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// BMPMenu.h : header file
// Version : 2.3
#include <afxtempl.h>
#ifndef _BMPMENU_H_
#define _BMPMENU_H_
// CBMPMenuData class. Fill this class structure to define a single menu item:
class CBMPMenuData
wchar_t *m_szMenuText;
CBMPMenuData () {menuIconNormal=-1;xoffset=-1;bitmap=NULL;
void SetAnsiString(LPCSTR szAnsiString);
void SetWideString(const wchar_t *szWideString);
const wchar_t *GetWideString(void) {return m_szMenuText;};
~CBMPMenuData ();
CString GetString(void);//returns the menu text in ANSI or UNICODE
int xoffset;
int menuIconNormal;
UINT nFlags,nID,syncflag;
CImageList *bitmap;
//struct CMenuItemInfo : public MENUITEMINFO {
struct CMenuItemInfo : public
#ifndef UNICODE //SK: this fixes warning C4097: typedef-name 'MENUITEMINFO' used as synonym for class-name 'tagMENUITEMINFOA'
{ memset(this, 0, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
typedef enum {Normal,TextOnly} HIGHLIGHTSTYLE;
#ifndef UNICODE
#define AppendODMenu AppendODMenuA
#define ModifyODMenu ModifyODMenuA
#define AppendODMenu AppendODMenuW
#define ModifyODMenu ModifyODMenuW
class CBMPMenu : public CMenu // Derived from CMenu
// Construction
// Attributes
CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, CBMPMenuData*> m_MenuList; // Stores list of menu items
// When loading an owner-drawn menu using a Resource, CBMPMenu must keep track of
// the popup menu's that it creates. Warning, this list *MUST* be destroyed
// last item first :)
CImageList m_List;
CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, CBMPMenu*> m_SubMenus; // Stores list of sub-menus
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
// Implementation
static BOOL IsNewShell(void);
void SetBitmapBackground(COLORREF color);
void SetDisableOldStyle(void);
void UnSetDisableOldStyle(void);
BOOL GetDisableOldStyle(void);
void UnSetBitmapBackground(void);
int AddBitmapToImageList(CImageList *list,UINT nResourceID);
BOOL LoadFromToolBar(UINT nID,UINT nToolBar,int& xoffset);
void InsertSpaces(void);
static LRESULT FindKeyboardShortcut(UINT nChar,UINT nFlags,CMenu *pMenu);
static void UpdateMenu(CMenu *pmenu);
BOOL IsMenu(CMenu *submenu);
void DrawCheckMark(CDC *pDC,int x,int y,COLORREF color);
void DrawRadioDot(CDC *pDC,int x,int y,COLORREF color);
CBMPMenu *FindMenuOption(int nId,int& nLoc);
CBMPMenuData *FindMenuOption(wchar_t *lpstrText);
BOOL GetMenuText(UINT id,CString &string);
CImageList *checkmaps;
BOOL checkmapsshare;
int m_selectcheck;
int m_unselectcheck;
void LoadCheckmarkBitmap(int unselect,int select);
void DitherBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HBITMAP hbm, int nXSrc, int nYSrc);
void DitherBlt2(CDC *drawdc, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBitmap &bmp, int nXSrc, int nYSrc);
HBITMAP LoadSysColorBitmap(int nResourceId);
virtual ~CBMPMenu(); // Virtual Destructor
// Drawing:
virtual void DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT); // Draw an item
virtual void MeasureItem( LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT ); // Measure an item
// Customizing:
void SetIconSize (int, int); // Set icon size
BOOL AppendODMenuA(LPCSTR lpstrText, UINT nFlags = MF_OWNERDRAW, UINT nID = 0, int nIconNormal = -1); // Owner-Drawn Append
BOOL AppendODMenuW(wchar_t *lpstrText, UINT nFlags = MF_OWNERDRAW, UINT nID = 0, int nIconNormal = -1); // Owner-Drawn Append
BOOL ChangeMenuItemShortcut(const char *Shortcut, UINT nID);
BOOL DeleteMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags);
BOOL ModifyODMenuA(const char *lpstrText,UINT nID=0,int nIconNormal=-1);
BOOL ModifyODMenuA(const char *lpstrText,const char *OptionText,int nIconNormal);
BOOL ModifyODMenuW(wchar_t *lpstrText,UINT nID=0,int nIconNormal=-1);
BOOL ModifyODMenuW(wchar_t *lpstrText,wchar_t *OptionText,int nIconNormal);
CBMPMenuData *NewODMenu(UINT pos,UINT nFlags,UINT nID,CString string);
void SynchronizeMenu(void);
void CBMPMenu::InitializeMenuList(int value);
void CBMPMenu::DeleteMenuList(void);
CBMPMenuData *CBMPMenu::FindMenuList(UINT nID);
virtual BOOL LoadMenu(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName); // Load a menu
virtual BOOL LoadMenu(int nResource); // ...
void AddFromToolBar(CToolBar* pToolBar, int nResourceID);
BOOL Draw3DCheckmark(CDC *dc, const CRect& rc,BOOL bSelected, HBITMAP hbmCheck);
BOOL LoadToolbar(UINT nToolBar);
BOOL LoadToolbars(const UINT *arID,int n);
// Destoying:
virtual BOOL DestroyMenu();
// Generated message map functions
int m_iconX,m_iconY;
COLORREF m_bitmapBackground;
BOOL m_bitmapBackgroundFlag;
BOOL disable_old_style;
// ============================================================================
class CTitleMenu : public CMenu
virtual ~CTitleMenu();
// Operations
void SetMenuTitle(UINT ID, const char* Title);
// Implementation
virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMIS);
virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS);
CFont m_Font;
HFONT CreateTitleFont();
CMap<int, int, const char*, const char*> m_TitleStrings;