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* Angular Material Design
* https://github.com/angular/material
* @license MIT
* v1.0.9
(function( window, angular, undefined ){
"use strict";
* @ngdoc module
* @name material.components.panel
.module('material.components.panel', [
.service('$mdPanel', MdPanelService);
* @ngdoc service
* @name $mdPanel
* @module material.components.panel
* @description
* `$mdPanel` is a robust, low-level service for creating floating panels on
* the screen. It can be used to implement tooltips, dialogs, pop-ups, etc.
* @usage
* <hljs lang="js">
* (function(angular, undefined) {
* use strict;
* angular
* .module('demoApp', ['ngMaterial'])
* .controller('DemoDialogController', DialogController);
* var panelRef;
* function showPanel($event) {
* var panelPosition = $mdPanelPosition
* .absolute()
* .top('50%')
* .left('50%');
* var panelAnimation = $mdPanelAnimation
* .targetEvent($event)
* .defaultAnimation('md-panel-animate-fly')
* .closeTo('.show-button');
* var config = {
* attachTo: angular.element(document.body),
* controller: DialogController,
* controllerAs: 'ctrl',
* position: panelPosition,
* animation: panelAnimation,
* targetEvent: $event,
* template: 'dialog-template.html',
* clickOutsideToClose: true,
* escapeToClose: true,
* focusOnOpen: true
* }
* panelRef = $mdPanel.create(config);
* panelRef.open()
* .finally(function() {
* panelRef = undefined;
* });
* }
* function DialogController(MdPanelRef, toppings) {
* var toppings;
* function closeDialog() {
* MdPanelRef.close();
* }
* }
* })(angular);
* </hljs>
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#create
* @description
* Creates a panel with the specified options.
* @param opt_config {Object=} Specific configuration object that may contain
* the following properties:
* - `template` - `{string=}`: HTML template to show in the dialog. This
* **must** be trusted HTML with respect to Angulars
* [$sce service](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$sce).
* - `templateUrl` - `{string=}`: The URL that will be used as the content of
* the panel.
* - `controller` - `{(function|string)=}`: The controller to associate with
* the panel. The controller can inject a reference to the returned
* panelRef, which allows the panel to be closed, hidden, and shown. Any
* fields passed in through locals or resolve will be bound to the
* controller.
* - `controllerAs` - `{string=}`: An alias to assign the controller to on
* the scope.
* - `bindToController` - `{boolean=}`: Binds locals to the controller
* instead of passing them in. Defaults to true, as this is a best
* practice.
* - `locals` - `{Object=}`: An object containing key/value pairs. The keys
* will be used as names of values to inject into the controller. For
* example, `locals: {three: 3}` would inject `three` into the controller,
* with the value 3.
* - `resolve` - `{Object=}`: Similar to locals, except it takes promises as
* values. The panel will not open until all of the promises resolve.
* - `attachTo` - `{(string|!angular.JQLite|!Element)=}`: The element to
* attach the panel to. Defaults to appending to the root element of the
* application.
* - `panelClass` - `{string=}`: A css class to apply to the panel element.
* This class should define any borders, box-shadow, etc. for the panel.
* - `zIndex` - `{number=}`: The z-index to place the panel at.
* Defaults to 80.
* - `position` - `{MdPanelPosition=}`: An MdPanelPosition object that
* specifies the alignment of the panel. For more information, see
* `MdPanelPosition`.
* - `clickOutsideToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can click
* outside the panel to close it. Defaults to false.
* - `escapeToClose` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can press escape to
* close the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `trapFocus` - `{boolean=}`: Whether focus should be trapped within the
* panel. If `trapFocus` is true, the user will not be able to interact
* with the rest of the page until the panel is dismissed. Defaults to
* false.
* - `focusOnOpen` - `{boolean=}`: An option to override focus behavior on
* open. Only disable if focusing some other way, as focus management is
* required for panels to be accessible. Defaults to true.
* - `fullscreen` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the panel should be full screen.
* Applies the class `._md-panel-fullscreen` to the panel on open. Defaults
* to false.
* - `animation` - `{MdPanelAnimation=}`: An MdPanelAnimation object that
* specifies the animation of the panel. For more information, see
* `MdPanelAnimation`.
* - `hasBackdrop` - `{boolean=}`: Whether there should be an opaque backdrop
* behind the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `disableParentScroll` - `{boolean=}`: Whether the user can scroll the
* page behind the panel. Defaults to false.
* - `onDomAdded` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce when
* the panel is added to the DOM.
* - `onOpenComplete` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce
* when the open() action is finished.
* - `onRemoving` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce the
* close/hide() action is starting.
* - `onDomRemoved` - `{function=}`: Callback function used to announce when the
* panel is removed from the DOM.
* - `origin` - `{(string|!angular.JQLite|!Element)=}`: The element to
* focus on when the panel closes. This is commonly the element which triggered
* the opening of the panel.
* TODO(ErinCoughlan): Add the following config options.
* - `groupName` - `{string=}`: Name of panel groups. This group name is
* used for configuring the number of open panels and identifying specific
* behaviors for groups. For instance, all tooltips will be identified
* using the same groupName.
* @returns {MdPanelRef} panelRef
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#open
* @description
* Calls the create method above, then opens the panel. This is a shortcut for
* creating and then calling open manually. If custom methods need to be
* called when the panel is added to the DOM or opened, do not use this method.
* Instead create the panel, chain promises on the domAdded and openComplete
* methods, and call open from the returned panelRef.
* @param {Object=} opt_config Specific configuration object that may contain
* the properties defined in `$mdPanel.create`.
* @returns {angular.$q.Promise<MdPanelRef>} panelRef A promise that resolves
* to an instance of the panel.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#setGroupMaxOpen
* @description
* Sets the maximum number of panels in a group that can be opened at a given
* time.
* @param groupName {string} The name of the group to configure.
* @param maxOpen {number} The max number of panels that can be opened.
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#newPanelPosition
* @description
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelPosition object. Use this to create
* the position config object.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition} panelPosition
* @ngdoc method
* @name $mdPanel#newPanelAnimation
* @description
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelAnimation object. Use this to create
* the animation config object.
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation} panelAnimation
* MdPanelRef *
* @ngdoc type
* @name MdPanelRef
* @module material.components.panel
* @description
* A reference to a created panel. This reference contains a unique id for the
* panel, along with the following properties:
* - `id` - `{string}: The unique id for the panel. This id is used to track
* when a panel was interacted with.
* - `config` - `{Object=}`: The entire config object that was used in
* create.
* - `isAttached` - `{boolean}`: Whether the panel is attached to the DOM.
* Visibility to the user does not factor into isAttached.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#open
* @description
* Attaches and shows the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* opened.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#close
* @description
* Hides and detaches the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* closed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#attach
* @description
* Create the panel elements and attach them to the DOM. The panel will be
* hidden by default.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* attached.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#detach
* @description
* Removes the panel from the DOM. This will NOT hide the panel before removing it.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* detached.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#show
* @description
* Shows the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* shown and animations are completed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#hide
* @description
* Hides the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* hidden and animations are completed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#destroy
* @description
* Destroys the panel. The panel cannot be opened again after this is called.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#addClass
* @description
* Adds a class to the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} newClass Class to be added.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#removeClass
* @description
* Removes a class from the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} oldClass Class to be removed.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#toggleClass
* @description
* Toggles a class on the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} toggleClass Class to be toggled.
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelRef#focusOnOpen
* @description
* Focuses the panel content if the focusOnOpen config value is true.
* MdPanelPosition *
* @ngdoc type
* @name MdPanelPosition
* @module material.components.panel
* @description
* Object for configuring the position of the panel. Examples:
* Centering the panel:
* `new MdPanelPosition().absolute().center();`
* Overlapping the panel with an element:
* `new MdPanelPosition()
* .relativeTo(someElement)
* .addPanelPosition($mdPanel.xPosition.ALIGN_START, $mdPanel.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS);`
* Aligning the panel with the bottom of an element:
* `new MdPanelPosition()
* .relativeTo(someElement)
* .addPanelPosition($mdPanel.xPosition.CENTER, $mdPanel.yPosition.BELOW);
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#absolute
* @description
* Positions the panel absolutely relative to the parent element. If the parent
* is document.body, this is equivalent to positioning the panel absolutely
* within the viewport.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#relativeTo
* @description
* Positions the panel relative to a specific element.
* @param {string|!Element|!angular.JQLite} element Query selector,
* DOM element, or angular element to position the panel with respect to.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#top
* @description
* Sets the value of `top` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* vertical position.
* @param {string=} opt_top Value of `top`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#bottom
* @description
* Sets the value of `bottom` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* vertical position.
* @param {string=} opt_bottom Value of `bottom`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#left
* @description
* Sets the value of `left` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} opt_left Value of `left`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#right
* @description
* Sets the value of `right` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} opt_right Value of `right`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#centerHorizontally
* @description
* Centers the panel horizontally in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#centerVertically
* @description
* Centers the panel vertically in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* vertical position.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#center
* @description
* Centers the panel horizontally and vertically in the viewport. This is
* equivalent to calling both `centerHorizontally` and `centerVertically`.
* Clears any previously set horizontal and vertical positions.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#addPanelPosition
* @param {string} xPosition
* @param {string} yPosition
* @description
* Sets the x and y position for the panel relative to another element. Can be
* called multiple times to specify an ordered list of panel positions. The
* first position which allows the panel to be completely on-screen will be
* chosen; the last position will be chose whether it is on-screen or not.
* xPosition must be one of the following values available on
* $mdPanel.xPosition:
* *************
* * *
* * PANEL *
* * *
* *************
* A B C D E
* A: OFFSET_START (for LTR displays)
* B: ALIGN_START (for LTR displays)
* D: ALIGN_END (for LTR displays)
* E: OFFSET_END (for LTR displays)
* yPosition must be one of the following values available on
* $mdPanel.yPosition:
* F
* G *************
* * *
* H * PANEL *
* * *
* I *************
* J
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#withOffsetX
* @description
* Sets the value of the offset in the x-direction.
* @param {string} offsetX
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelPosition#withOffsetY
* @description
* Sets the value of the offset in the y-direction.
* @param {string} offsetY
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
* MdPanelAnimation *
* @ngdoc object
* @name MdPanelAnimation
* @description
* Animation configuration object. To use, create an MdPanelAnimation with the
* desired properties, then pass the object as part of $mdPanel creation.
* Example:
* var panelAnimation = new MdPanelAnimation()
* .openFrom(myButtonEl)
* .closeTo('.my-button')
* .withAnimation($mdPanel.animation.SCALE);
* $mdPanel.create({
* animation: panelAnimation
* });
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelAnimation#openFrom
* @description
* Specifies where to start the open animation. `openFrom` accepts a
* click event object, query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that
* is used to determine the bounds. When passed a click event, the location
* of the click will be used as the position to start the animation.
* @param {string|!Element|!Event|{top: number, left: number}}
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelAnimation#closeTo
* @description
* Specifies where to animate the dialog close. `closeTo` accepts a
* query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that is used to determine
* the bounds.
* @param {string|!Element|{top: number, left: number}}
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
* @ngdoc method
* @name MdPanelAnimation#withAnimation
* @description
* Specifies the animation class.
* There are several default animations that can be used:
* ($mdPanel.animation)
* SLIDE: The panel slides in and out from the specified
* elements. It will not fade in or out.
* SCALE: The panel scales in and out. Slide and fade are
* included in this animation.
* FADE: The panel fades in and out.
* Custom classes will by default fade in and out unless
* "transition: opacity 1ms" is added to the to custom class.
* @param {string|{open: string, close: string}} cssClass
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
// Default z-index for the panel.
var defaultZIndex = 80;
var MD_PANEL_HIDDEN = '_md-panel-hidden';
var FOCUS_TRAP_TEMPLATE = angular.element(
'<div class="_md-panel-focus-trap" tabindex="0"></div>');
* A service that is used for controlling/displaying panels on the screen.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} $rootElement
* @param {!angular.Scope} $rootScope
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @param {!angular.$window} $window
* @final @constructor ngInject
function MdPanelService($rootElement, $rootScope, $injector, $window) {
* Default config options for the panel.
* Anything angular related needs to be done later. Therefore
* scope: $rootScope.$new(true),
* attachTo: $rootElement,
* are added later.
* @private {!Object}
this._defaultConfigOptions = {
bindToController: true,
clickOutsideToClose: false,
disableParentScroll: false,
escapeToClose: false,
focusOnOpen: true,
fullscreen: false,
hasBackdrop: false,
transformTemplate: angular.bind(this, this._wrapTemplate),
trapFocus: false,
zIndex: defaultZIndex
/** @private {!Object} */
this._config = {};
/** @private @const */
this._$rootElement = $rootElement;
/** @private @const */
this._$rootScope = $rootScope;
/** @private @const */
this._$injector = $injector;
/** @private @const */
this._$window = $window;
* Default animations that can be used within the panel.
* @type {enum}
this.animation = MdPanelAnimation.animation;
* Possible values of xPosition for positioning the panel relative to
* another element.
* @type {enum}
this.xPosition = MdPanelPosition.xPosition;
* Possible values of yPosition for positioning the panel relative to
* another element.
* @type {enum}
this.yPosition = MdPanelPosition.yPosition;
MdPanelService.$inject = ["$rootElement", "$rootScope", "$injector", "$window"];
* Creates a panel with the specified options.
* @param {!Object=} opt_config Configuration object for the panel.
* @returns {!MdPanelRef}
MdPanelService.prototype.create = function(opt_config) {
var configSettings = opt_config || {};
this._config = {
scope: this._$rootScope.$new(true),
attachTo: this._$rootElement
angular.extend(this._config, this._defaultConfigOptions, configSettings);
var instanceId = 'panel_' + this._$injector.get('$mdUtil').nextUid();
var instanceConfig = angular.extend({ id: instanceId }, this._config);
return new MdPanelRef(instanceConfig, this._$injector);
* Creates and opens a panel with the specified options.
* @param {!Object=} opt_config Configuration object for the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<MdPanelRef>} The panel created from create.
MdPanelService.prototype.open = function(opt_config) {
var panelRef = this.create(opt_config);
return panelRef.open().then(function() {
return panelRef;
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelPosition. Use this to create the
* positioning object.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelService.prototype.newPanelPosition = function() {
return new MdPanelPosition(this._$window);
* Returns a new instance of the MdPanelAnimation. Use this to create the
* animation object.
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelService.prototype.newPanelAnimation = function() {
return new MdPanelAnimation(this._$injector);
* Wraps the users template in two elements, md-panel-outer-wrapper, which
* covers the entire attachTo element, and md-panel, which contains only the
* template. This allows the panel control over positioning, animations,
* and similar properties.
* @param {string} origTemplate The original template.
* @returns {string} The wrapped template.
* @private
MdPanelService.prototype._wrapTemplate = function(origTemplate) {
var template = origTemplate || '';
// The panel should be initially rendered offscreen so we can calculate
// height and width for positioning.
return '' +
'<div class="md-panel-outer-wrapper">' +
' <div class="md-panel" style="left: -9999px;">' + template + '</div>' +
* MdPanelRef *
* A reference to a created panel. This reference contains a unique id for the
* panel, along with properties/functions used to control the panel.
* @param {!Object} config
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @final @constructor
function MdPanelRef(config, $injector) {
// Injected variables.
/** @private @const {!angular.$q} */
this._$q = $injector.get('$q');
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdCompiler} */
this._$mdCompiler = $injector.get('$mdCompiler');
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdConstant} */
this._$mdConstant = $injector.get('$mdConstant');
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdUtil} */
this._$mdUtil = $injector.get('$mdUtil');
/** @private @const {!angular.Scope} */
this._$rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
/** @private @const {!angular.$animate} */
this._$animate = $injector.get('$animate');
/** @private @const {!MdPanelRef} */
this._$mdPanel = $injector.get('$mdPanel');
/** @private @const {!angular.$log} */
this._$log = $injector.get('$log');
/** @private @const {!angular.$window} */
this._$window = $injector.get('$window');
/** @private @const {!Function} */
this._$$rAF = $injector.get('$$rAF');
// Public variables.
* Unique id for the panelRef.
* @type {string}
this.id = config.id;
* Whether the panel is attached. This is synchronous. When attach is called,
* isAttached is set to true. When detach is called, isAttached is set to
* false.
* @type {boolean}
this.isAttached = false;
// Private variables.
/** @private {!Object} */
this._config = config;
/** @private {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @private {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @private {Array<function()>} */
this._removeListeners = [];
/** @private {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @private {!angular.JQLite|undefined} */
/** @private {!$mdPanel|undefined} */
/** @private {Function?} */
this._restoreScroll = null;
* Opens an already created and configured panel. If the panel is already
* visible, does nothing.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel is opened and animations finish.
MdPanelRef.prototype.open = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var show = self._simpleBind(self.show, self);
* Closes the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* closed and animations finish.
MdPanelRef.prototype.close = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var detach = self._simpleBind(self.detach, self);
* Attaches the panel. The panel will be hidden afterwards.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when
* the panel is attached.
MdPanelRef.prototype.attach = function() {
if (this.isAttached && this._panelEl) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var onDomAdded = self._config['onDomAdded'] || angular.noop;
var addListeners = function(response) {
self.isAttached = true;
return response;
* Only detaches the panel. Will NOT hide the panel first.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise<MdPanelRef>} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* detached.
MdPanelRef.prototype.detach = function() {
if (!this.isAttached) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
var onDomRemoved = self._config['onDomRemoved'] || angular.noop;
var detachFn = function() {
// Remove the focus traps that we added earlier for keeping focus within
// the panel.
if (self._topFocusTrap && self._topFocusTrap.parentNode) {
if (self._bottomFocusTrap && self._bottomFocusTrap.parentNode) {
self.isAttached = false;
return self._$q.when(self);
if (this._restoreScroll) {
this._restoreScroll = null;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
self._backdropRef ? self._backdropRef.detach() : true
* Destroys the panel. The Panel cannot be opened again after this.
MdPanelRef.prototype.destroy = function() {
this._config.locals = null;
* Shows the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* shown and animations finish.
MdPanelRef.prototype.show = function() {
if (!this._panelContainer) {
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
reject('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (!this._panelContainer.hasClass(MD_PANEL_HIDDEN)) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
var animatePromise = function() {
return self._animateOpen();
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var onOpenComplete = self._config['onOpenComplete'] || angular.noop;
self._backdropRef ? self._backdropRef.show() : self,
animatePromise().then(function() { self._focusOnOpen(); }, reject)
* Hides the panel.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel has
* hidden and animations finish.
MdPanelRef.prototype.hide = function() {
if (!this._panelContainer) {
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
reject('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (this._panelContainer.hasClass(MD_PANEL_HIDDEN)) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var onRemoving = self._config['onRemoving'] || angular.noop;
var focusOnOrigin = function() {
var origin = self._config['origin'];
if (origin) {
var hidePanel = function() {
self._backdropRef ? self._backdropRef.hide() : self,
]).then(done, reject);
* Add a class to the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} newClass Class to be added.
MdPanelRef.prototype.addClass = function(newClass) {
if (!this._panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (!this._panelContainer.hasClass(newClass)) {
* Remove a class from the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} oldClass Class to be removed.
MdPanelRef.prototype.removeClass = function(oldClass) {
if (!this._panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
if (this._panelContainer.hasClass(oldClass)) {
* Toggle a class on the panel. DO NOT use this to hide/show the panel.
* @param {string} toggleClass The class to toggle.
MdPanelRef.prototype.toggleClass = function(toggleClass) {
if (!this._panelContainer) {
throw new Error('Panel does not exist yet. Call open() or attach().');
* Creates a panel and adds it to the dom.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the panel is
* created.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._createPanel = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!self._config.locals) {
self._config.locals = {};
self._config.locals.mdPanelRef = self;
.then(function(compileData) {
self._panelContainer = compileData.link(self._config['scope']);
if (self._config['disableParentScroll']) {
self._restoreScroll = self._$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(
null, self._panelContainer);
self._panelEl = angular.element(
// Add a custom CSS class.
if (self._config['panelClass']) {
// Panel may be outside the $rootElement, tell ngAnimate to animate
// regardless.
if (self._$animate.pin) {
self._addStyles().then(function() {
}, reject);
}, reject);
* Adds the styles for the panel, such as positioning and z-index.
* @return {!angular.$q.Promise<MdPanelRef>}
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._addStyles = function() {
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve) {
self._panelContainer.css('z-index', self._config['zIndex']);
self._panelEl.css('z-index', self._config['zIndex'] + 1);
var hideAndResolve = function() {
// Remove left: -9999px and add hidden class.
self._panelEl.css('left', '');
if (self._config['fullscreen']) {
return; // Don't setup positioning.
var positionConfig = self._config['position'];
if (!positionConfig) {
return; // Don't setup positioning.
// Wait for angular to finish processing the template, then position it
// correctly. This is necessary so that the panel will have a defined height
// and width.
self._$rootScope['$$postDigest'](function() {
* Calculates and updates the position of the panel.
* @param {boolean=} opt_init
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._updatePosition = function(opt_init) {
var positionConfig = this._config['position'];
if (positionConfig) {
// Hide the panel now that position is known.
if (opt_init) {
this._panelEl.css('top', positionConfig.getTop());
this._panelEl.css('bottom', positionConfig.getBottom());
this._panelEl.css('left', positionConfig.getLeft());
this._panelEl.css('right', positionConfig.getRight());
// Use the vendor prefixed version of transform.
var prefixedTransform = this._$mdConstant.CSS.TRANSFORM;
this._panelEl.css(prefixedTransform, positionConfig.getTransform());
* Focuses on the panel or the first focus target.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._focusOnOpen = function() {
if (this._config['focusOnOpen']) {
// Wait for the template to finish rendering to guarantee md-autofocus has
// finished adding the class _md-autofocus, otherwise the focusable element
// isn't available to focus.
var self = this;
this._$rootScope['$$postDigest'](function() {
var target = self._$mdUtil.findFocusTarget(self._panelEl) ||
* Shows the backdrop.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the backdrop
* is created and attached.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._createBackdrop = function() {
if (this._config.hasBackdrop) {
if (!this._backdropRef) {
var backdropAnimation = this._$mdPanel.newPanelAnimation()
open: '_md-opaque-enter',
close: '_md-opaque-leave'
var backdropConfig = {
animation: backdropAnimation,
attachTo: this._config.attachTo,
focusOnOpen: false,
panelClass: '_md-panel-backdrop',
zIndex: this._config.zIndex - 1
this._backdropRef = this._$mdPanel.create(backdropConfig);
if (!this._backdropRef.isAttached) {
return this._backdropRef.attach();
* Listen for escape keys and outside clicks to auto close.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._addEventListeners = function() {
* Remove event listeners added in _addEventListeners.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._removeEventListeners = function() {
this._removeListeners && this._removeListeners.forEach(function(removeFn) {
this._removeListeners = null;
* Setup the escapeToClose event listeners.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureEscapeToClose = function() {
if (this._config['escapeToClose']) {
var parentTarget = getElement(this._config['attachTo']);
var self = this;
var keyHandlerFn = function(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === self._$mdConstant.KEY_CODE.ESCAPE) {
// Add keydown listeners
this._panelContainer.on('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
parentTarget.on('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
// Queue remove listeners function
this._removeListeners.push(function() {
self._panelContainer.off('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
parentTarget.off('keydown', keyHandlerFn);
* Setup the clickOutsideToClose event listeners.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureClickOutsideToClose = function() {
if (this._config['clickOutsideToClose']) {
var target = this._panelContainer;
var sourceElem;
// Keep track of the element on which the mouse originally went down
// so that we can only close the backdrop when the 'click' started on it.
// A simple 'click' handler does not work,
// it sets the target object as the element the mouse went down on.
var mousedownHandler = function(ev) {
sourceElem = ev.target;
// We check if our original element and the target is the backdrop
// because if the original was the backdrop and the target was inside the
// dialog we don't want to dialog to close.
var self = this;
var mouseupHandler = function(ev) {
if (sourceElem === target[0] && ev.target === target[0]) {
// Add listeners
target.on('mousedown', mousedownHandler);
target.on('mouseup', mouseupHandler);
// Queue remove listeners function
this._removeListeners.push(function() {
target.off('mousedown', mousedownHandler);
target.off('mouseup', mouseupHandler);
* Configures the listeners for updating the panel position on scroll.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureScrollListener = function() {
var updatePosition = angular.bind(this, this._updatePosition);
var debouncedUpdatePosition = this._$$rAF.throttle(updatePosition);
var self = this;
var onScroll = function() {
if (!self._config['disableParentScroll']) {
// Add listeners.
this._$window.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, true);
// Queue remove listeners function.
this._removeListeners.push(function() {
self._$window.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll, true);
* Setup the focus traps. These traps will wrap focus when tabbing past the
* panel. When shift-tabbing, the focus will stick in place.
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._configureTrapFocus = function() {
// Focus doesn't remain instead of the panel without this.
this._panelEl.attr('tabIndex', '-1');
if (this._config['trapFocus']) {
var element = this._panelEl;
// Set up elements before and after the panel to capture focus and
// redirect back into the panel.
this._topFocusTrap = FOCUS_TRAP_TEMPLATE.clone()[0];
this._bottomFocusTrap = FOCUS_TRAP_TEMPLATE.clone()[0];
// When focus is about to move out of the panel, we want to intercept it
// and redirect it back to the panel element.
var focusHandler = function() {
this._topFocusTrap.addEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
this._bottomFocusTrap.addEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
// Queue remove listeners function
this._removeListeners.push(this._simpleBind(function() {
this._topFocusTrap.removeEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
this._bottomFocusTrap.removeEventListener('focus', focusHandler);
}, this));
// The top focus trap inserted immediately before the md-panel element (as
// a sibling). The bottom focus trap inserted immediately after the
// md-panel element (as a sibling).
element[0].parentNode.insertBefore(this._topFocusTrap, element[0]);
* Animate the panel opening.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise}
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._animateOpen = function() {
var animationConfig = this._config['animation'];
if (!animationConfig) {
// Promise is in progress, return it.
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve) {
var done = self._done(resolve, self);
var warnAndOpen = function() {
'MdPanel Animations failed. Showing panel without animating.');
.then(done, warnAndOpen);
* Animate the panel closing.
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise}
* @private
MdPanelRef.prototype._animateClose = function() {
var animationConfig = this._config['animation'];
if (!animationConfig) {
return this._$q.when(this);
var self = this;
return this._$q(function(resolve) {
var done = function() {
var warnAndClose = function() {
'MdPanel Animations failed. Hiding panel without animating.');
.then(done, warnAndClose);
* Faster, more basic than angular.bind
* http://jsperf.com/angular-bind-vs-custom-vs-native
* @param {function} callback
* @param {!Object} self
* @return {function} Callback function with a bound self.
MdPanelRef.prototype._simpleBind = function(callback, self) {
return function(value) {
return callback.apply(self, value);
* @param {function} callback
* @param {!Object} self
* @return {function} Callback function with a self param.
MdPanelRef.prototype._done = function(callback, self) {
return function() {
* MdPanelPosition *
* Position configuration object. To use, create an MdPanelPosition with the
* desired properties, then pass the object as part of $mdPanel creation.
* Example:
* var panelPosition = new MdPanelPosition()
* .relativeTo(myButtonEl)
* .addPanelPosition($mdPanel.xPosition.CENTER, $mdPanel.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS);
* $mdPanel.create({
* position: panelPosition
* });
* @param {!angular.$window} $window
* @final @constructor
function MdPanelPosition($window) {
/** @private @const */
this._$window = $window;
/** @private {boolean} */
this._absolute = false;
/** @private {!angular.JQLite} */
/** @private {string} */
this._top = '';
/** @private {string} */
this._bottom = '';
/** @private {string} */
this._left = '';
/** @private {string} */
this._right = '';
/** @private {!Array<string>} */
this._translateX = [];
/** @private {!Array<string>} */
this._translateY = [];
/** @private {!Array<{x:string, y:string}>} */
this._positions = [];
/** @private {?{x:string, y:string}} */
* Possible values of xPosition.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelPosition.xPosition = {
CENTER: 'center',
ALIGN_START: 'align-start',
ALIGN_END: 'align-end',
OFFSET_START: 'offset-start',
OFFSET_END: 'offset-end'
* Possible values of yPosition.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelPosition.yPosition = {
CENTER: 'center',
ALIGN_TOPS: 'align-tops',
ALIGN_BOTTOMS: 'align-bottoms',
ABOVE: 'above',
BELOW: 'below'
* Sets absolute positioning for the panel.
* @return {!MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.absolute = function() {
this._absolute = true;
return this;
* Sets the value of `top` for the panel. Clears any previously set vertical
* position.
* @param {string=} opt_top Value of `top`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.top = function(opt_top) {
this._bottom = '';
this._top = opt_top || '0';
return this;
* Sets the value of `bottom` for the panel. Clears any previously set vertical
* position.
* @param {string=} opt_bottom Value of `bottom`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.bottom = function(opt_bottom) {
this._top = '';
this._bottom = opt_bottom || '0';
return this;
* Sets the value of `left` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} opt_left Value of `left`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.left = function(opt_left) {
this._right = '';
this._left = opt_left || '0';
return this;
* Sets the value of `right` for the panel. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @param {string=} opt_right Value of `right`. Defaults to '0'.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.right = function(opt_right) {
this._left = '';
this._right = opt_right || '0';
return this;
* Centers the panel horizontally in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* horizontal position.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.centerHorizontally = function() {
this._left = '50%';
this._right = '';
this._translateX = ['-50%'];
return this;
* Centers the panel vertically in the viewport. Clears any previously set
* vertical position.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.centerVertically = function() {
this._top = '50%';
this._bottom = '';
this._translateY = ['-50%'];
return this;
* Centers the panel horizontally and vertically in the viewport. This is
* equivalent to calling both `centerHorizontally` and `centerVertically`.
* Clears any previously set horizontal and vertical positions.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.center = function() {
return this.centerHorizontally().centerVertically();
* Sets element for relative positioning.
* @param {string|!Element|!angular.JQLite} element Query selector,
* DOM element, or angular element to set the panel relative to.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.relativeTo = function(element) {
this._absolute = false;
this._relativeToEl = getElement(element);
return this;
* Sets the x and y positions for the panel relative to another element.
* @param {string} xPosition must be one of the MdPanelPosition.xPosition values.
* @param {string} yPosition must be one of the MdPanelPosition.yPosition values.
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.addPanelPosition = function(xPosition, yPosition) {
if (!this._relativeToEl) {
throw new Error('addPanelPosition can only be used with relative ' +
'positioning. Set relativeTo first.');
x: xPosition,
y: yPosition,
return this;
* Ensure that yPosition is a valid position name. Throw an exception if not.
* @param {string} yPosition
MdPanelPosition.prototype._validateYPosition = function(yPosition) {
// empty is ok
if (yPosition == null) {
var positionKeys = Object.keys(MdPanelPosition.yPosition);
var positionValues = [];
for (var key, i = 0; key = positionKeys[i]; i++) {
var position = MdPanelPosition.yPosition[key];
if (position === yPosition) {
throw new Error('Panel y position only accepts the following values:\n' +
positionValues.join(' | '));
* Ensure that xPosition is a valid position name. Throw an exception if not.
* @param {string} xPosition
MdPanelPosition.prototype._validateXPosition = function(xPosition) {
// empty is ok
if (xPosition == null) {
var positionKeys = Object.keys(MdPanelPosition.xPosition);
var positionValues = [];
for (var key, i = 0; key = positionKeys[i]; i++) {
var position = MdPanelPosition.xPosition[key];
if (position === xPosition) {
throw new Error('Panel x Position only accepts the following values:\n' +
positionValues.join(' | '));
* Sets the value of the offset in the x-direction. This will add
* to any previously set offsets.
* @param {string} offsetX
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.withOffsetX = function(offsetX) {
return this;
* Sets the value of the offset in the y-direction. This will add
* to any previously set offsets.
* @param {string} offsetY
* @returns {MdPanelPosition}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.withOffsetY = function(offsetY) {
return this;
* Gets the value of `top` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getTop = function() {
return this._top;
* Gets the value of `bottom` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getBottom = function() {
return this._bottom;
* Gets the value of `left` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getLeft = function() {
return this._left;
* Gets the value of `right` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getRight = function() {
return this._right;
* Gets the value of `transform` for the panel.
* @returns {string}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getTransform = function() {
var translateX = this._reduceTranslateValues('translateX', this._translateX);
var translateY = this._reduceTranslateValues('translateY', this._translateY);
// It's important to trim the result, because the browser will ignore the set
// operation if the string contains only whitespace.
return (translateX + ' ' + translateY).trim();
* True if the panel is completely on-screen with this positioning; false
* otherwise.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @return {boolean}
MdPanelPosition.prototype._isOnscreen = function(panelEl) {
// this works because we always use fixed positioning for the panel,
// which is relative to the viewport.
// TODO(gmoothart): take into account _translateX and _translateY to the
// extent feasible.
var left = parseInt(this.getLeft());
var top = parseInt(this.getTop());
var right = left + panelEl[0].offsetWidth;
var bottom = top + panelEl[0].offsetHeight;
return (left >= 0) &&
(top >= 0) &&
(bottom <= this._$window.innerHeight) &&
(right <= this._$window.innerWidth);
* Gets the first x/y position that can fit on-screen.
* @returns {{x: string, y: string}}
MdPanelPosition.prototype.getActualPosition = function() {
return this._actualPosition;
* Reduces a list of translate values to a string that can be used within
* transform.
* @param {string} translateFn
* @param {!Array<string>} values
* @returns {string}
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._reduceTranslateValues =
function(translateFn, values) {
return values.map(function(translation) {
return translateFn + '(' + translation + ')';
}).join(' ');
* Sets the panel position based on the created panel element and best x/y
* positioning.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._setPanelPosition = function(panelEl) {
// Only calculate the position if necessary.
if (this._absolute) {
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Position panel intelligently to keep it on screen.
if (this._actualPosition) {
this._calculatePanelPosition(panelEl, this._actualPosition);
for (var i = 0; i < this._positions.length; i++) {
this._actualPosition = this._positions[i];
this._calculatePanelPosition(panelEl, this._actualPosition);
if (this._isOnscreen(panelEl)) {
* Calculates the panel position based on the created panel element and the
* provided positioning.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @param {!{x:string, y:string}} position
* @private
MdPanelPosition.prototype._calculatePanelPosition = function(panelEl, position) {
var panelBounds = panelEl[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var panelWidth = panelBounds.width;
var panelHeight = panelBounds.height;
var targetBounds = this._relativeToEl[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var targetLeft = targetBounds.left;
var targetRight = targetBounds.right;
var targetWidth = targetBounds.width;
switch (position.x) {
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.OFFSET_START:
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Change OFFSET_START for rtl vs ltr.
this._left = targetLeft - panelWidth + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.ALIGN_END:
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Change ALIGN_END for rtl vs ltr.
this._left = targetRight - panelWidth + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.CENTER:
var left = targetLeft + (0.5 * targetWidth) - (0.5 * panelWidth);
this._left = left + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.ALIGN_START:
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Change ALIGN_START for rtl vs ltr.
this._left = targetLeft + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.xPosition.OFFSET_END:
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Change OFFSET_END for rtl vs ltr.
this._left = targetRight + 'px';
var targetTop = targetBounds.top;
var targetBottom = targetBounds.bottom;
var targetHeight = targetBounds.height;
switch (position.y) {
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.ABOVE:
this._top = targetTop - panelHeight + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.ALIGN_BOTTOMS:
this._top = targetBottom - panelHeight + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.CENTER:
var top = targetTop + (0.5 * targetHeight) - (0.5 * panelHeight);
this._top = top + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.ALIGN_TOPS:
this._top = targetTop + 'px';
case MdPanelPosition.yPosition.BELOW:
this._top = targetBottom + 'px';
* MdPanelAnimation *
* Animation configuration object. To use, create an MdPanelAnimation with the
* desired properties, then pass the object as part of $mdPanel creation.
* Example:
* var panelAnimation = new MdPanelAnimation()
* .openFrom(myButtonEl)
* .closeTo('.my-button')
* .withAnimation($mdPanel.animation.SCALE);
* $mdPanel.create({
* animation: panelAnimation
* });
* @param {!angular.$injector} $injector
* @final @constructor
function MdPanelAnimation($injector) {
/** @private @const {!angular.$mdUtil} */
this._$mdUtil = $injector.get('$mdUtil');
* @private {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}|
* undefined}
* @private {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}|
* undefined}
/** @private {string|{open: string, close: string} */
this._animationClass = '';
* Possible default animations.
* @enum {string}
MdPanelAnimation.animation = {
SLIDE: 'md-panel-animate-slide',
SCALE: 'md-panel-animate-scale',
FADE: 'md-panel-animate-fade'
* Specifies where to start the open animation. `openFrom` accepts a
* click event object, query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that
* is used to determine the bounds. When passed a click event, the location
* of the click will be used as the position to start the animation.
* @param {string|!Element|!Event|{top: number, left: number}} openFrom
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.openFrom = function(openFrom) {
// Check if 'openFrom' is an Event.
openFrom = openFrom.target ? openFrom.target : openFrom;
this._openFrom = this._getPanelAnimationTarget(openFrom);
if (!this._closeTo) {
this._closeTo = this._openFrom;
return this;
* Specifies where to animate the dialog close. `closeTo` accepts a
* query selector, DOM element, or a Rect object that is used to determine
* the bounds.
* @param {string|!Element|{top: number, left: number}} closeTo
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.closeTo = function(closeTo) {
this._closeTo = this._getPanelAnimationTarget(closeTo);
return this;
* Returns the element and bounds for the animation target.
* @param {string|!Element|{top: number, left: number}} location
* @returns {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}}
* @private
MdPanelAnimation.prototype._getPanelAnimationTarget = function(location) {
if (angular.isDefined(location.top) || angular.isDefined(location.left)) {
return {
element: undefined,
bounds: {
top: location.top || 0,
left: location.left || 0
} else {
return this._getBoundingClientRect(getElement(location));
* Specifies the animation class.
* There are several default animations that can be used:
* (MdPanelAnimation.animation)
* SLIDE: The panel slides in and out from the specified
* elements.
* SCALE: The panel scales in and out.
* FADE: The panel fades in and out.
* @param {string|{open: string, close: string}} cssClass
* @returns {MdPanelAnimation}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.withAnimation = function(cssClass) {
this._animationClass = cssClass;
return this;
* Animate the panel open.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.animateOpen = function(panelEl) {
var animator = this._$mdUtil.dom.animator;
var animationOptions = {};
// Include the panel transformations when calculating the animations.
var panelTransform = panelEl[0].style.transform || '';
var openFrom = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
var openTo = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
switch (this._animationClass) {
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SLIDE:
// Slide should start with opacity: 1.
panelEl.css('opacity', '1');
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-enter'
var openSlide = animator.calculateSlideToOrigin(
panelEl, this._openFrom) || '';
openFrom = animator.toTransformCss(openSlide + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SCALE:
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-enter'
var openScale = animator.calculateZoomToOrigin(
panelEl, this._openFrom) || '';
openFrom = animator.toTransformCss(openScale + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.FADE:
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-enter'
if (angular.isString(this._animationClass)) {
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: this._animationClass
} else {
animationOptions = {
transitionInClass: this._animationClass['open'],
transitionOutClass: this._animationClass['close'],
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Combine the user's custom transforms with the
// panel transform.
return animator
.translate3d(panelEl, openFrom, openTo, animationOptions);
* Animate the panel close.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @returns {!angular.$q.Promise}
MdPanelAnimation.prototype.animateClose = function(panelEl) {
var animator = this._$mdUtil.dom.animator;
var reverseAnimationOptions = {};
// Include the panel transformations when calculating the animations.
var panelTransform = panelEl[0].style.transform || '';
var closeFrom = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
var closeTo = animator.toTransformCss(panelTransform);
switch (this._animationClass) {
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SLIDE:
// Slide should start with opacity: 1.
panelEl.css('opacity', '1');
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-leave'
var closeSlide = animator.calculateSlideToOrigin(
panelEl, this._closeTo) || '';
closeTo = animator.toTransformCss(closeSlide + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.SCALE:
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-scale-out _md-panel-animate-leave'
var closeScale = animator.calculateZoomToOrigin(
panelEl, this._closeTo) || '';
closeTo = animator.toTransformCss(closeScale + ' ' + panelTransform);
case MdPanelAnimation.animation.FADE:
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: '_md-panel-animate-fade-out _md-panel-animate-leave'
if (angular.isString(this._animationClass)) {
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionOutClass: this._animationClass
} else {
reverseAnimationOptions = {
transitionInClass: this._animationClass['close'],
transitionOutClass: this._animationClass['open']
// TODO(ErinCoughlan): Combine the user's custom transforms with the
// panel transform.
return animator
.translate3d(panelEl, closeFrom, closeTo, reverseAnimationOptions);
* Set the height and width to match the panel if not provided.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} panelEl
* @private
MdPanelAnimation.prototype._fixBounds = function(panelEl) {
var panelWidth = panelEl[0].offsetWidth;
var panelHeight = panelEl[0].offsetHeight;
if (this._openFrom && this._openFrom.bounds.height == null) {
this._openFrom.bounds.height = panelHeight;
if (this._openFrom && this._openFrom.bounds.width == null) {
this._openFrom.bounds.width = panelWidth;
if (this._closeTo && this._closeTo.bounds.height == null) {
this._closeTo.bounds.height = panelHeight;
if (this._closeTo && this._closeTo.bounds.width == null) {
this._closeTo.bounds.width = panelWidth;
* Identify the bounding RECT for the target element.
* @param {!angular.JQLite} element
* @returns {{element: !angular.JQLite|undefined, bounds: !DOMRect}}
* @private
MdPanelAnimation.prototype._getBoundingClientRect = function(element) {
if (element instanceof angular.element) {
return {
element: element,
bounds: element[0].getBoundingClientRect()
* Util Methods *
* Returns the angular element associated with a css selector or element.
* @param el {string|!angular.JQLite|!Element}
* @returns {!angular.JQLite}
function getElement(el) {
var queryResult = angular.isString(el) ?
document.querySelector(el) : el;
return angular.element(queryResult);
})(window, window.angular);