revise some enable wires

This commit is contained in:
Raphael Jacquot 2019-02-19 16:17:16 +01:00
parent 51e7fc792c
commit 7cbdbcbae1

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
module saturn_alu (
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ module saturn_alu (
input wire [0:0] i_clk;
input wire [0:0] i_reset;
input wire [1:0] i_clk_ph;
input wire [31:0] i_cycle_ctr;
input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_dump;
input wire [0:0] i_en_alu_prep;
@ -134,6 +136,8 @@ assign o_reg_p = P;
assign o_pc = PC;
/* internal registers */
wire [1:0] phase;
assign phase = i_clk_ph + 3;
/* copy of arguments */
reg [4:0] alu_op;
@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ wire do_alu_mode;
assign do_busclean = alu_active && i_en_alu_dump;
assign do_alu_init = alu_active && i_en_alu_init && i_ins_alu_op && !alu_run &&
!write_done && !do_exec_p_eq;
!write_done && !do_exec_p_eq && !o_bus_config;
assign do_alu_prep = alu_active && i_en_alu_prep && alu_run;
assign do_alu_calc = alu_active && i_en_alu_calc && alu_run;
assign do_alu_save = alu_active && i_en_alu_save && alu_run;
@ -257,15 +261,26 @@ assign is_reg_src1_imm = (i_reg_src1 == `ALU_REG_IMM);
assign do_exec_p_eq = alu_active && i_en_alu_save && i_ins_alu_op && is_alu_op_copy && is_reg_dest_p && is_reg_src1_imm;
initial begin
// $monitor({"alu_active %b | i_en_alu_save %b | i_ins_alu_op %b | i_alu_op %0d | op=copy %b | i_reg_dest %0d | dest=P %b | i_reg_src1 %0d | src1=imm %b"},
// alu_active, i_en_alu_save, i_ins_alu_op, i_alu_op, is_alu_op_copy, i_reg_dest, is_reg_dest_p, i_reg_src1, is_reg_src1_imm);
// $monitor({"ALU - ph %0d | ",
// "i_reset %b | i_stalled %b | nostll %b | ",
// "init %b | act %b | run %b | done %b | fin %b | ",
// "idump %b | oblpc %b | idec %b | bconf %b | stdec %b "},
// phase,
// i_reset, i_stalled, i_alu_no_stall,
// do_alu_init, alu_active, alu_run, alu_done, alu_finish,
// i_en_alu_dump, o_bus_load_pc, i_ins_decoded, o_bus_config, o_alu_stall_dec);
// the decoder may request the ALU to not stall it
assign o_alu_stall_dec = !no_extra_cycles || alu_initializing ||
(alu_run &&
(!i_alu_no_stall || alu_finish || alu_go_test || o_bus_dp_read));
wire bus_commands;
assign bus_commands = o_bus_config || o_bus_dp_write ;
assign o_alu_stall_dec = alu_initializing ||
(alu_run && (!i_alu_no_stall || alu_finish)) ||
i_stalled || bus_commands;
wire alu_start;
wire alu_finish;
@ -428,7 +443,7 @@ always @(posedge i_clk) begin
f_cur <= f_cur + 1;
if (do_alu_init) begin
// $display("------------------------------------------------- DO_ALU_INIT");
$display("ALU %0d - ------------------------------------------------- DO_ALU_INIT", phase);
alu_run <= 1;
f_first <= i_field_start;
f_cur <= i_field_start;
@ -661,7 +676,7 @@ always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (do_go_init) begin
$display("GO_INIT 3: imm %h", i_imm_value);
// $display("GO_INIT 3: imm %h", i_imm_value);
jump_off <= { {16{1'b0}}, i_imm_value};
@ -977,19 +992,25 @@ end
wire is_bus_config;
assign is_bus_config = (alu_op == `ALU_OP_COPY) && (reg_dest == `ALU_REG_ADDR);
wire send_config;
assign send_config = alu_active && i_en_alu_calc && i_ins_alu_op && alu_run && alu_finish;
assign send_config = alu_active && (phase == 1) && i_ins_alu_op && alu_run && alu_finish;
wire clean_after_config;
assign clean_after_config = alu_active && (phase == 3) && o_bus_config && !alu_run;
always @(posedge i_clk) begin
if (i_reset)
o_bus_config <= 0;
// $display("send_config %b | is_bus_cfg %b | i_ins_cfg %b", send_config, is_bus_config, i_ins_config);
if (send_config && is_bus_config && i_ins_config)
if (send_config && is_bus_config && i_ins_config) begin
$display("ALU %0d - =========================== ALU start configure mode", phase);
o_bus_config <= 1;
if (do_busclean && o_bus_config)
if (clean_after_config) begin
$display("ALU %0d - --------------------------- ALU end configure mode %b", phase, i_stalled);
o_bus_config <= 0;