/* (c) Raphaƫl Jacquot 2019 This file is part of hp_saturn. hp_saturn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. hp_saturn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ `default_nettype none `include "saturn_def_buscmd.v" `include "saturn_def_alu.v" module saturn_control_unit ( i_clk, i_clk_en, i_reset, i_phases, i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_bus_busy, o_program_data, o_program_address, i_program_address, o_no_read, i_nibble, o_error, /* alu is busy doing something */ o_alu_busy, o_exec_unit_busy, /* debugger interface */ o_current_pc, o_reg_alu_mode, o_reg_carry, o_reg_p, o_reg_hst, o_reg_st, /* register access */ i_dbg_register, i_dbg_reg_ptr, o_dbg_reg_nibble, i_dbg_rstk_ptr, o_dbg_rstk_val, o_reg_rstk_ptr, o_alu_reg_dest, o_alu_reg_src_1, o_alu_reg_src_2, o_alu_imm_value, o_alu_opcode, o_instr_type, o_instr_decoded, o_instr_execute ); input wire [0:0] i_clk; input wire [0:0] i_clk_en; input wire [0:0] i_reset; input wire [3:0] i_phases; input wire [1:0] i_phase; input wire [31:0] i_cycle_ctr; input wire [0:0] i_bus_busy; output wire [4:0] o_program_data; output wire [4:0] o_program_address; input wire [4:0] i_program_address; output reg [0:0] o_no_read; input wire [3:0] i_nibble; output wire [0:0] o_error; assign o_error = control_unit_error || dec_error; output wire [0:0] o_alu_busy; output wire [0:0] o_exec_unit_busy; assign o_alu_busy = inst_alu_other || alu_start; assign o_exec_unit_busy = i_bus_busy || alu_busy || jump_busy || rtn_busy || reset_busy || config_busy; /* debugger interface */ output wire [19:0] o_current_pc; output wire [0:0] o_reg_alu_mode; output wire [0:0] o_reg_carry; output wire [3:0] o_reg_p; output wire [3:0] o_reg_hst; output wire [15:0] o_reg_st; /* register access */ input wire [4:0] i_dbg_register; input wire [3:0] i_dbg_reg_ptr; output reg [3:0] o_dbg_reg_nibble; input wire [2:0] i_dbg_rstk_ptr; output wire [19:0] o_dbg_rstk_val; output wire [2:0] o_reg_rstk_ptr; output wire [4:0] o_alu_reg_dest; output wire [4:0] o_alu_reg_src_1; output wire [4:0] o_alu_reg_src_2; output wire [3:0] o_alu_imm_value; output wire [4:0] o_alu_opcode; output wire [3:0] o_instr_type; output wire [0:0] o_instr_decoded; output wire [0:0] o_instr_execute; assign o_current_pc = reg_PC; assign o_reg_alu_mode = reg_alu_mode; assign o_reg_carry = reg_CARRY; assign o_reg_p = reg_P; assign o_reg_hst = reg_HST; assign o_reg_st = reg_ST; assign o_alu_reg_dest = dec_alu_reg_dest; assign o_alu_reg_src_1 = dec_alu_reg_src_1; assign o_alu_reg_src_2 = dec_alu_reg_src_2; assign o_alu_imm_value = dec_alu_imm_value; assign o_alu_opcode = dec_alu_opcode; assign o_instr_type = dec_instr_type; assign o_instr_decoded = dec_instr_decoded; assign o_instr_execute = dec_instr_execute; /************************************************************************************************** * * decoder module * *************************************************************************************************/ saturn_inst_decoder instruction_decoder( .i_clk (i_clk), .i_clk_en (i_clk_en), .i_reset (i_reset), .i_phases (i_phases), .i_phase (i_phase), .i_cycle_ctr (i_cycle_ctr), .i_bus_busy (i_bus_busy), .i_alu_busy (o_alu_busy), .i_exec_unit_busy (o_exec_unit_busy), .i_nibble (i_nibble), .i_reg_p (reg_P), .i_current_pc (reg_PC), .o_alu_reg_dest (dec_alu_reg_dest), .o_alu_reg_src_1 (dec_alu_reg_src_1), .o_alu_reg_src_2 (dec_alu_reg_src_2), .o_alu_ptr_begin (dec_alu_ptr_begin), .o_alu_ptr_end (dec_alu_ptr_end), .o_alu_imm_value (dec_alu_imm_value), .o_alu_opcode (dec_alu_opcode), .o_jump_length (dec_jump_length), .o_block_0x (dec_block_0x), .o_instr_type (dec_instr_type), .o_push_pc (dec_push_pc), .o_instr_decoded (dec_instr_decoded), .o_instr_execute (dec_instr_execute), .o_decoder_error (dec_error) ); wire [4:0] dec_alu_reg_dest; wire [4:0] dec_alu_reg_src_1; wire [4:0] dec_alu_reg_src_2; wire [3:0] dec_alu_ptr_begin; wire [3:0] dec_alu_ptr_end; wire [3:0] dec_alu_imm_value; wire [4:0] dec_alu_opcode; wire [2:0] dec_jump_length; /* this is necessary to identify possible RTN in time */ wire [0:0] dec_block_0x; wire [3:0] dec_instr_type; wire [0:0] dec_push_pc; wire [0:0] dec_instr_decoded; wire [0:0] dec_instr_execute; wire [0:0] dec_error; /* * wires for decode shortcuts */ wire [0:0] inst_alu = (dec_instr_type == `INSTR_TYPE_ALU); wire [0:0] inst_jump = (dec_instr_type == `INSTR_TYPE_JUMP); wire [0:0] inst_rtn = (dec_instr_type == `INSTR_TYPE_RTN); wire [0:0] inst_reset = (dec_instr_type == `INSTR_TYPE_RESET); wire [0:0] inst_config = (dec_instr_type == `INSTR_TYPE_CONFIG); wire [0:0] reg_dest_c = (dec_alu_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_C); wire [0:0] reg_dest_hst = (dec_alu_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_HST); wire [0:0] reg_dest_st = (dec_alu_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_ST); wire [0:0] reg_dest_p = (dec_alu_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_P); wire [0:0] reg_src_1_p = (dec_alu_reg_src_1 == `ALU_REG_P); wire [0:0] reg_src_1_imm = (dec_alu_reg_src_1 == `ALU_REG_IMM); wire [0:0] aluop_zero = inst_alu && (dec_alu_opcode == `ALU_OP_ZERO); wire [0:0] aluop_copy = inst_alu && (dec_alu_opcode == `ALU_OP_COPY); wire [0:0] aluop_clr_mask = inst_alu && (dec_alu_opcode == `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK); wire [0:0] inst_alu_p_eq_n = aluop_copy && reg_dest_p && reg_src_1_imm; wire [0:0] inst_alu_c_eq_p_n = aluop_copy && reg_dest_c && reg_src_1_p; wire [0:0] inst_alu_clrhst_n = aluop_clr_mask && reg_dest_hst && reg_src_1_imm; wire [0:0] inst_alu_st_eq_01_n = aluop_copy && reg_dest_st && reg_src_1_imm; wire [0:0] inst_alu_other = inst_alu && !(inst_alu_p_eq_n || inst_alu_c_eq_p_n || inst_alu_clrhst_n || inst_alu_st_eq_01_n ); wire [0:0] alu_busy = inst_alu_other || alu_start; wire [0:0] jump_busy = (inst_jump && dec_instr_decoded) || send_reg_PC || just_reset; wire [0:0] rtn_busy = (inst_rtn && dec_instr_decoded) || send_reg_PC; wire [0:0] reset_busy = inst_reset; wire [0:0] config_busy = inst_config; /************************************************************************************************** * * PC and RSTK module * *************************************************************************************************/ saturn_regs_pc_rstk regs_pc_rstk ( .i_clk (i_clk), .i_clk_en (i_clk_en), .i_reset (i_reset), .i_phases (i_phases), .i_phase (i_phase), .i_cycle_ctr (i_cycle_ctr), .i_bus_busy (i_bus_busy), // .i_alu_busy (o_alu_busy), .i_exec_unit_busy (o_exec_unit_busy), .i_nibble (i_nibble), .i_jump_instr (inst_jump), .i_jump_length (dec_jump_length), .i_block_0x (dec_block_0x), .i_push_pc (dec_push_pc), .i_rtn_instr (inst_rtn), .o_current_pc (reg_PC), .o_reload_pc (reload_PC), .i_dbg_rstk_ptr (i_dbg_rstk_ptr), .o_dbg_rstk_val (o_dbg_rstk_val), .o_reg_rstk_ptr (o_reg_rstk_ptr) ); /************************************************************************************************** * * Processor registers * *************************************************************************************************/ reg [0:0] reg_alu_mode; reg [0:0] reg_CARRY; reg [3:0] reg_A[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_B[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_C[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_D[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_D0[0:4]; reg [3:0] reg_D1[0:4]; reg [3:0] reg_R0[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_R1[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_R2[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_R3[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_R4[0:15]; reg [3:0] reg_HST; reg [15:0] reg_ST; reg [3:0] reg_P; wire [19:0] reg_PC; /************************************************************************************************** * * ALU module * *************************************************************************************************/ // saturn_alu_module alu_module ( // .i_clk (i_clk), // .i_clk_en (i_clk_en), // .i_reset (i_reset), // .i_phases (i_phases), // .i_phase (i_phase), // .i_cycle_ctr (i_cycle_ctr), // .i_opcode (alu_opcode), // .i_ptr_begin (alu_ptr_begin), // .i_ptr_end (alu_ptr_end), // .i_run (alu_run), // .i_done (alu_done), // .i_prep_src_1_val (alu_prep_src_1_val), // .i_prep_src_2_val (alu_prep_src_2_val), // .i_prep_carry (alu_prep_carry), // .i_calc_pos (alu_calc_pos), // .o_calc_res_1_val (alu_calc_res_1_val), // .o_calc_res_2_val (alu_calc_res_2_val), // .o_calc_carry (alu_calc_carry) // ); /* * ALU control variable */ reg [0:0] alu_start; reg [4:0] alu_opcode; reg [4:0] alu_reg_dest; reg [4:0] alu_reg_src_1; reg [4:0] alu_reg_src_2; reg [3:0] alu_ptr_begin; reg [3:0] alu_ptr_end; reg [0:0] alu_prep_run; reg [3:0] alu_prep_pos; reg [3:0] alu_prep_src_1_val; reg [3:0] alu_prep_src_2_val; reg [0:0] alu_prep_carry; reg [0:0] alu_prep_done; reg [0:0] alu_calc_run; reg [3:0] alu_calc_pos; reg [3:0] alu_calc_res_1_val; reg [3:0] alu_calc_res_2_val; reg [0:0] alu_calc_carry; reg [0:0] alu_calc_done; reg [0:0] alu_save_run; reg [3:0] alu_save_pos; reg [0:0] alu_save_done; reg [3:0] alu_imm_value; wire [0:0] alu_run = alu_calc_run || alu_save_run; wire [0:0] alu_done = alu_calc_done || alu_save_done; /* * should we reload the PC after it has been changed */ wire [0:0] reload_PC; always @(i_dbg_register, i_dbg_reg_ptr) begin case (i_dbg_register) `ALU_REG_A: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_A[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_B: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_B[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_C: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_C[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_D: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_D[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_D0: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_D0[i_dbg_reg_ptr[2:0]]; `ALU_REG_D1: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_D1[i_dbg_reg_ptr[2:0]]; `ALU_REG_R0: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_R0[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_R1: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_R1[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_R2: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_R2[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_R3: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_R3[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; `ALU_REG_R4: o_dbg_reg_nibble = reg_R4[i_dbg_reg_ptr]; default: o_dbg_reg_nibble = 4'h0; endcase end /************************************************************************************************** * * the control unit * *************************************************************************************************/ reg [0:0] control_unit_error; reg [0:0] just_reset; reg [3:0] init_counter; reg [0:0] control_unit_ready; reg [4:0] bus_program[0:31]; reg [4:0] bus_prog_addr; reg [2:0] addr_nibble_ptr; reg [0:0] load_pc_loop; reg [0:0] send_reg_PC; reg [0:0] send_reg_C_A; reg [0:0] send_pc_read; wire [3:0] reg_PC_nibble = reg_PC[addr_nibble_ptr*4+:4]; assign o_program_data = bus_program[i_program_address]; assign o_program_address = bus_prog_addr; initial begin /* control variables */ o_no_read = 1'b0; control_unit_error = 1'b0; just_reset = 1'b1; init_counter = 4'b0; control_unit_ready = 1'b0; bus_prog_addr = 5'd0; addr_nibble_ptr = 3'd0; load_pc_loop = 1'b0; send_reg_PC = 1'b0; send_reg_C_A = 1'b0; send_pc_read = 1'b0; /* alu control signals */ alu_start = 1'b0; /* registers */ reg_alu_mode = 1'b0; reg_CARRY = 1'b0; reg_HST = 4'b0; reg_ST = 16'b0; reg_P = 4'b0; end always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (just_reset || (init_counter != 0)) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] initializing registers %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, init_counter); reg_A[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_B[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_C[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_D[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_D0[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_D1[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_R0[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_R1[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_R2[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_R3[init_counter] <= 4'h0; reg_R4[init_counter] <= 4'h0; init_counter <= init_counter + 4'b1; /************************ * * all registers are initialized. * load the PC into the controller and modules * */ if (init_counter == 4'hF) begin just_reset <= 1'b0; $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] pushing LOAD_PC command to pos %d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, bus_prog_addr); bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {1'b1, `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC }; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'b0; send_reg_PC <= 1'b1; control_unit_ready <= 1'b1; end end /************************ * * main execution loop * */ if (i_clk_en && control_unit_ready) begin if (i_phases[3] && !i_bus_busy && dec_instr_execute) begin case (dec_instr_type) `INSTR_TYPE_NOP: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] NOP instruction", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); end `INSTR_TYPE_ALU: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] ALU instruction", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); /* * treat special cases */ /* 2n P= n */ if (inst_alu_p_eq_n) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : P= %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_imm_value); reg_P <= dec_alu_imm_value; end /* 80Cn C=P n */ if (inst_alu_c_eq_p_n) begin reg_C[dec_alu_ptr_begin] <= reg_P; end if (inst_alu_clrhst_n) begin `ifdef SIM $write("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : ", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); case (dec_alu_imm_value) 4'h1: $display("XM=0"); 4'h2: $display("SB=0"); 4'h4: $display("SR=0"); 4'h8: $display("MP=0"); 4'hF: $display("CLRHST"); default: $display("CLRHST %h", dec_alu_imm_value); endcase `endif reg_HST <= reg_HST & ~dec_alu_imm_value; end /* 8[45]n ST=[01] n */ if (inst_alu_st_eq_01_n) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : ST=%b %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_imm_value[0], dec_alu_ptr_begin); reg_ST[dec_alu_ptr_begin] <= dec_alu_imm_value[0]; end /* * the general case */ if (inst_alu_other) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : generic ALU operation", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); alu_start <= 1'b1; alu_opcode <= dec_alu_opcode; alu_reg_dest <= dec_alu_reg_dest; alu_reg_src_1 <= dec_alu_reg_src_1; alu_reg_src_2 <= dec_alu_reg_src_2; alu_ptr_begin <= dec_alu_ptr_begin; alu_ptr_end <= dec_alu_ptr_end; alu_prep_pos <= dec_alu_ptr_begin; alu_calc_pos <= dec_alu_ptr_begin; alu_save_pos <= dec_alu_ptr_begin; alu_imm_value <= dec_alu_imm_value; alu_prep_done <= 1'b0; alu_calc_done <= 1'b0; alu_save_done <= 1'b0; if (aluop_zero) begin alu_calc_res_1_val <= 4'h0; alu_save_run <= 1'b1; end else alu_prep_run <= 1'b1; end end `INSTR_TYPE_SET_MODE : begin `ifdef SIM $write("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : ", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); case (dec_alu_imm_value) 4'h0: $display("SETHEX"); 4'h1: $display("SETDEC"); default: begin end /* does not exist */ endcase `endif reg_alu_mode <= dec_alu_imm_value[0]; end `INSTR_TYPE_JUMP, `INSTR_TYPE_RTN: begin if (inst_jump) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] JUMP", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); end if (inst_rtn) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] RTN", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); case (dec_alu_opcode) `ALU_OP_SET_CRY: reg_CARRY <= o_alu_imm_value[0]; default: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] alu_opcode for RTN %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_opcode); control_unit_error <= 1'b1; end endcase end if (dec_instr_decoded) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : JUMP/RTN reload pc to %5h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, reg_PC); bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {1'b1, `BUSCMD_LOAD_PC }; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'b0; send_reg_PC <= 1'b1; end end `INSTR_TYPE_LOAD: begin case (dec_alu_reg_dest) `ALU_REG_C: reg_C[dec_alu_ptr_begin] <= dec_alu_imm_value; `ALU_REG_D0: reg_D0[dec_alu_ptr_begin[2:0]] <= dec_alu_imm_value; default: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] unsupported register for load %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_reg_dest); control_unit_error <= 1'b1; end endcase end // `INSTR_TYPE_MEM_READ: // begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] MEM READ", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); // bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {2'b01, `BUSCMD_LOAD_DP }; // bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; // addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'b0; // send_reg_D0_D1 <= 1'b1; // exec_mem_read <= 1'b1; // end // `INSTR_TYPE_MEM_WRITE: // begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] MEM WRITE", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); // bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {2'b01, `BUSCMD_LOAD_DP }; // bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; // addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'b0; // send_reg_D0_D1 <= 1'b1; // exec_mem_write <= 1'b1; // end `INSTR_TYPE_CONFIG: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : CONFIG", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {1'b1, `BUSCMD_CONFIGURE }; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'b0; send_reg_C_A <= 1'b1; end `INSTR_TYPE_RESET: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : RESET", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {1'b1, `BUSCMD_RESET }; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; send_pc_read <= 1'b1; end default: begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] unsupported instruction", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); control_unit_error <= 1'b1; end endcase end /********************************************************************************************** * * sending bus programs * *********************************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************************** * * sending the value of the PC * *****************************************************************************************/ if (send_reg_PC) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec: send_reg_PC[%0d] %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, addr_nibble_ptr, reg_PC[addr_nibble_ptr*4+:4] ); bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= { 1'b0, reg_PC[addr_nibble_ptr*4+:4] }; addr_nibble_ptr <= addr_nibble_ptr + 3'd1; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; if (addr_nibble_ptr == 3'd4) begin addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'd0; send_reg_PC <= 1'b0; end end /****************************************************************************************** * * CONFIG and UNCNFG stuff * *****************************************************************************************/ /* * send C(A) * used for CONFIG and UNCNFG */ if (send_reg_C_A) begin bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= { 1'b0, reg_C[{1'b0, addr_nibble_ptr}]}; addr_nibble_ptr <= addr_nibble_ptr + 3'd1; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; if (addr_nibble_ptr == 3'd4) begin addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'd0; send_pc_read <= 1'b1; send_reg_C_A <= 1'b0; end end /****************************************************************************************** * * ALU pipeline * *****************************************************************************************/ /********** * * ALU prepare source values * */ if (alu_start && alu_prep_run && !alu_prep_done) begin $display("ALU_PREP %0d: [%d] b %h | p %h | e %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, alu_ptr_begin, alu_prep_pos, alu_ptr_end); case (dec_alu_reg_src_1) `ALU_REG_A: alu_prep_src_1_val <= reg_A[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_B: alu_prep_src_1_val <= reg_B[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_C: alu_prep_src_1_val <= reg_C[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_D: alu_prep_src_1_val <= reg_D[alu_prep_pos]; default: $display("ALU_PREP %0d: [%d] unhandled src1 register %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_reg_src_1); endcase case (dec_alu_reg_src_2) `ALU_REG_A: alu_prep_src_2_val <= reg_A[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_B: alu_prep_src_2_val <= reg_B[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_C: alu_prep_src_2_val <= reg_C[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_D: alu_prep_src_2_val <= reg_D[alu_prep_pos]; `ALU_REG_NONE: begin end default: $display("ALU_PREP %0d: [%d] unhandled src2 register %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_reg_src_2); endcase /* need to prepare the carry here */ if (alu_prep_pos == alu_ptr_end) begin alu_prep_done <= 1'b1; alu_prep_run <= 1'b0; end alu_prep_pos <= alu_prep_pos + 4'h1; /* start the calc thread */ alu_calc_run <= 1'b1; end /********** * * ALU calculations * */ if (alu_start && alu_calc_run && !alu_calc_done) begin $display("ALU_CALC %0d: [%d] b %h | p %h | e %h | s1 %h | s2 %h | c %b", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, alu_ptr_begin, alu_calc_pos, alu_ptr_end, alu_prep_src_1_val, alu_prep_src_2_val, alu_prep_carry); case (alu_opcode) `ALU_OP_ZERO: begin end // this doesn't run, handled directly by the save below `ALU_OP_COPY: alu_calc_res_1_val <= alu_prep_src_1_val; `ALU_OP_EXCH: begin alu_calc_res_1_val <= alu_prep_src_2_val; alu_calc_res_2_val <= alu_prep_src_1_val; end default: $display("ALU_CALC %0d: [%d] unhandled opcode %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, alu_opcode); endcase if (alu_calc_pos == alu_ptr_end) begin alu_calc_done <= 1'b1; alu_calc_run <= 1'b0; end alu_calc_pos <= alu_calc_pos + 4'h1; /* start the save thread */ alu_save_run <= 1'b1; end /********** * * ALU save results to registers * */ if (alu_start && alu_save_run && !alu_save_done) begin $display("ALU_SAVE %0d: [%d] b %h | p %h | e %h | r1 %h | r2 %h | c %b | rs1 %d | rs2 %d | d %d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, alu_ptr_begin, alu_save_pos, alu_ptr_end, alu_calc_res_1_val, alu_calc_res_2_val, alu_calc_carry, alu_reg_src_1, alu_reg_src_2, alu_reg_dest); case (alu_reg_dest) `ALU_REG_A: reg_A[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_1_val; `ALU_REG_B: reg_B[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_1_val; `ALU_REG_C: reg_C[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_1_val; `ALU_REG_D: reg_D[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_1_val; `ALU_REG_D0: reg_D0[alu_save_pos[2:0]] <= alu_calc_res_1_val; `ALU_REG_D1: reg_D1[alu_save_pos[2:0]] <= alu_calc_res_1_val; default: $display("ALU_SAVE %0d: [%d] dest register %0d not supported", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, alu_reg_dest); endcase if (alu_opcode == `ALU_OP_EXCH) case (alu_reg_src_2) `ALU_REG_A: reg_A[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_2_val; `ALU_REG_B: reg_B[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_2_val; `ALU_REG_C: reg_C[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_2_val; `ALU_REG_D: reg_D[alu_save_pos] <= alu_calc_res_2_val; `ALU_REG_D0: reg_D0[alu_save_pos[2:0]] <= alu_calc_res_2_val; `ALU_REG_D1: reg_D1[alu_save_pos[2:0]] <= alu_calc_res_2_val; default: $display("ALU_SAVE %0d: [%d] exch: src_2 register %0d not supported", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, alu_reg_src_2); endcase if (alu_save_pos == alu_ptr_end) begin alu_save_done <= 1'b1; alu_save_run <= 1'b0; end alu_save_pos <= alu_save_pos + 4'h1; end /********** * * ALU end of operations * */ if (i_phases[2] && alu_start && alu_save_done) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] end of ALU operation", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); alu_start <= 1'b0; end if (i_phases[3] && !alu_start) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] ALU is not started", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); end /****************************************************************************************** * * Memory operations control * *****************************************************************************************/ // /* // * send D0 or D1 // */ // if (send_reg_D0_D1) begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec: sending D%b[%0d] %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, // dec_mem_pointer, addr_nibble_ptr, // dec_mem_pointer?reg_D1[addr_nibble_ptr]:reg_D0[addr_nibble_ptr]); // bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= { 2'b00, dec_mem_pointer?reg_D1[addr_nibble_ptr]:reg_D0[addr_nibble_ptr]}; // addr_nibble_ptr <= addr_nibble_ptr + 3'd1; // bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; // if (addr_nibble_ptr == 3'd4) begin // addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'd0; // send_reg_D0_D1 <= 1'b0; // send_reg_D0_D1_done <= 1'b1; // send_dp_write <= exec_mem_write; // mem_access_ptr <= dec_alu_ptr_begin; // end // end // /* // * in case of memory write, send DP_WRITE command // */ // if (send_reg_D0_D1_done && send_dp_write && exec_mem_write) begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec: sending DP_WRITE", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); // bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {2'b01, `BUSCMD_DP_WRITE }; // bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; // send_dp_write <= 1'b0; // end // /* // * send the data to write // */ // if (send_reg_D0_D1_done && !send_dp_write && exec_mem_write) begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec: writing data %c[%h] %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, // reg_src_1_c?"C":"A", mem_access_ptr, // reg_src_1_c?reg_C[mem_access_ptr]:reg_A[mem_access_ptr]); // bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {2'b00, reg_src_1_c?reg_C[mem_access_ptr]:reg_A[mem_access_ptr]}; // mem_access_ptr <= mem_access_ptr + 4'h1; // bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; // if (mem_access_ptr == dec_alu_ptr_end) begin // send_reg_D0_D1_done <= 1'b0; // send_pc_read <= 1'b1; // end // end // /* // * send the data to write // */ // if (send_reg_D0_D1_done && exec_mem_read) begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec: reading data to %c[%h]", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, // reg_dest_c?"C":"A", mem_access_ptr); // bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= 6'b100000; // mem_access_ptr <= mem_access_ptr + 4'h1; // bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; // if (mem_access_ptr == dec_alu_ptr_end) begin // send_reg_D0_D1_done <= 1'b0; // send_pc_read <= 1'b1; // mem_access_ptr <= 4'b0; // end // end // /* // * wait for something to read // */ // if (exec_mem_read && i_phases[2] && i_read) begin // case (dec_alu_reg_dest) // `ALU_REG_A: reg_A[mem_access_ptr] <= i_nibble; // `ALU_REG_C: reg_C[mem_access_ptr] <= i_nibble; // default: $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec read: unsupported register %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, dec_alu_reg_dest); // endcase // mem_access_ptr <= mem_access_ptr + 4'h1; // end // /* // * wait for the program end, cleanup the exec_read and exec_write flags // */ // if ((i_program_address == bus_prog_addr) && // !(send_reg_D0_D1 || send_reg_D0_D1_done || send_dp_write) && // (exec_mem_read || exec_mem_write)) begin // $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec: memory transfer cleanup", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); // exec_mem_read <= 1'b0; // exec_mem_write <= 1'b0; // end /****************************************************************************************** * * send the PC_READ command (many things end with this) * *****************************************************************************************/ /* * sends the PC_READ command to restore devices after some other bus command */ if (send_pc_read) begin $display("CTRL %0d: [%d] exec : RESET - send PC_READ", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); bus_program[bus_prog_addr] <= {1'b1, `BUSCMD_PC_READ }; bus_prog_addr <= bus_prog_addr + 5'd1; send_pc_read <= 1'b0; end end if (i_reset) begin /* control variables */ o_no_read <= 1'b0; control_unit_error <= 1'b0; just_reset <= 1'b1; init_counter <= 4'b0; control_unit_ready <= 1'b0; bus_prog_addr <= 5'd0; addr_nibble_ptr <= 3'd0; load_pc_loop <= 1'b0; send_reg_PC <= 1'b0; send_reg_C_A <= 1'b0; send_pc_read <= 1'b0; /* alu control signals */ alu_start <= 1'b0; /* registers */ reg_alu_mode <= 1'b0; reg_CARRY <= 1'b0; reg_HST <= 4'b0; reg_ST <= 16'b0; reg_P <= 4'b0; end end endmodule