0x10000 // No alpha blending #define LC_DRAW_AXIS 0x0001 // Orientation icon #define LC_DRAW_GRID 0x0002 // Grid #define LC_DRAW_SNAP_A 0x0004 // Snap Angle #define LC_DRAW_SNAP_X 0x0008 // Snap X #define LC_DRAW_SNAP_Y 0x0010 // Snap Y #define LC_DRAW_SNAP_Z 0x0020 // Snap Z #define LC_DRAW_SNAP_XYZ (LC_DRAW_SNAP_X | LC_DRAW_SNAP_Y | LC_DRAW_SNAP_Z) #define LC_DRAW_GLOBAL_SNAP 0x0040 // Don't allow relative snap. //#define LC_DRAW_MOVE 0x0080 // Switch to move after insert #define LC_DRAW_LOCK_X 0x0100 // Lock X #define LC_DRAW_LOCK_Y 0x0200 // Lock Y #define LC_DRAW_LOCK_Z 0x0400 // Lock Z #define LC_DRAW_LOCK_XYZ (LC_DRAW_LOCK_X | LC_DRAW_LOCK_Y | LC_DRAW_LOCK_Z) #define LC_DRAW_MOVEAXIS 0x0800 // Move on fixed axis //#define LC_DRAW_PREVIEW 0x1000 // Show piece position #define LC_DRAW_CM_UNITS 0x2000 // Use centimeters //#define LC_DRAW_3DMOUSE 0x4000 // Mouse moves in all directions // #define RENDER_FAST 0x001 // #define RENDER_BACKGROUND 0x002 #define LC_SCENE_FOG 0x004 // Enable fog // #define RENDER_FOG_BG 0x008 // Use bg color for fog #define LC_SCENE_BG 0x010 // Draw bg image // #define RENDER_BG_FAST 0x020 #define LC_SCENE_BG_TILE 0x040 // Tile bg image #define LC_SCENE_FLOOR 0x080 // Render floor #define LC_SCENE_GRADIENT 0x100 // Draw gradient #define LC_HTML_SINGLEPAGE 0x01 #define LC_HTML_INDEX 0x02 #define LC_HTML_IMAGES 0x04 #define LC_HTML_LISTEND 0x08 #define LC_HTML_LISTSTEP 0x10 #define LC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT 0x20 //#define LC_HTML_HTMLEXT 0x40 //#define LC_HTML_LISTID 0x80 enum LC_NOTIFY { LC_CAPTURE_LOST }; enum LC_TRANSFORM_TYPE { LC_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_TRANSLATION, LC_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_TRANSLATION, LC_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_ROTATION, LC_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_ROTATION }; enum LC_MOUSE_TRACK { LC_TRACK_NONE, LC_TRACK_START_LEFT, LC_TRACK_LEFT, LC_TRACK_START_RIGHT, LC_TRACK_RIGHT }; // Mouse control overlays. enum LC_OVERLAY_MODES { LC_OVERLAY_NONE, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_X, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_Y, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_Z, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_XY, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_XZ, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_YZ, LC_OVERLAY_MOVE_XYZ, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_X, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_Y, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_Z, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_XY, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_XZ, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_YZ, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_XYZ, LC_OVERLAY_ZOOM, LC_OVERLAY_PAN, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_VIEW_X, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_VIEW_Y, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_VIEW_Z, LC_OVERLAY_ROTATE_VIEW_XYZ }; class Piece; class Camera; class Light; class Group; class Terrain; class PieceInfo; class View; class Image; class TexFont; // Undo support #include "lc_file.h" struct LC_UNDOINFO { lcMemFile file; char strText[21]; LC_UNDOINFO* pNext; LC_UNDOINFO() { pNext = NULL; } }; struct LC_FILEENTRY { lcMemFile File; char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; }; struct lcPiecesUsedEntry { PieceInfo* Info; int ColorIndex; int Count; }; struct lcSearchOptions { bool MatchInfo; bool MatchColor; bool MatchName; PieceInfo* Info; int ColorIndex; char Name[256]; }; enum lcObjectProperty { LC_PART_POSITION, LC_PART_ROTATION, LC_PART_SHOW, LC_PART_HIDE, LC_PART_COLOR, LC_PART_ID, LC_CAMERA_POSITION, LC_CAMERA_TARGET, LC_CAMERA_UP, LC_CAMERA_FOV, LC_CAMERA_NEAR, LC_CAMERA_FAR, LC_CAMERA_NAME }; enum LC_ACTIONS { LC_ACTION_INSERT, LC_ACTION_LIGHT, LC_ACTION_SPOTLIGHT, LC_ACTION_CAMERA, LC_ACTION_SELECT, LC_ACTION_MOVE, LC_ACTION_ROTATE, LC_ACTION_ERASER, LC_ACTION_PAINT, LC_ACTION_ZOOM, LC_ACTION_PAN, LC_ACTION_ROTATE_VIEW, LC_ACTION_ROLL, LC_ACTION_ZOOM_REGION }; class Project { public: // Constructors Project(); ~Project(); // Attributes public: bool IsModified() { return m_bModified; } // Access to protected members unsigned char GetLastStep(); bool IsAnimation() { return m_bAnimation; } void SetAnimation(bool Anim) { m_bAnimation = Anim; } // only to be called from lcApplication::Initialize() unsigned short GetCurrentTime () { return m_bAnimation ? m_nCurFrame : m_nCurStep; } void SetCurrentTime(unsigned short Time) { if (m_bAnimation) m_nCurFrame = Time; else m_nCurStep = (unsigned char)Time; CalculateStep(); } void SetCurrentPiece(PieceInfo* pInfo) { m_pCurPiece = pInfo; } float* GetBackgroundColor() { return m_fBackground; } unsigned long GetSnap() const { return m_nSnap; } int GetOverlayMode() const { return m_OverlayMode; } void GetSnapIndex(int* SnapXY, int* SnapZ, int* SnapAngle) const; void GetSnapText(char* SnapXY, char* SnapZ, char* SnapAngle) const; void GetSnapDistance(float* SnapXY, float* SnapZ) const; void GetTimeRange(int* from, int* to) { *from = m_bAnimation ? m_nCurFrame : m_nCurStep; *to = m_bAnimation ? m_nTotalFrames : 255; } unsigned short GetTotalFrames () const { return m_nTotalFrames; } void ConvertToUserUnits(lcVector3& Value) const; void ConvertFromUserUnits(lcVector3& Value) const; void UpdateInterface(); void SetPathName (const char* lpszPathName, bool bAddToMRU); void SetTitle (const char* lpszTitle); public: // Special notifications void DeleteContents(bool bUndo); // delete doc items etc void LoadDefaults(bool cameras); void BeginPieceDrop(PieceInfo* Info); void OnPieceDropMove(int x, int y); void EndPieceDrop(bool Accept); void BeginColorDrop(); void GetPiecesUsed(ObjArray& PiecesUsed) const; void CreateImages(Image* images, int width, int height, unsigned short from, unsigned short to, bool hilite); void Render(View* view, bool bToMemory); void CheckAutoSave(); bool GetSelectionCenter(lcVector3& Center) const; bool GetFocusPosition(lcVector3& Position) const; Object* GetFocusObject() const; Group* AddGroup (const char* name, Group* pParent, float x, float y, float z); void TransformSelectedObjects(LC_TRANSFORM_TYPE Type, const lcVector3& Transform); void ModifyObject(Object* Object, lcObjectProperty Property, void* Value); void ZoomActiveView(int Amount); void AddView(View* view); void RemoveView(View* view); void UpdateAllViews(); bool SetActiveView(View* view); View* GetActiveView() const { return m_ActiveView; } // Objects Piece* m_pPieces; PtrArray mCameras; Light* m_pLights; Group* m_pGroups; Terrain* m_pTerrain; char m_strTitle[LC_MAXPATH]; char m_strPathName[LC_MAXPATH]; bool m_bModified; // Implementation protected: View* m_ActiveView; PtrArray m_ViewList; char m_strAuthor[101]; char m_strDescription[101]; char m_strComments[256]; // Piece library TexFont* m_pScreenFont; // Undo support LC_UNDOINFO* m_pUndoList; LC_UNDOINFO* m_pRedoList; bool m_bUndoOriginal; void CheckPoint (const char* text); void AddPiece(Piece* pPiece); void RemovePiece(Piece* pPiece); bool RemoveSelectedObjects(); void GetPieceInsertPosition(Piece* OffsetPiece, lcVector3& Position, lcVector4& Rotation); void GetPieceInsertPosition(View* view, int MouseX, int MouseY, lcVector3& Position, lcVector4& Orientation); Object* FindObjectFromPoint(View* view, int x, int y, bool PiecesOnly = false); void FindObjectsInBox(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, PtrArray& Objects); void SelectAndFocusNone(bool bFocusOnly); void CalculateStep(); void FindPiece(bool FindFirst, bool SearchForward); lcSearchOptions mSearchOptions; // Movement. bool MoveSelectedObjects(lcVector3& Move, lcVector3& Remainder, bool Snap, bool Lock); bool RotateSelectedObjects(lcVector3& Delta, lcVector3& Remainder, bool Snap, bool Lock); void SnapVector(lcVector3& Delta) const { lcVector3 Dummy; SnapVector(Delta, Dummy); } void SnapVector(lcVector3& Delta, lcVector3& Leftover) const; void SnapRotationVector(lcVector3& Delta, lcVector3& Leftover) const; // Rendering functions. void RenderBackground(View* view); void RenderScenePieces(View* view); void RenderSceneBoxes(View* view); void RenderSceneObjects(View* view); void RenderViewports(View* view); void RenderOverlays(View* view); void RenderInitialize(); void CreateHTMLPieceList(FILE* f, int nStep, bool bImages, const char* ext); void Export3DStudio(); void ZoomExtents(int FirstView, int LastView); bool m_bStopRender; lcFile* m_pTrackFile; bool m_bTrackCancel; int m_nTracking; int m_nDownX; int m_nDownY; float m_fTrack[3]; int m_nMouse; lcVector3 m_MouseSnapLeftover; lcVector3 m_MouseTotalDelta; int m_OverlayMode; bool m_OverlayActive; lcVector3 m_OverlayCenter; lcVector3 m_OverlayTrackStart; lcVector3 m_OverlayDelta; void MouseUpdateOverlays(View* view, int x, int y); void ActivateOverlay(View* view, int Action, int OverlayMode); void UpdateOverlayScale(); bool StopTracking(bool bAccept); void StartTracking(int mode); void UpdateSelection(); void RemoveEmptyGroups(); public: void OnLeftButtonDown(View* view); void OnLeftButtonUp(View* view); void OnLeftButtonDoubleClick(View* view); void OnMiddleButtonDown(View* view); void OnMiddleButtonUp(View* view); void OnRightButtonDown(View* view); void OnRightButtonUp(View* view); void OnMouseMove(View* view); void OnMouseWheel(View* view, float Direction); void SetAction(int Action); int GetCurAction() const { return m_nCurAction; } int GetAction() const; void HandleNotify(LC_NOTIFY id, unsigned long param); void HandleCommand(LC_COMMANDS id); protected: // State variables int mTransformType; int m_nCurAction; PieceInfo* m_pCurPiece; PieceInfo* mDropPiece; bool m_bAnimation; bool m_bAddKeys; unsigned char m_nFPS; unsigned char m_nCurStep; lcuint16 m_nCurFrame; lcuint16 m_nTotalFrames; lcuint32 m_nScene; lcuint32 m_nDetail; lcuint32 m_nSnap; lcuint16 m_nMoveSnap; lcuint16 m_nAngleSnap; lcuint16 m_nGridSize; float m_fLineWidth; float m_fFogDensity; float m_fFogColor[4]; float m_fAmbient[4]; float m_fBackground[4]; float m_fGradient1[3]; float m_fGradient2[3]; char m_strFooter[256]; char m_strHeader[256]; GLuint m_nGridList; unsigned long m_nAutosave; unsigned long m_nSaveTimer; char m_strBackground[LC_MAXPATH]; lcTexture* m_pBackground; protected: // File load/save implementation. bool DoSave(const char* FileName); bool FileLoad(lcFile* file, bool bUndo, bool bMerge); void FileSave(lcFile* file, bool bUndo); void FileReadLDraw(lcFile* file, const lcMatrix44& CurrentTransform, int* nOk, int DefColor, int* nStep, PtrArray& FileArray); void FileReadMPD(lcFile& MPD, PtrArray& FileArray) const; public: // File helpers bool OnNewDocument(); bool OnOpenDocument(const char* FileName); bool OpenProject(const char* FileName); bool SaveModified(); void SetModifiedFlag(bool Modified); }; #endif // _PROJECT_H_