/* (c) Raphaƫl Jacquot 2019 This file is part of hp_saturn. hp_saturn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. hp_saturn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar. If not, see . */ `default_nettype none `include "saturn_def_alu.v" module saturn_inst_decoder ( i_clk, i_clk_en, i_reset, i_phases, i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_bus_busy, i_exec_unit_busy, i_nibble, i_reg_p, i_current_pc, o_instr_pc, o_alu_reg_dest, o_alu_reg_src_1, o_alu_reg_src_2, o_alu_field, o_alu_ptr_begin, o_alu_ptr_end, o_alu_imm_value, o_alu_opcode, o_jump_length, o_block_0x, o_mem_pointer, o_instr_type, o_push_pc, o_instr_decoded, o_instr_execute, o_decoder_error, /* debugger interface */ o_dbg_inst_addr ); input wire [0:0] i_clk; input wire [0:0] i_clk_en; input wire [0:0] i_reset; input wire [3:0] i_phases; input wire [1:0] i_phase; input wire [31:0] i_cycle_ctr; input wire [0:0] i_bus_busy; input wire [0:0] i_exec_unit_busy; input wire [3:0] i_nibble; input wire [3:0] i_reg_p; input wire [19:0] i_current_pc; output reg [19:0] o_instr_pc; output reg [4:0] o_alu_reg_dest; output reg [4:0] o_alu_reg_src_1; output reg [4:0] o_alu_reg_src_2; output reg [3:0] o_alu_field; output reg [3:0] o_alu_ptr_begin; output reg [3:0] o_alu_ptr_end; output reg [3:0] o_alu_imm_value; output reg [4:0] o_alu_opcode; output reg [2:0] o_jump_length; output wire [0:0] o_block_0x; assign o_block_0x = block_0x; output reg [0:0] o_mem_pointer; output reg [3:0] o_instr_type; output reg [0:0] o_push_pc; /* instruction is fully decoded */ output reg [0:0] o_instr_decoded; /* instruction is sufficiently decoded to start execution */ output reg [0:0] o_instr_execute; output reg [0:0] o_decoder_error; /* * debugger interface */ /* address of the last instruction */ output reg [19:0] o_dbg_inst_addr; /************************************************************************************************** * * sub-modules go here * *************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************************** * * the decoder module * *************************************************************************************************/ /* * process state variables */ reg [0:0] just_reset; reg [0:0] decode_started; /* * decoder block variables */ reg [0:0] block_0x; reg [0:0] block_1x; reg [0:0] block_13x; reg [0:0] block_14x; reg [0:0] block_15x; reg [0:0] block_15xa; reg [0:0] block_15xn; reg [0:0] block_2x; reg [0:0] block_3x; reg [0:0] block_8x; reg [0:0] block_80x; reg [0:0] block_80Cx; reg [0:0] block_82x; reg [0:0] block_84x_85x; reg [0:0] block_Ax; reg [0:0] block_Aax; reg [0:0] block_Abx; reg [0:0] block_Cx; reg [0:0] block_Dx; reg [0:0] block_Fx; reg [0:0] block_JUMP; reg [0:0] block_LOAD; reg [0:0] block_FIELDS; /* * temporary variables */ reg [2:0] jump_counter; reg [3:0] load_counter; reg [3:0] load_count; reg [1:0] fields_table; reg [0:0] read_write; /* * initialization */ initial begin o_alu_reg_dest = `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_reg_src_1 = `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_reg_src_2 = `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_field = `FT_FIELD_NONE; o_alu_ptr_begin = 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end = 4'h0; o_alu_imm_value = 4'b0; o_alu_opcode = `ALU_OP_NOP; o_instr_type = 4'd15; o_push_pc = 1'd0; o_instr_decoded = 1'b0; o_instr_execute = 1'b0; /* debugger interface */ o_dbg_inst_addr = 20'b0; /* internal registers */ just_reset = 1'b1; decode_started = 1'b0; block_0x = 1'b0; block_1x = 1'b0; block_13x = 1'b0; block_14x = 1'b0; block_15x = 1'b0; block_15xa = 1'b0; block_15xn = 1'b0; block_2x = 1'b0; block_3x = 1'b0; block_8x = 1'b0; block_80x = 1'b0; block_80Cx = 1'b0; block_82x = 1'b0; block_84x_85x = 1'b0; block_Ax = 1'b0; block_Aax = 1'b0; block_Abx = 1'b0; block_Cx = 1'b0; block_Dx = 1'b0; block_Fx = 1'b0; block_JUMP = 1'b0; block_LOAD = 1'b0; block_FIELDS = 1'b0; /* local variables */ jump_counter = 3'd0; load_counter = 4'd0; load_count = 4'd0; fields_table = `FT_NONE; /* last line of defense */ o_decoder_error = 1'b0; end /**************************** * * registers blocks wires * */ wire [4:0] regs_ABCD = { 3'b000, i_nibble[1:0] }; wire [4:0] regs_BCAC = { 3'b000, i_nibble[0], !(i_nibble[1] | i_nibble[0]) }; wire [4:0] regs_ABAC = { 3'b000, i_nibble[1] & i_nibble[0], !i_nibble[1] & i_nibble[0] }; wire [4:0] regs_BCCD = { 3'b000, i_nibble[1] | i_nibble[0], !i_nibble[1] ^ i_nibble[0] }; /**************************** * * main process * */ always @(posedge i_clk) begin /* * only do something when nothing is busy doing some other tasks * either talking to the bus, or debugging something */ if (i_clk_en && i_bus_busy && i_phases[2] && just_reset) begin // $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] dump registers right after reset", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); just_reset <= 1'b0; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; end if (i_clk_en && !i_bus_busy && !i_exec_unit_busy) begin if (i_phases[1] && !decode_started) begin // $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] store current PC as instruction start %5h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_current_pc); o_instr_pc <= i_current_pc; /* set the instruction to NOP, to avoid any stray processes */ o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_NOP; end if (i_phases[2] && !decode_started) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] nb= %h - start instruction decoding", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); decode_started <= 1'b1; case (i_nibble) 4'h0: block_0x <= 1'b1; 4'h1: block_1x <= 1'b1; 4'h2: block_2x <= 1'b1; 4'h3: block_3x <= 1'b1; 4'h6, 4'h7: begin o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_JUMP; o_push_pc <= i_nibble[0]; o_jump_length <= 3'd2; jump_counter <= 3'd0; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; block_JUMP <= 1'b1; end 4'h8: block_8x <= 1'b1; 4'hA: begin block_Ax <= 1'b1; block_FIELDS <= 1'b1; fields_table <= `FT_A_B; end 4'hC: block_Cx <= 1'b1; 4'hD: block_Dx <= 1'b1; 4'hF: block_Fx <= 1'b1; default: begin $display("invalid instruction"); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; end endcase end if (i_phases[2] && decode_started) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] nb= %h - decoding", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); if (block_0x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'h0, 4'h1, 4'h2, 4'h3: begin $write("DECODER %0d: [%d] RTN", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); case (i_nibble[1:0]) 2'h0: $display("SXM"); 2'h1: $display(""); 2'h2: $display("SC"); 2'h3: $display("CC"); endcase o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_RTN; case (i_nibble[1:0]) 2'h0: begin end 2'h1: o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_NOP; 2'h2, 2'h3: begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_SET_CRY; o_alu_imm_value <= {3'b000, !i_nibble[0]}; end endcase o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; end 4'h4, 4'h5: begin o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_SET_MODE; o_alu_imm_value <= {3'b000, i_nibble[0]}; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; end default: begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_0x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; end endcase block_0x <= 1'b0; end if (block_1x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'h3: block_13x <= 1'b1; 4'h4: block_14x <= 1'b1; 4'h5: block_15x <= 1'b1; 4'h9, 4'hA, 4'hB, 4'hD, 4'hE, 4'hF: begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] D)=(5)", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_alu_reg_dest <= i_nibble[2]?`ALU_REG_D1:`ALU_REG_D0; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= { 1'b0, i_nibble[1]&i_nibble[0], i_nibble[1]&!i_nibble[0], i_nibble[1]^i_nibble[0] }; load_counter <= 4'h0; load_count <= { 1'b0, i_nibble[1]&i_nibble[0], i_nibble[1]&!i_nibble[0], i_nibble[1]^i_nibble[0] }; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; block_LOAD <= 1'b1; end default: begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_1x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; end endcase block_1x <= 1'b0; end if (block_13x) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_13x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; if (!i_nibble[1]) begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_COPY; o_alu_reg_dest <= i_nibble[0] ? `ALU_REG_D1 : `ALU_REG_D0; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= i_nibble[2] ? `ALU_REG_C : `ALU_REG_A; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; end else begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_EXCH; o_alu_reg_dest <= i_nibble[2] ? `ALU_REG_C : `ALU_REG_A; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= i_nibble[0] ? `ALU_REG_D1 : `ALU_REG_D0; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= i_nibble[2] ? `ALU_REG_C : `ALU_REG_A; end o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_nibble[3] ? 4'h3 : 4'h4; o_alu_opcode <= i_nibble[1] ? `ALU_OP_EXCH : `ALU_OP_COPY; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_13x <= 1'b0; end if (block_14x) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_14x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_mem_pointer <= i_nibble[0]; o_instr_type <= i_nibble[1]?`INSTR_TYPE_MEM_READ:`INSTR_TYPE_MEM_WRITE; o_alu_reg_dest <= i_nibble[2]?`ALU_REG_C:`ALU_REG_A; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= i_nibble[2]?`ALU_REG_C:`ALU_REG_A; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_field <= i_nibble[3]?`FT_FIELD_B:`FT_FIELD_A; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_nibble[3]?1:4; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_14x <= 1'b0; end if (block_15x) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_15x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_mem_pointer <= i_nibble[0]; read_write <= i_nibble[1]; o_alu_reg_dest <= i_nibble[2]?`ALU_REG_C:`ALU_REG_A; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= i_nibble[2]?`ALU_REG_C:`ALU_REG_A; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; if (!i_nibble[3]) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] heading to block_15xa", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); block_15xa <= 1'b1; fields_table <= `FT_A_B; block_FIELDS <= 1'b1; end else begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] heading to block_15xn", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); block_15xn <= 1'b1; end block_15x <= 1'b0; end if (block_15xa) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_15xa %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_instr_type <= read_write?`INSTR_TYPE_MEM_READ:`INSTR_TYPE_MEM_WRITE; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_15xa <= 1'b0; end if (block_15xn) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_15xn %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_instr_type <= read_write?`INSTR_TYPE_MEM_READ:`INSTR_TYPE_MEM_WRITE; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_nibble; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_15xn <= 1'b0; end if (block_2x) begin o_alu_reg_dest <= `ALU_REG_P; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_IMM; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_imm_value <= i_nibble; o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_COPY; o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; block_2x <= 1'b0; decode_started <= 1'b0; end if (block_3x) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] LC %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_alu_reg_dest <= `ALU_REG_C; o_alu_ptr_begin <= i_reg_p; o_alu_ptr_end <= (i_reg_p + i_nibble) & 4'hF; load_counter <= 4'h0; load_count <= i_nibble; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; block_LOAD <= 1'b1; block_3x <= 1'b0; end if (block_8x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'h0: block_80x <= 1'b1; 4'h2: block_82x <= 1'b1; 4'h4, 4'h5: begin o_alu_reg_dest <= `ALU_REG_ST; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_IMM; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_imm_value <= { 3'b000, i_nibble[0]}; o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_COPY; o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; block_84x_85x <= 1'b1; end 4'hD, 4'hF: /* GOVLNG or GOSBVL */ begin o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_JUMP; o_push_pc <= i_nibble[1]; o_jump_length <= 3'd4; jump_counter <= 3'd0; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; block_JUMP <= 1'b1; end default: begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_8x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; end endcase block_8x <= 1'b0; end if (block_80x) begin case (i_nibble) 4'h5: /* CONFIG */ begin o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_CONFIG; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; end 4'hA: /* RESET */ begin o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_RESET; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; end 4'hC: block_80Cx <= 1'b1; default: begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_80x %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; end endcase block_80x <= 1'b0; end if (block_80Cx) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_80Cx C=P %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_alu_reg_dest <= `ALU_REG_C; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_P; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_ptr_begin <= i_nibble; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_nibble; o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_COPY; o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; block_80Cx <= 1'b0; decode_started <= 1'b0; end if (block_82x) begin `ifdef SIM $write("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_82x ", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); case (i_nibble) 4'h1: $display("XM=0"); 4'h2: $display("SB=0"); 4'h4: $display("SR=0"); 4'h8: $display("MP=0"); 4'hF: $display("CLRHST"); default: $display("CLRHST %h", i_nibble); endcase `endif o_alu_reg_dest <= `ALU_REG_HST; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_IMM; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_imm_value <= i_nibble; o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK; o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_82x <= 1'b0; end if (block_84x_85x) begin o_alu_ptr_begin <= i_nibble; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_nibble; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_84x_85x <= 1'b0; end if (block_Ax) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_Ax %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); /* work here is done by the block_FIELDS */ block_Aax <= !i_nibble[3]; block_Abx <= i_nibble[3]; block_Ax <= 1'b0; end if (block_Aax) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_Aax %h (%0d [%h:%h])", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble, o_alu_field, o_alu_ptr_end, o_alu_ptr_begin); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; block_Aax <= 1'b0; end if (block_Abx) begin o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; case ({i_nibble[3], i_nibble[2]}) 2'b00: begin o_alu_reg_dest <= regs_ABCD; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_ZERO; end default: begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_Abx %h (%0d [%h:%h])", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble, o_alu_field, o_alu_ptr_end, o_alu_ptr_begin); o_decoder_error <= 1'b1; end endcase o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_Abx <= 1'b0; end if (block_Cx) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_Cx %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_alu_field <= `FT_FIELD_A; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h4; o_alu_opcode <= (i_nibble[3] && i_nibble[2]) ? `ALU_OP_DEC : `ALU_OP_ADD; o_alu_reg_dest <= (i_nibble[3] && !i_nibble[2]) ? regs_BCAC : regs_ABCD; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= (i_nibble[3] && !i_nibble[2]) ? regs_BCAC : regs_ABCD; case ({i_nibble[3], i_nibble[2]}) 2'b00: o_alu_reg_src_2 <= regs_BCAC; 2'b01, 2'b10: o_alu_reg_src_2 <= regs_ABCD; 2'b11: o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; endcase o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_Cx <= 1'b0; end if (block_Dx) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_Dx %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_alu_field <= `FT_FIELD_A; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h4; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; case ({i_nibble[3], i_nibble[2]}) 2'b00: begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_ZERO; o_alu_reg_dest <= regs_ABCD; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; end 2'b01: begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_COPY; o_alu_reg_dest <= regs_ABCD; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= regs_BCAC; end 2'b10: begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_COPY; o_alu_reg_dest <= regs_BCAC; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= regs_ABCD; end 2'b11: begin o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_EXCH; o_alu_reg_dest <= regs_ABAC; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= regs_ABAC; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= regs_BCCD; end endcase o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_Dx <= 1'b0; end if (block_Fx) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_Fx %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_ALU; o_alu_field <= `FT_FIELD_A; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h4; o_alu_reg_dest <= regs_ABCD; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= regs_ABCD; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; case ({i_nibble[3], i_nibble[2]}) 2'b00: o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_SHL; 2'b01: o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_SHR; 2'b10: o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_2CMPL; 2'b11: o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_1CMPL; endcase o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; o_instr_execute <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_Fx <= 1'b0; end /* special cases */ if (block_JUMP) begin jump_counter <= jump_counter + 3'd1; if (jump_counter == o_jump_length) begin block_JUMP <= 1'b0; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; end end if (block_LOAD) begin o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_LOAD; o_alu_imm_value <= i_nibble; load_counter <= load_counter + 4'd1; if (load_counter == load_count) begin block_LOAD <= 1'b0; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; end end if (block_FIELDS) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] block_FIELDS %h", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, i_nibble); o_alu_field <= { 1'b0, i_nibble[2:0] }; case (i_nibble[2:0]) 3'o0: begin /* field pointed by P */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= i_reg_p; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_reg_p; end 3'o1: begin /* field the width of P, starting at 0 */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= i_reg_p; end 3'o2: begin /* field XS */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h2; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h2; end 3'o3: begin /* field X */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h2; end 3'o4: begin /* field S */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'hF; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'hF; end 3'o5: begin /* field M */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h3; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'hE; end 3'o6: begin /* field B */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h1; end 3'o7: begin if ((fields_table == `FT_F) && i_nibble[3]) begin /* this is field A */ o_alu_field <= i_nibble; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h4; end else begin /* else this is field W */ o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'hF; end end endcase block_FIELDS <= 1'b0; end end /* need to increment this at the same time the pointer is used */ if (i_phases[3] && block_LOAD && (o_instr_type == `INSTR_TYPE_LOAD)) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] load ptr_begin <= %0d", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr, (o_alu_ptr_begin + 4'd1) & 4'hF); o_alu_ptr_begin <= (o_alu_ptr_begin + 4'd1) & 4'hF; end /* o_instr_decoded goes away only when the ALU is not busy anymore */ if (i_phases[3] && o_instr_decoded) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] decoder cleanup 1", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); o_instr_decoded <= 1'b0; end end if (i_clk_en && !i_bus_busy) begin /* decoder cleanup only after the instruction is completely decoded and execution has started */ if (i_phases[3] && o_instr_decoded) begin $display("DECODER %0d: [%d] decoder cleanup 2", i_phase, i_cycle_ctr); fields_table <= `FT_NONE; o_alu_field <= `FT_FIELD_NONE; o_instr_execute <= 1'b0; o_instr_type <= `INSTR_TYPE_NONE; o_push_pc <= 1'b0; end end if (i_reset) begin /* stuff that needs reset */ o_alu_reg_dest <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_reg_src_1 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_reg_src_2 <= `ALU_REG_NONE; o_alu_field <= `FT_FIELD_NONE; o_alu_ptr_begin <= 4'h0; o_alu_ptr_end <= 4'h0; o_alu_imm_value <= 4'b0; o_alu_opcode <= `ALU_OP_NOP; o_instr_type <= 4'd15; o_push_pc <= 1'b0; o_instr_decoded <= 1'b0; o_instr_execute <= 1'b0; /* debugger interface */ o_dbg_inst_addr <= 20'b0; /* internal registers */ just_reset <= 1'b1; decode_started <= 1'b0; block_0x <= 1'b0; block_1x <= 1'b0; block_13x <= 1'b0; block_14x <= 1'b0; block_15x <= 1'b0; block_15xa <= 1'b0; block_15xn <= 1'b0; block_2x <= 1'b0; block_3x <= 1'b0; block_8x <= 1'b0; block_80x <= 1'b0; block_80Cx <= 1'b0; block_82x <= 1'b0; block_84x_85x <= 1'b0; block_Ax <= 1'b0; block_Aax <= 1'b0; block_Abx <= 1'b0; block_Cx <= 1'b0; block_Dx <= 1'b0; block_Fx <= 1'b0; block_JUMP <= 1'b0; block_LOAD <= 1'b0; block_FIELDS <= 1'b0; /* local variables */ jump_counter <= 3'd0; load_counter <= 4'd0; load_count <= 4'd0; fields_table <= `FT_NONE; /* invalid instruction */ o_decoder_error <= 1'b0; end end endmodule