#include "lc_global.h" #include "lc_synth.h" #include "lc_library.h" #include "lc_application.h" #include "lc_file.h" #include "pieceinf.h" #include void lcSynthInit() { lcPiecesLibrary* Library = lcGetPiecesLibrary(); struct lcHoseInfo { const char* PartID; lcSynthType Type; float Length; int NumSections; }; lcHoseInfo HoseInfo[] = { { "72504.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 31.25f, 4 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 2L { "72706.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 50.00f, 7 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 3L { "71952.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 75.00f, 11 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 4L { "71944.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 112.50f, 17 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 6L { "71951.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 143.75f, 22 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 8L { "71986.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 212.50f, 33 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 11L { "43675.dat", lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE, 375.00f, 58 }, // Technic Ribbed Hose 19L { "32580.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 120.00f, 15 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 7 { "32199.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 200.00f, 35 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 11 { "55709.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 200.00f, 35 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 11 { "32200.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 220.00f, 40 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 12 { "32201.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 260.00f, 50 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 14 { "32202.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 300.00f, 60 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 16 { "32235.dat", lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE, 360.00f, 75 }, // Technic Axle Flexible 19 { "76384.dat", lcSynthType::STRING_BRAIDED, 200.00f, 46 }, // String Braided 11L with End Studs { "75924.dat", lcSynthType::STRING_BRAIDED, 400.00f, 96 }, // String Braided 21L with End Studs { "572C02.dat", lcSynthType::STRING_BRAIDED, 800.00f, 196 }, // String Braided 41L with End Studs { "73129.dat", lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER, 110.00f, 1 }, // Technic Shock Absorber 6.5L { "41838.dat", lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER, 110.00f, 1 }, // Technic Shock Absorber 6.5L Soft { "76138.dat", lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER, 110.00f, 1 }, // Technic Shock Absorber 6.5L Stiff { "76537.dat", lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER, 110.00f, 1 }, // Technic Shock Absorber 6.5L Extra Stiff { "61927C01.dat", lcSynthType::ACTUATOR, 270.00f, 1 }, // Technic Power Functions Linear Actuator (Extended) { "61927.dat", lcSynthType::ACTUATOR, 170.00f, 1 } // Technic Power Functions Linear Actuator (Contracted) }; for (unsigned int InfoIdx = 0; InfoIdx < sizeof(HoseInfo) / sizeof(HoseInfo[0]); InfoIdx++) { PieceInfo* Info = Library->FindPiece(HoseInfo[InfoIdx].PartID, nullptr, false, false); if (Info) Info->SetSynthInfo(new lcSynthInfo(HoseInfo[InfoIdx].Type, HoseInfo[InfoIdx].Length, HoseInfo[InfoIdx].NumSections, Info)); } // "758C01" // Hose Flexible 12L // "73590A" // Hose Flexible 8.5L without Tabs // "73590B" // Hose Flexible 8.5L with Tabs } lcSynthInfo::lcSynthInfo(lcSynthType Type, float Length, int NumSections, PieceInfo* Info) : mPieceInfo(Info), mType(Type), mLength(Length), mNumSections(NumSections) { float EdgeSectionLength = 0.0f; float MidSectionLength = 0.0f; switch (mType) { case lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE: EdgeSectionLength = 6.25f; MidSectionLength = 6.25f; mRigidEdges = false; mCurve = true; break; case lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE: EdgeSectionLength = 30.0f; MidSectionLength = 4.0f; mRigidEdges = true; mCurve = true; break; case lcSynthType::STRING_BRAIDED: EdgeSectionLength = 8.0f; MidSectionLength = 4.0f; mRigidEdges = true; mCurve = true; break; case lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER: case lcSynthType::ACTUATOR: EdgeSectionLength = 0.0f; MidSectionLength = 0.0f; mRigidEdges = false; mCurve = false; break; } if (mType != lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER && mType != lcSynthType::ACTUATOR) { mStart.Transform = lcMatrix44(lcMatrix33(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); mMiddle.Transform = lcMatrix44Identity(); mEnd.Transform = lcMatrix44(lcMatrix33(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); } else { mStart.Transform = lcMatrix44Identity(); mMiddle.Transform = lcMatrix44Identity(); mEnd.Transform = lcMatrix44Identity(); } mStart.Length = EdgeSectionLength; mMiddle.Length = MidSectionLength; mEnd.Length = EdgeSectionLength; } void lcSynthInfo::GetDefaultControlPoints(lcArray& ControlPoints) const { ControlPoints.SetSize(2); float Scale = 1.0f; switch (mType) { case lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE: Scale = 80.0f; break; case lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE: Scale = 12.0f; break; case lcSynthType::STRING_BRAIDED: Scale = 12.0f; break; case lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER: case lcSynthType::ACTUATOR: Scale = 1.0f; break; } float HalfLength = mLength / 2.0f; Scale = lcMin(Scale, HalfLength); switch (mType) { default: ControlPoints[0].Transform = lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(-HalfLength, 0.0f, 0.0f)); ControlPoints[1].Transform = lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3( HalfLength, 0.0f, 0.0f)); break; case lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER: ControlPoints[0].Transform = lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -mLength)); ControlPoints[1].Transform = lcMatrix44Translation(lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); break; case lcSynthType::ACTUATOR: ControlPoints[0].Transform = lcMatrix44(lcMatrix33(lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); ControlPoints[1].Transform = lcMatrix44(lcMatrix33(lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), lcVector3(0.0f, mLength, 0.0f)); break; } ControlPoints[0].Scale = Scale; ControlPoints[1].Scale = Scale; } float lcSynthInfo::GetSectionTwist(const lcMatrix44& StartTransform, const lcMatrix44& EndTransform) const { lcVector3 StartTangent(StartTransform[1].x, StartTransform[1].y, StartTransform[1].z); lcVector3 EndTangent(EndTransform[1].x, EndTransform[1].y, EndTransform[1].z); lcVector3 StartUp(StartTransform[2].x, StartTransform[2].y, StartTransform[2].z); lcVector3 EndUp(EndTransform[2].x, EndTransform[2].y, EndTransform[2].z); float TangentDot = lcDot(StartTangent, EndTangent); float UpDot = lcDot(StartUp, EndUp); if (TangentDot > 0.99f && UpDot > 0.99f) return 0.0f; if (fabs(TangentDot) > 0.99f) { return acosf(lcClamp(lcDot(EndUp, StartUp), -1.0f, 1.0f)); } else if (TangentDot > -0.99f) { lcVector3 Axis = lcCross(StartTangent, EndTangent); float Angle = acosf(lcClamp(TangentDot, -1.0f, 1.0f)); lcMatrix33 Rotation = lcMatrix33FromAxisAngle(Axis, Angle); lcVector3 AdjustedStartUp = lcMul(StartUp, Rotation); return acosf(lcClamp(lcDot(EndUp, AdjustedStartUp), -1.0f, 1.0f)); } lcVector3 StartSide(StartTransform[0].x, StartTransform[0].y, StartTransform[0].z); lcVector3 EndSide(EndTransform[0].x, EndTransform[0].y, EndTransform[0].z); float SideDot = lcDot(StartSide, EndSide); if (fabs(SideDot) < 0.99f) { lcVector3 Axis = lcCross(StartSide, EndSide); float Angle = acosf(SideDot); lcMatrix33 Rotation = lcMatrix33FromAxisAngle(Axis, Angle); lcVector3 AdjustedStartUp = lcMul(StartUp, Rotation); return acosf(lcClamp(lcDot(EndUp, AdjustedStartUp), -1.0f, 1.0f)); } return 0.0f; } void lcSynthInfo::CalculateCurveSections(const lcArray& ControlPoints, lcArray& Sections, void (*SectionCallback)(const lcVector3& CurvePoint, int SegmentIndex, float t, void* Param), void* CallbackParam) const { float SectionLength = 0.0f; for (int ControlPointIdx = 0; ControlPointIdx < ControlPoints.GetSize() - 1 && Sections.GetSize() < mNumSections + 2; ControlPointIdx++) { lcVector3 SegmentControlPoints[4]; lcMatrix44 StartTransform = lcMatrix44LeoCADToLDraw(ControlPoints[ControlPointIdx].Transform); lcMatrix44 EndTransform = lcMatrix44LeoCADToLDraw(ControlPoints[ControlPointIdx + 1].Transform); StartTransform = lcMatrix44(lcMul(lcMul(lcMatrix33(mStart.Transform), lcMatrix33(StartTransform)), lcMatrix33Scale(lcVector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f))), StartTransform.GetTranslation()); if (ControlPointIdx == 0) { if (mRigidEdges) { StartTransform.SetTranslation(lcMul30(lcVector3(0.0f, mStart.Length, 0.0f), StartTransform) + StartTransform.GetTranslation()); SectionLength = 0.0f; } else SectionLength = mStart.Length; Sections.Add(StartTransform); } EndTransform = lcMatrix44(lcMul(lcMul(lcMatrix33(mEnd.Transform), lcMatrix33(EndTransform)), lcMatrix33Scale(lcVector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f))), EndTransform.GetTranslation()); SegmentControlPoints[0] = StartTransform.GetTranslation(); SegmentControlPoints[1] = lcMul31(lcVector3(0.0f, ControlPoints[ControlPointIdx].Scale, 0.0f), StartTransform); SegmentControlPoints[2] = lcMul31(lcVector3(0.0f, -ControlPoints[ControlPointIdx + 1].Scale, 0.0f), EndTransform); SegmentControlPoints[3] = EndTransform.GetTranslation(); const int NumCurvePoints = 8192; lcArray CurvePoints; CurvePoints.AllocGrow(NumCurvePoints); for (int PointIdx = 0; PointIdx < NumCurvePoints; PointIdx++) { float t = (float)PointIdx / (float)(NumCurvePoints - 1); float it = 1.0f - t; lcVector3 Position = it * it * it * SegmentControlPoints[0] + it * it * 3.0f * t * SegmentControlPoints[1] + it * 3.0 * t * t * SegmentControlPoints[2] + t * t * t * SegmentControlPoints[3]; CurvePoints.Add(Position); } float CurrentSegmentLength = 0.0f; float TotalSegmentLength = 0.0f; for (int PointIdx = 0; PointIdx < CurvePoints.GetSize() - 1; PointIdx++) TotalSegmentLength += lcLength(CurvePoints[PointIdx] - CurvePoints[PointIdx + 1]); lcVector3 StartUp(lcMul30(lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), StartTransform)); float Twist = GetSectionTwist(StartTransform, EndTransform); int CurrentPointIndex = 0; while (CurrentPointIndex < CurvePoints.GetSize() - 1) { float Length = lcLength(CurvePoints[CurrentPointIndex + 1] - CurvePoints[CurrentPointIndex]); CurrentSegmentLength += Length; SectionLength -= Length; CurrentPointIndex++; if (SectionLength > 0.0f) continue; float t = (float)CurrentPointIndex / (float)(NumCurvePoints - 1); float it = 1.0f - t; lcVector3 Tangent = lcNormalize(-3.0f * it * it * SegmentControlPoints[0] + (3.0f * it * it - 6.0f * t * it) * SegmentControlPoints[1] + (-3.0f * t * t + 6.0f * t * it) * SegmentControlPoints[2] + 3.0f * t * t * SegmentControlPoints[3]); lcVector3 Up; if (Twist) { Up = lcMul(StartUp, lcMatrix33FromAxisAngle(Tangent, Twist * (CurrentSegmentLength / TotalSegmentLength))); CurrentSegmentLength = 0.0f; } else Up = StartUp; lcVector3 Side = lcNormalize(lcCross(Tangent, Up)); Up = lcNormalize(lcCross(Side, Tangent)); StartUp = Up; Sections.Add(lcMatrix44(lcMatrix33(Up, Tangent, Side), CurvePoints[CurrentPointIndex])); if (SectionCallback) SectionCallback(CurvePoints[CurrentPointIndex], ControlPointIdx, t, CallbackParam); if (Sections.GetSize() == mNumSections + 2) break; SectionLength += mMiddle.Length; if (Sections.GetSize() == mNumSections + 1 && !mRigidEdges) SectionLength += mEnd.Length; } } while (Sections.GetSize() < mNumSections + 2) { lcMatrix44 EndTransform = lcMatrix44LeoCADToLDraw(ControlPoints[ControlPoints.GetSize() - 1].Transform); EndTransform = lcMatrix44(lcMul(lcMul(lcMatrix33(mEnd.Transform), lcMatrix33(EndTransform)), lcMatrix33Scale(lcVector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f))), EndTransform.GetTranslation()); lcVector3 Position = lcMul31(lcVector3(0.0f, SectionLength, 0.0f), EndTransform); EndTransform.SetTranslation(Position); Sections.Add(EndTransform); if (SectionCallback) SectionCallback(Position, ControlPoints.GetSize() - 1, 1.0f, CallbackParam); SectionLength += mMiddle.Length; if (Sections.GetSize() == mNumSections + 1 && !mRigidEdges) SectionLength += mEnd.Length; } } void lcSynthInfo::CalculateLineSections(const lcArray& ControlPoints, lcArray& Sections, void(*SectionCallback)(const lcVector3& CurvePoint, int SegmentIndex, float t, void* Param), void* CallbackParam) const { for (int ControlPointIdx = 0; ControlPointIdx < ControlPoints.GetSize(); ControlPointIdx++) { lcMatrix44 Transform = lcMatrix44LeoCADToLDraw(ControlPoints[ControlPointIdx].Transform); Sections.Add(Transform); if (SectionCallback) SectionCallback(Transform.GetTranslation(), ControlPointIdx, 1.0f, CallbackParam); } } void lcSynthInfo::AddRibbedHoseParts(lcMemFile& File, const lcArray& Sections) const { char Line[256]; { const int SectionIdx = 0; lcMatrix33 Transform(lcMul(lcMatrix33Scale(lcVector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f)), lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx]))); lcVector3 Offset = Sections[SectionIdx].GetTranslation(); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f 79.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } for (int SectionIdx = 1; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 1; SectionIdx++) { const lcMatrix44& Transform = Sections[SectionIdx]; sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f 80.dat\n", Transform[3][0], Transform[3][1], Transform[3][2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } { const int SectionIdx = Sections.GetSize() - 1; lcMatrix33 Transform(Sections[SectionIdx]); lcVector3 Offset = lcMul31(lcVector3(0.0f, -6.25f, 0.0f), Sections[SectionIdx]); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f 79.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } } void lcSynthInfo::AddFlexibleAxleParts(lcMemFile& File, lcLibraryMeshData& MeshData, const lcArray& Sections) const { char Line[256]; const int NumEdgeParts = 6; lcMatrix33 EdgeTransforms[6] = { lcMatrix33(lcVector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, -5.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)), lcMatrix33(lcVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), lcMatrix33(lcVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), lcMatrix33(lcVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), lcMatrix33(lcVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), lcMatrix33(lcVector3( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)), }; const char* EdgeParts[6] = { "stud3a.dat", "s/faxle1.dat", "s/faxle2.dat", "s/faxle3.dat", "s/faxle4.dat", "s/faxle5.dat" }; for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < NumEdgeParts; PartIdx++) { const int SectionIdx = 0; lcMatrix33 Transform(lcMul(lcMul(EdgeTransforms[PartIdx], lcMatrix33Scale(lcVector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f))), lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx]))); lcVector3 Offset = lcMul31(lcVector3(0.0f, -4.0f * (5 - PartIdx), 0.0f), Sections[SectionIdx]); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2], EdgeParts[PartIdx]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } for (int PartIdx = 0; PartIdx < NumEdgeParts; PartIdx++) { const int SectionIdx = Sections.GetSize() - 1; lcMatrix33 Transform(lcMul(EdgeTransforms[PartIdx], lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx]))); lcVector3 Offset = lcMul31(lcVector3(0.0f, 4.0f * (5 - PartIdx), 0.0f), Sections[SectionIdx]); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2], EdgeParts[PartIdx]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } lcVector3 SectionVertices[16] = { lcVector3(-6.000f, 0.0f, 0.000f), lcVector3(-5.602f, 0.0f, 2.000f), lcVector3(-2.000f, 0.0f, 2.000f), lcVector3(-2.000f, 0.0f, 5.602f), lcVector3( 0.000f, 0.0f, 6.000f), lcVector3( 2.000f, 0.0f, 5.602f), lcVector3( 2.000f, 0.0f, 2.000f), lcVector3( 5.602f, 0.0f, 2.000f), lcVector3( 6.000f, 0.0f, 0.000f), lcVector3( 5.602f, 0.0f, -2.000f), lcVector3( 2.000f, 0.0f, -2.000f), lcVector3( 2.000f, 0.0f, -5.602f), lcVector3( 0.000f, 0.0f, -6.000f), lcVector3(-2.000f, 0.0f, -5.602f), lcVector3(-2.000f, 0.0f, -2.000f), lcVector3(-5.602f, 0.0f, -2.000f) }; int BaseVertex; lcLibraryMeshVertex* VertexBuffer; quint32* IndexBuffer; MeshData.AddVertices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, 16 * (Sections.GetSize() - 1), &BaseVertex, &VertexBuffer); MeshData.AddIndices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, LC_MESH_LINES, 24, 2 * 12 * (Sections.GetSize() - 2), &IndexBuffer); for (int SectionIdx = 1; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize(); SectionIdx++) { for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < 16; VertexIdx++) { VertexBuffer->Position = lcMul31(SectionVertices[VertexIdx], Sections[SectionIdx]); VertexBuffer++; } } int BaseLinesVertex = BaseVertex; for (int SectionIdx = 1; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 1; SectionIdx++) { for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < 16; VertexIdx++) { if (VertexIdx % 4) { *IndexBuffer++ = BaseLinesVertex; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseLinesVertex + 16; } BaseLinesVertex++; } } MeshData.AddIndices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, LC_MESH_TRIANGLES, 16, 6 * 16 * (Sections.GetSize() - 2), &IndexBuffer); for (int SectionIdx = 1; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 1; SectionIdx++) { for (int VertexIdx = 0; VertexIdx < 16; VertexIdx++) { int Vertex1 = BaseVertex + VertexIdx; int Vertex2 = BaseVertex + (VertexIdx + 1) % 16; *IndexBuffer++ = Vertex1; *IndexBuffer++ = Vertex2; *IndexBuffer++ = Vertex1 + 16; *IndexBuffer++ = Vertex2; *IndexBuffer++ = Vertex2 + 16; *IndexBuffer++ = Vertex1 + 16; } BaseVertex += 16; } } void lcSynthInfo::AddStringBraidedParts(lcMemFile& File, lcLibraryMeshData& MeshData, lcArray& Sections) const { for (int SectionIdx = 0; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize(); SectionIdx++) { lcMatrix33 Transform = lcMul(lcMatrix33(lcVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), lcVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)), lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx])); lcVector3 Offset = Sections[SectionIdx].GetTranslation(); Sections[SectionIdx] = lcMatrix44(Transform, Offset); } char Line[256]; { const int SectionIdx = 0; lcMatrix33 Transform(Sections[SectionIdx]); lcVector3 Offset = lcMul31(lcVector3(-8.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Sections[SectionIdx]); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f 572A.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } const int NumSegments = 16; const int NumBraids = 4; const float PositionTable[16] = { -1.5f, -1.386f, -1.061f, -0.574f, 0.0f, 0.574f, 1.061f, 1.386f, 1.5f, 1.386f, 1.061f, 0.574f, 0.0f, -0.574f, -1.061f, -1.386f }; int BaseVertex; lcLibraryMeshVertex* VertexBuffer; quint32* IndexBuffer; MeshData.AddVertices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, NumBraids * ((Sections.GetSize() - 2) * NumSegments + 1), &BaseVertex, &VertexBuffer); MeshData.AddIndices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, LC_MESH_LINES, 24, NumBraids * (Sections.GetSize() - 2) * NumSegments * 2, &IndexBuffer); for (int BraidIdx = 0; BraidIdx < NumBraids; BraidIdx++) { int BaseX = (BraidIdx == 0 || BraidIdx == 2) ? 0 : 8; int BaseY = (BraidIdx == 0 || BraidIdx == 3) ? 12 : 4; for (int SectionIdx = 1; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 1; SectionIdx++) { lcMatrix33 Transform1 = lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx]); lcMatrix33 Transform2 = lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx + 1]); lcVector3 Offset1 = Sections[SectionIdx].GetTranslation(); lcVector3 Offset2 = Sections[SectionIdx + 1].GetTranslation(); for (int SegmentIdx = 0; SegmentIdx < ((SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 2) ? NumSegments : NumSegments + 1); SegmentIdx++) { float t = (float)SegmentIdx / (float)NumSegments; lcVector3 Vertex1 = lcVector3(t * 4.0f, PositionTable[(BaseX + SegmentIdx) % NumSegments], PositionTable[(BaseY + SegmentIdx) % NumSegments]) + lcVector3(0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f); lcVector3 Vertex2 = lcVector3((1.0f - t) * -4.0f, PositionTable[(BaseX + SegmentIdx) % NumSegments], PositionTable[(BaseY + SegmentIdx) % NumSegments]) + lcVector3(0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f); lcVector3 Vertex = (lcMul(Vertex1, Transform1) + Offset1) * (1.0f - t) + (lcMul(Vertex2, Transform2) + Offset2) * t; VertexBuffer->Position = Vertex; VertexBuffer++; if (SegmentIdx != NumSegments) { *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + 1; BaseVertex++; } } } BaseVertex++; } int NumSlices = 16; MeshData.AddVertices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, NumSlices * ((Sections.GetSize() - 2) * NumSegments + 1), &BaseVertex, &VertexBuffer); MeshData.AddIndices(LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, LC_MESH_TRIANGLES, 16, NumSlices * (Sections.GetSize() - 2) * NumSegments * 6, &IndexBuffer); for (int SectionIdx = 1; SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 1; SectionIdx++) { lcMatrix33 Transform1 = lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx]); lcMatrix33 Transform2 = lcMatrix33(Sections[SectionIdx + 1]); lcVector3 Offset1 = Sections[SectionIdx].GetTranslation(); lcVector3 Offset2 = Sections[SectionIdx + 1].GetTranslation(); for (int SegmentIdx = 0; SegmentIdx < ((SectionIdx < Sections.GetSize() - 2) ? NumSegments : NumSegments + 1); SegmentIdx++) { float t1 = (float)SegmentIdx / (float)NumSegments; int BaseX = 8; int BaseY = 4; for (int SliceIdx = 0; SliceIdx < NumSlices; SliceIdx++) { lcVector3 Vertex11 = lcVector3(t1 * 4.0f, PositionTable[(BaseX + SliceIdx) % NumSlices], PositionTable[(BaseY + SliceIdx) % NumSlices]) + lcVector3(0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f); lcVector3 Vertex12 = lcVector3((1.0f - t1) * -4.0f, PositionTable[(BaseX + SliceIdx) % NumSlices], PositionTable[(BaseY + SliceIdx) % NumSlices]) + lcVector3(0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f); lcVector3 Vertex1 = (lcMul(Vertex11, Transform1) + Offset1) * (1.0f - t1) + (lcMul(Vertex12, Transform2) + Offset2) * t1; VertexBuffer->Position = Vertex1; VertexBuffer++; if (SegmentIdx != NumSegments) { *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + SliceIdx; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + (SliceIdx + 1) % NumSlices; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + (SliceIdx + 1) % NumSlices + NumSlices; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + SliceIdx + NumSlices; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + SliceIdx; *IndexBuffer++ = BaseVertex + (SliceIdx + 1) % NumSlices + NumSlices; } } BaseVertex += NumSlices; } } { const int SectionIdx = Sections.GetSize() - 1; lcMatrix33 Transform(Sections[SectionIdx]); lcVector3 Offset = lcMul31(lcVector3(8.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Sections[SectionIdx]); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f 572A.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2], Transform[0][0], Transform[1][0], Transform[2][0], Transform[0][1], Transform[1][1], Transform[2][1], Transform[0][2], Transform[1][2], Transform[2][2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } } void lcSynthInfo::AddShockAbsorberParts(lcMemFile& File, lcArray& Sections) const { char Line[256]; lcVector3 Offset; Offset = Sections[0].GetTranslation(); sprintf(Line, "1 0 %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4254.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); Offset = Sections[1].GetTranslation(); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4255.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); float Distance = Sections[0].GetTranslation().y - Sections[1].GetTranslation().y; float Scale = (Distance - 66.0f) / 44.0f; const char* SpringPart; if (!qstricmp(mPieceInfo->mFileName, "73129.dat")) SpringPart = "70038"; else if (!qstricmp(mPieceInfo->mFileName, "41838")) SpringPart = "41837"; else if (!qstricmp(mPieceInfo->mFileName, "76138")) SpringPart = "71953"; else if (!qstricmp(mPieceInfo->mFileName, "76537")) SpringPart = "22977"; else return; Offset = Sections[0].GetTranslation(); sprintf(Line, "1 494 %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 %f 0 0 0 1 %s.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1] - 10 - 44.0f * Scale, Offset[2], Scale, SpringPart); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } void lcSynthInfo::AddActuatorParts(lcMemFile& File, lcArray& Sections) const { char Line[256]; lcVector3 Offset; Offset = Sections[0].GetTranslation(); sprintf(Line, "1 25 %f %f %f 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 47157.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); sprintf(Line, "1 16 %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 62271c01.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); Offset = Sections[1].GetTranslation(); sprintf(Line, "1 72 %f %f %f 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 62274c01.dat\n", Offset[0], Offset[1], Offset[2]); File.WriteBuffer(Line, strlen(Line)); } lcMesh* lcSynthInfo::CreateMesh(const lcArray& ControlPoints) const { lcArray Sections; if (mCurve) CalculateCurveSections(ControlPoints, Sections, nullptr, nullptr); else CalculateLineSections(ControlPoints, Sections, nullptr, nullptr); lcLibraryMeshData MeshData; lcMemFile File; // todo: rewrite this to pass the parts directly switch (mType) { case lcSynthType::RIBBED_HOSE: AddRibbedHoseParts(File, Sections); break; case lcSynthType::FLEXIBLE_AXLE: AddFlexibleAxleParts(File, MeshData, Sections); break; case lcSynthType::STRING_BRAIDED: AddStringBraidedParts(File, MeshData, Sections); break; case lcSynthType::SHOCK_ABSORBER: AddShockAbsorberParts(File, Sections); break; case lcSynthType::ACTUATOR: AddActuatorParts(File, Sections); break; } File.WriteU8(0); lcArray TextureStack; File.Seek(0, SEEK_SET); if (lcGetPiecesLibrary()->ReadMeshData(File, lcMatrix44Identity(), 16, false, TextureStack, MeshData, LC_MESHDATA_SHARED, false, nullptr, false)) return lcGetPiecesLibrary()->CreateMesh(nullptr, MeshData); return nullptr; } struct lcSynthInsertParam { lcVector3 Start; lcVector3 End; int BestSegment; float BestTime; float BestDistance; lcVector3 BestPosition; }; static void lcSynthInsertCallback(const lcVector3& CurvePoint, int SegmentIndex, float t, void* Param) { lcSynthInsertParam* SynthInsertParam = (lcSynthInsertParam*)Param; float Distance = lcRayPointDistance(CurvePoint, SynthInsertParam->Start, SynthInsertParam->End); if (Distance < SynthInsertParam->BestDistance) { SynthInsertParam->BestSegment = SegmentIndex; SynthInsertParam->BestTime = t; SynthInsertParam->BestDistance = Distance; SynthInsertParam->BestPosition = lcVector3LDrawToLeoCAD(CurvePoint); } } int lcSynthInfo::InsertControlPoint(lcArray& ControlPoints, const lcVector3& Start, const lcVector3& End) const { lcArray Sections; lcSynthInsertParam SynthInsertParam; SynthInsertParam.Start = Start; SynthInsertParam.End = End; SynthInsertParam.BestSegment = -1; SynthInsertParam.BestDistance = FLT_MAX; CalculateCurveSections(ControlPoints, Sections, lcSynthInsertCallback, &SynthInsertParam); if (SynthInsertParam.BestSegment != -1) { lcPieceControlPoint ControlPoint = ControlPoints[SynthInsertParam.BestSegment]; ControlPoint.Transform.SetTranslation(SynthInsertParam.BestPosition); if (SynthInsertParam.BestSegment != ControlPoints.GetSize() - 1) { lcPieceControlPoint NextControlPoint = ControlPoints[SynthInsertParam.BestSegment + 1]; float t = SynthInsertParam.BestTime; ControlPoint.Scale = ControlPoint.Scale * (1.0f - t) + NextControlPoint.Scale * t; } ControlPoints.InsertAt(SynthInsertParam.BestSegment + 1, ControlPoint); } return SynthInsertParam.BestSegment + 1; }