/***************************************************************************** * Eliot * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Olivier Teulière * Authors: Olivier Teulière * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *****************************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "history_widget.h" #include "custom_popup.h" #include "prefs_dialog.h" #include "qtcommon.h" #include "public_game.h" #include "player.h" #include "history.h" #include "turn.h" #include "move.h" #include "game_params.h" using namespace std; INIT_LOGGER(qt, HistoryWidget); HistoryWidget::HistoryWidget(QWidget *parent) : QTreeView(parent), m_history(NULL), m_forPlayer(false), m_isFreeGame(false) { m_colTurn = 0; m_colRack = 1; m_colWord = 2; m_colRef = 3; m_colPoints = 4; m_colWarning = 5; m_colPenalty = 6; m_colSolo = 7; m_colTotal = -1; m_colPercent = -1; m_colPlayer = -1; // Create the tree view setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); setRootIsDecorated(false); header()->setMinimumSectionSize(15); // Add a context menu for the results m_customPopup = new CustomPopup(this); QObject::connect(m_customPopup, SIGNAL(popupCreated(QMenu&, const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(populateMenu(QMenu&, const QPoint&))); QObject::connect(m_customPopup, SIGNAL(requestDefinition(QString)), this, SIGNAL(requestDefinition(QString))); // Associate the model to the view m_model = new QStandardItemModel(this); setModel(m_model); m_model->setColumnCount(8); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colTurn, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Turn")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colRack, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Rack")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colWord, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Word")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colRef, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Ref")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colPoints, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Points")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colWarning, Qt::Horizontal, _q("W")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colPenalty, Qt::Horizontal, _q("P")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colSolo, Qt::Horizontal, _q("S")); } void HistoryWidget::setHistory(const History *iHistory, const PublicGame *iGame, bool iIsForPlayer) { m_history = iHistory; m_game = iGame; m_forPlayer = iIsForPlayer; m_isFreeGame = (iGame != 0 && iGame->getMode() == PublicGame::kFREEGAME); int currColumn = m_colSolo + 1; if (m_forPlayer) { m_colTotal = currColumn++; m_colPlayer = -1; m_colPercent = m_isFreeGame ? -1 : currColumn++; } else { m_colTotal = m_isFreeGame ? -1 : currColumn++; m_colPlayer = m_isFreeGame ? currColumn++ : -1; m_colPercent = -1; } m_model->setColumnCount(currColumn); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colTotal, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Total")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colPercent, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Game %")); m_model->setHeaderData(m_colPlayer, Qt::Horizontal, _q("Player")); refresh(); } void HistoryWidget::refresh() { updateModel(); } void HistoryWidget::populateMenu(QMenu &iMenu, const QPoint &iPoint) { const QModelIndex &index = indexAt(iPoint); if (!index.isValid()) return; // Find the selected word const QModelIndex &wordIndex = m_model->index(index.row(), m_colWord); QString selectedWord = m_model->data(wordIndex).toString(); if (selectedWord != "") iMenu.addAction(m_customPopup->getShowDefinitionEntry(selectedWord)); } void HistoryWidget::updateModel() { m_model->removeRows(0, m_model->rowCount()); if (m_history != NULL && m_history->getSize() != 0) { // Should we align the rack with its solution? QSettings qs; bool align = qs.value(PrefsDialog::kINTF_ALIGN_HISTORY).toBool(); if (!align) m_model->insertRow(0); int totalScore = 0; int gameScore = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_history->getSize(); ++i) { int rowNum = m_model->rowCount(); m_model->insertRow(rowNum); int prevRowNum; if (align) prevRowNum = rowNum; else prevRowNum = rowNum - 1; QColor color = Qt::black; const Turn& t = m_history->getTurn(i); const Move& m = t.getMove(); // Set data common to all moves setCellData(prevRowNum, m_colTurn, i + 1); setCellData(prevRowNum, m_colRack, qfw(t.getPlayedRack().toString())); setCellData(rowNum, m_colPoints, m.getScore()); totalScore += m.getScore(); setCellData(rowNum, m_colTotal, totalScore); if (m_game->getHistory().getSize() > i) { gameScore += m_game->getHistory().getTurn(i).getMove().getScore(); } if (gameScore != 0) { int percentage = totalScore * 100 / gameScore; setCellData(rowNum, m_colPercent, QString("%1%").arg(percentage)); } if (m_isFreeGame) { const wstring &name = m_game->getPlayer(t.getPlayer()).getName(); setCellData(rowNum, m_colPlayer, qfw(name)); } // Set the rest if (m.getType() == Move::VALID_ROUND) { const Round &r = m.getRound(); wstring coord = r.getCoord().toString(); setCellData(rowNum, m_colWord, qfw(r.getWord())); setCellData(rowNum, m_colRef, qfw(coord)); color = Qt::black; } else if (m.getType() == Move::INVALID_WORD) { setCellData(rowNum, m_colWord, "<" + qfw(m.getBadWord()) + ">"); setCellData(rowNum, m_colRef, qfw(m.getBadCoord())); color = Qt::red; } else if (m.getType() == Move::NO_MOVE) { setCellData(rowNum, m_colWord, _q("(NO MOVE)")); color = Qt::blue; } else if (m.getType() == Move::PASS) { setCellData(rowNum, m_colWord, _q("(PASS)")); color = Qt::blue; } else { setCellData(rowNum, m_colWord, "[-" + qfw(m.getChangedLetters()) + "]"); color = Qt::blue; } // Set warnings, penalties and solos if (t.getWarningsNb() != 0) { m_model->setData(m_model->index(rowNum, m_colWarning), t.getWarningsNb()); } if (t.getPenaltyPoints() != 0) { m_model->setData(m_model->index(rowNum, m_colPenalty), t.getPenaltyPoints()); } if (t.getSoloPoints() != 0) { m_model->setData(m_model->index(rowNum, m_colSolo), t.getSoloPoints()); } // Set the color of the text for (int col = 0; col < m_model->columnCount(); ++col) { int row = rowNum; if (!align && col < 2) row = prevRowNum; m_model->setData(m_model->index(row, col), QBrush(color), Qt::ForegroundRole); } } } resizeColumnToContents(m_colTurn); resizeColumnToContents(m_colRef); resizeColumnToContents(m_colPoints); resizeColumnToContents(m_colTotal); resizeColumnToContents(m_colPlayer); resizeColumnToContents(m_colWarning); resizeColumnToContents(m_colPenalty); resizeColumnToContents(m_colSolo); } void HistoryWidget::setCellData(int iRow, int iCol, const QVariant &iData) { m_model->setData(m_model->index(iRow, iCol), iData); } HistoryTabWidget::HistoryTabWidget(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent), m_game(NULL) { m_gameHistoryWidget = new HistoryWidget(NULL); insertTab(0, m_gameHistoryWidget, _q("&Game")); //setMinimalSize(300, 100); setGame(m_game); } void HistoryTabWidget::setGame(const PublicGame *iGame) { m_game = iGame; // Keep only the Game tab, because it is nicer to have something, even // if it is empty int nbTabs = count(); for (int i = nbTabs - 1; i > 0; --i) { setCurrentIndex(i); // Cut all the connections with the page (needed because removeTab() // doesn't really destroy the widget) disconnect(currentWidget()); removeTab(i); } if (m_game == NULL) { // Tell the remaining tab that there is no more history to display m_gameHistoryWidget->setHistory(NULL, NULL, false); } else { // Refresh the Game tab m_gameHistoryWidget->setHistory(&m_game->getHistory(), m_game, false); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(refreshSignal()), m_gameHistoryWidget, SLOT(refresh())); QObject::connect(m_gameHistoryWidget, SIGNAL(requestDefinition(QString)), this, SIGNAL(requestDefinition(QString))); // In training mode, the players history is completely useless if (m_game->getMode() == PublicGame::kTRAINING) return; // Add one history tab per player for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_game->getNbPlayers(); ++i) { const Player &player = m_game->getPlayer(i); HistoryWidget *h = new HistoryWidget(NULL); h->setHistory(&player.getHistory(), m_game, true); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(refreshSignal()), h, SLOT(refresh())); QObject::connect(h, SIGNAL(requestDefinition(QString)), this, SIGNAL(requestDefinition(QString))); addTab(h, qfw(player.getName())); } } } void HistoryTabWidget::refresh() { // Display the number of warnings between parentheses // (only if the player got at least one warning) if (m_game != NULL) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_game->getNbPlayers(); ++i) { const Player &player = m_game->getPlayer(i); unsigned count = player.getWarningsNb(); if (count == 0) setTabText(i + 1, qfw(player.getName())); else setTabText(i + 1, QString("%1 (%2)").arg(qfw(player.getName())).arg(count)); } } // Propagate the refresh to the history widgets (i.e. to the tab contents) emit refreshSignal(); } QSize HistoryTabWidget::sizeHint() const { return QSize(500, 300); }