/* (c) Raphaƫl Jacquot 2019 This file is part of hp_saturn. hp_saturn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. hp_saturn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ `default_nettype none module saturn_bus_controller ( i_clk, i_clk_en, i_reset, i_phases, i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, o_bus_clk_en, o_bus_is_data, o_bus_nibble_out, i_bus_nibble_in, o_debug_cycle, o_instr_decoded, o_char_to_send, o_char_counter, o_char_valid, o_char_send, i_serial_busy, o_halt ); input wire [0:0] i_clk; input wire [0:0] i_clk_en; input wire [0:0] i_reset; input wire [3:0] i_phases; input wire [1:0] i_phase; input wire [31:0] i_cycle_ctr; output reg [0:0] o_bus_clk_en; output reg [0:0] o_bus_is_data; output reg [3:0] o_bus_nibble_out; input wire [3:0] i_bus_nibble_in; output wire [0:0] o_debug_cycle; output wire [0:0] o_instr_decoded; assign o_instr_decoded = dec_instr_decoded; output wire [7:0] o_char_to_send; output wire [9:0] o_char_counter; output wire [0:0] o_char_valid; output wire [0:0] o_char_send; input wire [0:0] i_serial_busy; output wire [0:0] o_halt; /************************************************************************************************** * * master control unit * *************************************************************************************************/ saturn_control_unit control_unit ( .i_clk (i_clk), .i_clk_en (bus_clk_en), .i_reset (i_reset), .i_phases (i_phases), .i_phase (i_phase), .i_cycle_ctr (i_cycle_ctr), .i_bus_busy (bus_busy), .o_program_address (ctrl_unit_prog_addr), .i_program_address (bus_prog_addr), .o_program_data (ctrl_unit_prog_data), .o_no_read (ctrl_unit_no_read), .i_nibble (i_bus_nibble_in), .o_error (ctrl_unit_error), .o_alu_busy (alu_busy), /* debugger interface */ .o_current_pc (ctrl_current_pc), .o_reg_alu_mode (ctrl_reg_alu_mode), .o_reg_carry (ctrl_reg_carry), .o_reg_hst (ctrl_reg_hst), .o_reg_st (ctrl_reg_st), .o_reg_p (ctrl_reg_p), .i_dbg_register (dbg_register), .i_dbg_reg_ptr (dbg_reg_ptr), .o_dbg_reg_nibble (ctrl_reg_nibble), .i_dbg_rstk_ptr (dbg_rstk_ptr), .o_dbg_rstk_val (ctrl_rstk_val), .o_reg_rstk_ptr (ctrl_reg_rstk_ptr), .o_alu_reg_dest (dec_alu_reg_dest), .o_alu_reg_src_1 (dec_alu_reg_src_1), .o_alu_reg_src_2 (dec_alu_reg_src_2), .o_alu_imm_value (dec_alu_imm_value), .o_alu_opcode (dec_alu_opcode), .o_instr_type (dec_instr_type), .o_instr_decoded (dec_instr_decoded), .o_instr_execute (dec_instr_execute) ); wire [0:0] ctrl_unit_error; wire [4:0] ctrl_unit_prog_addr; wire [4:0] ctrl_unit_prog_data; wire [0:0] ctrl_unit_no_read; wire [0:0] alu_busy; /* debugger insterface */ wire [19:0] ctrl_current_pc; wire [0:0] ctrl_reg_alu_mode; wire [0:0] ctrl_reg_carry; wire [3:0] ctrl_reg_hst; wire [15:0] ctrl_reg_st; wire [3:0] ctrl_reg_p; wire [3:0] ctrl_reg_nibble; wire [19:0] ctrl_rstk_val; wire [2:0] ctrl_reg_rstk_ptr; wire [4:0] dec_alu_reg_dest; wire [4:0] dec_alu_reg_src_1; wire [4:0] dec_alu_reg_src_2; wire [3:0] dec_alu_imm_value; wire [4:0] dec_alu_opcode; wire [3:0] dec_instr_type; wire [0:0] dec_instr_decoded; wire [0:0] dec_instr_execute; /************************************************************************************************** * * debugger module * *************************************************************************************************/ saturn_debugger debugger ( .i_clk (i_clk), .i_clk_en (i_clk_en), .i_reset (i_reset), .i_phases (i_phases), .i_phase (i_phase), .i_cycle_ctr (i_cycle_ctr), .o_debug_cycle (dbg_debug_cycle), .i_alu_busy (alu_busy), /* debugger interface */ .i_current_pc (ctrl_current_pc), .i_reg_alu_mode (ctrl_reg_alu_mode), .i_reg_carry (ctrl_reg_carry), .i_reg_hst (ctrl_reg_hst), .i_reg_st (ctrl_reg_st), .i_reg_p (ctrl_reg_p), .o_dbg_register (dbg_register), .o_dbg_reg_ptr (dbg_reg_ptr), .i_dbg_reg_nibble (ctrl_reg_nibble), .o_dbg_rstk_ptr (dbg_rstk_ptr), .i_dbg_rstk_val (ctrl_rstk_val), .i_reg_rstk_ptr (ctrl_reg_rstk_ptr), .i_alu_reg_dest (dec_alu_reg_dest), .i_alu_reg_src_1 (dec_alu_reg_src_1), .i_alu_reg_src_2 (dec_alu_reg_src_2), .i_alu_imm_value (dec_alu_imm_value), .i_alu_opcode (dec_alu_opcode), .i_instr_type (dec_instr_type), .i_instr_decoded (dec_instr_decoded), .i_instr_execute (dec_instr_execute), .i_bus_busy (bus_busy), .o_char_to_send (o_char_to_send), .o_char_counter (o_char_counter), .o_char_valid (o_char_valid), .o_char_send (o_char_send), .i_serial_busy (i_serial_busy), .i_bus_debug (dbg_bus_info), .i_bus_action (dbg_bus_action), .i_bus_data (dbg_bus_data) ); wire [4:0] dbg_register; wire [3:0] dbg_reg_ptr; wire [2:0] dbg_rstk_ptr; wire [0:0] dbg_debug_cycle; assign o_debug_cycle = dbg_debug_cycle; reg [0:0] dbg_bus_info; reg [1:0] dbg_bus_action; reg [3:0] dbg_bus_data; /************************************************************************************************** * * the bus controller module * *************************************************************************************************/ /* * local registers */ reg [0:0] bus_error; reg [0:0] bus_busy; wire [0:0] bus_clk_en = !o_debug_cycle && i_clk_en; /* * program list for the bus controller * this is used for the control unit to send the bus controller * the list of things that need to be done for long sequences */ reg [4:0] bus_prog_addr; wire [0:0] more_to_write; assign more_to_write = (bus_prog_addr != ctrl_unit_prog_addr); /* * this should come from the debugger */ assign o_halt = bus_error || ctrl_unit_error; initial begin dbg_bus_info = 1'b0; dbg_bus_action = 2'b00; dbg_bus_data = 4'h0; bus_error = 1'b0; bus_prog_addr = 5'd0; bus_busy = 1'b1; end // wire [0:0] bus_read_valid = bus_clk_en && i_phases[2] && !bus_busy && !alu_busy; // wire [0:0] bus_write_valid = bus_clk_en && i_phases[1] && bus_busy && !alu_busy; /* * bus chronograms * * The bus works on a 4 phase system * */ always @(posedge i_clk) begin dbg_bus_action <= 2'b11; dbg_bus_data <= 4'h0; if (bus_clk_en && !alu_busy) begin case (i_phases) 4'b0001: begin /* * in this phase, we can send a command or data from the processor */ // $display("BUSCTRL %0d: [%d] cycle start", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); if (more_to_write) begin $write("BUSCTRL %0d: [%d] %0d|%0d : %5b ", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, bus_prog_addr, ctrl_unit_prog_addr, ctrl_unit_prog_data); if (ctrl_unit_prog_data[4]) $write("CMD : "); else $write("DATA : "); $write("%h\n", ctrl_unit_prog_data[3:0]); bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'b1; o_bus_is_data <= !ctrl_unit_prog_data[4]; o_bus_nibble_out <= ctrl_unit_prog_data[3:0]; o_bus_clk_en <= 1'b1; bus_busy <= 1'b1; /* data for the debugger */ dbg_bus_info <= 1'b1; dbg_bus_action <= { 1'b0, ctrl_unit_prog_data[4]}; dbg_bus_data <= ctrl_unit_prog_data[3:0]; end /* * nothing to send, see if we can read, and do it */ if (!more_to_write && !ctrl_unit_no_read) begin // $display("BUSCTRL %0d: [%d] setting up read", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); o_bus_is_data <= 1'b1; o_bus_clk_en <= 1'b1; end end 4'b0010: begin /* * this phase is reserved for reading data from the bus */ if (o_bus_clk_en) begin // $display("BUSCTRL %0d: [%d] lowering bus clock_en", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); o_bus_clk_en <= 1'b0; end /* memories write to the bus in this state */ end 4'b0100: begin /* * this phase is when the instruction decoder does it's job */ if (!more_to_write && bus_busy) begin $display("BUSCTRL %0d: [%d] done sending the entire program", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); bus_busy <= 1'b0; end /* at that poing, weread data in for the debugger */ if (!bus_busy && !alu_busy) begin dbg_bus_info <= 1'b1; dbg_bus_action <= 2'b10; dbg_bus_data <= i_bus_nibble_in; $display("BUSCTRL %0d: [%d] READ %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_bus_nibble_in); end end 4'b1000: begin /* * instructions that can be handled in one clock are done here, otherwise, we start the ALU */ end default: begin end // other states should not exist endcase end if (dbg_bus_info) dbg_bus_info <= 1'b0; if (i_reset) begin bus_error <= 1'b0; bus_prog_addr <= 5'd0; bus_busy <= 1'b1; end end endmodule