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synced 2025-02-10 20:48:04 +01:00
333 lines
10 KiB
333 lines
10 KiB
* Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Eliot
* Authors: Antoine Fraboulet <antoine.fraboulet@free.fr>
* Olivier Teuliere <ipkiss@via.ecp.fr>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dic.h>
#include "game_io.h"
#include "game_params.h"
#include "public_game.h"
#include "bag.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "results.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "encoding.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "turn.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "round.h"
using namespace std;
using boost::format;
using boost::wformat;
INIT_LOGGER(utils, GameIO);
#define __UNUSED__ __attribute__((unused))
void GameIO::printBoard(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
int row, col;
out << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
out << setw(3) << col - BOARD_MIN + 1;
out << endl;
for (row = BOARD_MIN; row <= BOARD_MAX; row++)
out << " " << (char)(row - BOARD_MIN + 'A') << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
if (iGame.getBoard().isVacant(row, col))
out << " - ";
out << centerAndConvert(iGame.getBoard().getDisplayStr(row, col), 3);
out << endl;
/* this mode is used for regression tests */
void GameIO::printBoardDebug(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
int row, col;
/* first printf row cell contents */
for (row = BOARD_MIN; row <= BOARD_MAX; row++)
out << " " << (char)(row - BOARD_MIN + 'A') << "r ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
out << iGame.getBoard().getCellContent_row(row, col);
out << endl;
out << " -" << endl;
for (row = BOARD_MIN; row <= BOARD_MAX; row++)
out << " " << (char)(row - BOARD_MIN + 'A') << "c ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
out << iGame.getBoard().getCellContent_col(row, col);
out << endl;
void GameIO::printBoardJoker(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
int row,col;
out << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
out << setw(3) << col - BOARD_MIN + 1;
out << endl;
for (row = BOARD_MIN; row <= BOARD_MAX; row++)
out << " " << (char)(row - BOARD_MIN + 'A') << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
if (iGame.getBoard().isVacant(row, col))
out << " --";
bool j = iGame.getBoard().isJoker(row, col);
out << (j ? " ." : " ")
<< lfw(iGame.getBoard().getDisplayStr(row, col));
out << endl;
void GameIO::printBoardMultipliers(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
int row, col;
out << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
out << setw(3) << col - BOARD_MIN + 1;
out << endl;
for (row = BOARD_MIN; row <= BOARD_MAX; row++)
out << " " << (char)(row - BOARD_MIN + 'A') << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
if (!iGame.getBoard().isVacant(row, col))
out << padAndConvert(iGame.getBoard().getDisplayStr(row, col), 3);
int wm = iGame.getBoard().GetWordMultiplier(row, col);
int tm = iGame.getBoard().GetLetterMultiplier(row, col);
if (wm > 1)
out << " " << ((wm == 3) ? '@' : '#');
else if (tm > 1)
out << " " << ((tm == 3) ? '*' : '+');
out << " -";
out << endl;
void GameIO::printBoardMultipliers2(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
int row, col;
out << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
out << setw(3) << col - BOARD_MIN + 1;
out << endl;
for (row = BOARD_MIN; row <= BOARD_MAX; row++)
out << " " << (char)(row - BOARD_MIN + 'A') << " ";
for (col = BOARD_MIN; col <= BOARD_MAX; col++)
int wm = iGame.getBoard().GetWordMultiplier(row, col);
int tm = iGame.getBoard().GetLetterMultiplier(row, col);
if (wm > 1)
out << " " << ((wm == 3) ? '@' : '#');
else if (tm > 1)
out << " " << ((tm == 3) ? '*' : '+');
out << " -";
if (iGame.getBoard().isVacant(row, col))
out << "-";
out << lfw(iGame.getBoard().getDisplayStr(row, col));
out << endl;
void GameIO::printNonPlayed(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
const Bag &bag = iGame.getBag();
BOOST_FOREACH(const Tile &tile, iGame.getDic().getAllTiles())
if (bag.in(tile) > 9)
out << " ";
out << setw(2) << lfw(tile.getDisplayStr());
out << endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Tile &tile, iGame.getDic().getAllTiles())
out << " " << bag.in(tile);
out << endl;
void GameIO::printPlayedRack(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame, int __UNUSED__ n)
out << lfw(iGame.getCurrentRack().toString(PlayedRack::RACK_SIMPLE)) << endl;
void GameIO::printAllRacks(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < iGame.getNbPlayers(); j++)
out << "Rack " << j << ": ";
out << lfw(iGame.getPlayer(j).getCurrentRack().toString(PlayedRack::RACK_EXTRA)) << endl;
static void searchResultLine(ostream &out, const Results &iResults, int num)
const Round &r = iResults.get(num);
const wstring &word = r.getWord();
if (word.empty())
out << lfw(word) << string(16 - word.size(), ' ')
<< (r.getBonus() ? '*' : ' ')
<< setw(4) << r.getPoints()
<< ' ' << lfw(r.getCoord().toString());
void GameIO::printSearchResults(ostream &out, const Results &iResults, int num)
for (int i = 0; i < num && i < (int)iResults.size(); i++)
out << setw(3) << i + 1 << ": ";
searchResultLine(out, iResults, i);
out << endl;
void GameIO::printPoints(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
out << iGame.getPlayer(0).getPoints() << endl;
void GameIO::printAllPoints(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iGame.getNbPlayers(); i++)
out << "Score " << i << ": "
<< setw(4) << iGame.getPlayer(i).getPoints() << endl;
void GameIO::printGameDebug(ostream &out, const PublicGame &iGame)
out << "Game: player " << iGame.getCurrentPlayer().getId() + 1
<< " out of " << iGame.getNbPlayers() << endl;
if (iGame.getParams().getMode() == GameParams::kDUPLICATE)
out << "Game: mode=Duplicate" << endl;
else if (iGame.getParams().getMode() == GameParams::kFREEGAME)
out << "Game: mode=Free game" << endl;
else if (iGame.getParams().getMode() == GameParams::kTRAINING)
out << "Game: mode=Training" << endl;
else if (iGame.getParams().getMode() == GameParams::kARBITRATION)
out << "Game: mode=Arbitration" << endl;
if (iGame.getParams().hasVariant(GameParams::kJOKER))
out << "Game: variant=joker" << endl;
if (iGame.getParams().hasVariant(GameParams::kEXPLOSIVE))
out << "Game: variant=explosive" << endl;
if (iGame.getParams().hasVariant(GameParams::k7AMONG8))
out << "Game: variant=7among8" << endl;
out << "Game: history:" << endl;
out << " N | P | RACK | SOLUTION | REF | PTS | BONUS" << endl;
out << " ===|===|==========|================|=====|=====|======" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iGame.getHistory().getSize(); ++i)
const Turn &turn = iGame.getHistory().getTurn(i);
const Move &move = turn.getMove();
format fmter("%1% | %2% | %3% | %4% | %5% | %6% | %7%");
fmter % padAndConvert(str(wformat(L"%1%") % (i + 1)), 5);
fmter % padAndConvert(str(wformat(L"%1%") % turn.getPlayer()), 1);
fmter % padAndConvert(turn.getPlayedRack().toString(), 8);
if (move.getType() == Move::VALID_ROUND)
const Round &round = move.getRound();
fmter % padAndConvert(round.getWord(), 14, false);
fmter % padAndConvert(round.getCoord().toString(), 3);
fmter % padAndConvert(str(wformat(L"%1%") % round.getPoints()), 3);
fmter % padAndConvert(round.getBonus() ? L"*": L"", 1, false);
if (move.getType() == Move::INVALID_WORD)
fmter % padAndConvert(L"#" + move.getBadWord() + L"#", 14, false);
fmter % padAndConvert(move.getBadCoord(), 3);
else if (move.getType() == Move::CHANGE_LETTERS)
fmter % padAndConvert(L"[" + move.getChangedLetters() + L"]", 14, false) % " - ";
else if (move.getType() == Move::PASS)
fmter % padAndConvert(L"(PASS)", 14, false) % " - ";
fmter % padAndConvert(L"(NO MOVE)", 14, false) % " - ";
fmter % " 0" % " ";
out << fmter.str() << endl;
out << endl << endl;