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synced 2025-02-12 08:48:04 +01:00
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276 lines
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app.controller( 'DashboardCtrl',
[ '$scope', '$filter', 'API',
function ( $scope, $filter, API ) {
$scope.xFunction = function () {
return function ( d ) {
return d.account;
$scope.yFunction = function () {
return function ( d ) {
return d.amount;
$scope.toolTipContentFunction = function () {
return function ( key, x, y, e, graph ) {
var details = $scope.balance.details[ key ];
return '<md-content><h3>' + key + '</h3>' + '<table>' + _( details ).map( function ( transaction ) {
return '<tr><td>' + transaction.date + '</td><td>' + transaction.payee + '</td><td style="text-align: right">' + $filter( 'number' )( transaction.amount, 2 ) + ' ' + transaction.currency + '</td></tr>';
} ).join( '' ) + '<tr><th></th><th>Total :</th><th>' + x + ' €</th></tr>' + '</table></md-content>';
// compute an account's score: from 1 (good) to 10 (bad), 0 is neutral/undecided
var score_account = function ( account ) {
if ( account.match( /^Income/ ) ) {
return -10;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:(courses|Hang)$/ ) ) {
return 1;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:Home/ ) ) {
return 1;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:Health/ ) ) {
return 1;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:Car/ ) ) {
return 4;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:(Food|Transport)/ ) ) {
return 5;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:(Shopping|Leisure)/ ) ) {
return 9;
} else if ( account.match( /^Expenses:Gadgets/ ) ) {
return 10;
} else if ( account.match( /^Liabilities/ ) ) {
return 0;
} else if ( account.match( /^Assets/ ) ) {
return -100;
} else {
return 0;
$scope.coloring_score = function ( score ) {
var adjusted_score = score;
var color_scale = [ '#99f', '#0f0', '#3f0', '#6f0', '#9f0', '#cf0', '#fc0', '#f90', '#f60', '#f30', '#f00' ];
if ( score <= -100 ) {
// Assets
adjusted_score = ( score * -1 ) - 100;
color_scale = [ '#f0f' ];
} else if ( score <= -10 ) {
// Income
adjusted_score = ( score * -1 ) - 10;
color_scale = [ '#360' ];
return color_scale[ adjusted_score ];
$scope.color = function () {
return function ( d, i ) {
return $scope.coloring_score( score_account( d.data.account ) );
$scope.filter_data = function() {
_($scope.balance.buckets).each( function( bucket ) {
bucket.data = [];
if ( _(bucket.accounts_selected).isEmpty() && bucket.score_threshold === 0 ) {
bucket.data = bucket.raw_data;
} else {
_(bucket.accounts_selected).each( function( account_selected ) {
bucket.data = bucket.data.concat( $filter('filter')( bucket.raw_data, account_selected, true ) );
} );
bucket.total_detailed = _.chain( bucket.data )
.groupBy( function( account ) {
return account.account.split(':')[0];
} )
.each( function( category ) {
category.total = _( category ).reduce( function ( memo, account ) {
return memo + account.amount;
}, 0 );
} )
bucket.total_detailed = _.chain(bucket.total_detailed)
.map( function( key ) {
return { account: key,
amount: bucket.total_detailed[key].total };
} )
} );
var Bucket = function( categories, period ) {
var _this = this;
this.categories = categories;
this.period = period;
this.score_threshold = 0;
this.orderBy = 'amount';
this.orderDesc = false;
this.order_by = function( field ) {
if ( _this.orderBy == field ) {
_this.orderDesc = !_this.orderDesc;
} else {
_this.orderBy = field;
this.pie_graph_options = { chart: { type: 'pieChart',
donut: true,
donutRatio: 0.25,
height: 300,
x: function( d ) { return d.account; },
y: function( d ) { return d.amount; },
showLabels: false,
showLegend: true,
legendPosition: 'right',
showTooltipPercent: true,
duration: 500,
labelThreshold: 0.01,
labelSunbeamLayout: true,
donutLabelsOutside: true
} };
$scope.depth = 99;
var retrieve_period_detailed_data = function () {
$scope.balance = {
buckets: [ new Bucket( 'Expenses Liabilities Equity Income', $scope.period ),
new Bucket( 'Assets', null ) ],
details: {}
_($scope.balance.buckets).each( function( bucket ) {
API.balance( { period: bucket.period,
categories: bucket.categories,
depth: $scope.depth } )
.then( function ( response ) {
bucket.raw_data = _.chain( response.data )
.map( function( account ) {
account.amount = ( account.amount < 0 ) ? account.amount * -1 : account.amount;
account.score = score_account( account.account );
return account;
} )
.sortBy( function ( account ) {
return 1 / account.amount;
} )
.sortBy( function ( account ) {
return account.account.split(":")[0];
} )
bucket.raw_total = _( response.data ).reduce( function ( memo, account ) {
return memo + account.amount;
}, 0 );
bucket.accounts_selected = bucket.raw_data;
} );
} );
var retrieve_accounts = function() {
.then( function ( response ) {
$scope.accounts = response.data.map( function( account_ary ) {
return account_ary.join( ':' );
} );
} );
var retrieve_graph_values = function( params ) {
API.graph_values( params ).then( function( response ) {
$scope.periods = [];
var largest_cat = _(response.data).reduce( function( memo, cat ) {
return cat.length > memo.length ? cat : memo;
}, [] );
.pluck( 'date' )
.each( function( date ) {
_(response.data).each( function( cat ) {
var value = _(cat).find( { date: date } );
if ( _(value).isUndefined() ) {
cat.push( { date: date,
amount: 0,
currency: _(cat).first().currency } );
} );
} );
_(response.data).each( function( cat ) {
cat = _(cat).sortBy( function( month ) {
return month.date;
} );
} );
$scope.graphiques = {
monthly_values: {
options: {
chart: {
type: 'multiBarChart',
height: 300,
showControls: false,
showLegend: true,
showLabels: true,
stacked: false,
duration: 500,
reduceXTicks: false,
rotateLabels: 67,
labelSunbeamLayout: true,
useInteractiveGuideline: false,
multibar: {
dispatch: {
elementClick: function( event ) {
$scope.period = event.data.x;
data: _.chain( response.data )
.map( function( key ) {
var multiplicator = ( key == "Income" ) ? -1 : 1;
return { key: key,
values: _.chain(response.data[ key ]).map( function( value ) {
var date = new Date( value.date );
var period = date.getFullYear() + '-' + ( date.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '' ) + ( date.getMonth() + 1 );
$scope.periods.push( period );
return { key: key,
x: period,
y: parseInt( value.amount ) * multiplicator };
} )
.sortBy( function( item ) { return item.x; } )
} )
$scope.periods = _.chain($scope.periods).uniq().sort().reverse().value();
$scope.period = _($scope.periods).first();
} );
$scope.graphed_accounts = [ 'Expenses', 'Income' ];
$scope.$watch( 'period', function () {
} );
$scope.$watch( 'graphed_accounts', function () {
retrieve_graph_values( { period: '',
categories: $scope.graphed_accounts.join(' ') } );
} );
] );