`include "bus_commands.v" `ifndef _HP48_ROM `define _HP48_ROM /************************************************************************************************** * * Rom module * accesses the calculators firmware * * */ module hp48_rom ( input strobe, input [19:0] address, input [3:0] command, output reg [3:0] nibble_out ); localparam ROM_FILENAME = "rom-gx-r.hex"; // // This is only for debug, the rom should be stored elsewhere // `ifdef SIM reg [3:0] rom [0:(2**20)-1]; `else reg[3:0] rom [0:(2**16)-1]; `endif reg [3:0] i_cmd; reg [19:0] pc_ptr; reg [19:0] data_ptr; initial begin $readmemh( ROM_FILENAME, rom); end /************************************** * * * */ always @(posedge strobe) begin case (command) `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC: begin pc_ptr <= address; i_cmd <= `BUSCMD_PC_READ; // $display("ROM - LOAD_PC %5h", address); end `BUSCMD_PC_READ: begin nibble_out <= rom[pc_ptr]; pc_ptr <= pc_ptr + 1; i_cmd <= command; // $display("ROM PC_READ %5h -> %h", pc_ptr, rom[pc_ptr]); end endcase end endmodule `endif