PrefsDialog 0 0 491 563 _("Preferences") _("Interface") _("Dictionary path:") 140 0 _("Enter the dictionary path (mandatory to start a game)") _("Open a browser window to choose the dictionary") _("Browse...") _("Definitions site:") _("Show/hide the tiles points on the board.") _("Display tiles points") true _("If checked, the game and player histories will display the rack and the corresponding solution on the same line") _("Align the rack and the solution in history") true _("If checked, a confirmation will be requested before replaying the game from a given turn. If unchecked, the action is performed without confirmation.") _("Warn before replaying a turn") true _("Default computer level:") 100 100 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 _("Duplicate mode") _("If checked, playing an invalid or misplaced word will not be possible. If unchecked, you will get 0 point and lose your turn") _("Refuse to play invalid moves") _("Min. players for a solo:") _("Solo value:") _("Value of the solo bonus. Set it to 0 if you don't want solo bonus") 10 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 _("Minimum number of players needed to take into account the solo bonus") 16 checkBoxDuplRefuseInvalid label_2 label_3 spinBoxDuplSoloValue horizontalSpacer spinBoxDuplSoloPlayers _("Free game mode") _("If checked, playing an invalid or misplaced word will not be possible. If unchecked, you will get 0 point and lose your turn") _("Refuse to play invalid moves") _("Training mode") _("If checked, any change to the player rack in training mode will update the 'Plus 1' tab of the 'Dictionary tools' window") _("Copy rack to the 'Plus 1' dictionary tool") _("Search results limit:") _("Maximum number of results returned by a search. The returned results will always be the best ones. Use 0 to disable the limit (warning: searches yielding many results can be extremely slow in this case!).") 100000 100 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok lineEditIntfDicPath pushButtonIntfDicBrowse lineEditDefSite checkBoxIntfShowPoints checkBoxIntfAlignHistory checkBoxIntfWarnReplayTurn spinBoxDefaultLevel checkBoxDuplRefuseInvalid spinBoxDuplSoloPlayers spinBoxDuplSoloValue checkBoxFreeRefuseInvalid checkBoxIntfLinkTraining7P1 spinBoxTrainSearchLimit buttonBox buttonBox accepted() PrefsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() PrefsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274