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synced 2025-02-03 20:46:22 +01:00
Mirror of https://github.com/dgis/emu48android
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DESCRIPTION This project ports the Windows application Emu48 written in C to Android. It uses the Android NDK. The former Emu48 source code remains untouched because of a thin win32 emulation layer above Linux/NDK! This win32 layer will allow to easily update from the original Emu48 source code. It can open or save the exact same state files (state.e48/e49) than the original Windows application! Some KML files with theirs faceplates are embedded in the application but it is still possible to open a KML file and its dependencies by selecting a folder. The application does not request any permission (because it opens the files or the KML folders using the content:// scheme). The application is distributed with the same license under GPL and you can find the source code here: https://github.com/dgis/emu48android QUICK START 1. From the left side, slide your finger to open the menu. 2. Touch the "New..." menu item. 3. Select a predefined faceplate (or select a custom KML script folder). 4. And the calculator should now be opened. NOTES - When using a custom KML script by selecting a folder, you must take care of the case sensitivity of its dependency files. NOT WORKING YET - Disassembler - Debugger - Macro - Infrared Printer - Serial Ports (Wire or Ir) CHANGES Version 1.3alpha (2019-04-xx) WARNING: WITH VERSION 1.3, THE STATUS FILE HAS BEEN MODIFIED AND IS NOW FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE WINDOWS VERSION AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. HOWEVER, BEFORE THE UPDATE, BACK UP YOUR DATA BECAUSE YOU COULD LOSE THEM. - Fix the red and blue color inversion. - Add the HP 50g (Calypso 2K/4K) KML script from Carl Reinke (4K is a slow because there is no hardware acceleration). - Fix a bug about the timer delay in timeSetEvent(). - Fix deprecated classes in the settings. - Add an optional haptic feedback when touching a button. - Fix the intermittent slow down due to the end of playing a sound. - Fix blank screen when switching the KML faceplate. - Add more traces in the win32 log. - Allow to select the background color (missing a custom color). - Thanks to Christoph Giesselink about the state file compatibility issue (sizeof(BOOL) should be 4 and not 1). - Allow to fully switch the sound off. Version 1.2 (2019-03-14) - Use the KML Global color as background color. - Set the extension .e49 when "Saving as" a state file with model 'Q'. - Fix a crash after opening several times a state file. - Fix On-D diagnostic not working for 48gII/49G/49g+/50g (rom 2.15 not good, change for 2.10). - Improve the scrolling issue found in Emu48 1.59+. - Rewrite the StretchBlt() function to improve the pixel rendering. - Allow to build the project with "gradlew build". - Fix issues with back button in the Settings, Help and About. - Build with Android 4.4 support (Not sure the settings work). - Prevent empty MRU. - Allow to go back from the settings in Android 4.4 and may be more recent versions. - Save the Port 2 at the same time we save the state file. - Change the name from "Emu48 for Android" for "Emu48". - Always prompt to save when closing. - Fix MostRecentUsed file issue. - Update the core source code to Emu48 1.60+. Version 1.1 (2019-03-01) - Update the KML scripts and the images from Eric Rechlin. - Fix crash when changing the main image. - Fix an issue when KML file is not found. Version 1.0 (2019-02-28) - First public version available on the store. LICENSES Android version by Régis COSNIER. This program is based on Emu48 for Windows version, copyrighted by Christoph Gießelink & Sébastien Carlier, with the addition of a win32 layer to run on Android. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Note: some included files are not covered by the GPL; these include ROM image files (copyrighted by HP), KML files and faceplate images (copyrighted by their authors). The Eric's Real scripts ("real*.kml" and "real*.bmp") are embedded in this application with the kind permission of Eric Rechlin. TODO - Sometimes, it seems to be in authentic calculator slow speed and it should not be. - Add a separation between the pixels (Suggestion from Jaime Meza) - Sometimes the "busy" annunciator gets stuck - Add KML script loading dependencies fallback to the inner ROM (and may be KML include?) - Add a true fullscreen mode under the status bar and the bottom buttons - Improve the access to the menu - Change the logo following the template BUILD Emu48 for Android is built with Android Studio 3.3 (2019). And to generate an installable APK file with a real Android device, it MUST be signed. Either use Android Studio: * In menu "Build" * Select "Generate Signed Bundle / APK..." * Select "APK", then "Next" * "Create new..." (or use an existing key store file) * Enter "Key store password", "Key alias" and "Key password", then "Next" * Select a "Destination folder:" * Select the "Build Variants:" "release" * Select the "Signature Versions:" "V1" (V1 only) * Finish Or in the command line, build the signed APK: * In the root folder, create a keystore.jks file with: ** keytool -genkey -keystore ./keystore.jks -keyalg RSA -validity 9125 -alias key0 ** keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore ./keystore.jks -keyalg RSA -validity 9125 -alias key0 * create the file ./keystore.properties , with the following properties: storeFile=../keystore.jks storePassword=myPassword keyAlias=key0 keyPassword=myPassword * gradlew build * The APK should be in the folder app/build/outputs/apk/release Then, you should be able to use this fresh APK file with an Android device.