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\f6\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext0 *Intro;}{\s27\li115\sb80\sa80\keepn \b\f6\lang1033 \sbasedon252\snext26 *Title;}{\s28\fi-245\li360\sb80 \f6\fs20\lang1033 \snext28 *Jl;}{\s29\li360\sb40\sa40 \f6\fs20\lang1033 \snext0 Lp1;}{
\s30\fi-1800\li1915\sb60\sl-240\tx1915 \f6\fs20\lang1033 \sbasedon0\snext30 Tph;}{\s31\li115\sb120\sa80 \b\f6\fs20\lang1033 \snext25 Proch;}}{\info{\title AFXPRINT}{\subject MFC Print RTF Help}{\author AFX}{\creatim\yr1992\mo10\dy7\hr12\min33}{\version1}
{\edmins46}{\nofpages1}{\nofwords65536}{\nofchars65536}{\vern16433}}\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1800\margr1800\margt1440\margb1440\gutter0 \widowctrl\ftnbj \sectd \linex0\endnhere \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote
\pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # HID_FILE_PRINT}}{\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} printing and print preview}}{\f4 }{\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} File Print command}
}{\f4 }{\b\f4 Print command (File menu)}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 Use this command to print a document. This command presents a }{\f4\uldb Print dialog box}{\v AFX_HIDD_PRINT}{\f4
, where you may specify the range of pages to be printed, the number of copies, the destination printer, and other printer setup options.}{\b\f4
\par }{\b\f4
\par }{\b\f4 Shortcuts}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \fi-1080\li1440\sl240\tx1440 {\f4 Toolbar:}{\f4 \tab }{\f4 \{}{\f4 bmc }{\f4 fileprnt.bmp}{\f4 \}}{\f4
\par }{\f4 Keys:}{\f4 \tab }{\f4 CTRL+P}{\f4
\par }\pard \sl240 {\f4
\par }{\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # AFX_HIDD_PRINT}}{\b\f4 Print }{\b\f4 dialog box}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 The following options allow you to specify how the document should be printed:}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Printer}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 This is the active printer and printer connection. Choose the Setup option to change the printer and printer connection.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Setup}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Displays a }{\f4\uldb Print Setup dialog box}{\v AFX_HIDD_PRINTSETUP}{\f4 , so you can select a printer and printer connection.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Print Range}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Specify the pages you want to print:}{\f4
\par }\trowd \trgaph108\trleft402 \cellx1647\cellx8622\pard \sl240\intbl {\b\f4 All}{\b\f4 \cell }{\f4 Prints the entire document.}{\f4 \cell }\pard \intbl {\f4 \row }\trowd \trgaph108\trleft402 \cellx1647\cellx8622\pard \sl240\intbl {\b\f4 Selection}{\b\f4
\cell }{\f4 Prints the currently selected text.}{\f4 \cell }\pard \intbl {\f4 \row }\trowd \trgaph108\trleft402 \cellx1647\cellx8622\pard \sl240\intbl {\b\f4 Pages}{\b\f4 \cell }{\f4 Prints the range of pages you specify in }{\f4 the From and To boxes.}{
\f4 \cell }\pard \intbl {\f4 \row }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Copies}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Specify the number of copies you want to print for the above page range.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Collate Copies}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Prints copies in page number order, instead of separated multiple copies of each page.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Print Quality}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Select the quality of the printing. Generally, lower quality printing takes less time to produce.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sl240 {\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # AFX_HIDD_PRINTDLG}}{\b\f4 P}{\b\f4 rint Progress Dialog}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 The Printing dialog box is shown during the time that <<YourApp>> is sending output to the printer. The page number indicates the progre}{\f4 ss of the printing.}{\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 To abort printing, choose Cancel.}{\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # HID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW}}{\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} printing and print preview}}{\f4 }{\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245
\f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} File Print Preview command}}{\f4 }{\b\f4 Print Preview command (File menu)}{\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 Use this command to display the active document as it would appear when printed. When you choose this command, the main window will be replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages will be displayed in their printed format. The }{
\f4\uldb print preview toolbar}{\v\f4 AFX_HIDW_PREVIEW_BAR}{\f4 offers you options to view either one or two pages at a time; move back and forth through the document; zoom in and out of pages; and initiate a print job.}{\f4
\par }{\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # AFX_HIDW_PREVIEW_BAR}}{\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} printing and print preview}}{\f4 }{\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245
\f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} print preview toolbar}}{\f4 }{\b\f4 Print Preview toolbar}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 The print preview toolbar offers you the following options:}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Print}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Bring up the print dialog box, to start a print job.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Next Page}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Preview the next printed page.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Prev Page}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Preview the previous printed page.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 One Page / Two Page}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Preview one or two printed pages at a time.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Zoom In}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Take a closer look at the printed page.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Zoom Out}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Take a larger look at the printed page.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Close}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Return from print preview to the editing window.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sl240 {\f4
\par }{\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # HID_FILE_PRINT_SETUP}}{\fs16\up6 K{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 K} printing and print preview}}{\f4 }{\fs16\up6 ${\footnote \pard\plain \s245
\f3\fs20\lang1033 {\fs16\up6 $} File Print Setup command}}{\f4 }{\b\f4 Print Setup command (File menu)}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 Use this command to select a printer and a printer connection. This command presents a }{\f4\uldb Print Setup dialog box}{\v AFX_HIDD_PRINTSETUP}{\f4 , where you specify the printer and its connection.}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # AFX_HIDD_PRINTSETUP}}{\b\f4 Print}{\b\f4 Setup dialog box}{\b\f4
\par }{\f4
\par }{\f4 The following options allow you to select the destination printer and its connection.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Printer}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4
Select the printer you want to use. Choose the Default Printer; or choose the Specific Printer option and select one of the current installed printers shown in the box. You install printers and configure ports using the Windows Control Panel. }{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Orientation}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Choose Portrait or Landscape.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Paper Size}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Select the size of paper that the document is to be printed on.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Paper Source}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Some printers offer multiple trays for different paper sources. Specify the tray here.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Options}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Displays a dialog box where you can make additional choices about printing, specific to the type of printer you have selected.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sb60\sl240 {\b\f4 Network...}{\b\f4
\par }\pard \li360\sl240 {\f4 Choose this button to connect to a network location, assigning it a new drive letter.}{\f4
\par }\pard \sl240 {\f4 \page }{\f4 #{\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 # HID_FILE_PAGE_SETUP}}{\f4 ${\footnote \pard\plain \sl240 \f3\fs20\lang1033 $ File Page Setup Command}}{\b\f4 Page Setup command (File menu)}{\b\f4
\par }{\b\f4
\par }{\f4 << Write application-specific help here. >>}{\f4
\par }\pard
\par }