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FCL - Forth Calculator's Language
FCL is the programming language of an Android app called Forth Calculator. It is a Forth dialect with optional local variables, complex data structures, quotations and Java interoperability.
: fib ( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n3 ) 2dup + ;
: nfib ( n -- .. ) -> n ( local variable )
0 1 { fib } n times ; ( quotation )
Besides all the high-level features, FCL supports the traditional Forth programming structures and uses the same compilation model (compile/interpret mode, dictionary, immediate words, etc.) as traditional Forth systems.
The Syntax
The syntax is a superset of the Forth language. In FCL there are literal syntax for creaing Lists [ 1 2 3 ]
, Maps #[ 'key' 'value' ]#
, Quotations { dup + }
and Strings 'Hello World'
Control structures
FCL supports the traditional Forth conditional and loop control structures.
General form of if else then
<bool> if <consequent> else <alternative> then
For example:
: max ( a b -- max )
2dup < if nip else drop then ;
10 100 max . \ prints 100
The else part is optional.
: abs ( n -- absn )
dup 0< if -1 * then ;
-10 abs . \ prints 10
Case statement
FCL supports switch-case like flow control logic as shown in the following example.
: day ( n -- )
1 of print: 'Monday' endof
2 of print: 'Tuesday' endof
3 of print: 'Wednesday' endof
4 of print: 'Thursday' endof
5 of print: 'Friday' endof
6 of print: 'Saturday' endof
7 of print: 'Sunday' endof
drop 'Unknown'
endcase ;
Count-controlled loops
The limit
and start
before the word do
defines the number of times the loop will run.
<limit> <start> do <loop-body> loop
Do loops iterate through integers by starting at start and incrementing until you reach the limit. The word i pushes the loop index onto the stack. In a nested loop, the inner loop may access the loop variable of the outer loop by using the word j.
For example:
5 0 do i . loop \ prints 0 1 2 3 4
It is important to understand the implementation details of this loop. DO
loops store the loop index on the return stack. You can break the semantics of i and j if you use the return stack to store temporary data. Exiting from the loop requires clearing up the return stack by using the unloop
Condition-controlled loops
until loop
begin <loop-body> <bool> until
The begin...until loop repeats until a condition is true. This loop always executes at least one time.
For example:
: countdown ( n -- )
dup .
1- dup
0 < until
drop ;
5 countdown \ prints 5 4 3 2 1 0
while loop
begin .. <bool> while <loop-body> repeat
For example:
: countdown ( n -- )
dup 0 >=
dup . 1-
drop ;
5 countdown \ prints 5 4 3 2 1 0
Control structres are compile time words with no interpretation semantics.