# Eliot # Copyright (C) 2008 Olivier Teulière # Authors: Olivier Teulière # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA localedir = $(datadir)/locale if BUILD_QT AM_CPPFLAGS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" @QT_CFLAGS@ -DQT4LOCALEDIR=\"@QT4LOCALEDIR@\" -I$(top_srcdir) -I../intl -I$(top_srcdir)/dic -I$(top_srcdir)/game @LOG4CXX_CFLAGS@ SUFFIXES=.ui.h .moc.cpp bin_PROGRAMS = eliot RESOURCES = \ images/eliot.xpm \ images/go-first.png \ images/go-jump.png \ images/go-last.png \ images/go-next.png \ images/go-previous.png \ images/info_16px.png \ images/playlist_16px.png \ images/preferences.png \ images/printer.png \ images/quit_16px.png EXTRA_DIST = \ ui/dic_tools_widget.ui \ ui/dic_wizard_info_page.ui \ ui/dic_wizard_letters_def_page.ui \ ui/dic_wizard_conclusion_page.ui \ ui/bag_widget.ui \ ui/main_window.ui \ ui/new_game.ui \ ui/player_widget.ui \ ui/prefs_dialog.ui \ ui/training_widget.ui \ eliot.qrc \ $(RESOURCES) \ images/eliot.ico eliot_SOURCES = \ qtcommon.h qtcommon.cpp \ coord_model.h coord_model.cpp \ tile_widget.cpp tile_widget.h \ timer_widget.cpp timer_widget.h \ tile_layout.cpp tile_layout.h \ validator_factory.h validator_factory.cpp \ custom_popup.cpp custom_popup.h \ bag_widget.cpp bag_widget.h \ bag_widget2.cpp bag_widget2.h \ dic_tools_widget.cpp dic_tools_widget.h \ new_game.cpp new_game.h \ score_widget.cpp score_widget.h \ dic_wizard.cpp dic_wizard.h \ board_widget.cpp board_widget.h \ history_widget.cpp history_widget.h \ play_word_mediator.cpp play_word_mediator.h \ training_widget.cpp training_widget.h \ player_widget.cpp player_widget.h \ prefs_dialog.cpp prefs_dialog.h \ aux_window.cpp aux_window.h \ main_window.cpp main_window.h \ main.cpp nodist_eliot_SOURCES = \ ui/main_window.ui.h \ ui/bag_widget.ui.h \ ui/new_game.ui.h \ ui/player_widget.ui.h \ ui/training_widget.ui.h \ ui/prefs_dialog.ui.h \ ui/dic_tools_widget.ui.h \ ui/dic_wizard_info_page.ui.h \ ui/dic_wizard_letters_def_page.ui.h \ ui/dic_wizard_conclusion_page.ui.h \ coord_model.moc.cpp \ tile_widget.moc.cpp \ timer_widget.moc.cpp \ tile_layout.moc.cpp \ validator_factory.moc.cpp \ custom_popup.moc.cpp \ new_game.moc.cpp \ dic_tools_widget.moc.cpp \ bag_widget.moc.cpp \ bag_widget2.moc.cpp \ score_widget.moc.cpp \ dic_wizard.moc.cpp \ board_widget.moc.cpp \ history_widget.moc.cpp \ play_word_mediator.moc.cpp \ player_widget.moc.cpp \ training_widget.moc.cpp \ prefs_dialog.moc.cpp \ aux_window.moc.cpp \ main_window.moc.cpp \ resources.cpp BUILT_SOURCES = $(nodist_eliot_SOURCES) MOSTLYCLEANFILES = $(nodist_eliot_SOURCES) eliot_LDADD = ../game/libgame.a ../dic/libdic.a @QT_LIBS@ @LIBINTL@ @LIBCONFIG_LIBS@ @ARABICA_LIBS@ @EXPAT_LDFLAGS@ # Needed for proper stack trace handling eliot_LDFLAGS = -rdynamic if WITH_LOGGING eliot_LDADD += @LOG4CXX_LIBS@ endif # Generate a cpp file from the resources resources.cpp: eliot.qrc $(RESOURCES) $(RCC) -o $@ $< # Generate the implementation file from the header %.moc.cpp: %.h $(MOC) -o $@ $< # Generate the header from the .ui file # We want to translate the string with gettext, not Qt own way %.ui.h: %.ui mkdir -p ui rm -f $@ $@.tmp echo "// Note: Lines below generated by Eliot build system" > $@.tmp echo "#include \"qtcommon.h\"" >> $@.tmp echo "#define Q_(a,b) _q(a)" >> $@.tmp $(UIC) -tr "Q_" $< >> $@.tmp sed 's/Q_(\"_(\\\"\(.*\)\\\")"/Q_("\1"/' $@.tmp >$@ rm -f $@.tmp # Embed the icon in the win32 binary, see http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/appicon.html if WIN32_BUILD BUILT_SOURCES += win32icon.rc eliot_SOURCES += win32icon.rc eliot_LDADD += win32icon.o win32icon.o: win32icon.rc i586-mingw32msvc-windres -o $@ -i $< endif # This target is out of the conditional, so that make distcheck is happy win32icon.rc: images/eliot.ico echo "IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE \"$(top_srcdir)/qt/images/eliot.ico\"" > $@ endif