GOSBVL =SAVPTR save the internal pointers
ST=0 15 turn off interrupts
INTOFF turn off keyboard interrupts
GOSUB waitkeyup wait for user to let go of key
GOSBVL =DispOff turn off the display
* yes, it's that easy
GOSBVL =clkspd measure clock speed
* A[A] = speed/16
GOSBVL =DispOn turn on display
INTON turn on keyboard interrupts
ST=1 15 turn on all interrupts
R0=A.F A prepare to push R0[A]
GOSBVL =PUSH# push R0[A] to stack, restore pointers
GOSUB srpl put the following data on the return-stack
CON(5) =DOCOL start a program
CON(5) =UNCOERCE convert "bint" to float
CON(5) =%16 multiply by sixteen
CON(5) =%* *
CON(5) =SEMI end program
srpl C=RSTK pop address of data into C[A]
PC=(A) branch (execute) program
LC(3) #1FF look for all keys
OUT=C set the OUT register
GOSBVL =CINRTN read the IN register
LA(5) #0803F load mask
A=A&C A mask out keys
?A#0 A any keys down?
GOYES waitkeyup yes, check again
RTN return