#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "lc_zipfile.h" #include "lc_file.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "lc_colors.h" #include "lc_texture.h" #include "lc_category.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #define LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_VERSION 0x0104 #define LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_ARCHIVE 0x0001 #define LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_DIRECTORY 0x0002 lcPiecesLibrary::lcPiecesLibrary() { mNumOfficialPieces = 0; mLibraryPath[0] = 0; mCacheFileName[0] = 0; mCacheFileModifiedTime = 0; mLibraryFileName[0] = 0; mUnofficialFileName[0] = 0; mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL] = NULL; mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_UNOFFICIAL] = NULL; mCacheFile = NULL; mCacheFileName[0] = 0; mSaveCache = false; } lcPiecesLibrary::~lcPiecesLibrary() { Unload(); } void lcPiecesLibrary::Unload() { SaveCacheFile(); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) delete mPieces[PieceIdx]; mPieces.RemoveAll(); for (int PrimitiveIdx = 0; PrimitiveIdx < mPrimitives.GetSize(); PrimitiveIdx++) delete mPrimitives[PrimitiveIdx]; mPrimitives.RemoveAll(); for (int TextureIdx = 0; TextureIdx < mTextures.GetSize(); TextureIdx++) delete mTextures[TextureIdx]; mTextures.RemoveAll(); mNumOfficialPieces = 0; delete mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]; mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL] = NULL; delete mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_UNOFFICIAL]; mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_UNOFFICIAL] = NULL; } PieceInfo* lcPiecesLibrary::FindPiece(const char* PieceName, bool CreatePlaceholder) { for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) if (!strcmp(PieceName, mPieces[PieceIdx]->m_strName)) return mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (CreatePlaceholder) { PieceInfo* Info = new PieceInfo(); Info->CreatePlaceholder(PieceName); mPieces.Add(Info); return Info; } return NULL; } lcTexture* lcPiecesLibrary::FindTexture(const char* TextureName) { for (int TextureIdx = 0; TextureIdx < mTextures.GetSize(); TextureIdx++) if (!strcmp(TextureName, mTextures[TextureIdx]->mName)) return mTextures[TextureIdx]; return NULL; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::Load(const char* LibraryPath, const char* CachePath) { Unload(); if (OpenArchive(LibraryPath, LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL)) { lcMemFile ColorFile; if (!mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]->ExtractFile("ldraw/ldconfig.ldr", ColorFile) || !lcLoadColorFile(ColorFile)) lcLoadDefaultColors(); strcpy(mLibraryPath, LibraryPath); char* Slash = lcMax(strrchr(mLibraryPath, '/'), strrchr(mLibraryPath, '\\')); if (*Slash) *(Slash + 1) = 0; char UnofficialFileName[LC_MAXPATH]; strcpy(UnofficialFileName, mLibraryPath); strcat(UnofficialFileName, "/ldrawunf.zip"); OpenArchive(UnofficialFileName, LC_ZIPFILE_UNOFFICIAL); ReadArchiveDescriptions(LibraryPath, UnofficialFileName, CachePath); } else { strcpy(mLibraryPath, LibraryPath); int i = strlen(mLibraryPath) - 1; if ((mLibraryPath[i] != '\\') && (mLibraryPath[i] != '/')) strcat(mLibraryPath, "/"); if (OpenDirectory(mLibraryPath)) { char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; lcDiskFile ColorFile; sprintf(FileName, "%sldconfig.ldr", mLibraryPath); if (!ColorFile.Open(FileName, "rt") || !lcLoadColorFile(ColorFile)) lcLoadDefaultColors(); } else return false; } lcLoadDefaultCategories(); return true; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::OpenArchive(const char* FileName, lcZipFileType ZipFileType) { lcDiskFile* File = new lcDiskFile(); if (!File->Open(FileName, "rb") || !OpenArchive(File, FileName, ZipFileType)) { delete File; return false; } return true; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::OpenArchive(lcFile* File, const char* FileName, lcZipFileType ZipFileType) { lcZipFile* ZipFile = new lcZipFile(); if (!ZipFile->OpenRead(File)) { delete ZipFile; return false; } mZipFiles[ZipFileType] = ZipFile; if (ZipFileType == LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL) strcpy(mLibraryFileName, FileName); else strcpy(mUnofficialFileName, FileName); for (int FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < ZipFile->mFiles.GetSize(); FileIdx++) { lcZipFileInfo& FileInfo = ZipFile->mFiles[FileIdx]; char NameBuffer[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; char* Name = NameBuffer; const char* Src = FileInfo.file_name; char* Dst = Name; while (*Src && Dst - Name < LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN) { if (*Src >= 'a' && *Src <= 'z') *Dst = *Src + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Src == '\\') *Dst = '/'; else *Dst = *Src; Src++; Dst++; } if (Dst - Name <= 4) continue; Dst -= 4; if (memcmp(Dst, ".DAT", 4)) { if (!memcmp(Dst, ".PNG", 4) && !memcmp(Name, "LDRAW/PARTS/TEXTURES/", 21)) { lcTexture* Texture = new lcTexture(); mTextures.Add(Texture); *Dst = 0; strncpy(Texture->mName, Name + 21, sizeof(Texture->mName)); Texture->mName[sizeof(Texture->mName) - 1] = 0; } continue; } *Dst = 0; if (ZipFileType == LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL) { if (memcmp(Name, "LDRAW/", 6)) continue; Name += 6; } if (!memcmp(Name, "PARTS/", 6)) { Name += 6; if (memcmp(Name, "S/", 2)) { PieceInfo* Info = FindPiece(Name, false); if (!Info) { Info = new PieceInfo(); mPieces.Add(Info); strncpy(Info->m_strName, Name, sizeof(Info->m_strName)); Info->m_strName[sizeof(Info->m_strName) - 1] = 0; } Info->SetZipFile(ZipFileType, FileIdx); } else { int PrimitiveIndex = FindPrimitiveIndex(Name); if (PrimitiveIndex == -1) mPrimitives.Add(new lcLibraryPrimitive(Name, ZipFileType, FileIdx, false, true)); else mPrimitives[PrimitiveIndex]->SetZipFile(ZipFileType, FileIdx); } } else if (!memcmp(Name, "P/", 2)) { Name += 2; int PrimitiveIndex = FindPrimitiveIndex(Name); if (PrimitiveIndex == -1) mPrimitives.Add(new lcLibraryPrimitive(Name, ZipFileType, FileIdx, (memcmp(Name, "STU", 3) == 0), false)); else mPrimitives[PrimitiveIndex]->SetZipFile(ZipFileType, FileIdx); } } return true; } void lcPiecesLibrary::ReadArchiveDescriptions(const char* OfficialFileName, const char* UnofficialFileName, const char* CachePath) { bool CacheValid = false; struct stat OfficialStat, UnofficialStat; strcpy(mCacheFileName, CachePath); mCacheFileModifiedTime = 0; if (mCacheFileName[0]) { int Length = strlen(mCacheFileName); if (mCacheFileName[Length] != '/' && mCacheFileName[Length] != '\\') strcat(mCacheFileName, "/"); strcat(mCacheFileName, "library.cache"); } if (stat(OfficialFileName, &OfficialStat) == 0) { lcuint64 CheckSum[4] = { (lcuint64)OfficialStat.st_size, (lcuint64)OfficialStat.st_mtime, 0, 0 }; if (stat(UnofficialFileName, &UnofficialStat) == 0) { CheckSum[2] = (lcuint64)UnofficialStat.st_size; CheckSum[3] = (lcuint64)UnofficialStat.st_mtime; } lcZipFile CacheFile; if (CacheFile.OpenRead(mCacheFileName)) { lcMemFile VersionFile; if (CacheFile.ExtractFile("version", VersionFile)) { lcuint32 CacheVersion; lcuint32 CacheFlags; if (VersionFile.ReadU32(&CacheVersion, 1) && VersionFile.ReadU32(&CacheFlags, 1) && CacheVersion == LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_VERSION && CacheFlags == LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_ARCHIVE) { lcuint64 CacheCheckSum[4]; if (VersionFile.ReadU64(CacheCheckSum, 4)) CacheValid = (memcmp(CacheCheckSum, CheckSum, sizeof(CheckSum)) == 0); } } } if (CacheValid) CacheValid = LoadCacheIndex(CacheFile); } if (CacheValid) { struct stat CacheStat; if (stat(mCacheFileName, &CacheStat) == 0) mCacheFileModifiedTime = CacheStat.st_mtime; } else { lcMemFile PieceFile; mSaveCache = true; for (int PieceInfoIndex = 0; PieceInfoIndex < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceInfoIndex++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[PieceInfoIndex]; mZipFiles[Info->mZipFileType]->ExtractFile(Info->mZipFileIndex, PieceFile, 256); PieceFile.Seek(0, SEEK_END); PieceFile.WriteU8(0); char* Src = (char*)PieceFile.mBuffer + 2; char* Dst = Info->m_strDescription; for (;;) { if (*Src != '\r' && *Src != '\n' && *Src && Dst - Info->m_strDescription < (int)sizeof(Info->m_strDescription) - 1) { *Dst++ = *Src++; continue; } *Dst = 0; break; } } } } bool lcPiecesLibrary::OpenDirectory(const char* Path) { char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; lcArray FileList; strcpy(FileName, Path); strcat(FileName, "parts.lst"); lcDiskFile PartsList; if (PartsList.Open(FileName, "rt")) { char Line[1024]; while (PartsList.ReadLine(Line, sizeof(Line))) { char* Chr = Line; char* Ext = NULL; while (*Chr) { if (*Chr >= 'a' && *Chr <= 'z') *Chr = *Chr + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Chr == '.') Ext = Chr; else if (isspace(*Chr)) { *Chr++ = 0; break; } Chr++; } if (Ext && !strcmp(Ext, ".DAT")) *Ext = 0; while (*Chr && isspace(*Chr)) Chr++; char* Description = Chr; while (*Chr) { if (*Chr == '\r' || *Chr == '\n') { *Chr = 0; break; } Chr++; } if (!*Line || !*Description) continue; PieceInfo* Info = new PieceInfo(); mPieces.Add(Info); strncpy(Info->m_strName, Line, sizeof(Info->m_strName)); Info->m_strName[sizeof(Info->m_strName) - 1] = 0; strncpy(Info->m_strDescription, Description, sizeof(Info->m_strDescription)); Info->m_strDescription[sizeof(Info->m_strDescription) - 1] = 0; } } if (!mPieces.GetSize()) { strcpy(FileName, Path); strcat(FileName, "parts/"); int PathLength = strlen(FileName); g_App->GetFileList(FileName, FileList); mPieces.AllocGrow(FileList.GetSize()); for (int FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < FileList.GetSize(); FileIdx++) { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; const char* Src = (const char*)FileList[FileIdx] + PathLength; char* Dst = Name; while (*Src && Dst - Name < (int)sizeof(Name)) { if (*Src >= 'a' && *Src <= 'z') *Dst = *Src + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Src == '\\') *Dst = '/'; else *Dst = *Src; Src++; Dst++; } if (Dst - Name <= 4) continue; Dst -= 4; if (memcmp(Dst, ".DAT", 4)) continue; *Dst = 0; lcDiskFile PieceFile; if (!PieceFile.Open(FileList[FileIdx], "rt")) continue; char Line[1024]; if (!PieceFile.ReadLine(Line, sizeof(Line))) continue; PieceInfo* Info = new PieceInfo(); mPieces.Add(Info); Src = (char*)Line + 2; Dst = Info->m_strDescription; for (;;) { if (*Src != '\r' && *Src != '\n' && *Src && Dst - Info->m_strDescription < (int)sizeof(Info->m_strDescription) - 1) { *Dst++ = *Src++; continue; } *Dst = 0; break; } strncpy(Info->m_strName, Name, sizeof(Info->m_strName)); Info->m_strName[sizeof(Info->m_strName) - 1] = 0; } } if (!mPieces.GetSize()) return false; const char* PrimitiveDirectories[] = { "p/", "p/48/", "parts/s/" }; bool SubFileDirectories[] = { false, false, true }; for (int DirectoryIdx = 0; DirectoryIdx < (int)(sizeof(PrimitiveDirectories) / sizeof(PrimitiveDirectories[0])); DirectoryIdx++) { strcpy(FileName, Path); int PathLength = strlen(FileName); strcat(FileName, PrimitiveDirectories[DirectoryIdx]); PathLength += strchr(PrimitiveDirectories[DirectoryIdx], '/') - PrimitiveDirectories[DirectoryIdx] + 1; g_App->GetFileList(FileName, FileList); for (int FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < FileList.GetSize(); FileIdx++) { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; const char* Src = (const char*)FileList[FileIdx] + PathLength; char* Dst = Name; while (*Src && Dst - Name < (int)sizeof(Name)) { if (*Src >= 'a' && *Src <= 'z') *Dst = *Src + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Src == '\\') *Dst = '/'; else *Dst = *Src; Src++; Dst++; } if (Dst - Name <= 4) continue; Dst -= 4; if (memcmp(Dst, ".DAT", 4)) continue; *Dst = 0; bool SubFile = SubFileDirectories[DirectoryIdx]; lcLibraryPrimitive* Prim = new lcLibraryPrimitive(Name, LC_NUM_ZIPFILES, 0, !SubFile && (memcmp(Name, "STU", 3) == 0), SubFile); mPrimitives.Add(Prim); } } strcpy(FileName, Path); strcat(FileName, "parts/textures/"); int PathLength = strlen(FileName); g_App->GetFileList(FileName, FileList); mTextures.AllocGrow(FileList.GetSize()); for (int FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < FileList.GetSize(); FileIdx++) { char Name[LC_MAXPATH]; const char* Src = (const char*)FileList[FileIdx] + PathLength; char* Dst = Name; while (*Src && Dst - Name < (int)sizeof(Name)) { if (*Src >= 'a' && *Src <= 'z') *Dst = *Src + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Src == '\\') *Dst = '/'; else *Dst = *Src; Src++; Dst++; } if (Dst - Name <= 4) continue; Dst -= 4; if (memcmp(Dst, ".PNG", 4)) continue; *Dst = 0; lcTexture* Texture = new lcTexture(); mTextures.Add(Texture); strncpy(Texture->mName, Name, sizeof(Texture->mName)); Texture->mName[sizeof(Texture->mName) - 1] = 0; } return true; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::OpenCache() { struct stat CacheStat; if (!mCacheFileName[0]) return false; if (stat(mCacheFileName, &CacheStat) != 0 || mCacheFileModifiedTime != (lcuint64)CacheStat.st_mtime) return false; mCacheFile = new lcZipFile; if (!mCacheFile->OpenRead(mCacheFileName)) { delete mCacheFile; mCacheFile = NULL; return false; } return true; } void lcPiecesLibrary::CloseCache() { delete mCacheFile; mCacheFile = NULL; SaveCacheFile(); } bool lcPiecesLibrary::LoadCacheIndex(lcZipFile& CacheFile) { lcMemFile IndexFile; if (!CacheFile.ExtractFile("index", IndexFile)) return false; lcuint32 NumFiles; if (!IndexFile.ReadU32(&NumFiles, 1) || NumFiles != (lcuint32)mPieces.GetSize()) return false; for (int PieceInfoIndex = 0; PieceInfoIndex < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceInfoIndex++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[PieceInfoIndex]; lcuint8 Length; if (!IndexFile.ReadU8(&Length, 1) || Length >= sizeof(Info->m_strDescription)) return false; if (!IndexFile.ReadBuffer(Info->m_strDescription, Length) || !IndexFile.ReadU32(&Info->mFlags, 1)) return false; Info->m_strDescription[Length] = 0; if (!IndexFile.ReadFloats(Info->m_fDimensions, 6)) return false; } return true; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::LoadCachePiece(PieceInfo* Info) { if ((Info->mFlags & LC_PIECE_CACHED) == 0) return false; if (mCacheFile) { lcMemFile PieceFile; if (!mCacheFile->ExtractFile(Info->m_strName, PieceFile)) return false; lcMesh* Mesh = new lcMesh; Info->SetMesh(Mesh); return Mesh->FileLoad(PieceFile); } else { struct stat CacheStat; if (stat(mCacheFileName, &CacheStat) != 0 || mCacheFileModifiedTime != (lcuint64)CacheStat.st_mtime) return false; lcZipFile CacheFile; if (!CacheFile.OpenRead(mCacheFileName)) return false; lcMemFile PieceFile; if (!CacheFile.ExtractFile(Info->m_strName, PieceFile)) return false; lcMesh* Mesh = new lcMesh; Info->SetMesh(Mesh); return Mesh->FileLoad(PieceFile); } } void lcPiecesLibrary::SaveCacheFile() { struct stat CacheStat; lcZipFile CacheFile; if (!mSaveCache) return; if (stat(mCacheFileName, &CacheStat) != 0 || mCacheFileModifiedTime != (lcuint64)CacheStat.st_mtime) { if (!CacheFile.OpenWrite(mCacheFileName, false)) return; struct stat OfficialStat, UnofficialStat; if (stat(mLibraryFileName, &OfficialStat) != 0) return; lcuint64 CheckSum[4] = { (lcuint64)OfficialStat.st_size, (lcuint64)OfficialStat.st_mtime, 0, 0 }; if (stat(mUnofficialFileName, &UnofficialStat) == 0) { CheckSum[2] = (lcuint64)UnofficialStat.st_size; CheckSum[3] = (lcuint64)UnofficialStat.st_mtime; } lcMemFile VersionFile; VersionFile.WriteU32(LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_VERSION); VersionFile.WriteU32(LC_LIBRARY_CACHE_ARCHIVE); VersionFile.WriteU64(CheckSum, 4); CacheFile.AddFile("version", VersionFile); } else { if (!CacheFile.OpenWrite(mCacheFileName, true)) return; CacheFile.DeleteFile("index"); } lcMemFile IndexFile; int NumPieces = 0; IndexFile.WriteU32(0); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Info->mFlags & LC_PIECE_PLACEHOLDER || Info->mFlags & LC_PIECE_MODEL) continue; bool Cached = (Info->mFlags & LC_PIECE_CACHED) != 0; lcMesh* Mesh = Info->GetMesh(); if (Mesh) Info->mFlags |= LC_PIECE_CACHED; int Length = strlen(Info->m_strDescription); IndexFile.WriteU8(Length); IndexFile.WriteBuffer(Info->m_strDescription, Length); IndexFile.WriteU32(Info->mFlags); IndexFile.WriteFloats(Info->m_fDimensions, 6); NumPieces++; if (Cached || !Mesh) continue; lcMemFile PieceFile; Mesh->FileSave(PieceFile); CacheFile.AddFile(Info->m_strName, PieceFile); Info->mFlags |= LC_PIECE_CACHED; Info->Release(); } IndexFile.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); IndexFile.WriteU32(NumPieces); CacheFile.AddFile("index", IndexFile); mSaveCache = false; } int LibraryMeshSectionCompare(lcLibraryMeshSection* const& a, lcLibraryMeshSection* const& b) { if (a->mPrimitiveType != b->mPrimitiveType) { int PrimitiveOrder[LC_MESH_NUM_PRIMITIVE_TYPES] = { LC_MESH_TRIANGLES, LC_MESH_TEXTURED_TRIANGLES, LC_MESH_LINES, LC_MESH_TEXTURED_LINES, }; for (int PrimitiveType = 0; PrimitiveType < LC_MESH_NUM_PRIMITIVE_TYPES; PrimitiveType++) { int Primitive = PrimitiveOrder[PrimitiveType]; if (a->mPrimitiveType == Primitive) return -1; if (b->mPrimitiveType == Primitive) return 1; } } bool TranslucentA = lcIsColorTranslucent(a->mColor); bool TranslucentB = lcIsColorTranslucent(b->mColor); if (TranslucentA != TranslucentB) return TranslucentA ? 1 : -1; return a->mColor > b->mColor ? -1 : 1; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::LoadPiece(PieceInfo* Info) { lcLibraryMeshData MeshData; lcArray TextureStack; if (Info->mZipFileType != LC_NUM_ZIPFILES && mZipFiles[Info->mZipFileType]) { if (LoadCachePiece(Info)) return true; lcMemFile PieceFile; if (!mZipFiles[Info->mZipFileType]->ExtractFile(Info->mZipFileIndex, PieceFile)) return false; const char* OldLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); bool Ret = ReadMeshData(PieceFile, lcMatrix44Identity(), 16, TextureStack, MeshData); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, OldLocale); if (!Ret) return false; } else { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(Name, Info->m_strName); strlwr(Name); char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; lcDiskFile PieceFile; sprintf(FileName, "%sparts/%s.dat", mLibraryPath, Name); if (!PieceFile.Open(FileName, "rt")) return false; const char* OldLocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); bool Ret = ReadMeshData(PieceFile, lcMatrix44Identity(), 16, TextureStack, MeshData); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, OldLocale); if (!Ret) return false; } lcMesh* Mesh = new lcMesh(); int NumIndices = 0; for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < MeshData.mSections.GetSize(); SectionIdx++) { lcLibraryMeshSection* Section = MeshData.mSections[SectionIdx]; Section->mColor = lcGetColorIndex(Section->mColor); NumIndices += Section->mIndices.GetSize(); } MeshData.mSections.Sort(LibraryMeshSectionCompare); Mesh->Create(MeshData.mSections.GetSize(), MeshData.mVertices.GetSize(), MeshData.mTexturedVertices.GetSize(), NumIndices); lcVertex* DstVerts = (lcVertex*)Mesh->mVertexBuffer.mData; lcVector3 Min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), Max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < MeshData.mVertices.GetSize(); VertexIdx++) { lcVertex& DstVertex = *DstVerts++; const lcVector3& SrcPosition = MeshData.mVertices[VertexIdx].Position; lcVector3& DstPosition = DstVertex.Position; DstPosition = lcVector3(SrcPosition.x, SrcPosition.z, -SrcPosition.y); Min.x = lcMin(Min.x, DstPosition.x); Min.y = lcMin(Min.y, DstPosition.y); Min.z = lcMin(Min.z, DstPosition.z); Max.x = lcMax(Max.x, DstPosition.x); Max.y = lcMax(Max.y, DstPosition.y); Max.z = lcMax(Max.z, DstPosition.z); } lcVertexTextured* DstTexturedVerts = (lcVertexTextured*)DstVerts; for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < MeshData.mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); VertexIdx++) { lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = *DstTexturedVerts++; lcVertexTextured& SrcVertex = MeshData.mTexturedVertices[VertexIdx]; const lcVector3& SrcPosition = SrcVertex.Position; lcVector3& DstPosition = DstVertex.Position; DstPosition = lcVector3(SrcPosition.x, SrcPosition.z, -SrcPosition.y); DstVertex.TexCoord = SrcVertex.TexCoord; Min.x = lcMin(Min.x, DstPosition.x); Min.y = lcMin(Min.y, DstPosition.y); Min.z = lcMin(Min.z, DstPosition.z); Max.x = lcMax(Max.x, DstPosition.x); Max.y = lcMax(Max.y, DstPosition.y); Max.z = lcMax(Max.z, DstPosition.z); } Info->m_fDimensions[0] = Max.x; Info->m_fDimensions[1] = Max.y; Info->m_fDimensions[2] = Max.z; Info->m_fDimensions[3] = Min.x; Info->m_fDimensions[4] = Min.y; Info->m_fDimensions[5] = Min.z; NumIndices = 0; for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < MeshData.mSections.GetSize(); SectionIdx++) { lcMeshSection& DstSection = Mesh->mSections[SectionIdx]; lcLibraryMeshSection* SrcSection = MeshData.mSections[SectionIdx]; DstSection.ColorIndex = SrcSection->mColor; DstSection.PrimitiveType = (SrcSection->mPrimitiveType == LC_MESH_TRIANGLES || SrcSection->mPrimitiveType == LC_MESH_TEXTURED_TRIANGLES) ? GL_TRIANGLES : GL_LINES; DstSection.NumIndices = SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize(); DstSection.Texture = SrcSection->mTexture; if (DstSection.Texture) DstSection.Texture->AddRef(); if (Mesh->mNumVertices < 0x10000) { DstSection.IndexOffset = NumIndices * 2; lcuint16* Index = (lcuint16*)Mesh->mIndexBuffer.mData + NumIndices; for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < DstSection.NumIndices; IndexIdx++) *Index++ = SrcSection->mIndices[IndexIdx]; } else { DstSection.IndexOffset = NumIndices * 4; lcuint32* Index = (lcuint32*)Mesh->mIndexBuffer.mData + NumIndices; for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < DstSection.NumIndices; IndexIdx++) *Index++ = SrcSection->mIndices[IndexIdx]; } if (DstSection.PrimitiveType == GL_TRIANGLES) { if (DstSection.ColorIndex == gDefaultColor) Info->mFlags |= LC_PIECE_HAS_DEFAULT; else { if (lcIsColorTranslucent(DstSection.ColorIndex)) Info->mFlags |= LC_PIECE_HAS_TRANSLUCENT; else Info->mFlags |= LC_PIECE_HAS_SOLID; } } else Info->mFlags |= LC_PIECE_HAS_LINES; NumIndices += DstSection.NumIndices; } Mesh->UpdateBuffers(); Info->SetMesh(Mesh); Info->AddRef(); if (mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]) mSaveCache = true; return true; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::LoadTexture(lcTexture* Texture) { char Name[LC_MAXPATH], FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; strcpy(Name, Texture->mName); strlwr(Name); if (mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]) { lcMemFile TextureFile; sprintf(FileName, "ldraw/parts/textures/%s.png", Name); if (!mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_UNOFFICIAL] || !mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_UNOFFICIAL]->ExtractFile(FileName, TextureFile)) if (!mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]->ExtractFile(FileName, TextureFile)) return false; if (!Texture->Load(TextureFile)) return false; } else { sprintf(FileName, "%sparts/textures/%s.png", mLibraryPath, Name); if (!Texture->Load(FileName)) return false; } return true; } int lcPiecesLibrary::FindPrimitiveIndex(const char* Name) { for (int PrimitiveIndex = 0; PrimitiveIndex < mPrimitives.GetSize(); PrimitiveIndex++) if (!strcmp(mPrimitives[PrimitiveIndex]->mName, Name)) return PrimitiveIndex; return -1; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::LoadPrimitive(int PrimitiveIndex) { lcLibraryPrimitive* Primitive = mPrimitives[PrimitiveIndex]; lcArray TextureStack; if (mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]) { lcMemFile PrimFile; if (!mZipFiles[Primitive->mZipFileType]->ExtractFile(Primitive->mZipFileIndex, PrimFile)) return false; if (!ReadMeshData(PrimFile, lcMatrix44Identity(), 16, TextureStack, Primitive->mMeshData)) return false; } else { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(Name, Primitive->mName); strlwr(Name); char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; lcDiskFile PrimFile; if (Primitive->mSubFile) sprintf(FileName, "%sparts/%s.dat", mLibraryPath, Name); else sprintf(FileName, "%sp/%s.dat", mLibraryPath, Name); if (!PrimFile.Open(FileName, "rt")) return false; if (!ReadMeshData(PrimFile, lcMatrix44Identity(), 16, TextureStack, Primitive->mMeshData)) return false; } Primitive->mLoaded = true; return true; } bool lcPiecesLibrary::ReadMeshData(lcFile& File, const lcMatrix44& CurrentTransform, lcuint32 CurrentColorCode, lcArray& TextureStack, lcLibraryMeshData& MeshData) { char Buffer[1024]; char* Line; while (File.ReadLine(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))) { lcuint32 ColorCode, ColorCodeHex; int LineType; Line = Buffer; if (sscanf(Line, "%d", &LineType) != 1) continue; if (LineType == 0) { char* Token = Line; while (*Token && *Token <= 32) Token++; Token++; while (*Token && *Token <= 32) Token++; char* End = Token; while (*End && *End > 32) End++; *End = 0; if (!strcmp(Token, "!TEXMAP")) { Token += 8; while (*Token && *Token <= 32) Token++; End = Token; while (*End && *End > 32) End++; *End = 0; bool Start = false; bool Next = false; if (!strcmp(Token, "START")) { Token += 6; Start = true; } else if (!strcmp(Token, "NEXT")) { Token += 5; Next = true; } if (Start || Next) { while (*Token && *Token <= 32) Token++; End = Token; while (*End && *End > 32) End++; *End = 0; if (!strcmp(Token, "PLANAR")) { Token += 7; char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; lcVector3 Points[3]; sscanf(Token, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s", &Points[0].x, &Points[0].y, &Points[0].z, &Points[1].x, &Points[1].y, &Points[1].z, &Points[2].x, &Points[2].y, &Points[2].z, FileName); char* Ch; for (Ch = FileName; *Ch; Ch++) { if (*Ch >= 'a' && *Ch <= 'z') *Ch = *Ch + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Ch == '\\') *Ch = '/'; } if (Ch - FileName > 4) { Ch -= 4; if (!memcmp(Ch, ".PNG", 4)) *Ch = 0; } lcLibraryTextureMap& Map = TextureStack.Add(); Map.Next = false; Map.Fallback = false; Map.Texture = FindTexture(FileName); for (int EdgeIdx = 0; EdgeIdx < 2; EdgeIdx++) { lcVector3 Normal = Points[EdgeIdx + 1] - Points[0]; float Length = lcLength(Normal); Normal /= Length; Map.Params[EdgeIdx].x = Normal.x / Length; Map.Params[EdgeIdx].y = Normal.y / Length; Map.Params[EdgeIdx].z = Normal.z / Length; Map.Params[EdgeIdx].w = -lcDot(Normal, Points[0]) / Length; } } } else if (!strcmp(Token, "FALLBACK")) { if (TextureStack.GetSize()) TextureStack[TextureStack.GetSize() - 1].Fallback = true; } else if (!strcmp(Token, "END")) { if (TextureStack.GetSize()) TextureStack.RemoveIndex(TextureStack.GetSize() - 1); } continue; } else if (!strcmp(Token, "!:")) { Token += 3; Line = Token; if (!TextureStack.GetSize()) continue; } else continue; } if (sscanf(Line, "%d %d", &LineType, &ColorCode) != 2) continue; if (LineType < 1 || LineType > 4) continue; if (ColorCode == 0) { sscanf(Line, "%d %i", &LineType, &ColorCodeHex); if (ColorCode != ColorCodeHex) ColorCode = ColorCodeHex | LC_COLOR_DIRECT; } if (ColorCode == 16) ColorCode = CurrentColorCode; lcLibraryTextureMap* TextureMap = NULL; if (TextureStack.GetSize()) { TextureMap = &TextureStack[TextureStack.GetSize() - 1]; if (TextureMap->Fallback) continue; } int Dummy; lcVector3 Points[4]; switch (LineType) { case 1: { char FileName[LC_MAXPATH]; float fm[12]; sscanf(Line, "%d %i %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s", &LineType, &Dummy, &fm[0], &fm[1], &fm[2], &fm[3], &fm[4], &fm[5], &fm[6], &fm[7], &fm[8], &fm[9], &fm[10], &fm[11], FileName); char* Ch; for (Ch = FileName; *Ch; Ch++) { if (*Ch >= 'a' && *Ch <= 'z') *Ch = *Ch + 'A' - 'a'; else if (*Ch == '\\') *Ch = '/'; } if (Ch - FileName > 4) { Ch -= 4; if (!memcmp(Ch, ".DAT", 4)) *Ch = 0; } int PrimitiveIndex = FindPrimitiveIndex(FileName); lcMatrix44 IncludeTransform(lcVector4(fm[3], fm[6], fm[9], 0.0f), lcVector4(fm[4], fm[7], fm[10], 0.0f), lcVector4(fm[5], fm[8], fm[11], 0.0f), lcVector4(fm[0], fm[1], fm[2], 1.0f)); IncludeTransform = lcMul(IncludeTransform, CurrentTransform); if (PrimitiveIndex != -1) { lcLibraryPrimitive* Primitive = mPrimitives[PrimitiveIndex]; if (!Primitive->mLoaded && !LoadPrimitive(PrimitiveIndex)) continue; if (Primitive->mStud) MeshData.AddMeshDataNoDuplicateCheck(Primitive->mMeshData, IncludeTransform, ColorCode, TextureMap); else if (!Primitive->mSubFile) MeshData.AddMeshData(Primitive->mMeshData, IncludeTransform, ColorCode, TextureMap); else { if (mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]) { lcMemFile IncludeFile; if (!mZipFiles[Primitive->mZipFileType]->ExtractFile(Primitive->mZipFileIndex, IncludeFile)) continue; if (!ReadMeshData(IncludeFile, IncludeTransform, ColorCode, TextureStack, MeshData)) continue; } else { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(Name, Primitive->mName); strlwr(Name); lcDiskFile IncludeFile; if (Primitive->mSubFile) sprintf(FileName, "%sparts/%s.dat", mLibraryPath, Name); else sprintf(FileName, "%sp/%s.dat", mLibraryPath, Name); if (!IncludeFile.Open(FileName, "rt")) continue; if (!ReadMeshData(IncludeFile, IncludeTransform, ColorCode, TextureStack, MeshData)) continue; } } } else { for (int PieceInfoIndex = 0; PieceInfoIndex < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceInfoIndex++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[PieceInfoIndex]; if (strcmp(Info->m_strName, FileName)) continue; if (mZipFiles[LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL]) { lcMemFile IncludeFile; if (!mZipFiles[Info->mZipFileType]->ExtractFile(Info->mZipFileIndex, IncludeFile)) break; if (!ReadMeshData(IncludeFile, IncludeTransform, ColorCode, TextureStack, MeshData)) break; } else { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(Name, Info->m_strName); strlwr(Name); lcDiskFile IncludeFile; sprintf(FileName, "%sparts/%s.dat", mLibraryPath, Name); if (!IncludeFile.Open(FileName, "rt")) break; if (!ReadMeshData(IncludeFile, IncludeTransform, ColorCode, TextureStack, MeshData)) break; } break; } } } break; case 2: { sscanf(Line, "%d %i %f %f %f %f %f %f", &LineType, &Dummy, &Points[0].x, &Points[0].y, &Points[0].z, &Points[1].x, &Points[1].y, &Points[1].z); Points[0] = lcMul31(Points[0], CurrentTransform); Points[1] = lcMul31(Points[1], CurrentTransform); if (TextureMap) { MeshData.AddTexturedLine(LineType, ColorCode, *TextureMap, Points); if (TextureMap->Next) TextureStack.RemoveIndex(TextureStack.GetSize() - 1); } else MeshData.AddLine(LineType, ColorCode, Points); } break; case 3: { sscanf(Line, "%d %i %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &LineType, &Dummy, &Points[0].x, &Points[0].y, &Points[0].z, &Points[1].x, &Points[1].y, &Points[1].z, &Points[2].x, &Points[2].y, &Points[2].z); Points[0] = lcMul31(Points[0], CurrentTransform); Points[1] = lcMul31(Points[1], CurrentTransform); Points[2] = lcMul31(Points[2], CurrentTransform); if (TextureMap) { MeshData.AddTexturedLine(LineType, ColorCode, *TextureMap, Points); if (TextureMap->Next) TextureStack.RemoveIndex(TextureStack.GetSize() - 1); } else MeshData.AddLine(LineType, ColorCode, Points); } break; case 4: { sscanf(Line, "%d %i %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &LineType, &Dummy, &Points[0].x, &Points[0].y, &Points[0].z, &Points[1].x, &Points[1].y, &Points[1].z, &Points[2].x, &Points[2].y, &Points[2].z, &Points[3].x, &Points[3].y, &Points[3].z); Points[0] = lcMul31(Points[0], CurrentTransform); Points[1] = lcMul31(Points[1], CurrentTransform); Points[2] = lcMul31(Points[2], CurrentTransform); Points[3] = lcMul31(Points[3], CurrentTransform); if (TextureMap) { MeshData.AddTexturedLine(LineType, ColorCode, *TextureMap, Points); if (TextureMap->Next) TextureStack.RemoveIndex(TextureStack.GetSize() - 1); } else MeshData.AddLine(LineType, ColorCode, Points); } break; } } return true; } void lcLibraryMeshData::ResequenceQuad(lcVector3* Vertices, int a, int b, int c, int d) { lcVector3 TempVertices[4]; memcpy(TempVertices, Vertices, sizeof(TempVertices)); Vertices[0] = TempVertices[a]; Vertices[1] = TempVertices[b]; Vertices[2] = TempVertices[c]; Vertices[3] = TempVertices[d]; } void lcLibraryMeshData::TestQuad(lcVector3* Vertices) { lcVector3 v01 = Vertices[1] - Vertices[0]; lcVector3 v02 = Vertices[2] - Vertices[0]; lcVector3 v03 = Vertices[3] - Vertices[0]; lcVector3 cp1 = lcCross(v01, v02); lcVector3 cp2 = lcCross(v02, v03); if (lcDot(cp1, cp2) > 0.0f) return; lcVector3 v12 = Vertices[2] - Vertices[1]; lcVector3 v13 = Vertices[3] - Vertices[1]; lcVector3 v23 = Vertices[3] - Vertices[2]; if (lcDot(lcCross(v12, v01), lcCross(v01, v13)) > 0.0f) { if (-lcDot(lcCross(v02, v12), lcCross(v12, v23)) > 0.0f) ResequenceQuad(Vertices, 1, 2, 3, 0); else ResequenceQuad(Vertices, 0, 3, 1, 2); } else { if (-lcDot(lcCross(v02, v12), lcCross(v12, v23)) > 0.0f) ResequenceQuad(Vertices, 0, 1, 3, 2); else ResequenceQuad(Vertices, 1, 2, 3, 0); } } void lcLibraryMeshData::AddLine(int LineType, lcuint32 ColorCode, lcVector3* Vertices) { lcLibraryMeshSection* Section = NULL; int SectionIdx; LC_MESH_PRIMITIVE_TYPE PrimitiveType = (LineType == 2) ? LC_MESH_LINES : LC_MESH_TRIANGLES; for (SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < mSections.GetSize(); SectionIdx++) { Section = mSections[SectionIdx]; if (Section->mColor == ColorCode && Section->mPrimitiveType == PrimitiveType && Section->mTexture == NULL) break; } if (SectionIdx == mSections.GetSize()) { Section = new lcLibraryMeshSection(PrimitiveType, ColorCode, NULL); mSections.Add(Section); } if (LineType == 4) TestQuad(Vertices); int Indices[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < LineType; IndexIdx++) { const lcVector3& Position = Vertices[IndexIdx]; for (int VertexIdx = mVertices.GetSize() - 1; VertexIdx >= 0; VertexIdx--) { lcVertex& DstVertex = mVertices[VertexIdx]; if (Position == DstVertex.Position) { Indices[IndexIdx] = VertexIdx; break; } } if (Indices[IndexIdx] == -1) { Indices[IndexIdx] = mVertices.GetSize(); lcVertex& DstVertex = mVertices.Add(); DstVertex.Position = Position; } } switch (LineType) { case 4: if (Indices[0] != Indices[2] && Indices[0] != Indices[3] && Indices[2] != Indices[3]) { Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[2]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[3]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[0]); } case 3: if (Indices[0] != Indices[1] && Indices[0] != Indices[2] && Indices[1] != Indices[2]) { Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[0]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[1]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[2]); } break; case 2: if (Indices[0] != Indices[1]) { Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[0]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[1]); } break; } } void lcLibraryMeshData::AddTexturedLine(int LineType, lcuint32 ColorCode, const lcLibraryTextureMap& Map, lcVector3* Vertices) { lcLibraryMeshSection* Section = NULL; int SectionIdx; LC_MESH_PRIMITIVE_TYPE PrimitiveType = (LineType == 2) ? LC_MESH_TEXTURED_LINES : LC_MESH_TEXTURED_TRIANGLES; for (SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < mSections.GetSize(); SectionIdx++) { Section = mSections[SectionIdx]; if (Section->mColor == ColorCode && Section->mPrimitiveType == PrimitiveType && Section->mTexture == Map.Texture) break; } if (SectionIdx == mSections.GetSize()) { Section = new lcLibraryMeshSection(PrimitiveType, ColorCode, Map.Texture); mSections.Add(Section); } if (LineType == 4) TestQuad(Vertices); int Indices[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < LineType; IndexIdx++) { const lcVector3& Position = Vertices[IndexIdx]; lcVector2 TexCoord(lcDot3(lcVector3(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z), Map.Params[0]) + Map.Params[0].w, lcDot3(lcVector3(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z), Map.Params[1]) + Map.Params[1].w); for (int VertexIdx = mTexturedVertices.GetSize() - 1; VertexIdx >= 0; VertexIdx--) { lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices[VertexIdx]; if (Position == DstVertex.Position && TexCoord == DstVertex.TexCoord) { Indices[IndexIdx] = VertexIdx; break; } } if (Indices[IndexIdx] == -1) { Indices[IndexIdx] = mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices.Add(); DstVertex.Position = Position; DstVertex.TexCoord = TexCoord; } } switch (LineType) { case 4: if (Indices[0] != Indices[2] && Indices[0] != Indices[3] && Indices[2] != Indices[3]) { Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[2]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[3]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[0]); } case 3: if (Indices[0] != Indices[1] && Indices[0] != Indices[2] && Indices[1] != Indices[2]) { Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[0]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[1]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[2]); } break; case 2: if (Indices[0] != Indices[1]) { Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[0]); Section->mIndices.Add(Indices[1]); } break; } } void lcLibraryMeshData::AddMeshData(const lcLibraryMeshData& Data, const lcMatrix44& Transform, lcuint32 CurrentColorCode, lcLibraryTextureMap* TextureMap) { int VertexCount = Data.mVertices.GetSize(); lcArray IndexRemap(VertexCount); const float DistanceEpsilon = 0.05f; if (!TextureMap) { mVertices.AllocGrow(VertexCount); for (int SrcVertexIdx = 0; SrcVertexIdx < VertexCount; SrcVertexIdx++) { lcVector3 Position = lcMul31(Data.mVertices[SrcVertexIdx].Position, Transform); int Index = -1; for (int DstVertexIdx = mVertices.GetSize() - 1; DstVertexIdx >= 0; DstVertexIdx--) { lcVertex& DstVertex = mVertices[DstVertexIdx]; // if (Vertex == mVertices[DstVertexIdx]) if (fabsf(Position.x - DstVertex.Position.x) < DistanceEpsilon && fabsf(Position.y - DstVertex.Position.y) < DistanceEpsilon && fabsf(Position.z - DstVertex.Position.z) < DistanceEpsilon) { Index = DstVertexIdx; break; } } if (Index == -1) { Index = mVertices.GetSize(); lcVertex& DstVertex = mVertices.Add(); DstVertex.Position = Position; } IndexRemap.Add(Index); } } else { mTexturedVertices.AllocGrow(VertexCount); for (int SrcVertexIdx = 0; SrcVertexIdx < VertexCount; SrcVertexIdx++) { lcVertex& SrcVertex = Data.mVertices[SrcVertexIdx]; lcVector3 Position = lcMul31(SrcVertex.Position, Transform); lcVector2 TexCoord(lcDot3(lcVector3(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z), TextureMap->Params[0]) + TextureMap->Params[0].w, lcDot3(lcVector3(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z), TextureMap->Params[1]) + TextureMap->Params[1].w); int Index = -1; for (int DstVertexIdx = mTexturedVertices.GetSize() - 1; DstVertexIdx >= 0; DstVertexIdx--) { lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices[DstVertexIdx]; // if (Vertex == mTexturedVertices[DstVertexIdx]) if (fabsf(Position.x - DstVertex.Position.x) < DistanceEpsilon && fabsf(Position.y - DstVertex.Position.y) < DistanceEpsilon && fabsf(Position.z - DstVertex.Position.z) < DistanceEpsilon && fabsf(TexCoord.x - DstVertex.TexCoord.x) < 0.01f && fabsf(TexCoord.y - DstVertex.TexCoord.y) < 0.01f) { Index = DstVertexIdx; break; } } if (Index == -1) { Index = mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices.Add(); DstVertex.Position = Position; DstVertex.TexCoord = TexCoord; } IndexRemap.Add(Index); } } int TexturedVertexCount = Data.mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); lcArray TexturedIndexRemap(TexturedVertexCount); if (TexturedVertexCount) { mTexturedVertices.AllocGrow(TexturedVertexCount); for (int SrcVertexIdx = 0; SrcVertexIdx < TexturedVertexCount; SrcVertexIdx++) { lcVertexTextured& SrcVertex = Data.mTexturedVertices[SrcVertexIdx]; lcVector3 Position = lcMul31(SrcVertex.Position, Transform); int Index = -1; for (int DstVertexIdx = mTexturedVertices.GetSize() - 1; DstVertexIdx >= 0; DstVertexIdx--) { lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices[DstVertexIdx]; // if (Vertex == mTexturedVertices[DstVertexIdx]) if (fabsf(Position.x - DstVertex.Position.x) < 0.1f && fabsf(Position.y - DstVertex.Position.y) < 0.1f && fabsf(Position.z - DstVertex.Position.z) < 0.1f && fabsf(SrcVertex.TexCoord.x - DstVertex.TexCoord.x) < 0.01f && fabsf(SrcVertex.TexCoord.y - DstVertex.TexCoord.y) < 0.01f) { Index = DstVertexIdx; break; } } if (Index == -1) { Index = mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices.Add(); DstVertex.Position = Position; DstVertex.TexCoord = SrcVertex.TexCoord; } TexturedIndexRemap.Add(Index); } } for (int SrcSectionIdx = 0; SrcSectionIdx < Data.mSections.GetSize(); SrcSectionIdx++) { lcLibraryMeshSection* SrcSection = Data.mSections[SrcSectionIdx]; lcLibraryMeshSection* DstSection = NULL; lcuint32 ColorCode = SrcSection->mColor == 16 ? CurrentColorCode : SrcSection->mColor; lcTexture* Texture; if (SrcSection->mTexture) Texture = SrcSection->mTexture; else if (TextureMap) Texture = TextureMap->Texture; else Texture = NULL; for (int DstSectionIdx = 0; DstSectionIdx < mSections.GetSize(); DstSectionIdx++) { lcLibraryMeshSection* Section = mSections[DstSectionIdx]; if (Section->mColor == ColorCode && Section->mPrimitiveType == SrcSection->mPrimitiveType && Section->mTexture == Texture) { DstSection = Section; break; } } if (!DstSection) { DstSection = new lcLibraryMeshSection(SrcSection->mPrimitiveType, ColorCode, Texture); mSections.Add(DstSection); } DstSection->mIndices.AllocGrow(SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize()); if (!SrcSection->mTexture) { for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize(); IndexIdx++) DstSection->mIndices.Add(IndexRemap[SrcSection->mIndices[IndexIdx]]); } else { for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize(); IndexIdx++) DstSection->mIndices.Add(TexturedIndexRemap[SrcSection->mIndices[IndexIdx]]); } } } void lcLibraryMeshData::AddMeshDataNoDuplicateCheck(const lcLibraryMeshData& Data, const lcMatrix44& Transform, lcuint32 CurrentColorCode, lcLibraryTextureMap* TextureMap) { lcuint32 BaseIndex; if (!TextureMap) { BaseIndex = mVertices.GetSize(); mVertices.AllocGrow(Data.mVertices.GetSize()); for (int SrcVertexIdx = 0; SrcVertexIdx < Data.mVertices.GetSize(); SrcVertexIdx++) { lcVertex& Vertex = mVertices.Add(); Vertex.Position = lcMul31(Data.mVertices[SrcVertexIdx].Position, Transform); } } else { BaseIndex = mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); mTexturedVertices.AllocGrow(Data.mVertices.GetSize()); for (int SrcVertexIdx = 0; SrcVertexIdx < Data.mVertices.GetSize(); SrcVertexIdx++) { lcVertex& SrcVertex = Data.mVertices[SrcVertexIdx]; lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices.Add(); lcVector3 Position = lcMul31(SrcVertex.Position, Transform); lcVector2 TexCoord(lcDot3(lcVector3(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z), TextureMap->Params[0]) + TextureMap->Params[0].w, lcDot3(lcVector3(Position.x, Position.y, Position.z), TextureMap->Params[1]) + TextureMap->Params[1].w); DstVertex.Position = Position; DstVertex.TexCoord = TexCoord; } } int TexturedVertexCount = Data.mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); lcuint32 BaseTexturedIndex = mTexturedVertices.GetSize(); if (TexturedVertexCount) { mTexturedVertices.AllocGrow(TexturedVertexCount); for (int SrcVertexIdx = 0; SrcVertexIdx < TexturedVertexCount; SrcVertexIdx++) { lcVertexTextured& SrcVertex = Data.mTexturedVertices[SrcVertexIdx]; lcVertexTextured& DstVertex = mTexturedVertices.Add(); DstVertex.Position = lcMul31(SrcVertex.Position, Transform); DstVertex.TexCoord = SrcVertex.TexCoord; } } for (int SrcSectionIdx = 0; SrcSectionIdx < Data.mSections.GetSize(); SrcSectionIdx++) { lcLibraryMeshSection* SrcSection = Data.mSections[SrcSectionIdx]; lcLibraryMeshSection* DstSection = NULL; lcuint32 ColorCode = SrcSection->mColor == 16 ? CurrentColorCode : SrcSection->mColor; lcTexture* Texture; if (SrcSection->mTexture) Texture = SrcSection->mTexture; else if (TextureMap) Texture = TextureMap->Texture; else Texture = NULL; for (int DstSectionIdx = 0; DstSectionIdx < mSections.GetSize(); DstSectionIdx++) { lcLibraryMeshSection* Section = mSections[DstSectionIdx]; if (Section->mColor == ColorCode && Section->mPrimitiveType == SrcSection->mPrimitiveType && Section->mTexture == Texture) { DstSection = Section; break; } } if (!DstSection) { DstSection = new lcLibraryMeshSection(SrcSection->mPrimitiveType, ColorCode, Texture); mSections.Add(DstSection); } DstSection->mIndices.AllocGrow(SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize()); if (!SrcSection->mTexture) { for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize(); IndexIdx++) DstSection->mIndices.Add(BaseIndex + SrcSection->mIndices[IndexIdx]); } else { for (int IndexIdx = 0; IndexIdx < SrcSection->mIndices.GetSize(); IndexIdx++) DstSection->mIndices.Add(BaseTexturedIndex + SrcSection->mIndices[IndexIdx]); } } } bool lcPiecesLibrary::PieceInCategory(PieceInfo* Info, const String& CategoryKeywords) const { String PieceName; if (Info->m_strDescription[0] == '~' || Info->m_strDescription[0] == '_') PieceName = Info->m_strDescription + 1; else PieceName = Info->m_strDescription; PieceName.MakeLower(); String Keywords = CategoryKeywords; Keywords.MakeLower(); return PieceName.Match(Keywords); } void lcPiecesLibrary::GetCategoryEntries(int CategoryIndex, bool GroupPieces, lcArray& SinglePieces, lcArray& GroupedPieces) { GetCategoryEntries(gCategories[CategoryIndex].Keywords, GroupPieces, SinglePieces, GroupedPieces); } void lcPiecesLibrary::GetCategoryEntries(const String& CategoryKeywords, bool GroupPieces, lcArray& SinglePieces, lcArray& GroupedPieces) { SinglePieces.RemoveAll(); GroupedPieces.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < mPieces.GetSize(); i++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[i]; if (!PieceInCategory(Info, CategoryKeywords)) continue; if (!GroupPieces) { SinglePieces.Add(Info); continue; } // Check if it's a patterned piece. if (Info->IsPatterned()) { PieceInfo* Parent; // Find the parent of this patterned piece. char ParentName[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(ParentName, Info->m_strName); *strchr(ParentName, 'P') = '\0'; Parent = FindPiece(ParentName, false); if (Parent) { // Check if the parent was added as a single piece. int Index = SinglePieces.FindIndex(Parent); if (Index != -1) SinglePieces.RemoveIndex(Index); Index = GroupedPieces.FindIndex(Parent); if (Index == -1) GroupedPieces.Add(Parent); } else { // Patterned pieces should have a parent but in case they don't just add them anyway. SinglePieces.Add(Info); } } else { // Check if this piece has already been added to this category by one of its children. int Index = GroupedPieces.FindIndex(Info); if (Index == -1) SinglePieces.Add(Info); } } } void lcPiecesLibrary::SearchPieces(const char* Keyword, lcArray& Pieces) const { Pieces.RemoveAll(); String LowerKeyword = Keyword; LowerKeyword.MakeLower(); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[PieceIdx]; char LowerName[sizeof(Info->m_strName)]; strcpy(LowerName, Info->m_strName); strlwr(LowerName); if (strstr(LowerName, LowerKeyword)) { Pieces.Add(Info); continue; } char LowerDescription[sizeof(Info->m_strDescription)]; strcpy(LowerDescription, Info->m_strDescription); strlwr(LowerDescription); if (strstr(LowerDescription, LowerKeyword)) Pieces.Add(Info); } } void lcPiecesLibrary::GetPatternedPieces(PieceInfo* Parent, lcArray& Pieces) const { char Name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(Name, Parent->m_strName); strcat(Name, "P"); Pieces.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < mPieces.GetSize(); i++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[i]; if (strncmp(Name, Info->m_strName, strlen(Name)) == 0) Pieces.Add(Info); } // Sometimes pieces with A and B versions don't follow the same convention (for example, 3040Pxx instead of 3040BPxx). if (Pieces.GetSize() == 0) { strcpy(Name, Parent->m_strName); int Len = strlen(Name); if (Name[Len-1] < '0' || Name[Len-1] > '9') Name[Len-1] = 'P'; for (int i = 0; i < mPieces.GetSize(); i++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[i]; if (strncmp(Name, Info->m_strName, strlen(Name)) == 0) Pieces.Add(Info); } } } bool lcPiecesLibrary::LoadBuiltinPieces() { QResource Resource(":/resources/library.zip"); if (!Resource.isValid()) return false; lcMemFile* File = new lcMemFile(); File->WriteBuffer(Resource.data(), Resource.size()); if (!OpenArchive(File, "builtin", LC_ZIPFILE_OFFICIAL)) { delete File; return false; } lcMemFile PieceFile; mSaveCache = false; for (int PieceInfoIndex = 0; PieceInfoIndex < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceInfoIndex++) { PieceInfo* Info = mPieces[PieceInfoIndex]; mZipFiles[Info->mZipFileType]->ExtractFile(Info->mZipFileIndex, PieceFile, 256); PieceFile.Seek(0, SEEK_END); PieceFile.WriteU8(0); char* Src = (char*)PieceFile.mBuffer + 2; char* Dst = Info->m_strDescription; for (;;) { if (*Src != '\r' && *Src != '\n' && *Src && Dst - Info->m_strDescription < (int)sizeof(Info->m_strDescription) - 1) { *Dst++ = *Src++; continue; } *Dst = 0; break; } } lcLoadDefaultColors(); lcLoadDefaultCategories(true); gMainWindow->UpdateCategories(); return true; }