/* Eliot */ /* Copyright (C) 2005 Antoine Fraboulet */ /* */ /* This file is part of Eliot. */ /* */ /* Eliot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* Eliot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * \file automaton.c * \brief (Non)Deterministic Finite Automaton for Regexp * \author Antoine Fraboulet * \date 2005 */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H # include #endif #include #include "dic.h" #include "regexp.h" #include "alist.h" #include "automaton.h" #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOMATON #define DMSG(a) a #else #define DMSG(a) #endif #define MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS 256 typedef struct automaton_state_t *astate; typedef struct Automaton_t *Automaton; /* ************************************************** * exported functions for static automata * ************************************************** */ automaton automaton_build (int init_state, int *ptl, int *PS, struct search_RegE_list_t *list); void automaton_delete (automaton a); int automaton_get_nstate (automaton a); int automaton_get_init (automaton a); int automaton_get_accept (automaton a, int state); int automaton_get_next_state (automaton a, int start, char l); void automaton_dump (automaton a, char* filename); /* ************************************************** * static functions for dynamic automata * ************************************************** */ static Automaton s_automaton_create (); static void s_automaton_delete (Automaton a); static alist s_automaton_id_create (int id); static char* s_automaton_id_to_str (alist id); static astate s_automaton_state_create (alist id); static void s_automaton_add_state (Automaton a, astate s); static astate s_automaton_get_state (Automaton a, alist id); static Automaton s_automaton_PS_to_NFA (int init_state, int *ptl, int *PS); static Automaton s_automaton_NFA_to_DFA (Automaton a, struct search_RegE_list_t *list); static automaton s_automaton_finalize (Automaton a); #ifdef DEBUG_AUTOMATON static void s_automaton_dump (Automaton a, char* filename); #endif /* ************************************************** * data types * ************************************************** */ struct automaton_state_t { alist id; // alist of int int accept; int id_static; astate next[MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS]; }; struct Automaton_t { int nstates; astate init_state; alist states; // alist of alist of int }; struct automaton_t { int nstates; int init; int *accept; int **trans; }; /* ************************************************** * exported functions for static automata * ************************************************** */ automaton automaton_build(int init_state, int *ptl, int *PS, struct search_RegE_list_t *list) { Automaton nfa,dfa; automaton final; nfa = s_automaton_PS_to_NFA(init_state,ptl,PS); DMSG(printf("\n non deterministic automaton OK \n\n")); DMSG(s_automaton_dump(nfa,"auto_nfa")); dfa = s_automaton_NFA_to_DFA(nfa, list); DMSG(printf("\n deterministic automaton OK \n\n")); DMSG(s_automaton_dump(dfa,"auto_dfa")); final = s_automaton_finalize(dfa); DMSG(printf("\n final automaton OK \n\n")); DMSG(automaton_dump(final,"auto_fin")); s_automaton_delete(nfa); s_automaton_delete(dfa); return final; } void automaton_delete(automaton a) { int i; free(a->accept); for(i=0; i <= a->nstates; i++) free(a->trans[i]); free(a->trans); free(a); } inline int automaton_get_nstates(automaton a) { return a->nstates; } inline int automaton_get_init(automaton a) { return a->init; } inline int automaton_get_accept(automaton a, int state) { return a->accept[state]; } inline int automaton_get_next_state(automaton a, int state, char l) { return a->trans[state][(int)l]; } void automaton_dump(automaton a, char* filename) { int i,l; FILE* f; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H pid_t pid; #endif if (a == NULL) return ; f=fopen(filename,"w"); fprintf(f,"digraph automaton {\n"); for(i=1; i<=a->nstates; i++) { fprintf(f,"\t%d [label = \"%d\"",i,i); if (i == a->init) fprintf(f,", style = filled, color=lightgrey"); if (a->accept[i]) fprintf(f,", shape = doublecircle"); fprintf(f,"];\n"); } fprintf(f,"\n"); for(i=1; i<=a->nstates; i++) for(l=0; l < MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS; l++) if (a->trans[i][l]) { fprintf(f,"\t%d -> %d [label = \"",i,a->trans[i][l]); regexp_print_letter(f,l); fprintf(f,"\"];\n"); } fprintf(f,"fontsize=20;\n"); fprintf(f,"}\n"); fclose(f); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H pid = fork (); if (pid > 0) { wait(NULL); } else if (pid == 0) { execlp("dotty","dotty",filename,NULL); printf("exec dotty failed\n"); exit(1); } #endif } /* ************************************************** * * ************************************************** * * ************************************************** */ void state_delete_fun(void* ps) { astate s = ps; alist_delete(s->id); free(s); } static Automaton s_automaton_create() { Automaton a; a = (Automaton)malloc(sizeof(struct Automaton_t)); a->nstates = 0; a->init_state = NULL; a->states = alist_create(); alist_set_delete(a->states,state_delete_fun); return a; } static void s_automaton_delete(Automaton a) { alist_delete(a->states); free(a); } static alist s_automaton_id_create(int id) { alist a = alist_create(); alist_add(a,(void*)id); return a; } static char* s_automaton_id_to_str(alist id) { static char s[250]; memset(s,0,sizeof(s)); alist_elt ptr; for(ptr = alist_get_first(id); ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(id,ptr)) { char tmp[50]; sprintf(tmp,"%d ",(int)alist_elt_get_value(ptr)); strcat(s,tmp); } return s; } static astate s_automaton_state_create(alist id) { astate s; s = (astate)malloc(sizeof(struct automaton_state_t)); s->id = id; s->accept = 0; memset(s->next,0,sizeof(astate)*MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS); DMSG(printf("** state %s creation\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(id))); return s; } static void s_automaton_add_state(Automaton a, astate s) { a->nstates ++; alist_add(a->states,(void*)s); DMSG(printf("** state %s added to automaton\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(s->id))); } static astate s_automaton_get_state(Automaton a, alist id) { astate s; alist_elt ptr; for(ptr = alist_get_first(a->states) ; ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(a->states,ptr)) { s = alist_elt_get_value(ptr); if (alist_equal(s->id,id)) { //DMSG(printf("** get state %s ok\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(s->id))); return s; } } return NULL; } /* ************************************************** * * ************************************************** * * ************************************************** */ Automaton s_automaton_PS_to_NFA(int init_state_id, int *ptl, int *PS) { int p; int maxpos = PS[0]; Automaton nfa = NULL; alist temp_id; alist_elt ptr; astate temp_state,current_state; alist L; char used_letter[MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS]; nfa = s_automaton_create(); L = alist_create(); /* 1: init_state = root->PP */ temp_id = s_automaton_id_create(init_state_id); temp_state = s_automaton_state_create(temp_id); nfa->init_state = temp_state; s_automaton_add_state(nfa,temp_state); alist_add(L,temp_state); /* 2: while \exist state \in state_list */ while (! alist_is_empty(L)) { current_state = (astate)alist_pop_first_value(L); DMSG(printf("** current state = %s\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(current_state->id))); memset(used_letter,0,sizeof(used_letter)); /* 3: \foreach l in \sigma | l \neq # */ for(p=1; p < maxpos; p++) { int current_letter = ptl[p]; if (used_letter[current_letter] == 0) { /* 4: int set = \cup { PS(pos) | pos \in state \wedge pos == l } */ int pos, ens = 0; for(pos = 1; pos <= maxpos; pos++) { if (ptl[pos] == current_letter && (int)alist_elt_get_value(alist_get_first(current_state->id)) & (1 << (pos - 1))) ens |= PS[pos]; } /* 5: transition from current_state to temp_state */ if (ens) { temp_id = s_automaton_id_create(ens); temp_state = s_automaton_get_state(nfa,temp_id); if (temp_state == NULL) { temp_state = s_automaton_state_create(temp_id); s_automaton_add_state (nfa,temp_state); current_state->next[current_letter] = temp_state; alist_add(L,temp_state); } else { alist_delete(temp_id); current_state->next[current_letter] = temp_state; } } used_letter[current_letter] = 1; } } } alist_delete(L); for(ptr = alist_get_first(nfa->states); ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(nfa->states,ptr)) { astate s = (astate)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); if ((int)alist_elt_get_value(alist_get_first(s->id)) & (1 << (maxpos - 1))) s->accept = 1; } return nfa; } /* ************************************************** * * ************************************************** * * ************************************************** */ static alist s_automaton_successor(alist S, int letter, Automaton nfa, struct search_RegE_list_t *list) { alist R,r; alist_elt ptr; R = alist_create(); /* R = \empty */ /* \forall y \in S */ for(ptr = alist_get_first(S); ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(S,ptr)) { int i; alist t, Ry; astate y,z; i = (int)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); t = s_automaton_id_create(i); assert(y = s_automaton_get_state(nfa,t)); alist_delete(t); Ry = alist_create(); /* Ry = \empty */ if ((z = y->next[letter]) != NULL) /* \delta (y,z) = l */ { r = s_automaton_successor(z->id,RE_EPSILON,nfa, list); alist_insert(Ry,r); alist_delete(r); alist_insert(Ry,z->id); /* Ry = Ry \cup succ(z) */ } /* \epsilon transition from start node */ if ((z = y->next[RE_EPSILON]) != NULL) /* \delta (y,z) = \epsilon */ { r = s_automaton_successor(z->id,letter,nfa, list); alist_insert(Ry,r); /* Ry = Ry \cup succ(z) */ alist_delete(r); } if (letter < RE_FINAL_TOK) { for(i = 0 ; i < DIC_SEARCH_REGE_LIST ; i++) if (list->valid[i]) { if (list->letters[i][letter] && (z = y->next[(int)list->symbl[i]]) != NULL) { DMSG(printf("*** letter ")); DMSG(regexp_print_letter(stdout,letter)); DMSG(printf("is in ")); DMSG(regexp_print_letter(stdout,i)); r = s_automaton_successor(z->id,RE_EPSILON,nfa, list); alist_insert(Ry,r); alist_delete(r); alist_insert(Ry,z->id); } } } #if 0 if (alist_is_empty(Ry)) /* Ry = \empty */ return Ry; #endif alist_insert(R,Ry); /* R = R \cup Ry */ alist_delete(Ry); } return R; } static void s_automaton_node_set_accept(astate s, Automaton nfa) { void* idx; alist_elt ptr; DMSG(printf("=== setting accept for node (%s) :",s_automaton_id_to_str(s->id))); for(ptr = alist_get_first(nfa->states) ; ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(nfa->states,ptr)) { astate ns = (astate)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); idx = alist_elt_get_value(alist_get_first(ns->id)); DMSG(printf("%s ",s_automaton_id_to_str(ns->id))); if (ns->accept && alist_is_in(s->id,idx)) { DMSG(printf("(ok) ")); s->accept = 1; } } DMSG(printf("\n")); } static Automaton s_automaton_NFA_to_DFA(Automaton nfa, struct search_RegE_list_t *list) { Automaton dfa = NULL; alist temp_id; alist_elt ptr; astate temp_state, current_state; alist L; int letter; dfa = s_automaton_create(); L = alist_create(); temp_id = alist_clone(nfa->init_state->id); temp_state = s_automaton_state_create(temp_id); dfa->init_state = temp_state; s_automaton_add_state(dfa,temp_state); alist_add(L,temp_state); while (! alist_is_empty(L)) { current_state = (astate)alist_pop_first_value(L); DMSG(printf("** current state = %s\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(current_state->id))); for(letter = 1; letter < DIC_LETTERS; letter++) { // DMSG(printf("*** start successor of %s\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(current_state->id))); temp_id = s_automaton_successor(current_state->id,letter,nfa,list); if (! alist_is_empty(temp_id)) { DMSG(printf("*** successor of %s for ",s_automaton_id_to_str(current_state->id))); DMSG(regexp_print_letter(stdout,letter)); DMSG(printf(" = %s\n", s_automaton_id_to_str(temp_id))); temp_state = s_automaton_get_state(dfa,temp_id); // DMSG(printf("*** automaton get state -%s- ok\n",s_automaton_id_to_str(temp_id))); if (temp_state == NULL) { temp_state = s_automaton_state_create(temp_id); s_automaton_add_state(dfa,temp_state); current_state->next[letter] = temp_state; alist_add(L,temp_state); } else { alist_delete(temp_id); current_state->next[letter] = temp_state; } } else { alist_delete(temp_id); } } } for(ptr = alist_get_first(dfa->states) ; ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(dfa->states,ptr)) { astate s = (astate)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); s_automaton_node_set_accept(s,nfa); } alist_delete(L); return dfa; } /* ************************************************** * * ************************************************** * * ************************************************** */ static automaton s_automaton_finalize(Automaton a) { int i,l; automaton fa = NULL; alist_elt ptr; astate s; if (a == NULL) return NULL; /* creation */ fa = (automaton)malloc(sizeof(struct automaton_t)); fa->nstates = a->nstates; fa->accept = (int*) malloc((fa->nstates + 1)*sizeof(int)); memset(fa->accept,0,(fa->nstates + 1)*sizeof(int)); fa->trans = (int**)malloc((fa->nstates + 1)*sizeof(int*)); for(i=0; i <= fa->nstates; i++) { fa->trans[i] = (int*)malloc(MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS * sizeof(int)); memset(fa->trans[i],0,MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS * sizeof(int)); } /* create new id for states */ for(i = 1 , ptr = alist_get_first(a->states); ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(a->states,ptr), i++) { s = (astate)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); s->id_static = i; } /* build new automaton */ for(ptr = alist_get_first(a->states); ptr ; ptr = alist_get_next(a->states,ptr)) { s = (astate)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); i = s->id_static; if (s == a->init_state) fa->init = i; if (s->accept == 1) fa->accept[i] = 1; for(l=0; l < MAX_TRANSITION_LETTERS; l++) if (s->next[l]) fa->trans[i][l] = s->next[l]->id_static; } return fa; } /* ************************************************** * * ************************************************** * * ************************************************** */ static void s_automaton_print_nodes(FILE* f, Automaton a) { char * sid; astate s; alist_elt ptr; for(ptr = alist_get_first(a->states) ; ptr != NULL ; ptr = alist_get_next(a->states,ptr)) { s = alist_elt_get_value(ptr); sid = s_automaton_id_to_str(s->id); fprintf(f,"\t\"%s\" [label = \"%s\"",sid,sid); if (s == a->init_state) { fprintf(f,", style = filled, color=lightgrey"); } if (s->accept) { fprintf(f,", shape = doublecircle"); } fprintf(f,"];\n"); } fprintf(f,"\n"); } static void s_automaton_print_edges(FILE* f, Automaton a) { int letter; char * sid; astate s; alist_elt ptr; for(ptr = alist_get_first(a->states) ; ptr != NULL ; ptr = alist_get_next(a->states,ptr)) { s = (astate)alist_elt_get_value(ptr); for(letter=0; letter < 255; letter++) { if (s->next[letter]) { sid = s_automaton_id_to_str(s->id); fprintf(f,"\t\"%s\" -> ",sid); sid = s_automaton_id_to_str(s->next[letter]->id); fprintf(f,"\"%s\" [label = \"",sid); regexp_print_letter(f,letter); fprintf(f,"\"];\n"); } } } } static void s_automaton_dump(Automaton a, char* filename) { FILE* f; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H pid_t pid; #endif if (a == NULL) return; f=fopen(filename,"w"); fprintf(f,"digraph automaton {\n"); s_automaton_print_nodes(f,a); s_automaton_print_edges(f,a); fprintf(f,"fontsize=20;\n"); fprintf(f,"}\n"); fclose(f); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H pid = fork (); if (pid > 0) { wait(NULL); } else if (pid == 0) { execlp("dotty","dotty",filename,NULL); printf("exec dotty failed\n"); exit(1); } #endif } /* ************************************************** * * ************************************************** * * ************************************************** */