/* This file is part of hp_saturn. hp_saturn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. hp_saturn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ /* * debugger * */ wire [19:0] new_pc; assign new_pc = i_pc + 1; wire run_debugger; assign run_debugger = !i_reset && i_en_dbg && !i_stalled && !i_bus_load_pc && !next_nibble; wire is_short_transfer; assign is_short_transfer = (o_field_last == 3) && ((o_reg_dest[4:1] == 4'b0010) || (o_reg_src1[4:1] == 4'b0010)); wire p_is_dest; wire is_load_imm; wire is_d0_eq; wire is_d1_eq; wire is_p_eq; wire is_la_hex; wire is_lc_hex; wire disp_nb_nibbles; wire is_alu_op; assign p_is_dest = (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_P); assign is_load_imm = ((o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_COPY) || (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_RST_BIT) || (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_SET_BIT) || (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2) || (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3) || (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4) || (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5)) && (o_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_IMM); assign is_d0_eq = is_load_imm && (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_D0); assign is_d1_eq = is_load_imm && (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_D1); assign is_p_eq = is_load_imm && p_is_dest; assign is_la_hex = is_load_imm && (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_A); assign is_lc_hex = is_load_imm && (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_C); assign disp_nb_nibbles = is_d0_eq || is_d1_eq; assign is_alu_op = o_ins_alu_op && !( o_ins_config ); reg [4:0] nibble_pos; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (run_debugger) begin /* * this whole thing is a large print statement * THIS PART IS NEVER GENERATED */ `ifdef SIM if (o_ins_decoded) begin $write("DBG[%5d]: ", inst_counter); $write("%5h ", o_ins_addr); // $write("[%2d] ", o_dbg_nb_nbls); for(nibble_pos=0; nibble_pos!=o_dbg_nb_nbls; nibble_pos=nibble_pos+1) $write("%h", o_dbg_nibbles[nibble_pos*4+:4]); for(nibble_pos=o_dbg_nb_nbls; nibble_pos!=22; nibble_pos=nibble_pos+1) $write(" "); // display decoded instruction if (o_ins_rtn) begin $write("RT%s", o_en_intr?"I":"N"); if (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_TEST_GO) $write("YES"); if (o_set_xm) $write("SXM"); if (o_set_carry) $write("%sC", o_carry_val?"S":"C"); $write("\t"); end if (o_ins_set_mode) begin $write("SET%s", o_mode_dec?"DEC":"HEX"); end if (o_ins_reset) begin $write("RESET\t"); end if (o_ins_config) $write("CONFIG\t"); if (is_alu_op) begin case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: $write("?"); endcase // reg dest... case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK: case (o_reg_dest) `ALU_REG_HST: case (o_imm_value) 4'h1: $write("XM=0"); 4'h2: $write("SB=0"); 4'h4: $write("SR=0"); 4'h8: $write("MP=0"); default: begin $write("CLRHST"); if (o_imm_value != 4'hF) $write("\t%1h", o_imm_value); end endcase default: $write("[VLR_MASK dest:%0d]", o_reg_dest); endcase `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4, `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: begin end default: case (o_reg_dest) `ALU_REG_A: $write("A"); `ALU_REG_B: $write("B"); `ALU_REG_C: if (is_lc_hex) $write("LCHEX"); else $write("C"); `ALU_REG_D: $write("D"); `ALU_REG_D0: $write("D0"); `ALU_REG_D1: $write("D1"); `ALU_REG_RSTK: $write("RSTK"); `ALU_REG_R0: $write("R0"); `ALU_REG_R1: $write("R1"); `ALU_REG_R2: $write("R2"); `ALU_REG_R3: $write("R3"); `ALU_REG_R4: $write("R4"); `ALU_REG_DAT0: $write("DAT0"); `ALU_REG_DAT1: $write("DAT1"); `ALU_REG_ST: if (o_alu_op!=`ALU_OP_ZERO) $write("ST"); `ALU_REG_P: $write("P"); default: $write("[dest:%0d]", o_reg_dest); endcase endcase // operation 1 case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_ZERO: if (o_reg_dest==`ALU_REG_ST) $write("CLRST"); else $write("=0"); `ALU_OP_COPY, `ALU_OP_AND, `ALU_OP_OR, `ALU_OP_RST_BIT, `ALU_OP_SET_BIT, `ALU_OP_INC, `ALU_OP_DEC, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_SUB: if (!is_lc_hex) $write("="); `ALU_OP_2CMPL: $write("=-"); `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2: begin $write("%s",(o_mem_load[7:0] == 0)?"RTN":"GO"); if (!o_carry_val) $write("N"); $write("C"); end `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3: $write("%s", o_push?"GOSUB":"GOTO"); `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4: $write("%s", o_push?"GOSUBL":"GOLONG"); `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5: $write("%s", o_push?"GOSBVL":"GOVLNG"); `ALU_OP_EXCH, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ, `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK: begin end default: $write("[op:%0d]", o_alu_op); endcase // src1 case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_COPY, `ALU_OP_AND, `ALU_OP_OR, `ALU_OP_2CMPL, `ALU_OP_INC, `ALU_OP_DEC, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_SUB, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: case (o_reg_src1) `ALU_REG_A: $write("A"); `ALU_REG_B: $write("B"); `ALU_REG_C: $write("C"); `ALU_REG_D: $write("D"); `ALU_REG_D0: $write("D0"); `ALU_REG_D1: $write("D1"); `ALU_REG_RSTK: $write("RSTK"); `ALU_REG_R0: $write("R0"); `ALU_REG_R1: $write("R1"); `ALU_REG_R2: $write("R2"); `ALU_REG_R3: $write("R3"); `ALU_REG_R4: $write("R4"); `ALU_REG_DAT0: $write("DAT0"); `ALU_REG_DAT1: $write("DAT1"); `ALU_REG_ST: $write("ST"); `ALU_REG_P: $write("P"); `ALU_REG_IMM: if (disp_nb_nibbles) $write("(%0d)", o_mem_pos); `ALU_REG_ZERO: $write("0"); default: $write("[src1:%0d]", o_reg_src1); endcase `ALU_OP_RST_BIT: $write("0"); `ALU_OP_SET_BIT: $write("1"); endcase // if ((o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_COPY) && is_short_transfer) // $write("S"); // operation 2 case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_AND, `ALU_OP_OR, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_SUB: case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_AND: $write("&"); `ALU_OP_OR: $write("!"); `ALU_OP_ADD: $write("+"); `ALU_OP_SUB: $write("-"); default: $write("[op:%0d]", o_alu_op); endcase `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ: $write("="); `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: $write("#"); default: begin end endcase // source 2 case (o_alu_op) `ALU_OP_ZERO, `ALU_OP_COPY: begin end `ALU_OP_EXCH, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: case (o_reg_src2) `ALU_REG_A: $write("A"); `ALU_REG_B: $write("B"); `ALU_REG_C: $write("C"); `ALU_REG_D: $write("D"); `ALU_REG_D0: $write("D0"); `ALU_REG_D1: $write("D1"); `ALU_REG_RSTK: $write("RSTK"); `ALU_REG_IMM: $write("\t%0d", o_imm_value+1); default: $write("[src2:%0d]", o_reg_src2); endcase `ALU_OP_INC: $write("+1"); `ALU_OP_DEC: $write("-1"); endcase if (o_alu_op == `ALU_OP_EXCH) $write("%s", is_short_transfer?"XS":"EX"); // if (!((o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_RSTK) || (o_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_RSTK) || // (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_ST) || (o_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_ST ) || // (o_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_P) || (o_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_P ))) begin $write("\t"); if (o_field_valid) begin // $write("[FT%d]", o_fields_table); if (o_fields_table != `FT_TABLE_value) case (o_field) `FT_FIELD_P: $write("P"); `FT_FIELD_WP: $write("WP"); `FT_FIELD_XS: $write("XS"); `FT_FIELD_X: $write("X"); `FT_FIELD_S: $write("S"); `FT_FIELD_M: $write("M"); `FT_FIELD_B: $write("B"); `FT_FIELD_W: $write("W"); `FT_FIELD_A: $write("A"); endcase else $write("%0d", o_field_last+1); end else begin // $write("@%b@", is_load_imm); if (is_load_imm) begin if (is_p_eq) $write("%0d", o_imm_value); else for(nibble_pos=(o_mem_pos - 1); nibble_pos!=31; nibble_pos=nibble_pos-1) $write("%h", o_mem_load[nibble_pos*4+:4]); end else case (o_reg_dest) `ALU_REG_P, `ALU_REG_ST, `ALU_REG_HST: begin end `ALU_REG_C: if (o_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_P) $write("%0d", o_field_start); default: $write("[%h:%h]", o_field_start, o_field_last); endcase end end $write("\t(%0d cycles)", inst_cycles); if (o_unimplemented) $write("\t%C[1,31mUNIMPLEMENTED%C[0m", 27, 27); $write("\n"); end // $display("new [%5h]--------------------------------------------------------------------", new_pc); `endif end end