#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_math.h" #include "lc_mesh.h" #include #include "opengl.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include "lc_texture.h" #include "piece.h" #include "camera.h" #include "light.h" #include "group.h" #include "project.h" #include "image.h" #include "system.h" #include "minifig.h" #include "lc_mainwindow.h" #include "view.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "texfont.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_profile.h" #include "lc_context.h" #include "preview.h" Project::Project() { } Project::~Project() { } void Project::UpdateInterface() { // Update all user interface elements. gMainWindow->UpdateUndoRedo(mUndoHistory.GetSize() > 1 ? mUndoHistory[0]->Description : NULL, !mRedoHistory.IsEmpty() ? mRedoHistory[0]->Description : NULL); gMainWindow->UpdatePaste(g_App->mClipboard != NULL); gMainWindow->UpdateCategories(); gMainWindow->UpdateTitle(GetTitle(), IsModified()); gMainWindow->SetTool(gMainWindow->GetTool()); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->SetTransformType(gMainWindow->GetTransformType()); gMainWindow->UpdateLockSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateCameraMenu(); gMainWindow->UpdatePerspective(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); UpdateSelection(); } void Project::LoadDefaults() { mProperties.LoadDefaults(); gMainWindow->SetColorIndex(lcGetColorIndex(4)); gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_SELECT); gMainWindow->SetAddKeys(false); gMainWindow->UpdateUndoRedo(NULL, NULL); gMainWindow->UpdateLockSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateSnap(); mCurrentStep = 1; gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); const lcArray& Views = gMainWindow->GetViews(); for (int i = 0; i < Views.GetSize(); i++) if (!Views[i]->mCamera->IsSimple()) Views[i]->SetDefaultCamera(); gMainWindow->UpdateCameraMenu(); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(NULL); } bool Project::FileLoad(lcFile* file, bool bUndo, bool bMerge) { lcint32 i, count; char id[32]; lcuint32 rgb; float fv = 0.4f; lcuint8 ch; lcuint16 sh; file->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); file->ReadBuffer(id, 32); sscanf(&id[7], "%f", &fv); // Fix the ugly floating point reading on computers with different decimal points. if (fv == 0.0f) { lconv *loc = localeconv(); id[8] = loc->decimal_point[0]; sscanf(&id[7], "%f", &fv); if (fv == 0.0f) return false; } if (fv > 0.4f) file->ReadFloats(&fv, 1); file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); if (!bMerge) { mProperties.mBackgroundSolidColor[0] = (float)((unsigned char) (rgb))/255; mProperties.mBackgroundSolidColor[1] = (float)((unsigned char) (((unsigned short) (rgb)) >> 8))/255; mProperties.mBackgroundSolidColor[2] = (float)((unsigned char) ((rgb) >> 16))/255; } if (fv < 0.6f) // old view { double eye[3], target[3]; file->ReadDoubles(eye, 3); file->ReadDoubles(target, 3); } if (bMerge) file->Seek(32, SEEK_CUR); else { file->Seek(28, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadS32(&i, 1); mCurrentStep = i; } if (fv > 0.8f) file->ReadU32();//m_nScene file->ReadS32(&count, 1); lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); Library->OpenCache(); int FirstNewPiece = mPieces.GetSize(); while (count--) { if (fv > 0.4f) { lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(NULL); pPiece->FileLoad(*file); if (bMerge) for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) if (strcmp(mPieces[PieceIdx]->GetName(), pPiece->GetName()) == 0) { pPiece->CreateName(mPieces); break; } if (strlen(pPiece->GetName()) == 0) pPiece->CreateName(mPieces); mPieces.Add(pPiece); } else { char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; lcVector3 pos, rot; lcuint8 color, step, group; file->ReadFloats(pos, 3); file->ReadFloats(rot, 3); file->ReadU8(&color, 1); file->ReadBuffer(name, 9); file->ReadU8(&step, 1); file->ReadU8(&group, 1); pos *= 25.0f; lcMatrix44 ModelWorld = lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationZ(rot[2] * LC_DTOR), lcMul(lcMatrix44RotationY(rot[1] * LC_DTOR), lcMatrix44RotationX(rot[0] * LC_DTOR))); lcVector4 AxisAngle = lcMatrix44ToAxisAngle(ModelWorld); AxisAngle[3] *= LC_RTOD; PieceInfo* pInfo = Library->FindPiece(name, true); lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(pInfo); pPiece->Initialize(pos, AxisAngle, step); pPiece->SetColorCode(lcGetColorCodeFromOriginalColor(color)); pPiece->CreateName(mPieces); mPieces.Add(pPiece); // pPiece->SetGroup((lcGroup*)group); } } Library->CloseCache(); if (!bMerge) { if (fv >= 0.4f) { file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; if (sh > 100) file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); else { String Author; file->ReadBuffer(Author.GetBuffer(sh), sh); Author.Buffer()[sh] = 0; mProperties.mAuthor = QString::fromUtf8(Author.Buffer()); } file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; if (sh > 100) file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); else { String Description; file->ReadBuffer(Description.GetBuffer(sh), sh); Description.Buffer()[sh] = 0; mProperties.mDescription = QString::fromUtf8(Description.Buffer()); } file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF && fv < 1.3f) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; if (sh > 255) file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); else { String Comments; file->ReadBuffer(Comments.GetBuffer(sh), sh); Comments.Buffer()[sh] = 0; mProperties.mComments = QString::fromUtf8(Comments.Buffer()); mProperties.mComments.replace(QLatin1String("\r\n"), QLatin1String("\n")); } } } else { if (fv >= 0.4f) { file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; file->Seek (sh, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; file->Seek (sh, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF && fv < 1.3f) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); else sh = ch; file->Seek (sh, SEEK_CUR); } } if (fv >= 0.5f) { int NumGroups = mGroups.GetSize(); file->ReadS32(&count, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mGroups.Add(new lcGroup()); for (int GroupIdx = NumGroups; GroupIdx < mGroups.GetSize(); GroupIdx++) { lcGroup* Group = mGroups[GroupIdx]; if (fv < 1.0f) { file->ReadBuffer(Group->m_strName, 65); file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); Group->mGroup = (lcGroup*)-1; } else Group->FileLoad(file); if (bMerge) { // Ensure a unique group name int max = -1; String baseName; for (int Existing = 0; Existing < GroupIdx; Existing++) max = lcMax(max, InstanceOfName(mGroups[Existing]->m_strName, Group->m_strName, baseName)); if (max > -1) { int baseReserve = sizeof(Group->m_strName) - 5; // space, #, 2-digits, and terminating 0 for (int num = max; (num > 99); num /= 10) { baseReserve--; } sprintf(Group->m_strName, "%s #%.2d", (const char*)(baseName.Left(baseReserve)), max+1); } } } for (int GroupIdx = NumGroups; GroupIdx < mGroups.GetSize(); GroupIdx++) { lcGroup* Group = mGroups[GroupIdx]; i = LC_POINTER_TO_INT(Group->mGroup); Group->mGroup = NULL; if (i > 0xFFFF || i == -1) continue; Group->mGroup = mGroups[NumGroups + i]; } for (int PieceIdx = FirstNewPiece; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; i = LC_POINTER_TO_INT(Piece->GetGroup()); Piece->SetGroup(NULL); if (i > 0xFFFF || i == -1) continue; Piece->SetGroup(mGroups[NumGroups + i]); } RemoveEmptyGroups(); } if (!bMerge) { if (fv >= 0.6f) { if (fv < 1.0f) file->Seek(4, SEEK_CUR); else file->Seek(2, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadS32(&count, 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mCameras.Add(new lcCamera(false)); if (count < 7) { lcCamera* pCam = new lcCamera(false); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) pCam->FileLoad(*file); delete pCam; } else { for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) mCameras[CameraIdx]->FileLoad(*file); } } if (fv >= 0.7f) { file->Seek(16, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); mProperties.mFogColor[0] = (float)((unsigned char) (rgb))/255; mProperties.mFogColor[1] = (float)((unsigned char) (((unsigned short) (rgb)) >> 8))/255; mProperties.mFogColor[2] = (float)((unsigned char) ((rgb) >> 16))/255; if (fv < 1.0f) { file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); mProperties.mFogDensity = (float)rgb/100; } else file->ReadFloats(&mProperties.mFogDensity, 1); if (fv < 1.3f) { file->ReadU8(&ch, 1); if (ch == 0xFF) file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); sh = ch; } else file->ReadU16(&sh, 1); if (sh < LC_MAXPATH) { char Background[LC_MAXPATH]; file->ReadBuffer(Background, sh); mProperties.mBackgroundImage = Background; } else file->Seek(sh, SEEK_CUR); } if (fv >= 0.8f) { file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); file->Seek(ch, SEEK_CUR); file->ReadBuffer(&ch, 1); file->Seek(ch, SEEK_CUR); } if (fv > 0.9f) { file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); mProperties.mAmbientColor[0] = (float)((unsigned char) (rgb))/255; mProperties.mAmbientColor[1] = (float)((unsigned char) (((unsigned short) (rgb)) >> 8))/255; mProperties.mAmbientColor[2] = (float)((unsigned char) ((rgb) >> 16))/255; if (fv < 1.3f) file->Seek(23, SEEK_CUR); else file->Seek(11, SEEK_CUR); } if (fv > 1.0f) { file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); mProperties.mBackgroundGradientColor1[0] = (float)((unsigned char) (rgb))/255; mProperties.mBackgroundGradientColor1[1] = (float)((unsigned char) (((unsigned short) (rgb)) >> 8))/255; mProperties.mBackgroundGradientColor1[2] = (float)((unsigned char) ((rgb) >> 16))/255; file->ReadU32(&rgb, 1); mProperties.mBackgroundGradientColor2[0] = (float)((unsigned char) (rgb))/255; mProperties.mBackgroundGradientColor2[1] = (float)((unsigned char) (((unsigned short) (rgb)) >> 8))/255; mProperties.mBackgroundGradientColor2[2] = (float)((unsigned char) ((rgb) >> 16))/255; } } UpdateBackgroundTexture(); CalculateStep(); if (!bUndo) ClearSelection(false); if (!bMerge) gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); if (!bMerge) { const lcArray& Views = gMainWindow->GetViews(); for (int ViewIdx = 0; ViewIdx < Views.GetSize(); ViewIdx++) { View* view = Views[ViewIdx]; if (!view->mCamera->IsSimple()) view->SetDefaultCamera(); if (!bUndo) view->ZoomExtents(); } } gMainWindow->UpdateLockSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateSnap(); gMainWindow->UpdateCameraMenu(); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); return true; } void Project::FileReadMPD(lcFile& MPD, lcArray& FileArray) const { LC_FILEENTRY* CurFile = NULL; char Buf[1024]; while (MPD.ReadLine(Buf, 1024)) { String Line(Buf); Line.TrimLeft(); if (Line[0] != '0') { // Copy current line. if (CurFile != NULL) CurFile->File.WriteBuffer(Buf, strlen(Buf)); continue; } Line.TrimRight(); Line = Line.Right(Line.GetLength() - 1); Line.TrimLeft(); // Find where a subfile starts. if (Line.CompareNoCase("FILE", 4) == 0) { Line = Line.Right(Line.GetLength() - 4); Line.TrimLeft(); // Create a new file. CurFile = new LC_FILEENTRY(); strncpy(CurFile->FileName, Line, sizeof(CurFile->FileName)); FileArray.Add(CurFile); } else if (Line.CompareNoCase("ENDFILE", 7) == 0) { // File ends here. CurFile = NULL; } else if (CurFile != NULL) { // Copy current line. CurFile->File.WriteBuffer(Buf, strlen(Buf)); } } } void Project::FileReadLDraw(lcFile* file, const lcMatrix44& CurrentTransform, int* nOk, int DefColor, int* nStep, lcArray& FileArray) { char Line[1024]; // Save file offset. lcuint32 Offset = file->GetPosition(); file->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); while (file->ReadLine(Line, 1024)) { bool read = true; char* Ptr = Line; char* Tokens[15]; for (int TokenIdx = 0; TokenIdx < 15; TokenIdx++) { Tokens[TokenIdx] = 0; while (*Ptr && *Ptr <= 32) { *Ptr = 0; Ptr++; } Tokens[TokenIdx] = Ptr; while (*Ptr > 32) Ptr++; } if (!Tokens[0]) continue; int LineType = atoi(Tokens[0]); if (LineType == 0) { if (Tokens[1]) { strupr(Tokens[1]); if (!strcmp(Tokens[1], "STEP")) (*nStep)++; } continue; } if (LineType != 1) continue; bool Error = false; for (int TokenIdx = 1; TokenIdx < 15; TokenIdx++) { if (!Tokens[TokenIdx]) { Error = true; break; } } if (Error) continue; int ColorCode = atoi(Tokens[1]); float Matrix[12]; for (int TokenIdx = 2; TokenIdx < 14; TokenIdx++) Matrix[TokenIdx - 2] = atof(Tokens[TokenIdx]); lcMatrix44 IncludeTransform(lcVector4(Matrix[3], Matrix[6], Matrix[9], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[4], Matrix[7], Matrix[10], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[5], Matrix[8], Matrix[11], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[0], Matrix[1], Matrix[2], 1.0f)); IncludeTransform = lcMul(IncludeTransform, CurrentTransform); if (ColorCode == 16) ColorCode = DefColor; char* IncludeName = Tokens[14]; for (Ptr = IncludeName; *Ptr; Ptr++) if (*Ptr == '\r' || *Ptr == '\n') *Ptr = 0; // See if it's a piece in the library if (strlen(IncludeName) < LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN) { char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(name, IncludeName); strupr(name); Ptr = strrchr(name, '.'); if (Ptr != NULL) *Ptr = 0; PieceInfo* pInfo = lcGetPiecesLibrary()->FindPiece(name, false); if (pInfo != NULL) { lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(pInfo); read = false; float* Matrix = IncludeTransform; lcMatrix44 Transform(lcVector4(Matrix[0], Matrix[2], -Matrix[1], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[8], Matrix[10], -Matrix[9], 0.0f), lcVector4(-Matrix[4], -Matrix[6], Matrix[5], 0.0f), lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); lcVector4 AxisAngle = lcMatrix44ToAxisAngle(Transform); AxisAngle[3] *= LC_RTOD; pPiece->Initialize(lcVector3(IncludeTransform[3].x, IncludeTransform[3].z, -IncludeTransform[3].y), AxisAngle, *nStep); pPiece->SetColorCode(ColorCode); pPiece->CreateName(mPieces); mPieces.Add(pPiece); (*nOk)++; } } // Check for MPD files first. if (read) { for (int i = 0; i < FileArray.GetSize(); i++) { if (stricmp(FileArray[i]->FileName, IncludeName) == 0) { FileReadLDraw(&FileArray[i]->File, IncludeTransform, nOk, ColorCode, nStep, FileArray); read = false; break; } } } // Try to read the file from disk. if (read) { lcDiskFile tf; if (tf.Open(IncludeName, "rt")) { FileReadLDraw(&tf, IncludeTransform, nOk, ColorCode, nStep, FileArray); read = false; } } if (read) { // Create a placeholder. char name[LC_PIECE_NAME_LEN]; strcpy(name, IncludeName); strupr(name); Ptr = strrchr(name, '.'); if (Ptr != NULL) *Ptr = 0; PieceInfo* Info = lcGetPiecesLibrary()->CreatePlaceholder(name); lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(Info); read = false; float* Matrix = IncludeTransform; lcMatrix44 Transform(lcVector4(Matrix[0], Matrix[2], -Matrix[1], 0.0f), lcVector4(Matrix[8], Matrix[10], -Matrix[9], 0.0f), lcVector4(-Matrix[4], -Matrix[6], Matrix[5], 0.0f), lcVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); lcVector4 AxisAngle = lcMatrix44ToAxisAngle(Transform); AxisAngle[3] *= LC_RTOD; pPiece->Initialize(lcVector3(IncludeTransform[3].x, IncludeTransform[3].z, -IncludeTransform[3].y), AxisAngle, *nStep); pPiece->SetColorCode(ColorCode); pPiece->CreateName(mPieces); mPieces.Add(pPiece); (*nOk)++; } } // Restore file offset. file->Seek(Offset, SEEK_SET); } bool Project::DoSave(const QString& FileName) { QString SaveFileName; if (!FileName.isEmpty()) SaveFileName = FileName; else { if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) SaveFileName = mFileName; else SaveFileName = QFileInfo(QDir(QLatin1String(lcGetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_PROJECTS_PATH))), GetTitle()).absoluteFilePath(); SaveFileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Save Project"), SaveFileName, tr("Supported Files (*.ldr *.dat);;All Files (*.*)")); if (SaveFileName.isEmpty()) return false; } if (QFileInfo(SaveFileName).suffix().toLower() == QLatin1String("lcd")) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Saving files in LCD format is no longer supported, please use the LDR format instead.")); return false; } QFile File(SaveFileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(SaveFileName, File.errorString())); return false; } QTextStream Stream(&File); SaveLDraw(Stream); mSavedHistory = mUndoHistory[0]; SetFileName(SaveFileName); return true; } bool Project::SaveIfModified() { if (!IsModified()) return true; switch (QMessageBox::question(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Save Project"), tr("Save changes to '%1'?").arg(GetTitle()), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel)) { default: case QMessageBox::Cancel: return false; case QMessageBox::Yes: if (!DoSave(mFileName)) return false; break; case QMessageBox::No: break; } return true; } bool Project::OnNewDocument() { DeleteModel(); DeleteHistory(); LoadDefaults(); CheckPoint(""); mSavedHistory = mUndoHistory[0]; SetFileName(QString()); return true; } bool Project::OpenProject(const QString& FileName) { if (!SaveIfModified()) return false; if (!OnOpenDocument(FileName)) return false; SetFileName(FileName); return true; } bool Project::OnOpenDocument(const QString& FileName) { lcDiskFile file; bool bSuccess = false; if (!file.Open(FileName.toLatin1().constData(), "rb")) // todo: qstring { // MessageBox("Failed to open file."); return false; } QString Extension = QFileInfo(FileName).suffix().toLower(); bool datfile = (Extension == QLatin1String("dat") || Extension == QLatin1String("ldr")); bool mpdfile = (Extension == QLatin1String("mpd")); DeleteModel(); DeleteHistory(); LoadDefaults(); if (file.GetLength() != 0) { lcArray FileArray; // Unpack the MPD file. if (mpdfile) { FileReadMPD(file, FileArray); if (FileArray.GetSize() == 0) { file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); mpdfile = false; datfile = true; } } if (datfile || mpdfile) { int ok = 0, step = 1; lcMatrix44 mat = lcMatrix44Identity(); if (mpdfile) FileReadLDraw(&FileArray[0]->File, mat, &ok, 16, &step, FileArray); else // FileReadLDraw(&file, mat, &ok, 16, &step, FileArray); { QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Error reading file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return false; } QTextStream Stream(&File); LoadLDraw(Stream); } mCurrentStep = step; gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); UpdateSelection(); const lcArray& Views = gMainWindow->GetViews(); for (int ViewIdx = 0; ViewIdx < Views.GetSize(); ViewIdx++) Views[ViewIdx]->ZoomExtents(); bSuccess = true; } else { // Load a LeoCAD file. bSuccess = FileLoad(&file, false, false); } FileArray.DeleteAll(); } file.Close(); if (bSuccess == false) { OnNewDocument(); // MessageBox("Failed to load."); return false; } CheckPoint(""); mSavedHistory = mUndoHistory[0]; return true; } void Project::SetFileName(const QString& FileName) { mFileName = FileName; if (!FileName.isEmpty()) gMainWindow->AddRecentFile(FileName); gMainWindow->UpdateTitle(GetTitle(), IsModified()); } QString Project::GetTitle() const { return mFileName.isEmpty() ? tr("New Project.ldr") : QFileInfo(mFileName).fileName(); } void Project::CheckPoint(const char* Description) { SaveCheckpoint(Description); } void Project::SaveImage() { lcImageDialogOptions Options; lcStep LastStep = GetLastStep(); Options.Width = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_WIDTH); Options.Height = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT); Options.Start = mCurrentStep; Options.End = LastStep; if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) { Options.FileName = mFileName; QString Extension = QFileInfo(Options.FileName).suffix(); Options.FileName = Options.FileName.left(Options.FileName.length() - Extension.length()); } else Options.FileName = QLatin1String("image"); Options.FileName += lcGetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_EXTENSION); if (!gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_SAVE_IMAGE, &Options)) return; QString Extension = QFileInfo(Options.FileName).suffix(); if (!Extension.isEmpty()) lcSetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_EXTENSION, Options.FileName.right(Extension.length() + 1)); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_WIDTH, Options.Width); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_IMAGE_HEIGHT, Options.Height); if (Options.Start != Options.End) Options.FileName = Options.FileName.insert(Options.FileName.length() - Extension.length() - 1, QLatin1String("%1")); SaveStepImages(Options.FileName, Options.Width, Options.Height, Options.Start, Options.End); } void Project::SaveStepImages(const QString& BaseName, int Width, int Height, lcStep Start, lcStep End) { gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->MakeCurrent(); lcContext* Context = gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->mContext; if (!Context->BeginRenderToTexture(Width, Height)) { gMainWindow->DoMessageBox("Error creating images.", LC_MB_ICONERROR | LC_MB_OK); return; } lcStep CurrentStep = mCurrentStep; View View(this); View.SetCamera(gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->mCamera, false); View.mWidth = Width; View.mHeight = Height; View.SetContext(Context); for (lcStep Step = Start; Step <= End; Step++) { SetCurrentStep(Step); View.OnDraw(); QString FileName = BaseName.arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); if (!Context->SaveRenderToTextureImage(FileName, Width, Height)) break; } SetCurrentStep(CurrentStep); Context->EndRenderToTexture(); } void Project::CreateHTMLPieceList(QTextStream& Stream, lcStep Step, bool Images, const QString& ImageExtension) { int* ColorsUsed = new int[gColorList.GetSize()]; memset(ColorsUsed, 0, sizeof(ColorsUsed[0]) * gColorList.GetSize()); int* PiecesUsed = new int[gColorList.GetSize()]; int NumColors = 0; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if ((Piece->GetStepShow() == Step) || (Step == 0)) ColorsUsed[Piece->mColorIndex]++; } Stream << QLatin1String("
\r\n"); for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++) { if (ColorsUsed[ColorIdx]) { ColorsUsed[ColorIdx] = NumColors; NumColors++; Stream << QString("\n").arg(gColorList[ColorIdx].Name); } } NumColors++; Stream << QLatin1String("\n"); PieceInfo* pInfo; for (int j = 0; j < lcGetPiecesLibrary()->mPieces.GetSize(); j++) { bool Add = false; memset(PiecesUsed, 0, sizeof(PiecesUsed[0]) * gColorList.GetSize()); pInfo = lcGetPiecesLibrary()->mPieces[j]; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if ((Piece->mPieceInfo == pInfo) && ((Piece->GetStepShow() == Step) || (Step == 0))) { PiecesUsed[Piece->mColorIndex]++; Add = true; } } if (Add) { if (Images) Stream << QString("\n").arg(pInfo->m_strName, ImageExtension, pInfo->m_strDescription); else Stream << QString("\r\n").arg(pInfo->m_strDescription); int curcol = 1; for (int ColorIdx = 0; ColorIdx < gColorList.GetSize(); ColorIdx++) { if (PiecesUsed[ColorIdx]) { while (curcol != ColorsUsed[ColorIdx] + 1) { Stream << QLatin1String("\r\n"); curcol++; } Stream << QString("\r\n").arg(QString::number(PiecesUsed[ColorIdx])); curcol++; } } while (curcol != NumColors) { Stream << QLatin1String("\r\n"); curcol++; } Stream << QLatin1String("\r\n"); } } Stream << QLatin1String("
"); delete[] PiecesUsed; delete[] ColorsUsed; } void Project::ExportHTML() { lcHTMLDialogOptions Options; if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) Options.PathName = QFileInfo(mFileName).canonicalPath(); int ImageOptions = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_OPTIONS); int HTMLOptions = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_OPTIONS); Options.ImageFormat = (LC_IMAGE_FORMAT)(ImageOptions & ~(LC_IMAGE_MASK)); Options.TransparentImages = (ImageOptions & LC_IMAGE_TRANSPARENT) != 0; Options.SinglePage = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_SINGLEPAGE) != 0; Options.IndexPage = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_INDEX) != 0; Options.StepImagesWidth = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_WIDTH); Options.StepImagesHeight = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_HEIGHT); Options.HighlightNewParts = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT) != 0; Options.PartsListStep = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_LISTSTEP) != 0; Options.PartsListEnd = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_LISTEND) != 0; Options.PartsListImages = (HTMLOptions & LC_HTML_IMAGES) != 0; Options.PartImagesColor = lcGetColorIndex(lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_COLOR)); Options.PartImagesWidth = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_WIDTH); Options.PartImagesHeight = lcGetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_HEIGHT); if (!gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_EXPORT_HTML, &Options)) return; HTMLOptions = 0; if (Options.SinglePage) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_SINGLEPAGE; if (Options.IndexPage) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_INDEX; if (Options.HighlightNewParts) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT; if (Options.PartsListStep) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_LISTSTEP; if (Options.PartsListEnd) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_LISTEND; if (Options.PartsListImages) HTMLOptions |= LC_HTML_IMAGES; ImageOptions = Options.ImageFormat; if (Options.TransparentImages) ImageOptions |= LC_IMAGE_TRANSPARENT; lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_OPTIONS, ImageOptions); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_OPTIONS, HTMLOptions); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_WIDTH, Options.StepImagesWidth); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_IMAGE_HEIGHT, Options.StepImagesHeight); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_COLOR, lcGetColorCode(Options.PartImagesColor)); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_WIDTH, Options.PartImagesWidth); lcSetProfileInt(LC_PROFILE_HTML_PARTS_HEIGHT, Options.PartImagesHeight); QDir Dir(Options.PathName); Dir.mkpath(QLatin1String(".")); QString Title = GetTitle(); QString BaseName = Title.left(Title.length() - QFileInfo(Title).suffix().length() - 1); QString HTMLExtension = QLatin1String(".html"); QString ImageExtension; lcStep LastStep = GetLastStep(); switch (Options.ImageFormat) { case LC_IMAGE_BMP: ImageExtension = QLatin1String(".bmp"); break; case LC_IMAGE_JPG: ImageExtension = QLatin1String(".jpg"); break; default: case LC_IMAGE_PNG: ImageExtension = QLatin1String(".png"); break; } if (Options.SinglePage) { QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + HTMLExtension).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString("\r\n\r\nInstructions for %1\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(Title); for (lcStep Step = 1; Step <= LastStep; Step++) { QString StepString = QString("%1").arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); Stream << QString("\"Step

\r\n").arg(BaseName, StepString, ImageExtension, StepString, QString::number(Options.StepImagesWidth), QString::number(Options.StepImagesHeight)); if (Options.PartsListStep) CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, Step, Options.PartsListImages, ImageExtension); } if (Options.PartsListEnd) CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, 0, Options.PartsListImages, ImageExtension); Stream << QLatin1String("

Created by LeoCAD
\r\n"); } else { if (Options.IndexPage) { QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-index") + HTMLExtension).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString("\r\n\r\nInstructions for %1\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(Title); for (lcStep Step = 1; Step <= LastStep; Step++) Stream << QString("Step %3
").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')), QString::number(Step)); if (Options.PartsListEnd) Stream << QString("Pieces Used
\r\n").arg(BaseName); Stream << QLatin1String("

Created by LeoCAD
\r\n"); } for (lcStep Step = 1; Step <= LastStep; Step++) { QString StepString = QString("%1").arg(Step, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-") + StepString + HTMLExtension).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString("\r\n\r\n%1 - Step %2\r\n\r\n
\r\n").arg(Title, QString::number(Step)); Stream << QString("\"Step

\r\n").arg(BaseName, StepString, ImageExtension, StepString, QString::number(Options.StepImagesWidth), QString::number(Options.StepImagesHeight)); if (Options.PartsListStep) CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, Step, Options.PartsListImages, ImageExtension); Stream << QLatin1String("

"); if (Step != 1) Stream << QString("Previous ").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(Step - 1, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); if (Options.IndexPage) Stream << QString("Index ").arg(BaseName); if (Step != LastStep) Stream << QString("Next").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(Step + 1, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); else if (Options.PartsListEnd) Stream << QString("Pieces Used").arg(BaseName); Stream << QLatin1String("
\r\n"); } if (Options.PartsListEnd) { QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-pieces") + HTMLExtension).absoluteFilePath(); QFile File(FileName); if (!File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::warning(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Error"), tr("Error writing to file '%1':\n%2").arg(FileName, File.errorString())); return; } QTextStream Stream(&File); Stream << QString("\r\n\r\nPieces used by %1\r\n\r\n
\n").arg(Title); CreateHTMLPieceList(Stream, 0, Options.PartsListImages, ImageExtension); Stream << QLatin1String("

"); Stream << QString("Previous ").arg(BaseName, QString("%1").arg(LastStep, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0'))); if (Options.IndexPage) Stream << QString("Index ").arg(BaseName); Stream << QLatin1String("
\r\n"); } } QString StepImageBaseName = QFileInfo(Dir, BaseName + QLatin1String("-%1") + ImageExtension).absoluteFilePath(); SaveStepImages(StepImageBaseName, Options.StepImagesWidth, Options.StepImagesHeight, 1, LastStep); if (Options.PartsListImages) { gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->MakeCurrent(); lcContext* Context = gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->mContext; int Width = Options.PartImagesWidth; int Height = Options.PartImagesHeight; if (!Context->BeginRenderToTexture(Width, Height)) { gMainWindow->DoMessageBox("Error creating images.", LC_MB_ICONERROR | LC_MB_OK); return; } float aspect = (float)Width/(float)Height; Context->SetViewport(0, 0, Width, Height); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; bool Skip = false; PieceInfo* Info = Piece->mPieceInfo; for (int CheckIdx = 0; CheckIdx < PieceIdx; CheckIdx++) { if (mPieces[CheckIdx]->mPieceInfo == Info) { Skip = true; break; } } if (Skip) continue; glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); Info->ZoomExtents(30.0f, aspect); Info->RenderPiece(Options.PartImagesColor); glFinish(); QString FileName = QFileInfo(Dir, Info->m_strName + ImageExtension).absoluteFilePath(); if (!Context->SaveRenderToTextureImage(FileName, Width, Height)) break; } Context->EndRenderToTexture(); } } void Project::HandleCommand(LC_COMMANDS id) { switch (id) { case LC_FILE_NEW: { if (!SaveIfModified()) return; OnNewDocument(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } break; case LC_FILE_OPEN: { QString FileName; if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) FileName = mFileName; else FileName = lcGetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_PROJECTS_PATH); FileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Open Project"), FileName, tr("Supported Files (*.lcd *.ldr *.dat *.mpd);;All Files (*.*)")); if (!FileName.isEmpty()) OpenProject(FileName); } break; case LC_FILE_MERGE: { QString FileName; if (!mFileName.isEmpty()) FileName = mFileName; else FileName = lcGetProfileString(LC_PROFILE_PROJECTS_PATH); FileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(gMainWindow->mHandle, tr("Merge Project"), FileName, tr("Supported Files (*.lcd *.ldr *.dat *.mpd);;All Files (*.*)")); if (!FileName.isEmpty()) { // todo: detect format lcDiskFile file; if (file.Open(FileName.toLatin1().constData(), "rb")) // todo: qstring { if (file.GetLength() != 0) { FileLoad(&file, false, true); CheckPoint("Merging"); } file.Close(); } } } break; case LC_FILE_SAVE: DoSave(mFileName); break; case LC_FILE_SAVEAS: DoSave(QString()); break; case LC_FILE_SAVE_IMAGE: SaveImage(); break; case LC_FILE_EXPORT_3DS: Export3DStudio(); break; case LC_FILE_EXPORT_HTML: ExportHTML(); break; case LC_FILE_EXPORT_BRICKLINK: ExportBrickLink(); break; case LC_FILE_EXPORT_CSV: ExportCSV(); break; case LC_FILE_EXPORT_POVRAY: ExportPOVRay(); break; case LC_FILE_EXPORT_WAVEFRONT: ExportWavefront(); break; case LC_FILE_PROPERTIES: { lcPropertiesDialogOptions Options; Options.Properties = mProperties; Options.Title = GetTitle(); Options.SetDefault = false; GetPartsList(Options.PartsList); if (!gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_PROPERTIES, &Options)) break; if (Options.SetDefault) Options.Properties.SaveDefaults(); if (mProperties == Options.Properties) break; mProperties = Options.Properties; UpdateBackgroundTexture(); CheckPoint("Properties"); } break; case LC_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW: gMainWindow->TogglePrintPreview(); break; case LC_FILE_PRINT: gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_PRINT, NULL); break; // TODO: printing case LC_FILE_PRINT_BOM: break; case LC_FILE_RECENT1: case LC_FILE_RECENT2: case LC_FILE_RECENT3: case LC_FILE_RECENT4: if (!OpenProject(gMainWindow->mRecentFiles[id - LC_FILE_RECENT1])) gMainWindow->RemoveRecentFile(id - LC_FILE_RECENT1); break; case LC_FILE_EXIT: gMainWindow->Close(); break; case LC_EDIT_UNDO: UndoAction(); break; case LC_EDIT_REDO: RedoAction(); break; case LC_EDIT_CUT: case LC_EDIT_COPY: { lcMemFile* Clipboard = new lcMemFile(); int i = 0; // lcLight* pLight; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) if (mPieces[PieceIdx]->IsSelected()) i++; Clipboard->WriteBuffer(&i, sizeof(i)); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsSelected()) Piece->FileSave(*Clipboard); } i = mGroups.GetSize(); Clipboard->WriteBuffer(&i, sizeof(i)); for (int GroupIdx = 0; GroupIdx < mGroups.GetSize(); GroupIdx++) mGroups[GroupIdx]->FileSave(Clipboard, mGroups); i = 0; for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) if (mCameras[CameraIdx]->IsSelected()) i++; Clipboard->WriteBuffer(&i, sizeof(i)); for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) { lcCamera* pCamera = mCameras[CameraIdx]; if (pCamera->IsSelected()) pCamera->FileSave(*Clipboard); } /* for (i = 0, pLight = m_pLights; pLight; pLight = pLight->m_pNext) if (pLight->IsSelected()) i++; Clipboard->Write(&i, sizeof(i)); for (pLight = m_pLights; pLight; pLight = pLight->m_pNext) if (pLight->IsSelected()) pLight->FileSave(Clipboard); */ if (id == LC_EDIT_CUT) { RemoveSelectedObjects(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint("Cutting"); } g_App->ExportClipboard(Clipboard); } break; case LC_EDIT_PASTE: { lcFile* file = g_App->mClipboard; if (file == NULL) break; file->Seek(0, SEEK_SET); ClearSelection(false); lcArray PastedPieces; int NumPieces; file->ReadBuffer(&NumPieces, sizeof(NumPieces)); while (NumPieces--) { lcPiece* Piece = new lcPiece(NULL); Piece->FileLoad(*file); PastedPieces.Add(Piece); } lcArray Groups; int NumGroups; file->ReadBuffer(&NumGroups, sizeof(NumGroups)); while (NumGroups--) { lcGroup* Group = new lcGroup(); Group->FileLoad(file); Groups.Add(Group); } for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < PastedPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = PastedPieces[PieceIdx]; Piece->CreateName(mPieces); Piece->SetStepShow(mCurrentStep); mPieces.Add(Piece); Piece->SetSelected(true); int GroupIndex = LC_POINTER_TO_INT(Piece->GetGroup()); if (GroupIndex != -1) Piece->SetGroup(Groups[GroupIndex]); else Piece->SetGroup(NULL); } for (int GroupIdx = 0; GroupIdx < Groups.GetSize(); GroupIdx++) { lcGroup* Group = Groups[GroupIdx]; int GroupIndex = LC_POINTER_TO_INT(Group->mGroup); Group->mGroup = (GroupIndex != -1) ? Groups[GroupIndex] : NULL; } for (int GroupIdx = 0; GroupIdx < Groups.GetSize(); GroupIdx++) { lcGroup* Group = Groups[GroupIdx]; bool Add = false; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < PastedPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = PastedPieces[PieceIdx]; for (lcGroup* PieceGroup = Piece->GetGroup(); PieceGroup; PieceGroup = PieceGroup->mGroup) { if (PieceGroup == Group) { Add = true; break; } } if (Add) break; } if (Add) { int a, max = 0; for (int SearchGroupIdx = 0; SearchGroupIdx < mGroups.GetSize(); SearchGroupIdx++) { lcGroup* SearchGroup = mGroups[SearchGroupIdx]; if (strncmp("Pasted Group #", SearchGroup ->m_strName, 14) == 0) if (sscanf(SearchGroup ->m_strName + 14, "%d", &a) == 1) if (a > max) max = a; } sprintf(Group->m_strName, "Pasted Group #%.2d", max+1); mGroups.Add(Group); } else delete Group; } int NumCameras; file->ReadBuffer(&NumCameras, sizeof(NumCameras)); while (NumCameras--) { lcCamera* pCamera = new lcCamera(false); pCamera->FileLoad(*file); pCamera->CreateName(mCameras); pCamera->SetSelected(true); mCameras.Add(pCamera); } // TODO: lights CalculateStep(); CheckPoint("Pasting"); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } break; case LC_EDIT_FIND: if (gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_FIND, &gMainWindow->mSearchOptions)) FindPiece(true, true); break; case LC_EDIT_FIND_NEXT: FindPiece(false, true); break; case LC_EDIT_FIND_PREVIOUS: FindPiece(false, false); break; case LC_EDIT_SELECT_ALL: SelectAllPieces(); break; case LC_EDIT_SELECT_NONE: ClearSelection(true); break; case LC_EDIT_SELECT_INVERT: { for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(!Piece->IsSelected()); } gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } break; case LC_EDIT_SELECT_BY_NAME: { lcSelectDialogOptions Options; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) Options.Selection.Add(mPieces[PieceIdx]->IsSelected()); for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) if (mCameras[CameraIdx]->IsVisible()) Options.Selection.Add(mCameras[CameraIdx]->IsSelected()); for (int LightIdx = 0; LightIdx < mLights.GetSize(); LightIdx++) if (mLights[LightIdx]->IsVisible()) Options.Selection.Add(mLights[LightIdx]->IsSelected()); if (Options.Selection.GetSize() == 0) { gMainWindow->DoMessageBox("Nothing to select.", LC_MB_OK | LC_MB_ICONINFORMATION); break; } if (!gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_SELECT_BY_NAME, &Options)) break; ClearSelection(false); int ObjectIndex = 0; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++, ObjectIndex++) if (Options.Selection[ObjectIndex]) mPieces[PieceIdx]->SetSelected(true); for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++, ObjectIndex++) if (Options.Selection[ObjectIndex]) mCameras[CameraIdx]->SetSelected(true); for (int LightIdx = 0; LightIdx < mLights.GetSize(); LightIdx++) if (Options.Selection[ObjectIndex]) mLights[LightIdx]->SetSelected(true); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); } break; case LC_VIEW_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL: gMainWindow->SplitHorizontal(); break; case LC_VIEW_SPLIT_VERTICAL: gMainWindow->SplitVertical(); break; case LC_VIEW_REMOVE_VIEW: gMainWindow->RemoveView(); break; case LC_VIEW_RESET_VIEWS: gMainWindow->ResetViews(); break; case LC_VIEW_FULLSCREEN: gMainWindow->ToggleFullScreen(); break; case LC_VIEW_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE: { View* ActiveView = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); lcCamera* Camera = ActiveView->mCamera; Camera->SetOrtho(false); if (Camera->IsFocused()) gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(Camera); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdatePerspective(); } break; case LC_VIEW_PROJECTION_ORTHO: { View* ActiveView = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); lcCamera* Camera = ActiveView->mCamera; Camera->SetOrtho(true); if (Camera->IsFocused()) gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(Camera); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdatePerspective(); } break; case LC_VIEW_PROJECTION_FOCUS: { lcVector3 FocusVector; GetSelectionCenter(FocusVector); gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->mCamera->SetFocalPoint(FocusVector, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } break; case LC_PIECE_INSERT: { PieceInfo* CurPiece = gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->GetCurrentPiece(); if (!CurPiece) break; lcPiece* Last = mPieces.IsEmpty() ? NULL : mPieces[mPieces.GetSize() - 1]; lcPiece* pPiece = new lcPiece(CurPiece); for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsFocused()) { Last = Piece; break; } } if (Last != NULL) { lcVector3 Pos; lcVector4 Rot; GetPieceInsertPosition(Last, Pos, Rot); pPiece->Initialize(Pos, Rot, mCurrentStep); pPiece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); } else pPiece->Initialize(lcVector3(0, 0, 0), lcVector4(0, 0, 1, 0), mCurrentStep); pPiece->SetColorIndex(gMainWindow->mColorIndex); pPiece->CreateName(mPieces); mPieces.Add(pPiece); ClearSelectionAndSetFocus(pPiece, LC_PIECE_SECTION_POSITION); CheckPoint("Inserting"); } break; case LC_PIECE_DELETE: { if (RemoveSelectedObjects()) { gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(NULL); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint("Deleting"); } } break; case LC_PIECE_MOVE_PLUSX: case LC_PIECE_MOVE_MINUSX: case LC_PIECE_MOVE_PLUSY: case LC_PIECE_MOVE_MINUSY: case LC_PIECE_MOVE_PLUSZ: case LC_PIECE_MOVE_MINUSZ: case LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSX: case LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSX: case LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSY: case LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSY: case LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSZ: case LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSZ: { lcVector3 axis; bool Rotate = id >= LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSX && id <= LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSZ; if (Rotate) { axis[0] = axis[1] = axis[2] = lcMax(gMainWindow->GetAngleSnap(), 1); } else { axis[0] = axis[1] = gMainWindow->GetMoveXYSnap(); axis[2] = gMainWindow->GetMoveZSnap(); if (!axis[0])// || bControl) axis[0] = 0.01f; if (!axis[1])// || bControl) axis[1] = 0.01f; if (!axis[2])// || bControl) axis[2] = 0.01f; } if (id == LC_PIECE_MOVE_PLUSX || id == LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSX) axis = lcVector3(axis[0], 0, 0); else if (id == LC_PIECE_MOVE_MINUSX || id == LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSX) axis = lcVector3(-axis[0], 0, 0); else if (id == LC_PIECE_MOVE_PLUSY || id == LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSY) axis = lcVector3(0, axis[1], 0); else if (id == LC_PIECE_MOVE_MINUSY || id == LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSY) axis = lcVector3(0, -axis[1], 0); else if (id == LC_PIECE_MOVE_PLUSZ || id == LC_PIECE_ROTATE_PLUSZ) axis = lcVector3(0, 0, axis[2]); else if (id == LC_PIECE_MOVE_MINUSZ || id == LC_PIECE_ROTATE_MINUSZ) axis = lcVector3(0, 0, -axis[2]); if (!lcGetPreferences().mFixedAxes) { // TODO: rewrite this lcVector3 Pts[3] = { lcVector3(5.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f), lcVector3(10.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f), lcVector3(5.0f, 10.0f, 0.1f) }; gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->UnprojectPoints(Pts, 3); float ax, ay; lcVector3 vx((Pts[1][0] - Pts[0][0]), (Pts[1][1] - Pts[0][1]), 0);//Pts[1][2] - Pts[0][2] }; vx.Normalize(); lcVector3 x(1, 0, 0); ax = acosf(lcDot(vx, x)); lcVector3 vy((Pts[2][0] - Pts[0][0]), (Pts[2][1] - Pts[0][1]), 0);//Pts[2][2] - Pts[0][2] }; vy.Normalize(); lcVector3 y(0, -1, 0); ay = acosf(lcDot(vy, y)); if (ax > 135) axis[0] = -axis[0]; if (ay < 45) axis[1] = -axis[1]; if (ax >= 45 && ax <= 135) { float tmp = axis[0]; ax = acosf(lcDot(vx, y)); if (ax > 90) { axis[0] = -axis[1]; axis[1] = tmp; } else { axis[0] = axis[1]; axis[1] = -tmp; } } } if (Rotate) RotateSelectedPieces(axis); else MoveSelectedObjects(axis, axis); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint(Rotate ? "Rotating" : "Moving"); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); } break; case LC_PIECE_MINIFIG_WIZARD: ShowMinifigDialog(); break; case LC_PIECE_ARRAY: ShowArrayDialog(); break; case LC_PIECE_GROUP: GroupSelection(); break; case LC_PIECE_UNGROUP: UngroupSelection(); break; case LC_PIECE_GROUP_ADD: AddSelectedPiecesToGroup(); break; case LC_PIECE_GROUP_REMOVE: RemoveFocusPieceFromGroup(); break; case LC_PIECE_GROUP_EDIT: ShowEditGroupsDialog(); break; case LC_PIECE_HIDE_SELECTED: HideSelectedPieces(); break; case LC_PIECE_HIDE_UNSELECTED: HideUnselectedPieces(); break; case LC_PIECE_UNHIDE_ALL: UnhideAllPieces(); break; case LC_PIECE_SHOW_EARLIER: { bool Redraw = false; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsSelected()) { lcStep Step = Piece->GetStepShow(); if (Step > 1) { Redraw = true; Piece->SetStepShow(Step - 1); } } } if (Redraw) { CheckPoint("Modifying"); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); UpdateSelection(); } } break; case LC_PIECE_SHOW_LATER: { bool Redraw = false; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsSelected()) { lcStep Step = Piece->GetStepShow(); if (Step < LC_STEP_MAX) { Step++; Redraw = true; Piece->SetStepShow(Step); if (Step > mCurrentStep) Piece->SetSelected(false); } } } if (Redraw) { CheckPoint("Modifying"); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); UpdateSelection(); } } break; case LC_VIEW_PREFERENCES: g_App->ShowPreferencesDialog(); break; case LC_VIEW_ZOOM_IN: Zoom(gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->mCamera, -10.0f); break; case LC_VIEW_ZOOM_OUT: Zoom(gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->mCamera, 10.0f); break; case LC_VIEW_ZOOM_EXTENTS: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->ZoomExtents(); break; case LC_VIEW_LOOK_AT: { lcVector3 Center; if (!GetSelectionCenter(Center)) { float BoundingBox[6]; if (GetPiecesBoundingBox(BoundingBox)) Center = lcVector3((BoundingBox[0] + BoundingBox[3]) / 2, (BoundingBox[1] + BoundingBox[4]) / 2, (BoundingBox[2] + BoundingBox[5]) / 2); else Center = lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->mCamera->Center(Center, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); break; } case LC_VIEW_TIME_NEXT: { if (mCurrentStep == LC_STEP_MAX) break; mCurrentStep++; CalculateStep(); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); } break; case LC_VIEW_TIME_PREVIOUS: { if (mCurrentStep == 1) break; mCurrentStep--; CalculateStep(); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); } break; case LC_VIEW_TIME_FIRST: { mCurrentStep = 1; CalculateStep(); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); } break; case LC_VIEW_TIME_LAST: { mCurrentStep = GetLastStep(); CalculateStep(); UpdateSelection(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentStep(); } break; case LC_VIEW_TIME_INSERT: { for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; Piece->InsertTime(mCurrentStep, 1); if (Piece->IsSelected() && !Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(false); } for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) mCameras[CameraIdx]->InsertTime(mCurrentStep, 1); for (int LightIdx = 0; LightIdx < mLights.GetSize(); LightIdx++) mLights[LightIdx]->InsertTime(mCurrentStep, 1); CheckPoint("Adding Step"); CalculateStep(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); UpdateSelection(); } break; case LC_VIEW_TIME_DELETE: { for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; Piece->RemoveTime(mCurrentStep, 1); if (Piece->IsSelected() && !Piece->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Piece->SetSelected(false); } for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) mCameras[CameraIdx]->RemoveTime(mCurrentStep, 1); for (int LightIdx = 0; LightIdx < mLights.GetSize(); LightIdx++) mLights[LightIdx]->RemoveTime(mCurrentStep, 1); CheckPoint("Removing Step"); CalculateStep(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); UpdateSelection(); } break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_FRONT: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_FRONT); break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_BACK: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_BACK); break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_TOP: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_TOP); break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_BOTTOM: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_BOTTOM); break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_LEFT: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_LEFT); break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_RIGHT: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_RIGHT); break; case LC_VIEW_VIEWPOINT_HOME: gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->SetViewpoint(LC_VIEWPOINT_HOME); break; case LC_VIEW_CAMERA_NONE: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA1: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA2: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA3: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA4: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA5: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA6: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA7: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA8: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA9: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA10: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA11: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA12: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA13: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA14: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA15: case LC_VIEW_CAMERA16: { View* ActiveView = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); lcCamera* Camera = NULL; if (id == LC_VIEW_CAMERA_NONE) { Camera = ActiveView->mCamera; if (!Camera->IsSimple()) { ActiveView->SetCamera(Camera, true); Camera = ActiveView->mCamera; } } else { if (id - LC_VIEW_CAMERA1 < mCameras.GetSize()) { Camera = mCameras[id - LC_VIEW_CAMERA1]; ActiveView->SetCamera(Camera, false); } else break; } gMainWindow->UpdateCurrentCamera(mCameras.FindIndex(ActiveView->mCamera)); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } break; case LC_VIEW_CAMERA_RESET: { const lcArray Views = gMainWindow->GetViews(); for (int ViewIdx = 0; ViewIdx < Views.GetSize(); ViewIdx++) Views[ViewIdx]->SetDefaultCamera(); for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) delete mCameras[CameraIdx]; mCameras.RemoveAll(); gMainWindow->UpdateCameraMenu(); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } break; case LC_HELP_HOMEPAGE: g_App->OpenURL("http://www.leocad.org/"); break; case LC_HELP_EMAIL: g_App->OpenURL("mailto:leozide@gmail.com?subject=LeoCAD"); break; case LC_HELP_UPDATES: gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_CHECK_UPDATES, NULL); break; case LC_HELP_ABOUT: { String Info; char Text[256]; gMainWindow->GetActiveView()->MakeCurrent(); GLint Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Depth, Stencil; GLboolean DoubleBuffer, RGBA; glGetIntegerv(GL_RED_BITS, &Red); glGetIntegerv(GL_GREEN_BITS, &Green); glGetIntegerv(GL_BLUE_BITS, &Blue); glGetIntegerv(GL_ALPHA_BITS, &Alpha); glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_BITS, &Depth); glGetIntegerv(GL_STENCIL_BITS, &Stencil); glGetBooleanv(GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &DoubleBuffer); glGetBooleanv(GL_RGBA_MODE, &RGBA); Info = "OpenGL Version "; Info += (const char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION); Info += "\n"; Info += (const char*)glGetString(GL_RENDERER); Info += " - "; Info += (const char*)glGetString(GL_VENDOR); sprintf(Text, "\n\nColor Buffer: %d bits %s %s", Red + Green + Blue + Alpha, RGBA ? "RGBA" : "indexed", DoubleBuffer ? "double buffered" : ""); Info += Text; sprintf(Text, "\nDepth Buffer: %d bits", Depth); Info += Text; sprintf(Text, "\nStencil Buffer: %d bits", Stencil); Info += Text; Info += "\nGL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension: "; Info += GL_HasVertexBufferObject() ? "supported" : "not supported"; Info += "\nGL_ARB_framebuffer_object extension: "; Info += GL_HasFramebufferObjectARB() ? "supported" : "not supported"; Info += "\nGL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension: "; Info += GL_HasFramebufferObjectEXT() ? "supported" : "not supported"; Info += "\nGL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension: "; if (GL_SupportsAnisotropic) { sprintf(Text, "supported (max %d)", (int)GL_MaxAnisotropy); Info += Text; } else Info += "not supported"; gMainWindow->DoDialog(LC_DIALOG_ABOUT, (char*)Info); } break; case LC_VIEW_TIME_ADD_KEYS: gMainWindow->SetAddKeys(!gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); break; case LC_EDIT_SNAP_RELATIVE: { lcPreferences& Preferences = lcGetPreferences(); Preferences.SetForceGlobalTransforms(!Preferences.mForceGlobalTransforms); } break; case LC_EDIT_LOCK_X: gMainWindow->SetLockX(!gMainWindow->GetLockX()); break; case LC_EDIT_LOCK_Y: gMainWindow->SetLockY(!gMainWindow->GetLockY()); break; case LC_EDIT_LOCK_Z: gMainWindow->SetLockZ(!gMainWindow->GetLockZ()); break; case LC_EDIT_LOCK_NONE: gMainWindow->SetLockX(false); gMainWindow->SetLockY(false); gMainWindow->SetLockZ(false); break; case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY0: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY1: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY2: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY3: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY4: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY5: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY6: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY7: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY8: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY9: gMainWindow->SetMoveXYSnapIndex(id - LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_XY0); break; case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z0: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z1: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z2: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z3: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z4: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z5: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z6: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z7: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z8: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z9: gMainWindow->SetMoveZSnapIndex(id - LC_EDIT_SNAP_MOVE_Z0); break; case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE0: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE1: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE2: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE3: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE4: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE5: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE6: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE7: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE8: case LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE9: gMainWindow->SetAngleSnapIndex(id - LC_EDIT_SNAP_ANGLE0); break; case LC_EDIT_TRANSFORM: TransformSelectedObjects(gMainWindow->GetTransformType(), gMainWindow->GetTransformAmount()); break; case LC_EDIT_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_TRANSLATION: case LC_EDIT_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_TRANSLATION: case LC_EDIT_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_ROTATION: case LC_EDIT_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_ROTATION: gMainWindow->SetTransformType((lcTransformType)(id - LC_EDIT_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_TRANSLATION)); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_SELECT: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_SELECT); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_INSERT: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_INSERT); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_LIGHT: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_LIGHT); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_SPOTLIGHT: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_SPOTLIGHT); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_CAMERA: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_CAMERA); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_MOVE: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_MOVE); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_ROTATE: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_ROTATE); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_DELETE: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_ERASER); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_PAINT: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_PAINT); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_ZOOM: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_ZOOM); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_ZOOM_REGION: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_ZOOM_REGION); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_PAN: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_PAN); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_ROTATE_VIEW: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_ROTATE_VIEW); break; case LC_EDIT_ACTION_ROLL: gMainWindow->SetTool(LC_TOOL_ROLL); break; case LC_EDIT_CANCEL: { View* ActiveView = gMainWindow->GetActiveView(); if (ActiveView && ActiveView->mTrackButton != LC_TRACKBUTTON_NONE) ActiveView->StopTracking(false); else ClearSelection(true); } break; case LC_NUM_COMMANDS: break; } } // Find a good starting position/orientation relative to an existing piece. void Project::GetPieceInsertPosition(lcPiece* OffsetPiece, lcVector3& Position, lcVector4& Rotation) { PieceInfo* CurPiece = gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->GetCurrentPiece(); lcVector3 Dist(0, 0, OffsetPiece->mPieceInfo->m_fDimensions[2] - CurPiece->m_fDimensions[5]); Dist = SnapPosition(Dist); Position = lcMul31(Dist, OffsetPiece->mModelWorld); Rotation = OffsetPiece->mRotation; } // Try to find a good starting position/orientation for a new piece. void Project::GetPieceInsertPosition(View* view, lcVector3& Position, lcVector4& Rotation) { // Check if the mouse is over a piece. lcPiece* HitPiece = (lcPiece*)view->FindObjectUnderPointer(true).Object; if (HitPiece) { GetPieceInsertPosition(HitPiece, Position, Rotation); return; } // Try to hit the base grid. lcVector3 ClickPoints[2] = { lcVector3((float)view->mInputState.x, (float)view->mInputState.y, 0.0f), lcVector3((float)view->mInputState.x, (float)view->mInputState.y, 1.0f) }; view->UnprojectPoints(ClickPoints, 2); PieceInfo* CurPiece = gMainWindow->mPreviewWidget->GetCurrentPiece(); lcVector3 Intersection; if (lcLinePlaneIntersection(&Intersection, ClickPoints[0], ClickPoints[1], lcVector4(0, 0, 1, CurPiece->m_fDimensions[5]))) { Intersection = SnapPosition(Intersection); Position = Intersection; Rotation = lcVector4(0, 0, 1, 0); return; } // Couldn't find a good position, so just place the piece somewhere near the camera. Position = view->UnprojectPoint(lcVector3((float)view->mInputState.x, (float)view->mInputState.y, 0.9f)); Rotation = lcVector4(0, 0, 1, 0); } void Project::TransformSelectedObjects(lcTransformType Type, const lcVector3& Transform) { switch (Type) { case LC_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_TRANSLATION: { float bs[6] = { 10000, 10000, 10000, -10000, -10000, -10000 }; lcVector3 Center; int nSel = 0; lcPiece* pFocus = NULL; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsSelected()) { if (Piece->IsFocused()) pFocus = Piece; Piece->CompareBoundingBox(bs); nSel++; } } if (pFocus != NULL) Center = pFocus->mPosition; else Center = lcVector3((bs[0]+bs[3])/2, (bs[1]+bs[4])/2, (bs[2]+bs[5])/2); lcVector3 Offset = Transform - Center; for (int CameraIdx = 0; CameraIdx < mCameras.GetSize(); CameraIdx++) { lcCamera* pCamera = mCameras[CameraIdx]; if (pCamera->IsSelected()) { pCamera->Move(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), Offset); pCamera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); } } for (int LightIdx = 0; LightIdx < mLights.GetSize(); LightIdx++) { lcLight* pLight = mLights[LightIdx]; if (pLight->IsSelected()) { pLight->Move(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), Offset); pLight->UpdatePosition (mCurrentStep); } } for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->Move(mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys(), Offset); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); } } if (nSel) { gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint("Moving"); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); } } break; case LC_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_TRANSLATION: { /* lcVector3 Move(Transform); if (MoveSelectedObjects(Move, false, false)) { gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint("Moving"); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); }*/ } break; case LC_TRANSFORM_ABSOLUTE_ROTATION: { // Create the rotation matrix. lcVector4 RotationQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1); if (Transform[0] != 0.0f) { lcVector4 q = lcQuaternionRotationX(Transform[0] * LC_DTOR); RotationQuaternion = lcQuaternionMultiply(q, RotationQuaternion); } if (Transform[1] != 0.0f) { lcVector4 q = lcQuaternionRotationY(Transform[1] * LC_DTOR); RotationQuaternion = lcQuaternionMultiply(q, RotationQuaternion); } if (Transform[2] != 0.0f) { lcVector4 q = lcQuaternionRotationZ(Transform[2] * LC_DTOR); RotationQuaternion = lcQuaternionMultiply(q, RotationQuaternion); } lcVector4 NewRotation = lcQuaternionToAxisAngle(RotationQuaternion); NewRotation[3] *= LC_RTOD; int nSel = 0; for (int PieceIdx = 0; PieceIdx < mPieces.GetSize(); PieceIdx++) { lcPiece* Piece = mPieces[PieceIdx]; if (Piece->IsSelected()) { Piece->SetRotation(NewRotation, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); nSel++; } } if (nSel) { gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint("Rotating"); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); } } break; case LC_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_ROTATION: { lcVector3 Rotate(Transform); if (RotateSelectedPieces(Rotate)) { gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); CheckPoint("Rotating"); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); } } break; } } void Project::ModifyObject(lcObject* Object, lcObjectProperty Property, void* Value) { const char* CheckPointString = NULL; switch (Property) { case LC_PIECE_PROPERTY_POSITION: { const lcVector3& Position = *(lcVector3*)Value; lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; if (Piece->mPosition != Position) { Piece->SetPosition(Position, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Moving"; } } break; case LC_PIECE_PROPERTY_ROTATION: { const lcVector4& Rotation = *(lcVector4*)Value; lcPiece* Piece = (lcPiece*)Object; if (Rotation != Piece->mRotation) { Piece->SetRotation(Rotation, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); Piece->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Rotating"; } } break; case LC_PIECE_PROPERTY_SHOW: { lcStep Step = *(lcStep*)Value; lcPiece* Part = (lcPiece*)Object; if (Step != Part->GetStepShow()) { Part->SetStepShow(Step); if (Part->IsSelected() && !Part->IsVisible(mCurrentStep)) Part->SetSelected(false); CheckPointString = "Show"; } } break; case LC_PIECE_PROPERTY_HIDE: { lcStep Step = *(lcuint32*)Value; lcPiece* Part = (lcPiece*)Object; if (Step != Part->GetStepHide()) { Part->SetStepHide(Step); CheckPointString = "Hide"; } } break; case LC_PIECE_PROPERTY_COLOR: { int ColorIndex = *(int*)Value; lcPiece* Part = (lcPiece*)Object; if (ColorIndex != Part->mColorIndex) { Part->SetColorIndex(ColorIndex); CheckPointString = "Color"; } } break; case LC_PIECE_PROPERTY_ID: { lcPiece* Part = (lcPiece*)Object; PieceInfo* Info = (PieceInfo*)Value; if (Info != Part->mPieceInfo) { Part->mPieceInfo->Release(); Part->mPieceInfo = Info; Part->mPieceInfo->AddRef(); CheckPointString = "Part"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_POSITION: { const lcVector3& Position = *(lcVector3*)Value; lcCamera* Camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (Camera->mPosition != Position) { Camera->SetPosition(Position, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_TARGET: { const lcVector3& TargetPosition = *(lcVector3*)Value; lcCamera* Camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (Camera->mTargetPosition != TargetPosition) { Camera->SetTargetPosition(TargetPosition, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_UPVECTOR: { const lcVector3& Up = *(lcVector3*)Value; lcCamera* Camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (Camera->mUpVector != Up) { Camera->SetUpVector(Up, mCurrentStep, gMainWindow->GetAddKeys()); Camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_ORTHO: { bool Ortho = *(bool*)Value; lcCamera* camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (camera->IsOrtho() != Ortho) { camera->SetOrtho(Ortho); camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_FOV: { float FOV = *(float*)Value; lcCamera* camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (camera->m_fovy != FOV) { camera->m_fovy = FOV; camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_NEAR: { float Near = *(float*)Value; lcCamera* camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (camera->m_zNear != Near) { camera->m_zNear= Near; camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_FAR: { float Far = *(float*)Value; lcCamera* camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (camera->m_zFar != Far) { camera->m_zFar = Far; camera->UpdatePosition(mCurrentStep); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } break; case LC_CAMERA_PROPERTY_NAME: { const char* Name = (const char*)Value; lcCamera* camera = (lcCamera*)Object; if (strcmp(camera->m_strName, Name)) { strncpy(camera->m_strName, Name, sizeof(camera->m_strName)); camera->m_strName[sizeof(camera->m_strName) - 1] = 0; gMainWindow->UpdateCameraMenu(); CheckPointString = "Camera"; } } } if (CheckPointString) { CheckPoint(CheckPointString); gMainWindow->UpdateFocusObject(GetFocusObject()); gMainWindow->UpdateAllViews(); } } // Indicates if the existing string represents an instance of the candidate // string in the form " (#)". // // Returns: // -1 if existing is not an instance of candidate. // 0 if existing is an instance but not numbered. // >= 1 indicates the existing instance number. // int Project::InstanceOfName(const String& existingString, const String& candidateString, String& baseNameOut) { int einst = 0; String estr = existingString; estr.TrimLeft(); estr.TrimRight(); int div = estr.ReverseFind('#'); if (-1 != div) { char* endptr; einst = strtol(estr.Mid(div + 1), &endptr, 10); if (!*endptr) { estr = estr.Left(div); estr.TrimRight(); } } String cstr = candidateString; cstr.TrimLeft(); cstr.TrimRight(); div = cstr.ReverseFind('#'); if (-1 != div) { char* endptr; int Value = strtol(cstr.Mid(div + 1), &endptr, 10); (void)Value; if (!*endptr) { cstr = cstr.Left(div); cstr.TrimRight(); } } if (estr.CompareNoCase(cstr)) return -1; baseNameOut = estr; return einst; }