`ifndef _SATURN_ALU `define _SATURN_ALU `include "def-alu.v" `ifdef SIM // `define ALU_DEBUG_DBG `endif `define ALU_DEBUG 1'b0 `define ALU_DEBUG_DUMP 1'b1 `define ALU_DEBUG_JUMP 1'b0 `define ALU_DEBUG_PC 1'b0 module saturn_alu ( i_clk, i_reset, i_cycle_ctr, i_en_alu_dump, i_en_alu_prep, i_en_alu_calc, i_en_alu_init, i_en_alu_save, i_stalled, o_bus_address, o_bus_pc_read, o_bus_dp_read, o_bus_dp_write, o_bus_load_pc, o_bus_load_dp, o_bus_config, i_bus_nibble_in, o_bus_nibble_out, i_push, i_pop, i_alu_debug, o_alu_stall_dec, i_ins_decoded, i_field_start, i_field_last, i_imm_value, i_alu_op, i_alu_no_stall, i_reg_dest, i_reg_src1, i_reg_src2, i_ins_alu_op, i_ins_test_go, i_ins_set_mode, i_ins_rtn, i_ins_config, i_ins_unconfig, i_mode_dec, i_set_xm, i_set_carry, i_test_carry, i_carry_val, o_reg_p, o_pc ); input wire [0:0] i_clk; input wire [0:0] i_reset; input wire [31:0] i_cycle_ctr; input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_dump; input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_prep; input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_calc; input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_init; input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_save; input wire [0:0] i_stalled; output reg [19:0] o_bus_address; output reg [0:0] o_bus_pc_read; output reg [0:0] o_bus_dp_read; output reg [0:0] o_bus_dp_write; output reg [0:0] o_bus_load_pc; output reg [0:0] o_bus_load_dp; output reg [0:0] o_bus_config; input wire [3:0] i_bus_nibble_in; output reg [3:0] o_bus_nibble_out; input wire [0:0] i_push; input wire [0:0] i_pop; input wire [0:0] i_alu_debug; wire alu_debug; wire alu_debug_dump; wire alu_debug_jump; wire alu_debug_pc; assign alu_debug = `ALU_DEBUG || i_alu_debug; assign alu_debug_dump = `ALU_DEBUG_DUMP || i_alu_debug; assign alu_debug_jump = `ALU_DEBUG_JUMP || i_alu_debug; assign alu_debug_pc = `ALU_DEBUG_PC || i_alu_debug; output wire [0:0] o_alu_stall_dec; input wire [0:0] i_ins_decoded; input wire [3:0] i_field_start; input wire [3:0] i_field_last; input wire [3:0] i_imm_value; input wire [4:0] i_alu_op; input wire [0:0] i_alu_no_stall; input wire [4:0] i_reg_dest; input wire [4:0] i_reg_src1; input wire [4:0] i_reg_src2; input wire [0:0] i_ins_alu_op; input wire [0:0] i_ins_test_go; input wire [0:0] i_ins_set_mode; input wire [0:0] i_ins_rtn; input wire [0:0] i_ins_config; input wire [0:0] i_ins_unconfig; input wire [0:0] i_mode_dec; input wire [0:0] i_set_xm; input wire [0:0] i_set_carry; input wire [0:0] i_test_carry; input wire [0:0] i_carry_val; output wire [3:0] o_reg_p; output wire [19:0] o_pc; assign o_reg_p = P; assign o_pc = PC; /* internal registers */ /* copy of arguments */ reg [4:0] alu_op; reg [4:0] reg_dest; reg [4:0] reg_src1; reg [4:0] reg_src2; reg [3:0] f_first; reg [3:0] f_cur; reg [3:0] f_last; /* internal pointers */ reg [3:0] p_src1; reg [3:0] p_src2; reg [0:0] p_carry; reg [3:0] c_res1; reg [3:0] c_res2; reg [0:0] c_carry; reg [0:0] is_zero; /* alu status */ reg alu_run; reg alu_done; reg alu_go_test; /* * next PC in case of jump */ reg [19:0] jump_bse; reg [19:0] jump_off; wire [19:0] jump_pc; assign jump_pc = (alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5)?jump_off:(jump_bse + jump_off); reg [2:0] rstk_ptr; /* public registers */ reg [19:0] PC; reg [19:0] D0; reg [19:0] D1; //reg [63:0] A; reg [3:0] A[0:15]; reg [3:0] B[0:15]; reg [3:0] C[0:15]; reg [3:0] D[0:15]; reg [3:0] R0[0:15]; reg [3:0] R1[0:15]; reg [3:0] R2[0:15]; reg [3:0] R3[0:15]; reg [3:0] R4[0:15]; reg [0:0] CARRY; reg [0:0] DEC; reg [3:0] P; reg [3:0] HST; reg [15:0] ST; reg [19:0] RSTK[0:7]; initial begin end /* * can the alu function ? */ wire alu_active; assign alu_active = !i_reset && !i_stalled; /* * simulation only states, when alu is active */ `ifdef SIM wire do_reg_dump; wire do_alu_shpc; assign do_reg_dump = alu_active && i_en_alu_dump && !o_bus_load_pc && i_ins_decoded && !o_alu_stall_dec; assign do_alu_shpc = alu_active && i_en_alu_dump; `endif wire do_busclean; wire do_alu_init; wire do_alu_prep; wire do_alu_calc; wire do_alu_save; wire do_alu_pc; wire do_alu_mode; assign do_busclean = alu_active && i_en_alu_dump; assign do_alu_init = alu_active && i_en_alu_init && i_ins_alu_op && !alu_run && !write_done && !do_exec_p_eq; assign do_alu_prep = alu_active && i_en_alu_prep && alu_run; assign do_alu_calc = alu_active && i_en_alu_calc && alu_run; assign do_alu_save = alu_active && i_en_alu_save && alu_run; assign do_alu_pc = alu_active && i_en_alu_save; assign do_alu_mode = alu_active && i_en_alu_save && i_ins_set_mode; wire do_go_init; wire do_go_prep; wire do_go_calc; assign do_go_init = alu_active && i_en_alu_save && i_ins_test_go; assign do_go_prep = alu_active && i_en_alu_prep && i_ins_test_go; // now for the fine tuning ;-) // save one cycle on P= n! wire is_alu_op_copy; wire is_reg_dest_p; wire is_reg_src1_imm; wire do_exec_p_eq; assign is_alu_op_copy = (i_alu_op == `ALU_OP_COPY); assign is_reg_dest_p = (i_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_P); assign is_reg_src1_imm = (i_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_IMM); assign do_exec_p_eq = alu_active && i_en_alu_save && i_ins_alu_op && is_alu_op_copy && is_reg_dest_p && is_reg_src1_imm; initial begin // $monitor({"alu_active %b | i_en_alu_save %b | i_ins_alu_op %b | i_alu_op %0d | op=copy %b | i_reg_dest %0d | dest=P %b | i_reg_src1 %0d | src1=imm %b"}, // alu_active, i_en_alu_save, i_ins_alu_op, i_alu_op, is_alu_op_copy, i_reg_dest, is_reg_dest_p, i_reg_src1, is_reg_src1_imm); end // the decoder may request the ALU to not stall it assign o_alu_stall_dec = !no_extra_cycles || alu_initializing || (alu_run && (!i_alu_no_stall || alu_finish || alu_go_test || o_bus_dp_read)); wire alu_start; wire alu_finish; wire [3:0] f_next; assign alu_start = f_cur == f_first; assign alu_finish = f_cur == f_last; assign f_next = (f_cur + 1) & 4'hF; /* * test things on alu_op */ wire is_alu_op_unc_jump; assign is_alu_op_unc_jump = ((alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3) || (alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4) || (alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5) || i_ins_rtn); wire is_alu_op_test; assign is_alu_op_test = ((alu_op == `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ) || (alu_op == `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ)); /***************************************************************************** * * Dump all registers at the end of each instruction's execution cycle * ****************************************************************************/ `ifdef SIM reg [4:0] alu_dbg_ctr; `endif always @(posedge i_clk) begin `ifdef SIM // if (i_stalled && i_en_alu_dump) // $display("ALU STALLED"); `endif `ifdef ALU_DEBUG_DBG $display("iad %b | AD %b | ad %b | ADD %b | add %b | ADJ %b | adj %b | ADP %b | adp %b", i_alu_debug, `ALU_DEBUG, i_alu_debug, `ALU_DEBUG_DUMP, alu_debug_dump, `ALU_DEBUG_JUMP, alu_debug_jump, `ALU_DEBUG_PC, alu_debug_pc ); `endif `ifdef SIM if (do_reg_dump && alu_debug_dump) begin $display("ALU_DUMP 0: run %b | done %b", alu_run, alu_done); // display registers $display("PC: %05h Carry: %b h: %s rp: %h RSTK7: %05h", PC, CARRY, DEC?"DEC":"HEX", rstk_ptr, RSTK[7]); $display("P: %h HST: %b ST: %b RSTK6: %5h", P, HST, ST, RSTK[6]); $write("A: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", A[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" R0: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", R0[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" RSTK5: %5h\n", RSTK[5]); $write("B: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", B[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" R1: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", R1[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" RSTK4: %5h\n", RSTK[4]); $write("C: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", C[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" R2: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", R2[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" RSTK3: %5h\n", RSTK[3]); $write("D: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", D[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" R3: "); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", R3[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" RSTK2: %5h\n", RSTK[2]); $write("D0: %h D1: %h R4: ", D0, D1); for(alu_dbg_ctr=15;alu_dbg_ctr!=31;alu_dbg_ctr=alu_dbg_ctr-1) $write("%h", R4[alu_dbg_ctr]); $write(" RSTK1: %5h\n", RSTK[1]); $display(" ADDR: %5h RSTK0: %5h", o_bus_address, RSTK[0]); end `endif end /***************************************************************************** * * Initialize the ALU, to prepare it to execute the instruction * ****************************************************************************/ wire [0:0] is_mem_read; wire [0:0] is_mem_write; wire [0:0] is_mem_xfer; wire [4:0] mem_reg; assign is_mem_read = (i_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_DAT0) || (i_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_DAT1); assign is_mem_write = (i_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_DAT0) || (i_reg_dest == `ALU_REG_DAT1); assign is_mem_xfer = is_mem_read || is_mem_write; assign mem_reg = is_mem_read?i_reg_src1:i_reg_dest; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) begin alu_op <= 0; reg_dest <= 0; reg_src1 <= 0; reg_src2 <= 0; f_last <= 0; end // this happens in phase 3, right after the instruction decoder (in phase 2) is finished if (do_alu_init) begin `ifdef SIM if (alu_debug) $display({"ALU_INIT 3: run %b | done %b | stall %b | op %d | s %h | l %h ", "| ialu %b | dest %d | src1 %d | src2 %d | imm %h"}, alu_run, alu_done, o_alu_stall_dec, i_alu_op,i_field_start, i_field_last, i_ins_alu_op, i_reg_dest, i_reg_src1, i_reg_src2, i_imm_value); `endif alu_op <= i_alu_op; reg_dest <= i_reg_dest; reg_src1 <= i_reg_src1; reg_src2 <= i_reg_src2; f_last <= i_field_last; end end /* * handles f_start, alu_run and alu_done */ always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) begin alu_run <= 0; alu_done <= 0; f_first <= 0; f_cur <= 0; end if (alu_initializing) f_cur <= f_cur + 1; if (do_alu_init) begin // $display("------------------------------------------------- DO_ALU_INIT"); alu_run <= 1; f_first <= i_field_start; f_cur <= i_field_start; alu_go_test <= is_alu_op_test; end if (do_alu_prep) begin // $display("ALU_TEST 1: tf %b | nxt %h", test_finish, f_next); alu_done <= 0; end if (do_alu_calc) begin // $display("ALU_TEST 2: tf %b | nxt %h", test_finish, f_next); alu_done <= alu_finish; // f_next <= (f_start + 1) & 4'hF; end if (do_alu_save) begin // $display("ALU_TEST 3: tf %b | nxt %h", test_finish, f_next); f_cur <= f_next; end if (do_alu_save && alu_done) begin alu_run <= 0; alu_done <= 0; end end always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) begin p_src1 <= 0; p_src2 <= 0; p_carry <= 0; jump_bse <= 0; end if (do_alu_prep) begin if (alu_debug) begin `ifdef SIM $display("ALU_PREP 1: run %b | done %b | stall %b | op %d | f %h | c %h | l %h | imm %h", alu_run, alu_done, o_alu_stall_dec, alu_op, f_first, f_cur, f_last, i_imm_value); `endif end /* * source 1 */ case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_ZERO: begin end // no source required `ALU_OP_COPY, `ALU_OP_EXCH, `ALU_OP_RST_BIT, `ALU_OP_SET_BIT, `ALU_OP_2CMPL, `ALU_OP_DEC, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4, `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5, `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK: case (reg_src1) `ALU_REG_A: p_src1 <= A[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_B: p_src1 <= B[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_C: p_src1 <= C[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_D: p_src1 <= D[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R0: p_src1 <= R0[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R1: p_src1 <= R1[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R2: p_src1 <= R2[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R3: p_src1 <= R3[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R4: p_src1 <= R4[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_D0: p_src1 <= D0[f_cur*4+:4]; `ALU_REG_D1: p_src1 <= D1[f_cur*4+:4]; `ALU_REG_P: p_src1 <= P; `ALU_REG_DAT0, `ALU_REG_DAT1: p_src1 <= i_bus_nibble_in; `ALU_REG_HST: p_src1 <= HST; `ALU_REG_IMM: p_src1 <= i_imm_value; `ALU_REG_ZERO: p_src1 <= 0; default: $display("#### SRC_1 UNHANDLED REGISTER %0d", reg_src1); endcase default: $display("#### SRC_1 UNHANDLED OPERATION %0d", alu_op); endcase /* * source 2 */ case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_ZERO, `ALU_OP_COPY, `ALU_OP_RST_BIT, `ALU_OP_SET_BIT, `ALU_OP_2CMPL, `ALU_OP_DEC, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4, `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5: begin end // no need for a 2nd operand `ALU_OP_EXCH, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ, `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK: begin case (reg_src2) `ALU_REG_A: p_src2 <= A[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_B: p_src2 <= B[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_C: p_src2 <= C[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_D: p_src2 <= D[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R0: p_src2 <= R0[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R1: p_src2 <= R1[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R2: p_src2 <= R2[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R3: p_src2 <= R3[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_R4: p_src2 <= R4[f_cur]; `ALU_REG_D0: p_src2 <= D0[f_cur*4+:4]; `ALU_REG_D1: p_src2 <= D1[f_cur*4+:4]; `ALU_REG_P: p_src2 <= P; `ALU_REG_HST: p_src2 <= HST; `ALU_REG_IMM: p_src2 <= i_imm_value; `ALU_REG_ZERO: p_src2 <= 0; default: $display("#### SRC_2 UNHANDLED REGISTER %0d", reg_src2); endcase end default: $display("#### SRC_2 UNHANDLED OPERATION %0d", alu_op); endcase // setup p_carry // $display("fs %h | fs=0 %b | cc %b | npc %b", f_start, (f_start == 0), c_carry, (f_start == 0)?1'b1:c_carry); case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_2CMPL: p_carry <= alu_start?1'b1:c_carry; `ALU_OP_DEC: p_carry <= alu_start?1'b0:c_carry; `ALU_OP_ADD: p_carry <= alu_start?1'b0:c_carry; `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: p_carry <= alu_start?1'b0:c_carry; endcase // prepare jump base case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4: begin // the address of the first digit of the offset if (!i_push && alu_start) jump_bse <= PC - 1; // doc says address of the next instruction, but appears to be off by 1 if (i_push) jump_bse <= PC; end endcase end end always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) begin c_res1 <= 0; c_res2 <= 0; c_carry <= 0; is_zero <= 0; jump_off <= 0; end if (do_alu_calc) begin `ifdef SIM if (alu_debug) $display("ALU_CALC 2: run %b | done %b | stall %b | op %d | f %h | c %h | l %h | dest %d | psrc1 %h | psrc2 %h | p_carry %b", alu_run, alu_done, o_alu_stall_dec, alu_op, f_first, f_cur, f_last, reg_dest, p_src1, p_src2, p_carry); if (alu_debug_jump) $display("ALU_JUMP 2: run %b | done %b | stall %b | op %d | f %h | c %h | l %h | jbs %5h | jof %5h | jpc %5h | fin %b", alu_run, alu_done, o_alu_stall_dec, alu_op, f_first, f_cur, f_last, jump_bse, jump_off, jump_pc, alu_finish); `endif if(alu_start) case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4, `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5: jump_off <= { 16'b0, p_src1 }; endcase // main case case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_ZERO: c_res1 <= 0; `ALU_OP_EXCH: begin c_res1 <= p_src2; c_res2 <= p_src1; end `ALU_OP_COPY, `ALU_OP_RST_BIT, `ALU_OP_SET_BIT: c_res1 <= p_src1; `ALU_OP_2CMPL: begin c_carry <= (~p_src1 == 4'hf) && p_carry ; c_res1 <= ~p_src1 + {3'b000, p_carry}; is_zero <= ((~p_src1 + {3'b000, p_carry}) == 0) && alu_start?1:is_zero; end `ALU_OP_DEC: {c_carry, c_res1} <= p_src1 + 4'b1111 + {4'b0000, p_carry}; `ALU_OP_ADD: {c_carry, c_res1} <= p_src1 + p_src2 + {4'b0000, p_carry}; `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: c_carry <= !(p_src1 == p_src2) || p_carry; `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2: begin end // there is no middle part `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4, `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5: jump_off[f_cur*4+:4] <= p_src1; `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK: c_res1 <= p_src1 & ~p_src2; default: $display("#### CALC 2 UNHANDLED OPERATION %0d", alu_op); endcase if (alu_finish) case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2: jump_off <= { {12{p_src1[3]}}, p_src1, jump_off[3:0] }; `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3: jump_off <= { {8{p_src1[3]}}, p_src1, jump_off[7:0] }; `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4: jump_off <= { {4{p_src1[3]}}, p_src1, jump_off[11:0] }; endcase // $display("-------C- SRC1 %b %h | ~SRC1 %b %h | PC %b | RES1 %b %h | CC %b", // p_src1, p_src1, ~p_src1, ~p_src1, p_carry, // (~p_src1) + p_carry, (~p_src1) + p_carry, // (~p_src1) == 4'hf ); end if (do_go_init) begin $display("GO_INIT 3: imm %h", i_imm_value); jump_off <= { {16{1'b0}}, i_imm_value}; end end /****************************************************************************** * save alu registers after calculations * * this is the only place the registers can be updated ! * * * * * * *****************************************************************************/ reg [0:0] alu_initializing; always @(posedge i_clk) begin /* * Initialization of all registers * This happens at the same time the first LOAD_PC command goes out * */ if (i_reset) begin alu_initializing <= 1; CARRY <= 0; P <= 0; D0 <= 0; D1 <= 0; end if (alu_initializing) begin A[f_cur] <= 0; B[f_cur] <= 0; C[f_cur] <= 0; D[f_cur] <= 0; R0[f_cur] <= 0; R1[f_cur] <= 0; R2[f_cur] <= 0; R3[f_cur] <= 0; R4[f_cur] <= 0; ST[f_cur] <= 0; HST[f_cur[1:0]] <= 0; alu_initializing <= (f_cur != 15); end /* * * Debug for some JUMP condition testing * */ if (do_alu_save || do_go_prep) begin if (alu_debug_jump) begin `ifdef SIM $display({"ALU_JUMP 3: run %b | done %b | stall %b | op %d | f %h | ", "c %h | l %h | bse %5h | jof %5h | jpc %5h | fin %b"}, alu_run, alu_done, o_alu_stall_dec, alu_op, f_first, f_cur, f_last, jump_bse, jump_off, jump_pc, alu_finish); `endif end end /* * * Epic shortcut for P= n case * */ if (do_exec_p_eq) begin P <= i_imm_value; end /* * normal way for the ALU to save results. * * */ if (do_alu_save) begin `ifdef SIM if (alu_debug) begin $display({"ALU_SAVE 3: run %b | done %b | stall %b | op %d | f %h | c %h | l %h |", " dest %d | cres1 %h | cres2 %h | psrc1 %h | psrc2 %h | c_carry %b"}, alu_run, alu_done, o_alu_stall_dec, alu_op, f_first, f_cur, f_last, reg_dest, c_res1, c_res2, p_src1, p_src2, c_carry); end `endif case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_ZERO, `ALU_OP_COPY, `ALU_OP_EXCH, // does the first assign `ALU_OP_2CMPL, `ALU_OP_DEC, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_CLR_MASK: case (reg_dest) `ALU_REG_A: A[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_B: B[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_C: C[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_D: D[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_R0: R0[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_R1: R1[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_R2: R2[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_R3: R3[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_R4: R4[f_cur] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_D0: D0[f_cur*4+:4] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_D1: D1[f_cur*4+:4] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_ST: ST[f_cur*4+:4] <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_P: P <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_DAT0, `ALU_REG_DAT1: o_bus_nibble_out <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_HST: HST <= c_res1; `ALU_REG_ADDR: begin end // done down below where o_bus_addr is accessible default: $display("#### ALU_SAVE invalid register %0d for op %0d", reg_dest, alu_op); endcase `ALU_OP_RST_BIT, `ALU_OP_SET_BIT: case (reg_dest) `ALU_REG_ST: ST[c_res1] <= alu_op==`ALU_OP_SET_BIT?1:0; default: $display("#### ALU_SAVE invalid register %0d for op %0d", reg_dest, alu_op); endcase `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL3, `ALU_OP_JMP_REL4, `ALU_OP_JMP_ABS5: begin end // nothing to save, handled by PC management below default: $display("#### ALU_SAVE UNHANDLED OP %0d", alu_op); endcase /* * in case of exch, we need to update src2 to finish the exchange */ case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_EXCH: // 2nd assign, with src2 case (reg_src2) `ALU_REG_A: A[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_B: B[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_C: C[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_D: D[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_D0: D0[f_cur*4+:4] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_D1: D1[f_cur*4+:4] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_R0: R0[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_R1: R1[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_R2: R2[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_R3: R3[f_cur] <= c_res2; `ALU_REG_R4: R4[f_cur] <= c_res2; // `ALU_REG_ST: ST[f_start*4+:4] <= c_res2; // `ALU_REG_P: P <= c_res2; // `ALU_REG_HST: HST <= c_res2; endcase endcase end /* * update carry */ if (do_alu_save) begin case (alu_op) `ALU_OP_2CMPL: CARRY <= !is_zero; `ALU_OP_DEC, `ALU_OP_ADD, `ALU_OP_TEST_EQ, `ALU_OP_TEST_NEQ: CARRY <= c_carry; endcase end // do whatever is requested by the RTN instruction if (alu_active && i_ins_rtn) begin if (i_set_xm) HST[`ALU_HST_XM] <= 1; if (i_set_carry) CARRY <= i_carry_val; end end /****************************************************************************** * * facility to detect that we just came out of reset * *****************************************************************************/ reg [0:0] just_reset; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) just_reset <= 1; if (just_reset && do_alu_pc) begin just_reset <= 0; $display("---------------------------------------- CLEARING JUST_RESET"); end end /****************************************************************************** * * WRITE TO MEMORY * * * Request the D0 or D1 pointers to be loaded to other * modules through the bus * * * * *****************************************************************************/ reg [0:0] write_done; reg [1:0] extra_cycles; wire [0:0] read_done; wire [0:0] setup_load_dp_read; wire [0:0] setup_load_dp_write; wire [0:0] setup_load_dp; wire [0:0] no_extra_cycles; wire [1:0] cycles_to_go; assign read_done = is_mem_read && do_alu_save && ((f_cur +1) == f_last); assign setup_load_dp_read = do_alu_init && is_mem_read && !read_done; assign setup_load_dp_write = do_alu_init && is_mem_write && !write_done; assign setup_load_dp = setup_load_dp_read || setup_load_dp_write; assign no_extra_cycles = (extra_cycles == 0); assign cycles_to_go = extra_cycles - 1; always @(posedge i_clk) begin // reset stuff if (i_reset) begin // read_done <= 0; write_done <= 0; extra_cycles <= 0; o_bus_load_dp <= 0; o_bus_dp_read <= 0; o_bus_dp_write <= 0; end /* * reading * note: starts immediately */ if (setup_load_dp_read) begin o_bus_load_dp <= 1; o_bus_dp_read <= 1; end if (read_done) begin o_bus_load_dp <= 0; o_bus_dp_read <= 0; end /* * writing */ // setup the order to load DP in time if (setup_load_dp_write) begin o_bus_load_dp <= 1; end // tell the bus to start the write cycle // this will take 1 cycle because we need to send the DP_WRITE command if (do_busclean && alu_run && !write_done && is_mem_write && !o_bus_dp_write) o_bus_dp_write <= 1; // writing takes 2 more cycles : // - one used up above // - one used down below to restore the PC_READ command if (do_alu_save && alu_finish && is_mem_write && (extra_cycles == 0)) begin extra_cycles <= 2; write_done <= 1; end // if we're on cycle the last of the extra cycles, send the PC_READ command // so as to allow reading the instructions streams again to the decoder if (i_en_alu_calc && !no_extra_cycles) begin extra_cycles <= cycles_to_go; if (cycles_to_go == 1) begin o_bus_dp_write <= 0; o_bus_pc_read <= 1; end end // once the PC_READ command has been sent, remove the stall on the decoder if (i_en_alu_dump && no_extra_cycles && o_bus_pc_read) begin o_bus_pc_read <= 0; write_done <= 0; end if (do_busclean && o_bus_load_dp) o_bus_load_dp <= 0; end /***************************************************************************** * * config and unconfig * ****************************************************************************/ wire is_bus_config; assign is_bus_config = (alu_op == `ALU_OP_COPY) && (reg_dest == `ALU_REG_ADDR); wire send_config; assign send_config = alu_active && i_en_alu_calc && i_ins_alu_op && alu_run && alu_finish; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) o_bus_config <= 0; // $display("send_config %b | is_bus_cfg %b | i_ins_cfg %b", send_config, is_bus_config, i_ins_config); if (send_config && is_bus_config && i_ins_config) o_bus_config <= 1; if (do_busclean && o_bus_config) o_bus_config <= 0; end /***************************************************************************** * * Handles all changes to PC * ****************************************************************************/ wire [19:0] next_pc; wire [19:0] goyes_off; wire [19:0] goyes_pc; wire [0:0] is_jmp_rel2; wire [0:0] is_rtn_rel2; wire [0:0] jmp_carry_test; wire [0:0] exec_rtn_rel2; wire [0:0] set_jmp_rel2; wire [0:0] exec_jmp_rel2; wire [0:0] update_pc; wire [0:0] set_unc_jmp; wire [0:0] exec_unc_jmp; wire [0:0] exec_unc_rtn; wire [0:0] pop_pc; wire [0:0] reload_pc; wire [0:0] push_pc; assign goyes_off = {{12{i_imm_value[3]}}, i_imm_value, jump_off[3:0]}; assign goyes_pc = jump_bse + goyes_off; // rtnyes is already handled by i_ins_test_go assign is_rtn_rel2 = (alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2) && (goyes_off == 0); assign is_jmp_rel2 = (alu_op == `ALU_OP_JMP_REL2) && !(goyes_off == 0); assign jmp_carry_test = (i_test_carry && (CARRY == i_carry_val)); assign exec_rtn_rel2 = is_rtn_rel2 && jmp_carry_test && alu_done; assign set_jmp_rel2 = is_jmp_rel2 && jmp_carry_test && alu_finish; assign exec_jmp_rel2 = is_jmp_rel2 && jmp_carry_test && alu_done; assign set_unc_jmp = is_alu_op_unc_jump && alu_finish; assign exec_unc_jmp = is_alu_op_unc_jump && alu_done; assign exec_unc_rtn = i_pop && i_ins_rtn; assign pop_pc = i_pop && i_ins_rtn && ((!i_ins_test_go) || (i_ins_test_go && CARRY)); assign next_pc = (set_unc_jmp || set_jmp_rel2)?jump_pc:PC + 1; assign update_pc = !o_alu_stall_dec || exec_unc_jmp || exec_jmp_rel2 || just_reset; assign reload_pc = (exec_unc_jmp || pop_pc || just_reset || exec_jmp_rel2); assign push_pc = update_pc && i_push && alu_finish; always @(posedge i_clk) begin /* * initializes the PC * */ if (i_reset) begin PC <= ~0; o_bus_load_pc <= 0; rstk_ptr <= 0; end /* * Similarly to the data registers, * initializes the RSTK while the PC is first loaded * */ if (alu_initializing) RSTK[f_cur[2:0]] <= 0; // necessary for the write to memory above // otherwise we get a conflict on o_bus_address if (setup_load_dp) case (mem_reg[0]) 0: o_bus_address <= D0; 1: o_bus_address <= D1; endcase // this is moved here for access conflicts to o_bus_address if (do_alu_save && (alu_op == `ALU_OP_COPY) && (reg_dest == `ALU_REG_ADDR)) begin o_bus_address[f_cur*4+:4] <= c_res1; end /** * * Update the PC. * Request the new PC be loaded to the other modules through * the bus if necessary * */ if (do_alu_pc) begin // $display("DO ALU PC"); `ifdef SIM if (alu_debug_pc) $display({"ALU_PC 3: !stl %b | nx %5h | done %b | fin %b | ", "uncjmp %b | ins_rtn %b | push %b | imm %h | ", "c_test %b | jmpr2 %b | rtn[n]c %b |", "j_bs %h | go_off %h | go_pc %h | update %b | PC <= %h"}, !o_alu_stall_dec, next_pc, alu_done, alu_finish, is_alu_op_unc_jump, i_ins_rtn, i_push, i_imm_value, jmp_carry_test, exec_jmp_rel2, exec_rtn_rel2, jump_bse, goyes_off, goyes_pc, update_pc, pop_pc ? RSTK[rstk_ptr - 1] : next_pc); `endif // this may do wierd things with C=RSTK... if (update_pc) begin PC <= pop_pc ? RSTK[rstk_ptr - 1] : next_pc; end if (reload_pc) begin // $display("ALU_PC 3: $$$$ RELOADING PC $$$$"); o_bus_address <= pop_pc ? RSTK[rstk_ptr-1] : next_pc; o_bus_load_pc <= 1; end // $display("pop %b && rtn %b && ((!go %b) || (go %b && c %b))", // i_pop, i_ins_rtn, !i_ins_test_go, i_ins_test_go, c_carry); if (pop_pc) begin $display("POP RSTK[%0d] to PC %5h", rstk_ptr-1, RSTK[rstk_ptr - 1]); RSTK[rstk_ptr - 1] <= 0; rstk_ptr <= rstk_ptr - 1; end if (push_pc) begin $display("PUSH PC %5h to RSTK[%0d]", PC, rstk_ptr); RSTK[rstk_ptr] <= PC; rstk_ptr <= rstk_ptr + 1; end end /* * * Deactivate the load_pc or load_dp enables on the next clock * */ if (do_busclean && o_bus_load_pc) o_bus_load_pc <= 0; end /***************************************************************************** * * execute SETHEX and SETDEC * ****************************************************************************/ always @(posedge i_clk) begin if (i_reset) DEC <= 0; // changing calculation modes if (do_alu_mode) begin $display("SETTING MODE TO %s", i_mode_dec?"DEC":"HEX"); DEC <= i_mode_dec; end end endmodule `endif