# blorg A presonal (small + opinionated) site generator with org-mode support. Install from binary: $ wget https://github.com/facundoolano/blorg/releases/download/latest/blorg-$(uname -m) \ -o blorg && chmod +x blorg Or install with go: $ go install github.com/facundoolano/blorg Usage: ```shell $ blorg init myblog site name: My Blog author: Facundo added myblog/README.md added myblog/.gitignore added myblog/config.yml added myblog/layouts/base.html added myblog/layouts/post.html added myblog/src/index.html added myblog/assets/css/main.css added myblog/src/blog/hello.org added myblog/src/feed.xml added myblog/src/tags.html $ cd myblog $ blorg post "My First Post" added src/blog/my-first-post.org $ blorg serve & server running at http://localhost:4001/ $ cat >> src/blog/test.org <