TrainingWidget 0 0 673 300 _("Rack:") 60 0 _("Play a word:") 60 0 _("Ref.:") 0 0 45 16777215 _("Enter the coordinates of the word. Specify the row before the column for horizontal words, and the column before the row for vertical words. E.g.: H4 or 4H") _("Enter the coordinates of the word. Specify the row before the column for horizontal words, and the column before the row for vertical words. E.g.: H4 or 4H") _("Points:") false 0 0 45 16777215 _("Play") _("New rack") _("Complement") false _("Search") false _("Play selected") _("Search results") QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true 0 true lineEditRack lineEditPlay lineEditCoords lineEditPoints pushButtonPlay pushButtonRack pushButtonComplement pushButtonSearch pushButtonPlaySelected treeViewResults lineEditRack returnPressed() pushButtonSearch click() 283 31 281 48