2015-07-24 15:06:12 -04:00

791 lines
36 KiB

# coding: utf-8
require_relative '../lib/fOOrth'
require_relative 'support/foorth_testing'
gem 'minitest'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest_visible'
#Test the fOOrth time and duration libraries.
class TimeLibraryTester < Minitest::Test
include XfOOrthTestExtensions
#Track mini-test progress.
MinitestVisible.track self, __FILE__
def test_that_the_time_classes_exists
foorth_equal('Time', [Time])
foorth_equal('Duration', [XfOOrth::Duration])
def test_that_new_not_allowed
foorth_raises('Time .new')
foorth_raises('Duration .new')
def test_some_time_duration_values
foorth_equal('now .class', [Time])
foorth_equal('local_offset', [])
foorth_equal('Duration .intervals',
[[31_556_952, 2_629_746, 86_400, 3_600, 60, 1]])
foorth_equal('Duration .labels',
[["years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]])
foorth_equal('a_year', [31_556_952])
foorth_equal('a_month', [ 2_629_746])
foorth_equal('a_day', [ 86_400])
foorth_equal('an_hour', [ 3_600])
foorth_equal('a_minute', [ 60])
foorth_equal('a_second', [ 1])
foorth_equal('a_year .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_equal('a_month .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_equal('a_day .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_equal('an_hour .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_equal('a_minute .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_equal('a_second .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_equal('a_year .years ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .years ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .years ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .years .class', [Fixnum])
foorth_equal('a_year .months ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .months ', [6])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .months ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month .months ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .months ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .months ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .months .class', [Fixnum])
foorth_equal('a_year .days ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .days ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .days ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month .days ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .days ', [15])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .days ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day .days ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .days ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .days ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .days .class', [Fixnum])
foorth_equal('a_year .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .hours ', [5])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .hours ', [12])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .hours ', [0])
foorth_equal('an_hour .hours ', [1])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .hours ', [1])
foorth_equal('an_hour 2 * .hours ', [2])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .hours .class', [Fixnum])
foorth_equal('a_year .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .minutes ', [14])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('an_hour .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .minutes ', [30])
foorth_equal('an_hour 2 * .minutes ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_minute .minutes ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_minute 3/2 * .minutes ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_minute 2 * .minutes ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_minute 3/2 * .minutes .class', [Fixnum])
foorth_equal('a_year .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .seconds ', [33])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('an_hour .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('an_hour 2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_minute .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_minute 3/2 * .seconds ', [30])
foorth_equal('a_minute 2 * .seconds ', [0])
foorth_equal('a_second .seconds ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_second 3/2 * .seconds ', [1.5])
foorth_equal('a_second 2 * .seconds ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_second 3/2 * .seconds .class', [Float])
foorth_equal('a_year .as_years ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .as_years ', [1.5])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .as_years ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_year .as_months ', [12])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .as_months ', [18])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .as_months ', [24])
foorth_equal('a_month .as_months ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .as_months ', [1.5])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .as_months ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_year .as_days ', [365.2425])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .as_days ', [1.5*365.2425])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .as_days ', [2*365.2425])
foorth_equal('a_month .as_days ', [365.2425/12])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .as_days ', [1.5*365.2425/12])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .as_days ', [365.2425/6])
foorth_equal('a_day .as_days ', [1])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .as_days ', [1.5])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .as_days ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_year .as_hours ', [8765.82])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .as_hours ', [13148.73])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .as_hours ', [17531.64])
foorth_equal('a_month .as_hours ', [730.485])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .as_hours ', [1095.7275])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .as_hours ', [1460.97])
foorth_equal('a_day .as_hours ', [24])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .as_hours ', [36])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .as_hours ', [48])
foorth_equal('an_hour .as_hours ', [1])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .as_hours ', [1.5])
foorth_equal('an_hour 2 * .as_hours ', [2])
foorth_equal('a_year .as_minutes', [525949.2])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .as_minutes', [788923.8])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .as_minutes', [1051898.4])
foorth_equal('a_month .as_minutes', [43829.1])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .as_minutes', [65743.65])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .as_minutes', [87658.2])
foorth_equal('a_day .as_minutes', [1440])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .as_minutes', [2160])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .as_minutes', [2880])
foorth_equal('an_hour .as_minutes', [60])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .as_minutes', [90])
foorth_equal('an_hour 2 * .as_minutes', [120])
foorth_equal('a_minute .as_minutes', [1])
foorth_equal('a_minute 3/2 * .as_minutes', [1.5])
foorth_equal('a_minute 2 * .as_minutes', [2])
foorth_equal('a_year .as_seconds', [31556952])
foorth_equal('a_year 3/2 * .as_seconds', [47335428])
foorth_equal('a_year 2 * .as_seconds', [63113904])
foorth_equal('a_month .as_seconds', [2629746])
foorth_equal('a_month 3/2 * .as_seconds', [3944619])
foorth_equal('a_month 2 * .as_seconds', [5259492])
foorth_equal('a_day .as_seconds', [86400])
foorth_equal('a_day 3/2 * .as_seconds', [129600])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * .as_seconds', [172800])
foorth_equal('an_hour .as_seconds', [3600])
foorth_equal('an_hour 3/2 * .as_seconds', [5400])
foorth_equal('an_hour 2 * .as_seconds', [7200])
foorth_equal('a_minute .as_seconds', [60])
foorth_equal('a_minute 3/2 * .as_seconds', [90])
foorth_equal('a_minute 2 * .as_seconds', [120])
foorth_equal('a_second .as_seconds', [1])
foorth_equal('a_second 3/2 * .as_seconds', [1.5])
foorth_equal('a_second 2 * .as_seconds', [2])
def test_converting_to_time
foorth_equal('0 .to_t', [])
foorth_equal('0 .to_t!', [])
foorth_equal('infinity .to_t', [nil])
foorth_raises('infinity .to_t!')
foorth_raises('1+1i .to_t')
foorth_raises('1+1i .to_t!')
foorth_equal('"Oct 26 1985 1:22" .to_t', [Time.parse("Oct 26 1985 1:22")])
foorth_equal('"Oct 26 1985 1:22" .to_t!', [Time.parse("Oct 26 1985 1:22")])
foorth_equal('"apple" .to_t', [nil])
foorth_raises('"apple" .to_t!')
foorth_equal('0 .to_t .to_t', [])
foorth_equal('0 .to_t .to_t!', [])
def test_converting_to_duration
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration', ["0/1".to_r)])
foorth_equal('"apple" .to_duration', [nil])
foorth_equal('infinity .to_duration', [nil])
foorth_equal('1+2i .to_duration', [nil])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration!', ["0/1".to_r)])
foorth_raises('"apple" .to_duration!')
foorth_raises('infinity .to_duration!')
foorth_raises('1+2i .to_duration!')
foorth_equal('[ 0 ] .to_duration', [ 0.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 ] .to_duration', [ 1.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 ] .to_duration', [ 61.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 ] .to_duration', [ 3661.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration', [ 90061.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration', [ 2719807.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration', [])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration', [nil])
foorth_equal('[ 1 "apple" 1 1 ] .to_duration', [nil])
foorth_equal('[ 0 ] .to_duration!', [ 0.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 ] .to_duration!', [ 1.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 ] .to_duration!', [ 61.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 ] .to_duration!', [ 3661.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration!', [ 90061.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration!', [ 2719807.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration!', [])
foorth_raises('[ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] .to_duration!')
foorth_raises('[ 1 "apple" 1 1 ] .to_duration!')
foorth_equal('[ 2.5 ] .to_duration', [ (2.5).to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 2.5 0 ] .to_duration', [ 150.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 2.5 0 0 ] .to_duration', [ 9000.to_r)])
foorth_equal('[ 2.5 0 0 0 ] .to_duration', [ 216000.to_r)])
def test_converting_from_a_duration
foorth_equal('5 .to_duration .to_r', ["5/1".to_r])
foorth_equal('5 .to_duration .to_f', [5.0])
foorth_equal('0.4 .to_duration .to_a', [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.4]])
foorth_equal('5.4 .to_duration .to_a', [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.4]])
foorth_equal('5 .to_duration .to_a', [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5 ]])
foorth_equal('60 .to_duration .to_a', [[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]])
foorth_equal('31556952 .to_duration .to_a', [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]])
foorth_equal('315569523/10 .to_duration .to_a', [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3]])
def test_duration_comparisons
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 .to_duration =", [true])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration =", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration =", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 =", [true])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 =", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 =", [false])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration =", [true])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration =", [false])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration =", [false])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration "to" =', [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1+2i =", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration! 0 .to_duration <>", [false])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <>", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration <>", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 <>", [false])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 <>", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 <>", [true])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration <>", [false])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration <>", [true])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration <>", [true])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration "to" <>', [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1+2i <>", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 .to_duration >", [false])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration >", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration >", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 >", [false])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 >", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 >", [false])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration >", [false])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration >", [true])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration >", [false])
foorth_raises("0 .to_duration 1+2i >")
foorth_raises('0 .to_duration "to" >')
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 .to_duration >=", [true])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration >=", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration >=", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 >=", [true])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 >=", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 >=", [false])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration >=", [true])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration >=", [true])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration >=", [false])
foorth_raises("0 .to_duration 1+2i >=")
foorth_raises('0 .to_duration "to" >=')
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <", [false])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration <", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 <", [false])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 <", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 <", [true])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration <", [false])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration <", [false])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration <", [true])
foorth_raises("0 .to_duration 1+2i <")
foorth_raises('0 .to_duration "to" <')
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <=", [true])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <=", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration <=", [true])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 <=", [true])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 <=", [false])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 <=", [true])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration <=", [true])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration <=", [false])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration <=", [true])
foorth_raises("0 .to_duration 1+2i <=")
foorth_raises('0 .to_duration "to" <=')
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <=>", [0])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 .to_duration <=>", [1])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 .to_duration <=>", [-1])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 0 <=>", [0])
foorth_equal("1 .to_duration 0 <=>", [1])
foorth_equal("0 .to_duration 1 <=>", [-1])
foorth_equal("0 0 .to_duration <=>", [0])
foorth_equal("1 0 .to_duration <=>", [1])
foorth_equal("0 1 .to_duration <=>", [-1])
foorth_raises("0 .to_duration 1+2i <=>")
foorth_raises('0 .to_duration "to" <=>')
def test_some_duration_formatting
foorth_equal('4/3 .to_duration f"%r seconds" ', ["4/3 seconds"])
foorth_equal('4/3 .to_duration f"%8r seconds" ', [" 4/3 seconds"])
foorth_equal('4/3 .to_duration f"%-8r seconds" ', ["4/3 seconds"])
foorth_equal('44/3 .to_duration f"%4r seconds" ', ["44/3 seconds"])
foorth_equal('4/3 .to_duration f"%f seconds" ', ["1.333333 seconds"])
foorth_equal('4/3 .to_duration f"%8.2f seconds" ', [" 1.33 seconds"])
foorth_equal('4/3 .to_duration f"%-8.2f seconds"', ["1.33 seconds"])
foorth_equal('100.25 .to_duration f"%4.2f seconds" ', ["100.25 seconds"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%y%$y" ', ["0 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%y%$y" ', ["1 year"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%3y%$y" ', [" 2 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%-3y%$y" ', ["2 years"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?3y%?$y" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%?3y%?$y" ', [" 1 year"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?3y%?$y" ', [" 2 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?-3y%?$y" ', ["2 years"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1Y%$Y" ', [" 0.0 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%4.1Y%$Y" ', [" 1.0 year"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%4.1Y%$Y" ', [" 2.5 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%-4.1Y%$Y" ', ["2.5 years"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1Y%?$Y" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%?4.1Y%?$Y" ', [" 1.0 year"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?4.1Y%?$Y" ', [" 2.5 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?-4.1Y%?$Y" ', ["2.5 years"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%o%$o" ', ["0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%o%$o" ', ["0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%3o%$o" ', [" 6 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%-3o%$o" ', ["6 months"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%-3o%$o" ', ["1 month"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%-3o%$o" ', ["2 months"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?3o%?$o" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%?3o%?$o" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?3o%?$o" ', [" 6 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?-3o%?$o" ', ["6 months"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%?-3o%?$o" ', ["1 month"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%?-3o%?$o" ', ["2 months"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1O%$O" ', [" 0.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%4.1O%$O" ', ["12.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%4.1O%$O" ', ["30.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%-4.1O%$O" ', ["30.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%-4.1O%$O" ', ["1.0 month"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%-4.1O%$O" ', ["2.5 months"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1O%?$O" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%?4.1O%?$O" ', ["12.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?4.1O%?$O" ', ["30.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%?-4.1O%?$O" ', ["30.0 months"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%?-4.1O%?$O" ', ["1.0 month"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%?-4.1O%?$O" ', ["2.5 months"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%d%$d" ', ["0 days"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%d%$d" ', ["0 days"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%-3d%$d" ', ["0 days"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%-3d%$d" ', ["15 days"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%-3d%$d" ', ["1 day"])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * f"%-3d%$d" ', ["2 days"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?d%?$d" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%?d%?$d" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%?-3d%?$d" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%?-3d%?$d" ', ["15 days"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%?-3d%?$d" ', ["1 day"])
foorth_equal('a_day 2 * f"%?-3d%?$d" ', ["2 days"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1D%$D" ', [" 0.0 days"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%4.1D%$D" ', ["365.2 days"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%-4.1D%$D" ', ["30.4 days"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%-4.1D%$D" ', ["76.1 days"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%-4.1D%$D" ', ["1.0 day"])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%-4.1D%$D" ', ["2.5 days"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1D%?$D" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%?4.1D%?$D" ', ["365.2 days"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%?-4.1D%?$D" ', ["30.4 days"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%?-4.1D%?$D" ', ["76.1 days"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%?-4.1D%?$D" ', ["1.0 day"])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%?-4.1D%?$D" ', ["2.5 days"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%h%$h" ', ["0 hours"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%-3h%$h" ', ["0 hours"])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%-3h%$h" ', ["12 hours"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%-3h%$h" ', ["1 hour"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%-3h%$h" ', ["2 hours"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?h%?$h" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%?-3h%?$h" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%?-3h%?$h" ', ["12 hours"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%?-3h%?$h" ', ["1 hour"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%?-3h%?$h" ', ["2 hours"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1H%$H" ', [" 0.0 hours"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%-4.1H%$H" ', ["24.0 hours"])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%-4.1H%$H" ', ["60.0 hours"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%-4.1H%$H" ', ["1.0 hour"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%-4.1H%$H" ', ["2.5 hours"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1H%?$H" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%?-4.1H%?$H" ', ["24.0 hours"])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%?-4.1H%?$H" ', ["60.0 hours"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%?-4.1H%?$H" ', ["1.0 hour"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%?-4.1H%?$H" ', ["2.5 hours"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%m%$m" ', ["0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%-3m%$m" ', ["0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%-3m%$m" ', ["30 minutes"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%-3m%$m" ', ["1 minute"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%-3m%$m" ', ["2 minutes"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?m%?$m" ', [""])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%?-3m%?$m" ', [""])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%?-3m%?$m" ', ["30 minutes"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%?-3m%?$m" ', ["1 minute"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%?-3m%?$m" ', ["2 minutes"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1M%$M" ', [" 0.0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%-4.1M%$M" ', ["60.0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%-4.1M%$M" ', ["150.0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%-4.1M%$M" ', ["1.0 minute"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%-4.1M%$M" ', ["2.5 minutes"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1M%?$M" ', [""])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%?-4.1M%?$M" ', ["60.0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%?-4.1M%?$M" ', ["150.0 minutes"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%?-4.1M%?$M" ', ["1.0 minute"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%?-4.1M%?$M" ', ["2.5 minutes"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%s%$s" ', ["0.000000 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%-3.0s%$s" ', ["0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%-3.0s%$s" ', ["30 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_second f"%-3.0s%$s" ', ["1 second"])
foorth_equal('a_second 5/2 * f"%-3.0s%$s" ', ["2 seconds"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?s%?$s" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%?-3s%?$s" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%?-3.0s%?$s" ', ["30 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_second f"%?-3.0s%?$s" ', ["1 second"])
foorth_equal('a_second 5/2 * f"%?-3.0s%?$s" ', ["2 seconds"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1S%$S" ', [" 0.0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%-4.1S%$S" ', ["60.0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%-4.1S%$S" ', ["150.0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_second f"%-4.1S%$S" ', ["1.0 second"])
foorth_equal('a_second 5/2 * f"%-4.1S%$S" ', ["2.5 seconds"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1S%?$S" ', [""])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%?-4.1S%?$S" ', ["60.0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%?-4.1S%?$S" ', ["150.0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_second f"%?-4.1S%?$S" ', ["1.0 second"])
foorth_equal('a_second 5/2 * f"%?-4.1S%?$S" ', ["2.5 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_year 5/2 * f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 2.5 years"])
foorth_equal('a_year f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 1.0 year"])
foorth_equal('a_month 5/2 * f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 2.5 months"])
foorth_equal('a_month f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 1.0 month"])
foorth_equal('a_day 5/2 * f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 2.5 days"])
foorth_equal('a_day f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 1.0 day"])
foorth_equal('an_hour 5/2 * f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 2.5 hours"])
foorth_equal('an_hour f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 1.0 hour"])
foorth_equal('a_minute 5/2 * f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 2.5 minutes"])
foorth_equal('a_minute f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 1.0 minute"])
foorth_equal('a_second 5/2 * f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 2.5 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_second f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 1.0 second"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%4.1B%$B" ', [" 0.0 seconds"])
foorth_equal('a_second f"%?4.1B%?$B" ', [" 1.0 second"])
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration f"%?4.1B%?$B" ', [""])
def test_time_comparisons
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t > ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t > ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t > ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t >= ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t >= ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t >= ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t < ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t < ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t < ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t <= ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t <= ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t <= ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t = ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t = ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t = ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t <> ', [false])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t <> ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t <> ', [true])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322200 .to_t <=>', [1])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t <=>', [0])
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t <=>', [-1])
def test_some_time_math
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 100 + ', [])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 100 + .class', [Time])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t a_minute + ', [])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t a_minute + .class', [Time])
foorth_raises('1434322206 .to_t now + ')
foorth_raises('1434322206 .to_t "apple" + ')
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 100 - ', [])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 100 - .class', [Time])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t a_minute - ', [])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t a_minute - .class', [Time])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t - ', [])
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t 1434322206 .to_t - .class', [XfOOrth::Duration])
foorth_raises('1434322206 .to_t "apple" - ')
def test_some_duration_math
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration + ', [150] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 + ', [150] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration + ', [150] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration + .class ', [Fixnum] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 + .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration + .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 + distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 .to_duration + distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration - ', [50] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 - ', [50] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration - ', [50] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration - .class ', [Fixnum] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 - .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration - .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 - distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 .to_duration - distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration * ', [5000] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 * ', [5000] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration * ', [5000] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration * .class ', [Fixnum] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 * .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration * .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 * distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 .to_duration * distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration / ', [2] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 / ', [2] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration / ', [2] )
foorth_equal('100 50 .to_duration / .class ', [Fixnum] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 / .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration 50 .to_duration / .class ', [XfOOrth::Duration] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 / distinct?', [true] )
foorth_equal('100 .to_duration dup 50 .to_duration / distinct?', [true] )
def test_some_time_to_string
foorth_equal('1434322206 .to_t .time_s ', [])
foorth_equal('10 .to_duration .to_s', ["Duration instance <10.0 seconds>"])
def test_time_array_stuff
ofs =
foorth_equal('1434322200 .to_t .to_a', [[2015, 6, 14, 18, 50, 0.0, ofs]])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 -14400 ] .to_t', [])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 ] .to_t', [])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 ] .to_t', [])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 ] .to_t', [*60))])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 ] .to_t', [*60 + 50)*60))])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 ] .to_t', [*24 + 18)*60 + 50)*60))])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 ] .to_t', [ + 13)*24 + 17)*60 + 50)*60))])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 15 14 18 50 0.0 -14400 ] .to_t', [nil])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 -14400 ] .to_t!', [])
foorth_raises('[ 2015 15 14 18 50 0.0 -14400 ] .to_t!')
def test_time_attributes
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .year', [2015])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .month', [6])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .day', [14])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .hour', [18])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .minute', [50])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .second', [1])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .fraction', [0.5])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .sec_frac', [1.5])
foorth_equal('1434322201.5 .to_t .offset', [])
def test_time_zone_control
ofs =
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 -14400 ] .to_t .utc?', [false])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 0 ] .to_t .utc?', [true])
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 -14400 ] .to_t .as_utc',
foorth_equal('[ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 0 ] .to_t .as_local',
foorth_equal('3600 [ 2015 6 14 18 50 0.0 ] .to_t .as_zone',
def test_time_formating
foorth_equal('1434322201 .to_t f"%A %B %d at %I:%M %p"',
["Sunday June 14 at 06:50 PM"])
foorth_equal('1434322201 .to_t f"%A %B %d, %r"',
["Sunday June 14, 06:50:01 PM"])
foorth_equal('1434322201 .to_t f"%A %B %d, %T"',
["Sunday June 14, 18:50:01"])
foorth_equal('1434322201 .to_t "%A %B %d at %I:%M %p" format',
["Sunday June 14 at 06:50 PM"])
foorth_equal('1434322201 .to_t "%A %B %d, %r" format',
["Sunday June 14, 06:50:01 PM"])
foorth_equal('1434322201 .to_t "%A %B %d, %T" format',
["Sunday June 14, 18:50:01"])
def test_time_parsing
foorth_equal('"Sunday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time p"%A %B %d at %I:%M %p"',
foorth_equal('"Someday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time p"%A %B %d at %I:%M %p"',
foorth_equal('"Sunday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time p!"%A %B %d at %I:%M %p"',
foorth_raises('"Someday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time p!"%A %B %d at %I:%M %p"')
foorth_equal('"Sunday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time "%A %B %d at %I:%M %p" parse',
foorth_equal('"Someday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time "%A %B %d at %I:%M %p" parse',
foorth_equal('"Sunday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time "%A %B %d at %I:%M %p" parse!',
foorth_raises('"Someday June 14 at 06:50 PM" Time "%A %B %d at %I:%M %p" parse!')
def test_some_duration_formatting_support
foorth_equal('0 .to_duration .largest_interval', [5])
foorth_equal('0.1 .to_duration .largest_interval', [5])
foorth_equal('1 .to_duration .largest_interval', [5])
foorth_equal('59 .to_duration .largest_interval', [5])
foorth_equal('60 .to_duration .largest_interval', [4])
foorth_equal('60.02 .to_duration .largest_interval', [4])
foorth_equal('120.02 .to_duration .largest_interval', [4])
foorth_equal('3120.02 .to_duration .largest_interval', [4])
foorth_equal('3599.99 .to_duration .largest_interval', [4])
foorth_equal('3600 .to_duration .largest_interval', [3])
foorth_equal('86399 .to_duration .largest_interval', [3])
foorth_equal('86400 .to_duration .largest_interval', [2])
foorth_equal('2629746 .to_duration .largest_interval', [1])
foorth_equal('31556952 .to_duration .largest_interval', [0])