/* This file is part of hp_saturn. hp_saturn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. hp_saturn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ /****************************************************************************** * * set fields from instruction nibble * *****************************************************************************/ `ifdef SIM // `define DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE `endif reg fields_table_done; /* more wires to decode common states. * can possibly be made less redundant / faster ? */ wire do_fields_table; assign do_fields_table = decoder_active && go_fields_table && !fields_table_done; `ifdef SIM wire table_a; wire table_b; `endif wire table_f; wire table_value; `ifdef SIM assign table_a = (o_fields_table == `FT_TABLE_a); assign table_b = (o_fields_table == `FT_TABLE_b); `endif assign table_f = (o_fields_table == `FT_TABLE_f); assign table_value = (o_fields_table == `FT_TABLE_value); wire do_tables_a_f_b; assign do_tables_a_f_b = do_fields_table && !table_value; wire table_f_bit_3; wire [3:0] table_a_f_b_case_value; assign table_f_bit_3 = table_f && i_nibble[3]; assign table_a_f_b_case_value = {table_f_bit_3, i_nibble[2:0]}; /* value generation for debug */ `ifdef SIM wire table_a_nb_ok; wire table_b_nb_ok; wire table_f_cond; wire table_f_nb_ok; assign table_a_nb_ok = table_a && !i_nibble[3]; assign table_b_nb_ok = table_b && i_nibble[3]; assign table_f_cond = !i_nibble[3] || (i_nibble == 4'hF); assign table_f_nb_ok = table_f && table_f_cond; `endif /* here we go */ always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset || do_on_first_nibble) begin // reset values fields_table_done <= 0; o_field <= 0; o_field_valid <= 0; case (i_nibble) 4'h4, 4'h5: begin // RTNC / GOC / RTNNC / GONC $display("------------------------------------------------ 4/5xx JUMP setting fields"); o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 1; end 4'h6, 4'h7: begin // GOTO / GOSUB o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 2; end default: begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 0; end endcase end /****************************************************************************** * * set field for specific instructions * *****************************************************************************/ if (do_block_0x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'h6, 4'h7: begin // virtual A o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 4; end 4'h8, 4'h9, 4'hA, 4'hB: begin // ST is 0-3 o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 3; end default: begin end // don't care endcase end if (do_block_1x) begin o_field_start <= 0; case (i_nibble) 4'h9, 4'hD: begin o_field_last <= 1; end 4'hA, 4'hE: begin o_field_last <= 3; end 4'hB, 4'hF: begin o_field_last <= 4; end endcase end if (do_block_Rn_A_C) begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 15; end if (do_block_13x) begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= i_nibble[3]?3:4; end if (do_block_14x_15xx && !do_fields_table) begin $display("fields_14x_15xx : dft %b | tv %b | fv %b", do_fields_table, table_value, o_field_valid); o_field <= i_nibble[3]?`FT_FIELD_B:`FT_FIELD_A; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= i_nibble[3]?1:4; o_field_valid <= 1; end if (do_block_14x_15xx && do_fields_table) begin $display("fields_14x_15xx : dft %b | tv %b | fv %b", do_fields_table, table_value, o_field_valid); end if (do_block_15xx && table_value) begin $display("fields_15xx dft %b | tv %b | fv %b", do_fields_table, table_value, o_field_valid); o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= i_nibble; o_field_valid <= 1; end if (do_block_pointer_arith_const) begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 4; end if (do_block_3x) begin o_field_start <= i_reg_p; o_field_last <= (i_nibble + i_reg_p) & 4'hF; end if (do_block_8x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'hC, 4'hD, 4'hE, 4'hF: begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= i_nibble[3]?4:3; end endcase end if (do_block_80x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'h5: begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 4; end endcase end if (do_block_80Cx) begin o_field_start <= i_nibble; o_field_last <= i_nibble; end if (do_block_8Ax || do_block_Cx || do_block_Dx || do_block_Fx) begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_A; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 4; o_field_valid <= 1; end if (do_block_jump_test) begin o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 1; end /****************************************************************************** * * set field from a table * * *****************************************************************************/ `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE if (do_tables_a_f_b) begin // debug info $display("====== fields_table | table %h | nibble %b", o_fields_table, i_nibble); $display("table_a : %b", table_a_nb_ok); $display("table_b : %b", table_b_nb_ok); $display("table_f_cond: %b", table_f_cond); $display("table_f : %b", table_f_nb_ok); // $display("table_f nbl : %h", {4{o_fields_table == `FT_TABLE_f}} ); //$display("table_f val : %h", table_f_nibble_value); $display("case nibble : %h", table_a_f_b_case_value); end `endif // if (do_tables_a_f_b) begin case (table_a_f_b_case_value) 4'h0: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_P; o_field_start <= i_reg_p; o_field_last <= i_reg_p; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field P (%h)", i_reg_p); `endif end 4'h1: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_WP; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= i_reg_p; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field WP (0-%h)", i_reg_p); `endif end 4'h2: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_XS; o_field_start <= 2; o_field_last <= 2; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field XS"); `endif end 4'h3: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_X; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 2; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field X"); `endif end 4'h4: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_S; o_field_start <= 15; o_field_last <= 15; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field S"); `endif end 4'h5: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_M; o_field_start <= 3; o_field_last <= 14; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field M"); `endif end 4'h6: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_B; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 1; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field B"); `endif end 4'h7: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_W; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 15; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field W"); `endif end 4'hF: begin o_field <= `FT_FIELD_A; o_field_start <= 0; o_field_last <= 4; `ifdef DEBUG_FIELDS_TABLE $display("fields_table: field A"); `endif end default: begin o_dec_error <= 1; `ifdef SIM $display("fields_table: table %h nibble %h not handled", o_fields_table, i_nibble); `endif end endcase o_field_valid <= 1; fields_table_done <= 1; end end