/****************************************************************************** * 8 * a lot of things start with 8... * */ `include "decstates.v" `DEC_FX: begin field <= `T_FIELD_A; alu_first <= 0; alu_last <= 4; alu_reg_dest <= reg_ABCD; if (!nb_in[3]) begin $display("F%h shifts not implemented"); decode_error <= 1; end else begin alu_reg_src1 <= reg_ABCD; alu_op <= nb_in[2]?`ALU_OP_1CMPL:`ALU_OP_2CMPL; end alu_debug <= 1; next_cycle <= `BUSCMD_NOP; decstate <= `DEC_ALU_INIT; alu_return <= `DEC_START; `ifdef SIM $write("%5h ", inst_start_PC); case ({2'b00, nb_in[1:0]}) `ALU_REG_A: $write("A"); `ALU_REG_B: $write("B"); `ALU_REG_C: $write("C"); `ALU_REG_D: $write("D"); endcase if (!nb_in[3]) begin $write("S"); if (!nb_in[2]) $write("L"); else $write("R"); end else begin $write("=-"); case ({2'b00, nb_in[1:0]}) `ALU_REG_A: $write("A"); `ALU_REG_B: $write("B"); `ALU_REG_C: $write("C"); `ALU_REG_D: $write("D"); endcase if (nb_in[2]) $write("-1"); end $display("\tA"); `endif end