/***************************************************************************** * Eliot * Copyright (C) 2012 Olivier Teulière * Authors: Olivier Teulière * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "arbit_assignments.h" #include "qtcommon.h" #include "custom_popup.h" #include "misc_helpers.h" #include "prefs_dialog.h" #include "public_game.h" #include "player.h" #include "rack.h" #include "results.h" #include "debug.h" using namespace std; INIT_LOGGER(qt, ArbitAssignments); ArbitAssignments::ArbitAssignments(QWidget *parent, PublicGame *iGame) : QWidget(parent), m_game(iGame) { setupUi(this); // Associate a model to the players view. // We use a proxy, to enable easy sorting of the players. m_proxyPlayersModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); m_proxyPlayersModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); m_playersModel = new QStandardItemModel(this); m_proxyPlayersModel->setSourceModel(m_playersModel); treeViewPlayers->setModel(m_proxyPlayersModel); m_playersModel->setColumnCount(5); m_playersModel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Table"), Qt::DisplayRole); m_playersModel->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Player"), Qt::DisplayRole); m_playersModel->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Word"), Qt::DisplayRole); m_playersModel->setHeaderData(3, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Ref"), Qt::DisplayRole); m_playersModel->setHeaderData(4, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Points"), Qt::DisplayRole); treeViewPlayers->sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); treeViewPlayers->setColumnWidth(0, 70); treeViewPlayers->setColumnWidth(1, 160); treeViewPlayers->setColumnWidth(2, 160); treeViewPlayers->setColumnWidth(3, 40); treeViewPlayers->setColumnWidth(4, 50); KeyEventFilter *selectAllFilter = new KeyEventFilter(this, Qt::Key_A); QObject::connect(selectAllFilter, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, int)), this, SLOT(selectAllPlayers())); treeViewPlayers->installEventFilter(selectAllFilter); KeyEventFilter *filter = new KeyEventFilter(this, Qt::Key_T); QObject::connect(filter, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, int)), this, SLOT(assignTopMove())); treeViewPlayers->installEventFilter(filter); filter = new KeyEventFilter(this, Qt::Key_W); QObject::connect(filter, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, int)), this, SLOT(addRemoveWarning())); treeViewPlayers->installEventFilter(filter); filter = new KeyEventFilter(this, Qt::Key_P); QObject::connect(filter, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, int)), this, SLOT(addRemovePenalty())); treeViewPlayers->installEventFilter(filter); // Display a preview of the master word when clicked QObject::connect(labelMasterMove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showMasterPreview())); // Enable the assignment buttons according to the selections in trees QObject::connect(treeViewPlayers->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(enableAssignmentButtons())); // Emit the "playerSelected" signal when appropriate QObject::connect(treeViewPlayers->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(emitPlayerSelected())); // Move assignment QObject::connect(buttonSelectMaster, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(assignMasterMove())); QObject::connect(buttonSuppressMove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(suppressMove())); QObject::connect(buttonAssign, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(assignSelectedMove())); QObject::connect(treeViewPlayers, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(assignSelectedMove())); // End turn QObject::connect(buttonEndTurn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(endTurn())); // Add a context menu for the players CustomPopup *playersPopup = new CustomPopup(treeViewPlayers); QObject::connect(playersPopup, SIGNAL(popupCreated(QMenu&, const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(populatePlayersMenu(QMenu&, const QPoint&))); refresh(); } void ArbitAssignments::refresh() { updatePlayersModel(); // Update the master move const Move &masterMove = m_game->duplicateGetMasterMove(); if (masterMove.isNull()) { labelMasterMove->setText(QString("%1").arg(_q("Not selected yet"))); } else { QString label = QString("%1").arg(formatMove(masterMove)); labelMasterMove->setText(label); } if (m_game->isFinished()) { setEnabled(false); } } void ArbitAssignments::updatePlayersModel() { // Save the ID of the selected players QSet playersIdSet = getSelectedPlayers(); m_playersModel->removeRows(0, m_playersModel->rowCount()); if (m_game == NULL) return; const bool hideAssignedPlayers = checkBoxHideAssigned->isChecked(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_game->getNbPlayers(); ++i) { const Player &player = m_game->getPlayer(i); // Only display human players if (!player.isHuman()) continue; // Hide players with an assigned move other than "No move" if (hideAssignedPlayers && m_game->hasPlayed(player.getId()) && !player.getLastMove().isNull()) { continue; } const int rowNum = m_playersModel->rowCount(); m_playersModel->insertRow(rowNum); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 0), player.getTableNb()); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 1), qfw(player.getName())); // Store the player ID m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 0), player.getId(), Qt::UserRole); // Display the played word, if any if (m_game->hasPlayed(player.getId())) { const Move &move = player.getLastMove(); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 4), move.getScore()); QPalette palette = treeViewPlayers->palette(); QColor color = palette.color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::WindowText); if (move.isValid()) { const Round &round = move.getRound(); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 2), qfw(round.getWord())); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 3), qfw(round.getCoord().toString())); } else if (move.isInvalid()) { m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 2), "<" + qfw(move.getBadWord()) + ">"); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 3), qfw(move.getBadCoord())); color = Qt::red; } // Apply the color const QBrush brush(color); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 2), brush, Qt::ForegroundRole); m_playersModel->setData(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 3), brush, Qt::ForegroundRole); } // Restore the selection if (playersIdSet.contains(player.getId())) { LOG_DEBUG("selecting player " << player.getId()); treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->select(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 0), QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); } } } void ArbitAssignments::enableAssignmentButtons() { bool hasSelResult = m_game->isLastTurn() && !m_selectedMove.isNull(); bool hasSelPlayer = m_game->isLastTurn() && treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->hasSelection(); // Enable the "Assign move" button iff a move is selected // and at least one player in the tree view is selected buttonAssign->setEnabled(hasSelResult && hasSelPlayer); if (hasSelResult && hasSelPlayer) { const Move &move = m_selectedMove; buttonAssign->setToolTip(_q("Assign move (%1) to the selected player(s)") .arg(formatMove(move))); } buttonSuppressMove->setEnabled(hasSelPlayer); buttonSelectMaster->setEnabled(hasSelResult); } void ArbitAssignments::populatePlayersMenu(QMenu &iMenu, const QPoint &iPoint) { const QModelIndex &index = treeViewPlayers->indexAt(iPoint); if (!index.isValid()) return; // Action to assign the selected move if (!m_selectedMove.isNull()) { const Move &move = m_selectedMove; QAction *assignSelMoveAction = new QAction(_q("Assign selected move (%1)").arg(formatMove(move)), this); assignSelMoveAction->setStatusTip(_q("Assign move (%1) to the selected player(s)") .arg(formatMove(move))); assignSelMoveAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Enter); QObject::connect(assignSelMoveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(assignSelectedMove())); iMenu.addAction(assignSelMoveAction); } // Action to select all the players QAction *selectAllAction = new QAction(_q("Select all players"), this); selectAllAction->setStatusTip(_q("Select all the players")); selectAllAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_A); QObject::connect(selectAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectAllPlayers())); iMenu.addAction(selectAllAction); // Action to assign the top move QAction *assignTopMoveAction = new QAction(_q("Assign top move"), this); assignTopMoveAction->setStatusTip(_q("Assign the top move (if unique) to the selected player(s)")); assignTopMoveAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_T); QObject::connect(assignTopMoveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(assignTopMove())); iMenu.addAction(assignTopMoveAction); // Action to warn (or "unwarn") players QAction *warningAction = new QAction(_q("Give (or remove) a warning"), this); warningAction->setStatusTip(_q("Give a warning to the selected player(s), or remove it if they already have one")); warningAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_W); QObject::connect(warningAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addRemoveWarning())); iMenu.addAction(warningAction); // Action to give a penalty to players QAction *penaltyAction = new QAction(_q("Give a penalty"), this); penaltyAction->setStatusTip(_q("Give a penalty to the selected player(s)")); penaltyAction->setShortcut(Qt::Key_P); QObject::connect(penaltyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addRemovePenalty())); iMenu.addAction(penaltyAction); } void ArbitAssignments::on_checkBoxHideAssigned_toggled(bool) { updatePlayersModel(); } void ArbitAssignments::selectedMoveChanged(const Move &iMove) { m_selectedMove = iMove; enableAssignmentButtons(); } bool ArbitAssignments::hasSelectedPlayer() const { return treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->hasSelection(); } void ArbitAssignments::emitPlayerSelected() { QSet playersIdSet = getSelectedPlayers(); if (playersIdSet.size() == 1) emit playerSelected(*playersIdSet.begin()); } QSet ArbitAssignments::getSelectedPlayers() const { QSet playersIdSet; // Get the tree selection const QItemSelection &proxySelected = treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->selection(); // Map the selection to a source model index const QItemSelection &srcSelected = m_proxyPlayersModel->mapSelectionToSource(proxySelected); // Get the player ID for each line Q_FOREACH(const QModelIndex &index, srcSelected.indexes()) { // Only take the first column into account if (index.column() != 0) continue; playersIdSet.insert(m_playersModel->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toUInt()); } return playersIdSet; } bool ArbitAssignments::selectPlayerByTable(unsigned tabNb, QString *oName) { // Unselect all the players treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < m_playersModel->rowCount(); ++rowNum) { const QModelIndex &modelIndex = m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 0); if (m_playersModel->data(modelIndex).toUInt() == tabNb) { // Found! const QModelIndex &index = m_proxyPlayersModel->mapFromSource(modelIndex); treeViewPlayers->scrollTo(index); treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->select(index, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); *oName = m_playersModel->data(m_playersModel->index(rowNum, 1)).toString(); return true; } } return false; } void ArbitAssignments::showMasterPreview() { const Move &move = m_game->duplicateGetMasterMove(); if (move.isValid()) { // TODO: deselect move in the Results? m_game->setTestRound(move.getRound()); emit gameUpdated(); } } void ArbitAssignments::selectAllPlayers() { treeViewPlayers->selectAll(); emit notifyInfo(_q("All players selected")); } void ArbitAssignments::assignMasterMove() { if (m_game->isFinished()) return; const Move &masterMove = m_game->duplicateGetMasterMove(); // Make sure the user knows what she's doing if (!masterMove.isNull()) { QString msg = _q("There is already a master move for this turn."); QString question = _q("Do you want to replace it?"); if (!QtCommon::requestConfirmation(PrefsDialog::kCONFO_ARBIT_REPLACE_MASTER, msg, question)) { return; } } const Move &move = m_selectedMove; if (!move.isValid()) { notifyProblem(_q("The master move must be a valid move.")); return; } // Warn if the selected move is not a top move BestResults results; results.search(m_game->getDic(), m_game->getBoard(), m_game->getCurrentRack().getRack(), m_game->getHistory().beforeFirstRound()); ASSERT(results.size() != 0, "No possible valid move"); int bestScore = results.get(0).getPoints(); if (bestScore > move.getScore()) { QString msg = _q("The selected move scores less than the maximum."); QString question = _q("Do you really want to select it as master move?"); if (!QtCommon::requestConfirmation(PrefsDialog::kCONFO_ARBIT_LOW_MASTER, msg, question)) { return; } } else { // A top move saving a joker should be prefered over one not // saving it, according to the French official rules. // Warn if the user tries to ignore the rule. unsigned jokerCount = move.getRound().countJokersFromRack(); if (jokerCount > 0) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) { if (results.get(i).countJokersFromRack() < jokerCount) { QString msg = _q("The selected move uses more jokers than " "another move with the same score (%1).") .arg(formatMove(Move(results.get(i)))); QString question = _q("Do you really want to select it as master move?"); if (!QtCommon::requestConfirmation(PrefsDialog::kCONFO_ARBIT_MASTER_JOKERS, msg, question)) { return; } break; } } } } // Assign the master move m_game->duplicateSetMasterMove(move); emit gameUpdated(); } void ArbitAssignments::assignDefaultMasterMove() { const Move &currMove = m_game->duplicateGetMasterMove(); // Do not overwrite an existing move if (!currMove.isNull()) return; // Search the best moves BestResults results; results.search(m_game->getDic(), m_game->getBoard(), m_game->getCurrentRack().getRack(), m_game->getHistory().beforeFirstRound()); // XXX: End of game if (results.size() == 0) return; unsigned currIndex = 0; unsigned jokerCount = results.get(0).countJokersFromRack(); if (jokerCount > 0) { for (unsigned i = 1; i < results.size(); ++i) { if (results.get(i).countJokersFromRack() < jokerCount) { currIndex = i; jokerCount = results.get(i).countJokersFromRack(); } } } // Assign the master move Move move = Move(results.get(currIndex)); m_game->duplicateSetMasterMove(move); emit gameUpdated(); } void ArbitAssignments::assignSelectedMove() { if (m_selectedMove.isNull() || !treeViewPlayers->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) { return; } helperAssignMove(m_selectedMove); } void ArbitAssignments::assignTopMove() { BestResults results; results.search(m_game->getDic(), m_game->getBoard(), m_game->getCurrentRack().getRack(), m_game->getHistory().beforeFirstRound()); // TODO: what if there are several moves? if (results.size() == 1) helperAssignMove(Move(results.get(0))); } void ArbitAssignments::suppressMove() { helperAssignMove(Move()); } void ArbitAssignments::helperAssignMove(const Move &iMove) { QSet playersIdSet = getSelectedPlayers(); // Warn if some of the selected players already have an assigned move QSet assignedIdSet; BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned int id, playersIdSet) { if (m_game->hasPlayed(id) && !m_game->getPlayer(id).getLastMove().isNull()) { assignedIdSet.insert(id); } } if (!assignedIdSet.empty()) { QString players; BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned int id, assignedIdSet) { players = QString("\t%1\n").arg(qfw(m_game->getPlayer(id).getName())); } // The warning is different depending on the type of move if (iMove.isNull()) { QString msg = _q("You are going to suppress the assigned move for the following players:\n"); if (!QtCommon::requestConfirmation(PrefsDialog::kCONFO_ARBIT_SUPPR_MOVE, msg + players)) { return; } } else { QString msg = _q("The following players already have an assigned move:\n"); QString question = _q("Do you want to replace it?"); if (!QtCommon::requestConfirmation(PrefsDialog::kCONFO_ARBIT_REPLACE_MOVE, msg + players, question)) { return; } } } // Assign the move to each selected player BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned int id, playersIdSet) { LOG_DEBUG(lfq(QString("Assigning move %1 to player %2") .arg(qfw(iMove.toString())).arg(id))); // Assign the move m_game->arbitrationAssign(id, iMove); } emit notifyInfo(_q("Move assigned to player(s)")); emit gameUpdated(); } void ArbitAssignments::addRemoveWarning() { QSet playersIdSet = getSelectedPlayers(); if (playersIdSet.isEmpty()) return; BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned int id, playersIdSet) { m_game->arbitrationToggleWarning(id); } emit gameUpdated(); } void ArbitAssignments::addRemovePenalty() { QSet playersIdSet = getSelectedPlayers(); if (playersIdSet.isEmpty()) return; BOOST_FOREACH(unsigned int id, playersIdSet) { m_game->arbitrationTogglePenalty(id); } emit gameUpdated(); } QString ArbitAssignments::formatMove(const Move &iMove) const { if (iMove.isValid()) { return QString("%1 - %2 - %3") .arg(qfw(iMove.getRound().getWord())) .arg(qfw(iMove.getRound().getCoord().toString())) .arg(iMove.getScore()); } else { ASSERT(iMove.isInvalid(), "Unexpected move type"); return QString("%1 - %2 - %3") .arg(qfw(iMove.getBadWord())) .arg(qfw(iMove.getBadCoord())) .arg(iMove.getScore()); } } void ArbitAssignments::endTurn() { if (!m_game->duplicateGetMasterMove().isValid()) { notifyProblem(_q("You must select a master move before ending the turn.")); return; } bool allPlayed = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_game->getNbPlayers(); ++i) { if (m_game->getPlayer(i).isHuman() && (!m_game->hasPlayed(i) || m_game->getPlayer(i).getLastMove().isNull())) { allPlayed = false; break; } } if (!allPlayed) { QString msg = _q("Some player(s) have no assigned move for this turn. " "If you continue, they will be assigned a \"(NO MOVE)\" " "pseudo-move, but you will be able to change that later."); if (!QtCommon::requestConfirmation(PrefsDialog::kCONFO_ARBIT_INCOMPLETE_TURN, msg)) { return; } } emit notifyInfo(_q("New turn started")); m_game->removeTestRound(); m_game->arbitrationFinalizeTurn(); // FIXME: shouldn't be done here setEnabled(!m_game->isFinished()); emit endOfTurn(); }