HP48 Sources Page.

Here's a little program that produces a nice effect on the screen.


Size: 122.5 Checksum: # D5FCh
 RECLAIMDISP			(clear the screen)
 TURNMENUOFF			(turn the menu off)
	GOSBVL	=SAVPTR		save internal pointers
	GOSBVL	=DisableIntr	turn off all interrupts, yes go ahead, ON-A-F won't work!
	GOSUB	waitkeyup	wait for user to let go of key
	GOSBVL	=D0->Row1	D0,A[A] -> top left corner of display
	R0=A.F	A		save here
	D1=(5)	=CRC		D1 -> hardware checksum, try changing this to =TIMER1
toplp	C=R0.F	A		get screen address
	D0=C			point D0 here
	LC(5)	#3F
	B=C	A		B[A] = 64-1 (64 pixel rows)
drawlp	C=DAT0	4		read from screen to randomize hardware checksum
	C=DAT1	4		read hardware checksum
	P=	3
	A=C	WP		fill A[W] with C[WP]
	GOSBVL	(=ASLW5)+3	| shift A[W] left 4 times
	A=C	WP		|
	GOSBVL	(=ASLW5)+3	|
	A=C	WP		|
	GOSBVL	(=ASLW5)+3	|
	A=C	WP		|
	DAT0=A	W		write it out to screen
	D0=D0+	16		point D0 to next 64 (16*4) pixels
	DAT0=A	W		write again
	D0=D0+	16		...
	DAT0=A	2		and the last 8 pixels
	D0=D0+	2		D0 points to next row
	B=B-1	A
	GONC	drawlp		loop until done
	P=	0
* read the keyboard
	LC(3)	#1FF		load keyboard rows
	OUT=C			| set the OUT register
	GOSBVL	=CINRTN		| read the IN register
	LA(5)	#803F		| set mask for all keys
	A=A&C	A		| mask out keys
	?A=0	A		were any keys down?
	GOYES	toplp		no, draw screen again
	GOSUB	waitkeyup	yes, wait for user to let go of key
	GOSBVL	=AllowIntr	turn on interrupts again
	GOVLNG	=GETPTRLOOP	exit back to rpl, restoring pointers
* wait here until no keys are down
	LC(3)	#1FF		load keyboard rows
	OUT=C			| set the OUT register
	GOSBVL	=CINRTN		| read the IN register
	LA(5)	#803F		| load mask
	A=A&C	A		| mask out keys
	?A#0	A		any keys down?
	GOYES	waitkeyup	yes, wait again
	RTN			return