HP48 Sources Page.

Countdown on the screen.

When drawing numbers to the screen, we have to know the bitmap data of each character. This font is the first thing in this program. One other thing to note here is the use of local labels. Sometimes assigning names to insignificant labels can be tiresome. Here, a "-" sign means the previous label while a "+" sign means the next label.
Size: 117.5 Checksum: # 42F2h
	GOSBVL	=SAVPTR		think you should know what this is by now
	INTOFF			turn off keyboard interrupts (don't read keys)
	GOSUB	PASSFNT		pass the address of the font to RSTK
* The following is the font. The bitmap is acquired in this manner:
* As an example, consider a "zero":
* Bit: 1 2 4 8
*        *	yields the 2
*      *   *	1+4=5
*      *   *	  "
*      *   *	  "
*        *	2
*		0
	NIBHEX	255520		0
	NIBHEX	322270		1
	NIBHEX	747170		2
	NIBHEX	747470		3
	NIBHEX	557440		4
	NIBHEX	717470		5
	NIBHEX	717570		6
	NIBHEX	742110		7
	NIBHEX	757570		8
	NIBHEX	757470		9
PASSFNT	C=RSTK			fetch the address to the font
	R0=C.F	A		save it here
	GOSBVL	=D0->Row1	point D0 to first nibble of screen
	R1=A.F	A		save here
	LCHEX	10000		starting value
-	GOSUB	DRAW5		draw the number
	SETDEC			we need decimal mode
	C=C-1	A		decrease number
	SETHEX			back to hex mode
	GONC	-		loop
	INTON			turn on interrupts

* Subroutines

DRAW5	RSTK=C			save number on return stack
	A=C	A
	P=	16-5		Save number in high A[W]
	A=R1.F	A
	D0=A			->display
	P=	16-5		5 digits
	C=P	15
	P=	0
--	A=0	A
	ASLC			A[A] = digit
	C=R0.F	A		C[A] = ->font
	A=A+A	A
	C=C+A	A
	C=C+A	A
	C=C+A	A		C[A] = ->font+6*digit
	CD0EX			C[A] = ->display
	A=DAT0	6		A[0-5] = font data
	D0=C			And restore ->display
-	DAT0=A	P		Draw 6 bitrows
	D0=D0+	34
	P=P+1			using P as counter allows us to use
	?P#	6		DAT0=A P, and thus a single A=DAT0 6
	P=	0
	D0=C			Restore ->display
	D0=D0+	1		And advance to next digit
	C=C+1	S
	GONC	--
	C=RSTK			Restore C[A]