/* * Licence: GPLv3 or later */ `default_nettype none // `include "bus_commands.v" `include "hp48_00_bus.v" /************************************************************************************************** * * * * * */ `ifdef SIM module saturn_core ( input clk, input reset, output halt, output [3:0] busstate, output [7:0] decstate ); `else module saturn_core ( input clk_25mhz, input [6:0] btn, output wifi_gpio0, output [7:0] led ); wire clk; wire reset; reg clk2; assign wifi_gpio0 = 1'b1; assign clk = clk_25mhz; assign reset = btn[1]; `endif // data transfer constants // clocks reg clk2; reg clk3; wire bus_ctrl_clk; wire ph0; wire ph1; wire ph2; wire ph3; reg en_bus_clk; wire bus_strobe; reg en_dec_clk; wire dec_strobe; // state machine stuff wire halt; reg [31:0] cycle_ctr; reg [31:0] instr_ctr; reg decode_error; reg debug_stop; reg [3:0] cycle_type; reg [3:0] next_cycle; reg read_next_pc; reg execute_cycle; reg inc_pc; reg read_nibble; reg first_nibble; reg [7:0] decstate; reg [3:0] regdump; // bus access reg [19:0] bus_address; reg [3:0] bus_command; reg [3:0] bus_nibble_in; wire [3:0] bus_nibble_out; wire bus_error; reg bus_load_pc; reg en_bus_load_pc; // should go away, the rom should work like any other bus module reg rom_enable; // internal registers reg [3:0] nibble; reg [19:0] new_PC; reg [19:0] next_PC; reg [19:0] inst_start_PC; reg [2:0] rstk_ptr; reg [19:0] jump_base; reg [19:0] jump_offset; reg hex_dec; `define MODE_HEX 0; `define MODE_DEC 1; // data transfer registers reg [3:0] t_offset; reg [3:0] t_cnt; reg [3:0] t_ctr; reg t_dir; reg t_ptr; reg t_reg; reg [3:0] t_field; // processor registers reg [19:0] PC; reg [3:0] P; reg [15:0] ST; reg [3:0] HST; reg Carry; reg [19:0] RSTK[0:7]; reg [19:0] D0; reg [19:0] D1; reg [63:0] A; reg [63:0] B; reg [63:0] C; reg [63:0] D; reg [63:0] R0; reg [63:0] R1; reg [63:0] R2; reg [63:0] R3; reg [63:0] R4; hp48_bus bus_ctrl ( .strobe (bus_strobe), .reset (reset), .address (bus_address), .command (bus_command), .nibble_in (bus_nibble_in), .nibble_out (bus_nibble_out), .bus_error (bus_error) ); initial begin $display("initializing clocks"); clk2 = 0; clk3 = 0; en_bus_clk = 0; $display("initialize cycle counter"); cycle_ctr = -1; instr_ctr = 0; $display("initializing bus_command"); bus_command = `BUSCMD_NOP; $display("initializing busstate"); next_cycle = `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC; $display("Initializing decstate"); decstate = 0; $display("initializing control bits"); decode_error = 0; debug_stop = 0; bus_load_pc = 1; en_bus_load_pc = 1; read_next_pc = 1; execute_cycle = 0; inc_pc = 0; $display("should be initializing registers"); hex_dec = `MODE_HEX; PC = 0; new_PC = 0; next_PC = 0; inst_start_PC = 0; rstk_ptr = 7; // $monitor("rst %b | CLK %b | CLK2 %b | CLK3 %b | PH0 %b | PH1 %b | PH2 %b | PH3 %b | CTR %d | EBCLK %b| STRB %b | BLPC %b | bnbi %b | bnbo %b | nb %b ", // reset, clk, clk2, clk3, ph0, ph1, ph2, ph3, cycle_ctr, en_bus_clk, strobe, bus_load_pc, bus_nibble_in, bus_nibble_out, nibble); // $monitor("CTR %d | EBCLK %b| B_STRB %b | EDCLK %b | D_STRB %b | BLPC %b | bnbi %b | bnbo %b | nb %b ", // cycle_ctr, en_bus_clk, bus_strobe, en_dec_clk, dec_strobe, bus_load_pc, bus_nibble_in, bus_nibble_out, nibble); // $monitor("BLPC %b | EBLPC %b", // bus_load_pc, en_bus_load_pc); //$monitor("NC %h", next_cycle); end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // clock generation // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge clk) if (!reset) clk2 <= !clk2; always @(negedge clk) clk3 <= !clk3 | reset; assign bus_ctrl_clk = clk & !reset; assign ph0 = clk & clk3 & !reset; assign ph1 = !clk & !clk2 & !reset; assign ph2 = clk & !clk3 & !reset; assign ph3 = !clk & clk2 & !reset; assign bus_strobe = ph1 & en_bus_clk; assign dec_strobe = ph3 & en_dec_clk; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // bus control // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `include "fields.v" // `include "bus_commands.v" always @(posedge bus_ctrl_clk) begin if (!reset) begin if (clk3) begin en_dec_clk <= 0; cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + 1; case (next_cycle) `BUSCMD_NOP: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_NOP; $display("BUS NOT READING, STILL CLOCKING"); end `BUSCMD_PC_READ: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_PC_READ; en_bus_clk <= 1; PC <= next_PC; inc_pc <= 1; end `BUSCMD_DP_WRITE: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_DP_WRITE; case (t_reg) `T_REG_A: begin bus_nibble_in <= A[t_ctr*4+:4]; $display("DP_WRITE A[%h] = %h", t_ctr, A[t_ctr*4+:4]); end `T_REG_C: begin bus_nibble_in <= C[t_ctr*4+:4]; // $display("DP_WRITE C[%h] = %h", t_ctr, C[t_ctr*4+:4]); end endcase en_bus_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC; bus_address <= new_PC; next_PC <= new_PC; PC <= new_PC; en_bus_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_LOAD_DP: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_LOAD_DP; bus_address <= t_ptr ? D1 : D0; en_bus_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_CONFIGURE: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_CONFIGURE; bus_address <= C[19:0]; en_bus_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_RESET: begin bus_command <= `BUSCMD_RESET; en_bus_clk <= 1; end default: begin $display("BUS PHASE 1: %h UNIMPLEMENTED", next_cycle); end endcase end else begin case (next_cycle) `BUSCMD_NOP: begin en_dec_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_PC_READ: begin nibble <= bus_nibble_out; en_dec_clk <= 1; if (inc_pc) begin next_PC <= PC + 1; inc_pc <= 0; end // $display("reading nibble %h", bus_nibble_out); end `BUSCMD_DP_WRITE: begin // $display("BUS PHASE 2: DP_WRITE cnt %h | ctr %h", t_cnt, t_ctr); en_dec_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC: begin $display("CYCLE %d | INSTR %d -> BUSCMD_LOAD_PC %5h", cycle_ctr, instr_ctr, new_PC); en_dec_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_LOAD_DP: begin $display("CYCLE %d | INSTR %d -> BUSCMD_LOAD_DP %s %5h", cycle_ctr, instr_ctr, t_ptr?"D1":"D0", t_ptr?D1:D0); en_dec_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_CONFIGURE: begin $display("CYCLE %d | INSTR %d -> BUSCMD_CONFIGURE %5h", cycle_ctr, instr_ctr, C[19:0]); en_dec_clk <= 1; end `BUSCMD_RESET: begin $display("CYCLE %d | INSTR %d -> BUSCMD_RESET", cycle_ctr, instr_ctr); en_dec_clk <= 1; end default: begin $display("BUS PHASE 2: %h UNIMPLEMENTED", next_cycle); end endcase en_bus_clk <= 0; end end else begin $display("RESET"); end end always @(posedge ph1) begin end always @(posedge ph2) begin end always @(posedge ph3) begin if (cycle_ctr == 210) debug_stop <= 1; end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // instruction decoder // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `include "decstates.v" always @(posedge dec_strobe) begin if ((next_cycle == `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC)| (next_cycle == `BUSCMD_CONFIGURE)| (next_cycle == `BUSCMD_RESET)| ((next_cycle == `BUSCMD_NOP)&(decstate == `DEC_START))) begin $display("SETTING next_cycle to BUSCMD_PC_READ"); next_cycle <= `BUSCMD_PC_READ; end else begin `ifdef SIM if (decstate == `DEC_START) begin // display registers $display("PC: %05h Carry: %b h: %s rp: %h RSTK7: %05h", PC, Carry, hex_dec?"DEC":"HEX", rstk_ptr, RSTK[7]); $display("P: %h HST: %b ST: %b RSTK6: %5h", P, HST, ST, RSTK[6]); $display("A: %h R0: %h RSTK5: %5h", A, R0, RSTK[5]); $display("B: %h R1: %h RSTK4: %5h", B, R1, RSTK[4]); $display("C: %h R2: %h RSTK3: %5h", C, R2, RSTK[3]); $display("D: %h R3: %h RSTK2: %5h", D, R3, RSTK[2]); $display("D0: %h D1: %h R4: %h RSTK1: %5h", D0, D1, R4, RSTK[1]); $display(" RSTK0: %5h", RSTK[0]); end `endif $display("CYCLE %d | INSTR %d | PC %h | DECSTATE %d | NIBBLE %h", cycle_ctr, (decstate == `DEC_START)?instr_ctr+1:instr_ctr, PC, decstate, nibble); case (decstate) `DEC_START: begin instr_ctr <= instr_ctr + 1; inst_start_PC <= PC; case (nibble) 4'h0: decstate <= `DEC_0X; 4'h1: decstate <= `DEC_1X; 4'h2: decstate <= `DEC_P_EQ_N; 4'h3: decstate <= `DEC_LC_LEN; 4'h6: decstate <= `DEC_GOTO; 4'h7: decstate <= `DEC_GOSUB; 4'h8: decstate <= `DEC_8X; 4'hA: decstate <= `DEC_AX; 4'hB: decstate <= `DEC_BX; 4'hC: decstate <= `DEC_CX; 4'hD: decstate <= `DEC_DX; 4'hF: decstate <= `DEC_FX; default: begin $display("ERROR : DEC_START"); decode_error <= 1; end endcase end `include "opcodes/0x.v" `include "opcodes/1x.v" `include "opcodes/1[45]_memaccess.v" `include "opcodes/1[BF]nnnnn_D[01]_EQ_5n.v" `include "opcodes/2n_P_EQ_n.v" `include "opcodes/3n[x...]_LC.v" `include "opcodes/6xxx_GOTO.v" `include "opcodes/7xxx_GOSUB.v" `include "opcodes/8x.v" `include "opcodes/80x.v" `include "opcodes/80Cn_C_EQ_P_n.v" `include "opcodes/82x_CLRHST.v" `include "opcodes/8[45]n_ST_EQ_[01]_n.v" `include "opcodes/8[DF]xxxxx_GO.v" `include "opcodes/A[ab]x.v" `include "opcodes/Bx_math_ops_shift.v" `include "opcodes/Cx.v" `include "opcodes/Dx_regs_field_A.v" `include "opcodes/Fx.v" default: begin $display("ERROR : GENERAL"); decode_error <= 1; end endcase end end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // dump all registers on leds // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `ifndef SIM `define REGDMP_HEX 0 always @(negedge clk) begin case (regdump) `REGDMP_HEX: led <= {7'b0000000, hex_dec}; default: led <= 8'b11111111; endcase regdump <= regdump + 1; if (reset) regdump <= `REGDMP_HEX; end `endif assign halt = bus_error | decode_error | debug_stop; // Verilator lint_off UNUSED //wire [N-1:0] unused; //assign unused = { }; // Verilator lint_on UNUSED endmodule `ifdef SIM module saturn_tb; reg clk; reg reset; wire halt; wire [3:0] busstate; wire [7:0] decstate; saturn_core saturn ( .clk (clk), .reset (reset), .halt (halt), .busstate (busstate), .decstate (decstate) ); always #10 clk = (clk === 1'b0); initial begin //$monitor ("c %b | r %b | run %h | dec %h", clk, reset, runstate, decstate); end initial begin $display("starting the simulation"); clk <= 0; reset <= 1; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); reset <= 0; @(posedge halt); $finish; end endmodule `else `endif