DicToolsWidget 0 0 435 386 _("Dictionary tools") 0 _("Check") Qt::Vertical 20 40 _("Plus 1") QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers _("Regular expressions") _("Minimum length:") 1 15 _("Maximum length:") 1 15 15 QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers false true _("Note: only the 1000 first results have been displayed") true _("Dic. info.") _("Dictionary name:") true _("Letters:") true _("Number of words:") QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers true false 0 0 90 0 true 100000000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 _("Save words list...") tabWidget lineEditCheck lineEditPlus1 treeViewPlus1 lineEditRegexp spinBoxMinLength spinBoxMaxLength treeViewRegexp lineEditName lineEditLetters spinBoxWords buttonSaveWords treeViewDicLetters