1 9 17 33 ... 80 ------------------------------------------------- Label Opcode Modifier Comments ... -------------------------------------------------This is how you would structure your code. I.e. you write your labels in columns 1-8, your opcode in 9-16, modifier starts in column 17. Comments start in column 33.
drlp DAT1=A W draw 16 nibbles to the screenBint:
An address in ROM that can be called from a program (a subroutine).
The most common mode when programming system rpl and ml. You will need to understand this mode.
Interrupt system:
Interrupts can be a low-bat condition, a key being pressed, and a whole lot of others I don't know about.
Can cause a considerable slowdown of your program if not disabled.
An optional label.
This is what we write instead of what the assembler creates. Example: Mnemonic C=C+A A will be translated to C2.
In the beginning, people wrote code using the binary translation of the instructions. Much harder and more time consuming.
Second part of the instruction. Can for example indicate which part of a working register will be used.
A half-byte quantity, four bits.
Just a length (in nibbles).
Part of the instruction.
Synonym for drop.
The first five nibbles of an object that identifies what object it is. I.e. =DOCSTR
identifies it as a string.