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synced 2025-01-13 20:03:23 +01:00
All the credit for this fix goes to Nam Guyen.
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Thanks to the following persons, who contributed to the Eliot project:
Adrián Chaves Fernández <adriyetichaves @t gmail d0t com> - Galician translation
Céline Teulière <celine d0t teuliere @t gmail d0t com> - English translation of the website
Dani Hernández Massegú <danihmassegu @at@ yahoo d0t es> - Design of the satistics report
Diego De Landro <diodeldragone @t gmail d0t com> - Italian translation (software and website)
Hervé Bohbot <herve d0t bohbot @t libertysurf d0t fr> - Italian, Norwegian and Polish dictionaries
Jean-Jacques Méric <jjmeric @t free.fr> - Bambara dictionary
Jean-Marc Falcoz <jeanmarcfalcozi @t vtxnet d0t ch> - English dictionaries
Joan Montané <joan @t montane d0t cat> - Catalan and Spanish dictionaries, Catalan and Spanish translations, Win32 InnoSetup-base installer
Nam Nguyen <namn @t berkeley d0t edu> - Bug fix in qt5 initialization
Pavel Fric <pavelfric @t seznam d0t cz> - Czech translation
Salvador Rodriguez <salvador d0t rodriguez2 @t wanadoo d0t fr> - ODS5 without conjugations
Switchu Legitri <sofswle @t gmail d0t com> - Indonesian translation
Uroš Stefanović <urostajms @t gmail d0t com> - Serbian dictionary and Serbian translation
Xavier Rousselot <xavier d0t rousselot @t gmail d0t com> - New website design